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Latest revision as of 10:03, 1 July 2015

A Plague in Planning
Date of Scene: 28 June 2015
Location: The Citadel - Ward 17 <CW>
Synopsis: Medusa has an offer for MORDRED regarding his plot.
Cast of Characters: 22, 804

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Ward 17 is slowly returning to normal, and with the head nurse of the ward recovering day by day and resuming her former duties, the temporary physicians are returning to their former wards as well. There's no need for them to be here, not when the witch is back. She does pride herself on her experience and knowledge, and sure... while some of her methods are not what you would consider standard medicine, there's no arguing with results. Patients are often quickly discharged and fit for duty once more, even if they can't say the treatments are gentle or calming.

    Today it's time to get some other business sorted out however, including catching up on the things she heard at the war council when she first returned. Since then Medusa has recovered well enough, even if she isn't up to her full strength just yet. At least she can walk around now, the wheelchair discarded. Reading is no longer so tiresome, and so the serpentine witch is busy in her office, sipping some coffee while she looks over paperwork and waits for her summoned guest to arrive. It's not like she is without things to do while she waits, and besides... she has more patience for her fellow Elites than she does for her underlings here at the ward.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
And perhaps equally importantly, MORDRED is extremely punctual. At the exact second they agreed upon his arrival, his knuckles make contact with the office door. "I'm here as promised, Lady Gorgon." He states, slightly louder than normal, to let his voice identify the person behind the knocking. His clothes are quite different from the ones he wore during the war council, something far more practical for his usual routine. A tight-fitting synthetic full-body one-piece (visually similar to a wetsuit) with various buckles that let him strap into his Armour easily.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    At the knocking Medusa glances up from her paperwork, then a warm smile crosses her lips as she rises from her seat. "Ah, do come in, MORDRED," she beckons, then gestures for the chair in front of her desk. "Do have a seat. Do you want anything to drink, perhaps? Coffee? Tea? Something cold?" She has most of these things in the fridge. As busy as she is she tends to work late hours, now more than ever. So it never hurts to have something ready.

    Either way she will require more coffee for herself. "You are quite punctual, aren't you? That's good~"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED sits down across the desk and smiles faintly. "My internal clock is quite accurate." He pushes forward his medical file, which he was carrying with him, "As these files explain. They should also explain why I'm reluctant to accept traditional medicine." The files are summarized and in some parts black out key data on his physiology. It's hard to get any details from them beyond genetically modified with nonbiological augmentations on top. "As for drinks, western style tea would be great. No milk, a little sugar."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Then you will fit quite well in here if you ever need medical help, one would hardly call my treatments traditional," Medusa chuckles softly, looking quite amused. With the water being recently boiled she pours some hot water into a cup, prepares a tea infuser and adds some sugar to it. After preparing her own mug of coffee she returns to her desk, giving MORDRED his cup on the way. "Here you go, dear~"

    The medical file is put aside for now, and Medusa smiles sweetly at her guest. "So... I do recall your plight at the war council, MORDRED," she begins, deciding to get straight to the point. "I wish to help you. But in order to do so I need to know more about your world and just what you wish to achieve."

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED's faint smile grows a little wider, "I'd heard your treatments aren't. If I ever run into a problem that my own facilities can't resolve, I'll be sure to ask you first." He then returns to his usual emotionless mask, picking up his tea and giving it a brief stir. "Ahh yes, my plight." He puts down his cup, and closes his eyes briefly. When he opens them again, they somehow seem colder. "What do you need to know?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "You said you were working to overthrow your father, correct?" Medusa asks, leaning back in her chair as she raises her mug to her lips and takes a sip. "It's always fun to incite war and see the results, don't you think? I have been involved in a few ones myself, though I prefer to stay off to the side and watch it all unfold after I have incited some chaos. And I'm willing to do the same for you. Though my involvement needs to be kept quiet. Is that understood?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"Yes. I'm working to overthrow my father, the tyrannous High King of Earth." MORDRED answers that question straight up, he sounds extremely empty of emotion as he says it, even more so than his usual emotionless mask. "War is often necessary, and it is definitely an exciting prospect, but I have yet to see the results of one." He sort of agrees without agreeing, while admitting his relative lack of experience. "And don't worry, I understand the need to maintain a certain reputation."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Medusa looks pleased where she sits, not bothering to hide her pleasure at MORDRED's situation. "War does not ride alone. It is followed by Death and Famine, is it not? And lets not forget..." The witch sets her mug down, tilting her head to the side as she peers with MORDRED with snakelike eyes, slit pupils staring him down.

    "... Pestilence."

    Then she closes her eyes, all smiles once more. "I can offer just that to your mission. All I need is some biological samples from your father's people. With that I could create a rather contagious and fatal disease, all while giving those loyal to you the antidote. If the people are superstitious we could even use that to our advantage~"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"They are not very superstitious, unfortunately, and possess quite solid knowledge of health and disease control." MORDRED responds calmly, though his eyes narrow slightly, probably thinking about it a little more. "That said, there is room for possibilities. An unknown, potent disease which doesn't show symptoms until after it has had the opportunity to infect countless others could have a significant impact." Then, he sighs. "Unfortunately we couldn't take optimal advantage of it. If I'm to replace my Father as High King, I can't look like I'm the cause of or taking advantage of such a calamity. They don't like it when people involve civilians through intent or negligence, and this kind of strategy would, unfortunately, fall under that."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Aaah, isn't that a shame..." Medusa sighs. Though indeed, he is right. A disease that has a long incubation time could work wonders. "I could easily make it fatal, but slow when it comes to progression. Highly contagious, but not immediately fatal. What if you were to be the one to find a cure for it, hmmm? Perhaps you could use that to your advantage to win more followers? I mean, you hardly seem like the type who would use that sort of thing to your own advantage, nor the type to spread it to begin with. Which is where I come in," Medusa offers.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"It's definitely worthy of consideration, though..." MORDRED closes his eyes to think, raising his tea to his mouth and then taking a sip. "There's an already established enemy, someone other than me, we might be able to pin this on." He sounds uncertain, like he thinks it might not be good idea. "A ruthless disease would not be something they would be opposed to, but... I'm not sure it's wise for me to upset that force."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Oh really...?" Medusa smirks, looking rather pleased for a moment as she leans forward. "What if I approach this enemy and pretend to offer my services instead~?" she suggests. "Do you think they would welcome some help?" If there's something she is not below, it's manipulation and trickery.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"Personally, I do not think so." MORDRED says calmly, and then continues, "Their leader is a control freak, and doesn't tolerate the independence of others. The mindset is very much fall in line or die, and anyone who is smart and competent enough to engineer a disease like the one you propose is someone to be watched very closely."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    At that the witch lets out a heavy sigh. "Aaah, such a shame... which means that we need to make it look like it wasn't planted somewhere, then. Perhaps something that spread through the multiverse instead. That can be done, of course. Though it does require quite a lot of planning if we're going to do it well enough that no suspicion will be thrown at you, of course~" Medusa concedes as she picks up her mug again.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED finishes his tea. Somehow he consumed it quickly with only small, careful sips. "It would be quite the task, but I definitely appreciate your input. If you could give me some time, then I can give this proposal some more thought." The cup is gently placed on the desk, and his hands collect in his lap. "It is too early for me to be making moves regardless of the viability of this plan, so it shouldn't be a problem if I don't make a quick decision."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Oh, take all the time you need, dear," Medusa says with a sincere smile crossing her lips. "I have all the time in the world, and rushed decisions can only backfire on us. I will look into details and only do the paperwork necessary in order to construct such a disease, though I'll wait until you give me more details." It's not like she doesn't have lots of other work to do, after all. "I do enjoy brainstorming like this, it's always a treat. And I do wish do help you in your little... project," she adds.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"Thank you for your offer of support, I appreciate it, even if I am not yet sure I can accept it." MORDRED slowly rises, "If you have any other ideas, or questions that you think are relevant, do not hesitate to contact me." He glances towards the door, "Unless you had anything else you wished to discuss?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Medusa shakes her head calmly, still seated in her chair. "I do not, MORDRED. If you get any ideas, or if you require medical attention or witchcraft of any sort, do let me know, will you? I am only happy to help my fellow Confederates~" She finishes off her mug of coffee, then sets it aside. "For now I do think I should return to business, I have quite a lot of work to do. It tends to pile up while you're dead, I'm afraid."