3277/TGR: Grimleal Hunt

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TGR: Grimleal Hunt
Date of Scene: 26 October 2015
Location: Desert Mountains
Synopsis: The second scene of the TGR TP! After identifying the cloth retrieved from the village-turned-crater as belonging to the Grimleal, investigations turned towards the largest Grimleal temple in the region near that destroyed town. It was revealed that the Grimleal themselves weren't responsible, but some sort of splinter group may be involved.
Thanks to: Everyone involved and those who showed interest, but weren't able to join in for whatever reason!
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 202, Sarracenia, 627, 673, 691, Sanary Rondel, 829, 878
Tinyplot: The Grimsangue's Rise

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     It was a simple enough matter finding the Grimleal temple that would serve as tonight's mission area. The Grimleal weren't exactly secretive about their movements in Plegia, what with being the state religion for entire theocracy of Plegia. They had resources, they had power, and they even had the public's support. Even from a distance, the temple was rather visible, with flaming braziers surrounding the outer walls and lighting it up enough that the whole place could be seen long before anyone could see the group approaching it from the outside.

     "There it is... The main temple for this region." Sanary takes a deep breath as she stares at the temple, an uncomfortable frown covering her face. It's apparent that she's not looking forward to going anywhere near the place, but if there's going to be any hope of figuring out why her village was put into the state it was in, then she'd just have to suck it up and do it.

     "Used to come here every few months way back... Nn. " She's wearing her light Lagombi armor today, surprisingly well suited to the cold desert night. She's also got her gunaxe and shield with her just in case things go south, but she doesn't sound too enthused about what may come nor about taking the lead herself. Thankfully, there's others around to support her! "A-anyway. How are we gonna do this?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Once she has coordinates, it doesn't take long for Rory White to appear. Although when she does... it's in a flash of light straight from the heavens. She beams down from the Cognizant Odyssey. In this world, at least, blue hair is perhaps not so unusual, and her white robes speak perhaps of a mage or scholarly profession, among other possibilities. She does not seem to be armed... and takes a good ten seconds to examine the surroundings before addressing Sanary with a bow in greeting. "I came as quickly as possible. Are you sure the local religion is behind something so detestable?"

Vergil (878) has posed:
     The only reason he'd come was out of passing curiosity as to the power these 'Grimeal' had apparently displayed in destroying the village of Sanary Rondel, who he himself only knew about from interacting with her once at Hyrule.

     Still, if the reports he'd heard were even halfway true, Vergil was interested in what kind of power they could have. Raising the dead was no small feat, let alone an army of them.

     "I suppose what to do depends on what your intent is" the Son of Sparda mused offhandedly, hand resting on Yamato's pommel as if he already knew the outcome. And to a degree, he figured he did - "These people took your life and your family. If you think you can bring yourself to speak with them, do so. If not... don't hesitate."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari, of course, is here as they make their way towards the Temples. She pulls out a pair of binoculars, scanning the area.

"Nnn. I say we take the mixed approach. We try dialogue first, as tempting as it is to just get in and search for evidence. If they refuse, then we break in and search. If the Grimleal are that powerful, then provoking them in the chance that they're innocent would be a problem." Reasons the ninja to the others.

Then she nods over to Vergil.

"But in the end, it's your call, Sanary."

The ninja is dressed in a heavy kimono given the conditions, with a cloak draped over top of it. She doesn't look immediately armed, but she /is/ a ninja.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn Lysen is... not here. She's the busy sort and has no present investment in matters on this world. That's not to say she's entirely uninterested or unsympathetic (to the extent that she can show sympathy) to the plights of her allies, however; Vrenyn Kuhn is here in her stead. Unusually, the pale-as-a-vampire woman is here on her own, without so much as a handler to hold her leash.

    'Leash' would be figurative, but the golden chains on her cuffs are quite literal, as little as they seem to really impede her. Along with the noticeable glow of green eyes, black sclera--she really can't pass for a normal human, wherever she goes, even if she were bothering.

    She's not, at the moment, bothering to do much of anything. She's already here with Sanary and Yari, a promised 'support' that has yet to offer much comfort beyond the presence of another swordsman, ignoring words said to instead scan the area with a bored expression, tracking for... something.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is not far behind Rory' sin her arrival she too beams down from the Bluenose and ends up along side her long time friend. She shakes he rhead for a moment she's not a mage but she's had experiance in horrible occult incidents. She looks to Sanary for a moment and she listens for a long moment. She then looks to the temple for a moment longer.

"Do you have any addtional information on this relgion, Sanary?"

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji Murasame promised his presence. He is here. Despite the travails of recent days, the corporate heir looks as perfect as ever. The truth may be something different, but he is not showing it.

It is a rule of Ramuhan nobility: Never let them see you bleed.

The Murasame heir listens to Sanary's explanation, and nods, turning to the building itself. "What should we know about this place before we proceed, Miss Sanary?" He asks. He has not had the opportunity to consult his own sources on the matter. "I concur with Miss Yari, but we will want to proceed as armed as we can with knowledge, if not our weapons."

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    MARISA KIRISAME has had a busy few days. After resolving an attack upon the very heart of Alexander Academy, she retreated back to her humble cottage with a bundle full of fresh homework and a terrible lack of desire to do even a little bit of it.

So instead of being a good student and doing her work, she's HERE instead, helping out a FRIEND AND CO-CONSPIRATOR.

    Marisa hovers over the formation of Elites, riding lazily on her broom. "Well I mean," she says, rubbing at her nose, "We cooould just go in guns blazing. I'd be completely and totally down with that. Or we could try being reasonable and talking to them first."

She flips her Hakkero through the air, tossing it like it were some kind of coin.

"I bet you can guess which one I'd prefer, though."


Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary flinches just a bit at Rory's bright entrance, although she recovers quickly enough to return that bow with one of her own. "Thanks for coming.. Uh. What was your name again?" She clears her throat shortly afterwards. "That's what we need to find out. /Someone/ was burying people and turning 'em into zombies, so if it was them..."

     She takes a long breath, still shaken up about the whole thing despite trying keep up a strong face. She nods at Vergil and Yari after a moment, resting her hand on the handle of her gunaxe. "... Y-yeah. Talking is good. Talking means getting answers. Maybe And maybe not being a traitor to my home right away." She lets out an awkward laugh, although it does settle down somewhat at Marisa's comments. "Unless they did do it. Then... Yeah, guns blazing from the inside should work. By then, we'll have surprise on our side. Maybe." There's a pointed look at Adelyn's offered assistance. Human or not, that just might help them get in with less suspicion!

     "The Grimleal... Uh. They're the religious leaders of Plegia. Worshipping the Fell Dragon Grima, lots of dark magic and necromancy. Found part of a member's robe before Archer blew up the place." She takes out part of a robe as she says that, looking from Kotone to Souji as she tries to answer their questions as best as possible. "It's big, they've probably got lots of strong mages in there, and there may or may not be undead servants roaming around. They can control 'em, though, so they probably won't attack if we don't make ourselves targets."

Sanary Rondel has posed:


     Once the preparations are complete, the group finds that it's actually quite easy to get to and inside the temple. There's still some desert to traverse, but the guards at the front don't give the group much trouble aside from a few wary glances at the hodgepodge of fashion styles. Clearly, they still aren't used to the appearances of Elites! The temple proper is quite ornate on the inside, and surprisingly well-lit even with the dark robes practicall everyone is clad in. Despite the size of the temple, however, there aren't as many cultists inside as would be expected. Those that are inside roam about the temple with an uneasy tension in the air. There's also quite a few undead servants lurking about, serving as guards and some even taking scrolls around alongside their masters.

     "Ah... Glory to Grima, travellers." A voice rings out from further inside the temple, another cloaked figure approaching the group with an overly large staff in hand. As with the rest of the temple, there's a strong aura of dark magic coming from this person. "Are you here to offer us your services?"

     Sanary, meanwhile, seems content to not speak to that leader directly. Not unless she's forced to, at least! The whole place seems to be making her uncomfortable.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Interesting." Souji replies to the infodump. An organization that openly worships a being that most here would consider evil. Controlling undead and practicing dark magic.

He looks over to the entrance of the temple and approaches, looking upon the cloaked figure with a blade-sharp focus. "Glory to Grima." Souji replies without seeming the least bit perturbed. "Are you the leader of this temple? We have come from afar in order to seek out important information regarding recent events. There may be a possibility that we can be of mutual service to one another."

There's also a possibility that they're going to get Master Sparked, but he doesn't mention that at the moment.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Once they get inside, Vrenyn starts looking increasingly agitated. She hasn't drawn her sword, but she hasn't once stopped gritting her teeth. Every pair of necromancer-master and undead-servant that comes into sight may feel her gaze for a moment, before green-black eyes are drawn to another target.

    Anyone expecting diplomatic help from her will be sorely disappointed. At least she doesn't need to breathe; that's all that's stopping her irritation from becoming audible.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari gives occasional nods to everyone, particularly to Souji. But she lets Sanary field that one, given she's know the most out of anyone here. Still, she frowns a bit.

"More undead...I really need to practice fire ninjutsu." She mutters to herself. Hard to kill as an assassin, really, when it's already dead.

Eventually, Yari eyes up Marisa.

"I see the appeal, but like Sanary said, we shouldn't be angering a group like that if we can avoid it." Yari doesn't mention the possibility of extending Confederate olive branches given there's Unionites here. Nor the whole slaughter bit.

The ninja does walk up, and briefly squeeze Sanary's shoulder. A quick whisper, and then she's back to surveying and planning possible break-in points.

The feeling of dark magic on her senses has Yari looking to her magitek wristlet. She manages to hold back a wince at the religious chicanery. It annoys her Garlean heart. Those who know her might realize how much by how her tail sways violently.

"G..Glory to Grima." She manages to get out while not instantly committing seppuku, and then give a bow. Souji beats her to the punch though, and she's already waiting for her chance to slip away and yoink some poor git's robe.

Vergil (878) has posed:
     As he listens to Sanary speak, Vergil takes note of the fact that she seems to have lost some of the more fiery eagerness he'd seen from her during the start of the Hyrule mission.

     Perhaps losing her own home placed something in perspective for her? Having one's past destroyed before their eyes often had that effect on people... as Vergil could personally attest to.

     Seeing that they were obviously taking the path of least resistance - walking through the front door that is - Vergil pulls over the thick, ragged cloak he'd come in - little more then a large cloth with simple fabric clasps, meant only to be effective in weathering the desert sands. This of course disguises his comparatively high-end choice of clothes and his blade, leaving only the lower half of his face visible beneath the hood.

     Taking in the man's statement, Vergil tilts his head inquiringly, though he plays along for the moment, following the lead of the others in their greeting - " Glory to Grima." ... and perhaps makes his next statement with a tone that is disturbingly sincere-sounding; "That depends. What exactly would be required of us? As our... companion has aid, we've heard of what may very well be your exploits in the area and are curious to learn more of it."

     Is he speaking of information on Sanary's village? Or... just about the undead? Either way, it doesn't seem like he's anywhere near as uncomfortable around the cultists as Sanary is.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I have seen what dark magic and necromacy can lead to. It's not to be taken lightly not at all."

Still if they didn't do it? There's no reason to kick an ant hill over they need to find out just what is going on here, the information though helps give her a better idea about things here. She's taking a careful look around the information she gathers cna be over here. She looks as they encounter someone whose a hig higher up.

"Glory to Grima."

She's a bit skeeved out but she's not going to be insulting them in their place of worship that would get them nowhere and if they didn't do it? They did not do it after all right? Souji starts up the diplomatic path and she seems curious to see what the man has to say, she's packing her optic cameo in the event she needs to smeak about but for the moment she wishes to hear what the man has to say.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    Aw damn, looks like they're going to be doing the talky-talky instead of the shooty-shooty. Marisa breathes a long sigh; she knows where this path ends. She's seen it herself, dozens of times before.


    "Well, sure, it's your world," Marisa says to Sanary as they make their way towards the temple. Her legs kick lazily on either side of her broom. "I'll follow your lead, long as we can keep it up."

(Marisa is clearly betting that cordiality won't last long.)

    It turns out that it lasts longer than she'd expected, considering they actually manage to get inside the temple before anyone takes much notice. She does peer at the... interesting attire being worn by some of the priests and priestesses around these parts. What is WITH those body-suits?

It's like they're practically transparent!

    She says nothing, though. Not until the guy who she presumes to be a High Priest pops out of the shadows. Marisa's been around these sorts of things enough times to know when someone looks like a stage boss, and this person, dripping with dark magic as they are, clearly fits the bill. "Hidey-ho," Marisa chirps, shirking the (customary?) salutation of whatever vile god these people worship. "Don't mind me," Marisa grins, "I'm just along for the ride."

Also to unleash enough firepower to collapse a temple.


Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory doesn't deign to worship any Fell Dragon, but she does give the cloaked figure - a priest? - a faint smile. Others can speak for her here. That's fine enough.

    She's much more interested in using the opportunity to map the area out and try to get a read on the place. She cannot detect magic... but there's enough of it here that even an AGI is made to feel a bit uneasy for some reason she can't quite hammer down. Maybe the Architecture, or some vestigial remnant of human instincts in her neural architecture.

    Her eyes turn on the priest with curiosity alight, scanning with more than just the visual spectrum. She also attempts a quick multi-spectral view, particularly thermal... on him and the surroundings.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     The hooded figure sounds pleased at the responses, raising his free hand slowly. "It's so refreshing to see travellers with manners. I apologize for our lack of hospitality. We are slightly understaffed as it is." He gestures around the temple and the cultists running about, an eyebrow arching slowly at Souji's question. "Recent events, you say? Many things happen here, and our reach is long. You'll have to be more speci-"

     Despite her discomfort, Sanary manages to force herself to hold up the tattered remnants of a Grimleal robe. "We found this in my village. Near the border. What were you doing there?" She sounds incredibly agitated at that, the hand on her gunaxe twitching every few seconds as if she's ready to lash out.

     "Mm. So you were at that village." He raises a hand as some of those cultists and their undead servants approach the group with staves, swords, and shields drawn. With that signal, however, they start backing off. "Some of our most devout apostles were sent there to recruit, but they have not yet returned."

     "As for what we'd require of you? Hmm. More manpower is always appreciated, as is finding the true culprits behind this. Although... How do we know /you/ haven't come here to finish the job?" The leader levels a long stare at Vergil, that staff clacking against the floor once as those armed cultists maintain a perimeter around the group. They're not attacking just yet, however, but that unease in the air seems to be growing.

     Yari would find it rather easy to get a disguise for herself. Masters of stealth, these cultists are not! Their robes do smell rather bad, though, most likely from being around animated corpses for so long. It's also probably not the stealthiest of outfits, but... At least there's a cape to hide her tail with!

     Vrenyn's presence isn't nearly as disconcerting to the cultists themselves, apparently looking quite comfortable despite her apparent discomfort. Some of them do keep their distance just in case, however, those stares not going unnoticed. None of them seem to mind her appearance one bit, at least.

     The thermal scan would mostly show high heat signatures around the walls where those braziers are lit, and around the living cultists. The undead servants would, predictably, not show up at all, although some of the cultists themselves also appear to lack heat in the same way. Perhaps those would be reanimated sorcerors as well?

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    "Ah, hold on," Marisa raises a hand, her eyes SUDDENLY KEEN, OH NO. It's like she's turned on her Shark-o-Vision or maybe she's actually a lot more shrewd than she lets on. "Finish... What job, exactly? All my friend there said was that she found those near her village."

"She didn't say," Marisa murmurs, her hands tensing idly, "Where it was. Or what its name was. Or, even... Why those robes were tattered."

    "Kinda find it funny that you'd jump to that conclusion," her SERIOUS AIR vanishes immediately into a wide, cheerful grin, "Eh, buddy?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari manages to slip away easily enough. The man gestures, she's seemingly to all the world just wandering off to talk with a novice. A few more seconds, and both are out of the room. Lost in the crowd, maybe?

Right into a sideroom, one quick stab with a needle coated in sleeping poisons, the poor woman shoved into a convenient closet, and then she's changed. She walks back out, using that cape well, and occasionally glancing at herself. Luckily the poor novice had the same general build.

Yari also has no sense of modesty, not even blushing. She rocks the outfit with confidence.

She's keeping it too. For disguise purposes of course.

Then, she'll wander the hallways trying to find what could be the administrative area. That's typically where people tend to stash their sensitive document, after all. With luck, she can play off being a poor, lost novice!

Vergil (878) has posed:
     For his part, Vergil doesn't seem very perturbed by the unease or the veiled threat. If anything, he gives something of a bemused smirk. "Fair enough, I suppose. I'd point out that we'd have attacked you by now if that were the case, but I'm guessing that won't be enough."

     Giving a light shrug, Vergil decides to offer something of his own to the table. "Our 'friend', as my companion here said, had family in the village... and it's been destroyed by some unknown means. Quite possibly by enemies of the Grimeal, which may explain your absent members - tracking the threat, perhaps? If so, it would be our duty, as comrades to one of the village's inhabitants, to try and help find out the cause of this... and offer any help towards the fellow devout of Grima in stopping any further incursions against the lands dedicated in his honor."

     After years of studying the occult and speaking to members of their groups, Vergil had learned there was nothing they loved more then appeasement... and if they were religiously devout to those views, all the better. Of course, the fact that he may have very well directly implied and implicated Sanary to her enemies if this turns violent is brushed off by him as a necessary sacrifice to learn the source of these powers... though he did at least forgo mentioning her by name.

Sarracenia has posed:
     As the others converse and that group of guards remains around them, the sound of heeled shoes clacking on the floor can be heard as a certain princess makes her way toward the others. She seems to be eyeing the cultists warily while she keeps her DK hammer resting against her shoulder. She walks slowly to try and keep them calm, but she obviously doesn't trust them.

     When she reaches the other group, possibly with her own little entourage of cult guards, she waves. "Forgive my tardiness, everyone. Sometimes it is hard for a princess to find time to help her friends."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Information comes to light. Souji seems immovable in the case of the none-too-subtle case of intimidation. "The answer is simple, sir." Souji replies. "If we were here to finish the job, we would not even be talking right now. You would be dead and your temple in ruins. If you are truly innocent in the matter, you have nothing to fear. We seek the truth of the situation and wish to punish those responsible."

He turns to look to Sanary, and then back to the delegation. "You believe you are being hunted, then? Who do you believe is responsible for this, as you assert that there is a true culprit?"

Souji is more than willing to continue speaking until an agreement is reached or Yari finishes their infiltration. If nothing else, it will provide useful information for the future.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is being polite and respectful in a place of worship yes, even if she does not agree with this. They have come into their house to ask questions so it pays to not pick a fight. She listens if they did lose personel to this they might have had nothing to do with this. She'd have to ask over the comm about undead in general here.

"You make a fair point after all a group of off worlders come into your place of worship asking questions like this. I'd be wondering about it myself. We are attempting to as well find the ones who did this."

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    People are talking, and talking, and talking, and though for a moment it looks like a fight will break out, then they get back to talking. Vrenyn is far worse than bored. Boredom doesn't even enter it. What fills her isn't a simple need for motion, nor even a need for violence. What she feels is hatred. It's a long-nursed, long-nurtured hatred for all that is, but for necromancers in particular. It's the kind of passionate feeling that only those of a particular background will ever have the misfortune of experiencing.

    She hates this man talking to them, and she hates every other mage in the temple. She hates some of the people she's here to help, but to a far lesser, near-incidental level. Sanary could cure her of a good portion of that with a few words. Until she hears those words, she's bound to obey her standing orders of non-interference. If she could break standing orders, she wouldn't be here at all.

    She's acutely aware of her chains, trailing low enough to drag on the ground behind her as she leans back. Still leaning, she tilts her head, taking that odd angle with which to look directly at Sanary for a moment of (outwardly) silent communication. She mouths 'I'm going,' and then sways forward. She walks, and keeps walking, paying absolutely no attention to the mages encircling them. If needed, she'll just keep pushing forward to the point of slowly walking over one, changing her trajectory only in the case that she's either attacked, or specifically ordered back.

    If she does get out of the circle, she's going to start looking through the temple as the least stealthy infiltrator possible, her only cloak being a total lack of nervousness in being here.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory gets edgy as people close in them. Not at all one for violence herself, and perhaps too naive, her instinct is to get closer to Kotone and start analyzing the situation more carefully.

    Thankfully she is COVERED in eyes. The outfit's hiding well-camouflaged tiny cameras in every direction that has no problem seeing through all at once for a 360 degree view of things.

    And they're not pleasing at all.

    Well, if things do turn violent...

    She's counting a rather large amount of weaponry and powerful Elites present. They SHOULD be okay, right?

    <<I came to investigate a village, not be thrust into an interrogation! What happened Kotone? Everything always goes wrong so quickly.>>

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     The leader paces about slowly, keeping one eye on the group while clacking the staff against the ground with each step. After a few long moments after Marisa's, Vergil's, and Souji's responses, however, he starts laughing and waves the free hand at the gathered cultists. Eventually, they disperse.

     "That will do. So this friend had family there... Interesting. It'd certainly be troubling if one of our own devout servants was conspiring against us, but... That sort of devotion can be useful as well. A willingness to sacrifice even friends and family for our cause... It's a rare quality." The leader laughs again, seemingly oblivious to the fuming cleric starting to pace around behind the group.

     "But surely you must expect something in return for offering your... Generous assistance here. Tell us what you would expect in return." The leader pauses, then strokes his chin with the tip of the staff. "We've heard of these kinds of disappearances happening elsewhere. Entire villages, disappearing overnight. Even our own faithful have been caught up in this, and we don't know why or who is doing this."

     He raises an eyebrow at Sarracenia announcing her presence, the princess having little trouble getting in aside from the guards keeping their hands close to their swords. "So many guests tonight... Tell me, shall we be expecting anyone else? As good as your manners have been..." He nods once at Kotone. " We do have to wonder just how many more of you are planning to show up."

     As with the rest of the temple, Yari would find the back rooms largely empty save for an acolyte or two roaming about. The closest thing she would find to an administrative area would be a room full of bookcases not unlike a small library, magical tomes and scrolls lining the walls. It isn't well organized, but there are several documents confirming what was said outside: Disappearing villages, cultists never returning from their recruiting drives, and a even mentioning an offshoot of the Grimleal popping up along the border of Plegia.

     There are more than mages and undead servants on the ground. Kotone's eyes would be able to make out at least ten more people lurking in the rafters, bows and knives drawn. Nobody's firing yet, though, but they look more than ready to do it at a moment's notice!

     The leader makes no attempts to stop Vrenyn, and doesn't signal for any of the guards to get in her way. As with Yari's infiltration, it's not too hard to to actually get around further inside the temple, blending in with the other undead servants relatively easily. Sure, she looks different, but the mere fact that she is undead seems to be good enough for them.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Really, it's disgustingly easy. Though not exactly prideful in herself, quite the opposite, but she was hoping these cultists would give her some form of challenge. She might make an acolyte friend or two in the process though. Always good to have contacts.

If they become allies, she's having a serious discussion about security with that leader guy.

After much careful ransacking, Yari peruses a few files and interesting looking books (she'll steal a few there), tucks away the documents after a good speed read.

Then she rights herself, checking a few more rooms, and generally trying to blend in as she walks the building like a good totally-an-Acolyte. She quickly fires up her radio to the group. She keeps much of the information to herself, however. No need to spoil the splinter group to the Union. It could be a threat, or a potential ally.

Vergil (878) has posed:
     Seeing that the leader has predictably responded positively to their replies - though it could always be a front - Vergil gives a small, satisfied smile... and a response that might send off warning bells in the heads of Sanary and her friends; "Indeed - such a devotion is hard to come by... and it can be an avid reminder to some of what sometimes must be done."

     When the leader effectively asks about what their 'price' is, Vergil gives a slight shrug. "Answers for our comrade would be the most pressing. She is... confused. Saddened. Perhaps slightly disparaging." He doesn't glance at Sanary, lest he tip anyone off that their 'friend' is actually in their presence. "Finding the truth may go a long way in helping to sooth her mind. In addition, the village was filled with many people loyal to Grima, so another factor would be to seek justice for the deaths of so many devout and faithful souls."

yHe tilts his head a bit at the arrival of Sarracenia, recognizing her yet wondering why she came.

     For Sanary's sake? Interesting.

     "That, I am not quite sure I can answer" Vergil speaks truthfully this time. "Our friend had many comrades - some of which are outlanders who are unfamiliar with the concept of announcing their arrivals beforehand... or letting others know they were coming at all. However, we are at the very least united in our desire to find out what has happened to our comrade's village... and hopefully learn what could possibly have taken the lives of so many devoted souls."

     This is perhaps the most silver-tongued speech Vergil as traded in a while in order to try and get on good terms with the Grima worshippers... and perhaps find a link towards tracking down whatever power they worshipped and seeing if it was worth all the fanaticism they followed it with.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    As soon as Vrenyn's out of sight of the main group--and also out of sight of any dark mages, preferably, she looks for a lone undead. Once found--and she'll settle for one with an accompanying mage, if she has no choice--she stops, turns, stalks over, and prods the zombie(?) in the chest with two fingers.

    Chest-tap. "Hey. You." Tap, tap. "Yeah, you. Listen." Head-tap. "Anybody in there? Anybody still in there? You a spirit, or just the body? You listening?"

    The low, sincere tone isn't much like her earlier pronouncements of what she'd do to those necromancer's bodies at all.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia waves a hand dismissively toward the leader. "I should be the last visitor for today. I would have been here earlier, but I was helping to settle a dispute between the Cannoneer's Union and the Shipwrights. But, that is hardly a story for now. I am here to support Sanary, and I am willing to use my diplomatic skills to help solve this mystery. Whoever it is that destroyed my friend's home will suffer greatly for their transgression."

     Having said that, she walks over to Sanary and offers her a smile. "Have you found anything?" she asks, even as she eyes the necromancers and their undead servants. Undead have always creeped her out. She has half a mind to pull out a fireflower and reduces all of these walking corpses to ash!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
What do they want? Souji smiles faintly. "I am willing to discuss recompense in a more suitable fashion later on." He replies, before gesturing. "Tell us about these disappearances. Has there been any pattern? Has it been confined to a specific location?" IF they can acquire some kind of pattern, they'll know where whoever is responsible will strike next.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
There is definitely something fishy going on here.

    For one, diplomacy is ACTUALLY WORKING, holy crap! Marisa is not trained to respond to situations that do not automatically devolve into lasers! She presses her lips into a thin line and just goes right back to lazily kicking her legs around her broom.

And then the CULT LEADER mentions... rewards.

Ohohohoho. Well...

    "I've seen some of your guys carrying around some pretty interestin' looking books," Marisa says with a cheerful lilting tone. "I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a few of them, you know? For my collection!" Marisa collects books. Well, 'collects.'

More like 'hoards,' really.

    "But, you know, if you know anything," Marisa inclines her head and gives a nice, big grin. "It'd be nice if you told us where some of these other villages that got attacked were. Or who might be... Uh. Passionate enough to go..." Her fingers make little air-quotes, "Above and beyond the call."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
<<I have no idea Rory, we came to ask some questions rather than kick down the door and now it's going this way. I have no idea what's going on around here. I'm trying to be polite and see what's going on here.>>

She gets a bit chilled but is also listening if he's on the level something's preying on everyone without caring whom it is.

"AN understandle concern, but it's hard to know how vast things are information can travel quickly and perk people's intrest. Still as for solving it? I seen what happens when something starts something akin to this, it's ugly."

<<Keep watch they have security watching us in the rafters. When this many elites show up I can't fault them for being on edge.>>

She's thankful for Vergil's explaining things well in a very polite way. She's not looking for a fight so far it doesn't seem like it will be one. She does pass out warning over the comm about the guys in the rafters yet things are getting slightly strange here.

Sanary Rondel has posed:

     IN THE BACK: Aside from the scrolls recounting the previous findings, there's also plenty of magic tomes and scrolls available to acquire for research! Or for selling. Whatever works, really. There's even a few documents indicating locations of potential lost treasures for the Grimleal!

     Vrenyn's search doesn't take too long, as she does eventually run into a zombie that's attended by just a single mage! The mage seems perfectly content to just look the other way while she messes with that zombie, muttering something about "weirdo Elites" before burying her nose in a book. The zombie groans quietly at the tapping, its head sinking in just a bit even as it turns to stare at her with a partially-detached jaw. There's something resembling a questioning grunt as she speaks to it, but it's clear that the brain behind it is in that mage trying so hard not to make herself a target.

     IN THE FRONT: "If it's answers you seek, I'm afraid we don't have many at the moment. We're still investigating the matter ourselves, you see, or else... Well. We'd have the interlopers strung up by now." The leader grins smugly as he regards Vergil. "But it's so refreshing to see someone that understands the importance of loyalty. Rest assured, we will direct any new information we find your way once we find it."

     Notably, he hasn't actually asked about where to even send that info. Perhaps even stranger, he simply glances over at Sarracenia and Sanary for a moment before musing to himself. "It may very well be the unfaithful that are doing this to us... But they will be eradicated soon enough."

     Sanary, meanwhile, does look a little calmer when Sarracenia approaches her. She even gives the princess a light pat on the shoulder while keeping her voice down! "Couple of things. Wasn't these guys, so.." She takes a deep breath, glancing back at the temple leader before muttering. "... Really just wanna get out of here."

     He doesn't notice, at least. That, or he doesn't care enough to call her out on it. Instead, he turns to Souji and Marisa next. "Patterns, patterns.. Yes, actually. These... Disappearances have been happening all along the borders of our theocracy. But with how large some of these villages are, it's... Not clear how this could be done without anyone noticing. As for rewards..." The leader waves one of the acolytes over, mutters something to him, then sends him off to the back rooms.

     "We do have some spare tomes laying about. We'd be more than happy to part with a few for your services, although I won't raise your hopes and pretend you'll comprehend all of them. You're certainly free to try, though." He chuckles again. "We're always seeking new followers, of course, whether you're from this world or not. Those who prove themselves could even find themselves with more... Direct access to our library as well."

     IN THE BACK (again): That acolyte sent back to get some tomes passes by Vrenyn and the mage with her zombie, peering at the three for a few brief moments before trying to just avoid that mess entirely. He's got a job to do, after all, and so does Yari! If the ninja's not careful, she might just find herself with an actually-an-acolyte running right into her!

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Vrenyn cocks her head, staring at the zombie for a few more moments, before deciding that this one's a lost cause. She's not quite going to give up, though. (The dark mage by her is, likely to their great relief, ignored.)

    She doesn't care about the tomes or treasures, really, and Yari's a better bet for finishing up that side of things. Turning off to find another target, Vrenyn's just going to look for the undead in the best condition for a higher chance of getting any answers out of it, in basically the same manner.

    Now, if I were an enslaved undead in good condition in an understaffed temple, where would I be... guarding whatever's the most sacred part of it, probably.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia smiles to Sanary and sets a hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry. We can leave anytime you like." she says, speaking softly since Sanary did. The princess isn't a stealthy-type, an intelligence agent, or anything of that nature. She is simply here in case Sanary needs protection and support. That is made clear by the gigantic hammer resting over her shoulder. But, that doesn't mean she isn't willing to take a few tomes of knowledge. "Regardless, we shall take them. They may contain clues as to how we might track down the offenders, or prevent future attacks." she says, then looks around before back at the leader. "Please, produce these tomes. Since it seems you are not the culprits, we should be going as soon as possible to continue our investigation."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari snatches up more documents. She somehow manages to hide them on her person despite the outfit. Ninja secrets.

And then in rushes a poor Acolyte, slamming into her just as she rounds a corner!

Yari staggers back, and the quick ninja is swift to try to catch the real Acolyte!

"Please be careful. You look in a rush. Do you need help? Glory to Grima." Helpful Acolyte, totally is Yari! She can also potentially get an ally or some information from the other woman. The ninjette even dusts the other person off if she doesn't protest and helps pick up any dropped books. Risky, Yari!

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
"Ahahahaha, buddy, I think you'd be surprised," Marisa winks at the high-priest. SUCH CASUAL DISRESPECT!! Or maybe it's just casual friendliness? Hmm. "Anyway, I'd be glad to take a few of those books of your hands. Who knows, I might learn somethin' interesting about this Grima, eh?"

    The mention of a library perks Marisa's inner book-thief. So they have a more elaborate archive somewhere, huh? That'd be... worth looking into.

At the very least.

    "Maybe they're attacking around the border 'cause they know it'll take folks a while to notice?" The witch suggests, not at all bothering to hide her interest in IMPENDING TOME ACQUISITION. "That way, whoever's doing it can hit and run. Maybe tryin' to distract people from something... else. You know? Draw your attention out to keep you from noticing something going on on the inside."

Vergil (878) has posed:
     Vergil does actually express genuine interest in the tomes, giving a smile in return. "As will we, should we find the cause of these attacks."

     The Son of Sparda notes that they don't seem too inquisitive about who it is they're doing this for, though - not once have they really pushed to know who's village was destroyed or where she is. It worked in their favor... but it was more then a little suspicious.

     Perhaps they knew more then they were telling?

     Of course that much was /obvious/ by default - they were cultists after all. Keeping secrets was practically their job. But was there something about Sanary in particular they were keeping hidden?

     Curious... and somewhat more suspicious that they already know, Vergil again decides to try and bait things out with a more direct connection as he extends a hand and takes any of the tomes offered to him. "Thank you. And if you do find any information yourself... you'll want to contact our friend directly." He keeps his eyes focused on the leader to observe a reaction... and off of his allies lest they distract him with any pointless scathing glares. "Ask around for 'Sanary Rondel', and she'll be sure to get the information to those who need it - she wishes to help those devout who have had their homes taken from them, seeing as she herself has lost her village to these unfortunate events."

     He hasn't outright stated that Sanary is the same person as their 'friend', but it's more then enough to at least set up a link... and potentially bait whoever is behind this into seeking her out more directly.

     Of course, the trade-off will likely be the anger of his allies for his giving Sanary's name away, but it is still an advantage they can use. Besides, if they /aren't/ involved, they will have simply gained an ally or information source... and if they are, they have only expedited the process. And all in a way that doesn't directly paint Sanary as a traitor.

     Though if her people betrayed her first, that wouldn't truly be the case, now would it?

Sanary Rondel has posed:

     IN THE BACK: The mage breathes a sigh of relief as Vrenyn leaves, and she's quick to start reattaching anything that fell off once it's clear she's not being monitored anymore. As Vrenyn continues searching for semi-intelligent life, however, it all seems to point to the same things: reanimated corpses and bones with little to no autonomy. They just seem to be follow the wills of their masters, unable to do much else outside of just grunting in response to pokes and prods. At least they're good at providing the (partially functioning) muscle for their tome-wielding masters!

     That acolyte yelps as he collides with Yari, staggering some before (predictably) dropping his pile of tomes: Low-level dark magic and a few instructional texts. At least Yari's reflexes are fast enough to catch him before he falls on his ass! "Wha? Glory to Grima! Help? Er... Y-yes, that would be great, thank you. I still need to gather some extras of these for the outsiders..." He doesn't look directly at Yari at first, focusing on getting some of those books together while she handles the others. Once he does, though? "... I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?"

     IN THE FRONT: "He's taking a while, isn't he? Oh well. He needs to exercise, anyway." The leader sighs lightly while glancing towards where that acolyte had run off to, eventually turning back to Sarracenia and Marisa. "I do hope you'll have better luck than us in finding out more about these... Interlopers. We'll be waiting for the good news." He flashes them a wicked grin. "We do not forgive traitors easily, but if they can prove themselves through their actions, Grima may yet forgive them."

     Perhaps even stranger than before, the leader turns that same smile to Vergil at the mention of Sanary. "Ah, of course. I assume we can rely on your... Contact's discretion in this matter, then. Even if..." He looks from Vergil to Sanary for a moment, then shrugs and turns to stare at one of the statues of Grima.

     "... Well. Actions speaking louder than words, or however that phrase goes."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "A very generious reward, given information can be worth far more than money."

She's doing quite the word dance for her right now. She's not foolish but she's not an experiance diplomat after all. She does make note of Vergil's comment on the comm and thinks about it they haven't ask who they are trying to help have they. She thinks there might be time to stake out things. She bows slightly.

"We will keep you informed if we find any leads as well sir."

Well this has been useful to gather some information and get a better understanding of this faith and it's followers.. She does know it's time to go however and she'll be making her way out with the others.

"We'll be in touch sir."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Nnn! The ninjette nods.

"That's easily done. Let's see..." She peers at the covers as they're picked up.

"Yes, I joined not too long ago. Sorry, still learning, I'll take any pointers. I'd rather not anger our leader this early in my path." It's as though Yari is being fed a cover identity. She might have to use this later.

But now, though, she'll be helpful in finding those books, making polite inquiries about recent events and how to better Grimleal. It might come in handy some time to know.

But when it's time to finally deliver everything, the poor Acolyte will find himself alone, Yari long ago having slipped away and out of the compound.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    <<Situations like this are frightening. The atmosphere is so tense and hostile. It is almost like combat could occur at any moment. I worry for those around me. Whatever happens to this body of mine matters little compared to you or the others. It may have been better to not join the main party and instead investigated from afar.>>

    Rory replies to Kotone though her unease is not showing much more on her face than before.

    Her own opinion about these priests, however... will be shared later.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    insects, they're so incredibly annoying. One seems to have fluttered in as Rory heads out with the others...

    It is, in fact, an extremely tiny spy robot with a kilometer range on its transmission and receiving.

    She is not letting these people off the hook quite yet.

Vergil (878) has posed:
     Seeming more then satisfied by the outcome of the conversation - and in agreement with the leaders words on actions being a better method of conveying intent - Vergil takes whatever books are offered to him, intent on reading them thoroughly and cross-referencing any source he can to translate the texts. "Indeed they do... and with any luck, they will speak loud enough to reach Grima himself in due time."

     This in turn implies that Vergil might suspect the intent... but, perhaps disturbing enough, he doesn't sound like he's really /against/ it.

     If anything, he actually seems fascinated. And if the power these people believe Grima can give them is potent enough...

     Well... time would tell, now wouldn't it? Something else to strive for alongside Majora's Mask.

     "I can guarantee our contact will remain discrete. After all... she only wishes to find the truth." Inclining his head forward in an eloquent bow, Vergil finishes off the dialogues with the phrase "Glory to Grima" and respectfully takes his leave along with the rest, his mind working quietly to ponder what he has learned...

     And what he would have to do if the power of Grima was possible to attain himself. As well as what cost would be needed in order to do so.

     And, of course, what to do in handling Sanary Rondel if she disagreed with that cost.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Good to know that we're in agreement, then. I'll be sure to keep this 'Rondel' character updated for your benefits as well as ours." And with that, the leader turns away to start heading towards the back rooms. Before he gets there, however, he stops.

     "Glory to Grima. I so hope to see you again, travellers. Perhaps.. Without members of your group disppearing next time." He bows to the group with a light flourish and a knowing smile, then heads further inside. Nobody seems to notice that spy drone, at least, what with the acolytes and mages starting to focus on their own work once again now that the discussions are over.

     The acolyte finally returns, meanwhile, looking absolutely exhausted as he hauls that entire pile of books over all on his own. He's definitely built to carry those books (and it's hard not to tell with his uniform), but that doesn't make the task any less painful!

     The haul: Several low level magic tomes with a few higher-level dark magic tomes mixed in, and a few instructional texts on performing rituals and services for the worship of the Fell Dragon.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
(Marisa totally calls dibs on at least one of the more awesome dark magic tomes. Ze.)