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XCOM Base Assault
Date of Scene: 07 July 2015
Location: Earth-115
Synopsis: XCOM's base of operations comes under assault by a large Alien force. But thanks to quick response from Elites, and some tactical cleverness from XCOM troopers, the aliens were repelled. But that only leaves questions.
Thanks to: Big thankyou to Fuki for co-GMing the Aliens. I doubt the scene would have gone anywhere near as smoothly if I were doing it on my own.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 62, Fuki, 256, 300, 637, 673, 762, 827

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    One hour ago

    Bradford is looking at the Geoscape, when suddenly, power starts to fluctuate. "What the hell?" A no-name comes up and says, "Sir, internal systems are shutting down all over HQ!" The entire facility quakes as explosions rip through the Workshop, Research Lab and Hangar. Several members of the workforce can be seen shambling as if in a daze away from explosive charges.

    "This is Central, Security Status RED! Repeat sec-" Bradford gets smacked by one of his duty officers, the man descending on him with a fire extinguisher. Training with the troopers helps fend off his assailant, kicking him away before a swift elbow pops the emergency side-arm locker in the desk. A pistol whip sends the mind-controlled man sprawling, before Bradford presses the gun against his forehead. "What have you done!?" no response. "ANSWER ME!"

    "Sir! Multiple alarms have been tripped at the outer perimeter. We have a breach!" Bradford gets to the external comm. "XCOM HQ to any available Elites, we are under attack, repeat, we are under attack!" The no-name cuts in. "Delta sector reporting, Alien troops have entered the base, repeat, Alien troops have entered the base!"

Fuki has posed:
    With the wide net psychic attack taking out most of the base, all that's left for the Aliens to do is sweep in and take care of any stragglers, those 'fortunate' enough not to succumb to the mind control assault that was levied over the entire base. This... is where the Delta sector comes into play. As the main access point for the aliens, they start filing in. Sectoids and Mutons, four each in number, armed with their plasma guns rush in, the sound of their feet heavy on the metal floors of the section as they hide behind large boxes in the mech bay and the sound of engines whirring as outside, Cyberdisks and Floaters come swooping in. A pincer attack.

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    The warpgate network is a wonderful thing. A trip that would have taken weeks, months, or even years is cut down to hours, sometimes minutes.
    Even so, warpgate travel feels like it takes forever when you're in a hurry. "Come on, come on..."
    Yulia's Neo Zeon-branded mobile suit breaks through the warpgate's event horizon, kicking up grit as its leg thrusters ease the bumpy transition from no gravity to Earth gravity. Inside the cockpit, the HUD stutters as Rose begins connecting her suit to XCOM's tactical band and network. Assuming either are still working by the time they get here, that is. The onboard sensors and IFF of course work regardless of whatever anyone else's computers are doing, and as her cockpit screens refresh...Yulia resists the urge to spout some pretty unladylike words.
    There's no way she's -not- going to attract attention with this entrance, and so she raises the shield on her suit's left arm to hopefully preemptively deflect any incoming fire while also raising the rifle on her right. <This is Yulia Koslova>, she calls out over the local radio. <Is anyone still able to hear me?>

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had often used the mec troopers training gear for her self, for all intents she was a mec her self just one that was not obvious on visual inspection. It was a good way to push herself harder. Sure she had hard limits being a cyborg but as Septette put it? She had not learned to us what she has to it's full potential yet, and she needed to do something about it.

She yells for the computer to end the training, and the various targets and a few drones shut down. She pauses turning about from the training room and is bolting for the Armoury at this time. She's got a few weapons on her but given what's happened. She was close enough to the Armoury to make it in the early moments of the invasion. Barked at some of the security detail near it to lend her a hand, why? She needed a hand locating the mec weapons, it didn't take long before Kotone finished gearing up, while she had laser rifle slung across her back along with other suprises for the aliens on her person? She found a heavy weapons crate marked with the Mec trooper logo upon it. She cracked it open and reach to pull the seemingly massive railgun. To the Security trooper's shock? Kotone lifted the weapon like it was merely a normal human scale support weapon.

"I'm heading out, to see where I can help. You hold the armoury and make sure it doesn't fall, understand?"

She meanwhile attempts to connect to the local XCOM datanet, both to get tactical information also to watch for hostiles and sabotage. She wouldn't put it past them to do something to the computers are all.

<<This is Samsara, I have reached the armoury and am gearing up. I ordered the troopers here to guard it. If I over stepped my bounds make me pay for it later. Rory are you out there I need a hook up to you if you are.>>

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Honestly, Wesley's mostly been going from gate to gate, looking for people to fight. It's by complete coincidence... or more likely Fate, that he shows up through the gate in front of the HQ.

When he realizes that there's an -invasion- going on, well, he might not care about other people's affairs, but in an alien invasion, you should probably fight the aliens. Those grey guys entering the HQ look like aliens.

He pulls his guitar around, then starts playing some pretty quick riffs that seem to echo through the air, despite the lack of any sound systems. He's purely calling attention to himself while walking toward the HQ, following the invaders. "Hey, you dudes wanna fight? 'Cause like, it looks like you're invadin' Earth or somethin', so I figure you probably wanna fight."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Behind the door sealing the personnel warp gate--separate from the massive one used for vehicles such as Yulia's mobile suit-- there's a sudden, loud ringing sound of metal striking metal that echoes throughout the XCOM facility. Muffled through at least a foot of armored steel, a woman's voice lets out an exclamation and the metalling smashing rings out again, louder than before.

    As the doors throughout the facility had been locked by the power failure, it's not opening. But someone wants in.

    There's a different noise, then. The booming report of heavy cannons and the shrieking sound of steel. The blast door, designed to resist explosive charges, is blown off its heavy hinges by something no man could ever hope to carry, let alone field-- An octet of thirty-five centimeter cannons, all leveled downward from the smooth armored fortress of steel currently occupying 98% of the warp gate chamber.

    With a flash of silver, the land-locked battleship evaporates and a brown-haired woman steps out, light re-forming into the distinctive heavy warship rigging affixed to her hips. Her hands, too, rest on her hips, billowing sleeves fluttering in the smoke and shrapnel aftermath of her explosive entrance.

    "When you invite a girl over, do not lock the door on her!" Kongou exclaims brightly, "Or she will find another way in~! Rest assured-- Battleship Kongou has on-scene~!"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    With one of her forks constantly playing 'Breakout: Crisis' for a few weeks now, Rory's picking up a new appreciation for the job XCOM's personnel toil under. It's terrifying, downright lethal, and their enemy is downright unknown.

    She emerges from the warpgate in the hangar and immediately attempts to establish wireless contact with the base's network.

    She's clad in a form-fitting composite armor suit ten times sleeker than the XCOM outfit, but the colorations definitely match.

    "I'm here, Samsara! Tactical networks are booting up. Brief me on the situation!"

    Indeed, she's already using everything she's got to try and access the base's security cameras and other resources, if any are at all available.

    Another fork's attempting to contact the mechanics and engineering bay where the SHIVs are kept. If any can be remotely jammed and called into service...!

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Bradford leans over the only working computer terminal, jury rigged from a backup generator grabbed out of the emergency lockers around the room. He looks over at the only three remaining Central officers that didn't get Mind Controlled. "Status?" he asks, as they rig up their terminals and get back into the system. "Removing safety lockouts, attempting access to Main Power."

    "Main Power lines have been hard-cut, attempting emergency backups... Links established! Bringing power online, door system override... online!"

    "Good, open blast doors B7 through D6, get our Strike teams into Delta to support the Elites." replies Bradford. "Central to Samsara and all Elite presence, we're deploying the first wave of reinforcements, the Emergency power system will have to recharge after this, so don't expect more for about fifteen minutes."

    Strike Seven, consisting of two Heavies with Heavy Laser prototypes, a Sniper with a Precision Laser prototype, two Assaults with standard Shotguns, and a Support with a Laser Rifle follow after Kotone. At the other blast doors, BaseSec personnel wait for them to open, carrying mixtures of laser and ballistic tech, whatever was to hand. There's also a few already in Delta sector when the Elites arrive, in cover and scanning for hostiles. "Damn am I glad to see you guys, it's just Me and Jones right now, those things'd tear us to shreds... I think I saw something scuttling around in the vents too!" cries one as Kongou and the others arrive.

Fuki has posed:
    Scuttling around in the vents is indeed something, something that will make itself known very... very soon. Meanwhile, the aliens themselves make various, untranslatable noises and they scatter.. Mutons heading to intercept Kongou, hiding behind cover and letting loose with a barrage of plasma. One of the many sectoids projecting a purple-ish beam to another sectoid before said sectoid runs out into the open and hides behind cover, leaning over to pop a few shots off to some of Strike Seven. A few more of the sectoids skitter behind more cover and start firing at Kotone, Yulia and Rory with plasma pistols.

    The Floaters zoom in, hitting the main control room in Delta, floating upwards as their light plasma rifles start spewing green projectiles towards the guitar player and floating in, the Cyberdisks set up in a offensive mode, showing off their weapons... but not moving.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Squeal of tires could be heard over the insanity that is taking place. Headlights could be seen before something drifts around the corner. A white sports car with some sleek supped up Porsche like lines comes charging down the roadway into the chaotic mess.

This followed by the ever familiar voice of a perhaps welcoming sound to a few here, "Sorry I'm late ta tha party! Ya should have seen traffic!" Without further a due, the vehicle transforms in a snap of a finger to a twenty-twenty five tall robot, with his blue visor flickering to life as he activates his rifle wit a twirl in his hand, "But dun y'all worry none! Tha cavalry is here now!"

With his entrance made the Operations Officer of the autobot takes aim. His visor flaring brightly, as he makes a mental note where everything is and gets a HUD lock on the different targets. His rifle comes around and starts to fire off shots at a few of the aliens while they may still be off guard, before moving himself around to take some cover behind what he can.

Fuki has posed:
    The Cyberdisk that stands in overwatch beeps incessently and takes aim as Jazz makes his entrance. The plasma cannon built into the floating frisbee of death charges up and lets out a large green glob of energy towards the Autobot!

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    Well, she got their attention.
    Yulia's mobile suit's shield gets pocked by the incoming plasma fire as she returns it with a plasma bolt of her own. The property damage can't be helped at this point, and anyway the aliens started it, so she isn't going to lose too much sleep over making a mess of the hangar. Okay, more of a mess. "Rose, pull up the map and route the best route to engineering that we can actually fit through."
    "Roger roger, haro!" the pink roboball warbles, and sets about doing just that.
    Yulia snaps off a few more plasma bolts at the sectoids as she heads forward toward the now opening blast doors in front of her. She definitely does not want them following her if she can help it!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa picks up quite a team as she makes note of Strike Seven. The Heavies, a sniper, assaults and a support all fall in with her.

"I'm taking point, I can be put back together."

It was an alien thing to say, but it was darn true all things considered. She could be healed easier than the people under her now. This was a lot just dropped on her shoulders but there's no choice.

"I'm heading in on pint, you have been trained my job is to take and draw fire for the rest of you."

With that she moves out she does notice as she manages to make it but she does hear something moving about and she dreads it.

"Watch the vents."

And then there are Sectoids and she moves to try and draw fire as plasma fire comes her way. She brings up the rail gun takes aim even as she moves and fire. She's keeping on the move she'll leave the cover to the squad that came in with her.

"Hey uglies you want this?! Come get it!"

She's got to draw as much fire as she can.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley turns around when floasters start firing at him. He actually swings his guitar from his back to try and hit one of the projectiles like a baseball bat. But then another hits him in the chest and sends him flying to the ground. "Freakin'... that don't feel right..."

He groans, then kicks himself back up to his feet, looking down at the scorched hole in his shirt, and burns on his chest. "Alright, if you wanna fight, let's fight!" he shouts excitedly, and goes running for one of the floaters, leaping into the air. He grips his guitar in both hands, arcing his entire body back, then he just snaps forward as he tries to drive his axe into the head of one of those floaters. "I wanna see if robot alien things bleed! Come on, I'll fight all you flyin' guys!"

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "<Count On Kongou~!>" the warship woman announces in response to the soldiers greeting her, "These creeps don't stand a chance~."

    Bulky green-armored aliens open fire on her, and she lets out a sound more of suprise than anything else. Sweeping her arm up to shield her face, one plasma bolt goes wide while the other muton lands a solid hit against the white cloth of her outfit. Despite wearing nothing that could be described as armor, it scorches the cloth and sizzles as if it had struck metal, such as a tank-- Or something bigger.

    "<Hey!>" Kongou whirls in place, hands resting firmly on her hips, "I was having a conversation! There's no need to be <Rude!>" Cheeks puffed out, she swings one hand up and points, "I'll have to teach you two some <Manners!>" As she points, the twin-barreled main battery turrets mounted to her rigging swing around, barrels elevating slightly. There's a clicking sound from within, and then all eight guns open up at once, a window-rattling *WHUMP* that reports through the facility and fills the space immediately around Kongou with smoke, while her cannons hurl miniaturized versions of the Type 94 high explosive shells in a bombardment spread on both alien warriors at once.


Rory White (673) has posed:
    The moment Rory's lone Saucer picks up Sectoid heat signatures she dives for cover, and just in time. Placing herself behind some crates might be bad for XCOM's supplies and projects, but she's kept safe from the plasma shots!

    "How did they get so far into the base, entirely undetected?!"

    Weaponry isn't her forte, and warfare not her calling, but she has no choice but to engage in it now.

    Spending a few dozen hours in a highly realistic ALIEN ATTACK SIMULATOR has been good training too. She rises up for a few moments to lay down some suppressing fire from a FLECHETTE SPRAYER. It's a kinetic weapon that fires tiny metal shards and boy is it more potent than a laser!

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Strike Seven look at each other, then nod, as they fan out once through the blast door. The Heavies start foring suppressive bursts from their laser cannons, peppering the Sectoids with bursts of coherant light. The Sniper shifts over further, getting up on one of the support trelises, before aiming through the gaps towards the Cyberdiscs in the distance. The coil of her Laser Sniper spools up with a rising tone, before a long, solid beam of red light lances out, aiming to strike inside of the exposed internal systems of the Assault Mode construct. The Assaults keep their eyes up, Shotguns ready since they can't deal with the long-range targets, and the Support, in her wisdom, pulls a cylinder from her belt. "Tossin' Smoke!" she calls to her team, the area filling with purple fog that boosts her allies reaction times.

    The Security personnel open fire, mixtures of the staccatto of ballistic rifles and the whine of Laser tech fill the air, as they open up on both the Mutons, and the Sectoids coming in. One intrepid man even runs right up behind a non-engaged Muton, pulling the pin on his scavenged Alien Grenade and stuffing it in a crevice on that green armour before leaping away.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz nearly gets nailed by the disc that was waiting for someone to show up. It skims right over his shoulder, as he goes to roll on the ground, with one hand spring down to allow himself to spring roll around on it.

His rifle comes around to return fire back at the disc that decided he was such a lovely target, while trying to keep an eye on enemy placement from possible ally placement.

Fuki has posed:
    Kongou's shells strike home with one of the green skinned brutes, sending it flying back and tumbling into a pile of dead Muton. The aliens were trained in standard fire and lasers, not anything like a batteship gun! The other Muton hunkers down and dives behind cover, peeking out with its plasma rifle and taking aim, letting a few precision shots off at the battleship-girl.

    Kotone's railgun nails one of the sectoids and peirces to wound another unfortunately behind it, said sectoid being enhanced by a hidden sectoid, though that purple beam of psychic energy could still be seen. The sectoid falls back, hiding behind another large box only to have both the psychic enhanced and the psychic giving sectoid start firing at Strike 7's team and Kotone once more.

    Yulia's met with a few satisfying hits on a couple of sectoids that just entered the base, getting flung back from the impaccts and making a nice dent and green splat on the wall behind. One of the ones that did enter, turn to Yulia and lets off a snap shot of plasma towards her.

    Wesley's axe manages to strike home, bringing down a Floater that explodes once it hits the ground. The other one, annoyed with its team mate's loss, takes a flight around to launch a set of plasma bolts right towards Wesley's back!

    Strike Seven... poor Strike Seven. Just above the vents break open, releasing its contents.. Chryssalids. They skitter and rapidly advance on Strike Seven, drawing the reaction fire from the assaults as one moves in to say hello to the heavy providing the suppressing fire, rearing up to dig its scythe like claws into him while the sniper and Jazz's shots causes the Cyberdisk to explode in a beautiful red ball of fire as another comes with the free one and the one that came in taking potshots at Jazz and Strike Seven.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    "BUGS!" cries one of the Assaults, as he unloads his shotgun into the falling monsters. Even with it being ballistic, at this range, all those pellets are sanding off the monsters entire head and upper body as it hits the floor in a pile of dead. The other one doesn't get the full impact, and sinks those talons into the Heavy's back, earning a cry of pain and a felled trooper, but it doesn't get the chance to sink it's mandibles in, as the Heavy's buddy turns and bitch-slaps the monster with his Heavy Laser, before unloading a burst into it at point blank. "Man down! MEDIC!" he cries, before turning back to try and suppress those two Sectoids again. The Support scoots over under plasma fire, and checks over the downed Heavy. The sizzling green ichor in those wounds is all she needs to see, but she checks for a pulse anyway. "He's gone... another name for The Wall." she says somberly, then grits her teeth and pops up to fire at the sectoids.

    The HQSec troops fall back from the incoming Aliens, pulling behind Kongou's position and taking up flanking positions to cover her sides. They continue to pour fire out into the tunnel, trying to be careful of Wesley and Jazz out there.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley gets slammed into a wall face first by the bolts, burns on his back and more holes in his shirt. He fall to his feet, blood streaming down his nose, but he simply blows it out and turns around, stumbling. "Ugh, alright, you wanna keep shootin, too scared to punch, huh?!"

He swings his guitar around, starting to play Enter Sandman. But he knows another shot is coming at any moment, so he jumps forward, trying to slam both feet into the floater to try and smash it down to the ground, almost like a Mario stomp.

But he continues playing the whole time, dark clouds beginning to form over the facility, the thunder being less like thunder, and more like drums in the sky that compliment his song.

He's summoning the lightning, stuff is about to get real, but for now he simply plays.

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    That sectoid has some pretty impressive aim, or maybe it was a lucky shot, but either way that last plasma bolt catches one of the giant mech's secondary camera mounts. A screen screens on the left side of her cockpit flashes brightly before fuzzing to static.
    "Compensating!" Rose warbles. The screen dims as the haro works repositioning another camera to fill the gap.
    Meanwhile, Yulia fires again at the sectoid as she rushes for the corridor beyond the opened blast door. If it doesn't get out of the way, well...stepping on things is gross, even in a 20 meter tall suit, but she's not above trampling the alien when it comes down to it.
    It sounds like there's fighting up ahead as well as behind her. Not a great shock there, considering. Maybe hopefully she'll be able to team up with someone else on their way further in...

Jazz (762) has posed:
As more discs start to enter in, Jazz hunkers down where he is and starts to open fire on them. He can hear the cry for 'man down' and the sounds of things even getting more hostile as events heat up. He does try to get up and move a bit, while continuing to take some shots.

Mostly trying to get in closer to where everyone else is in order to give them proper cover. Like you know, maybe using him /as/ cover. After all, he was metal. They were--- not so much so. At least for some of the non-elite personal and few others.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Plasma bolts strike Kongou's body, searing black marks on her outfit as she hunkers down into a solid stance to take the impacts. One shot goes wide, several others hit. One even slams into the metal of her rigging, leaving an angry green mark on the ship-like hull on her back. And now she has a couple of guys both supporting her and using her as cover!

    "<Stay With Me!>" the warship barks over her shoulder, "You are with a battleship, you'll find no better cover~!" Her attention swings back to the remaining muton, cowering behind the wall support it's using as cover. From under her arms, the smaller secondary batteries fire, joining in on the small arms fire from the two soldiers with her.

    Meanwhile, the main battery elevates. Rather than fire directly at the enemy once again, Kongou simply directs her cannons to the ceiling above him. Two guns load in high explosive, while the other six load armor piercing Type 91 shells. It's these hardened high-speed shells that fire first, burrowing through the steel and stone and exploding, shattering rock and weakening supports. The high explosives fire last, blasting open the ceiling and dropping several tons of what amounts to gravel on the alien warrior's head.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa brings dfown two Xryas but it's not enough, it's never enough really. The aliens just seem to keep comming, and then the warning she made about the Vent's came true. It would have been worse had she not brought up up she thought. She doesn't like thinking about it, she's down right trying to not panic. These aliens are perhaps the most nightmareish one. Not only do they kill people horribly they also defile the corpse to spawn another of the monsters.

The Sevens know they they are doing and she's still working deal with the Sectoids and she's still got the rail gun. She checks on her ammo levels on it, for once she runs out she's going to have to ditch it. She fires anotehr shot more than willing to try to go through the cover that they'd ducked into. Thankfully the Seven have rapidly advenged their fallen comrade.

Kotone meanwhile only pauses for her shot and keeps moving in an attempt to flank.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Using her Saucer for remote viewing, Rory pre-empts some of the Sectoids the moment they move to go into attack. Her hand is the only thing that emerges from cover, clutching a tiny pistol and using external telemetry SmartLink technology to calculate firing solutions.

    In mere moments, tiny metal flechettes shred Sectoid heads. It's not pretty, but it's efficient.

    And she follows it up with LEAPING towards the hangar doors. She hits the ground clumsily, rolling almost into a crate, but pain doesn't seem to be a concern at all.

Fuki has posed:
    As a bonus, the sectoid that was providing the psychic link to another gets its head shredded from the flechette, causing mental feedback and frying the brain of the other! Double KilL!

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
The Warp Gate itself was, at least, not blocked by a door that would have taken precious minutes to blow open (It could have been done, of course, with the tools the had, but five minutes here could mean the difference between there being XCOM and an abattoir formerly known as the same). From the gate itself, a team of 8 men and women emerge, in staggered groups of two, dressed in black BDUs, combat equipment, and seemingly permanently affixed gas mask. First team through has a pair of M1014 combat shotguns, and are clearly ready to pump enough buckshot into whatever's in front of them to ensure that it's only recognizable as a pile of biologic paste. Men with M16s cover those for longer range, and a SAW team trots behind, looking for a place to set up.

In the middle of the group, Stadler's through, one hand gripping the radio handset from the SINGCARS unit his radiowomen is carrying, another with his Hi-Power pointed forward and clearing a sector. "10 minutes isn't good enough, Nick. I know you have 4 of your fifteens in a full combat loadout for a training exercise."

He moves his pistol to the left, to one of the surviving Chrysalids, and fires off two rounds, looking to hit the head, as his men spread out. The targets in front of them were a few, but it was little wonder they were concentrating ong the bugs that crawled and infected and created zombies. The loud blast of automatic shotguns were heard next to the well aimed burst from rifles, as Rick raises his voice. "Because I sent the paper work in for it! Andrews doesn't have shit in the air right now, so I need the goddamn Citizen Airman of Michgan to step up and make sure we've got control of the air above!"

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    "Sector Clear!" calls the Heavy as the psi feedback kills the suppressed Sectoids. The team gathers up, making sure to double check the corpse of their former friend. A shot through the skull makes sure that he can't potentially rise as a zombie, before they head out of cover, converging to the entrance of the Motorpool. "Strike Seven Actual to Archangel, we'll provide cover fire while you activate the SHIVs. SHIV storage is on this end of the Motorpool, east side... you may need to override the security shutters." says the Sniper as she moves into a new vantage point, overlooking the rows of various vehicles, ranging from motorbikes to APCs.

    The Blast Doors slide open, and Strike Three with another group of HQSec troopers storm through before the doors close again. Strike Three is a Heavy Assault unit, a Heavy, two MECs with Railguns and Flamers, along with two Supports and an Assault, all sporting Laser tech, fan out and advance in behind Rick's group. "Strike Three Actual to ZCOM force Commander, we are coming in at your 6 o'clock. HQSec forces, fan out and cover the side sectors."

    "Central to Delta. The Backups just went offline, we're trying to restore them, but for now... no more reinforcements, you're on your own."

Fuki has posed:
    The combined efforts of the response team are very effective. Kongou's shells, Rory's flechettes, Kotone's railgun, Westley's music and axe, Jazz's potshots and Yulia's own shots wipe out the the current invasion force and for now... everything seems to be quiet. Too quiet. This at least offers a bit of respite to reload, rearm and heal up for the Response team...

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley slides his guitar around to his back, then starts heading deeper into the HQ. "The fuck is this, Area 51?" he asks himself, continuing to walk as he tries to find people. "Hey!" he shouts, while walking. "Who runs all this shit?!"

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    Yulia does take this opportunity to swap out energy packs in her beam rifle, thanks. The nearly empty one is set rather than dropped to the floor, off to one side for her or someone with a forklift to collect later. While she does that, Rose works on further papering over the hole that the dead camera has left in her cockpit. It's not perfect, but her blind spot on the left is a bit smaller now.
    Those things done, the mecha continues in the direction of the motorpool. There is simply no way this thing will ever be stealthy on the ground and in atmosphere - every step is a wheeze of hydraulics and clang of metal on concrete. Should be no trouble for her fellow allies to find her.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler's team quickly moves to secure the zone they're in, moving with practiced ease to let the other team past them (though not without a /few/ looks to the massive mec troopers stomping through the doors past them. Once of them, probably the Warrant Officer nominally in charge of the Z-Team, gives Rick a look that asks, 'Why did we need to leave Maine for this, again'? Stadler does quickly shut him down with a look that's not going to be argued with, before nodding to himself. "Get them here. We've got enough to deal with without tanks waiting for us at the elevator. X-Ray 6, clear."

He clicks off the radio, passing the handset off to his radio woman, before whistling. "SCAI! We're clear in this area. Breachers, moving forward to the motor pool. SAW and rifles take the high ground and keep the area in front clear!" He notes, as his men quickly move to take up position, SAW team and rifles moving to climb up and get a vantage point of the Motorpool itself.

As Stadler walks, he pauses, and turns to the sound of someone asking... questions. His weapon comes up; normally, he wouldn't want to waste a round by pulling back the slide in a punctuating show of force, but this is the type of person that looks like he needs it. Ka-KLACK, and the pistol is pointed at Wesley's head. "The fact that you're asking these questions leads me to beleive you may not have the clearance to have them answered." He says, calmly. "Are you here to help, or do we have a problem?"

Kongou (637) has posed:
    When the smoke and dust has cleared, Kongou lowers her hand and props it on her hip, letting out an authoratative 'Hnf!' mostly through her nose. Turning somewhat, she addresses the two XCOM operatives accompanying her, "Are you two alright~?" A question that blatently ignores the sizzling plasma scorches on her outfit, green glow just beginning to fade. It hurts, but a seasoned warship is accustomed to a certain amount of damage!

    Her guns, the large main battery as well as the secondaries, all swing to either side into their at-rest positions, the interior mechanisms clicking as each cannon reloads. With a smile, the woman offers, "Let's meet up with the rest of your fleet!"

    And so Kongou makes her way from the control room to the core of Delta Section near the motor pool where the others seem to be gathering.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz ends up following the voices after it seems things are clear and whistles over. "Glad ta see most of ya are alright." He says with a nod of his head. "Y'all may want ta run a scan of the area ta make sure it is clear and keep ya guard up."

He would pick up the sounds of the critters moving around and his sensors could maybe pick them up in advance if anymore are around, but the place is pretty active with sounds and sights. For the moment the Autobot watches his step and goes on a mild patrol then slightly away from the group to make sure nothing could be coming down another path or something.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"I don't care about all this crap, I just wanna kill strong aliens." Wesley answers Richard rather simply, staring at the gun as he squints. "I can't dodge a bullet, I don't feel like gettin' shot." he says as if he has experience with getting shot.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Whatever must be done!" Is Rory's response. The quick exit takes her out alongside Yulia. dashing down the corridor towards the MOtorpool is the only thing on her mind - at least, for her prime thought thread.

    A few others are working hurriedly at checking through whatever they can do. Establishing connections with the base's network if it comes back up, guiding a Saucer drone through the corridors for extra telemetry data, and keeping a tacticla map updated.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler looks at Wesley, with a slight amount of incredulity at his response. "Really. You show up here looking to kill aliens, and you really don't ask why. Strange response for someone who doesn't want to get shot." He says, keeping the gun pointed at his head for a few moment.

"Boss! We've got movement over here!" Rick turns to the Warrant officer who calls out, before looking back to Wesley, and lowering his weapon. "Fucking freebooters." He says, turning to the Motor Pool and whistling. "M14!" He yells, catching the rifle that's thrown down to him. "You want to rush out there and do some good, be my guest. Just don't do anything stupid that puts my people at risk."

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Strike Three fan out into the Motorpool, hot on the heels of Rory and Yulia. The MECs stomp forwards into the middle of the vehicles, keeping their railguns ready. The Heavy mantles up to join the SAW team in providing cover, the heavy, brace-mounted Heavy Laser prototype whirring softly as the three 'barrels' lazily spin. The surviving Strike Seven Heavy similarly goes on Overwatch, while the Assaults move out to secure good ambush positions, Shotguns at the ready.

    The HQSec troopers spread out to cover gaps in the 'kill zone' buddying up with the Z-Force members and offering gratitude at the support.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa jhas taken this time to reload and move along with theo thers they need to get to the motor pool? It's time go go and Kotone is going on point for the mos tpart. She watched things play out for the moment.

"Right, we don't need more of these things coming at us. Keep an eye out for the larger humanoids. The Mutons are no laighing matter."

With that Kotone's going to make for the motor pool with the others. She looks to see Rick and Wesley.

"He's been helping us fight them so far, Richard. I suggest we take it at face value."

With that she she heads out for the motor pool.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"Yeah, I mean, usually I just wanna fight, but I figure they're evil if they're attackin' Earth, so I'm like, sure, why not kill 'em." Wesley shrugs, sliding his hands into his pockets and starts heading after Richard. "Seems like you're who the tough ones are gonna come after, so I'll follow you."

Fuki has posed:
    It's quiet... too quiet. The motor pool seems empty for now, perhaps the sensors were wrong? In the very back, the glowing eyes of about thirty sectoids... and some with larger heads skitter in the back.. then the whirring of gears, stomping... and the green glow of plasma railguns on each side of the large mechanical being that has a sectoid's head embedded into it. One of the sectoids hides behind it, another purple beam going from it to the MECHTOID, covering it in a mental shield.

    Meanwhile, near the MECHTOID... is something familiar to everyone... a MEC with its railgun and flamer... and blank eyes. Poor guy.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
"You don't keep a distance of at least 10 meters between me and you, and you're going to get shot. It might even be by me." Stadler grumbles, as he moves to gain a vantage point over the motorpool itself... and simply stares at the larger number of sectoids that have decided to show up. Along with other targets. "Well... hell." He says. And he says this while he's looking at the large Mechtoid... and the other MEC. "It might be possible to salvage." He says, pulling the charging handle on the M14, looking down the scope, and then sending two rounds toward what he can only assume is the Mechtoid's head. "Start working on the Sectoids." He says, as the sound of a SAW eatting through ammo and arcing down toward whatever exposed greys it finds sounds out, mixed with the M16s, and then the slugs of shotguns searching for targets. "I hope to go we hit a right one before we have to do something else."

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    The sensors could be wrong, but considering that anything still running is running on emergency backup, can anyone say for sure that the sensors are working right?
    Yulia's mobile suit comes to a halt as Rory and some of the others(?) meet up with her, its mono-eyed head nodding in greeting. There she'll stand until everyone who is in this not so merry band sort themselves out and then get ready to move out again. While she's gotten sort of used to working around infantry, there's not a great amount of room and she's not so sure that everyone here knows how much room to give her. So yes, she's going to be careful.
    Once they do start moving, the mecha keeps its armored shield raised and rifle at the ready...and once they're at the door to the motorpool, she'll flick on a couple of lights so that she and everyone else can better see. It doesn't exptend much further than a car's headlights, but it's better than a flashlight or chemlights, right?
    Glowing eyes? No, that can't be good. The mecha steps further in, then stops at the sight of that - that Thing With the Railguns. "Oh hell" slips out, she can't help it. Immediately followed by <Look out!> over the radio and the blast of a plasma bolt aimed at it.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Trotting up at the back of the formation, it's a brunette blue-eyed woman with a few tons of metal and guns strapped to her back. It's Kongou, the source of the booming reports throughout the entire attack on XCOM headquarters. "We've arrived! Please see to your troops!" She ushers the rookies along, then pauses. Raising a hand, Kongou squints across the vehicle bay's expanse. A small frown touches her lips, "Hmm~... This could be <Serious.>"

    The gun turrets on her rigging swing out again, leveling out and elevating with a mechanical sound. The elevation is more noticeable than previous--as she's aiming at a longer range. There's a pause when she announces herself on the local tactical band before, with a blast that rattles glass and shatters closer computer monitors, Kongou's guns shout their opinion across the vehicle bay in long parabolic arcs. The aim is not particularly careful, the warship maiden opting for a scattered dispersion for optimal bombardment, shelling the two heavily armored mech-troopers with salvos of armor piercing artillery.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"How the hell am I supposed to know how much ten meters is? I ain't no scientist." Wesley suddenly becomes alert, however, as he sees all of those eyes, then just -smiles-.

The first thing he does is toss his axe in a rapidly spinning arc at a group of sectoids, then holds his hand out to call the axe -back- to him. "Why are these things attackin' Earth anyway? They wanna eat people?" he asks, curious, but then he stares at the MECHTOID. "I wanna fight that thing, but I ain't gonna get shot... looks tough, though."

Of course, to test -how- tough, he tosses the axe -directly- at the MECHTOID's body, trying to see just what sort of effect it'll have.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa isn't liking it it's too quiet she notices there's a something with a mectoid oh dear god there's MEc trooper there wait his eyes.

"Oh god! What's wrong with him?!" She knows something damn well is wrong she makes her weapon ready and starts to move in she's trying to line up a shot n the Mectoid rather than the mech. Her mind's racing whose behind this where are they? She keeps her weapon primed she looks to the Mectoid however which she's going to line up a shot to try and take down the mectoid with the railgun. She intends to take the alien unit down and give her allies a better chance to disable the mec, god damn she thinks she knows the pilot of the suit too. She doesn't want to see anymore allies dead today.

Fuki has posed:
    Upon the sight of enemy forces, the sectoids SCATTER. Two hide behind the Mechtoid, one hides behind the MEC himself. Purple lines are drawn from the MEC to a corner of the room and the two behind the Mechtoid have purple lines going to it. Getting into position, the mechtoid itself whirrs and aims and with massive recoil, launches a barrage of heavy plasma shots into the forces awaiting and the MEC himself takes a railgun shot at Richard!

    One of the little grey bastards slips around the side, giving Kotone a look before it starts a mental assault upon her head, trying to take it over for its own devices while the rest of them start firing off plasma pistols into the group.

    Meanwhile, Kongou's shells manage to land home on the Mechtoid, the shells bouncing off the shield and striking a few sectoids, splattering green goo onto the ground and Wesley's axe just bounces off as well. Kotone's shots bounce off the shield, though with the combined effort of the three, the shield looks like its about to shatter.

    Yulia's shots are a bit wide, grazing off the mechtoid and into one of the sectoids behind it, the shield holding but it looks very weak now.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    That is FAR too many eyes. "Oh dear!" Thankfully the Motorpool is full of useful places to HIDE and so this Rory does quickly. She dives behind a barrel of oil.

    "WHY were they WAITING for us here?!"

    Over the radio, her second thread gives a more detailed and less panicked analysis of the situation. <<An ambush. But one of the apparent foes is one of our own! Is it some kind of brainwashing?>>

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has laned a goof shot on the Mectoid that should clear things out as the combined attacks from Kongou, Herself, Wesley and others bring it down. She did take out a good deal of the shield from the looks of it. It's not enough to down it but it's still an optning then Kotone freezes up for a moment something's not right. Her barirers are functional nothing's got past them. Ye for how mechanical she is there's still flesh in her shell.


She halts lowering her weapon slightly as she seems to be straining from something.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    One of the Assaults shifts position, skirting through the parked vehicles. she peeks around the back of an APC, spotting that wispy purple line heading into that dark corner of the room. She racks the pump of her weapon, expelling a smoking ring of a heatsink from the laser weapon, before taking a breath and rolling around the back of the vehicle. She sprints, a dead run straight for the convergence point of those purple beams, and whatever's hiding back there? It's about to get a face full of prism laser.

    Remaining Strike Elements fire into the Sectoids. Both Heavires unsling their Rocket Launchers, and fire at the Mechtoid, trying to finish off that shield so others can finish the Mechtoid.

    The Sniper scans for targets, looking for the ones with the big heads, and spots the one sneaking out at Kotone. She lines up on it, and fires a quick snapshot, not wanting to give it enough time to properly get a 'lock' on.

    HQSec keep up their barrage of suppressive fire, not able to do too much else, though some have to back off as they get clipped by plasma pistol fire, unarmoured as they are, comparatively speaking.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Rick's forces have to go for cover as the room starts filling with plasma, diving out of the way as superheated green balls blast toward the. One of them yells in an involuntary shown of pain, a shotgunner screaming as the plasma burns at his uniform and chest, The smell of burning synthetic fibers and flesh filling the air.

Stadler, himself, just looks at the charging rail cannnon being aimed for him, before his radio woman grabs, and yanks him to the ground. None too gently, and he lands on his arm in such a way as to cause some major pain, but it's better than being in the way of the rail gun shot that punches through the wall behind him.

The SAW team up top keeps trying to keep the fire on, running the gun left and right, attempting to both provide suppression and waste any greys that were still out in the open. Stadler manages to peek over cover, find the purple line running to the corner, and, with an effort, load a different clip into the M14. Armor pericing rounds. With a quick peek up, he sweeps the scope, moving toward that corner, and then pulls the trigger five times in rapid succession, hopefully adding weight to the addage that concealment did not equal cover.

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    The MEC is a turned friendly, according to the radio chatter, and to Yulia will take pains to try not to shoot it. That leaves the mechtoid, whome everyone has less qualms about.
    The mecha's shield-laden arm is brought down and over to try and deflect some of those incoming plasma bolts away from Richard and his crew, though whether that's of any use...well she had to try anyway. The rifle-laden one, that she brings up to try and get the mechnoid in her crosshairs again before pulling the trigger.

Fuki has posed:
    The shot goes wide from the Sniper, the bullet crashing into a wall behind the sectoid. It continues its mental assault on Kotone, trying to estabish that link with her so it can drive her to do things. Meanwhile, both rockets manage to not only take out the shield but the support behind the Mechtoid, leaving the plasma spewing mechanical being without cover. To its own benefit, it starts moving forward, aiming and snap firing one railgun of plasma at Wesley and one at the Strike Heavy.

    More and more of those normal sectoids fire upon the rest, some aiming for the Assaults, some aiming on Richard's team and Rick and Yulia themselves, and another five just firing at Kongou herself!

Fuki has posed:
    The controlled MEC himself whirrs around, stepping forward to get close and with a lift of his left arm... and a small click... flames spew forth from the built in flamethrower, setting whatever it can on fire be it oil barrels, boxes, cars and even people!

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley calls his axe back, then he starts playing again. For Whom The Bell Tolls. He plays rather intensely, trying to demoralize the sectoids as he rushes into them, trying his best to stay out of people's firing arcs.

Then, as he's playing, he starts trying to kick sectoids straight in the head. "Their heads are freakin' huge, so I figure they get brain damage easy!"

But before he can get too carried away into that, the railgun fire slams into his arm and sends him rolling across the ground. He lays there, his playing stopped, arm numb, trying to figure out just what the -hell- to do with that feeling. "Ugh..."

Fuki has posed:
    The Psychic wielding Sectoid currently assaulting Kotone lets out one more blast of psychic power and... those who are watching Kotone, would probably notice her eyes are blank... like the MEC...

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    The mecha's armor plating is pocked and cracked by the sectoids' concentrated fire, and its pilot hisses as something in the suit's knee linkages gets hit, sending sparks flying. Still, for now it's holding up. Yulia's attention remains on the mechtoid, though, and while she's trying to not move around too much, she does pivot in place to continue firing plasma bots at it as it moves.
    She knows the original plan was to get the SHIVs online...hopefully someone else can do something about that, assuming that even still is the plan.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Sectoids move in around her, spindley little gray men with arm mounted small arms. As 'small arms' as plasma can be, anyway. She raises an arm to shield her face from incoming fire, black marks sizzling green appearing over each spot she's struck. It is, however, much like shooting a heavy vehicle. A frame that resists damage, sizzling but still functioning much like the heavily armored MECs and Mechtoid elsewhere in the vehicle bay.

    Reaching back with her other hand, Kongou's hips emit a loud clanking sound as the bolts disengage, and she swings her detached rigging away from her back, holding it by the sturdy signal mast. Holding this out, she lets out a shout as her secondary batteries along both sides open up on the sectoids around her with small caliber explosive shells. The main battery rotates, tracking the Mechtoid's charge, and opens fire with a much louder report, hurling a quartet of armor piercing rounds into the armored alien's path.

    The aft turrets, unable to swing around enough to fire on the Mechtoid, instead open fire on the red-hued sectoid harassing Kotone. It's far enough off to the side that these guns can traverse to target the creature, and they open fire with the red-painted Type 3 ammunition.

    About two meters before striking the sectoid, all four shells in this second volley burst into cones of shrapnel and flaming magnesium rods.

    "You think I'm <Finished?> Surrounding me just lets me use my <Full Arsenal!>"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler ducks behind cover again as the plasma pistols start firing toward them, most of his men pulling down into bunkering as well, popping out every so often to send large caliber rounds toward skulls. One of the shotgunners is back in action, after applying some quick first air to his friend, pumping a round in and sending it toward a Sectoid in from the front.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is holding her head now like she's trying to shake the fog girpping at her mind. She checks her security status on her implants. Everything's showing find she's shifts a bit. Her eyes while mechyanical seem empty and vantant as any service android in her world she seems to calm down however and her gaze starts to pan over XCOM and the other defenders. Something is very much wrong here, Rory would be noticing things on her conection as Kotone's feeback has stopped.

Shes also raising her rifle. She's taking aim at Wesley and then pulls the trigger on the mec scale weapon.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory's goal has always been, from the start, activating SHIVs and getting XCOM some very needed backup!

    When Kotone goes blankeyed she pauses in her dash for the SHIV shutters, but decides to observe for now. A second thread handles that!

    <Kotone, are you alright? Pull back if it's too much!>

    But Rory prime goes to open the shutters. Even if she needs brute force to do it... well, her Morph has a considerable amount of that for its size. Robotic strength is quite a thing!

    Especially in a tiny package.

    Then Kotone raises the rifle.

    That extra thread does the only thing it can really do.

    She accesses Kotone's body and attempts to paralyze her weapon arm.

    Being able to mentally multitask is quite an advantage!

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
The fact that Kotone was under control was concerning. Very concerning, even if he really didn't fault her for her target selection. If you /had/ to shoot a friendly... Still, that meant this got rather more urgent. "I need pressure put on these things!" Rick yells, before popping back out of cover and pulling the trigger again, still loaded with armor piercing rounds, still trying to riddle that corner point with bullets until /something/ goes through. "SAW! There's purple trails leading to those creatures! Find the one looking at our lines and supress the fuck out of it!"

The SAW team hunts, quickly realoading th weapon before pulling the trigger again to cover whatever area they could find in a large ammount of 5.56 NATO.

Fuki has posed:
    The Mechtoid is taking heavy fire from Yulia and Kongou, the right arm being blown up by the combined assault ofthe two heavy hitters and, the sectoid controlling Kotone gets pelted with the explosive shells, along with Rick's team's rounds strike home and bring it down, though, Kotone still has a turn of being under control for now..

    More and more of the sectoids fall to the various teams efforts, bullets flying in the air, heavy metal being heavy, plasma crashing around, and now the aliens have SHIV's to worry about, it's not looking good for them. The Run and Gun assault's blasts finally take hold and shred the other psyker's connection to the MEC this time, just as it fires one more railgun shot into Yulia. And with both psychic entities down for the count... it's a handful of sectoids and the damaged Mechtoid left.

Fuki has posed:
    The Mechtoid does get one more shot off of its own working plasma railgun, sending that straight towards Strike Three's team's sniper. Pesky bugger.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley groans as he begins to sit up, but when he realizes that a gun is about to be pointed at him, every pour on his body begins to bleed. Then that blood shifts into a coating of metallic chrome, right as she pulls the trigger.

The rail slams into his chest, and he immediately feels bones crack, sending him right back into the ground. He's coughing up blood, but the rod didn't kill him, thankfully. It does, however, leave his chest bleeding.

He starts to stand again, stumbling, placing a hand against his chest. "Ugh... all this mind control crap..."

He's pretty sure he'll probably pass out from blood loss soon, but when life gives you lemons...

He reaches down to grab the rail laying at his feet, leaving his guitar laying on the ground for now. Then he starts to draw his arm back like he's preparing to throw a javelin, and tosses it with some ridiculous force at the Mechtoid. "Thanks for the weapon, I ain't gonna waste it!"

After he throws it, he immediately falls to his knees, holding his bloody chest again.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler looks up as the railgun fire slows. The enemy's assault looks like it just had it's back broken, and Stadler was hoping to grind that broken spine into paste. He whistles to catch the attention of one of the rifleman taking pot shots at the sectiod. "It's that time! LAW out!" There's a nod, and the M16 is switched out for a disposable rocket launcher. A few buttons pressed, the tube extended, blast back area cleared, and the light weapon is sent streaking out toward the damaged Sectoid, hoping to bring him down for good.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Her secondary batteries smoking and her guns reloading, Kongou swings her rigging back and reattaches it to the mount at the base of her spine. Hands free, she raises them, smashing one fist into the opposing palm. A torrent of black smoke erupts from the rigging on her back as her engines wind up to their full RPMs and the woman stomps forward. Leaving the remaining sectoids to her allies, Kongou steps forward again, more quickly, and hurls herself forward into an accellerating run straight at the damaged alien mech-warrior.

    Approaching her top speed of thirty knots, Kongou swings her right arm out as she approaches, fully intent on straight-up clotheslining the enemy war machine. Right before impact, she even sweeps her arm forward to add more force to it than her speed already provides.

    A few paces behind the machine, Kongou's rigging straight up detaches, slamming into the floor of the vehicle bay. Kongou herself digs her heels in, throwing up sparks, than steps back up onto the discarded rigging to give herself some height.

    Jumping backwards off her own rigging, Kongou follows up her ramming attack with a flying elbow drop.

    That's not something you see often in the old war documentaries.

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    Yulia allows herself a satisfied smirk as the Mechtoid loses an arm and with it hopefully some of that firepower. Her own machine is taking a beating though - small arms plasma in this kind of concentration does wear down armor, and some of the plates have lost all integrity. Her shield is more a bare sheet of metal now, with barely a trace of the Neo Zeon sigil that she'd proudly painted on it.
    That last railgun blast holes the shield entirely, blasting through to the mecha's shoulder. More sparks fly as something inside gets utterly torn up, and the arm freezes more or less in place. More damage reports splay out, but Yulia shoves it aside so she can concentrate on fighting. Another plasma bolt is shot off, courtesy of her rifle..and then she holds fire as Kongou moves in to deliver the kind of blows she herself can't. "...whoa."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Rory does her thing Kotone's arm locks up, at this point it's also clear Overclock is asleep or he'd have something to say about this intrusion into Kotone's mind in all likelyhoood. However Kotone keeps trying to fire but to no avail, given her mind is not entirely organic? She is there she can hear people but she can't talk. An old story comes to mind, I have no mouth and I must scream. She can't do she's shot Wesley, there's a small mercy he's a demi god he might live through this but ther'es nothing he can do save insert Rail into alien b, like it's intended too.

Others like Kongou goes after the alien that's messing with Kotone's mind but for now the alien keps trying to command her to attack she goes with her good arm going for a side arm, but there's time to stop he ber she's firing off handed even if a Cyborg and her shots will be wild at best.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    With Kotone seemingly in a trance, Rory does the next best thing she can: Jams the SHIVs using her extra software advancements. With the flotilla of specialized AI available her tactical network comes alive with firing solutions and situational awareness features - weaponry, trajectory, enemiey overlay and other things are brought to bear. Targets are assigned with nothing more than a few flicks of her will through cyberspace, and the SHIVs know who to shoot and who not.

    Not Kotone. Definitely.

    Right now that would be the MECHTOID and the MEC, but Rory's being careful about the latter. Aiming only for the external suit to avoid harming the soldier directing it.

Fuki has posed:
    With the standard forces eliminated and the two generals now dead... the focus on the Mechtoid and the MEC is now apparent. Upon taking fire from Rory, the MEC's eyes return to its normal state and he ducks out of the way, 'hiding' behind some cover there. The rail that's being thrown by Wesley hits its mark, taking out one of the legs of the Mechtoid while Kongou's piledriver takes out the other arm weapon! The light arms fire from Strike Three disable its other leg and Kotone's shots fly right off the mark, hitting a canister of oil with a nice little boom.

    The LAW... such wonderful ittle one time shot weapon is let loose by Rick and streaks across the building towards the Mechtoid, hitting its mark and making a nice explosion in front of the Mechtoid, the mechanical alien menance starts twitching a bit before the death cries of it are thrown out... and it slumps down into a wreck.

    All is quiet now... at least it seems to be...

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"Cool... I'm gonna bleed now..." The chrome over Wesley's skin just sort of evaporated, then he falls to his knees, and finally to the ground, laying there so that he can just sort of bleed out for a while. He had his fight, now the fight's over. What happens next, well, that's for the Fates to decide!

Yulia Koslova (256) has posed:
    Yulia takes a deep breath, followed by another as the fight comes to an end. She's going to start shaking here in a couple of minutes, but at least in here no one has to see that.
    The mecha stands down, the beam rifle's safety switched on with an audible clack as its good arm lowers. "Kotone, everyone, the rest of you all right?" she asks over an external speaker.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Rising up amidst the flaming wreckage of the Mechtoid, Kongou brushes wreckage off her soiled sleeves, and then her blouse. Turning around, she crouches and grabs on to her discarded Land Fit-Out. One-handed, she lifts it and swings the mass of metal and guns around, attaching it once again to the base of her spine with a clatter of metal locking pins.

    Turning back around, the woman skims a glance over the gathered XCOM troops, ZCOM operatives, and Elite volunteers. Once her assessment is done, Kongou's face breaks out into a big, toothy smile.


Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is not being shot up; and thene the alien is blown part who's controlling her she ddrop so the ground hard droppping her massive weapon she lays there trying to keep a low profile. Her mind's swimming with what happened. She was in her own body watching unable to do anything not even scream. The alien who did it paid for it with it's life. She just lays there she's whimpering a bit she's still not sure if Wesley is all right or what other damage she might have done.

Fuki has posed:
    With the alien invasion defeated, Strike Three sets to work carrying the injured members and the one deceased member back to Medical, giving a 'this way' wave to all those who are in need of fixing up. A hell of a day... a hell of a work week for the Engineers who need to fix everything... and a hell of week for the Scientists who get to study some of this!