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Mysterious Assailant
Date of Scene: 26 August 2014
Location: Other Uminari City
Synopsis: The Union investigates the attack on Nanoha's mother. Nanoha, and her Confederate allies, investigate as well.
Cast of Characters: 15, Staren, 96, 143, 153, 162, 381, 401, 430, 558
Tinyplot: Power Games

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
It is Union territory, but they probably have the most awkward investigation! This is because Momoko has already been let out of the hospital, and is back home with her family. Nanoha's family. The Confederate Nanoha's family. A little awkward, that, living in Union territory with her daughter working for the other side. Of course the TSAB of this world is also investigating, but they were only here to make sure Momoko was safe after all that, and to warn her against trying magic again. Two of their ground troops, and Chrono(minus spikes) are already leaving now, and will not interfere in any way unless called back for some reason.

Momoko's house is pretty nice, all told, and the Takamachi family is inside! Of course with both sides looking for her, we should probably determine what's going on OUTSIDE first.

Precia Testarossa (153) has posed:
    Whelp. This is definitely weird. Precia is dressed in NORMAL clothes, lightweight and summery. In this case it means a pleasant sun dress and hat, with a purse. She is walking. That's pretty much it. She'll be hanging aroud Caro, most likely, and with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "I have no idea if they would know who I am. Perhaps I should use an alias."

    Hmm. "Amethyst Ferrari, that sounds good." She nods to herself in satisfaction.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    It's a little bit of a roundabout trip, but Fate Testarossa is, as ever, cautious about any return to the Earth of Nanoha's origin. Despite factional allegiances to the Confederacy allowing for something of a nicer life without having to go into hiding, the fact of the matter is that she and Nanoha are still criminals wanted by the TSAB.

    This is why Fate jumps through a series of several planets, seemingly at random-- lets Levi jump for another two-, then takes back over for another back-ways trip and finally picking out an inconspicuous place where no one will witness a thing, in Uminari city to plant the final transfer down and finish the series of teleports to Nanoha's old hometown. With a crackle of electrical energy the transfer sigil dies down with all passengers in tow. Nothing out of the ordinay here. Just a small blonde girl in a black dress, holding her friend's hand. With others who can pose themselves in.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    For reference, Levi's jumps took the group to:
    - Mars.
    - Cybertron.

    And it was not intentional in the slightest.

    MATERIAL-L is here now though.

    She is a short nine years old girl, with bright blue dual-toned hair in large pigtails. Basically a colorswap of the young Fate! She is wearing a brown detective hat and coat over a casual blue one-piece dress. Vulnificus appears to have a new form, where the weapon-end, rather than being a halberd, is in fact a large two foot wide magnifying glass.

    There is a nametag on Levi's coat reading 'PI Detuctve'.
    Close enough.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro is wearing sort of civilian clothing, getting her white mage on, so to speak. The hood is even up. She's a step behind Precia, and is a good and doting enough granddaughter to not point out that the alias is not the greatest in the world. "Aah. That will work. I think I can just go by my name; if I exist here, I'm.. a few months old, right?" She asks, doing some quick math in her head.

    Of course, they could just search her name, but Caro's not great at undercover secretive stuff.

    Friedrich is along with them. The small dragon riding her shoulder is not going to make Caro's paper-thin disguise any thicker.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing whatsoever.

    Never mind the taller young lady in white, with a long katana sheathed at her side.

    The scion of the Kiryuin family has taken a certain liking to Nanoha and particularly Fate; in some strange ways, the blonde's situation echoes her own, and yet it came to a very different resolution than the one towards which she marches. It is not Precia Testarossa who is injured, but nevertheless, Satsuki is here to support both an ally to the Confederacy and a girl whom she considers worthwhile on her own merits.

    At her side is a young man in a high-collared Honnouji Academy uniform; of all those she could have brought, Houka Inumuta is probably not the obvious choice... but, with his information-gathering skills, he is the /correct/ one.

    Precia is given a level stare - it's easy enough for Satsuki to realize that's not the Precia /she/ knows. But she is watched, carefully, nonetheless.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr is here too. She's dressed down in tomboyish clothes, a plain yellow tshirt, jeans and sneakers, her hair tied in a plain ponytail and a loose jacket with pockets for items. She's foregone the usual bracer, and her Device hangs by a necklace around her neck.

    "Calm down Caro. We can just say we're from offworld." then to Precia, "Right?" the teen tries to stifle a giggle at the elder mage's choice of alias, remembering when this particular world first unified.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
So Nanoha and the others have arrived! And just around the corner are... Unionites? And Miss Testarossa? Nanoha is immediately sharp enough to realize it isn't the same Precia, since HER Precia is far too weak to travel. She glances at Fate to make sure the same is known, then grasps Raising Heart tighter. Nanoha is wearing an orange shirt and skirt, clutching Raising Heart in its Standby form of a small red jewel. "Ah... thank you Fate, Levi." She already gave her thanks to Satsuki.

And with her is the busty woman next to Satsuki! Vesta, that is. The woman sighs, "Aww, what are THEY doing here? You should kick them out, it's your house! Even though they aren't in it yet! Are we going to fight?"

Haru (143) has posed:
    Well, Confederate or not, someone got attacked and there are people who want to know who did it and why. Probably not the least of which would be the victim herself! So, with permission from all required parties, and with a handful of people already going there to investigate, Haru also heads to the place it happened. He doesn't know what's 'weird' for this world, but his usual outfit shouldn't be all that out of place. He hopes. It does look distinctly Chinese (to someone from Earth), and is mostly green.

    He doesn't have personal transportation either, but a floating rock can probably solve that little problem if the site is too far from the warpgate. Not to worry, though, the rock can be made into dirt when he lands so it doesn't cause any issues! End result is the same though: Haru shows up! He probably looks a little older than most of the girls, given he has a mustache. But he still looks like a pretty young fellow.

Staren has posed:
    Staren is hanging around the Unionites, and Definately Not Unionite Precia. He looks around, taking in the Uminari city... He can't really tell it apart from Tomoeda. He cocks his head at Precia's suggested alias. "That doesn't even sound like a pony name."

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
Yep, the house is still there. It's early enough in the evening that a few people walking by will give odd looks at the new arrivals, offworlders and flying rocks being a novelty here. One couple even 'ooohs' at Haru's entrance! But most quickly skeedaddle when the starting of what looks to be a tense faceoff begins to build!

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    For the record, Fate gives Levi and her nametag an extremely dubious look.

    This is kind of really awkward.

    Also Arf is here with Fate, as well. Though rather then being in human form like Vesta, she's a small red puppy, on a leash. And she does not look too happy about it.

    "Oh come on, how come I have to be on a leash, Fate, I've been g-"

    Her yap shuts pretty quickly as Nanoha rounds the corner and...

    Precia is right there.

    Fate comes to a near dead halt, lashes fluttering in confusion and surprise before she regains her composure, a quick sidewards glance to Nanoha to silently communicate her confirmation but...

    The glare she gives to the Unionites- especially Zephyr, and even -Precia-, too, combined is almost utterly glacial.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    There's a pause from Caro, at least, and it's not just because they're working out what to do about the suddenly tense situation. She certainly doesn't take long to abandon the whole keeping quiet thing, and will step towards Nanoha, Fate, and the others.

    "Aah. You're here to visit your mother, right? We're trying to find out what happened. Please, we won't cause you any problems; I know you must be worried, and you can trust that we'll do everything we can to find out what happened." She even manages to not turn red by the end, even though she desperately wants to push Precia out front to make her do the talking instead.

    Lousy rank and hiding and all.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Oh! Oh, Unionites!
    Levi suddenly ignores Nanoha and Fate, walking towards-- well, Caro already crossed the distance. So, Levi suddenly raises Vulnificus, looking at the pink-haired summoner through the magnifying glass end.

    "Hiiii! I'm a detective! Is this a trap?"

    She is ON THE CASE.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr just stands nonchalantly. She returns Fate's chilly glare with what hopefully is a reassuring smile. "We're not here to fight. We're here to find out who attacked Nanoha's mom. Truce?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks over at the group of magical girls. When Caro and Zephyr step up to offer a truce, he walks up himself. Still wearing his labcoat. "The only reason to fight would be if there was something important to the Union vs Confederacy war here. There is plenty of precedent for interfactional cooperation. We want to catch whoever's going around attacking mages as much as you do." He blinks, then looks concerned. "How is your mother...?"

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    "I can speek only for myself," Satsuki replies to Zephyr, fixing the girl with a steady gaze and resting her hands on the pommel of Bakuzan as if it were a cane. "But I am here in support of Takamachi Nanoha. I have no interest in causing an Elite-level fight within arm's reach of her mother's house. If there is a battle here, the Union will have to be the initiator."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Nanoha stares at Levi, then does facepalm. Vesta, meanwhile, wipes her brow, "Whew, glad we got that straightened out!" The familiar beams and just starts walking right toward the door to head into the house. "Hiii, Takamachis! Oh hey, I don't think I ever really met your parents, Mistress!"

Nanoha blinks, "Wuh... VESTA!" She flails and hurries after her Familiar suddenly. "A-ah, no funny business! We're watching you this time! My family doesn't need any more of this stuff messing with them, okay?"

That should answer Staren's question, but it looks like she agrees with Satsuki here.

Haru (143) has posed:
    Oops! Haru kind of waves sheepishly at the people who noticed. It's not like one can just /ignore/ a floating rock. He still doesn't want to cause too much of a stir, though.

    He's only here to back up the other Union people here, and possibly find out some information. So he has nothing to offer yet. He will defer to the Union people who actually know what's going on. Learn by doing, but also by watching, after all!

    He's not surprised by the glare. But he does wince a bit at it. He didn't do anything yet to get glared at, but he can kind of understand. Opposite sides and all. He puts his hands up, indicating no aggression. "Nobody wants a fight here," he observes. "We're here to help." It's been said, but it bears repeating, if only so he can assure the Confederates that he doesn't mean any harm either.

Precia Testarossa (153) has posed:
    Precia sighs at Fate, "We both know I'm not your mother, but there's no reason for a glare like that. I just heard the news and wanted to see what happened. Nanoha's mother was never attacked like this in my world, that I know of. I'm sure my daughter would have mentioned it if this had happened while I was ah... away."

    Since the Feds seem agreeable, she'll quietly slip toward the house. At least a fight was averted.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
Those entering the house will find it is pretty cozy but with an air of wariness! The entire family is here, standing protectively in front of Momoko... though they'll let Nanoha by for a fierce hug from Momoko, of course. Nanoha's father speaks up with his arms crossed. "We saw you arguing outside. We're not going to let anything stress out my wife right now, so please keep it civil or you'll be thrown out. Union officers or not."

Apparently Nanoha's family only grudgingly accepts the TSAB or anyone related, proper authorities or not. Then again, given Nanoha's status, can anyone blame them?

Momoko is quick to point out, "I'm not sure what else I can tell you that I haven't told the others." She is, notably, bandaged and in a wheelchair, though it looks like she could walk if she had to. Probably just for her safety! "I don't remember anything, they struck from behind. It happened too fast. The doctors say it was all bruises and a cracked rib or two, and some minor burns and fatigue."

Then she smiles, "Who are your friends, Nanoha? I recognize Fate, but... is this Alicia?" She looks right at Levi for a moment, then over at Vesta and Satsuki, while the rest of the family glares at the Union.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    The first thing Satsuki does once she's in the door is to take off her shoes. And to set her sword aside.

    The second thing she does is to bow deeply to Nanoha's father. "My deepest apologies for causing any difficulty for you or your family. And thank you for welcoming us into your home." Stepping into the house proper, Satsuki (and Inumuta beside her) steps to one side, where she won't be in the direct way of those present. "My name is Satsuki Kiryuin, miss Takamachi. I'm a coworker of your daughter's, and proud to be such." She doesn't bother to mention her status with REVOCS - if Momoka followed the tournament, she already knows. "Your daughter is a brave, dedicated young lady. I'm here to offer what help I can, to her and to you."

    She turns to the young man at her side, who takes a step forward. "Houka Inumuta. I'd like to take some biometric readings of you, if you don't mind, miss. It won't be invasive." He holds up a small handheld scanner.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    For the duration of the standoff, Arf is growling. It is not as intimidating as it could be, considering she is a red puppy at the moment. Yet still, when the air has been cleared about no desire for hostilities on either side, so that comes to a halt. Fate is, however, thrown off her game utterly by Levi SOLVING THE CASE.

    "... Wuh..."

    However her focus returns. She no longer even acknowledges Zephyr. "You're all meddling." Is her only reply, and she tries to make it as sharp as she can to someone who looks exactly like a perfectly healthy version of her own mother. The truth is, the sight of Precia shakes her, but she does her best to not show it. Not now anyway. Right now Nanoha's family should not be bothered, and Fate is particularly bristled by the fact that the Takamachis will have to deal with the Union, and probably even the TSAB now. Nevertheless, she follows inside, clearly not going to start anything herself.

    Now here's something of the awkward part. The last time she had seen Momoko, she wanted to talk with Nanoha, Chrono showed up and shots were fired. And that glacial wall seems to melt into a much more awkward fumble to Shirou and Momoko, but inifnitely more polite. "Ah... Hello. N-no, this is Levi." She indicates her the palette swapped Material.

Staren has posed:
    Staren is glared at. Okay. He can't say the Union absolutely doesn't somehow deserve it. He cocks his head slightly when the family threatens to throw him out. Well, it's understandable. He nods slightly. "Um... where did it happen, exactly? Maybe we can find clues... magically or something...? Oh! I'm Staren of the Free City of Lazlo..." he extends a hand. "Pleased to meet you... um... sorry about the circumstances."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr watches Fate, Nanoha and the Feds enter. She waits outside while the others do the same. "I'll be on patrol out here... I'll call if anything happens. This many mages in one place might draw out an attacker." she says to Precia and Caro.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro does not seem tremendously surprised by Levi's actions, striking up a conversation about kittens. She does, however, look vaguely distressed at the news that one is missing, before heading inside with everyone else.

    Still in the speaking role, she'll reply to Nanoha's father, "I understand that you feel that way. We're not here for anything to do with your daughter at the moment; it's simply a matter of making certain that everyone is as safe as possible, and so we need to gather as much information as we can." Though having a version of Fate glaring at her like that is making her incredibly uncomfortable, Caro's weathering it as best she can. Still, Fried will take flight, and his distress will be obvious even if hers is a little more hidden.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Nanoha hugs Momoko of course! She is very careful about it, because injuries, then she stands back with a sigh, "Ah... I missed you. Did you see me in the tournament? I got to the Finals!" Still a little giddy about that, it seems. She glances to the others, "Miss Kiryuin has been very kind to us, and very supportive. And this is Vesta, she's sort of... she helps take care of things. Alicia is at home, and safe, and pretty happy. She's going to school now."

She'll look to the Union now with less hostility than Fate, but still some wariness. "If... if you can help us find where she was attacked and investigate... we would like to help." She looks back at her family. "The TSAB will try to help, even if they're sometimes a little um... you know. Try to help them if you can."

Precia Testarossa (153) has posed:
    Precia tips her hat. "Ah, I'm not actually with the Union, anyway. I was here mostly because I heard you were injured by something strange, through young Caro here. She's my granddaughter, through adoption, so I thought I would tag along and see what I could find out. I know a little about magic myself, even if I'm retired now. Bruises and burns, you say? Quite a lot of injuries for being taken down from behind. They must have been very rough about it."

Haru (143) has posed:
    Once they enter the house, Haru is quick to offer, "I'm Haru." Pause, look at Staren. And then he adds awkwardly, "Of... the Earth Kingdom." He'll keep quiet once he's done that, since he really doesn't know what's going on, aside from what the news report said. And he has no idea what a 'Linker Core' is anyway. He'll concentrate more on the crime itself here, and Precia's words get a nod. "Think someone had a grudge?" he suggests.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
The scan will reveal that Momoko is tapped of some of her energy, but is a very healthy woman for her age, and her wounds have been tended reasonably well. Perhaps higher tech could help her recover a little more quickly, but really just bed rest and taking it easy for a while should be plenty to fix her right up. The Union doubtless has some bone-growth formula to help with the broken rib if someone pulls some strings.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Fate almost seems to flinch where she stands on hearing something, just then. With a slow turn of her head she outright stares at Precia and Caro for a good few beats of bewilderment, as if unsure she heard that properly.

    It does not help the situation in the least. She decides to snap her head back around and focus on Momoko while trying to look as not-miserable as she can make herself.

    "Huh, think you should apologize for shooting her mom?" Arf yips.

    Fate pointedly remains silent on the topic of that time she coldly shot the other Fate point blank.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    "I'm not exactly a doctor," Inumuta says as he completes his scan, "But I can at the very least tell that you're well on the way to recovery." He taps at his PDA-slash-smartphone for a moment and then pockets it. "I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary, aside from a general drain on life energy."

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro shoots Precia a slightly worried look; she hadn't wanted to get into all of that, not having brought sufficient paper to etch out all the complicated diagrams and such. Still, it's hard to be too upset about it, and that was the reasoning given Precia's status as Definitely Not Union.

    Her attention is pulled away from that, though, because Fate's admitting to shooting Fate, and that reading catches her attention as well. "A general drain on life energy..? Mm." It's a concerned Caro noise!

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Levi has been quiet since CLOSING THE CASE.
    She has been munching on a Klondike bar that she seemingly produced out of nowhere. A hard working detective has to reward herself after a good day!

    Also she does not really know Nanoha's folks.
    So it's kind of awkward.

    "Muh! A drain? I wanna see."

    Levi suddenly inches closer, lifting Vulnificus up again. The large gemstone under comically huge lens blinks a bit as it chimes: "SCANNING."

    It is basically a scan of the Linker Core.
    Same spell she uses to pick her targets-- well, used.
    When they still actively hunted.

Staren has posed:
    Staren has learned by now not to offer medical aid. People just like... get upset or something if you try to cure all their problems :/ Staren looks over the family, and the... sort-of family, and the... man he does not even know what is going on with the Materials. Arf's comment draws him to look between Precia and Fate. To the young blonde, he quietly adds: "If it helps... I don't agree with the TSAB's policies on everything. I've met Alicia. She's a friendly, intelligent... direct girl. I don't think anyone here would want her to not... well... be." He sort of awkwardly finishes.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
The entire family, save Momoko, shifts uncomfortably.when Nanoha chides them. Finally, Nanoha's father speaks up, "It wasn't far, just a few blocks down. Nanoha knows the place." It's reluctant, but there's that. "That's really all we know. I think Momoko put up more of a fight than she remembers, but they really couldn't find much, and there weren't any witnesses."

Levi's scan will determine that Momoko is definitely tapped in some way, but were she at full strength she'd probably have enough power to be a B-class mage all by herself.

More important than all of this is the clumsy, yet careful mental message coming from Momoko, shielded from her family but directed toward the Union and Confederate Elites here. <<I didn't mention this because I didn't want them to go looking for my attacker, but I did get a look at her. She was a tall woman, with light hair in a ponytail, using a sword and fire. She was incredibly strong and didn't even slow down when I fought back. I'd probably be dead if she wanted. Please be careful if you look for her, and don't go alone.>> The last is directed mostly to Nanoha and Fate, obviously.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Levi produces a pair of smart-looking glasses.
    She puts them on.

    "I know! I know I know I know!"
    She points a finger up, to look EXTRA SMART.

    "It must be this world's Book of Darkness! And the woman who attacked you must have been Signoms!" Wait. No, that's just-- "I meant Signum! Nyahaha, forget that. She hunts mages for Linker Cores with her team!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    "Don't talk to me."

    Fate's brusque reply is fired back at Staren with the boreal chill of a shot of liquid nitrogen. She won't hear it, not a word of what an outsider has to think, especially where Alicia is concerned. She's a little busy looking for Nanoha's hand right now. But the message from Momoko makes hergaze flit back upwards. The description is unfamiliar to her but just like that, Fate wheels around.

    "Levi." It's a hiss of a whisper mostly to get the Material's attention before telepathically sending her a set of coordinates to later jump to, when ferrying people out because...

    She gives a little bow to Momoko. Shirou if he's still around. "Please excuse me. Um. Get well soon."

    Polite as that was, she suddenly wheels around, cold-shoulder to the Union, and storms out.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Satsuki looks thoughtful for a moment, before regarding Shirou and Momoko. "Thank you again for welcoming us all into your home. If you have nothing else to ask of us, Inumuta and I intend to investigate where this all happened." There is a pause when she reaches the door, and she turns to add, "And if there is any aid that the REVOCS corporation can offer, I would be more than willing to put our resources to work helping a comrade"

    Perhaps a surprising show of generosity on Satsuki's part, to those who don't know her very well. But there it is nonetheless.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks at Fate. He nods slightly and sort of shrugs. Fate's reaction is pretty reasonable. And maybe he shouldn't have gone so far as to mention Alicia.

    He meant it, though. Alicia's pretty cool. At least, the teenage one he knows.

    Staren looks to Nanoha. He waits, if she has to run after Fate or something... once she's free, though, at least, if she doesn't leave too, he asks: "Could you take us there?"

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro looks momentarily surprised at the communication; she'd never actually met any of Nanoha's Earth-based family before, but she certainly hadn't expected even that level of mageness. She was going to keep quiet and find a way to confirm her suspicion, except Levi's there and signoms all the evidence.

    She'll give the retreating Fate a mildly distressed look, before turning back to Momoko and the others. "Thank you for your time. Your cooperation is very valuable in helping stop anyone else from being attacked."

Haru (143) has posed:
    Suddenly voice in his head! Haru reacts with surprise, looking around briefly. But covers it well, by rubbing an ear as if it was itching. Yeah. Just. His ear started itching all of a sudden. Pay him no attention. However he looks at Momoko and nods once. Just a little bit, to let her know he heard. But he says nothing else about it. But since some of the others seem to have a lead on the attacker, he keeps quiet and listens, to let the group discuss their plans. He'll go along with in unless it's completely idiotic.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Nanoha squeezes Fate's hand for support... and then Fate storms out, leaving Nanoha pouting. Oh well. She sighs, and reminds herself to talk to her friend later, but first she gives Momoko's hand a squeeze as well, with both of hers. "I should take them to take a look. If they're going to help I won't say no, at least for now. I'll... find a way to keep in touch more."

She does a few more farewells before turning to Staren, "Mn, I can take you there, I know the place. We met there once during the Jewel Seed hunt." When everyone is ready she'll head that way.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Levi nods to Fate (the younger)!
    That's not going to end well.

    She suddenly spins around, apparently ready to go on another exposition! "Oh! Oh! And if my SUPER DETECTIVE INTUITION is correct, I bet we can lure them out! If people with super good Linker Cores wander around, they'll come out to--"


    Levi slams into a wall.

    She falls onto her back whining.

    These are not her glasses, they are just random smart glasses she found. She can't really see them with on.

Precia Testarossa (153) has posed:
    "Hmmn..." Precia considers all of this. "Yes, luring them out could be viable, if we-" She stops, staring at Levi, then sighs and offers the Material a hand up. "Let's go to this site of the attack."

Staren has posed:
    Staren glances at the people who are from versions of this timeline when 'super-strong linker cores' are mentioned. He's heard the stories. At least, about the woman Nanoha might grow up to be. There's Precia, too, but he's honestly not sure whether she has super strong magic or is just really efficient with what she has. He doesn't know enough about Mid-Childan magic to tell the difference. And Zephyr he's seen in action, but he has no idea where her powers put her on the local scale.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
The entire family, including Momoko, look visibly more relaxed when everyone gets ready to leave. Shirou is the only one who has any remarks. "If you could send me any information about this Book of Darkness, that would be appreciated. I'd like to know what we're looking at, here."

He also smiles to Satsuki. "I appreciate that, I do. We did see the tournament... we're very proud of our girl, even if the final fight was a little confusing." Haha.

The park isn't far though! And it's pretty easy, even in the dying light of the fading sun, to find the site of the attack. It's a little scorched in places, with a definite scuffle here... grass torn up and all. Surprisingly little, though. Did they not raise a Barrier?

Staren has posed:
    Staren doesn't expect to see much of a scuffle. Someone attacked a civilian who barely knows any magic. (He doesn't know about Nanoha's family being martial artists) Everyone knows a real fight is going to be over quickly unless both sides are auric. Or protected by several hundred MDC worth of armor, at least.

    Staren nods to himself, flies (transparent orange insect-like wings form on his back, not quite touching him -- obviously magic of some sort) over to the scuff marks so as not to step on any evidence, and pulls a pair of black gloves with clear crystals on the back out of his bag and onto his hands. Then, he touches one of the scuff marks, hoping to pick up some sort of psychic impression of what events transpired here.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Once they're out of the house, Satsuki is much more businesslike, her stride brisk, with Inumuta keeping up admirably. The very moment they arrive at the scene, Satsuki stops, and gives a simple 'order' of, "Inumuta."

    And here is where the Honnouji intelligence chair shines. He takes a few steps forward and begins scrutinizing the area intently, gathering all the data he can, crunching numbers, analyzing his readings. Far more than simply detecting what has happened, he intends to /reconstruct/ the events, or at least a loose sequence of them. The shape and direction of the attack that burned this patch of grass here, the weight and momentum behind the boot that dug into the dirt there... all of it potentially valuable information.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro's scanning abilities aren't going to be supremely useful here; they're not really meant to pick up on things that have happened so much as things that are happening, and she's not a specialist in the area. Still, she'll give it an attempt, Kerykeion out as she prods at it and mostly keeps quiet.

    She'll give Levi a worried look, though. Levi cannot afford many concussions.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Nanoha actually just halts and looks around, with a little frown. She does have some scanning, but the pros are here to take over, so she'll just keep watch and nervously mumble, "Is she going to be safe, though? I've heard some about the Book of Darkness, I looked it up. That was the Knight, wasn't it? An S-Class Harvester Logia..."

She'll look at Levi quickly, "Is it true that they can't take a Core more than once? That's what the file said but um... it's not very complete."

Staren has posed:
    Staren hears: 'That was the Knight, wasn't it? An blah blah blah blah blah.'

    He's going to need to look some stuff up :