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Street Dragons Are On The Loose
Date of Scene: 10 February 2015
Location: The Central Valley
Synopsis: The Dravanian Horde attempt to after another village. Only this time these ground ponder drakes are met by the Garlean Forces and soon following, some others of the Multiverse.
Cast of Characters: 522, 560, Lyria Mason, 695, Corona Arclite
Tinyplot: Dragon's Bane

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Central Valley is no easy place to pass and one would think because of this, it would be a horrible staging ground, yet the Dravanians know no bounds to their ruthlessness and they will continue their assault across the Multiverse.

This leading them here, but not by wings, but by ground assault. Following the Canals they come, large naturally armor plated, black dragons that lack of wings. They run quickly across the water on their hign legs, and sometimes on all fours, using their naturally armored heads to smash aside anything that gets in their way. Their arms to knock aside any trees, and their spear bladed tails to slash anything they may have missed.

Standing at least ten feet tall and about fifteen in length, they are compact, but there strength seems to show no bounds.

Yet as the Dravanians continue their movement toward the main populated areas of the Central Valley, they run into their first snag in the plans. Garlean Forces standing their ground, with Magitek Reapers-- tall walking machines, and Magitek Vanguards-- Autonomous drones.

The first assault from the Garleans is that use of the Cannon fire from the Magitek Reapers, followed by the charging of the equal in size Vanguards. Yet the Vanguards can not hold long, as the Ground dragons quickly tear into them and slam them aside.

Forcing the Reapers to fall back, but their assault continues-- and at this choke point... it was perhaps all the other forces needed in order to make their move and buy time for more to join in on the fray.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran had long gotten tired of the marginal existance in the slums of Urbania, and had managed to find his way back into the Multiverse to find better hunting grounds. Slowly but surely, he's starting to understand that the Multiverse is a huge place, and the likelihood of being found by those he'd rather not meet again is remarkably remote. But old habits die hard, and he'd rather not let them die just yet.

The purple-and-white furred raptor stalks his next meal in one of the smaller valleys within the area, something small like a rat or a hare. He's not picky. However, the sounds of combat echo from the other side of the hill, scaring away all the animals and scattering them to the four winds. Doran snorts, the nostrils at the end of his square muzzle flaring in his annoyance, and his long triangular ears prick and swivel as he begins pinpointing the origin of the noise.

A part of him doesn't want to get involved. What does he care what two groups are fighting over or why? Still though, it's awfully close to a town he's visited on days of poor weather, mainly for shelter but sometimes for food. Curiousity also sets in -- surely it wouldn't hurt to at least see what is going on, right? He can decide what to do, if anything, once he sees for himself what the racket's all about. He's not going to get any hunting done now anyways, and boredom comes easily to a hunter without prey. He flicks his bushy tail, then sets off at a loping run up the hill to get a solid vantage point.

Corona Arclite has posed:
    Some wise guy once said that no matter how much things change, the also tend to stay relatively the same. That was pretty much how Corona was feeling as she pulled out of the hangers and into the warpgate network. Here she was, a new world, a new bunch of worlds technically, all the new potentials and allies and what not... And yet here she was takin' off because a buncha monsters were harassin' good honest folks just tryin' to work and live their lives and needed someone to defend all those good things.

The difference would be that she's not alone this time, even as the contraption she's driving tears across the landscape after exiting the nearest warp. It looks similar to one of those motorcycle-trikes with the two back wheels. Except that instead of a front wheel it's sporting a small rig of all-terrain crawler type treads, the control assembling is cast to resemble a bull skull with the longhorns serving as the handlebars, and by the way it roars and spits smokey sparks out the exhaust it sure as heck isn't running on normal gasoline.

"One word of advice, missy... Hold on!" That's the only warning her passanger gets as Corona hits one of the low hills and cranks the throttle full, sending the 'bike' arcing off over the peak and through the air. Which wouldn't be complete without grabbing her hat with one hand and whipping it over her head with a "YEEEEEHA!".

Then it hits the ground again and she yanks on the brake lever, causing the shields to slam down against the back wheels and make the thing drift a full one-eighty before stopping so it's pointed in the direction of the dragon horde. Corona doesn't bother taking her goggles off even as the foxgirl stands up and puts one boot on the handlebars to brace herself, and plops the reinforced stetson back on her head. "Well shoot, I reckon those are the biggest, -ugliest- lookin' gila monsters I've ever done see."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    These incidents rarely go well for EMIYA SHIROU, but the Dravanians have established themselves as a terrifying threat to the Multiverse. They'll take everything they want in the name of their cause and crush anything in their path.

    So when reports go out and then the GARLEANS call for help... he responds in a flurry of quickly donning his armor, dashing for the warp gates, and running from the nearest warp gate atop a hill overlooking the battle.

    Frantically the youth, whose outfit consists of normal street clothing with a fiber-weave breastplate over his vitals, looks out over the mess...

    "They just don't stop! How does someone turn them BACK...."

Lyria Mason has posed:
It's totally a dymanic entrace, Lyria totally approve of Corona's well style she hangs on as gightly as she can as the ground craft hits high speeds and then well leaps. A pair of certain brothers would totally approve of this. She doe snot let go as they come in for a landing and she looks up at the faux Dragon horde. It's faux as far as she's concerned. Extraversal things often were the cause of frustation for many from Galandia.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Doran would find himself coming upon a battle scene below, with ride armors falling back, while laying down machine gun fire and massive cannon balls right at the ground drakes. However a few of those machines are toppled right over, spilling their rider out. While the Garleans quickly get back up to their feet, they are also tackled by the far larger creatures who-- well-- make very quick work out of those who are too unfortunate.

When Corona makes her flashy entrance, this causes a few of the Dravanians to jump back and then roar in her general direction. Their massive teeth snarling at her machine. They don't seem overly thrilled by her choice of transportation and make it clear as several of them go charging right at her!

Emiya Shirou and Doran go ignored for the moment, though with Lyre hanging out with Corona-- she may need to becareful, or the Dravanians may go for her as well.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Flashy entrances are great for getting the attention of attackers. Which might of been part of Corona's idea all along, get some of that pressure off those beleagured soldiers. Or it might be sheer luck. It's really hard to tell. Either way some of them start charging towards them, and the vixen just tugs her hat down a bit more and smirks. "Aw, I think I upset 'em," she drawls as she grabs the handle of her hammer and pulls it free, extending it to its full sledgehammer length. Then clamping down on the level guard, which causes the generator inside the head to crackle with greenish-blue energy. "Let's do a little somethin' about this stampede!"

Corona leaps off the machine and swings as she does, so the hammer hits the ground right in front of her. The impact discharges the building plasma, sending a shockwave of energy head-on to the giant lizards charging her.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Overlooking the battle, Shirou ends up gritting his teeth. This is not cool. Not in the least. But he sees where he can make the most difference. "TRACE...ON!"

    With a sizzle-crack, a black longbow of western design (not to his taste, but he doesn't have anything better!) appears in his grasp. Holding the bow in his left hand, he draws back another congealing bolt of power...


    Several copies of Naegling go flying through the air down towards the Dravanians nearest the Garleans. He's hoping to startle, stun, possibly even cripple them depending on how well that works. Anything to break their stride and give the Garleans a chance to get moving again!

    "This isn't gonna go well, is it... Elidibus! What can you tell me about the Dravanians and their leaders, what are they after?!"

    He's not sure if the man is listening, but it's worth a try!

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran hops onto a large boulder and crouches on his haunches, bending forwards so his front paws barely touch the stone under him. Yup, that's a battle alright, and it looks like the ones relying on metal are slowly getting pushed back by the ones relying on dragons. Even the aid of others who do not seem to match either side may not be enough to stop the charge.

The purple-and-white raptor scratches at the red triangular gem on his forehead with a low growl. Every instinct he has is at war with itself, as surely as the battlefield below him. A part of him wants to ignore this, to put as much distance between himself and this place as possible, but the other... no, the other wants to take a stand on principle if nothing else. And is the latter his heart -- his Digicore -- soon settles on.

"After so much time... I'm back to this, huh?" He questions himself quietly, his childish voice lost amongst the sounds of battle below, teeth baring in a mirthless grin. "Well, the sooner it's done..."

He rears his head back, gathering his power with practiced ease, then his golden eyes constrict like a cat's. "-METAL CANNON!-" He throws his head forward, firing a metal cannonball from his mouth downwards towards the large dragons that seem to be causing the worst of the damage. Of course, hitting anything that is part of the ones relying on dragons is the goal here.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason isn't too keen about helping the empire but on the other hand? Rampaging monsters to deal with as well. So well whatcha going to do these Lyria is going for her pistols at this point and seems to have an idea with what she intends to do to deal woth the Dragons.

"I think you did."

Lyria leaps off the machine and starts fiing non elemental shots from her weapons at the same creature that Cronoa is shooting at.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As Corona discharges her hammer, the massive plasma shockwave knocks two of the beasts right over. But two more come right for her! One of them however goes to leap right over her and her machine, heading right for Lyria like an oversize raptor ready to pounce!

As for the one coming directly at Corona, it lowers down its head and actually goes to completely ram her with its massive thick platted skull.

Meanwhile.. the one going to pounce for Lyria gets impacted by the shots, which crack its heavy armor scales. It lands down off from her position, but then leaps right back for her. Its maw opened wide to take a bit out of her.

Shirou's timing is one of nicely done. As his strikes sail across the area, knocking back a few Dravanians-- which the strikes cut a slight gash in their heavy armor, while others leap back. This gives the Garleans a chance to either get those who are wounded out, or change up tactics by leaving out some explosive charges to actually send a few Ground drakes into the sky a bit from the heavy, blue explosive force.

Shirou also makes a call out to a force from Hydaelyn-- but for the moment.. there is no response...

Two of the Dravanians though pull themselves together and then go to charge right for Shirou, quickly covering the distance in their run. Just as one of them leaps into the air a dark magical bolt of magic comes sailing right at the Dravanian. Slamming into the draconic lizard, crafting it into stone-- and then it crashes into the ground shattering into pieces.

The one who did this is a man in a white robe, the golden pits of armor resting on the robes shoulders and over most of his hand, with the index, middle, and thumb armor carved to claw points. A red mask hiding his upper face, with a hood covering over the rest of his head.

The other Dravanian comes directly at the hooded mage, who steps back and then places out his hand, seeming to cause the ground under the drake to irrupt in dark blue flames. Which forces the Dravanian to have to well, back off. "Your timing is most off, dear Shirou.. and here I thought you may have forgotten us.."

Though two more Dravanians start to make their way for Shirou and his mage ally.

As some of the Magitek Reapers turn around to fire off their own cannons. The Digimons Metal Ball slams into a few Dravanians knocking them right into the path of well timed firing shots. Those Dravanians are not very quick to get back up-- but they do seem to be trying too!

Corona Arclite has posed:
Two down and .. aw shoot some of them were smart enough to actually jump it. Corona hefts back her hammer from the ground, winds up and swings!

Unfortunately for her that's the dragon-beast that jumps over her and she whiffs entirely, the hammer's weight causing her to spin around from the momentum. Until the second one rams her like an angry scrapegoat and sends the vixen tumbling across the ground. She's pretty easy to toss around when you hit her it seems. The landing is rough but she manages to dig the hooked end of her breaker into the ground to arrest her motion, and pull herself onto her feet. "Yeesh, not only are they ugly but they're armored too." She leaves the hammer resting on the ground next to her as she tugs her gloves back on, straightens out her hat, and flicks her ponytail back off her shoulder. "Y'all still ain't got an idea what yer messin' with here though."

The rattle of metal and clickclack of gears rings as she deploys one of her portal devices, which despite the archaic looking design unfolds itself right quickly into a impressive looking cannon. It churns for a moment, gears grinding as it swivels towards the dragon that knocked Corona over, and then fires when she gives a kick with the heel of her boot. A more focused burst of power spews from the construct at the dragon beast as smoke hisses out the sides as a form of some amount of recoil compensation.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran takes a moment to watch how his cannonball had affected the battlefield by proxy. A stone dropped into water does indeed create ripples that could turn into waves. No need for him to directly face the ones who rely on dragons -- he can do just as well up here! This realization emboldens the Child Digimon, who digs his rear claws into his stone perch and looks around to appraise his surroundings.

After a few seconds pause, Doran suddenly bolts from the stone and races alongside the hillside's ridge. "-HYPER DASH METAL!-" While still running, the Digimon launches a volley of multiple cannonballs from his mouth, this time scattering them across the entire Dravanian line. Direct damage or distraction, attack or support, it matters not to him!

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "-Bad--" Shirou was bracing, ready to dodge or even try parrying with the bow and a half-formed fourth Naegling when the Dravanians were nearing... or possibly drawing his obsidian blade... but Elidibus blasting them back fills him with relief. Whew. "I'm not going to bother you guys for every little thing. Only the stuff I can't handle myself! But thanks for the save... these dragons are being a huge pain to everyone!"

    Shirou regains his stance and draws the obsidian blade in one hand... in the other, Kanshou appears from bright prana...

    And instead of letting the Dravanians come to him, he rushes out to meet them with a series of slashes!

    Somewhat clumsy, for those not made with Kanshou...

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason may have made a mistake in standing her ground? There's little she can do about tht right now she keeps shooting at it moving back a bit to the side and then full out dropping and rolling. She's not about to become a meal for this beast. She comes up now and starts shootings blasts of lightning charged rounds at the monster. She's moving again now not sitting still as well she's need to keep on her feet least she become dinner.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Corona's blast slams the Drake back and it slides across the ground. Its under armor smoking from the impact, but its slowly getting back up. The other two she impacted with the plasma are also back up on their feet.

All three snarl in her direction, before they get pelted with cannon balls to the back of their heads from Doran who is hanging out up high. This massive impact to the back, causes their eyes to roll up and they ended up falling over knocked out cold.

Lyria opens fire with more shots, lightning this time. Which seems to flow over the scales, but does not slow down the Dravanian whom is after her much. He skids across the ground as she rolls, before he suddenly goes into full speed and attempts to charge right into her like a running bull.

Elidibus glances over at Shirou as he summons an Obsidian blade and then watches as he goes into battle. He doesn't exactly move in, seeming to observe and now the Dravanians know he is here-- they are also seeming to oddly avoid him.

Perhaps out of some primal fear of whoever that hooded robe man is.

Shirou's own attacks cut into the scales, leaving behind slash marks, but do not slow down these Dravanian Ground pounders. Instead when Shirou gets in close, one of them swings around its lance bladed tale to parry right into the strike and swings it back around to leave a slash mark of its own!

Elidibus though speaks up at last once he believes Shirou is not /to/ distracted. "The Dravanians are worshipers of Bahamut, as was their ancestors before them. Their ancestors were... hm.. used by the Allagan Empire long ago.. I suppose you can say its a blood feud these days."

This leaves the mage to explain a bit further, "Given that the Ishgardians war with the Dravanian horde even now and with the momentary awakening of Bahamut whom brought us all here.. well.. you can see quickly why. For their lord's son has arrived.. and they come to his call."

It seems the mage though-- continues to stay out of it. Though his attention does seem to move among those here.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Cannonballs from the heavens! Well not quite, but close enough. Corona is polite enough to give her hat a tip in Doran's direction for the assist, but there's not time to mull over the matter of what even makes a fuzzy raptor. Because her companion is still having a bit of trouble.

But there was a reason that Corona was so comparitively lightly geared. It's what allowed her to keep the fast and nimble agility foxes were known for. Tail gives a lash to center her balance, and then she takes off sprinting in Lyria's direction. Years of vaulting up scaffolding and sprinting across fort walls makes it come almost naturally to her as she dashes up behind the drake harassing Lyria, jumps on its tail and darts up towards its back. As she does so she grabs the sawed-off from its sling at the back of her belts and flips it over her shoulder to catch it in front of herself, grabbing it by the activator level so the momentum takes care of 'cocking' it for her. So it's already humming by the time she flips it into a proper grip and uses both hands to level it at the back of the drake's head. "Yippy ay-ka-ya cactus thumpah!"

The Forge Sweeper bellows as she pulls the trigger, and at this close range the plasma isn't going to have long enough to disperse, meaning more of the explosive discharge is going to be aimed right for the Drake's head.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran skids to a stop, claws leaving behind lines in the dirt from where they'd dug in, and only offers a nod in acknowledgement to Corona's hat-tip. Time enough for pleasantries later. Time to change locations.

He starts running again, the tiny bat wings on his back flapping experimentally, then suddenly leaps off the hill and over the battle onto the other side. His wings do little to help, being too tiny for his bulk despite the fact they stretch out as wide as they can anyways, but the leap itself is enough. He has to scrabble a bit on the other side upon landing to keep from falling off or something equally horrible, but he soon regains his footing and gets to a solid vantage point again.

Cannonballs are all well and good, but he realizes that the big targets are steadily decreasing, leaving the much faster and smaller ones instead. Well, if the enemies are getting smaller... "-METAL SHOOT!-" He spits a small metal orb, more bullet than cannonball, like a sniper's shot into the valley. He'd like to hit the one still menacing Lyria , but any Dravanian in the area will do.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason sees the lighting isn't working and she's already changing what she's using at this point she forced to however leap up into the air flip and land to not get run over this does cause a major problem for her. She's not able to attack for a moment, still it beats being a pancake. She tries another idea one of her pistols is holster and she pulls a cutlass from it's scabbard on her back. She now moves in shooting fire shots with the remaining pistol trying to get to melee range.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Hwuuugh----" Shirou's parrying skills with just ONE legendary sword are none too good. Although Kanshou whips around to catch the spear it only deflects it slightly. The shaft still catches him! A nasty gash is opened on his leg and he goes tumbling back from the brute strength. Utterly thwonked just like that. He goes tumble-thumping for a good several meters and ends up near Elidibus...

    And there he scrambles up to his feet again, ignoring the pain aside from a few grunts. "So this won't stop unless the leadership collapses?" He asks in a strained, pained voice.

    He HURLS the chinese sword in a broad arc far around the Dravanian attackers, then projects the black blade BAKUYA in his hand to replace it.

    In mid-flight Kanshou arcs around as if drawn by a magnet. The Dravanian's right between Kanshou and Shirou, path-wise...

    The married swords are drawn to one another, after all!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The battle rages. Magitek armors able to at last make their stand with the aid now of everyone and as such they continue to lay down the explosions, bullets, and grenades. Corona is able to leap in for Lyria and go in for a heavy explosive shot, knocking back the Dravanian from her comrade.

Lyria apparently avoids getting rolled over and while she moves into melee it seems two of her other allies are on top of things. Given Corona's explosion has knocked it off its feet and while it gets up-- the Child Digimon's attack slams right into its head, cracking the skull armor plate open and sinking right in.

It stands there for a moment, before it-- just falls over.

Team work for the win!

The blade that Shirou swings around like a magnet, cuts into some of the Dravanian's armors out in the distance, though it doesn't slow them down. Only causes their ire to grow, that was until some Garleans blast them directly in the face with a few good Magitek cannon blasts.

Elidibus continues to watch this, including as Shirou goes to recatch the blade. "The son.. was once a man, but hardly a man anymore. Much like Odin.. and a danger to far more then Hydaelyn-- but the entire world as /you/ know it."

The mage raises up his hand and a massive blast of dark energy irrupts knocking back any Dravanian that attempts to get close just as Shirou catches his blade. A few Garleans look up about then, "I don't know you are-- any of you are-- but thank you!"

Another nods to Shirou, "Also neat trick with the explosion!" Wait what? They don't see.. yeah-- they don't see Elidibus.

A few of the Garleans on foot move in to aid Corona and Lyria, using their own gunblades to fire off armor piercing rounds to move the Dravanians back.

It would seem that the group is slowly pushing the Dravanian Horde here actually back. At long last!

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran grimaces a little at himself as his 'bullet' makes the killing blow. He isn't sure now what he was expecting, given that this is a battlefield, but... the results don't sit well with him. It's the first reminder that he didn't really want to get himself involved in the first place, and questioning why he decided to join in anyways.

The Garleans' words alleviate the doubt for the moment, and Doran's tail swishes in subconscious happy wagging for a few moments more. At least until he realizes he's doing that, and he almost stomps on his own tail to stop it. "I'm glad Duke isn't here to see this," he mutters to himself, anchoring himself on his perch. "One more time. -METAL CANNON!-" He spits another large cannonball towards the Dravanian horde, intended to scatter their numbers and help drive them away.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite jumps down as the Drake starts to topple, making a quick sprint afterwards to keep from getting crushed under it's collapsing form. She flips the sawed-off around to pushes it back into the sling, then grabs her hammer from where she left it on the ground previously. With a good portion of the pressure lifted from them the Garlean soldiers are able to start pressing forward again. This was starting to feel more and more like the sort of defensive offense she was accustomed to. "That's it, corral 'em in."

Blunt trauma and explosives seem to be most effective. We can work with this.

Corona skids to a stop at the turret she had left before, kicks it once to dislodge its anchoring, and then winds back with her hammer. "FIRAH IN TH'HOLE!" And with a hefty swing slams the turret with her hammer and launching it into the air, arcing over the advancing Garleans and towards the Drakes they're herding back. The contraption clatters to the ground at their feet, whirrs and smokes a bit.

And then explodes. And I mean BIG explosion, despite its small size. Because when she slammed it with her hammer to launch it Corona also smashed the power supply, causing the pulsarium crystal to crack, overload and then release all it's energy at once. Also resulting in a lot of splintered plate and gears flying about like shrapnel.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria is hacving quite the time of it with this things, she sees her allies are able to get in some good hits and she now moves in. The blade she carries starts to hum as the cutlass is infact what might be known to most extraversals as a vibro weapon. She moves in trying to strike it but that's about it a she sees things are over she thankful for the support fire as she makes another combo of attacks with her weapon to make sure there are no more of these things. She really thought have brought her drones.

Then comes Corna's warning and that gets her just pulling back as fast as she cam she does not /want/ to get caught in that. Also she wants to know how that thing works!

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Wait why is this guy nodding to SHirou about that? "Huh? That was--" Blink blink. Oh darnit he doesn't have TIME for this. He glances around though - did Elidibus vanish on him? No, it doesn't look like it...

    But the explanation's gripped him. The young man's teeth are clenched as he again hurls Kanshou and Bakuya out into the battlefield... this time without any intent on reclaiming them. Instead he picks up his bow...

    "Then there isn't much choice... we'll have to find him and force him to call off the attacks!" So idealistic, this redhead! It definitely won't be THAT easy, right?

    "Just like with odin, if the thing they respect most is being beaten to a pulp... but I don't get it. They're after land when there's plenty empty land! Gh..."

    The grunt lines up with him again bringing out the bow and taking aim with a hastily projected weapon. He launches a copy of JOYEUSE at the Dravanian horde!

    In flight, the sword begins trailing rainbow light in its transformation to a missile. When it strikes faraway...


    It's like several grenades going off scattering destructive, brilliant colors!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Combined attacks total, those who have come were able to help drive the Ground Drakes back. Which end up running as quickly has they came. Seeming perhaps it was hide time they turned scale really. Those that were injured hobble away, those that didn't make it.. well.. those Drakes lay dead on the ground.

This time-- they don't seem to vanish.

The Garlean Troops here let out a cheer of the success and it seems the town near by will not have to worry about being overran by dragons-- at least for now. As for Elidibus, the unknown mage starts to turn away from the cheers and the glee. Raising up his hand to get ready to create his own portal back home.

"Shirou," Elidibus says calmly, looking over his shoulder. "Do not underestimate a man who once had Eorzean to its knees and did not pity any soul he commanded. This one.. is far worse then Odin could ever be.. For even we dare not stand in his way."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"That's right ya varmints! Run while ya still can!" Corona shakes her free fist after the retreating dragon-beasts. "And don't ya let us catch ya back round these parts, or y'all get an even bigger whoopin'!"

That said she collapses her hammer and stores it with her stuff, and grabs her goggles to pull them off, leaving them to hang down around her neck. Then picks her hat off her head long enough to shake it off. "Welp, good to know my stuff still works fine and dandy. An' that these folk ain't gonna have to worry for a bit. Buncha big lizard jerks." The hat is returned to it's proper place and adjusted into position.

".. Got no idea what that was all 'bout," the vixen finally admits, "But not knowin' ain't no reason to let a buncha varmints run roughshod all over things that ain't theirs."

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran exhales heavily as the Dravanian horde flee from the battlefield -- those that are able, at least. The rest, he doesn't want to think about. He takes a seat, not really caring for the moment if anyone sees him, and closes his eyes for a while. He needs a moment to recover (and ignore his suddenly-grumbling stomach), then he'll most likely move on as if nothing had happened.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "I know he must be really tough. Even so! If he's causing incidents like this..." Shirou's a spitfire regarding this. His spirit won't be stymied just by warnings!

    Justice must be achieved. People must be saved.

    Who cares what happens to him?

    "Thanks, Elidibus. You got me out of a bind!"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason lowers her weapon and then puts them away. She takes note from the soldiers words nodding a bit.

"These things have been causing issues Corona, in places off their world. Either way it's over for now and I'm afraid I'm not very much of a healer."

She looks back to Shirou and then to Elidibus after a moment.

"If you can handle it from here I need to get going."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"As always, Shirou." The hood man says with a calm demeanor. "The dragons of Dravan need to be kept in check after all-- for as we know with Bahamut... none shall escape his wrath.. be it people of Hydaelyn, or this world. Keep that spark bright in you, dear Shirou."

The man then extends out his clawed hand creating a portal before stepping up to it. He pauses again, before looking at the group, then back to Shirou, "The man, the son of Bahamut.. was once known as Nael Darnus. You may have to seek those who know more." His head gestures to the garlean troops before he walks through the portal and it closes behind him.