1636/Sagat vs. Lute
From Multiverse Crisis MUSH
Sagat vs. Lute | |
Date of Scene: | 22 February 2015 |
Location: | Lighter Forests |
Synopsis: | Lute challenges Sagat to a duel at Juri Han's request. |
Cast of Characters: | 95, 188, Sanary Rondel |
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Typically, Sagat isn't the sort to sit down and meditate ... but he's found a patch of the Light(er) Forests which seem fairly restful without actually distracting a person's focus from whatever they were doing.
He's not sitting down. He's not even standing still; he's moving through a set pattern of strikes, blocks, and movements - Muay Thai's version of a kata, it would seem. The ambient music in this part of the forest doesn't seem to sync up with his movements, so it may be questionable how much attention he's actually paying to his surroundings ...
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute has been trying to track down Sagat for some time. Because, really, fuck waiting around for the dude to just be ready for the challenge, and fuck him having time to prepare. And so, once he actually has a bit of a lead on Sagat's location, that is when he moves in.
And he moves in by flying in on a gigantic fricking dragon. The shadow caused by it blocks out Sagat's light for a moment, until the Giratina circles down, and lands in front of Sagat. Lute leaps off of Giratina's back, before recalling him into a Pokeball. And, Lute just smiles. Cracking his knuckles a bit.
"You're a hard man to find. Really. But, you know. I've found you now. So. It's time to fight. You look /ready/ at the least. I mean. I see your weapons, after all."
Lute grins a bit, "So. Are you going to wuss out, and not let me use my Pokemon to fight you? Or... Well. Are you actually going to be a /man/ about things?"
- Sagat (95) has posed:
The shadow doesn't remotely fail to register on Sagat's awareness, blind in one eye or not; he finishes the series of moves he was doing, and simply looks up to observe Lute's landing. And the Giratina. But mostly Lute.
"Let's see if your own skills live up to your overstatement of them," he grunts at Lute. "I don't know, you might need your monsters to make this a fair fight after all." And with that, he advances on the Pokemon trainer/researcher. Lute *might* notice or figure out that the accusation of 'wussing out' has successfully gotten under the big guy's skin - although like any smart fighter, Sagat is keeping his guard up even as he approaches what looks like a lesser opponent.
He found out the hard way that a little girl with a spiffy hat and braids also had a really big and painful hammer to hit back with, after all. You don't forget crossing paths with the likes of Vita.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute just grins. Yeah, he doesn't /know/ that he got under Sagat's skin, but Lute is generally under the assumption that he did. Lute is /very/ good at pissing people off. And he just shrugs at Sagat.
"Well, I don't feel /bad/ about using my Pokemon. I mean. Why not use what advantages you have? But, you know. Don't be mad when this turns into a /really/ embarrasing loss for you."
Lute just remains still. He doesn't /need/ to move right now. Instead, they burst in from the sky. Countless Unown fly into the battlefield, surrounding it. They're circling around in a complex circular pattern. Adn Lute just chuckles.
"Unown, Attack. Also... GO, REGISTEEL!"
Lute reaches to his belt, and pulls off a black Pokeball. From it, a large beast of steel appears. Registeel, the steel type golem Pokemon. It lets out a bestial roar. But, it doesn't attack. Or at least, not quite yet.
Instead? The countless Unown fly in, in a line, trying to pummel against Sagat's body. They're aiming for his torso, trying to combo into him as much as possible.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Unown are pretty small and generally pretty fast, and Sagat is getting swarmed by the little things; he's got four limbs, and can use his elbows or knees as well as his fists or feet, but that's considerably more than four or even eight Unown - it's no surprise that a number of them get past his guard, and they hit respectably hard for their modest size and diminutive mass.
So Lute gets the satisfaction of seeing Sagat reel back under the Unown assault. That satisfaction may be fleeting, though, since once Sagat regains his balance, he charges towards Lute with a roar of fury, swatting Unown away until he can snap a kick off at Lute's face; it may only *be* the ongoing barrage of the floating psychic glyphs that holds the Emperor of Muay Thai back from knocking Lute's block off cleanly.
- Lute (188) has posed:
The unown react immediately to Sagat going in for Lute. They move in front of him, takingthe blow. Though they soften it, it still manages to push through, and the kick strikes Lute. albeit, at a slower speed. Lute chuckles.
"You should have a bit of a hint, I think. My Pokemon are my shield. The odds of you actually reaching me will be... fairly low, I think. At least.. not until you can get through my pokemon."
He snaps a bit. And then speaks. "Registeel? Metal Claw."
Registeel moves in fast. With each step, the ground indents down. It lifts its massive right hand, and brings it down at Sagat. It tries to slash across his back. Lute thinks this /should/ be more possible, especially with Sagat looking straight at him.
And as for the Unown? They simply start circling around Lute rapidly, forming a bit of a sphere of protection around him. They are all moving in complex geometric patterns.
"...Dude, like. I've really been meaning to kick your ass again for ages. So, sorry if I'm enjoying this too much."
- Sagat (95) has posed:
They ALWAYS underestimate the man who's missing an eye, don't they?
There's no way Sagat can miss the approach of the heavier Steel-type golem, really; the only thing that keeps him from turning to face Registeel immediately is the fact that he's focusing so much on Lute, trying to break through the defensive screen of flying Unown to punch the infuriating little trainer in the face.
It doesn't help Sagat, though, as evidenced by the spray of blood and the yell of pain as the Metal Claw slashes across his back. On the other hand, it also means that Sagat IMMEDIATELY changes targets, spinning around to glare monocularly at the multi-eyed golem -
And then to lunge forward, punching squarely at its face, aiming right for that central eye. This is a man who demolishes cars *with his bare fists* for a demonstration exercise and who has punched Decepticons into submission; he's not going to hold back against a Steel-type.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute shouts this out, and suddenly, Registeel's armor becomes even harder. Though there is a small dent put into it, its body remains mostly unharmed. Yes, Sagat can punch through Steel. Fighting types are, in fact, strong when attacking steel, too. But, Registeel is no normal Pokemon.
"And now, Registeel... Shadow Rush!"
It's actually worth noting: How /is/ Lute seeing through the wall of Unown? They're moving so fast. It has to be /hard/ for him to see what is going on... Right?
Either way, though? The Registeel stomps and rushes forward, trying to tackle into Sagat. There is a massive burst of Shadow energy from it. Normally, the Shadow Energy on a Shadow Pokemon is invisible, but with this attack? The raw burst of unnatural power can be felt as a pressure in the air. It uses this power to increase the strength of its tackle.
Lute continues to smile and chuckle. And , he is holding a Pokeball in his hand again.
The same one he recalled Giratina into earlier.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
The Shadow Rush slams into Sagat, hurling the big guy off his feet and sending him flying several meters before he crashes down in the grass, flat on his back; it's either the latter impact or 'grass and plants against open cuts' that elicits a grunt of pain. Or maybe the combination.
Sagat gets back to his feet quickly, though, growling under his breath. He was thrown far enough and at such an angle that Lute is still outside his field of vision - although that's mostly because of his blinded right eye; if he had both eyes he'd see Lute fully. As it is, he catches the glimpse of movement from the swirling Unown. and knows that's where Lute is - hiding, watching, commanding.
"You never *did* plan to fight me directly, did you?" snarls Sagat. "Hiding behind your monsters, knowing they can take hits that would put you in the hospital ... letting your *pets* do the dirty work for you, keeping your hands clean to hold with your latest date ..." He spits, roughly in Lute's direction, and MIGHT notice the additional Pokeball. Or he might not; he doesn't show any outward reaction to it, either way.
"Fine. It'll catch up with you. No defense is perfect, and I learned that dishonor is a crippling weakness." Sagat pushes himself back to his feet fully and closes on Registeel again - but not with a punch, or a kick, or even an elbow or a knee.
This time, he tries to grab the steel golem, LIFT it, and fling it in Lute's general direction. It might not reach him, but Sagat's making an effort to at least leave a mark on Pokemon and trainer alike.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute, perhaps, was simply getting a bit too confident with himself. He just standing there, laughing, waiting.
And then a giant steel golem is tossed at him, bursting through the barrier of Unown, and sending him flying. He skids along the ground, slams into a tree, and has a Registeel atop of him.
Lute is, of course, a bit livid at this.
The Registeel is no longer on top of him. Instead, floating nearby, is the massive dragon Pokemon known as Giratina. It lets out a bit of a roar as well. It flies towards Sagat, letting out a burst of purple firey breath. It tries to do this a few times, circling Sagat, while Lute himself gets his Unown back to his location.
Lute frowns.
"ALRIGHT. Just because I /do/ have a date lined up tonight, doesn't mean I'm just hiding! There is a difference between 'being a coward' and 'fighting effectively', you know!"
Lute flips Sagat off.
How mature of him.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Perhaps surprisingly, Sagat does NOT get blasted off his feet by the Dragon Breath attack; he stands his ground, even though it means the fiery assault wraps around him instead, and he seems to actually *be* on fire for a few seconds as he reels in pain.
The breath attack fades, though, as do the flames wreathing Sagat - except for some wisps of smoke rising from his fist- and ankle-wraps, and one stray trail of smoke curling away from the strap of his eyepatch. But the Emperor of Muay Thai is smirking as he pats out the embers. "Yet you don't protest the accusation of dishonor ..."
He charges at the Giratina, dropping into a split-second crouch just before reaching it ... and then rocketing up and forward at the Dragon-type with a shout of, "TIGER KNEE!!"
- Lute (188) has posed:
The knee hits Giratina dead on, causing it to be send upwards a bit. Luckily, due to its wings, it is able to remain airborne. But, the blunt strike to it is obviously causing it some disorientation, as it struggles briefly to stay aloft. Lute, meanwhile, is looking a little annoyed at Sagat.
"...Why would there be honor in combat? I mean, yeah, I'll use honor against someone as a weapon, but still. But, either way... AURA SPHERE!"
The Giratina flies upward a bit, turning his head down to Sagat. It lets out a bit of a cry, and then shoots out a bursting blue ball of fighting type energy. It tries to aim straight for Sagat, to blast him into a crater.
Lute, meanwhile, is also reaching to another Pokeball. Yeah, might be time to swap things around a bit. Or at least, it might be time to do that /soon./
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat brings his arms up to block the Aura Sphere, and manages to blunt some of the impact - at least, he thinks he blunted it; the kinetic force imparted by the blast still drives him backwards a couple of feet, his heels digging furrows in the ground beneath him.
But he grins despite the impact, and despite the exertion he's been through so far; he's actually working up a sweat at this rate, and breathing harder than he was from his earlier shadowboxing or whatever he was doing when Lute dropped in on his training. "I didn't mean the 'honor' of a painstakingly fair fight, you underhanded little fool," he replies. "*Anyone* can practice that kind of honor, if they put their mind to it."
He doesn't want to get distracted by talking unless Lute's backing out of the fight, so Sagat leaves it at that and thrusts his fists out towards Giratina, despite being well beyond arm's-length of the legendary dragon-type.
... of course, when you can throw focused blasts of chi at your opponents, arm's length has nothing to do with the dynamics of the fight. One such blast emerges from Sagat's fists and flies towards the Giratina.
- Lute (188) has posed:
The burst of chi impacts Giratina. Once again, it is struck hard, and lets out a cry. This time, though? It's going to move in, without Lute even ordering it. It's not fully trained yet, anyways. In fact, this is the first time Lute has seriously used it in battle. So, it gets close up to Sagat, and roars. It's preparing to attack soon.
But, before it can? Lute throws a Pokeball up.
"GO, GARDEVOIR! Give Giratina some support with PSYCHIC!"
The beautiful Gardevoir appears. Of course, this one specifically is /male/, but still. Sagat likely doesn't know this. Nor would anyone. It's kind of hard to tell. But, either way, it tries to hold Sagat in place with its Psychic powers, putting an intense pressure on him from all directions.
And then Giratina moves down. On both sides of it mouth are pincers of a sort. It uses these to slash at Sagat. They are, in fact, surprisingly sharp.
And Lute smiles.
"Look. I really don't care what you have to say. I'm here for one reason, and one reason only: A really hot chick asked me to beat you up."
Truly, Lute is one of the most noble fighters within the Multiverse's Elites. And so pure of heart, too!
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Male, female, neuter, Sagat doesn't care what gender an enemy is - except inasmuch as it affects where he can hit them for effect.
He also takes no truck with psychics; you try working around M. Bison for a while and see what your attitudes are about telepaths or psychokinetics afterwards. Simply the *attempt* to lock onto Sagat prompts him to leap back, keeping his guard up as he does so; when Giratina tries to bite, he leans back further and the mandibles clamp down on nothing. "Ah yes," he retorts to Lute. "You're letting yourself be *used*. How's that working out for you?"
He leaps up, letting out a short, sharp shout as he lashes out to try and kick Giratina in the head *twice* - one impact with the knee, and a second with his foot as he snaps his leg out to full extension; following with an elbow aimed for the crown of Giratina's noggin as gravity reasserts its claim on Sagat's weight.
"I've *been* used," Sagat continues as he lands and resumes his guarded-but-ready stance. "You've heard of Shadaloo, I'm sure ... even if only in the past tense."
Or even if not; Sagat knows the organization is still out there, even in his own world.
- Lute (188) has posed:
The series of blows to Giratina keep knocking it back. Lute frowns, watching each hit. This... This is really pissing him off. His first battle with Giratina, and it is /losing/? It is at a disadvantage? This isn't going to make Lute happy.
"...So what if I'm being used? I've been meaning to take you down for a while. And I'm /not/ going to give up, now of all times! GARDEVOIR, MOONBLAST! GIRATINA, OMINOUS WIND! And... UNOWN! BARRAGE!"
The Gardevoir suddenly bursts with a brilliant light, much akin to the light of the moon. In fact, for a split second, Gardevoir almost /looks/ like the moon, due to the brilliant glowing aura. The energy of this bursts as a blast towards Sagat.
At the same time, Giratina lets out a howl. A burst of ghostly wind fills the area, flying straight at Sagat. It tears at the very spirit, and cuts at the body, with various blades of ominous wind.
And, the Unown? They follow up by simply barraging into Sagat as much as possible.
And then, well... Lute immediately throws a clump of dirt at Sagat's face while he is dealing with everything else. Because yes, he does fight dirty.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
There's one other major disadvantage that Pokemon and their trainers have in a real-world fight: shouting commands means that *your opponent knows what's coming*. Sometimes that disadvantage is offset by other factors - size, speed, general WTF factor, or what have you. Sometimes, as in Sagat's case, it isn't.
Not that he necessarily knows what most of those techniques ARE until they're unleashed ... but Sagat is still a canny enough fighter that he tightens his defense and digs his feet in, withstanding the onslaught of energy, spectral wind, and physical impacts.
Except for the clump of dirt. His head actually rocks a bit from the impact - but ultimately, the dirt hit him over the eyepatch rather than in his good eye.
"I can respect not giving up," grunts Sagat as he re-evaluates his opposition. He's hit Giratina a few times, it might not be bad to focus on it; the Unown are small and fast and multitudinous, a genuine threat but a difficult one to directly confront. And they're fast enough that he can't be sure their onslaught leaves Lute vulnerable even in the midst of it.
"... But that just means I'll keep hitting you until you CAN'T hit back!!"
Sagat turns towards the flowery-looking psychic type, his long legs devouring the distance between them, and drops again into a split-second crouch before rising from it with a shout of, "TIGER UPPERCUT!!!" as his fist rockets almost straight up into the air, aimed to catch Gardevoir squarely beneath what amounts to its chin.
- Lute (188) has posed:
The Gardevoir manages to lower some of the damage, by creating a psychic barrier in front of it. Though the punch is slowed, it still manages to hit the Gardevoir. He moves back, trying to get out of the way. He acts on his own, though. Pokemon need to know when to act without orders at times. But, with Sagat so close, there is /one/ thing it can do.
The Gardevoir moves forward to kiss Sagat. Not on the lips. Instead, the Gardevoir sort of floats up so he can kiss Sagat on the forehead. If it contacts, Sagat will find a bit of his energy being drained into the Gardevoir, via the attack Draining Kiss.
The Unown, meanwhile, move back to surround Lute in a barrier again. And Lute sighs.
"You're really a pain sometimes, you know that? ...Whatever. Giratina, Dragon Claw. Raichu, Thunderbolt."
Wait, Raichu?
Yeah, Lute suddenly throws out a Pokeball. Raichu appears, and sends forth a burst of electricity. Then, Giratina rushes in, drying to repeatedly claw at Sagat, using spikeso n its wings as the 'claws'.
And Lute just smiiiles.
If this gets too much more out of hand, he'll have Gardevoir teleport him a /brief/ bit away to retreat. Or, possibly call off the fight and declare Sagat the winner.
He /does/ have a date after all.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Perhaps oddly, it's the draining effect of the Gardevoir's 'kiss' that really seems to tick Sagat off - or perhaps not THAT oddly, given that it's basically the kind of 'cheating' attack - drain your enemy's strength to reinforce your own - that undercuts the entire meaning of being a martial artist. It also leaves Sagat just wobbly enough that Raichu's sneak attack hammers him like a literal bolt from the blue; he's able to avoid taking the full brunt of the Dragon Claw strike, but more blood is drawn despite his attempt to evade the strike.
Then he lashes out at Giratina again, taking advantage of its proximity as he tries to get inside the spectral dragon's guard and beat the proverbial tar out of it - no singular special attack, just a devastating barrage of punches, knees, elbows, and kicks. He might even get so far inside Giratina's defense that the Pokemon's mass acts as an impromptu shield against Lute's OTHER Pokemon.
- Lute (188) has posed:
The series of repeated attacks on Giratina is relentless. It cries out in pain as it is hit, over and over again. It's hard for it to get out of this insane series of attacks.
...Which is why Lute is /really/ going to have to strategize. His Pokemon are getting /really/ hurt. And, if they fall, Lute is next. He ponders. Retreat now? Keep one Pokemon to cover him? But, for now, he has an idea. Keep Gardevoir on standby next to him, for a teleport. He'll get /just/ out of the way of Sagat's sight, and then Sanary can come to him to help heal him. And while Gardevoir prepares for this... Giratina will try to finish it in one last blow.
"Raichu, return! Gardevoir, back to me! And Giratina..."
"Shadow Force."
Giratina vanishes from Sagat's sight, completely. It's just /gone/. Currently, it is incorporeal, shifting so that it is behing Sagat.
And then, it reappears. A massive burst of energy blasts at Sagat's back. This powerful attack is taking in the power of the realm Giratina is from, and unleashing it as a powerful attack straight at Sagat. The area even darkens a bit with the intense amount of energy appearing and being slammed into Sagat.
Gardevoir, meanwhile, stands next to Lute. The Unown are floating casually around Lute now, too. All of them seem to know it: If this doesn't work, it is likely a loss.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
Cheating again, Sagat thinks as Giratina disappears. He's still keeping his guard up, though; he hasn't forgotten what happened with Registeel when he got too focused on Lute.
Then the actual attack is unleashed, and hits Sagat full in the already-injured back.
The thought crosses Sagat's mind that it's probably what a person means when they describe an impact as 'like being hit by a truck'. He also recalls that he has yet to fight an actual truck; he never *did* have that sparring match with Optimus Prime ...
He still goes down hard, and doesn't show any signs of getting back up. Sagat is clearly alive - his back and shoulders rising and falling as his nearly-unconscious form fights for breath - but that DID knock the fight out of him with an undeniable certainty.
He doesn't have the strength just now to either congratulate or curse Lute.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
And that sounded like the end of that fight. The transmissions certainly help the healer to confirm that as she gets up from the tree she had been sitting by. "Behind and a little to the left..." She mutter to herself as she turns slowly, getting a better idea of where she had heard the last noises of the battle as it wound down. She keeps her pace fairly brisk while not outright running, keeping her steps light just in case there's any pesky roots or rocks around to trip her up.
"I'm comin'. Am I there yet?" She calls out ahead of time as she starts wiggling her hands, getting the energy ready ahead of time as she redirects the flow of magic from the rest of her body to her hands. "That was /really/ loud, by the way. Freaking... Dicks."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute calls out to Sanary, seeing her a bit aways.
"I'm over here, Sanary! Come this way a bit more. --Actually, wait, stay still for a second. I'll have one of my Pokemon bring you over a bit closer!"
He nods to his Gardevoir. With a bit of psychic manipulation, it focuses on Sanary, to lift her up. The goal? Carry her over, and set her right down next to Lute. If she gets brought over safely, Lute will place a hand on her back, smiling, just to let her know where he is.
And then Lute would immediately /kick/ at Sagat, laughing a bit.
"Sorry, I'm not the type who kicks a man while he is down... normally. But, you /really/ had this coming. I've been wanting to get back at you for a /while/. Fun, isn't it? Don't worry, though. I'm not going to kill you. Buuuut. Hrm. I might try and get /something/ out of this."
He just looks down at Sagat, gloating. This will likely piss some people off later.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
You know that line about 'if looks could kill'?
Lute is VERY fortunate to be kicking Sagat in his right ribs - because if he were coming in on the side with Sagat's good eye, it's a certainty that the baleful look which he would give the trainer would be damn near lethal simply in its hatred and despise for Lute.
But even without the strength to give Lute that *look*, Sagat is committing this moment to memory. He will recover, and he will resume training ... and he *WILL* avenge this insult. Simply losing the fight, he would have accepted that and moved on - but the moment that Lute decided to rub it in, he ensured that there will be another confrontation between them.
And *next* time, Sagat is going to actually figure out how to rule Lute's Pokemon out of the equation.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Bring her over...? "Wait what-"
Noticing the sudden lack of ground beneath her feet, Sanary's first instinct is to thrash about wildly before realizing that something is moving her. It's not something she can touch, but she can definitely feel it. It's also rather disconcerting to the girl, and she looks quite freaked out by the time she's back on solid ground.
"C-could've just told me when to stop walking." She takes a deep breath to steady herself and groans slightly just from having flailed around most of the time she was being carried. Even though she wasn't in any immediate harm, the lack of control seemed to startle a fair bit.
The healer hums quietly as she listens to Lute without a word, her eyebrow raising slightly at the sounds of the kicking and the words from her comms. Would it be a good idea? Probably not. But...
... Well. She needed the practice, anyway. Taking a long breath to gather herself once more, Sanary holds her hands out towards Lute and Sagat. "This should be enough to get everyone back safely." Instead of directing the healing energy into them both at a steady pace, however, she... 'Accidentally' directs most of it into Sagat.
If accidentally means wearing a shit-eating grin, anyway.
- Sagat (95) has posed:
The healing magic is enough that Sagat's back stops smoldering, and mostly stops bleeding as well. Fortunately for Lute, he doesn't show any particular signs of getting back up just because he's been healed.
This does nothing to stave off his grudge against Lute, though. Sagat's pride has been wounded, and he still runs on his pride to the point that he will *NOT* let the insult pass just because Lute's 'help' was more merciful than Lute himself was.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute, of course, was happy to have Sanary here.
...And then Sanary takes pity on Sagat and heals him. Lute gets some healing too, of course, but still. Sanary is probably lucky to not see the look of betrayal, heartbreak, and mellow rage on Lute's face.
Thank /god/ Sagat is not up yet. He lets out a siiigh.
"...Well, I guess some pity on him isn't /too/ bad. But, oh well."
Shrug. He moves in to kiss Sanary. Yeah, he wants a victory kiss.
And, he motions at Sagat.
"And you /think/ about what you did wrong, okay?"
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Any second now. Any second now, there would be a TIGER something or another, there would be laughs to be had, and she would just bring Lute back after some more healing. Except that didn't seem to be happening. What she hears is... Much quieter than expected.
"What, you didn't think I was gonna leave him here? This was just a match, not a fight to the dea-"
The kiss throws her off balance rather quickly. HEr eye opens instinctively, there's a bit of confused staggering, and a great deal of flustered muttering.
"Er.. Wh. L-let's just go already. I'll patch you up on the way back..."
- Sagat (95) has posed:
As if Sagat would give Lute the satisfaction of knowing that he's already analyzing his loss thoroughly. That parting comment - it had BETTER be a parting comment - just stokes the fires of Sagat's temper all the hotter.
Fortunately, it sounds like Sanary is smarter than Lute is. Pride or not, Sagat's been pushed to his body's limits and past them, and he DOES need to recover before coming after Lute for Round Three. There's no point in going after Lute while he's at anything less than top form, particularly since he'd just seem like the weaker fighter - again.
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute just shrugs a bit, even though Sanary can't see it. "Well, you know. Sometimes a dude just has to get a victory kiss, you know?" Yeah, his voice is way too cheerful, and it'll probably just serve to annoy Sagat more and more.
He wraps his arm's around Sanary's. Partially to help guide her, partially because, you know. Physical contact with a woman. He glances back at Sagat.
"..By the way. If you just come for revenge on me, that'd make you no better than me. Just as a note."
Is he trying to piss Sagat off?
Still, though, he seems pretty happy, and speaks to Sanary again. "You're a pretty good healer. It must be /so/ convenient."
He leans his head against hers. If Sagat can see this that'll just annoy him more probably.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Perv." Although she sighs at first, the blind girl does snicker after a moment and puts an arm around Lute. Part of it is to keep him ateady, and the other part...
... Is to keep herself steady. Pumping that burst of energy into Sagat was more tiring than expected, and she still continues redirecting more of that healing energy to accelerate the natural healing processes of Lute's body. It's not nearly as strong or fast as before, but it's significantly more sustainable what with the lack of exerting herself all at once.
"If he does come after you for a rematch, you know it might not go the same." Another smirk, and she even nudges her head back. "There's some convenient parts to it, yeah. Just don't get used to it. Especially if he kicks your ass next time."
- Lute (188) has posed:
Lute just continues to cuddle Sanary, smiling.
"...Well. See ya, Sagat."
And with that, Lute leaves Sagat there. Sure, Sagat can get home. But even Lute knows: This will probably lead to a certain type of situation: Sagat will come back for revenge.
'An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.'