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Latest revision as of 01:52, 1 July 2015

A Quiet Storm
Date of Scene: 30 June 2015
Location: Planet March <PM>
Synopsis: Royce Artega and Zephyr Windstar lead a group of Elites on a dangerous hunt for a Lost Logia. The artifact is found, cornered and sealed... but it only leaves more questions. Where to next?
Thanks to: Thank you Staff for letting me run this. And of course thanks to the players, without which I'd have just been talking to myself for 6 hours.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 162, 186, 583, 619, 675, 804
Tinyplot: The Man and the Mission

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr stands on the pier of an old dockyard. It's a remnant from the world's previous city, a hub to get to the other, smaller island settlements.

    It was spare from the Magus Foundry's ravages, due to not having people in it to begin with, though some old blast marks show that the monsters did come by, likely when refugees tried to escape via the watercraft.

    This doesn't matter to the story at hand, however. Zephyr is stood at the end of one pier, with two moored watercraft being loaded by a mix of TSAB and Union troopers, and some Confederate troops that were sent ahead of the Fed elites that responded. Beside her, stands a small, mousy looking man, who might be mistaken for a certain Union General, except for the holographic screens that flicker around him as he confirms reports, and files paperwork while waiting.

    The watercraft are made up of a small yaght and a larger tugboat, commandeered from some private company.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED has decided not to bring his Armour. He has still brought a sword and shield, of more medieval than futuristic design (though the materials are definitely futuristic) and a set clothes that are a similarly futuristic spin on medieval designs. "Hail!" He greets as he approaches, emotions completely absent from his face. His sword hand goes through his hair, an innocent gesture that, to a keen observer, seems deliberately designed to distance that hand from his blade.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    The last time Sanae Kochiya was on a boat, it was an unconventional one designed to skim across silt. Going for a ride on a more conventional one is a welcome enough change of venue, as she approaches and waits her turn in line, quietly tugging small creases and wrinkles in her shrine robes free. It calls to mind some of the ferry rides she used to take to travel to some of the attractions offshore of her old Japan. "I should pick up a book about geography while I'm here," she idly muses to noone in particular, as she crosses her arms behind her and rocks on the heels of her shoes. "The plate tectonics of a world like this must be interesting." She had seen the general composition of it upon the approach.

    Her view is somewhat blocked by MORDRED in front of her, else she might gape in fascination at the holographic screens being used for productivity. The apparent techno-knight is interesting enough, though, as after a moment of bobbing on her feet, she seems to place an identity to the voice, "Ah, you were that knight on the radio, a while back! How are you adapting to life in the multiverse, sir knight?" She cheerfully beams a smile as she makes her small talk, all the while, once it is finally her turn, assuming to pile onto one of the craft that have been purposed for this. She gives the same smile to each of the locals she happens to pass, smoothing out her skirts as she moves into place.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa :has fallen in by a call from the Syndicate work the job had caught her intrest and here she was. She was suited up what looked like light armour or a body suit. She was also carrying several weapons on top of her loadout. She's eyeing the boats and very glad she's got certain upgrades as of late. Or the water hazard would be a very dangerous thing for her.

"Hello I'm Kotone."

She notes to the gathering Confederate and Union Elites.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
The few blast marks were still enough to get the attention of a squat rodent-like fellow, stroking his 'mad scientist' goatee as he paused to examine one. "Hmmm... hrrrrnnn..." Skuzzler licked a stubby fingertip and rubbed it along the scorch mark a few times. "Authentic destructive residue. Wonder what could make it."

He pokes the controller of the wrist of his armor for his scanner, but before he can get the entire sequence completed yelps as Mantigora grabs the Chua by the tail and yanks him right off his feet, leaving him dangling upside down from her hand as she walks towards the docks -- not hard to do being only three feet tall and not quite the same in width. "Save your psychosis for the actual facility, fuzzball."

Skuzzler just hmphs, folding his arms over his chest. Which looks all the more rediculous being upside-down, especially with the tips of his moustache dangling in his eyes.

Cecily (186) has posed:
     The sound of helicopter rotor blades can be heard in the distance, coming closer quickly. It's not long before the rounded black hull of a UH-60 descends from the sky, its identifying markings being a white 'V-85' on the belly and what looks to be a stylized fox centered in a ring of tails on the sides. Cecily brings the aircraft down away from the waterline, not wishing to kick up spray and disturb the rest of the gathered. The vixen lets the engines spin down before she steps out, moving towards Zephyr in her bare feet. "I have to admit, I'm not sure what in the world a Lost Logia is... but if the damage here is any indication..." she says quietly, nodding respectfully to the other Elites and troopers. "Good afternoon, dear," she then says with a gentle smile.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra Constantine doesn't show up in the wider multiverse often, and when she does it's usually because someone else at Alexander Academy is eyeball deep in trouble. Kyra Hyra is not here today.

    The Judge however occasionally comes out to evaluate things in the Multiverse so as to advise the king of Ramuh about what is a good, or bad idea to get involved in. And Lost Logia, while sounding powerfull, also sound dangerously difficult to handel.

    So the Judge, Dark Knight, Shivan, stands on the docks, metal platemail gleaming in the sun as always. She looks at the blast marks with a frown behind her helmet.

    "If what were after caused this, and for everyone to evacuate, then it's worth being cautious about."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr looks over at the group, and nods a little. "Okay, looks like everyone's here. For those that don't know me, I'm Zephyr Windstar. This is Royce Artega, TSAB Archeology department." The man adjusts his glasses, and looks up from his Holoscreens. He lifts a hand, and waves to greet.

    Zephyr looks across the group. "This facility was damaged by the Magus Foundry, about two years ago. The damage was minimal, so we haven't had a priority to fix what was damaged." she explains. "We're heading to an island just off shore called Haven. This has been a Black Zone since an event about 14 months ago. Something cut all communications with the outside. Nothing got in, nothing came out... now we think we know why."

    Royce speaks up now. "Lost Logia, dangerous ancient artifacts from the Al Hazard and Ancient Belkan eras. I have a strong belief that this is one part of the Al Hazard set known as the Artifacts of Black Rain. We have acquired these watercraft to take us to the island. Elites will ride in the Yaught, while our accompanying troops will take the tugboat and scout ahead." he pushes his glasses up. "Questions?"

Cecily (186) has posed:
     Cecily listens intently, frowning as she looks towards the sea. Her fox ears perk and twitch and she looks back towards her helicopter before lifting a hand to Royce. "With respect, I could offer to scout ahead with some of the others from the air. Unless the island is too dangerous for aerial recon and insertion. I certainly don't presume to know what sort of threat these artifacts bear, and the risk to men or materiel..." She folds her hands at her waist and bows her head politely. She doesn't seem put off at all or disturbed by the Confederate troops gathered. She even gives a respectful nod towards the elites present.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"I appear to be adapting adequately, thank you." MORDRED smiles faintly, and looks around slowly, mechanically, at each of the people present, studying them all with idle interest. He listens to the explanation of events, and eventually asks his questions. "What can we expect to see once we arrive? What kind of scenarios should we account for tactically?"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Who, or what is Magus Foundry?" Cirra asks, "And describe the Artifact of Black Rain." With one hand on her hip. "Accounting for behavior could go a long way to ensuring our success here."

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    No immediate questions from the green-haired priestess, just yet, though she does give a thoughtful rub of her cheek as though committing what was just said to memory, to the best of her ability. Fortunately, she was already shuttled onto the right transport, and secured herself a seat with a nice view in the process. Something does strike her, though, and she somewhat hesitantly speaks up, "So we're just going to confirm this suspicion, right? And gather information about it." Her mind skips a track, perhaps from having ready one too many fantasy novels in her day, "I don't know much about these Lost Logia. Are they only objects, or are they sentient?" Her expression appears to grow a bit more serious, for a second, glancing at Royce in particular.

    It doesn't take long for her sunny expression to return, though, and with introductions being passed around she gives a dip of her head, "My name is Sanae Kochiya. I'm glad I was welcomed for this!" Considering that she is apparently one of the few neutral parties accepted for this. She doesn't seem to flinch from MORDRED's mannerisms, instead responding with genuine cheerfulness, "That's great! It can be a difficult adjustment to make, but...it looks like you might have an easier time, after all." Her eyes turn to his relatively advanced-looking, if midieval-cast, clothing. Other than pleasantries and the Q&A, it seems like she's settled in and ready to go, relaxing as best she can in her window seat.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"What is it with ancient civilizations leaving their destructive toys lying around where anyone can break things with them," Mantigora deadpans at the explaination of what a Lost Logia is, in the tone of voice of someone a lot more familiar in dealing with such things than they would probably like.

"Apparently not destructive enough if it still around to be destructive" Skuzzler pauses a moment, then hisses at his partner. "Would you please put me down? All of blood rushing to head, and contrary to how that might sound, not good for brain thinking about handling ancient amok destructor of things!"

Mantigora rolled her eyes a little at the ramble, and once she's stepped up onto the yatch herself just uncerimounsly drops him to the deck. The chua thumps loudly on his head (due to the metal plates on it and his ears) and tumbles onto his back. "Thank you.. now at least can think straight."

"As if you ever do." The Drakken just finds herself a spot to stand, fold her arms and do that thing ominous hardasses do standing just outside the 'popular' gathering because they seem more dark and ominous that way. "You're right, though. Need to find this thing before it does worse than cut off entire island from rest of world... Whatever it is."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    To Cecily, Royce hmms. "We do not know what kind of phenomena may be in effect. If you go, I advice breaking off, should you encounter /any/ trouble during flight. We would not want to lose anyone before even engaging the Artifact."

    To Mordred: "We do not know. It could be any one of five unique artifacts. They have individual properties. If it were the Sword or Scepter, we could be facing something powerful in strike or bombardment spells. If it were the Crown or Cape we could expect some kind of psychological effect, the Mask also, has a psychological effect."

    To Sanae: Zephyr speaks up. "We're going to seal it before it can activate and fuck up my homeworld." she says vehemently, cutting a glare at Royce when he clears his throat. The man blinks, then nods. "... Y-Yes... certainly, of course."

    Mantigora just gets a firm nod from Zephyr. "We still haven't figured it out." Royce hmms, "Most Lost Logia were originally useful utility devices. Over time, and with interference from mages unfamiliar with them, they have degenerated to what they are now. Dangerous, uncontrollable engines of death and destruction."

Cecily (186) has posed:
     Cecily nods to Royce, taking a step back. The helicopter's engines start to whine as they engage. "I'll take flight alone, then, just in case. I should be able to provide something from the skies, either way...." she states. "At the least, I hope there is a suitable place to bring it down once I'm there." The fox gives a loose salute and a warm smile, "See everyone on the beach then, yes?" she offers cheerfully before making her way back to her aircraft, her tails bouncing behind her. She's clearly looking forward to the adventure, imminent danger or not!

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Well that sucks. Death and destruction only good when it is actual intention. Sloppy, sloppy research. Hope they were all shot for scre--oof!" Mantigora cuts Skuzzler's rant off without even looking at the Chua, she just slaps him with her tail and sends the space furby tumbling along the boat deck.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Hmf." Cirra shakes her head, Lost Logia really doesn't seem like something she can advise the King into looking into. Best to find it, and button it up. That'll be her advice. "Understood." She turns towards the yatch and starts climbing aboard.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"These aren't my usual clothes. I tend to prefer something that lets me strap into my Armour a little easier." And somehow he manages to summon a properly sized hologram of Glare-NT, in all its 15 foot tall glory. It fades quickly, "But I wanted to practice fighting outside it, so I brought clothes more suited to ground combat." He listens to the answers, but he doesn't mention them, instead he gets into the yacht.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Taken somewhat off guard by Zephyr's forceful language, but certainly understanding given the condition of what they've seen so far, Sanae visibly fidgets but gives an understanding nod of her head. "Ah, I see. I'm definitely practiced with sealing things." Though admittedly that's more of a thing with monsters and evil magic works - but perhaps it will also apply in the case of these Lost Logia. She'll also skip the flying, this time around, since someone else is handling it and she was really looking forward to a boat ride.

    After a fashion, and once all the preliminals are finished, she settles in anew, listening to MORDRED's descriptions and smiling at the holograms. "That is part of the advantage of being a knight, though, isn't it," she ponders aloud? "You only have to be as heavily armored as you need to be." A soft laugh is given, as she tugs at one billowy, detached sleeve of her shrine maiden robes, illustratingly, "These are my armor. Reinforced by the blessings of Lady Kanako and Lady Suwako." With a light shake of her head, she reminds herself that this is indeed likely to be dangerous, and despite her smile remaining, she puts a more serious cast behind it. "Well then, let us go deal with this, before anyone gets any ideas."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is keeping tabs on things she wonders what the Magus Foundry was or just what hit them? She listens for a moment as more mission information is handed out. She also take note of the Lost Logia informatio

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The boat ride is relatively uneventful... but there's an odd feeling that passes over the craft as they enter about 2 miles from the shore, with the island just appearing over the horizon. Hallucinations of other ships, with crews waving for help, ghostly voices warning to turn back, and begging to come nearer both at once. The Elites would be able to shrug it off easily enough, but the regular troopers start getting agitated, and a fight breaks out aboard the tugboat.

    "Damn it, what the hell's goin' on!?" asks Zephyr, as she kicks up from the deck and flies over. "Oi! Quit fightin'! It's just a trick of the wind or something from the Lost Logia. Save it for the artifact!" she shouts, ordering the TSAB mages to Bind anyone that can't control themselves, Fed or Union alike.

    The trip ends, as the boats dock at another pier, this one a pristine version of the one at the mainland... except for the graffiti of geometric shapes, spell circles and phrases in an odd language. It's kinda like English, but written in an odd script with some words differing. "Abandon all hope." repeated over and over. "Give them back. Give them back!" is another.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    It doesn't take being a priestess to feel that something is seriously 'wrong' about the proximity of this particular place. It doesn't affect Sanae strongly, despite how keenly she is aware of it, thanks to experiences with similar phenomena, though those mirages definitely are vivid, aren't they? To her, glancing outside the window, unlike the troops apparently aboard the tugboat, they appear for what they are. It's similar to how someone might be able to tell that what they're seeing is a reflection in a mirror, due to having only the illusion of depth cues.

    That also means it isn't that big of a relief when the trip ends, though she is more than happy to be able to use her legs again, rather than relying on the gentle swaying of the water craft. She hops off, skirt billowing (tastefully) as she drifts down on an unseen air current, steps cushioned when she finally lands. Eyes gaze around at her surroundings, and especially at that grafitti, thinking to the situation on the tugboat just a couple of miles out on the perimeter. "Were people here driven mad," she wonders? "That would definitely explain the break in communication." She paces a bit closer, though not too far from everyone else, to inspect the English-like script. It's close enough for her to read most of it. "Give 'what' back? I wonder..."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
While they don't spook her like they do the boat of gumbie troopers the ghostly visages and haunting voices do put Mantigora on edge a bit more than she already was. Her expression tightens into a solemn grimace, tensing just as much as every other muscle and nerve in her body. Her tail snaps back and forth a few times much like that of a pensive large predator... which really isn't far off the mark. Considering she has very little love for the undead in the first place. Though she's clearly more aggitated and wary than any sort of frightened by it.

"Forget the visions. Be more worried about the real terror that can fight back."

When they got on the boat she at least had some smidge of a snarky attitude. Stepping off onto the island dock, that is entirely gone. She was entirely all business now.

"Hnnnn." Skuzzler waddles off the boat after her, messing with his suit sensors. "Paranormal illusiones to scare away interlopers? Bah! Only work on nosey kids and cowerdly hippies with inexplicably speaking mammalian companions!" After another command punch or two his Scanbot materializes at a hover over his head, adjusting it's occular sensor unit and scanning some of the vandalist markings. A few blips of lights and beeps of sound and it projects a translation for the chua engineer. "Abandon ... all... hope..." His ears cock back in an annoyed expression. "Bah! What cliche rubbish. Would think lost ancient horror could do better to be dissausive."

"Don't give it any ideas," Mantigora growls over her shoulder.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra sits on the yatch patiently. As the halucinations begin however, her helmeted head turns to track them, taking note of them in a cold analytical fashion. Some want them to leave, some want them to go further on. Could there be two forces at work?

    When the boat arrives, the Judge disembarks the craft and walks across the pier to one of the graffit covered walls. "Abandon all hope, typical. But 'give it back'?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
After seemingly ignoring the strange illusions, MORDRED reads the messages, and doesn't comment. Instead, he takes a further step forward and takes a good look around, trying to get a good read on the environment and to see if anything is particularly unusual or otherwise standing out.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is all right on the ride as they get about four or so klicks from shore she pauses at something. Wait what is that? People are telling them to flee, others are saying to come near. She doesn't like this and starts dubbing down the quality of her audio and video pickups. She still recalls what happened on Rory's earth after all.

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

She muses nefopre she looks to the rest of the party listening.

"Their minds, their souls?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr huffs softly, landing with a clink of boots on the concrete pier. "I dunno, but whatever it is, we need to find it, and find it /now/."

    Royce concurs. "I will deploy a Wide Area Search to track down any possible signals." he states, pulling a small white card with a red sphere set into it. "Setup." he states, the card turning into a spear-like staff with a tuning-fork tip, and his outfit reforming into a set of robe-like armour. "Wide Area Search, Full Spectrum."

    The gem lights with a chime, and emits a set of about 12 glowing orbs of golden light which flit out in a wide spread, seeking down pathways and alleys, and ducking into buildings. "THis may take time, I suggest we split into teams to map out areas that my Area Search can't reach."

    Zephyr nods. "I'll take a look from topside." she says, summoning her Barrier Jacket and Device with a twin flash of light, before launching straight up.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Yessssss, search and destroy mission! Almost as good as SCIENCE mission." Skuzzler is a little -too- happy about this, but that's Chua for you. At least he's ethusiastic about doing something that is often a long, tedious and uneventful process until something is actually found, right? Probably comes from Scientist being his profession path of choice, this is the sort of thing they spend a lot of their time traversing alien worlds doing.

He punches a few commands into the controller, and gives the Scanbot a smack on the side with a little gloved fist for extra measure. "Recalibrating for scanning of anomalous signals." The spherical drone bleeps a few times, adjusts its hover-pylons, and flits off down the street with the scientist gleefully waddling after it.

Mantigora lets out a huff, but this is the sort of thing she keeps the little fuzzball around for, so relents on just following him for the time being. But not without deploying her armclaws and activating her own tactical sensors, just to be on the safe side. It wouldn't do much good for Skuzzler to find anything if that thing guts him before he can tell anyone else, after all.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    She tries really hard not to stare at all the gee-whiz gadget wizardry this Royce guy possesses, and to an extent, Zephyr. It's just that his seeking probe setup is what leaves a greater impression, at the moment. "...ah, right!" Snapping out of the brief stare of wonder, she taps at a cheek thoughtfully, then nearly purely for the reason that he is the one she had been making smalltalk with, she steps up to MORDRED with a smile, "Want to come with me and explore a bit, sir knight? I'm not exactly certain what we're looking for, but if those illusions out at sea are any indication, we'll know it when we see it."

    Regardless of whether her invitation is accepted, or anyone else wishes to join her, she takes off from the ground, herself. It cannot quite be called open flight, more of a hover really; setting off down one of the apparently uncovered abandoned street ways, as a light wind whips around her. This place is thoroughly creepy even without some weird artifact presumably clouding it. Like something off of one of those 'after mankind' disaster shows they used to show on television. "Maybe noone has survived," she figures, "But best be watchful, anyway. They might have formed a cult around it or something!" Overactive imagination is a go.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"That sounds like an excellent idea." MORDRED sticks close to Sanae, visually scanning his surroundings for anything of note, holding his hand on his hilt, and otherwise quietly advancing. It seems like he doesn't feel the need for conversation beyond basic co-operation right now. He's merely present and doing his best to look out.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    As everyone else pairs off, Cirra glances around. "Well I'll start heading East." THe Dark Knight proclaims, incase anyone else is heading thwat way. She begins walking in that direction, checking around corners and advancing steadily, but throughly instead of quickly.

Cecily (186) has posed:
     Where is Cecily? The helicopter lifted off not too long before the ships went to sea before the blip simply went off radar and elsewhere. The black ship zooms over the pier almost out of nowhere before it jerks almost violently. The piloting fox looks rather disgruntled as she stares out the window, recovering and carefully bringing the craft around to a helipad situated within the seaport. As soon as it touches down, she hops out and stares indignantly at the aircraft. "By the Allfather's curly beard!" she growls and crosses her arms.

     "Or is it bushy beard. Or is it Ryolnir's beard? Hell with it!" she pouts. "...the damn thing is possessed! My altimeter went nuts and then I almost had a beach party..." the fox's tails go limp and she looks around, casting her eyes towards the first person nearby. "...the sooner we figure out what's happening here, the better."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is very much on edge now given what's going on here. It is too much like Kingsmouth or Ainsley's home city for her linking. She remains n guard and she hears that they should stsar searching out what's going on. She's already unshouldering her laser rifle and is going to keep to the ground a this point.

"I'll keep to the ground if no one minds and worse they could be infested by whatever did this."

She'll stick with whomever is going ground side.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "KYAHAHAHYAHYAYAHYHA!" A gutteral, feral scream emits from a window above MORDRED, and suddenly, he's landed on by some crazed creature, wearing a crown that has a glowing, eye-like gemstone in the setting just above the brow. The creature, whatever it is, then darts off towards the nearby mountain in the center of the island. It's about a mile away, but the thing is really booking it.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"There!" MORDRED points out, and he immediately broadcasts highly accurate data on both the target and its trajectory over local data frequencies, along with image data. Somehow without ever touching any hardware. While taking care of these immediate requirements for co-operation, he starts chasing, and he's a pretty fast runner. He would've been faster in his Armour, but Usain Bolt would have to put effort into keeping up with MORDRED's running.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Just as Sanae had half-joked about deranged cultists, a creature bounds right out at her unfortunate knight companion. She feels the disturbance through the air, turning around as quickly as she can, at least enough to get a glimpse of the attacker, "Ah, look out!" The warning likely comes a little too late, though. That thing has quite a fiesty amount of energy! She withdraws a talisman-like card from within her robes, between the fingers of a hand, but by the time she finishes the gesture, it's already bounding away. "H-hey wait!" She wastes no time, either; assuming that MORDRED isn't too poorly off, she'll also begin chasing it, the wind gathered around her body picking up in speed.

    While MORDRED is broadcasting telemetry, she has to rely on her voice to give the report, since she also chances to remember that they have backup in the area. "Something just lept out at Mister Knight from a window," she recounts! "I didn't get a good look at it, but those images are spot on. Goodness, it's fast!" She draws on some of her energy reserves to try and keep up with not only the strange creature, but also MORDRED, since she's used to flying at a slightly more leisurely pace. "Ugh, it's already too far away for my shots to be any good. Hopefully it'll stop somewhere."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
At the radio transmission Skuzzler stomps a little booted foot on the ground. "Dangit! Wanted to be one to find something!" Pay it little mind, it's just the hyper competative aspect of Chua nature showing, that goes with the aspects of being hyper destructive and very uncaring for most sorts of social ethics.

"Worry about it later, just use your robot to track it," Mantigora snaps to bring the pouting to an end, even as she she starts sprinting off in MORDRED's indicated directions.

"Yeah yeah, fine fine. Skuzzler have fit later, work now." He sends his drone buzzing off to track the pursuit, but then mutters. "Stupid Draken take off too fast again. She know have short legs and can't run fast!" Starts punching at his controls again, which summons his spider-legged Assaultbot. The little engineer hops on top of it, and points in the direction of Mantigora's retreating backside. "Quickly, follow her! Missed finding first, don't wanna miss on the destroying of destructive things too!"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    When MORDRED calls out a sighting, Cirra turns on her heel. The red visor of her helmet showing an aproximate location and direction from MORDRED's data.

    "It's heading inland." She responds cooly and takes off at a sprint down the streets towards the mountain at te center of the island. "Try to converge on it." She says as she vaults over a cafe table thats in her way.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has kept to the ground and is moving at a good pace, when she hears the scream she's already starting to move, now trying to follow the sound. She's clearly not even holding back as she's moving faster than a normal human on foot should be able to go. She's however certain she can keep up a good pace or so she thing. The radio only confirms she wa right to start moving. She speaks up over the radio sounding a bit robotic. <<Understood I'm trying to go after it now.>>

Cecily (186) has posed:
     Cecily is still recovering from her almost bad landing(s) when she hears the sounds and screams and then Kotone is dashing by. "Wait for me!" she calls out, "...everything here is playing havoc with my senses..." the fox mutters. She takes a moment, her body shifting. In a split second she's four on the floor, the hefty white wolf taking off behind Kotone, and towards the target, at a surprisingly quick pace. She doesn't quite trust her radio right now, either. Truth be told she doesn't quite trust what she's chasing, either, but it's all she's got for the moment.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Royce receives the information, and lifts off the ground on a pulse of magic, turning and drawing back the Area Search into his staff. He's not a fast flier, and certainly not an Aerial Combat Mage, but he's quick enough to catch up to those chasing the Artifact down. "That's the Crown of Winds... seems it's corrupted that person to the point of insanity." he says over radio.

    Oddly enough, Zephyr's not joining the chase, maybe she got caught by something when she jetted off alone... or she powered on ahead and is blocking the creature's escape route. "Stop right there, and disarm your Device, you have to the count of five. One..."

    She doesn't get any further, as the thing bowls her clean over, vanishing down an old mineshaft.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
Undeterred by Zephyr being bowled over, MORDRED chases right in, keeping a solid eye on the mineshaft for unsave footing even as he maintains a high speed run. This guy has sincerely superhuman endurance in that run of his, maintaining sprint velocities over these longer distances. He's also already drawn his sword and shield.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Mineshafts are bad news in general. No room to maneuver, easy to get lost in, radio dead spots. The latter isn't as much a problem with most multiverse radio systems, but those others could still be. She's close enough in pursuit to see Zephyr's bold attempt at stopping the insane former-person fail miserably, when she actually tries to give a fair warning. Before she enters the mineshaft itself, she hovers to a stop next to the poor mage, reaching down to offer a hand to help her up. Another smile is given, though whether or not the assistance is accepted, she quickly moves to resume the pursuit, pausing again only briefly at the mouth of the mineshaft to ponder what a bad idea this is.

    But the spirit of adventure and the thrill of the chase win out, and she eagerly flies in. Within the constrained area, she does have to go a bit slower - don't want to smack into any derelict machinery or support beams. She had figured she would have to conjure the miracle of a light source, but instead finds enough of the mine's former infrastructure operational that it isn't necessary. They must build things to last on this world, even without human intervention. "...how where could you have gone," she chimes, almost playfully? Coming to a stop at an intersection, she does a little bit of a spread sensor scan of her own, closing her eyes to hover there as she calls upon the goddess Kanako's power to grant a miracle.

    Her prayers are answered, in the form of white serpents that appear on the ground around her, from -- elsewhere. Parallel in this case seems better than serial, and the magical snakes slither off into the branching tunnels to have a look. Sanae, herself, doesn't completely give up, either. It's merely insurance in case something is missed. Hopefully noone stomps on the poor things, too.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Looks like while Zephyr got there first, they didn't have much luck in stopping the thing. "Next time, don't bother counting!" Advice aside, she doesn't bother stopping where the maid got knocked down either. There is a psycho with an artifact of destruction on the loose, so not really a time to stop and worry about it.

Draken are fearless, especially on the hunt, so the bounty hunter charges into the mineshaft after the corrupt person without stopping to consider. Because that's not the way Stalkers work, either. The nanotech augmentations to the tactical parts of her mentality are already working overtime in preperation for the final encounter, relying on her keen hunter senses to navigate the likely dangerous shaftway for the pursuit.

Skuzzler is not all that fast, even riding his robot, but he'll bring up towards the rear eventually. The Scanbot is having a better time keeping up, only a few paces behind the hunter that is its master's partner.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Wait?! Sorry!"

She calls out to Cecily she however sees that Cecily is being able to keep up with her her. She does seem to be feeling bad about it but they need to keep going. However will they be able to get there in time. She does change weapons though the rifle is slung over her shoulder, even as she runs. Why she's going for a blaster pistol. She switches the thing over to stun.

"WE best pick up speed it sounds like it's getting bad..."

Cecily (186) has posed:
     The wolf follows, chasing both the sounds and the person she's behind. Cecily's muscled weight leaves deep pawprints, and she wuffs after Kotone, a loud bark that seems to translate well enough. (Faster. Moving. Deep underground? Careful!) Not that she slows down too much once she reaches the mine tunnels, but she does stay at the rear of the group, even as a wolf.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra gets there just in time to see Zephyr get trampled in front of the mine shaft, "... That was...not fortunate." Cirra ducks her head down and leans into the mine shaft. "Well. We can't just leave them in there. Has that thing been living in here?" She walks into the mineshaft and summons her crystaline sword to her hand.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr's down for the count, or at least she's not getting up too quick. "Gnnngh. Talk later, just get that damn thing..." She rolls onto her hands and knees, then groans as she sits on her haunches. "Got me good, go on ahead. I'll be fine." she says, transmitting over radio.

    Royce slows down, frowning a bit at MORDRED's dead run into the shaft. "I have a bad feeling about this."

    The feeling comes true, as something flashes to his right. Luckily enough, it's a dud, and the resulting explosion is more of a forceful cough, but hopefully that'll tip the Knight off to booby traps along the tunnel.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED does take it slower after he nearly falls prey to a booby trap. "Those honourless curs have trapped the place." He complains over the radio, and then proceeds to continue his chase at a more observant pace. "Fortunately, their first trap seems to have been ineffective."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
The ineffective trap and MOREDED's warning are enough to make Mantigora take pause a moment, and be thankfully she wasn't quite so fast. "Honorless, but clever," she mutters under her breath. At the same time she activates the scanning device of her nanotech, the holo-lens flickering to life over her right eye as she proceeds, taking a bit more time to actually look for more traps without slowing down too much.

"Y'know," Skuzzler's voice crackles from the Scanbot hovering next to her as he hasn't caught up yet. "Could just send bot to set off traps first."

"Can't risk explosives that would actually work, and collapse entire tunnel on us."

".. Eh, fair point." Pause. ".. Maybe can set off after all done to test them?"

"If they want the tunnels demolished afterwards. AFTERWARDS." Mantigora emphasizes, just to make sure the point gets across.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    She sent Lady Kanako's snake friends into a trapped mineshaft? Sanae slows again, giving the area around her a very thorough second glance, once the blast and MORDRED's own analysis are heard. She wonders, more rhetorically than anything else, "Does everyone that binds with one of these Lost Logia become super-protective of it?" She will assume it was once a person, anyway, until told otherwise. They're almost more like a youkai now, off with their precioussss.

    Despite the traps, though, she continues forward - a bit more gingerly, and on the look out for trip wires and anything that resembles proximity sensors, since with her floating pressure plates would be a bit less effective. She doesn't really know what kind of wrinkles the local technology could add to traps, though, so it's only hopeful at best. The snakes also remotely get the idea, though being quite different in shape than the usual targets, they might be less apt to trip the traps to begin with.

    "Also, yes," she says over the radio, "Please don't set them off purposefully. Things seem to still be running in here, but there's no way to tell how structurally sound it really is."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The puff of smoke makes Cirra stop suddenly and bring her sword up defensively, "Traps..." she sighs. "Should have brought Soan or another Thief." She moves forward, stepping lightly as she visually scans the floor and up and down the walls.

    "Be sure to call out anything suspecious immediatly."

Cecily (186) has posed:
     The Cecilywolf also gives pause when stuff begins to pop, even if it's just a little smoke. She sniffs at the air, wuffing and growling. (Could try to sniff them out. ...or it just smells like burning.) She may also be smelling Skuzzler. She probably is smelling Skuzzler. It's almost impossible to get the scent of cobalt and brimstone out of fur without some serious work. An inquisitive wuff towards Royce, (How much time do we have? How deep do these tunnels go?)

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The vigilence leads to more traps being found. They're easy enough to disarm, simple tripwires that can be cut to disable the explosive. The inexorable approach causes the creature, for it doesn't seem human anymore, to wail, as something changes. It clutches at its head, almost as if trying to take the crown off, before, in a large intersection that likely served as a hub for the mining carts to transition to the other tunnels, the creature expands in size, and gains pulsing blue lines of energy along its limbs. It roars, and swipes it's glowing claws at the group ineffectually.

    Royce clears his throat, "About that long, and perhaps deeper than it has decided to make its stand." he remarks. "This is the Defense System... we call it that, as it usually activates when the Lost Logia is threatened, though it may in fact be a feature of the original artifact that has become corrupted over time, as the host device has..." he's analytical, as he watches the beast transform. "I pity that poor soul... best we put them out of their misery."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Everyone stopping to watch the poor sap wearing the crown thingy turn into a monster at least gives Skuzzler a chance to catch up with them. He leans forward a bit, using the boxy top of his robot for support. "Oooo oh oh, now this getting interesting."

Mantigora just grins with her mouth full of sharp teeth at Royce's words. "Excellent, then I don't have to worry about playing nice. Skuzzler, a little fire support to get its attention so everyone can get good positions." And with that, she fades out of sight as her optical camoflague activates, allowing the Stalker to slip off along the sides of chamber.

"Finally, something more exciting that running around chasing ghosts and secrets!" Skuzzler stands up on top of the robot, causing it to bleep in annoyance as one foot pushes it's head unit down, and whips out his futuristic cannon. Note that while the Chua is only three feet tall, the cannon is just as big as he is. Which makes it look all the more rediculous in size as he holds it up. "Bad creepy experiment. Now you die!" A bolt of electrical energy erupts from the weapon, arcing towards the monster like some insane sci-fi taser, though with it's size that potent discharge isn't likely to stagger it for long.

Just long enough for Mantigora to get a good position and blindside the monster while it's being zapped and shoot several of her poisonous nano-toxin darts into it. Looks like the duo are attempting to cripple and confuse the beast so others with the bigger guns can move in on it effectively.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    The snakes begin closing in, stopping every so often to flick their tongue out and scent the air. Thankfully they don't smell things the same way that Cecily's form does, or they might be similarly offended by some of the odors around. Instead, they follow that wafting of 'wrongness' in the air, honing in on that central depot. Once Sanae realizes this, she cuts through yet another trap in her way, taking care not to set it off. She's no demolitions expert, but apparently neither was the one that set them.

    What she finds there gives her pause, and she does give a last ditch effort to reach out before what seems like the inevitable, "Just settle down and let us remove it for you!" It seems like that wasn't in the cards, though, the Lost Logia apparently is what is responding as much as its host, now, if the radio chatter on the converging location is to be believed. Especially when it begins to change in response to being cornered. "Hmm, I guess there's no avoiding it then." Rolling up a detached sleeve - which immediately flops back down, but the thought counts.

    Gathering her miniature cyclone around herself, she bobs barely out of reach as the Defense System, as they called it, takes its first, wild swipes. She partially deflects the force with burst of wind, but it sends the claw smashing into a nearby mineshaft wall, instead. Rocks fall - thankfully noone dies. "It's going crazy. Er!" As the claw is slammed into the rock, she takes the opening to withdraw her wand, tracing a five-pointed star in the air in front of her with a practiced speed. It forms solid lines of light as she does, the points pulsing with energy, before converging into a magical beam attack. "Let's weaken it, then seal it!"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED watches the transformation take place and heads forward, challenging the thing, or whatever is responsible for this energy to even /dare/ to blast him. Shield raises in front of him, sword in hand, and ready to strike a the earliest opportunity. Or at least take a few hits for the team.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is now not sure what the thing is anymore. She does see it's organic however she looks to the strange arrival. She's not so sure about taking them down. If they are still organic there's a chance she can overwhelm them with enough stun bolts might be able ot bring it downa nd they can perahps do something about it.

She's also breaking into a run now trying to keep away from any sort of counter attack.

She keeps track of everyone now and she's actually firing the stun bolts before the transformation is /done/. She's learned that trait from her work with XCOM and others.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Threaten it?" Cirra asks Royce. "We've barely gotten into range of it." she watches the creature morph into a hulking monstrocity.

    Cirra brings up the law blade and in one hand and dashes in. She swerves between the rocks and the other's attacks.

    The Dark Kngiht Judge starts to 'leak' black smoke from the joints of her armor as her eyes glow golden behind her helmet's visor. She steps in and begins slashing at the creature with enhanced sped and strength, sacrificing her own blood to boost her physical abilities. Slicing and cutting like a dancer as she dodges the monster's swings.

Cecily (186) has posed:
     Cecily shifts back into her human(ish) form now that combat seems to have been joined. For all of the pretty, shiny, and more exotic tools her companions are using, the fox stares down the barrel of a handgun. She's actively aiming for the Crown, however, for what good it could do. She seems to be doing her best not to hit any of her allies, taking careful shot after careful shot.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Royce clears his throat a little. "We were chasing it, and remember, these things are unstable. it's programming likely calculated a threat situation and activated the defense system. I never claimed they had functioning logic." He steps into the fray, dodging strikes and providing Barriers to deflect those powerful swipes. His golden mana lacing through MORDRED's shield, providing it additional endurance against those hits. "Try to detach the Crown. Kill the beast if you must, but once we get the crown sealed it will die regarless." he says.

    Cecily gets a lucky shot, a bullet strikes the crown, not leaving any physical damage on the metal, but chipping it off the monster's head to clink into a shadow, the baleful demonic blue energy rippling off it looking like flames.

    "Target locked on. Restrict Lock!" chants Royce, golden bands wraping around the crown, before clamping shut like iron shackles.

    The monster screams, a human-like sound as it shrinks back down. It shudders, looking around with clear eyes, before collapsing and disintegrating into dust.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora spits off to the side as the crown is dislodged and contained, and the monster shrivels away to nothing. "Artifacts that can take control of wearer are always the worst." Not that she seems all that upset the sucker that got stuck on his head died in the process of containing it.

Cecily (186) has posed:
     Cecily lowers her pistol, blinking, "...I seriously doubt the next ones will be this easy..." She seems surprised that she managed to find the right spot, or a right spot, eyes locked on the crown. "...hopefully this means I can get the helicopter off the island without ending up under it this time... I take it this place is the home for the rest of them, too? Or are we going globetrotting next?" the fox asks quietly, taking a moment to reload.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    It put up a bit less of a fight than Sanae was prepared for, thanks to the somewhat fortunate strike - though that doesn't mean it didn't do a bit of damage on its way, or really have to make them work for it. Once the Lost Logia appears sealed, she continues hovering for a few moments, before once again setting her feet down. If noone keeps her from doing so, she'll pace towards it, though doesn't outright reach to grab it or anything. "Funny how something so small can cause such a big problem, huh?" It seems to happen this way everywhere. This might have turned into a full-fledged Incident in Gensokyo.

    The snakes finally come out of the adjacent tunnels, white bodies slithering up to Sanae, that turns her attention to them next, giving one a light rub on the head as they begin visibly fading out to wherever they came from. "You guys did great, too. Take a break for a while." She'll stay a while and listen to any debriefing, and further Lost Logia possibilities - but otherwise doesn't feel a need to hang around this creepy place longer than necessary.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra steps back as the creature is felled. That terrible moment of clearity where it remembers where it is...

    The Law Blade deaperates from her hand as she turns away. "Does this happen with all Lost Logia?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grimacees at the results of this, she watches the victem go lucid for a moment before they die. She pauses lowers her weapons.

"I'd suggest the dustruction of that thing but I'm just the one taking the pay check here. I need to go get some rest and tend to some matters with the Flotilla.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Royce shakes his head. "No further Lost Logia signatures have been detected on this planet.. The others could be anywhere in the Multiverse." he sighs. "We will keep you informed, of course." He approaches the Lost Logia, then almost reverently, reaches down to pick it up, looking at it. It almost feels like he wants to put it on himself... but he only places it into the satchel at his waist, then turns to leave. "Private Windstar will likely be your contact point. I will leave the report to her."

    Royce pauses at Cirra's question, then turns to face her. "Not always, but very often. Lost Logia are largely dormant until something, or someone activates them... that activator is usually bound to the artifact in some way... though many can be saved, if we are quick enough... this took over a year, so whatever was left, could not sustain itself without the artifact."