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(Reiji and Xiaomu invite Fayt to dinner out with them; some other people show up as well.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:29, 4 July 2015

Stuffing the Stuff-Getter
Date of Scene: 28 June 2015
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: Reiji and Xiaomu invite Fayt to a meal at the Multiversal Bar and Grill. Some other people show up too.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 319, Reiji Arisu, 707, 796

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
As flighty as she can be, Xiaomu takes her obligations seriously - and while her regular bills are paid up with Black Dragon Shipping, there are other kinds of obligations. Like the fact that she faced Fayt twice in the Ring of Philosophy, clobbered him once, and was there to see Reiji being even less merciful than Xiaomu had been.

That's the kind of thing that you do kinda have to make up for, so with some extra money in her pocket, the sage fox decides to spend some of it on something other than her hobbies. Time to invite the merchant out to supper!

(And no, he's not on the menu.)

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Wait what? dinner, huh?

    Fayt honestly has no idea what's going on. He only knows that he's being dragged off for dinner to make up for their 'training' him and well.. Fayt's long since learned not to question this kind of thing.

    So with that in mind, Fayt makes his way into the Bar and Grill, looking just a tad confused as he glances around for signs of the sometimes scary fox otaku... foxtaku? "Um... Hello? Xiaomu?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Right here, Fayt!" Xiaomu calls out, waving from a table reasonably close to both the entrance and the bar. It may well be a surprise that she's AT a table, given the promise of the arcade. "Reiji should be here soon, he was taking a couple of extra reports to the office ... how's business?"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt turns as he hears Xiaomu call out "Ah.", and moves to take a seat at the table. "About the same as always, though things are picking up due to the WMAT coming up. We've got a lot of venders asking us to move stuff and the like. How have you been?"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
A face emerges from behind a menu. Judging by the strip of white in his hair, there's only one person it could possibly belong to! "Fayt," Reiji says, looking back at his menu. He flips a page. "Good to hear business has been well."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Eha?!" Xiaomu jumps in her chair. "Reiji, when did you -"

She pauses. Well, she WAS staring lustfully towards the arcade for a while when not remembering she was here for social purposes ... and she did vaguely notice somebody else sitting down but figured there was room to go around ...

"... no trouble delivering those reports, then?" she attempts to recover. "Good to hear. - Anyway, I've been all right, other than that joker clowning me and Cory at the Birdcage the other night." She scowls fiercely. "And after they went and interrupted my boss fight. Controller battery was dead by the time I got back, too. Gonna have to start that fight over ..."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah pushes through the door, a couple bags from Terlawk Mall in her arms. She looks confused for a moment then a little annoyed, then looks up and says to no one in particular, "Oh c'mon, I'm not *that* hungry am I!?" Her stomach answers almost immediately with a growl, after which she sighs and starts looking for a table.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt practically jumps in unison with xiaomu as Reiji very suddenly appears. "GAH! Um I mean... hi?" He's fortunatly distracted by the arrival of Sarah, who gets a slightly confused look from the tiny timid trader. "Hello?"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
    Reiji politely refrains from mentioning anything about Xiaomu's lapse in awareness. That would be terribly rude! Instead he quietly settles on his meal item of the day and folds the menu up on the tabletop. "Not long ago," he replies, shrugging. "Don't worry about it. I don't mind just being another wallflower. Paperwork's done, so I'm taking a break."

He looks up at the sound of A WILD, STARVING BEAST, and inclines his head at Sarah when he notices her arrival. "Hey."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has business to talk to with a client today. She'd finished that up and was now looking for something to eat. She had no idea that Fayt, Xaiomu, Sarah and more were here. She's however dressed far differenly as this is a business deal. She wants to make a impressiont o be certain as she shows up in some strange high tech fashion jacket, undersuit and a strange top, a skirt and botos finish off the outfit as she makes her way in. She finds a good spot to sit down and wait to be served which happens to be near Fayt's crew. She pauses as she thinks of the business that has been meaning to talk to him about. What could possibly go wrong here?

"Oh! Fayt! Sarah, Reiji, Xiaomu what has all of you here?"

http://raichiyo33.deviantart.com/art/Ffasdf-445699724 outfit ref.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah waves and smiles towards Reiji, Remembering him and Xaiomu from that scuffle in Paragon City, "Hey! Mind if I join you guys? I'm starving ...apparently." She waves at Kotone too, "I just got here. This place has a way of sucking people in when they need it. Nice outfit by the way! What's the occasion?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins sheepishly, nodding to Reiji; then she hears Sarah's stomach, as well as Sarah's voice, and looks over to wave to her - and to Kotone for that matter. "Hey you two! Think we've got space, or we can bribe a waiter to pull another table over or something. And we're basically all here to eat - and *maybe* play video games," she gives the arcade's entrance another longing look while finishing her answer to Kotone.

"Mostly, though, Reiji and I owed Fayt a really good meal to pay him back for the hell we put him through in the name of 'training,'" she finishes - and she actually gets up to pull a chair out for Fayt. "Settle in and pick whatever you like from the menu, it's Reiji's and my treat!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt nods to Reiji, slowly. "I see." He quickly turns again as Kotone speaks up. "Oh, Hello. I'm here because Xiamou called me out here." Her apperence get's a confused look for several seconds, but he doesn't say anything as he finds himself taking a seat. "Um... thank you." Carefully, he picks up a menu and begins to look through it.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
     Sarah pauses to drag a table over with her on the way over with her. Incidentally, she's also the sort that will just snag the ketchup, napkins, silverware and whatever else she might need from nearby tables when the situation calls for it. "There, I made us a reservation!" She says mischievously as she goes back to retrieve the chairs and complete the set.

    She flips her own chair sideways so she doesn't have to bother removing her shield and takes a seat. "I swear the menus here are different every time, any recommendations?" She asks as she peruses one.

Reiji Arisu has posed:
    "It wasn't that bad," Reiji asides to Xiaomu, "I went through so much worse." And for so much longer! This was only a couple days of 'training' after all. He shrugs at Sarah, then. "No idea. This is actually my first time here, myself."

The menu gets a few taps. "Probably going for the ribs and the grilled shrimp. That's usually a pretty good bet for places like this- though burgers are fine too."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Just finished up a business deal, and awesome."

She's quick to join the others and she moves to sit down with the small party joining them. She looks to Fayt with a grin.

"We never really got to talk last time, did we Sarah? So I'm mechanic and vechile designer but more and more I'm some sort of adventuring sort like out of a pulp novel. I'm not even sure how that happened. Ribs and prawns is pretty nice Reiji."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt grins back to Kotone, once again looking obviously confused. "eh?" Looking back at the menu, he slowly tilts his head from side to side. "Just something small for me, I'm not that hungry."

    Given Fayt's apparence, that might explain a bit.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu smirks at Fayt, not unlike the face she'd wear over a poker game if she wanted to absolutely terrify her opponent into believe she had a royal flush she was debating how heavily to bet on. "You'd better pick something that's worth our invitation," she suggests cheerfully, "or our debt to you won't be paid until we invite you out for a couple more meals ..."

She checks the menu herself, then glances at Sarah. "It might be that they cycle through the offerings?" she wonders out loud. "They do seem to have a lot to pick from." She's got an ear perked up at Kotone as well. A mechanic and a vehicle designer? That could be a useful combination to hire at some point ... if she ever gets enough money saved up to buy a custom vehicle. Or just to work on that lightcycle she brought back from the Grid ...

Something to think about. Rather than going with Reiji's suggestion, though, Xiaomu orders a plate of spaghetti for herself.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah blushes faintly as she nods to Kotone, "Yeah, sorry about that. James kind of made a scene." She sighs, "I've only known him for maybe a month and I already feel like I'm having to take care of my little brother. ...Don't tell him I said that." She says as she glances down at the table for a moment. "It sounds like your a good friend to have. I'm fascinated with cars the way most people are fascinated with animals at a zoo." She sighs, "When you're your own transportation you miss out on a lot. Anyway. I think I'm in the mood for am omelet. I'm sure it's morning somewhere!"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
Reiji gives Fayt a good, long look. "No, seriously," he says, nodding to Xiaomu, "You order something properly sized. This is our treat, so you'd best take proper advantage of our hospitality."

He glances to Sarah, then. "I've been thinking about picking up a motorcycle or something. Tokyo's not too conducive to riding around on my own wheels. But, I figure I do enough travelling away from there now that it's not a bad idea."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "It happens, I'm just glad he didn't find out my body's entirely prosethic. That would have been bad, wlel do what you can for him and I won't say a word I promise. Really then I could show you the motorcycle I have designed."

She grins widly at Sarah while she goes to place an order, Some wonton soup ribs and something strange a odd form of paste?

"Really Reiji? I make custom jobs too, if your looking for one. I could likely set you up with something tailored to your needs. I also have connections to handle magical needs as well."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:

    Fayt appears more than a little freaked out by the look he's getting form Reiji and Xiaomu "Um.. r-right! I will! Really!"

    Fayti t seems, is still very much Fayt.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah nods to Kotone, "He's getting better, slowly, also I think if he knew you started off as human he'd be okay around you. It's pure AI's that really get him worked up. If you ever want help with a project feel free to bug me. I don;t have a lot of experience, but I pick up new tech pretty quickly, and I'm awesome at doing any heavy lifting you might need!" She says proudly.

     She looks to Fayt and offers a hand across the table, "Hi there, I don't think we've actually met, I've just heard your voice over the comms. What's your story and why are you so jumpy?" She smirks.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Fortunately for Fayt, the intensity of Xiaomu's attention gets split as Kotone mentions 'my body's entirely prosthetic'. "You're a full-body cyborg? *AND* you ride a motorcycle? I need your autograph!"

Her tails would probably be outright wagging if they were parked further down her spinal column. Sarah gets a somewhat less intense look, and a curious, "So your brother doesn't like cyborgs? He a Luddite or something, or just technophobic?"

Her attention does cycle back to Fayt, though, and she leafs through the menu briefly. "If you're really not all that hungry, go with something like the Caveman Club," she suggests. "It's not as paleolithic as it sounds, and it's probably the best thing you can get here to eat part of and take the rest home ..."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt nods to Xiaomu. "Um... sure, that sounds good." He then blinks at the offered hand form Sarah, and carefully tshakes it. "Oh, hi. i'm Fayt, I work as a trader for the Union, nice to meet you?"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
Reiji considers Kotone's offer for a moment, then nods. "That could do. I don't need anything magical on it, just a bike. I think Psyber and I were going to work on it at some point." He shrugs, then turns his BALEFUL GAZE back unto Fayt. "You really need to get some meat on those bones, you know?"

With a shake of the head, he regards Sarah. "Bad experience with machines? Can't fault a guy for that sort of thing."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Heavy lifting help's always good. I suspect you could bend a top end commando cyborg into a prezel or at the veyr least be comparable. That's still a lot of a mind job and started? I'm still human."

There's no ager or hate in her words she's just stating a fact.

"Well given your line of work I didn't wnat to assume you might not need such. I don't mind a group project either."

She smirks at Xiaomu.

"Hi I'm a EX luddite and not by choice."

She seems to be in good humour about it at the very least.

"So Fayt humm the infamous merchant."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah shakes Fayt's hand carefully, almost as if she's afraid she might break him. "I'm Sarah, I'm er... The Avenger from another planet? Anyway nice to meet you too. May I suggest something with a lot of alcohol in it?" She says with a chuckle, then turns her attention to Xiaomu.

"His world was almost destroyed by an Artificial Intelligence. One that was designed to bring about peace and decided the best way to do that was to kill off all the humans." She explains. She gives a nod to Kotone, "Something like that, I'd give a demonstration but that would likely get me kicked out of here.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Alcahol might be a bad idea..."

    Fayt then slowly turns as Reiji glares at him, giving the foxgirl wrangler a deer in the headlight look in return. "Um... r-right..." Today is just not Fayt's day is it?

    finally he turns to Kotone. "Hmm? Yeah, I run Black Dragon Shipping.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"I dunno, a drunken Fayt might be more terrifying than the rest of us want to think about," Xiaomu jokes. Or at least it was MEANT as a joke; Fayt seems to take the proposal with more serious worry than Xiaomu was going to favor it. Kotone's 'ex-Luddite' joke is taken with a grin, and a mental note not to press too much on THAT front ...

Sarah's explanation, on the other hand, draws a very noticeable wince. "I guess that's a good reason not to like machines that can outsmart you ... but," she looks at Kotone, "the brain in that body is YOUR brain, right? The one you were born with and grew up with? No auxiliary CPUs or wetware?"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
"They say that a man doesn't truly know himself until he's met himself drunk," Reiji quotes like a wise man quotes scripture. Except it's probably bullshit. "Maybe we should order a round?"


He nods to Sarah, then. "Yeah. Definitely understandable. If something like that destroyed my world, I'd probably be suspicious, myself."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Who exactly says that, Reiji?" wonders Xiaomu. "I'm a few dozen times your age and I don't think I've heard that one before."

Reiji Arisu has posed:
"From Shu down in security," Reiji answers. "You know, the Oni."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu nods sagely, "He'd be an authority on it, yeah."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah blinks at Xiaomu then looks back and forth between her and Reiji, "A few dozen times... What!? How old *are* you? You look like you're my age!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Um..." Fayt's speaks up slightly. "let's not get the walking force fo chaos drunk... please?" He glances at xiaomu and Kotone, apparently looking for some help in this.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "I seen a worled ruined by mad AIs... a friend of mine is from such an earth. Well no my brain's agumented some of it was to repair damage, the other was part and parcel of being able to control my body."

She seemsw to set in now and relax a bit more.

"I need you sober Fayt as I have an offer for you."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins smugly at Sarah, "Seven hundred sixty-five years old. What, did you think I was human?"

Her ears prick up more noticeably, and she fluffs out her 'hair' ... or rather, the hair-like tails that descend from her scalp.

And there are good reasons being cited for Fayt to stay sober; they seem good enough that Xiaomu quietly toggles her opinion of getting Fayt drunk over to 'better not, even on a good day'. She just nods to Kotone as far as the details of her brain's current construction. "Still, as long as the electronic bits can't override anything, close enough for what I'd call 'the brain is still human'. If it's just the brainstem or the ..."

She trails off, making a face. "Reiji, check me on this - it's the cerebrum that handles the basic functions and the cerebellum that does higher-order thinking, right? Or is it the other way around, I can never remember ..."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt quickly turns back to Kotone. "Hmm? How can I help you?" busienss is good yes, well, not normally as fayt HAS been trying ot taek the weekends off for awhile now but at this moment work means not dealing with everyone's crazy idea right now!

Reiji Arisu has posed:
Reiji gives Xiaomu a long look. "Xiaomu, we're monster hunters, not neurosurgeons." He sighs, popping a smartphone out of his pocket and begins playing with it. "Cerebellum is for motion and motor control and stuff. Cerebrum does the higher-level thinking."

Thank you, Google Sensei!

"She's actually pretty high up there for a fox," Reiji says, putting his phone away. "In another hundred and fifty years or so, she'll be considered divinity by some people. After that, she can live for basically as long as she likes, I think."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    "Well, I figured you were part fox or something and I've been wanting to ask how you got your hair do that... But uhm, wow." Sarah replies in amazement. "The multiverse just keeps getting weirder." Her omelete's here by now and she takes a few bites as she lets Xiaomu's nature sink in, "I think the important part is the frontal lobes." She offers between bites, "That's basically where your personality is, right?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"So who's to say we won't have to shrink down to microscopic size someday," Xiaomu replies airily to Reiji, "so we can go inside somebody's body and exorcise unicellular demons or hellgerms of some kind that an ally's immune systems aren't able to punt out on their own? I mean, saline solutions with holy water and ritual salt are one thing, but you and I *both* know that neither of those is guaranteed to work ..."

The fact that Xiaomu is talking about details like that in a perfectly businesslike manner can only mean one of two things: either their world really is weird enough to let them take most of the Multiverse in stride, or that Xiaomu spends ENTIRELY too much time immersing herself in creative popular media.

... actually, it's not impossible for it to mean both of those.

Her spaghetti is served while she's saying that, and the sage fox takes a moment to sprinkle grated Parmesan over it in some abundance before stirring cheese, sauce, and spaghetti together, followed by twisting some up on her fork for her first bite. It's only after she's finished chewing and swallowing that first bite that she shrugs at Sarah, "Sounds about right to me?"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
Reiji gives her another look. A long, long look. And then he shrugs. "If it comes to that, I'm hoping our support staff is ready and able to tell us where we'll be needing to go. Bodies are complex things, you know."


"She keeps the manifestation of her tails near her head," he says, "Because it's a lot easier to sit and sleep when they're up there instead of the alternatives."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah stares at Reiji for a moment, "Right... That makes sense I guess." She looks at Xiaomu again, part of her really wants to touch her hair now, the other part would be really creeped out if there turned out to be actual tails under there though. Anyway that would be rude. She focuses on Kotone next and stifles a yawn, "It's probably not very good manners to dissect someone's brain in front of them. sorry about that. I think we got carried away!" She says with an apologetic smile, "It's getting late where I came from.. I ought to be heading back to Njorun."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Safe travels back, then," Xiaomu smiles to Sarah. And ... well, given the way Xiaomu's 'hair' is arranged, it's not like her tails are *hidden* except by the layers of fur you'd expect on a fox's tail. Touching them without invitation, on the other hand, would likely be quite rude indeed.

She might even seek revenge on the perpetrator. Hopefully it would only be in the form of ruthlessly brutal beatdowns within the virtual confines of an arcade game.

And speaking of arcade games, since Fayt seems to have been KO'd by his sandwich, Xiaomu digs into eating her spaghetti so she can hit the arcade here before leaving.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa seems to be nejoying her food and she wave to Sarah as she dparts, now she turns her attnetion to Reijia nd Xiaomu for the moment.

"Well if your interested in the bike let me know I'd be happy to do one for you or work with you on it."