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Latest revision as of 05:17, 19 June 2014

Plans (Elliana Fairchild)
Date of Cutscene: 03 February 2012
Location: None
Synopsis: Now settled and healed, Elliana considers future schemes.
Cast of Characters: 92
Tinyplot: None

One finger delicately traced around Elliana's eye. Confederate medical, combined with her own unnatural durability and regeneration, had managed to save the eye and vision... but the glaring white, star-shaped scar tissue around her temple and upper cheek remained, as saving her sight had been the priority of both her body and the surgeons and healers. Her own power had resisted magical regeneration in favor of its own, and now the scar was locked into her shape, a permanent mark of her failure that marred her lovely appearance.

What were her plans? She had been asked that, hadn't she?

Vengeance seemed as good a plan as any.

She did not fault the Union for wanting her blood. She had betrayed them, attempted murder - justified, in her eyes, but not in theirs - and joined the enemy. That did not bother her. But there were things that bothered her, still. Weissman was a concern. Some part of her was thrilled at how she had driven the priest to darkness, yet she also respected him. She had not lied when she said she was worried for his own sake.

She never lied.

The Half-Angel, though... he had stated his intent to kill her, and it was his bullet that had scarred her. Father Graham, too, had proven dangerous... she respected him, but she would need to consider the possibility that he should be put down. More research was also a priority... she had made mistakes this time, mistakes caused by her shortage of time. She had three centuries to go before she could attempt this again, but she did not intend to procrastinate. She would know her enemies this time. Exalts, Magical Girls, those robotic equine constructs... they would need examined. She had a purpose now.

A small lizard crawling over her boot stirred her attention. Elliana frowned... then closed her eyes, searching deep within for that roiling power of the Shajem she had bound to her. The divine creature had mingled with the trickle of Chalaine's power and her own soul, fusing them into one just as she'd intended, but the catastrophic damage and strain during that final battle had tangled the binding in many ways. She was slowly working through the snarls, but it would be some time before all that potent power would be available.

Yet she had some alternatives to going out and being killed.

One finger reached downward, tapping lightly at the back of the lizard. A tiny fragment of her internal power detached, threaded through to penetrate the essence of the primitive animal and seize hold of its primal, reptilian brain. The surging energies, minute compared to what was within her but overwhelming to such a simple creature, were already warping its flesh, twisting it with pops and as hard, armored spikes blossomed down its back, wings spreading out... and its mind subsumed to the quiet dominance of her own.

The tiny, hand-sized creature flit up to land on Ellianna's knee, bringing a cruel smile to her lips. Its blank eyes were obedient, waiting, and she did not waste time in giving them purpose. "Go. Fly southwest. Inform Count Dracula that I will be arriving before evening, and I will bring proper thanks for his consideration."

The little creature hissed, then flapped wings to flutter off toward Castlevania. Elliana could arrive faster, of course... but walking would suffice for now. She could relax and enjoy the scenic route.

"I suppose if I am to be a monster, then living with monsters is only to be expected."