1082/A visit from off world

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A visit from off world
Date of Scene: 05 December 2014
Location: Earth-<GITS> New Port Japan
Synopsis: After the salvaging encounter Kotone finds she's got some guests from the multiverse one day and things just get social!
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 240, 635

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Back in this particular world and back to his note-taking exploration. This time Quentyn's wandering a more populated area, stopping sometimes to take notes on his surroundings or just stare at anything particularly weird to the Galiandan.

Shir (240) has posed:
Shir's decided to go sightseeing herself, there's likely more to see than in the bombed out area of the city. She's currently in front of the display at a jewelery store distracted by all the shininess. There was certainly much that looked tempting in the city.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Quentyn would find Kotone's home by dumb luck or fate in the city of New Port it's a small place a tiny too story packed in along a very narrow and packed street but it's not to bad all things considered there's a sign reading in English, Russian, Japanese and Mandori which is sibly Yamakata's Vechile restorations and Customziations.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn passes by Shir and, if she happens to look his way, he'll greet with a smile and a hand held up in a wave of sorts. But, unsurprisingly, the teenage boy doesn't give the jewelry store more than a passing glance as he continues on his way.

    The student continues his exploration and note taking, but it's when he starts to write down 'Yamakawa's Vehicle Restorations and Customizations that he pauses. And puts the end of his pen first against his mouth and then his chin, chewing on it a little bit. This place sounds familiar, somehow.

Shir (240) has posed:
Shir catches Quentyn out of the corner of her eye, she's wondering a bit what he's doing here. She prys herself away from the store and begins following from a bit of a distance. She stops to look at various stores from time to time to make herself look less supicious.

When he comes to a stop, she's wondering he's looking at before seeing the sign and taking it in. Was this Kotone's place? There's only one to find as she walks pass Quentyn and heads inside.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The main door is open at the moment and a pair of motorcycles the pair might know? Is there is a woman under one but there's a bird nest of wires connected into the machine, but they seem to be snaking down to /her/ as she works.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn blinkblinks as Shir walks right past him and into the building he was just speculation. "Um... do you..." the student starts to call after her, but gives up. Well, might as well follow and see. And so Quentyn does.

    From the door Quentyn peers inward. His Ramuha-blue eyes trace the wires into the figure under the bikes, and he looks a little queasy-- but not nearly as shocked as the first time he witnessed someone jacking in. He fiddles with his glasses for a moment. "Even these bikes are computerized..?"

Shir (240) has posed:
"Yeah, I'm not going to have to wear a wire or anything when I ride this am I?" That sounds rather uncomfortable for Shir. "Hey Kotone, how's it going?" She figures that who it is under the motorcycle. "I'm not too surprised by that, this seems to be one of those cyberpunk places where everything has a computer in it." Motavia has quite a few computers now that thinks about it.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa pauses in her work not coming up for the moment.

"Yes I'm running a full systems check to see what I need to fix, its old but still functional after a bit of working. Yes there's computers in just about everything these days even people like my self."

She pushes out from under the craft and has a strang ehed set on which she pulls off followed byt four large cables from the back of her neck.

"So what brings you here?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn nods shortly to Shir. And, although he answers Kotone, his eyes are onthe back of her neck. "Um... I was just looking around this world some more when..." He gestures vaguely in the direction of the sign outside. After a pause... "Does that hurt?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "An honest question but no it doesn't hurt at all, my body's made for it. I'm as mechanical as this bike..."

She seems unhappy about that bit and tilts he rhead a bit.

"The price tag I paid to get it wasn't one I'd have wanted to pay to be honest but I'm alive, right and that's what matters so welcome to my business and home Quentyn."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks hesitantly curious at first, but when Kotone welcomes him, he returns the word with a quick smile, and then looks around a little more. Business and home... the words seem familiar to the teen somehow. But, all in all, the student looks reluctant to head in further than the doorway for some reason.

    Quentyn slips his pencil between the binding of his notebook, and opens his mouth to speak. But it's a moment before he actually does speak. "Um... you almost died..?" he asks tentatively.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Yes it's not something I enjoy talking aout, so shall we get on with the tour this is where I do a lot of my small scale resroations, repair jobs and bits of custom work. I do design work upstairs in my apartment and that's about it. You don't even want to know the cost on this place, I'm hoping to make enough to buy it out right working in the multiverse to me honest."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks a little embarrassed and nods quickly. Not saying anything else on that topic, he simply follows along attentively. "Umm... do you make or design vehicles from scratch? Or just mods?"

Shir (240) has posed:
"Yeah, life in the big city isn't cheap." Shir knows how that goes. "Do you get a lot of people like us who aren't from around here?" She's kind of curious to how much outside business Kotone gets. "And nearly dying sucks, I've been there more a few times." She knows the feeling.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I design from scratch it whats I went to school for. As for the latter? I do that as a hobby and there's money in restoration work, my father's a garage owner in the boonies and I have experiance working on older tech. I have a love for stuff that isn's stuffed full of computers like a hot pocket is with cheese. Japan is it's pretty big on trade and it's already jumping at the multierse to be honest with the Ameri Russioa alliance not far behind them along with the EU."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    "I see," Quentyn answers, leaning on the door frame. He tilts his head a little at the talk of Multiverse politics. "Did this world just unify too?"

Shir (240) has posed:
"Yeah, I think people rely on computers a bit too much." Of course Mother Brain doesn't help Shir's feelings about it. "People need to be able to do think for themselves. No offense or anything." She knows Kotone doesn't really have much say in the matter there.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Naw it unifed a few years back."

She tilts her head for a moment and peers at her.

"Maybe so but I can't functional without it now."

She gives Shir a rather dirty look for a moment. "Gee thanks, Shir."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Well, I said no offense. I kind of have a robot death squad after me for trying to save the planet." Shir's kind of bias about such matters. "I mean you can't really that impeach a supercomputer running things badly." There's no real peaceful way out of the situation she can see. "Besides, you're still a person and not a mindless machine." She points out there's a difference.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn nods hesitantly, and looks uncertain what to do when words almost take a less friendly turn. But relieved that Shir tries to mend it. "Robot death squad..?" Quentyn asks Shir with that kind of tip-toe-cautious curiosity.