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(Rebound asks Corona for help with better fighting in the Multiverse.)
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Latest revision as of 01:35, 9 July 2015

Punch It Harder
Date of Scene: 07 July 2015
Location: Brimsteel Frontier
Synopsis: Rebound asks Corona for help with better fighting in the Multiverse.
Cast of Characters: Corona Arclite, 750

Corona Arclite has posed:
Arclite Gearworks wasn't hard to find. Mainly because most of the people that would be looking for it already knew where it was. But also because the steampunker workshop was a hodgepodge building of stone, brass and titanium admist the sea of scrapmetal that was the industrial district salvage yard. So it sort of stood out. Especially with all the gear and piston greeble on the outside that clicked and chugged with little visible purpose other than to indicate the anachronistic nature of the facility.

Why you're looking for it, well that's your own business. Though it probably involves finding a certain foxgirl for help with something, right? Not much other reason to be chummin' around these parts most days...

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Rebound was more and more often becoming a rather familiar sight in this area, the kangaroo still standing out because of her species' uniqueness, but she was getting to know folks. Finding the Gearworks was easy enough, getting inside, maybe not so much. Thankfully she knows the owner. Having found her way to the front door, she rings the doorbell. Which is itself a lever which rings a massive bell somewhere near the top of the building. It's loud enough to be heard anywhere inside, unless Corona might be blowing something up again.

Corona Arclite has posed:
And it takes no more than two bell bongs before there's a dull thoom from within and a brief belch of smoke from the back side of the building. But thankfully nothing falling down. A moment and a few coughs later and Corona pushes the smaller access door open, her face covered in soot except around the eyes where she had been wearing her goggles. "Don't mind the smoke. Bell just startled me while Ah was mixin' demolition charges." Heh heh heh. "Com'n in, Hoppy."

Inside was like someone took a garage and clock repair shop and smushed the two together inside a blacksmith's barn, complete with rediculous amounts of copper pipe ducting running about the place and the huge magma fueled smelting furnance in the back.

With a grunt Corona wiped most of her face off with her neckerchief. "Wasn't expectin' company, or Ah'd tidy up a bit." Randomly kicks a loose cog on the floor under a bench so it's out of the way of being stepped on.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    The kangaroo woman ducks on inside once the door opens up fully, and chuckles a bit, "Sorry about that. At least nothing's too badly scorched." She offers, as she follows Corona on into the building proper, "So this is your workshop huh? I don't think I'd actually gotten a chance to take a look at it yet, but you know, it'd pretty damn cool." She takes a lok around, "Don't worry about the mess. I live in an abandoned subway tunnel, so I know all about messyness."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite stomps down on a stray socket driver lying around and flips it into the air. "Ol' Rusty always said a clean workshop was an unused and neglected one." She grabbed the tool out of mid-air. "Though that mighta been the ol' rascal's excuse fer bein' a packrat." The driver was twirled between her fingers back and forth idly as she turned back to Rebound. "So what can Ah do y'all fer the visit, Hoppy?"

Rebound (750) has posed:
    "Well you see, I was looking to get something to give me a little more kick, so to speak, in a fight." She glances down at one of her paws for a moment, "Not like a literal kick, but you know...Like rocket boosters for my feet, or I don't know, some kind of solid metal glove that will transfer extra kinetic energy into a punch or something." She is just naming things off the top of her head at this point, but the idea is there. She wants to make herself more combat capable.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"A li'l more knuckle in yer knuckledusters, eh? Why didn't y'all say so?" Corona tossed the socket driver over her shoulder, the tool rattling across a tabletop before coming to a stop. "Cuz yer in luck, pardner. Ah already know where this sorta thin' can go."

The vixen grabbed one of her workgloves off a table and pulled it onto her hand. The glove itself was thick leather but there was some metal plating and doodads strapped to it, covering the back of her hand and the first row of knuckles. A faint hum was audible as she twiddled with the device a bit, but when she clenched her hand into a fist a concealed release point in the panel sent a glowing plume not unlike that of a plasma cutting torch sizzling past her hand. No wonder it had the knuckles shielded as well. "Call 'em muh Arclite Cutters."

Rebound (750) has posed:
    She hmms a little bit as she looks at those gloves, "Oh wow." Rebound says, as she looks at the plasma flame coming out of the knuckles, "That looks like it would hurt like hell." She muses, "What's the power source for it?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Granted, this are more fer cuttin' than punchin', but ya get the gen'ral idea," Corona replied as she unclenched her fist and the torch-flame flickered out. "Small chunk of pulsarium wedged in the chamber. 'Course we'd need to get somethin' a bit easier fer ya to recharge." She pulled the glove off and tossed it back on the bench, then rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Somethin' that -is- good fer punchin' with. But ain't gonna bust yer arm in the process."

Rebound (750) has posed:
    "Yeah, making it a little more easier to work with would be cool." Rebound says, "Plus I'd probably need a matching pair, so I can hit with either hand." She hmms a little bit, "I could probably use some kind of ignition system for it, maybe be able to fire plasma shots?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Plasma is..." But then Corona stops, and waves off the thought with one hand. "N'vermind. Ah was gonna say somethin' 'bout stands out in places, bet yer already an ass kickin' kangaroo woman, it's a moot point. Ya stand out 'round -here- even, an' we got kobolds and jackalopes 'round." She rapped the fingers of her other hand against her hip as she mulled it over. "Unlike mine, ya want somethin' that ain't gonna go off 'til ya act'ally hit somethin'. They won't see it comin' that way... well, okay, maybe a shootin' subfunction wouldn't hurt, but mainly fer hammerin' thi--"

Suddenly Corona jerked out of her musing. "Ah reckon Ah got an idea." Whirling around so fast it almost made a whipcrack with her tail Corona grabbed one of the chains hanging around the shop and yanked on it, activating some unseen machinery chugging away overhead to haul her up to a loft area that, by the battered hammock and scattering of personal effects, was at least the place she crashed when too wore out to leave the shop. She grabs a rather sizable leather-clad book and yanks it out of a pile, toppling over the rest. But those are ignored as Corona flips the book open and starts thumbing through it.

Fortunately one of her little cubical automatrons wobbled out of a hidey-hole to pick the other books and junk up. How the clockwork mini-bot can tell the difference between a mess and her usual workspace is a wonder in itself.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    "Okay.." Rebound seems a little confused as Corona suddenly turns around and takes off. She follows as best she can, trying to peer over the smaller foxy woman's shoulder to see what she's doing, "You with an idea is probably a scary thing for a lot of people." She muses, as she looks over to try to figure out what Corona is thinking of.

    She does spot the robot, and steps out of it's way, making sure to lift her tail so it won't run into it, "Nice invention. Another one of your's?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Only for the first few tests," Corona replies with a cockney grin as she flips pages. "And yeah. They're pretty simple as far as clockwork go, but it helps having a few extra hands 'round the shop." It's like a cube shaped Roomba almost.

She flips a few pages, then sets the book and it's worn pages open on the stand next to the hammock. "This ol' journal is a collection of notes an' ideas from my father... only thing of my fur and blood family Ah have, but that's a story fer a different time." She taps the diagram on the pages. "This here is fer a device, designed fer a hammer or piledriver, that'd deliver a massive concussive force 'pon impact." As she rambles Corona grabs a sheet of tracing paper and puts it over the page, then starts a combination of tracing and her own doodling with calculations on the paper. "A li'l mod'fication, affix it to a reinforced arm brace... takin' advantage that yer arms ain't human an' designed so the discharge only goes out and away from ya..." Corona adds little jagged lines around one end in mimicry of a blast. "It'd be like punchin' someone while holdin' a grenade. Just without the shrapnel or blowin' yer own hand off in the process."

Rebound (750) has posed:
    The kangaroo looks down at her arms, and then flexes them a bit, "Yeah you know, I am pretty awesome." She grins a bit as she looks over, "So they'd send out a concussive blast when I hit a target? I like that. I'd love to be able to knock down guys with one punch."

    "You'll need to tell me about your family sometime. Maybe we can swap stories about our folks. I know my dad was pretty interesting too."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite exhales softly. "It'd be a short night. Ah was still a youngin' when... things happened." But with the prospective project in front of her Corona shakes off the sullen moment quickly. "S'ppose Ah'd just tell ya 'bout the crazy nonsense ol' Rusty and Ah would get into instead then. Anyhoo." She folds the paper up and tucks it away somewhere safe. "Gimme a day or two for figgerin' out the intricate bits fer the mechanics, and we should be good to go."

Rebound (750) has posed:
    "Sounds like a plan. And hey, you know the deal. You need any help around here, you know, just holler. I'm always down for coming up and kicking some bad guy's butts." Rebound replies, as she grins to Corona, "Plus I'm good at it, that helps too."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite laughs. "Ya already seem to have a nack fer bein' 'round when Ah'd need ya anyways."