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Latest revision as of 13:02, 3 August 2015

Vegeta VS Beelzebumon
Date of Scene: 30 December 2014
Location: Waterland Desert
Synopsis: Beelzebumon decides to have it out with Vegeta, for lulz.
Cast of Characters: 132, 663

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Even though it's evening in some places, Vegeta has chosen a part of the Waterland Desert that's still blazing hot with an incredibly unfriendly sun overhead. Though it does lack the frown of a Mario sun.

He's standing in the middle of rock hard sand that's been sitting for a while, not at all like the nice, soft sand at a beach. His arms are crossed, and he's got a fresh suit of saiyan armor on. His power is kept high enough to sense, though he has no idea if Digimon can sense power levels or not.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Not that Vegeta would need to sense power levels to know that Beelzebumon is coming.

     Riding in on his thundering motorcycle Behemoth, the Demon Lord appears on the horizon, kicking up a cloud of dust in his wake as he rumbles across the landscape. And he is accompanied by the sound of loud, thumping music from the sound system attacked to the back of his bike, a gift from Mantigora.

     Stopping nearby, Beelzebumon lowers the kickstand and climbs off his machine, then takes a moment to turn off the music before stretching, "I was wondering what was taking you so long to reply to my challenge... what happened? Santa gave you a concussion with his lump of coal for all the naughty things you did?"

Vegeta (663) has posed:
"I was busy with politics. A planet had to be blown up, women seduced. General royal saiyan business." Vegeta holds up his hand, forming a simple glob of energy. Then he just tosses it like a grenade, and it'll explode just as harshly when it hits the ground near Beelzebumon's feet. "I forgot that you were some sort of mutant freak."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Oh, wasting no time in repopulating the Saiyan Race I see. Well, whatever floats your boa--"

     Then in mid sentance, the ki blast goes off right at Beelzebumon's feet and explodes, kicking up a large plum of smoke and dust. As the cloud behins to settle, a blackened Beelzebumon lets out a cough and waves his hand in front of his face, "I know you have troubles going off pre-maturely and all that Veggie, but really? Not even a little boasting and bantering?" He takes a moment to brush himself off, then twists his head to the side and cracks his neck, "Well, if you wanna cut right to the chase then..."

     And then in a sudden blurr of movement, the Demon Lord surges forward and leaps, driving his knee right into Vegeta's mouth.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta finds blood spurting from his nose as his entire body gets driven back by the Digimon's knee. Then, suddenly, his aura flares yellow, right along with his hair, and he reaches up to grab Beelzebumon's knee. "I'd think you waste enough time boasting and bantering." he says before he begins trying to spin the Digimon around and release him off in some random direction.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Just trying to set the mood," Beelzebumon says with a smirk, even as his leg is grabbed... and strangely enough, he doesn't even try to resist as he's swing violently around and thrown through the air.

     As he carreens across the battlefield, his arm snaps out to grab a rock jutting out of the sandy terrain and uses the momentum of Vegeta's own throw to whip himself around the rock and fling him back, feet first towards the Saiyan Prince.


Vegeta (663) has posed:
"You're some kind of... computer animal. You're not even a living thing. I'm using you to see how healed I am." Vegeta talks, but isn't prepared for the speed that Beelzebumon snaps back. The impact with his head sends him directly into a rock, which explodes on impact.

He pulls himself up from a pile of rubble, rubbing his head. "How exactly did a thing like you get so strong, anyway?" he asks, right before he begins rapidly thrusting his hands to fire thin yellow beams into the air that arc down and carpet bomb the entire area Beelzebumon's standing in.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     After backflipping back onto his feet from his flying kick, the Demon Lord of Gluttony takes a moment to admire his handiwork, "Digimon, actually. As for not being a living thing... well, I might not be made of blood and bone, but I'm as living and breathing as anyone else."

     As the assaulkt begins, Beelzebumon tears off to the side, seeking to outrace the rumbling explosions coming up behind him, only to be caught in the rippling blasts and thrown across the ground like a ragdoll. He bounces once, twice, three times loike a stone skipping across water before he magaes to claw the ground and scrape himself to a stop.

     "As for how I got so strong... well..." He pulls out one of his Berenjena Shotguns and snaps it up, fighting off a slug from both barrels, "I fought--" Then he snatches up it's twin from his other holster and snaps it up to unleash another blast, "And I fought--" Then he spins around and unleashes a third blast of fire and lead from his favored weapons, "And I just kept fighting, 'cause I just can't stop!"

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta tries to dodge, but as he moves to the side, the first slug hits him in the chest and sends him spinning. Then the second hits, causing him to spin even -faster-, rolling across the ground like some kind of rock skipping over water.

When the third hits, it blows a chunk of armor off, but at the same time he digs his fingers into the ground. His aura flares up, and he almost instantly covers all the space that was just made inbetween them. He's covered in cuts, burns, and bruises, but he's also full of -rage-. "You're almost like a saiyan. Perhaps I'll even show you my full power before this is over!!!" he shouts, and tries to slam a fist into Beelzebumon's chin for some sort of super uppercut. "You're more than welcome in the Saiyan Empire, if you can keep this up!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The uppercut strikes true, catching Beelzebumon under the chin and lifting him off his feet and into the air, only to crash back down a good twenty feet away flat on his back. After a moment of merely laying there, he groans and pushes himself to his feet before rubbing his jaw, "I'll pass. Tried that whole joining thing a while back, and all that happened is that I ended up hating my co-workers."


     "Oh, and our god blew up the planet because we tried to overthrow him. Some people can be so spiteful when they're losing."

     He takes a moment to pick up his fallen guns, then sticks them back into their holsters, "Only found one partner I actually liked--"

     And then suddenly there is a loud roaring sound from behind Vegeta as the hellish motorcycle Behemoth comes hurting off a sand dune and tries to skip off the back of Vegeta's head as though he were a ramp, "--And that would be him now."

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta almost turns around, but the motorcycle slams into his head and his face slams directly into the ground. He can be heard grumbling in the dirt, the back of his head dripping with blood.

A fist is slammed into the ground, then he pushes himself up to one knee, his aura flaring again, this time enough to send cracks and shockwaves through the rocky sand. His hair becomes more rigid, electricity arcing through his much wilder aura, and his muscles are significantly more defined rather than actually larger. "Frieza blew up my planet because he -thought- that he -might possibly- lose one day, -maybe-."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     As Behemoth skids to a stop next to Beelzebumon, the Demon Lord just shrugs a bit, "This Frieza sounds like a class act, that's for sure, but me? I don't sweat that stuff." He takes a moment to re-mount his hellish machine and takes a firm hold of the handlebars, then revs the engine, "I lost a home, but in exchange I got the Multiverse, with countless of strong foes to help sate my appetite for challenge, and every day even more worlds unify, each with their own champions! I could fight for a thousand years and never run out of entertainment!"

     Behemoth's tires begin to screech as Beelzebumon throttles the gas, with all that pent up aggression between his legs ready to burst the moment he takes his hands off the brakes.

     "C'mon Geetz, show me what ya got."

Vegeta (663) has posed:
"-You- get it. I hear so many immortals say they're bored with immortality, or people -fear- immortality because they believe that one day they won't have anything to do." Vegeta finally stands, then points a finger at Beelzebumon.

"But me? As long as I can constantly become more powerful, as long as I can continue fighting stronger and stronger opponents until the end of time, I don't understand how I could possibly tire of immortality!" He fires off what seem like incredibly quick beams, not like normal damaging beams. If these hit, they'll turn into large rings to -crush- Beelzebumon's arms into his body. Not meant to restrain, but meant to shrink as hard as possible and break bones.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon grins, then says with a hint of glee in his voice, "Live fast. Die hard. Leave a smoking crater."

     And then an instant later, he releases the brakes and Behemoth /shoots/ off like a rocket, tearing across the sandy landscape in a wild weaving pattern that deftly avoids Vegeta's attempts to catch him. The beams come close to him and his hellmachine, but they can never quite seem to pin him down as he dodges in and out on a beeline right for Vegeta!


     And then just as he comes into range, Beelzebumon's hand snaps out to grab Vegeta by the face and hoist him up off the ground... then while still tearing across the desert at over a hundred miles an hour, he plants Vegeta headfirst into the ground and drags his face across the landscape.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta began to run in to try and clothesline the digimon, but then when his face is grabbed, his fingers dig into the ground to try and slow this all down. To no avail, obviously, his face painfully digs through the rocks and toxic sand.

His arms snap back to grab Beelzebumon's wrists, then he just starts to -spin-. He entirely covers his body in protective energy and continues moving with the same momentum. He tries to pull the biker from his bike, and drag him into the ground like some kind of powerful energy drill. "If you want brutality, I'll give you brutality!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     As Beelzebumon feels the grip on his wrist tighten and the centrifical force of Vegeta's spin start to tear him from the saddle, he things fast and pulls out a length of heavyduty chain from the rear of Behemoth, clutching it tightly in his hand even as he's slammed back into the earth. The impact of the crash is enough to cause him to cough out, spattering Vegeta's armor with ichor that quickly dissolves into data particles.

     Then he smirks.

     With a quick jerk, he pulls Vegeta down so their faces are an inch from each other, then blows a sarcastic kiss and says, "Love you too Geetz." Then he attaches the hook to the back of collar on his armor.

     A moment later, the chain goes taut as Behemoth barrels away, yanking the Saiyan price off him. Quickly leaping to his feet as the Saiyan Warrior is pulled away, Beelzebumon whistles sharply and Behemoth doubles back, dragging Vegeta behind it.

     Then Beelzebumon hops forward just as Vegeta comes into range and delivers a devestating Superkick to his face with enough force that the chain snaps from the blow.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta actually goes flying for a -very- long time. He tries to grab a rock just like Beelzebumon did, but all it does is break under his hand from the speed he's going. Then when his body spikes into the ground, he's groaning in pain. He has to snap his arm back into its socket, and when he stands, Beelzebumon looks much smaller with a good 200 feet inbetween them.

He says something, though it can only be heard over the radio. "I don't know much about science, I don't -care- much about science. But I know enough to understand ways in which to destroy people. For example, I know what a geomagnetic field is..." He smiles, then casually raises two fingers. Nothing happens for a few seconds... then a massive atomic explosion seems to simply rise out of absolutely no where, exploding around the two of them all at once.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon smirks as he slowly lowers his leg once more and watches as Vegeta careens away from his devestating kick, only to frown slightly as he feels a change in the air... almost as if something were coming up from beneath him.

     Then with a loud curse, he turns and lunges away, yelling out "BEHEMOTH!"

     Snapping around, the hellbike spins and turns back towards Beelzebumon, then lashes the broken chain out to wrap arounbd the Demon Lord's arm to pull him to safety as the ground erupts in a rising explosion behind him, before skipping across the ground as he lets go of the chain and coming to a stop.

     Then slowly he gets up and lets out a whistle as he views the huge crater not twenty feet from where he stands.

     "Now that is one big hole."

     Then with a kick of his leg, he hops the Berenjena Shotgun from it's holster strapped to his leg and catches the weapon in one hand, "'Fraid I can't cause anywhere near that kind of destruction, but what I lack in power, I make up in precision."

     Then he levels the weapon at the distant Vegeta and squeezes the trigger.


Vegeta (663) has posed:
"You actually outran that. I'm impressed..." But Vegeta doesn't see the attack coming, and it's especially difficult because Beelzebumon's attacks can't be -sensed- in the way that he's used to. It hits him directly in the chest, burning through his armor and leaving a huge gash in his chest, slamming him into -another- boulder.

He slides down to his feet, then raises a hand to touch his bloody chest. "Damn, not sure how much longer I can go at this rate... But I suppose you -are- some kind of demon. Rarely to I fight someone with more experience than myself, with the power to match it."

He holds up his index, middle finger, and thumb, aiming them at Beelzebumon. "Of course, you're missing one very important thing. What you lack in power, I more than make up for in both power -and- precision."

That's when a concentrated bolt of energy fires from his fingers with almost bullet-like speed, far more energy than it actually looks like. Power equivalent to a much larger attack all meant to hit the narrow target of the digimon's abdomen.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The blast sails forth, and Beelzebumon barely jerks as it strikes. Behind him, a rocky pillar stands silently, then cracks before crumbling to the ground, and a moment later, the Demon Lord coughs again as the ichor that comes from his mouth flickers into data particles. Slowly, he looks down to the still smoking, inch wide hole in his gut, before collapsing to one knee.

     "... That... was a good rebuttle. Gotta hand it to ya Vegeta... that one... really hurt..."

     He grimmages as he slowly tenses up, one hand clutching at his gut wound, "But... I ain't out of the running /yet/!"

     Then with a sudden, mighty leap, he launches himself a good hundred feet into the air towards the Saiyan Prince, then pulls one of his arms back as his nails behind to glow with purple energy. Handing only a few feet in front of Vegeta, he rolls forward from the handing, then thrusts his one hand out, aiming dead center for his chest with the intent of impaling him on his arm.


Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta's chest is already dripping with blood, so when that claw thrusts in, he can feel the energy brushing against his heart. All he can do is hold Beelzebumon's wrist, standing there, bleeding.

His eyes are wide, coughing up blood. Each beat of his heart brushes against the Digimon's claws. "Funny... this is actually more painful than it looks from the other side..."

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" His entire body lights up with energy, trying to hold Beelzebumon tight enough to not actually let him move. Then energy just starts flying out of him, releasing raw, unfocused power meant to consume the Digimon entirely.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "... Heh, an inch more to the left and I would have had ya..." Beelzebumon says with a grin, even as he feels Vegeta's grip tighten on his arm, preventing him from pulling free, "Funny how something as little as that can decide a battle..." Then he closes his eyes and braces himself as he feels power swelling up from Vegeta, and a moment later his body is buffeded by a concussive blast of raw ki that washes over him, tearing away at his skin and his clothes. His body starts to distort, like a corrupted video, blurring and warping.

     Then suddenly, he is thrown back as he is unable to maintain his Ultimate Level form, glowing brightly as he sails through the air before devolving to his Impmon form as he crashes to the ground.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
"I remember you now. I remember you turning into this thing before. We fought a long time ago." Vegeta seems to finally remember as he walks up to Impmon and moves to lift him by the arm. "Well, you're not all talk..." he says as he forms a small energy shield around his chest, mostly to hold the blood in. "I'll drop you off somewhere, then I need to get back into the tank..."