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To Test a Scion
Date of Scene: 16 July 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Wesley is invited to Xiao Li Yu's lab for a bit a testing. Things get strange, but she ultimately achieves her goals.
Cast of Characters: 823, 827

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     A few days back, Xiao had made a deal with one Wesley Wilson. A deal that would allow her to finally run some simple tests on him. In exchange...well, she just needed to make him a sturdier shirt to withstand his battles, and get him a bottle of alcohol. One easier than the other, but both plenty doable.

     She'd sent the man directions through the city of Ramuh, and to the FUJIN research institute. He was instructed to enter the lobby and give the receptionist her name. The rest would fall into place. Thus, once she got a call that someone was here for her, she promptly left her lab to go and see. Through the halls and into the main lobby she emerged.

     "Ah, hello there. You must be Mr Wilson. We meet face to face at last." She smiled pleasantly, slowing to stop before the tall man and inclining her head upwards. "I hope you didn't have too much trouble getting here."

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"You're short." Wesley says as he reaches out to lightly place a hand on her head. "But cute." he says in that rough tone of his, giving her one of those 'I'm a hot half-god staring dreamly into your eyes' looks. "Nah, I was hopin' there might be a fight, but oh well. Where's my booze?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Yes, I...-" She paused as the half god's hand settled atop her head. "-...get that a lot." She didn't seem to be too worried about her height or anything like that. She smiled in an amused manner, hearing his answer about getting here. "Hehe, I see. Well then, follow me! Your 'booze' is in the lab." With that, she turned and walked off, letting his hand fall from her head naturally.

     Through the lobby and through several halls, all lined with doors leading to various work and research areas that she wasn't involved with. It was a bit of a walk before they arrived at their destination; her personal lab. A key card was swiped and the door slid open, allowing them entry. "Welcome to my lab, Mr Wilson~"

     Xiao stepped inside. It was kind of big actually. The ceiling was high. About twenty feet or so. And the floor spread to about one thousand square feet. A desk with several computers and other such equipment were off to one corner near the door. The rest of the lab was taken up by incomplete machinery, papers strewn about, racks of tubes with what looked like blood samples of various entities, and other lab equipment. The place saw a lot of use.

     On her desk was a sizable bottle of that 'Jack Daniels' Wesley had asked for. "Here you are." She grabbed the bottle by the neck and held it out to him. "Now, give me your shirt. I'll start to work on it immediately. After that, we can continue with the testing."

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley removes his guitar first, then drops it to the floor rather loudly. "This place is all, like, mad sciency and stuff." he says before he begins peeling his shirt off, taking a moment to flex, because that's what he does! Then he tosses the shirt over to her. "Oh, nice!"

He heads over to the bottle of Jack Daniels, then undoes the top and takes a sip. "Nice. Want some?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     The shirt is caught with a practiced deftness that belied her position as a 'total nerd'. She observed his random need to flex, still smiling, before she turned away. "I'll have to pass on that. I'm still a minor after all. Maybe in a few years." Xiao chuckled at that and proceeded deeper into her lab, where there was a free space to work. Looks like she'd prepared for this beforehand.

     "I explained this to you before, but I'm going to enchant this shirt with a regen spell, and some material to help facilitate the embedded spell." She spoke casually as she began to work, spreading the shirt out across the lab table, under a large complicated looking contraption. It looked like a death ray or something equally ridiculous. "That is to say, you'll be able to fix the shirt by yourself but pouring your 'Divine Energy' into it." She spared a glance back at the man.


     The girl didn't wait for an answer though. She pulled out a keyboard and immediately proceeded to start on the process of reinforcing the shirt to specifications.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"Fuck all that, I'm half-god, that means I'm basically a judge." Wesley reasons, leaning against a desk as he continues to sip at his bottle. "Fuck, a minor? Guess we gotta keep this professional." he says with a bit of a groan, almost like a disappointed kid. "I guess so. Just don't mess it up or make it heavy or nothin'."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Ahahaha, sorry! I'm seventeen." She didn't sound sorry at all. "You guess so, huh? Right, well then, let me just hit the ten times weight option over here, and...." Messing with Wesley now, Xiao said that, but she really just proceeded as normal. All preparations complete, she hit the start button, and the machine powered on with a whirr and a glow of green light.

     A section at the top began to spin. Slowly at first, but then getting faster and faster and faster. The glow grew harsher as well, until the entire lab was almost tinted green as well. This all built up till a blinding flash filled the area. The scientist turned her head away and closed her eyes in that brief moment. Then the machine powered down.

     "And we're done!" Xiao announced, pulling the shirt from the device and holding it up. ...It looked exactly the same.

     She approached the drinking Wesley with the shirt, and then with a smile-- she tore it. Yes. She tore it right down the middle. Then she handed it to him. "Here. Try it." Oh, so that's what it was. "Pour your energy into it. It should activate the spell and make the shirt rethread itself."

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"Well, lemme know when you're eighteen." Wesley states with a shrug, then frowns when she mentions a ten times weight option. "Fuck, man, all this mad science shit." He pulls both halves of the shirt on, then stares down at them. The torn seems of the shirt seem to glow a sort of golden yellow, then starts to stitch itself back together into a nice new Megadeth shirt. "Fuck, that actually worked..."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "I'll keep that in mind." Xiao replied in good humor, though totally not going to follow through with that. She stood back and watched as Wesley tried the shirt out. As she had anticipated, it worked just fine. "Good! It works!" Xiao clapped her hands together happily. Not that she had any doubt. She made something for herself using the same method after all.

     "Now then, with it, my end of the deal is upheld. And now..." The girl quickly turned and strode over to a shelf, picking through it until she got a plastic package with an empty syringe inside. "Time for me to collect~" She was suddenly much more excited about all of this now. "I want a blood sample first. After that, we can do something a bit more fun for you. But we'll talk about that after this."

     She pulled over a chair and some other blood taking necessities, urging the half god to have a seat. "I hope you're not one of those people who's afraid of needles."

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"I get stabbed all the time, ain't no big deal, even though it hurts. Needles ain't nothin'." Wesley holds his arm out to her, just waiting for it. "What ya gonna do with my blood? Hope you ain't gonna like, make monsters with it or somethin'."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Oh no, nothing of the sort." Xiao waved a hand dismissively. "I was curious about your blood armor ability. Studying it could possibly provide a breakthrough on creating new defensive equipment." Simple enough. She felt along Wesley's arm, searching for a vein to use...and wow, he was built. She momentarily forgot the task, just marveling at his physique, but then she returned to reality quickly enough.

     A vein was found, and the needle was inserted. It took no time at all to fill the syringe, and once it was, she took it out and quickly treated the insertion point. "Okay! Thank you very much! I'll have to study that later. But for now, we can get to the fun part." She stood, becking Wesley to follow her.

     She moved past the mess of machinery, tables, and equipment, and off to the other side of the lab where some other, no doubt prototype devices lie. "This should be very easy for you to do." She turned to face him. "I want you to fight me." Huh? She took a laptop from a nearby table and typed into it, causing a camera of sorts to zero in on Wesley. "This camera here is going to record various things about you like heart rate, blood pressure, brain waves, and other sorts of things." She smiled. "The data will be useful for cross comparing with your blood."

     Xiao set the computer aside, and folded her arms into her sleeves. A moment later, they emerged, covered in a pair of black gauntlets. They occasionally glowed with a pulse of red energy. "You would just destroy any machine I make you fight, so I myself should do it instead. I trust you have no objections?"

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"I don't think my blood's metal or nothin', I just make it turn into metal." Wesley explains, though he follows after her, staring at the computer. Then when her suggestion comes, he raises an eyebrow. But then he sees the gauntlets. "Well, I guess if you've got a thing that makes you able to fight, sure, I can do it."

He left his whiskey sitting on the desk, just sort of standing here with his hands in his pocket again. Without any real warning, he crouches and does a complete standing front flip, launching himself towards her. He stretches his heel out, trying to slam it directly into her head.

He doesn't seem to hold back his strength, and the way he moves seems to be some strange balance of wild and graceful, like an animal with no training who moves on complete instinct and experience.

His heart pumps with a casual excitement, like someone about to play a video game or go see a cool movie. His brainwaves seem about normal for someone in a fight, though for him there isn't any real fear or sense of danger, no nervousness, barely anything that would indicate a fight or flight response right now.

The strangest thing her scanners might pick up, however, is the pronounced effect that his presence is having on the environment. It was happening before, but in a much more subtle manner. Now that he's moving in a superhuman way and in a full blown fight, it's as if probability itself seems to be turning sideways. This can mostly be measured through the fact that Murphy's Law seems to be shitting its pants.

It's not that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, it's that something, for some reason, -wants- to go wrong. Her computers might occasionally pick up a routine error that could easily have led to something really bad happening, whatever that might have been, if it wasn't stopped. The way that their movements vibrate the floor might be progressively bringing explosive vials closer and closer together. There's likely a random extremely flammable insect crawling in the ceiling, near an exposed wire, threatening to start a fire.

Nothing's going wrong yet, but, most definitely, something -wants- to go wrong, and probability only seems to get more intense the closer to Wesley's vacinity anything gets, and the more intensely and outrageously he fights.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     At first Xiao didn't notice anything. She just smiled as Wesley leapt forward, attempting to slam his heel into her head. With practiced precision, she raised a hand and caught that heel in her palm. The gauntlet warded off some of the damage, but she was still pushed back, her arm feeling the sheer force that could have been. Once the worst had passed, she thrust her palm forward, pushing the half god back.

     "Not bad. You have some semblance of skill. Then that means I can go all out as well." She frowned in concentration, electricity beginning to form along her body. It crackled and traveled down into her fists where it remained. Once done, she clenched those fists and then dove forward. She reared back with one fist, skidding to a stop in front of Wesley, and then she let loose with a flurry of lightning charged punches, all aimed around his midsection and chest, testing his defenses to see what he'd do.

     Meanwhile, the scanners were definitely detecting something odd picking up in the area...nothing happened yet, but...

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley is fast, but he's not usually fast enough to deal with faster than human speed. Plus there's the lightning. He holds his arms up, trying to block and take the damage into his arms. "Fuuuck that ain't fair, how am I supposed to summon lightning inside?!"

Well, there are ways, but not without blowing lots of things up. Still, he suddely reaches out to try and grab the gauntlets directly, shaking as the electric charge flows through his body. "Fuuuuuck!" he shouts, but then he tries to swing his entire upper body around, attempting to toss her across the room while trying not to die from the constant electric shock he's experiencing.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Now now, the future fight god should be able to handle anything!" She shot back over the constantly crackle of electricity and blows. Every single time Xiao has attacked someone with lightning, they have done something crazy to stop her. She should have known, but she did it anyway. And thus, in a moment of deja vu, one of her gauntlets was grabbed. As expected, lightning continually surged through her body, and into Wesley. And then she was tossed.


     She wasn't very heavy. It was actually pretty easy to pick the girl up and throw her. And that's exactly what happened. Thankfully the area was emptier than the rest of her lab. It must have been the testing bay. She flew straight into a wall, crashing into it by her back. "Agh!" Then she hit the ground.

     "Ow." She muttered, the spell she cast on her gauntlets fading away. Xiao pushed herself back up and stood, rolling her neck in the process. "My, someone certainly is strong." And after all that, the scientist smiled, bringing her gauntlets together as she walked back into fighting range. "Then let me try something else!" A cold breeze began to surround her after a moment of concentration, originating from her, and then permeating outwards.

     This time, she stayed right where she was and brought a fist back, then hammered it directly into the floor. What followed was an explosion of ice that rapidly traveled outwards as countless pillars, aiming to crash right into Wesley. It's path swerved now and then, but was generally a straight line. A simple attack.

     And that strangeness coming from Wesley that the scanners were reading only seemed to grow stronger...

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley was ready. Drops of blood began to sweat from his entire body, then quickly covered in in a hair thin sheen of metallic chrome. Just in time to get smashed with a pillar of ice and get tossed to the ceiling, then fall down into another pillar.

He lays on the top of the pillar, groaning. The he reaches down, digging his fingers into the ice, snapping the top half off to flip forward and toss it at her. When he hits the ground, he starts punching and smashing his fist and feet into more chunks of ice, throwing more and more of it in her direction. Sometimes sharp shards, sometimes huge chunks. But this is a clear display of the fact that he seems to have no discernable fighting style. He simply adapts to the situation and makes -that- dangerous for his opponent. "Didn't think a doctor could put up this kinda fight!"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:

     Xiao carefully observed the 'armor effect' Wesley employed just before the pillar struck him. "I see, so that's what it looks like..." She nodded to herself, all the more curious. But there was certainly no time for that now. He dropped back down, and then /tore/ off the top of the pillar she'd created, tossing it straight at her.

     "...Oh dear."

     "Immediately, she canceled the ice spell, and following that, a pillar of flame flared up around her body. She didn't waste any time posturing for show. She gathered flames into her fist and reared back. With all her strength, she punched the huge cluster of ice, releasing a surge of flame from her fist that enveloped it, causing it to melt and shatter apart.

     And then a smaller block of ice flew through the cloud of frost, bouncing off of her head. "Ow!" The scientist's head flew back momentarily before she redoubled her efforts. Meeting as many flying ice fragments as she could, she punched and occasionally kicked, melting any she made contact with into water. Some still got past her flurry of strikes, impacting her sides, cutting or stabbing her in other areas. But the worst was avoided.

     Wesley's comment made her smile. "It's a dangerous world I live in. I needed to know how to defend myself in order to live long enough to make it to this point." There was no more ice, so she let her fire spell fade away as well. She was cut visibly in several places, but if he paid attention, he'd notice that those wounds were already beginning to close up...

     "You've done pretty well! I think I'll have to pull out my best for one last test of your skills."

     Saying that, she brought a hand to her chest and clenched around her heart area. Immediately, a sickening, purple and black aura began to manifest itself from her heart, visibly causing her pain. She winced and grit her teeth. But then a glow of green followed, subtly mixing with the darkness. Xiao looked up from that after, not performing any fancy movements.

     Instead, she crouched low, and then dashed forward. In a single bound, she closed the distance and threw and open palmed strike towards the half god. Her arm was cloaked in corrupting darkness, looking eerily like a bestial claw. Whether the strike landed or was blocked, Wesley would feel an immediate sensation of his own energy being /drained/. If he dodged it, then he was golden.

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley wasn't prepared for that speed. By the time he looks down, blood is already coming from his mouth. His observational skills are ridiculous in a fight. He immediately knows that his energy is draining, and he knows that the longer he waits to act again, the weaker he'll be.

So while her palm is buried in his stomach, and his clock is ticking, he immediately reaches down to try and wrap his arms around her. He attempts to just straight up trap her in a bear hug. He's not planning to try to -kill- her, but he's trying to incapacitate her. This, of course, becomes increasingly difficult, as his grip is becoming weaker and weaker from her attack, if he managed to grab her to begin with.

"I gotta admit, this ain't how I pictured gettin' my arms around you..."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:

     She landed the strike, and she was already stealing his energy from him, but this stubborn bear of a man was still standing! With his arms wrapped around her rather small self, she could feel the pressure of his strength enclosing around her. It was getting weaker as the seconds passed, but it was enough to deal with someone with her overall poor constitution.

     Before much longer, Xiao's eyesight began to blur, and she released her palm from his stomach, ceasing the attack. "You...are something else." She chuckled weakly, not even bothering to resist anymore. She was done fighting for now. She'd seen everything she wanted to see.

     Right at that moment, the scanner let off a loud series of warning beeps, rousing the girl's attention. "Huh?" That followed by a pair of beakers on the edge of a testing table slipping off and hitting the floor. Their contents mixed together, causing a fire to start which started to approach her written plans and blueprints.

     "Ahhhh! Hey hey! Let me go! My reports! My blueprints! My theses! They'll catch fire!"

     Now how could /that/ have possibly happened?

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley releases her, falling to his knees due to his lack of energy. But he still has -enough- left. He holds his hand out, and his guitar goes flying to it. Then he holds it up, beginning to play rather quickly. That's when the wind kicks up, concentrating around the fire. It looks almost like a mini-tornado that becomes more and more compressed, trying to thin out and smother the fire with his incredibly high pitched guitar solo. "I got this..." he says with a gradually weakening tone, obviously using a bit of his remaining energy for this.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "No no no!" Xiao chided the weakened Wesley. "Don't waste your energy!" But alas, he has already begun to do it. Without much to do to stop him, she approached the fire, watching as the wind contained the fire. Given that she had stolen quite a bit of his energy, it was probably a good idea for her to help. So she did just that.

     She held a hand out, casting another spell. Like before, a cold breeze blew out from her form, concentrating around her outstretched arm and enveloping the remaining fire. It was safely put out before it could reach her important documents, and once it was done, Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

     "And that's that." She sighed, folding her arms into her sleeves. Once she removed them, her gauntlets were gone again. "Sorry about that, Mr Wilson. Perhaps I went a bit too far." She approached him, kneeling down and offering to help him stand.

     "Will you be okay?"

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
Wesley drops his guitar, then just kind of drops down to the floor, spreading his arms out. "You gotta promise to tell me when you turn eighteen, then I'll forgive you." he says with a bit of a groan, as if he's only -half- serious. "I don't usually use all that much energy, so I feel kinda crappy. I wanna sleep, but you gotta promise not to go cuttin' me open and stuff. My dad's a god y'know, he might be watchin'."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Xiao chuckled at that. "Yes, yes. I'll let you know when I turn eighteen." Amused, she watched him for a moment longer before grabbing an arm and attempting to get Wesley to stand. "Come now. No sleeping on the floor. There's a bed on the other side. Use that instead. It's sure to be much more comfortable."

     Exerting herself, she would help him off to a corner of the lab where a bed and a mini fridge were located. Probably a break area for herself. It seemed rarely used. Once, and if she managed to get him over to that bed, the scientist would immediately go too analyze the results of that fight. Playing back the footage and observing the other recorded facets such as heart rate, blood pressure, brain waves.

     "...Oh. Well, this is interesting..."

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"I ain't all that interesting." Wesley says as he lays on the bed she guides him to, the armor around his body just sort of evaporating like very old blood. "I don't get what you're gonna learn from seein' me fight, anyway."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "That's up to me to decide." She shot back, poring over her data. She looked once, and then twice. And then she reviewed everything a third time. "......" No. That couldn't be. It seemed so improbable. There was no way that his presence here was the catalyst for what just happened. It was just bad luck!


     But she was suspicious now. The scanner errored out, beakers containing dangerous substances she was sure she placed a safe distance onto the testing table, a fire...such a random chain of unfortunate events... But she had zero proof.

     "Say, Mr Wilson?" Xiao called over to him, still reviewing the information on screen. "Tell me, have you noticed any sort of...odd happenings taking place whenever you enter an area?"

Wesley Wilson (827) has posed:
"Crazy stuff happens all the time. I remember the time that crocodile man came outta the sewer." Wesley says as he yawns, then holds his hand out. "That's life. Can you gimmie my booze?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Right, of course." She didn't believe that for a second. Letting Wesley off the hook this time, she walked over to the front, picking up the bottle he'd left back there, and brought it over to the bed, handing it to him. "Here you go. Now go ahead and rest, I will be working meanwhile." She turned and walked back over to her workstation.

     "If I'm not here when you wake, feel free to see yourself out. As far as I'm concerned, you've done your part. Thank you~" And then she fell silent, the faint tapping of keys being the only indication of her presence in the lab.