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Latest revision as of 22:04, 14 July 2015

Cocktails and Yordles ft. Jinx, Teemo and Sanary
Date of Scene: 03 June 2015
Location: The Citadel - Pleasure Palace
Synopsis: Oh god who let Teemo into the feds aaaaaaaa
Cast of Characters: 39, Sanary Rondel, 801

Jinx (39) has posed:
    While the official time of day may not be breakfast, this is the Pleasure Palace. They'll sell you what you want when you want it and make sure it's top notch. Nothing but the 'best' for the Confederacy.
    Which is why Jinx is here for breakfast, rather than hanging out over at Souji's today. Also because she's gotta scope out her new teammate??? maybe.

    The place in question is pretty clear. Jinx has 'decorated' a bit with neon green streamers and what appears to be a slightly abused set of party letters that spell out 'HI TEEMO' over one of the booths. The Loose Cannone is already started, at least, with a mimosa in a coffee mug. There's a stack of toast and bacon at the table too.

Teemo (801) has posed:
Teemo finds his way to the Palace easily enough. He may have only joined up a few days ago but few people could be aware of just how thoroughly he's canvassed the area, given the swift and subtle nature of his reconnaissance. Just now, though, he's not trying to be stealthy, and saunters in wearing simple combat pants and a green t-shirt. A lit cigarette dangles from his lips. He espies Jinx's welcome banner and gives a little sardonic snort, then heads over, waving an arm at one of the attendants to indicate he's going to want service. Screw the buffet bar; he's not going to climb on a stool to reach it when someone can bring him food instead.

"Hey," he greets in his disconcertingly trebel voice as he hauls himself up onto the booth bench. His little legs swing clear of the floor, and he plucks the cigarette from his mouth to tap ash into the tray. "So what's good around here? I'd murder someone for some scrambled dragon eggs."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx snorts a bit as Teemo hops over, and puffs up. She is not in her battle gear either today. A bright orange 90's shirt with swatches of blue and green all over replaces the belts with a pair of garishly pink bike shorts to go along with it.

    "Uh, like actual dragon eggs or like the fancy super spicy Ionian kind cause I think they do both. HEY WAITER!" She waves down some of the help and directs them to Teemo, at the same time mixing up a mimosa for the Yordle. "Seriously though it's... really nice to see someone else from home here in the Feds. All those people on the fence and then EZ. BLUH."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Food? Food. Sanary's hasn't been eating as much as she should be, largely due in part to papers and medical work and all that fun time-consuming, energy-draining work. Jinx's invitation to catch up on food certainly isn't going to go ignored, and meeting with a new Confederate isn't a chance she gets every day.

     Arriving at the Pleasure Palace with her usual eyepatch, coat, and combat gear on, she eyes the decorations and laughs lightly before heading over to where Jinx is waiting.

     And then she spots Teemo. She looks somewhat confused as she looks him over slowly, lifting a hand in a slow wave to the Yordle and the Loose Cannon. "H-hey, Jinx. Teemo. Uh. Your..." There is no way to say this the right way. Oh well. "... Your head is a lot smaller than in the pictures." She's trembling a bit, fighting those strange... FEELINGS of wanting to pet his head. So fuzzy. So tiny.

Teemo (801) has posed:
"Ezreal's always been a little hollow in the brains department," Teemo shrugs. His eyes sparkle at the prospect of spicy Ionian-style eggs and he bares his teeth ever so slightly in anticipation. "Thanks," he chirps, as the mimosa is slid over to him, and he stubs out the remainder of the cigarette so as not to pollute the fruity flavor of the alcohol. "Ionian dragon eggs," he commands of the waiter. "Scrambled, don't scrimp on the hot sauce."

He twists around on the bench seat, mimosa in hand, and sips as he looks up at Sanary. "...Thanks. I think," he replies to the comment about the size of his head, one fuzzy eyebrow furrowing low over its complementary eye. "I DID mention I always look terrible in government photos." Drinkslurp. "...You want to touch me, don't you."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx's eyes sparkle a bit at Sanary's reaction, eliciting a giggle. "Sanary, this is Teemo, he's a Yordle and yeah the promo pictures are always doctored. They keep giving me breasts." She looks down at herself and huffs.

    "Teemo, this is Sanary, she's one of the ones that helpe me out in that fan-match the other week, from Murasame, the guy I work for now!"

    INTRODUCTIONS! That's out of the way, good. Jinx settles back in her spot and shoves several slices of bacon on her plate, getting comfortable. "He is very fluffy. Ask first though."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary chuckles lightly at the comment, eventually taking a seat and slouching forward while checking out the menu. "I noticed. Guess... Shouldn't be that surprised, then." She bites her lip before nodding slowly at Teemo, then takes a deep breath to compose herself. "S-sorry. I'll be good. No... no touching." She still clearly wants to, of course, but the healer's behaving! Such self-control.

    Turning to one of the waiters, she hands off the menu to him while muttering "Five orders of cheese fries and eggs, please. Cheese on the eggs, too." So much cheese.

     "Yeah, that was pretty fun in that place. We should do it again one of these days. " She grins broadly, patting her axe. "You two blow shit up, I'll draw enemy fire and keep you healed up."

Teemo (801) has posed:
"I'm more about blowing up PEOPLE than shit," Teemo remarks with a smirk. "I'll leave the shit-blowing to Jinx. But so far the only op I've witnessed was Mordekaiser terrorizing some farmers. I tried to help him but he blew himself up," he shrugs. Morde's fault, not his. "I'm looking forward to seeing some real action. There hasn't been much call for me on the Rift lately, except for a bunch of shitty little small claims issues. Hardly even worth the time. What's this about a fan-match? Why wasn't I invited to that?" He was probably unavailable off in the jungle or something. "And who's Murasame, someone I should meet?"

He takes a moment to stare at Jinx's chest, then laughs. "Tits would get in your way. Man, people have no idea."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary opens her mouth, then closes it. What would exploding shit even look like? She starts snickering at the thought of it, but regains her composure and settles back in her seat. "Yeah, you'll find plenty of action around here. Just gotta... Throw yourself into things and you'll have plenty to do. Maybe too much sometimes."

     Sitting forward again, the healer mimics Teemo's stare at Jinx's chest, then nods. "They do. Makes it hard to swing an axe if you're worried about flopping around all the time. It's why I got this thing on." She leans forward and tugs her t-shirt down to show the binding on underneath it. If it wasn't for her voice and her face, she could almost be mistaken for an effeminate guy right now!

     "Still... Hmm. Do Yordle women have boobs, too?" She squints at Teemo for a moment before turning to Jinx, a thoughtful frown crossing her face after a while. "I mean, you're already short, so... Er. no offense. But how would the proportions work?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    A little self concious crossing of Jinx's arms, before she shoves a whole piece of bacon in her mouth and washes it down with mimosa.

    "Ah, that'd be Souji. He's the bosss of this big weapons company and Sanary and I work for him. Well, technically I'm a contractor, sorta like how I do things here for the Feds. I get paid in GUNS." Jinx's red eyes light up more and more talking about the deal, but she eventually catches herself Getting Excited and takes another drink.
    "Mmmmmm, Mordekaiser. That jerk's a big jerk and also scary so better you than me."

Teemo (801) has posed:
"Yordle women have nipples, like any self respecting mammal," Teemo replies serenely. "They don't have huge dangling mammaries getting in the way. They're also not as hairy," he adds, lest that be the next question (it always is). "Of course I have my own concerns as far as things being in the way." Yes, he just implied his dick is big enough to present a challenge of that sort.

He watches Jinx's revving up and then back down with cool detachment. "Yeah, you would like that," he remarks. "For me you know it's always been the thrill of the hunt. Laying the perfect trap and getting to see the idiot who walks into it."

He perks up, his ears pricking as the waiter comes back with his plate of eggs. And a tray bearing all of Sanary's orders. His nose quivers at the aroma of spices wafting upward as the plate is placed before him, and he greedily grabs up a fork and begins stabbing into the mound of unborn chickens. He has sharp canines, like a badger, and they flash disconcertingly in his cute little muzzle as he devours his meal. "This is good," he approves with his mouth full. "I think I love the multiverse."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx perks up at Teemos explanation, and waves a fork at Sanary. "Yordle ladies are also pretty cute! Maybe some day you'll get to meet Lu or Tristie." She says the second name with a bit more familarity. Gun Ladies Gotta Represent.
    Watching Teemo go to town on eggs and Sanary get massive plates of food get her to snicker though, as she sticks to her bacon and toast. Gotta keep her figure somehow. "Yeah, I know. All that hiding and watching and waiting." 'you little creep' is gamely left out of that statement. More bacon.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     That would certainly be convenient, wouldn't it? The mental image of a hairy, boobed Teemo still manages to find its way into Sanary's head, of course, and she starts snickering uncontrollably. That turns into howling laughter as the Yordle continues with the implication, nearly buckling over and falling off her seat in the process. The possibility of meeting two more Yordles doesn't seem to help matters, especially with only Teemo as the visual reference as to what they would actually look like.

    She does calm down in time for their orders to arrive, though, gasping for air while grasping her midsection. "O.. Oh hell. Oh man. S-sorry. That was just... Aah. I needed that." Wiping a tear from her eye, she starts working on her pile of cheese fries, eventually throwing some of them on top of an egg and eating them at the same time. Who needs a figure, anyway?

     "Yeah, the food here is great. It's really different from... Well, everything. So if you gotta take your time getting used to it all, do that."

Teemo (801) has posed:
"You can say it, Jinx, it's not like I haven't heard it a billion times before," Teemo grins. Somehow, he manages to make his voice go even more falsetto. "Fuck you Teemo, you fucking camper, fucking mushrooms! Fucking blind!" He clears his throat. "It's all fair game on the Rift."

He pauses, chewing complacently, to observe Sanary's howling laughter. Then he steals a piece of bacon from Jinx and crunches it as he digs around in one of his ever present belt pouches. A small billfold is produced, and he tosses it onto the table, open to a picture of a lavender-skinned Yordle girl with huge batlike ears. "That's Tristana," he explains. "We were... kind of friends back at Bandle City. She's a good kid." But you know, a kid. Not the kind of woman he needs.

"It doesn't seem too bad so far. Runeterra's pretty diverse, so this is kind of like discovering a bunch of new nations all at once, but it's not like, drive you crazy overwhelming yet. Anyone I should especially look out for?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx dawwwwws at the fact that Teemo's a picture of Trist in his wallet, but... 'a kid'. Well, one day you'll find the right one, buddy. She pushes her bacon over for Teemo to get some and leans forward. The Mimosas seem to be her primary breakfast today.
    "Okay, so. I guess you've got the org chart, right? Right. Uh, Fluffybutt Ahri is around but she's not on either side just yet, so she's cool. Ez is pretty obviously with the Union. Annivia and Sona and Nasus I haven't seen in a while."
    She pokes at her chin with a fork. "Otherwise if you're lookin' for recon work, talk to Souji or to Human Resources, they always appreciate good spies and scouts." And murderers.
    "Over on the union side, I really haven't dealt with them all that often to be honest. Toph is noisy but harmless. You're not a lady so Lute is out but he might mistake you for one till he meets you... you know, cause of the voice."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Leaning over a bit to get a better look at the picture, Sanary chews on a hunk of egg-potato-cheese mush in contemplation. "Huh. So... I see. Yeah, she's cute. You still keep in touch with her?" There's a hint of a grin on her face as she says that, reinforced somewhat by that dawwing from Jinx. Perhaps they're on the same wavelength today!

     "I met Ahri once before. Nice lady. Really big... Uh." She trails off and slumps just a bit, shoving another wad of egg and cheese into her food hole to distract herself. She might not be as small as Jinx, but that doesn't mean she can't be envious of Ahri or other Elites!

     "Souji's cool. I mean, he hired /me/, and all I'm really good for these days is taking hits or fixing 'em." She laughs again, actually seeming content about that admission. "Toph's with the Union. Does something called Earthbending that lets her do crazy shit with rocks and the ground. Lute's with us. Controls a bunch of things called Pokemon and stuff that aren't Pokemon. Kind of a horn dog, but..." She shrugs and doesn't finish that sentence, instead just smirking before cramming more food in. "You should meet up with him sometime, Teemo. Just don't shoot him as much as Jinx does. Or... Wants to? Sometimes.

Teemo (801) has posed:
Teemo snorts and shakes his head. "Nah, I think I'm okay with Lute. He already offered to buy me a beer. If that's because he thinks I'm a /lady/ then that's his problem." He slides a hand out to reclaim the wallet and slips it back into his pocket. "Eh, sometimes," he's vague in answering the question as to whether he keeps in touch with Trist. "She writes. Since I left Bandle City we haven't had much reason to hang out, apart from the Rift, and you know it's a total crapshoot which team you'll end up on, there."

As the bacon is put within easier reach, he grabs a few more pieces and crumbles them into the rest of his eggs. "No worries there," he states with a kind of macabre humor. "If I decide to shoot him, it'll only take one."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx's eyes close a bit as the other two talk and she fnnaly comes around again at the talk of murdering Lute. "Ah, he's a pain but, uh. Murdering our teammates is frowned on, outside of special situations. So." The Cannon takes a piece of toast and a piece of bacon, making a tiny sandwich. "So that's the short of it, really." Her skinny legs kick under the table, and Jinx smiles. An honest smile, actually.
    "This is nice."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     That confirms... Something? Sort of. The mention of being on random teams does draw an intrigued grunt from Sanary, however, not speaking right away after shoving another egg in her mouth.

     "Yeah, we generally don't... Do that kind of thing. Besides, it's more work for me." She chuckles and slouches back in her seat again, waving a waiter over to order some juice before turning back to the two. "Besides, I am kinda... Dating the guy. B-but yeah, if you get banged up or gotta head out somewhere rough? I'll fix you up either when you come back or on the spot if you bring me along."

     She flashes a grin at Jinx, giving her shin a light poke before nodding. "Goes for you, too, remember. Always does."

Teemo (801) has posed:
Teemo rolls his eyes a little bit. "I wouldn't /kill/ him. That's like, page one of the new recruit handbook." His little legs kick merrily as he complements his bacon and eggs with some more alcohol. "Nah, I'd just make him wish he were dead. There's more than one type of poison, y'know. That's IF he gave me trouble, which he hasn't yet, so this is all hypothetical of course." And a good thing too, if Sanary is dating him.

"Thanks," he responds to the offer of patching up. "Although I make it a rule not to get hit if I can help it." He has fragile little Yordle bones.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx nickers at all that, before leaning forward. "Okay, so. Teemo. I have a proposition for you. I haven't been CRIMING in a while, and I wanna go knock something over like this week. You wanna come help me WRECK SHIT?"
    Those red eyes gleam happily, and the delicate edge of madness shows.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Well, as long as you don't go too overboard with it. Even if he does deserve it sometimes." Sanary snickers again and finishes off her cheese fries, a satisfied groan escaping her as she slouches back in her chair. She glances between Jinx and Teemo at the mention of CRIME TIME, but remains quiet for the time being, an amused grin coming over her face just from watching the two.

Teemo (801) has posed:
Teemo shrugs. "Sure," his little voice pipes. "As long as I get my share. I've got coup to count for the Confederacy if I ever want to upgrade my pay scale." He shovels the remainder of the eggs into his mouth and belches. "Although I have to say the perks are already pretty good," he admits, as he taps a fresh cigarette out of his pack.

"Besides," he tucks the fag between his lips and flicks at his lighter a few times to get it working, "Could be fun, watching the Union try to navigate a minefield to get at us."

Jinx (39) has posed:

    Jinx's red eyes gleam once more and she wiggles her butt excitedly. "Right, so, I gotta get to PLANNING. That's not like THINKING but it'll work! So!" She reaches over the table, half folding herself to get her hand in range of Temo's little arms. "It's a deal! I'll get a time together!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Mines on the way to you, bullets and explosions once they get close enough, and..." Sanary unties the gunaxe from her rope belt and taps it against the table. "IF you'll have me, I've got this thing. Although... Your Institute League thing is usually limited to people from your world, right?"

     Ah, details details.

Teemo (801) has posed:
"Well, this isn't exactly a League operation, so I don't see why you couldn't come too," Teemo supposes magnanimously. He reaches with a little grunt of effort to shake Jinx's hand. "Don't plan TOO hard," he warns her. "Wouldn't want to hurt yourself there."