1603/Lute and Sanary Date
From Multiverse Crisis MUSH
Lute and Sanary Date | |
Date of Scene: | 18 February 2015 |
Location: | Southern Urbania |
Synopsis: | Lute takes Sanary on a date to a cub with rock and roll music. |
Cast of Characters: | 188, Sanary Rondel |
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute is, really, not the type who is used to people with disabilities. Especially not things such as blindness. Over the past few days, he has repeatedly made insenstive comments suggesting to show her stuff, simply not even thinking about it. So, really, he needs to make it up to her today.
Which is why he picked the location very carefully. Specifically, he picked a music club. A resteraunt where they have bands playing, mostly rock or jazz.
Lute waits outside the resteraunt. He made sure to get a description of Sanary before coming here, so he can recognize her. But, at a guess, he is assuming she'll stick out a bit, due to the whole 'pre-firearm world' thing. He also is under the assumption that she's able to manuever herself well enough to find the place, even if blind, or at least could get a transport here.
So, for now, he just stands outside the club, waiting patiently for her to come.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary had no idea what to expect. It was one thing to prepare for a raid or to fend off an ambush in the middle of the night, but dating... That was going to be tricky. Her hands were getting sore from all the clenching and unclenching on the way to the designated meeting area, and to say that she looked tense on the way over would be an understatement.
Spotting her would be easy enough. Between the eyepatch, the white coat, and the crappy (yet surprisingly clean) brown tunic worn underneath it, she probably wouldn't need to trip over a crack in the sidewalk just to get Lute's attention.
Then again, the crack /did/ come out of nowhere. She staggers slightly for a moment before catching herself on a nearby tree, steadying herself against it and taking a long breath to try and calm herself. She doesn't seem to have anyone or anything guiding her.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute finally notices Sanary coming. And pauses, watching as she trips a little bit. ...Well, that honestly is incredibly unfortunate. Maybe he /should/ have guided her here. But, upon seeing her, he jogs over to her. Even though he can't be seen, he's still instinctively smiling to try and put on the charm.
"Hey! Glad you could make it. It's me, Lute. Don't worry, we're almost there. Need some help?"
And, whether she answers yes or not to this doesn't matter. Lute grabs for a hand anyways. Yeah, he's the kind who wants any excuse for physical contact with a woman. And, let's be honest, this is a pretty good excuse. It's also a terrible excuse.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary holds her position by the tree at the realization that the date could very well be starting, looking towards Lute's voice and lifting her free hand in a stiff greeting.
"Hey there! Ah. That easy to notice, eh? Y-yeah, that would probably be easier."
She takes it in stride easily enough, trying to laugh off that initial awkwardness and... Just feeling more self-concious about how weird that might have seemed. Her hand is somewhat clammy and a little damp from from the tension as Lute takes hold of it, but the roughness of her skin indicates that physical work isn't exactly foreign to her.
"So where are we going for this? I... Uh. Only thing about dates I know is from the villagers back home throwing rocks at things."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute's own hand is rather rough and firm as well, but not sweaty at all. Yeah, he's really not nervous about this date that much. But, as he guides her, he tries to stay very close to her. As in, close enough there is some body to body contact. He's just that kind of guy. He is still smiling, and still keeping up the cheerful tone.
"Well, we're going to what's called a 'club', more or less. They play music there. Some people dance. We can just sit and listen. We /could/ just throw rocks at things if you want, but hey, always good to try a new date idea, right?"
A pause, as he looks over her, and guides her closer to the club.
"...Though, on another subject. Wow, you're beautiful."
And he means it, too! Though, yes, it's still a weird thing to say to a person who you just met for the first time. A blind person, nonetheless!
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"And that's called a club? Kind of a... Weird name to call a music place. Last club I went near was used to break a guy's arms." Sanary lets out a laugh that might just be a little too loud, the self-conciousness seeping in even more than it had before.
Luckily for her, showering on a daily basis had already started to become a habit for her, and her hair was actually clean today with the futuristic wonders of shampoo and conditioner! The close contact didn't seem to bother nearly as much as the mental aspects of being on a date, at least.
The If anything, the compliment throws off more than anything else. "Huh wh... Wha? You're just trying to flatter me now, aren't you?" She sounds amused rather than annoyed at that, though, a significantly more relaxed grin appearing on her face after a moment. "Your voice is... Uh. Hm... Sounds normal?"
Compliments are hard.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute shrugs a bit. Again, forgetting that she can't see it. But, he at least speaks as he does so, "Well, yeah, it's flattering you, but. Hey, I /do/ think it, so. Might as well say it! And, I'm glad my voice sounds normal, because occasionally I have people saying I sound like a total perv--- Uh, nevermind."
Finally, they reach the club. He, of course, holds the door open so she can get inside. And, as the door opens, moderately loud rock music can be heard playing. It seems to be all just cover bands, though. So it's not /great/ rock music, but it's still probably unlike anything Sanary has ever heard.
"...You want anything to eat or drink? This place has food, too."
He has to speak up just a /bit/ to make sure he can be heard over the music.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
The blind girl chuckles lightly and rubs the back of her neck, the smile widening just a bit at the reassurance. "Well, anyone can sound like a perv if they say the right things. Nothing wrong with that."
She definitely sounds more relaxed than she had been moments earlier, although the rush of music as they step inside does give her reason to pause and just stand there to soak it all in. She looks genuinely confused and awed by it at the same time, snapping out of her daze only after Lute speaks up.
"H-huh? Oh. I'll have whatever you're having. Gotta try new things if I get the chance, right?"
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute chuckles a bit. Well, at least she is easygoing with the whole 'total pervert' thing! He sighs a little bit at that comment, though it's a bit of a happy sigh.
"Why can't more women be like you? Seriously, so many women get /pissed/ at me being a bit perverted. Like, my wife totally doesn't mind, though, and some of the other women I'm dating are fine with it."
He is, of course, assuming she's chill enough to be okay with the fact he's already married. He thinks she might of heard already anyways, but he isn't a hundred percent certain.
"But for food, well... Alright, I'll sit you down, and get you something. The service here is pretty fast!"
He guides her to a table, helping her into her seat. IT's a fairly comfy wooden chair, with a bit of padding on it to make it soft. The table itself is rather small and round. This place is pretty definitely meant as a dating place. Lute steps away for a moment, though. Of course, completely forgetting to let her know he is stepping away, leaving her at the table. But, likely, his footsteps give him away a bit. But, as he returns, he sets some things on the table.
"I got us both a couple of cheeseburgers, and a beer for both of us. I hope that's okay?"
The cheeseburger is, of course, on a plate, and the beer in a mug. But Lute doesn't even think to make it clear to Sanary where, exactly, the food is. He /really/ has no clue how to deal with blind people.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
That was another compliment, wasn't it? Was that a good sign? Or was he saying that she wasn't womanly enough? Trying to sort out all the possibilities was just making Sanary more confused, although it didn't really feel like the latter. Maybe it was good.
"Maybe it's from being around the guys back home all the time. More fun than being stuck up prudes about who we were checking out, anyway." She snickers and follows Lute to the chairs, settling into her own seat easily enough.
By the time Lute returns, she had already slipped her coat off to let it hang from the back of the chair. It's clear that she might be somewhat underdressed for anything but combat, only wearing a rather cheap brown tunic underneath the coat with ragged sleeves. It's still clean, at least.
"Sounds perfect. I've heard good things about cheeseburgers, but we've never had cows in the village, so this'll be something." The girl pauses to wipe her hands off on the sides of the tables before slowly moving her hand over the surface, stopping only when her hand makes contact with a plate. A moment later, and she's... Practically fondling the cheeseburger. Not in a lewd manner, of course, but to get a better idea of the size and how to hold it properly.
"How expensive is all this, anyway? I mean... All the sounds and the food and the beer? Had to be hard setting all this up."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute chuckles a bit, "Well, I'm glad you're not a prude. I like that in a woman. So we should get along /just/ fine."
Lute really doesn't mind how she is dressed. He's used to all sorts in the Multiverse. Plus, with her being from a more medieval period and from a small village, it's not surprising that she isn't quite sure how to dress for dating. Plus the blind thing doesn't help much either. But, well. He's already pondering buying her an outfit for the next date. He likes seeing girls dressed up in various outfits, too.
He watches a bit as she feels for the cheeseburger. Hrm. He's a little surprised at how she figures out where things are. But, hey, he guesses it makes sense! He takes a bite out of his own food while watching, before talking a bit more.
"Ehhh, it's not that expensive. They have bands playing here all the time, and the bands usually don't cost a lot of money to hire. The bands are trying to make it big and get famous, a little bit at a time. Plus, since they serve so many people each day, the food is reasonably priced. Don't have to cost a lot to make a profit."
He ponders. What best to talk about first? He already has an idea of how she lost her vision, but... Hrm. He likes to get to know people.
"So what was your village like? Pretty small, I'm guessing? At a guess, isolated from the city, too."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary perks up slightly with that confidence boost, even seeming moderately relaxed at this point despite the music still being rather confusing to her. "I'd have to... Not be that to go on this date, right?"
Satisfied with the dimensions of the burger, she finally starts to actually eat the thing, taking a small bite at first to taste it. Her eye widens at first as she just lets it sit there for a moment, eventually raising her head again to face Lute. "... Uh. This is the best thing I've ever eaten. Is this... Every day food here?"
She breathes in slowly before taking another small bite and being careful not to let any of it slip out. She's actually rather careful and almost methodical in the way she eats, occasionally nudging the patty back into place just to get proper bites of the food.
"the village? Mmrph... Small, yeah. My family handled pigs, the others had some chickens, and one even bred horses. We were on the border so... Rrmph. Yeah. Isolated, lots of bandits. Had to rely on ourselves a lot since the military didn't come by often." She definitely doesn't have any qualms about eating with her mouth full, either.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute nods a bit, more on instinct than anything. "Well, yeah. Prudes wouldn't date a guy who is with multiple women. So if you were nervous about some of that stuff, like, you wouldn't of said yes."
He smiles a bit as she eats the hamburger. Yeah, he figured that'd be pretty mind blowing, especially if she is from a more oriental area. "Well, it's something you /could/ eat every day, but. Cheeseburgers aren't really the healthiest of foods. So, eat it too often, and it's not good for you. But, hey. There are a /lot/ of other cool foods you'll like I bet."
And as for the village, he just nods. "Yeah, I've heard a lot of people came from worlds where bandits were a problem. I admit, I've done a lot of stealing myself? But still, it's not good to be on the receiving side of that. Though, there probably is a /lot/ of world for you to... experience now."
He almost said 'see' instead of experience.
There is a bit of noise, as he moves his chair a bit. He's moving to put himself next to Sanary. And, he lifts his arm, and... wraps it around her shoulder, leaning into her, and them immediately gives her a kiss on the cheek.
"I'd be willing to help you experience the Multiverse more, if you want."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"True, true. Hm... What about you, though? Would you have any problems if one of the women you were dating was with multiple men?" It's more of an inquisitive question than anything else, a slight grin crossing the healer's face after a moment. "Or women. Or both, even?"
Poking at the innards of the cheeseburger this time, Sanary picks off a bit of each main ingredient inside the sandwich to taste them on their own. "They're not? Feels like they'd give anyone a lot of energy to work, though."
She laugh lightly as Lute speaks about his own stealing experience, nodding after a few moments. "Ah, you're not the only one. One of the people in the Murmasams.. Er. The group I work with. You know Jinx? She still does it. Not my problem as long as it's not in my village or from people I work for."
The girl's head raises slightly at the sound of the chair, her eyebrow lifting questioningly at the arm going around her shoulder. "Lute? Is that..."
The kiss on the cheek throws her off completely, a slightly visible blush appearing on her cheeks. "Wha... Wh-why did-uh." That confused and flustered expression returns as she trails off, barely moving herself at all as she tries to process what just happened.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute's voice seems pretty relaxed as he answers a bit, "Well, I'm totally fine with my partners dating other people. My wife sees multiple men, and women. I know at least a couple of the girls I'm seeing are seeing other men, and possibly women, too. So it's not a huge deal for me."
"And yeah, these foods give a lot of energy, but if you don't /use/ that energy, it becomes fat, which slows you down."
And, the stealing thing. Well, that's a relief. "Yeah, I don't steal from any of my allies. Just enemies. But, hey, maybe you could help me on a theft sometime."
And, then Sanary gets flustered. He is glad. After all, to her credit, she didn't run away! That's... happened a few times recently. Lute just smiles, still trying to cuddle against her a bit with his arm around her.
"Well... this /is/ a date, right? So some cuddling shouldn't be out of the question at all. Plus, like. You're beautiful. If I see a beautiful woman, I just... /have/ to kiss her. Because, you know. Why not?"
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"H-huh. If you were back in my village, everyone would either hate or love you." The brief change in focus helps calm Sanary's nerves somewhat, although the awkwardness is still coming through rather obviously even as she speaks.
"I wouldn't mind going on a mission some time, sure. Gotta work off all the burger energy, right?" Another light chuckle. Each time she seems to be regaining her composure, however, it breaks down almost immediately as the close contact seems to be making her more and more self-concious about the whole thing. She doesn't move away from the cuddling, though, and just seems to be unused to it more than anything else.
"I'll.. Uh. I'll have to take you word on that, then. Even if the other girls in the village were a lot more... Chesty." She slumps in her seat just a bit at that, a quiet murmur lingering in her throat.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute, of course, continues to cuddle. He's actually pretty happy with this! Sanary has seemed nice in general, so she is definitely someone he'd be happy to see more, plus she's fairly comfortable with his touchy-feely stuff.
Which is part of why he's probably going to do something stupid soon.
"Well, you're more support, right? You've got healing skills and stuff? What other things are you good at in combat, though? It's good to plan out missions ahead of time, for everyone involved."
"Also, I'm sure the people in your village wouldn't mind me /too/ much. I'm a lot more charming than anything! Though, as for the whole 'other girls in your village being more chesty' thing, well..."
Here comes the stupid thing.
He pokes at her chest area with a finger.
"You seem to have enough for me."
This is usually where he gets kicked in the crotch, or thrown out a window.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
The blind girl doesn't seem to be too bothered by the cuddling as it continues, at least, even going so far as to actually lean into Lute a bit. She doesn't return it just yet, although that could very well be from having no free hands on account of still holding what's left of her burger.
"For now. Until I figure out a way to fight without having to use my eyes, anyway. I don't like to brag too much, but..." Blatant lie. "I can take hits just as good as I can throw 'em out. Kind of annoying being the best fighter in my village, actually." Definitely not bragging. Not at all.
Her chest definitely isn't huge or even large by any means, and it looks somewhat compressed considering how cheap and loose her tunic is. On contact, it would even feel too compressed. The poke doesn't get much of a reaction right away aside from a startled and uncharacteristically high-pitched squeak, her Sanary's face turning redder and her voice dropping to a barely audible mutter. It's hard to tell if she's plotting to kill Lute or in shock, but... At least nobody's getting hit yet.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute just smiles a bit, especially as she freaks out at her chest being poked at. Well, she doesn't seem to /complain/ at least. But she still seems embarrased. So he'll stop for now.
"Well, I don't know a /ton/ about blind fighting, but I've got /some/ tricks for it I could show you. But, hrm. I'm sure there are people out there who could teach you how to fight without seeing at a higher level of skill. I'd suggest Toph, but like. One, she is in the Union. Two, she has a power that lets her sense things through the earth."
Continued cuddling. He takes a bite of his own food a bit. He isn't /that/ hungry, really, but doesn't want her to feel awkward by being the only one eating.
"Though, there /might/ be ways to fix your eyes. But, who knows. It can be really hard to replace organs that aren't functioning. Plus your body might not be compatible with some of the methods. ...There might be magical means we could use to help you see too. But still, we can find /some/ way to help you with that I bet."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
The healer only manages a quiet mutter at first, and it could very well be mistaken for being completely silent with the music playing around them. Taking another bite of the burger does appear to calm her somewhat, at least, and her hand starts moving over the table again to seek out the mug of beer.
After taking a long sip from the mug, Sanary exhales slowly and even lets out a brief laugh. "Wouldn't mind learning those tricks, that's for sure. Sensing stuff through the ground sounds like something I... Might be able to do if I can learn earth magic, but it's a big if."
Setting the mug down, she takes another long breath before putting her free arm around Lute to return the cuddling, albeit still somewhat awkwardly.
"I'll try just about anything, really. Well... As long as I don't have to start worshipping a dragon that wants to destroy the world or something, anyway. You ever have to replace an eye or something before?"
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute, for his part? He can't hear the muttering at all. Instead, he just enjoys the fact that he managed to get away with it. It's not often he can get away with this much on a first date! But, still, even he knows there are limits, and as such, he probably won't try to stretch them too much more. The key word there being 'probably.'
Lute laughs a bit, "Yeah, we wouldn't have you join any world destroying cult. Though, with that being /so/ specific, I'm guessing it's something you've encountered before? Is that from your world, or something you saw in the Multiverse?"
And, the comment on replacement eye. Lute... thinks back a bit.
"Never an eye. I had a cybernetic arm for a bit though. It was... really inconvenient. I got my arm cut off. Eventually, the Confederacy managed to grow me a new arm. But, I was lucky. It doesn't always work out. It's not super reliable either. So, I don't want to guarantee anything. "
Lute listens to the music for a second, "You enjoying the music, by the way? I imagine your village didn't have much like this."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Good, good. It's a... Pretty big thing where I'm from." Sanary laugh lightly and shakes her head, tilting her head from side to side until a light popping/cracking noise escapes from her neck. "Grimleal. Cult that worships a Fell Dragon. Not sure if it actually exists or not, but it doesn't sound all that great. What with the whole... 'Destroying everything' thing."
Raising an eyebrow at the mention of a replacement arm, she doesn't even bother asking before reaching over to touch each of Lute's arms just to check. "So they just... Grew these and healed 'em onto you? Useful. Even seeing badly would be an improvement, anyway." She chuckles again and finishes off the rest of her burger, letting out a satisfied burp moments later.
"Don't know yet. It's not bad, but it kinda makes me feel like... Fighting someone. Is that normal?" She wipes her hands off on the table and slouches sideways just a bit, leaning into Lute a little more while clenching and unclenching her hands repeatedly.
"It's like... I'm not even angry or anything. This sound just makes me want to do something."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute ponders... Grimleal. Apocolypse cult. That sounds... Like something the Confederacy /might/ ally with, depending. Though, he doesn't note this yet. It's been where the Confederacy has been going against such things more often, but, who knows.
"Well, we'll keep an eye out for the Grimleal stuff. Never heard of it before, ut hey, it might pop up eventually."
As she reaches to feel his arms, he simply holds them up for her to feel. "This happened a while back. And the arm was... Well. They literally grew it out of the missing stub. It was my right arm. Took a /really/ bad sword attack."
He holds up his arm, and then actually helps guide Sanary's hand to where the cut was. Which has no noticable feeling of a scar, "The Confederate medical people can do cool things. They grew the arm out of the stump, and there isn't even a scar."
And, he listens to the music. And chuckles at her opinion a bit. "Well, Rock is very intense music. It's meant to get the blood pumping, and people really psyched up. Get emotions more intense. Great music to listen to while working out to get you in the mood too."
He begins to nuzzle his head against hers.
"I'm not surprised, though. You probably never heard any music anywhere close to this."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
The healer furrows her brows as she keeps feeling along Lute's arms, humming quietly to herself as she's guided towards the cut. "Really... Huh. Did they make you drink anything or use any type of magic or what? Only way I can get limbs back on is if it's fresh, and even that's just reattaching them. Could be useful to learn."
She smirks. "Well, as long as you don't take it as a cue to start getting cut up just because I can fix it. Doing the healing thing is still tiring. Concentrating, doing the actual... Healing bit. Still, beats sitting around doing nothing since I can't exactly swing an axe around like this." ilting her head back to face the ceiling and give herself a slightly different angle to hear the sounds from, Sanary raises an eyebrow at the feeling of Lute's head on hers.
"Yeah... Closest thing we had to this was listening to birds and drunks. Still fun, but not really the same at all." She takes another sip of the beer and returns the nuzzling, albeit somewhat stiffly from not really knowing what she's doing.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute shakes his head, again forgetting a bit that she can't see it. Even as she is feeling his arm. Granted, he is really enjoying this, so he's a bit distracted. "Well, it's some science thing. I don't know. They stimulated the cells, the building blocks of the human body, into growing again, allowing me to get a new arm. It was /really/ painful, though. I don't really wanna have to go through that again."
"And... yeah, I will try to avoid getting hurt either way. Yeah, you could help heal me, but like. I still /don't/ like getting hurt. I prefer hurting the others first. But, glad to have more healers around."
Lute smiles, "Well, I can get some more music for you to listen to sometime. I mean, after all, there are a lot of different kinds. Plus, there are devices that can play music on demand, too. Plus, some of the songs can even be quite romantic."
And, at this point, he moves to wrap both arms around Sanary a bit. And, he's even trying to kiss her on the lips.
Yeaaaah, it's been going well so far. So he's getting more comfortable.
"...You know. We should do this frequently. We could be quite a cute couple."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary snickers and gives Lute a light pat on the arm. "Science, magic, it's pretty much the same thing to me. I don't understand either one, so for all I know... My healing could just be science'ing up someone's arm. Just means I need more practice." She pauses briefly. "... Hopefully, not when someone actually loses an arm. I might have to see if the training area's got something for that."
The mention of more music draws a confused noise from the healer. "You mean like... Without having to bring people along to play all the instruments? Or more like summoning golems to..."
Her confusion only grows as Lute moves in for the more direct kiss, her eye widening in surprise and her breathing all but stopping for several seconds even after it's done.
"Do wha? D-did you we just... Uh. O-okay. You mean right now or...?" Her face flushes more and more as she speaks while biting her lower lip, suddenly unable to find a comfortable way to sit in the chair.
- Lute (188) has posed:
"Well, you probably use magic. Science is... different, even though there are some superficial similarities. Still, though. Your magical skills are almost certainly /really/ useful."
Ah, confusion about how to make music on command. He chuckles. "Actually, there are little boxes that can play music. Like, you have the box, press the button, and it makes songs. And you can put things on called 'headphones', which are so that only the person with the headphones on can hear."
He smiles, and chuckles a bit. "I don't mean we need to do a lot of kissing right /now/. What I mean is, we should go on dates more. Though, if you /want/ to we could keep it up. Though I also understand if you're embarrased about it in front of other people."
A chuckle, "You're not used to this sort of attention, are you?"
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Calming down again after that bought of awkwardness, Sanary laughs softly and takes another sip of her beer. "Heh. Yeah, the healing's definitely bailed me out of a few tricky spots. Still need more practice to not get so tired after using it, but..." She taps on the side of her head lightly, gesturing at the exposed eye. "What I really want to figure out is how to do that... What's it called. Seeing thing with my mind. Could be more useful than just using my eyes, you know?"
The mention of music coming from boxes draws another low hum from her. "I ran into a few boxy.. Things on the way here that had people talking through them. So you just carry those around in case you want to hear broadcasts or music? Sounds more convenient than having to move people around, at least."
The notion of more dates does bring another blush to the blind girl's cheeks, although a small grin does creep across her face after a few moments. "That... Doesn't sound too bad. Either or, if you're fine with... O-other people?" That only seems to make the blushing worse as she shrinks back further into her seat and shakes her head slowly. "N.. Not really. I've got a reputation back home, you know? Can't really keep it up if I get like... /This/ with... Stuff."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute smiles, pondering, "Yeah, I've... never had many healers supporting me. But I know, that can /completely/ change the battle. But, if you ever get into atrouble during a fight? Feel free to call for help from me. I'm more than willing to help defend you while you heal."
"And those boxes... I'll get you one, sometime. It might at least be entertaining. Help you show off in your village too."
And, a smile. He leans in a bit. Not for another kiss yet. Instead, he reaches for one of Sanary's hands, to lift it to his face.
"...Figured you might as well get an idea of what I look like. But... You know. If you have a reputation, I'm fine with it. We can keep this hidden from your village. There are a couple girls I'm dating who want to keep it hidden, to hide harm from their reputation. But hey, you can still be tough, and be in a relationship."
A smile. Sanary might even be able to detect it if she is feeling Lute's face, as he is suggesting.
"...hrm. You really are beautiful, though. But maybe I should get you some casual modern outfits, sometime. Something more... You know. Flattering."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"To be honest, I'd... Rather just get in there and take everyone out before a healer's even needed. But... Yeah. Gotta do what I can if I can't go with that." Sanary laughs and shakes her head, letting Lute guide her hand to his face. "I don't know about showing off in the village since... I think I'm getting spoiled with showers and feeling clean for once."
Laughing again, she goes quiet for a bit as she pokes and prods at his face, trying to get a better mental image based completely on a hand covered in cheeseburger grease. "I mean, I'll still go back to make sure everyone's still alive and... Maybe rub some success in their faces. We'll... Play it by ear."
Sanary bites her lip again. "Come to think of it, though... I guess I don't really have a reputation here, do I? Maybe I won't have to worry about it so much, then." She returns the smile with one of her own, but raises an eyebrow slightly at the thought of more clothes. "I've got this and the coat. That's... Well, I guess it's not armor. Probably shouldn't get something too heavy, though. Hard to move in that stuff..."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute completely forgot about the hamburger grease. Yeaaaah, he tries to quietly wipe it off of his face with a napkin. He will shower it off a bit later. "Yeah, warm running water is great. As is a lot of the modern conveniences. Though yeah, rubbing it in to your village is always a good idea. You can show them how amazing your life turned around and became!"
A smile. "Well, I was thinking casual clothes, but we can get you some armor too. There are a lot of ways to earn a ton of money in the Multiverse, though. ...Yeah, we really need to go on a 'battle date' sometime, a date where we fight people and get money while being somewhat romantic."
A chuckle, "And, as for rep. Yeah, I'll help you build it up. Just going out and doing things in the Multiverse itself will get you a good reputation. I'm planning some /big/ things? And if you get involved, it will get your name out there."
A pause, a smile. "But... Since this place is a bit away from anywhere where your reputation might be known, perhaps we can do a bit more right now."
And, he leans in to kiss her again.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary nods slowly as a contented sigh escapes her. "It /is/... Seriosuly, I don't know if I can go back to rivers and only bathing twice a week after this. And that's if someone else isn't upstream first." She chuckles and finishes off her beer, swaying in her seat just a bit.
"Armor's definitely a good idea. Casual clothes... You mean like an extra tunic for the colder months? That could be useful, too. Battle dates and 'big stuff' don't sound half bad, either... Especially with armor." She smirks and drapes an arm over Lute's shoulder. "I used to fight up close and personal, remember. If someone thinks I'm an easy target just because I'm blind... Well."
She raises an eyebrow at the mention of doing more, muffling a light squeak at the second kiss. Instead of freezing up as she did with the first one, however, she actually leans into it this time around while trying to mimic Lute's movements based on lip contact alone.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute wraps his arms more around Sanary, embracing her a bit more deeply, before breaking it. He smiles, looking at her. Vaguely wishing she could look back. "...This... this definitely has been a lot of fun. I hope it hasn't been too weird for you. Though I imagine you've kissed people before. ...or... was today perhaps the first time you've been kissed?"
A smile.
"...Anyways. We'll figure out our next date /soon/, I'm sure. But... this will be a lot of fun. I hope you are having fun, too. Plus, like. I hope we can /keep/ dating. You could be one of my girlfriends, it seems."
A chuckle.
"...Plus, of course, you can have your own other boyfriends and girlfriends too, if you want."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
The healer is a little dazed as the kiss breaks off, an almost girlish giggle escaping her for just a moment. "Ah! Uh. Y-yeah. About it being fun. Not weird. Well... Kinda weird, but good weird." She bites her lip again, chuckling awkwardly and shaking her head slowly after a moment. "That was... Actually the first time."
Another awkward chuckle. "More dates sounds good if you're.. Uh. Great! We can do that and maybe I can meet you other girlfriends or boyfriends or wife eventually and..."
She pauses. "... Would it be weird if we were all dating each other?"
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute just grins. This is... A lot of fun. and, for coming from such a medieval time, she is fairly fine with odd relationships. Maybe it's a cultural thing from Sanary's world?
"I'll introduce you, sometime. And, uh, I don't have boyfriends. I'm not into guys. Just girlfriends, and my wife. ...But, if you want all of us to date eachother, that's probably fine. I can't guarantee some of the other girls will date you? But hey, who knows! There might be a good chance of that, too."
Another quick kiss.
"I'm just /really/ glad you're into this."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Sounds good. I think I've talked to a few of them already, although I don't know about actually... /Dating/ dating them. Just wasn't sure if it'd be weird if it did happen, you know?" Sanary chuckles and muffles another surprised squeak into the kiss, although she does seem to be getting more used to it compared to the beginning of the date.
"Same. Was kinda worried I'd do something.. I dunno. Something to mess it up. I had fun today." She reaches back to rub the back of her head, a mischievous grin crossing her face after a few seconds.
"... You know. That Vegeta guy's thing is happening now, I think. I'm thinking of going just to see how bad it is. You up for it?"
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute laaaaughs at that last comment. Smiling.
"Well, go ahead and go check it out. I'm going to stay, because like. I want to laugh at the disaster of that later. Plus, uh, he's probably going to try and kill me if he sees me, but like. Eh. Have fun!"
He stands up, helping Sanary out of her seat a bit.
"...do you need help getting there, though? I can call a vehicle to bring you there if you want."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Makes sense. Getting attacked probably won't be as funny as hearing about it, anyway. Plus..." Sanary closes her eye, apparently listening to something before snickering to herself. "Might have a chance to heal some people there if he's actually stabbing... Already. Could even build up a rep with Syndicate or Union people if I'm lucky."
Getting up is easy enough, and she runs her finger over her plate once just to make sure there isn't anything left over before wiping her hand off on the table again. "I'll find my way out. We got in here fine, so getting out shouldn't be too bad unless they moved a table or something." She leans in to catch Lute in a one-armed hug, then releases him and starts backing up towards the exit. "Next time!"
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute returns the hug. And, of course, tries to give a bit of a kiss too.
"Have fun. Don't let Vegeta push you around too much!"
And, with that, he lets Sanary run off.