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(Introducing Stratos to the Multiverse.)
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Cloudy With A Chance Of Villainy
Date of Scene: 22 July 2015
Location: Summer
Synopsis: Introducing Stratos to the Multiverse.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 43, 368, 750, 834

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
On any given day of the Multiverse the Suncruiser Resort of Summer would be a bustle of activity, be it adults seeker recreational activities or kids doing all the crazy things kids do on a vacation. The hotel rooms were comfortable without being too lavish or expensive, it sported everything from golfing and athletic fields to it's private lakeside beach and water park. Not to mention, since Summer was nigh eternally the season it was named after, open for business year around.

Today was not one of those days.

Dark clouds hung ominously over the resort, unnaturally lingering to the location no matter how strong of a wind blows. Occasionally a crackle of electricity jumps amongst the darkness, a storm just waiting to break free. But the more immeadiate concern was that the clouds were blocking out all the sunlight to resort, which was equally important to providing it's solar power as it was to the vacationers. No sunlight for the solar collectors set across a backlot meant no power for any of the facilities.

To make matters worse there was a strange lady trapsing about, demanding to be paid a tremendous sum of money or she'd let loose a storm big enough to level the place. Not wanting to cause a major risk the owners told her to enjoy the facility while they considered it, cleared out all the vacationers, and then put out a call for help to clear out this pest.

And that's the cue for our heroes to arrive and get to the bottom of this...

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Instead of making a DRAMATIC ENTRANCE, Valentha Summers has chosen stealth through invisibility. her arrival is unannounced and simple. A few teleports from the warp gate until she ended up atop a dune on the beach. While still cloaked she works minor magics, broadening her senses and preparing her defenses... but mostly the former. She's attempting to scope out the level of power and scale of influence she's dealing with, because anyone able to affect the weather on THIS scale would be powerful indeed, she'd think.

    Normally, that would require a bit ritual and more than a single person's supply of power, seriously!

Deelel has posed:
Deelel had taken to going for flights on her light jet when she had the time. It was easier on it than say taking her light cycle off road. User space wilds? Were worse on them than even the outlands back home where brutal. She was just flying over the resort, that was it she'd not been planning to stop but the weather changed? Without much warning and as she banks closer something seemed to be up.

"What's going on down there?"

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    Weather pegasi know their clouds and rain. They know when it's supposed to rain and it's not supposed to rain. Sure, that doesn't exactly work as well when it comes to weather away from their own world, but they still have a sense. And as Rainbow Dash is speeding through the sky high above the resort, she's getting a sense that those rain clouds aren't supposed to be there.

    Besides, they just /look/ weird. Seriously, who makes clouds like that? Looks like someone just threw some blobs of black together and called it a day.

    So while others are hitting the ground, Rainbow Dash keeps soaring straight on ahead, squinting at the clouds before her from underneath her large, steampunk styled flight goggles.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Or you know Rebound could already be here, enjoying some time off before the WMAT. She has to mentally prepare herself and the best way to prepare for a fight is an all expenses paid trip to a luxury resort.

    As soon as the issues started, she went back to her room, switched from her nice beach clothes to something with a bit more protection and then grabbed her gift from Corona. The Impact Drivers crackle with power as she turns them on, and she steps back out of her room, heading back towards where she last saw that creepy weird lady threatening to unleash a storm. Time to have a few words.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
While Valentha's aura probing would find a, shall we say, ping of someone being not quite typical human, that's really it. Whatever is screwing with the weather is actually technology based, which is probably what feels off-kilter to the pegasus weather senses as well. At the very least, those ominous crackling clouds of darkness are most certainly not natural.

As for the woman herself, she's not hard to find. Looks like she decided to take advantage of there being no one else left on the resort (as far as she knew) while she was waiting for the manager to return and was kicking back on a lounge chair by the pool. It's a resort, of course there's a pool, there's a pool for the people that don't want to put up with the insane kids at the waterpark. Even if there was a crowd she'd be pretty easy to spot. The lady was wearing a grey and dark blue jumpsuit of sorts, abiet with the legs cut off at shorts. Over which she was wearing a skirt with a lightning pattern around it, and an outdoor vest that instead of short sleeves had puffy lining that almost looked like tiny clouds over her shoulders. Plus her hair was pulled up in a similar manner to look like a cloudy puff behind her head. She sported a pair of elaborate sunglasses, and despite it not being all that cold even with the sunshine blocked had a scarf wrapped losely around her neck.

She also had one of the fruity cocktail drinks, which was probably pilfered from whoever left them behind when evacuated. "Aaah. Scam or not, this is exactly what I needed after being couped up like an animal for so long." She takes a sip, and then sets it on what looks like a minature cloud floating next to her chair instead of a side table.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Whatever Valentha's finding has her peering quizzically at the lounging 'weather witch' in the distance. Still invisible, she lifts off the ground and sets down on the other side of the pool... and begins working magic.

    It's quite a gambit, what she plans to do. For it assumes that this mystery weather worker won't be able to hear the murmuring of spellwork or use some other sense besides sight to see what's REALLY happening.

    Unless the 'Weather Worker' is quite good at throwing off magic, they'd see something STRANGE happen before their eyes. The pool bubbles and churns, thrashing. The voices of hundreds of ancestral spirits begin wailing together in an eerie chorus.

    The water continues frothing, and soon... dessicated, bony hands wreathed in ragged cloth and held down with rattling chains break through the water's surface, though seem to be all made of water themselves.

    "LEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvveeeee..." Moans out a menacing wind.

    Of course, ANYONE ELSE watching the pool?

    They just see a pool.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    Just because the clouds looming up in front of Rainbow Dash are registering as 'weird' to every one of her senses, doesn't mean she's going to slow down. Actually, it's quite the opposite. Turbulant winds challenge her, and she dips her wings into them harder with each downbeat. She grits her teeth with the strain, struggling to keep her speeds up against them. "Oh no you don't!" She grunts, and brings her forelimbs closer together in front of her, forming a slipstream of wind around her.

    "Okay, you crazy storm clouds!" Rainbow Dash says, mane whipping around her face from the wind. "It's you and me! Put 'em up!"

    Breaking the slipstream, Dash raises forehoof in front of her to 'punch' at the clouds in front of her. She then uses the momentum to flip around, kicking out both hind hooves at the weird dark clouds ahead of her.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Ah yes, the pool. Rebound prefers the water park, but this looks nice. Maybe she would have come out later tonight for a few drinks. But no, instead she's here in combat gear, looking at the lady and her bizarre outfit, "What in the blue hell is that?" She asks, motioning to the clothes the lady wears, "Did you steal that from Miss Frizzle's closet? Seriously, you actually woke up this morning, walked to your closet and went 'Yup, this looks good'? Come on."

    She holds up one of her gauntleted hands, "Listen lady, you're ruining the fun. And if there's one thing I don't abide, it's the fun police. So you better pack up your goofy ass clothes before I send you packing the old fashioned way."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel now was getting in closer she could see there was touble now just what she wasn't sure. Clearly though there was trouble brewing there a she gort closer. She banks again coming in for another pass and now is attempting to come in for a bit of a landing she takes a moment to land, the craft settles down near by, it takes a moment but it turns transparent, then becomes wireframe, then it's just a baton she slaps on to her leg. She takes a moment and tilts her head.

"Greetings, I would suggest taking to to another location would be the most wise action for everyone here today."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"Eh?" The woman sits up at the moan, pulling her sunglasses down to look towards the pool. Then pulls out a resort brochure and unfolds it. "Golf.. room service.. park... This doesn't say anything about a haunted pool. Pity. I know a few creeps that'd get a kick out of that." She hffs, crumpling the paper. "Orrrrr if you're ghosts trying to gload my conscience, you can stop wasting my time." She crumples the paper and tosses it over her shoulder. "I got over the whole regret thing before I was sent up the river." Clearly an experienced villain to some degree.

That she's talking to something in the pool that no one else can see probably doesn't help the case much when others show up, though the chiding of her attire gets a curious look in the other direction. "You're a fine one to talk, you look like a convention left some of it's mascots behind." She swings her legs over the edge and gets up from the chair. "Tch, trash talking isn't suppose to come until late. I haven't made a proper introduction yet." She laces her fingers together and stretchs out her arms to stretch them. "Give me a moment folks, I'm a little rusty. A trip to the super-slammer does that. Okay, here we goooo."

A flamboyant little twirl follows, flapping her scarf around. "Behold! The Siren of Storms! The Maven of Meteorology!" Stops to pose, one arm thrust up and out in that typical dramatic fashion. "STRATOS!" The mini-cloud cracks mini-thunder a few times in lieu of clapping. "... What, really?" She backhands the cloud, making it wobble around behind her. "An entrance needs a proper ominous thunder and lightning, not that little--huh?"

And while all that has been going on, Rainbow Dash has started kicking stormcloud. As lumps of darkness poof she might catch the glint of something metallic inside, before the 'cloud' seals around it again.

And then Stratos shakes a fist up her. "HEY! Leave that alone. I'm the only weather manipulator around here! Fine, fine, I guess if you're not going to listen."

She pulls a device off her belt and flicks it open, then hits the button inside. NOW we get the loud, monsterous crack of thunder. Along with several bolts of lighting erupting from the clouds overhead, arcing -really- close to the little pegasus flying nearby as they hurtle at the ground, the pool, and pretty much anyone other than Stratos herself.

"I'll just give you a SHOCKING revelation! Ahahahaha!" Oh god, weather puns and supervillain laughter. It just had to be, didn't it?

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Courtesy of mage training, Valentha Summers is practically unphased by pain. She doesn't cry out when the lightning comes down and, probably by chance, strikes her directly. But the hallucination dwindles away when it strikes, as does her invisibility... leaving a somewhat scorched-looking blonde woman in the ODDEST outfit (that seems to be a thing right now, doesn't it?) wringing out her tingling hands.

    She SHOULD be cooked. Indeed, smoke's coming from somewhere in her outfit, some exposed flesh appears charred and boiled from an awful burn... but where it's visible? Those scorch marks seem no more than skin deep.

    The disoriented Techno-Wizard pounds her chest once, coughing out a few small clouds of smoke as if this was some bizarre cartoon and not reality.

    "Ah feeeeeee..." Her voice comes out dry and cracked, and Valentha quickly deals with this by pulling out a canteen and swigging a few gulps from it, then wiping her lips on the back of a sleeve. The canteen's quickly stuffed away.

    "I see we'll have to do this thing the hard way. You do know that this approach is REALLY SILLY, right? Whatever means you use to control weather, you could make a KILLING by working for farmers to deliver rain on demand. Far more than you'll get from one scam job. Without people like us showing up, too."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    "And that, and that! Hah!" Dash kicks out another ploom of dark storms. "You call yourself a thunderstorm!? I've had worse everfree clouds than you for breakfast!" On those rare occassions where she can be convinced to actually do weather before breakfast, that is. More and more of those dark wafts disipate underneath her hooves, digging a hole in the storm like someone trying to dig their way through a snow bank.

    At least, until Dash catches sight of something INSIDE of the clouds. She pauses, squinting through fogged goggles at the glint of gold amongst the black. "Huh? What the hay is-WHOA!"

    Dash only has moments to dive away from the cascade of lightning hurtling for the ground. She flips her wings back and dives, as if trying to out-race the lightning - And almost succeeding. A few smaller bolts break off and crackle through her its way to the ground, briefly illuminating her in the sky. And neatly singing a few spots on her fur as electricity arcs through her. Her wings falter, but she only falls a few feet before they kick back into gear.

    "We'll just see about that, lady!" Dash shakes herself vigerously, little bolts of electricity off of her (Though it does nothing for the poof her mane has become). "You wanna fight with lightning!?"

    Dash slaps the golden band on one forelimb, and for a moment, red lightning surrounds her body in a bright haze. A pony in golden armor with red, lightning bolt accents flies out of the cloud of red lightning. Tucked under one forelimb is a spear, tipped with twin lightning bolt forks. "Then we'll fight with lightning!"

    Despite the electricity all around, Dash keeps soaring straight back up towards the cloud. Her spear out in front of her crackles, electricty from the air gathering at its tip as she speeds right towards the clouds hiding that golden orb.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Stratos, huh? Another supervillain of some type. Costumed villains weren't a major issue in her world, but she'd been dealing with them quite a lot since her arrival in the Multiverse. This one would be no different.

    "Okay so you can manipulate the weather. That's a neat trick, I'll admit. But I have some unique abilities of my own, which I'll be more than happy to show you." Rebound goes to move in on Statos, trying to grab a hold of the elemental villaness and throw her right into the pool with a quick, stiff shoulder throw

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks to the woman, she's not made any hostile moves, the haunted pool does get her attention for a moment. She's not sure for a moment but she now get an ida about it. She looks at them for a moment she seems amused about the comment, howver at this point well? It seems that they are not going tobe talking from the looks of things.

"The puns."

Oh they got into puns here. She seems to be hanging back a little bit as she sees the weather control she's not put off byt this too much. She's got a healthy respect for it however. Shje's not moving to strike just yet however she does seem to be holding out her hand like she's holding something and the Dual Disc appears in a burst of light in her hand. Also those who could sense magic would certainly get something when the keyblade is called forth.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
As the revealed techno-mage starts her lecture Stratos lets out a groan, rolling her eyes and even going so far as to make a 'blah blah blah' mocking with one hand. "Yeah yeah, save me the cliche about great powers, great responsibility, so on so on. Heard it before. Don't care. Not to mention that is BOR-ING. Excuse me a moment, I need to stone your little flying pest." Ignoring the two that aren't being hostile Stratos flicks the controller again, and the stormclouds actually open up a big farther, enough to show the golden orb inside of them. Rainbow Dash would have a clear shot at it.

If it wasn't for the fact that several of what look like gunports open up in the sphere. Thankfully they don't shoot guns, or lasers. Just that instead, they start spewing out sleet and hailstones. Chunks of hard ice and freezing rain are spat out at the flying equine like frost belching machineguns. To make matters worse this time the weather woman is actually using the remote like a controller to point the barrage at the stunt-flyer.

She'll wonder what the hell is up with a flying winged horse later.

"Behold the beginning of my RAIN of terror! AHAHAHAHAH-AAWK!" Stratos catchs a kangaroo to the back while she's busy chasing ponies, which heaves her into the pool with a loud splash.

Knocked out of her hands with the impact, the remote goes skidding across the ground. Though without her controlling it the weather-sphere just starts whirling around wilding with it's ice and rain blasts.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    After throwing the villain into the pool, she spots the remote flying and skidding along thes ide of the pool, "Mine!" Rebound dives for the remote, trying to grab it through all the hail and freezing rain that is now pouring down among the formerly unfrozen and sunny beach resort.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "Why is genius so often married with violent megalomania?!" Valentha bemoans rather loudly, leaping back away from Stratos... only to then dive between Stratos and Rebound to give Rebound a better chance. "I hope you can turn the storm OFF!" She snaps at Rebound.

    As Valentha regains her footing she grabs at something within her jacket... pulls out what seems to be nothing more than an empty sword handle... and puts her thumb over one of three colorful buttons. There's a red one, a yellow one, and a blue one. Her thumb is over the red one.

    And this causes a SCIMITAR OF FIRE to erupt from the handle. She twirls the weapon expertly and holds it out to ward off. "I'm suuuuuure you can see where this is going."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    What's a few hail stones to an amazing flier like Rainbow Dash? Dash dips and weaves around the first few 'warm up' shots, dodging them readily. "Pfft, that all you got?" Her grin grows cocky as she levels out, and steadies her spear. And that's when the barrage kicks in fully.

    Dash's eyes grow wide at the wave of hailstones flying in her direction. "Aww ponyfeathers." Dash dips her wings down and dives, trying to evade the hailstones flying at her. High velocity ice dinks and clatters against the armor on her wings and back, clanking against her helmet with dull CLUNKS. "Ow, OW! Ugh, now you're asking for it!" Dash soars underneahth the sphere, then rises, up on the other end. Her wings beat furiously, wind whipping about her. It catches some of the dark clouds around her, and they follow in her wake, following after her like little lost puppies. Lost puppies full of lightning.

    Dash soars up past the out of control orb, and keeps going up, up and up. The clouds follow her, crackling and sputtering with a charge of lightning. When Dash no longer feels hailstones whizzing past her, she stops and twists around. "You wanna use lightning? THIS is how you use lightning!" Dash curls the crook of a forelimb around her spear, and hefts it up over her head. Then flings it straight down with all of her might!

    It drops like a rock, straight down through the clouds. Lightning seems to slough away from the clouds and onto the spear, and by the time that it leaves the clouds, it's a glowing, sparking streak of lightning, bolting right for the golden sphere!

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Once she's got her hands on it Rebound could try to figure the remote out... Or considering how crazy things are getting, just smash the damn thing. That usually works, right? Works well enough that Rainbow Dash has the opening she needs to use her spear and, well, spear the orb, sending it crashing to the ground like a sparking shiskabob. There is a good coating of slickness on everything, but with the cloud cover already breaking apart without the machine, it won't take long for Summer's warmth to return and melt all of it.

While the erratic device is being dealt with Stratos manages to get her hands on the edge of the pool and haul herself out of it. Looking even more annoyed than before. "Why do idiot capes always resort to BREAKING THINGS? You're all lucky in the short time I had I didn't get my hands on any indestructium!" If that is even really a thing.

Valentha might want to back up a bit, because that's about when a truck comes careening through the lot, running over several pieces of pool furniture before skidding to a stop by the pool. Said truck is most likely carjacked, seeing as it bears the resort logo on the doors. The insane driving is likely due to the fact that, due to their small stature, it takes one gremlynx to steer, one to work the pedals, a third to handle the shifter, and a fourth to actually see over the dashboard to yell directions. And at the other three for being terrible at driving.

And Tesla standing on the truck bed, as unflappable as usual, one foot resting on a piece of machinery. "I see your little playdate didn't go so well, Stratos. But you did keep them distracted long enough."

"And they thought I actually wanted the money." Stratos grabs the side of the truck and hauls herself up. Leans over the machine to leer at the heroes. "And if any of you see Defiant you can tell him he can kiss my nimbus!"

"... We need to have a talk about these puns later." Tesla slaps the top of the cab, and the lead cat-gremlin starts yelling again. #3 yanks on the gearshift, #2 slams his fist down on the accelerator, and the one steering gets his face slammed into said steering wheel as the truck abruptly lurchs back into motion, causing a loud long *BLAAAAAAAARRRRR*" from the horn as the truck wheels away. The lead points and starts laughing.

Until the truck slams through the resort fence, causing the air bag to go off and smush him against the back window.

Now knowing she was involved, no one should really be surprised there was an ulterior motive the entire time.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Well Rebound does smash the remote on the ground, but it's a moot point when Rainbow Dash just smashes the device itself. She shrugs a bit but then finally gets back to her feet. She brushes herself off and looks at the retreating villain. And more importantly, the Confederate officer with her.

    "TESLA!" Rebound yells at the armadillo woman, giving her the kind of angry yell that one of her status deserves.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has been wondeirng about this maybe she mad ea bad choice to day. Still she's got some support and she'snow moving to start casing barrier spells on people to hopefullyg ive them some protection. Well if no one fights the simple protetion spell being cast upon them she'd target Rebound, Valentha and Raindbow Dash while she sdances back from them and she'll let the others do thing but thatseems to be an end of it.

"Tesla?! AGAIN!? REALLY?!"

Deelel's about to throw her hand sup int he air at this nd her spell had proven pointless hasn't it?

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Valentha stares rather unhappily at the retreating villain and the ABRUPT TRUCK FROM NOWHERE... but decides pursuing is likely going to cause more harm than good to the resort. The weapon's lowered and deactivated... "... Sooooo I take it you two know her."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    High above the cloud-bank, Rainbow Dash throws her forelimbs above her head and cheers! "She shoots and she scores!" She twists her wings back in a quick dip and spin, performing a quick aerial show. "See?! THAT'S HOW YOU WEATHER!" She stops to shout down after the fleeing Stratos.

    And follows it up with a very mature raspberry.