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Kindergarten Blueprints Forged
Date of Scene: 16 July 2015
Location: Kindergarten
Synopsis: Peridot, Tesla and Ferham discuss the defense and construction of Kindergarten.
Cast of Characters: 368, 516, 836

Peridot (836) has posed:
    She was nervous, which was not unusual for her. She paced back and forth over the stone ground as she waited for her guest to arrive. The natives of this planet worried her more greatly than she let on. The natives of the earth she knew were push-overs, but the more she learned about this horrible planet, the less that became true. "Come to earth they said... it'll be easy, they said." She grumbled. What began as a mission to conquer was now a fight for the survival of her species. And worse-yet she had to rely on the very populace that she would have once subjugated.
    She turned to Ferham. "Alright. I don't know what she's capable of it. In the event of an emergency, your sole job is to get me out of here alive- at any cost." She instructed sternly. It hadn't been the first order she had issued the larger mechanical woman. Her day had primarily been moving around the hulking virus-shaped metal monstrosities so the robonoids could go about repairing them.

    Though, she had opted to at least play it smart. She didn't truly expect trouble. And, she wasn't completely powerless herself. She had to make a show of force, without.. making it look like it was a show of force. She stopped pacing and produced her holopad with her floating fingers. Up in the sky, the Gem Warship loomed ominously as a giant green hand of doom. This was good. But, Peridot paused for a moment. But maybe it would look a little more ominous... to the left. She tapped her screen a few times and the warship moved serveral feet to the right. Yes, just like that. Now, maybe the fingers should splay a little more... raise the index finger slightly like it was pointing.

    "....Perfect." She nodded, with a smirk, and then folded her arms. "Now, we wait for our guest."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "You shouldn't be so distressed--either way, you realize this is not exactly earth, yes?" Ferham hovered down, having taken some time to survery someplace from above. Her high heeled boots thumped back onto terra firma, kicking up just a bit of dust. "This is a lot of work as it is, but it should be manageable, your drones have been very helpful," she said with a light smile, gesturing to a robonoid as it skittered by. "Interesting design, those--I suppose it's a lot like a metool in a way," she shrugged.

     She patted herself down a little, removing some traces of dust and grit from her armor. "Ugh, remind me to hit the cleaners when I get back to the citadel..." didn't mean Ferham liked it, entirely, of course.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia was at least polite enough to park whatever craft she had used to travel this far a good distance away from the actual location. It didn't take much to tell from the radio conversation that this woman was as skittish as she was intelligent. Couldn't really blame her. The process of accomidating to all the differences and similarities surrounding one could be a taunting task to work your way through.

Heavy boots clunked against the rock ground as she walked through the canyon-like formation, loose end of her labcoat swaying around her ankles while her hands were folded behind her back. She was retaining a casual composure, though her tail flicked a bit now and then as she looked around. "Interestingly minimalistic. Purpose before prettiness."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "That's exactly why I'm immensely distressed!" She clenched her floaty fingers into fist. "This is supposed to be earth. But, it isn't! Instead of a version I should be able to just waltz over. It's an insane hard-mode variant full of-" She stopped, mid-sentence. As a robonoid on her shoulder begin beeping gently. Alerting her that someone was approaching. Well, it would do her no good to be seen flayed as she was, chewing out her subordinate. Didn't really portray the image that she was in control of the situation.

    She took a moment to compose herself, raising her hand and pushing a stray lock back into the perfect tetrahedron shape that was her hair. "Just... remember what I said." She went on, adopting a more stoic, reserved expression.

    She then waited, until Tesla approached on foot. Peridot masked the surprise at her appearance. She hadn't quite been expecting something so animalistic. Internally she felt her nerves flay just a little more; but she surpressed it. Peridot was supposed to be the strange one here. She was the planet conqueror.

    "This is merely phase 1." She started in a neutral, and surpringly calm and collected sounding voice. "Once the injectors are complete-" She motions toward the giant Virus-machines. "We will move to phase 2 and they will begin seeding the ground with gemstones. After an incubation period, they will emerge from the ground as young gems."

    "But before that occurs, I must construct a monitoring station below the ground. As we had discussed. So you can see why this site is of some importance to me."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham leaned back a bit from the gem's outburst, but didn't seem to have any lapse in her calm disposition. "Alright, calm down, no reason to crack a facet," she still managed some wry humor, turning around to face the approaching armadillo femme. Why hadn't she seen her before? Because apparently Armadillos are stealthy as all heck!

     "Oh hello, didn't see you while I was up there, and correct--synthetics tend to have more... or should I say less decorative design decisions," Fer shrugged, gesturing around at the roughly built place. It definitely wasn't constructed to look 'nice' exactly. "We might need some assistance digging, now that I think of it..."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"Underground would make it more defendable in many regards." A simple answer to a comparitively simple observation. Tesla turns her primary attention towards the Gem however. Taps her chin with one finger idly for a moment. "I don't think I've come across a living gemstone before though, despite the career in dealing with all sort of... unusual things. But where are my manners?"

Shaking hands usually doesn't work well approaching nervous sorts with, so instead she just makes a polite bow of her head. "Major Tesla Armadia, head of the Confederacy research and developement divisions and the Zero Point organization."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Another bad sign. Peridot had spent a lot of time seeking evidence of gem-kind besides herself. It didn't bode-well that some of the most exotic beings on this planet hadn't heard of her kind before. She didn't let that show. She returned a bow of sorts, on her own, watching Tesla.

    "I am Peridot... Though I'm not completely certain there is a word in this language that accurately portrays my title." She thinks for a brief moment before continuing. "I am an engineer, scientist... but I am also an advanced scout for my Homeworld. I seek out worlds where gems can survive, and then I help establish forward colonies. However in this case, I am un-doing a possible extinction level event."

    "I've tasked Ferham here with keeping me alive until that duty is performed."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I'm glad we have someone from the science division here to help us, I'm Ferham," the femmebot bowed her head in return, not offering her gloved hand to shake either, though she didn't seem to think Tesla wanted to shake. "I'm not one-hundred percent experienced with dealing with this sort of operation, but I've promised to devote time in getting it up and running," she explained.

     "I think the decepticons had a term for something like that, 'Seeker' is what I think they called it. A form of scientist-scout," she commented, nodding. "That's right, I didn't have much else to do with some of my off-time, so decided to devote it to assisting Miss Peridot here."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia grins a little at Peridot's attempt at an explaination. "'Engineer that actually works in the field from time to time' is fine enough." No point in quibbling over terminology. Hands remain folded casually behind her back as she turns her attention back towards one of the nearby machines. The resemblance to a virus isn't lost on her, and considering the previous explaination of how the generation of a new gem lifeform is 'injected' into the ground, rather fitting to the purpose.

"I would not give up hope on finding more of your own kind. There is infinate possibilities that they, and whatever world you've come from, have unified at a fair distance. There are depths of the Void far from properly explored." Then turns her head back to Peridot. "As continuation of your kind is a primary objective though, that's both an important and daunting task to partake. But not one that has to be proceeded at alone."

That said she finally unfolds her hands, if only to stoop down and scoop up some of the rocky terrain into her palm. The lenses of her visor-glasses flash briefly as bits of data scroll quickly across them -- some sort of scanning device analysis the actual composition of the rock would be the most likely conclusion.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    The scan would most likely reveal the plentiful mineral count present in the soil. Perhaps that was the reason Peridot had chosen the site to begin with. Creating new life, especially for a race of immortal, polymorphic, sentient, space rocks, would likely prove to be quite a drain on a planets natural resources.

    "Perhaps. But, even if I were to open a gateway back to my home, it would be of great benefit to have established a gem out-post here. Therefore I would continue with my task, regardless." And though she didn't comment on it, Ferhams description of seeker somehow felt accurate. She filed it away for later use.

    "Well then, shall we get down to business? In order to make an exchange, it seems prudent that we both explain precisely the sort of thing we're after." She raises her hand some to make a 'come here' gesture. This seems to prod a lumbering creature to make itself known. A giant horse-sized orb suddenly came walking from behind a stone wall. It had six legs, though like Peridots fingers, they were not connected directly to the spheres body. But they seemed to grant locomotion all the same.

    "I provide some robonoid designs-- Like I said, they do not fight- but in regard to the task of building, they are quite advanced. She makes another gesture, and suddenly the orb begins stretched a small section of itself. Like liquid metal, it pulls away until it becomes a much smaller robonoid. About the size of a crab. It scuttles over to Peridot's foot and nuzzles it affectionaly, like a puppy.

    Frowning, Peridot raised her boot and suddenly stepped on the little things head. "Each pod carries a payload of crystaline gel." She started as she exerted herself. The robonoid's hull began to crack, and all at once- it burst under the weight of Peridot's boot, spraying blue gel on the ground. "This gel can be used to do complex remote-repair work on a multitude of installations and devices." She raised her boot, some of the gel sticking to it.
    "All in a stream lined, easy to mass produce package. The versatile repair bot."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I wonder, is there something inheirent in the soil that she needs?" Ferham looked from Tesla to Peridot, tilting her head. "What's the composition of it, then?" she asked idly, mainly more to the Armadillo then to Peridot. Ferham would have been attempting to run her own analysis, and was likely zooming her eye cameras in a fair bit to try and discern it's makeup, before leaning back out. "I see it's high in mineral count, that might be why," the femmebot conjectured.

     She then stepped back as Peridot proceeded to make her deal go down here, and to make room and way for that giant robonoid. "They seem fairly affectionate, about what level of intelligence are they?" Fer asks, noting the display of affection there. "Looks to be on the level of a met," she commented off-handedly.

     There was a gasp then as Peridot suddenly lifted her boot and brought it down on it, causing her to step back. "That was... horrible," she seemed to need a moment to compose herself. "You just stepped on it? Is it supposed to be used that way??"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
None of the minerals register as more than basic, but prehaps that is the point. Basic meant easier to find in large quantities, and easier to compile into more complicated compositions if necessary. In that regard, the location was more than suitable for the intention, it would provide plenty of the basic materials. Tesla dumped the handful back on the ground, dusting her hands off as she stood, and then stomping on the spot with her boot to press the dislodge strata back into place, relatively.

Then turned her gaze in the direction of the movement. Her head tilted to the side slightly as she watched the way it moved, even though it's limbs did not appear to be visibly connected to the body. Clearly something more than physical mechanics was at work here... as was that these constructs were registering as little more than a tiny ping to her technopathic senses.

Though that is prehaps explained when Peridot seperates a smaller one... only to stomp on it and expose its innards. A composite that takes over all form and function rather than producing intricate mechanical workings? No wonder she wasn't reading it very well. Interesting.

Peridot's callous disinterest in smoosh the insides outside is noted too, but this hardly bothers the mastermind that specifically cloned two different 'races' for the sake of being easily created and recreated as they were used up.

"That, too, is something that I have no seen despite many experiences. The versatility and ease of reformation is marvelous." Followed by a small achem to herself as Tesla kept herself to go off into one of her fawning at new technology moment. That would appear oh so unprofessional. "As for the return, well, that depends primarily on what you want, Miss Peridot." She held her hands out a bit to the sides in an indicating fashion. "I can help provide materials to construct your facility with. I can provide additional defensive measures if you wish, though I wouldn't want to step on Miss Ferham's proverbal toes, either... If nothing else, I can provide experience. To help accomidate your work, and yourself if need be, to what the Multiverse is likely to eventually interfere with."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot looks to Ferham. "It's supposed to be used however I intend for it to be used." She answered. She wanted to go on to say that, though the robonoids were fantastic specialist- in the narrow field of utility repair. They weren't that bright on their own. But, that would have been a foolish thing to say right after she spent so much effort making a case for how valuable they were.
    She looked back to Tesla. The gem on her forehead begin to glow a bright green, before it suddenly projected a holograhm of the canyont they were standing in. Miniturized- right down to the tiny cute versions of the three of them, standing in the middle of it.

    "I would like to utilize your expertise to develop defensive measures." She pointed to the holo-map, and suddenly large missle-bound turrets suddenly appeared. They consisted of a base, and a square head that did not connect to he base, but hovered over it, housing a set of missles. "If I combine your knowledge of weaponry with my robonoids I will be covering my bases against the large variety of threats I might face here."
    "Ferham's duty is to be at my side, keeping me alive. Worse-case scenario, if Kindergarten is destroyed- I can start over. If I am destroyed-- well. There will be no more kindergartens. Therefore I need these measures to keep her free to perform her sole duty." She points back to the map. "These will serve as auto-mated defenses." She seems to copy and paste them into various strategic points around the canyon. "Here I can create an anti-air variant."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"No reason for a scientist to not break down something that can be reconfigured into a better form." Tesla takes a few steps around to stand at the Gem's side so she can see the display clearly. Hologram, but yet again, none of her own technological senses were being set off strongly by it. Maybe this one was an aspect of Peridot's own abilities?

Missile launchers, anti-aircraft, maybe a gun placement or two as well. Cover all the bases. "The canyon walls may need some reinforcement to withstand the recoil of missile launches, but that is hardly a difficult task... I do like the floating 'head'. Segregated construction would allow it to turn to face any target." She snickers a little at the semi-intentional pun. "I'd also suggest some manner of defensive obstacles. Something that can be hidden just under the surface but would make trespass difficult for anyone trying to come via the canyon floor. The more difficult it is for anyone to get close, the more time there is for a response."

"Both her, and once some defenses are in place, your ship as well."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "True..." Ferham looked down a little, feeling perhaps as if she was cooling down from how stepping on that robonoid had upset her. "What she says is true, that's what I've been focusing on, I can't just let something happen to miss Peridot here if she has to help make more of her species. Extinction is... a pretty cruel fate," she brought her head up. "Humans on my world were at one time close to it, so with the level of technology as high as it can be somewhere, such things are still quite possible."

     She sighed a little. "Sorry for that, I just... don't like to see things like that, I think I might need to excuse myself," Ferham took a few paces off to the side, busying herself with a holographic display of something. Perhaps the internet.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "Projectile Turrets. I should think." Peridot said after a moments thought, rubbing her chin. "Motion-sensor detected. However, it will need facial recognition sub-routines- otherwise we would have to remove or replace them once the young gems begin emerging. The very act of their eruption from the stone creates a small cave-like habitat where they will primarily dwell through their adolescence. Any security measure we input will have to take into account that they may venture around the immediate area.

    "On the interior, lower levels. We'll need measures to keep people from entering the installation; but also some to keep things from getting out." Peridot made a swiping motion with her hand, the holograhm from her forehad gem changing to what appeared to be a mock-up of the exterior. It appeared to be a small facility, with a central control room that connected smaller rooms. One looked to be some manner of research and development. Possibly for experimentation.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"They can be networked with a database that can keep a register for friend-or-foe differation... Kinetic projectiles, prehaps." There was a brief click-clack-click when Tesla clenched one fist and the high tech gauntlet extended around it from the bracer hidden beneath the sleeve of her labcoat. She turned away from Peridot and held out her arm, the conductors in the gauntlet glowing, illuminating the fist briefly before the clump of energy shot off. It hit a nearby rock, but other than sending it skidding across the canyon floor, did little actual harm to the stone. "Exceptional knockback without much harm, making it also useful for detaining protectional... escapees without harming them. Of course..."

There's a much more audible whine as the gauntlet powers up again, and this time when it fires, hits the rock with enough kinetic force that it outright shatters apart. "... the damage output is adjustable."

Demonstration aside she turned her attention back to the display. "Reinforced blast doors and bulkheads, would serve both purposes. Just as effective at keeping invaders out when shut, as keeping... incidents contained." And whatever other weird shit this 'gem science' is capable of coming up with.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot nodded. Certainly not all kindergartens were this well armed. The one on the earth she knew certainly hadn't been But one adjusted their security based on threat, and the humans her world were no threats. But the ones here, were. She made various motions with her fingers, adding the mechanisms Tesla suggested, as she was saying them. Replacing doors with larger slabs of interlocked metal.

    Eventually, she paused in her motions as all the devices had been added. The one simple looking holo-structure now looked like a veritable fortress. Peridot seemed satisfied. She then reached out with both arms. Her fingers momenterily forming a lattice around the holo-map. She began to compress it down to a ball of green glowing energy. After a moment, it starts to cool and now took on the appearance of a translucent data-chip. It rested on Peridot's hand as she released the lattice, and appeared to be a solid object now with mass and weight.

    "We have much planning to do. I have converted these layouts and schematic plans into a form of data you should be able to review on your own devices." She held te chip out towards Tesla.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
The gauntlet recollapsed into it's hidden storage and Tesla turned to take the data chip from Peridot. "Excellent. We do.. but the first steps have been made. And oft those are the hardest to take." With the other hand she digs a protective case and placed the chip inside for safe keeping before returning it to her pocket. "I shall get production on the components started immeadiately. Will make sure they're in a format your drones can assemble with little difficulty."

Peridot (836) has posed:
"And this is for your own study." She went on, calling forth another robonoid. Though this one was special in a way. Peridot had included a schematic on it on how to produce the crystaline gel.

"Well then. Me and Ferham have much to do around here. Hail me on the radio if you have something you need to show me, otherwise you will likely be able to find me here, or up there." She said gesturing to the giant green hand floating in the sky. Then, with that, she turned and summoned her holo-screen- as she promptly returned to her work.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia stooped down for a moment to pick the robonoid up. Again amused at the legs being visibly seperate like that, yet once picked up they wobbled in the same way connected legs would. "The start of what should be a productive cooperation on both sides." What new ideas would this prospect lead to? Only time would tell. But that's exactly what study and experimentation was for.

Just goes to show that even for the experienced every so often this wacked out multiverse still came up with something that could amaze her.