2323/Pokemon Training Lessons

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Pokemon Training Lessons
Date of Scene: 26 May 2015
Location: Bayview
Synopsis: Lute gives Fuki a Dratini, and teaches her a bit about raising it.
Cast of Characters: 188, Fuki

Lute (188) has posed:
     It's evening at Bayview. The sun is just above the horizon, slowly on the path to setting. Despite the approach of evening, and the soft breezes commonly found where the land meets the sea? It's fairly plesantly warm at the moment. Not too hot, not too cool. Just about right.

     Lute stands on the beach, barefooted. He's wearing his usual beach gear. His labcoat, and his Speedo. He /is/ wearing a waterproof belt as well, with several Pokeballs on it. No Pokemon are out at the moment, but he's still not quite alone. Imima, his I-Class Destroyer, is playing around on the beach. It chases after a seagull, before spotting a small crab. It then casually slaps at the crab with its tail, sending it flying into the ocean.

     Lute just watches, for now, smiling. He knows Fuki will be here soon, and he's excited for it. It's been a while since they've met up. Plus, he's helping her get into Pokemon. Pokemon Training... It's one of his passions. And he is glad to have a chance to share it with others.

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki's new to this beach resort, the now taller shinki in a artifical woman's body has shown up in her mock outfit, something that resembles a kimono but not. She's slowly walking down the beach area in barefoot looking for something. In her left hand is a small suitcase with a familiar logo on it, that of the MMS coropration, and one single guess could figure out that her bodies are in it.

    Fuki is also without her pets today, opting to see what Lute is wanting to teach her today, a smile upon her face and a small glow from the necklace, Fuki's obviously in a good mood. "I'm going to learn how to take care of a Pokemon today... perhaps its best that I start learning how to take care of a multitude of beasts, they'll start calling me the beastmaster soon enough..." she laughs, before spying Lute and the I-Class, slowly picking up pace as she runs up towards him, stopping a couple feet away and with a wave, "Hi Lute~!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Imima turns to Fuki upon her arrival, though she gives her little for a second thought. Instead, she just keeps chasing after the gulls. And, on occasion, opening her mouth and taking shots at them with cannonfire. When she actually hits one, Lute pets her on the head, "Good job! You're aim is getting a lot better."

     And then, he spots Fuki himself. He straightens up from petting Imima, and then walks over to her, smiling. He's being fairly casual. He ponders a bit on how to greet Fuki best. They went on a date before, but it's not like they're actually an official couple or anything. Still, though, this being Lute, he comes to a fairly basic choice of how to greet her. He walks up to her, moving to wrap his arms around her waist. And then he leans forward, to give her a soft kiss on the lips. This is, of course, unless he is stopped.

     "Hey, Fuki. Glad we finally are managing to get this done. I've really been looking forward to it. Plus, I even have a little gift for you! ...Though, want me to get that briefcase for you? I can have one of my Pokemon take it to the beach house."

     He motions back to the beach house with a thumb, pointing towards it. There are actually three different ones, each with Confederate Military flags in the yard to mark them. He then reaches into his labcoat's pocket, and pulls out a red and white Pokeball, standard issue. He holds it up in front of Fuki, still smiling.

     "Here. Take it. Open it up. Little gift for you. Hatched it myself. Bred it very carefully, too."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki gives a light chuckle at Lute's compliment towards Imima, "You really like that little destroyer, don't you?" she questions, once again, caught off guard from the sudden kiss and cuddle. Not that Fuki minded this at all. She returns the kiss with one of her own and a smile. "I'm glad too, it's been a while." she responds, looking a bit towards the ocean.

    When the case is mentioned, Fuki gives a light nod, "Sure, be careful though, these are my bodies. Brought my mermaid fit and my normal so." she lifts up the case and offers it over, letting one of Lute's Pokemon take it over. Though, when the red and white sphere makes its way into view... her smile brightens.

    Cradling the ball in both hands then looks up to Lute, "A... are you serious?" she gives a good look at the ball once more, a gulp coming to her and a nod, "Hello, Pokeball. Shall we see what you have for me then?" she thinks a moment... then looks at Lute. "Umm, do I have to do something special to open it? I see people throw their hats backwards before tossing the ball and some who treat the ball like a yo yo...."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles at the kiss being returned. It's really not everyone who would return such to him. After his short streak of really good luck, he had a huge streak of people hurting him for trying similar. He stays close to Fuki, even keeping an arm around her waist a bit, as he talks. "Yeah, it has been too long, really. And... I've grown really fond of Imima. I've been keeping her close for a long time, and we just got really close. She even leapt in the path of an attack aimed right at me. Something that would have hurt me really badly. So... I owe it to her." Imima hears this, and comes over. Lute scritches the back of her head a bit.

     Lute opens a Pokeball. From it, his Gardevoir appears. He bows a little, and grabs the suitcase in his hands. He speaks, rather quietly, and in a rather feminine voice, "Gardevoir." <I will handle this with much care.> With that, the Gardevoir starts carrying it back to the house.

     He chuckles at Fuki's confusion, shaking his head a bit. "It's... not that complicated. You just hold the ball up, and press the button. When you are catching a new Pokemon? That's when you do the fancy throwing. I'll get you used to your new Pokemon first, and then teach you to use her, alright? ...Though it's not /that/ hard. You just have to weaken the Pokemon, and then throw the Pokeball at it. It's mostly a matter of praticing aim. But go on, open it."

     He remains close to Fuki, and a look of happiness and excitement is on his face. He's really excited to see her reaction, and he is looking at her face more than at the Pokeball in her hand.

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki gives a light nod, "Like my Coeurl then. It's cute." she gives a look at the Gardevoir, this is the first time she's actually seen one too.. "Oh, you're pretty." she states, "Thank you for taking it for me." and with a nod, she turns back towards Lute and nods, eyeing the Pokeball once more.

    "Well, then here we go." she gives the Pokeball a small pat on the red side and places a finger upon the button, "Come on out and see the sky and beach!" and with a click, the button is pressed and the red beam shoots out to materalize the Pokemon before her. Watching in amazement as her first one starts to form in front of her from the beam of red.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute watches in excitement as the Pokeball opens, still focusing on the look on Fuki's face. Fuki's Pokemon forms in the flash of red from the Pokeball. It takes shape, with its long serpentine body and its pair of head fins. It shifts its body, and looks up towards Fuki, smiling.

     "Dratini!" <Hiiii. Are you my trainer? I've been waiting to meet you!>

     Lute smiles, nodding to the Dratini. He then looks back at Fuki, smiling, "It... took me a lot of time to find the right Dratini for you. I actually even talked to a number of other trainers, and had them breed Pokemon for me. It's a fairly good starting Pokemon, and fairly rare. And she has been looking forward to meet you since just after she hatched."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki blinks. Then blinks once more. Then leans down as the Dratini finish taking its shape and starts talking. "I.." she looks up at Lute, then back at the Dratini and gives a firm nod, "I am. Hi Dratini. I'm Fuki, I'll be your trainer from here forth. You're my first ever Pokemon so let's both grow strong together, okay?" she reaches forward, slowly... carefully... and with a gentle pat she starts rubbing the Dratini's head.

    Fuki looks to be holding back the girliest noise ever...

    And fails as she squeees loudly and totally loses the calm, collected ninja programming.

    "Aaaah, it's real, it's... it's like that Dratini I saw at the Safari Zone. And it's mine... and... I..." she looks up at Lute, Fuki's face a picture of everything right in the world... a happy girl. "Thank you!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Fuki leans down to pet the Dratini, Lute keeps his hand on Fuki's back. He just watches, smiling. His heart is warmed at this. It brings him memories of getting his first Pokemon. The moment he met Kaelin while he was a Tentacool. It was one of the happiest moments of his life, save perhaps his marriage. Sharing in a moment like this is wonderful.

     "...You can name her whatever you want. I haven't named her yet, after all. I only gave her basic training, as well. She'll only know a few moves to start. She knows Dragon Dance, Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, and Iron Tail. She'll start to learn more moves /very/ fast though. You can look most of this up with the Pokedex. And, speaking of which...."

     Lute pulls out a Pokedex, colored purple. He hands it to Fuki. "This'll keep track of her moves, and help you identify Pokemon. You'll wanna train her up a bit before catching more, buuuut. You can probably can capture one more, maybe two, pretty soon."

     He leans over, and rubs the dratini under the chin a bit. She is leaning into Fuki's petting more than Lute's, though. He's trying to pet her a bit, but in such a way that Fuki will be giving the better petting.

     "She eats meat and plants. Most anything a human eats, she'll eat too, alright? You can buy some treats like Poffin, PokeBlocks, or PokePuffs, but don't spoil her. Start her off on human food for now. Let her be active as much as you can, but she can be pretty comfortable in the Pokeball for lengths of time."

     A smile at Fuki. "Any questions? I'm sure I'm missing something, but I'll think on it."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki's smile is still there as she runs her hand over the Dratini's head and side and tries to pet her the best she can, a nod of understanding comes to Fuki in response to Lute's comments and instructions. And then... the purple device, the Pokedex. She looks at it and takes it in her free hand and nods, turning to the Dratini and then back up at Lute.

    "I see, alright. So, use this to see how she's doing... and to see what others are then keep training her well..." she gives a brief nod and looks towards the Dratini, "Name, name... name..." hmm. "Ria. If you like that name that is, your name will be Ria." she offers her arm, something to coil around or even rest on.

    Her left eye seems to be filling up with various data, nodding as she takes into her memory basic training regimines and feeding regimines for the Pokemon, "Alright, so basic foods, eat the same things my own Master eats... and keep her healthy. I think I can do this."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute mvoes behind Fuki, wrapping arms around her from behind, and just leaning against her. Hey, she hasn't protested so far. Still, though, he's focusing on explaining. Lots to teach.

     "When you're ready to put her in the Pokeball, just hold it up and press the button. Saying 'Ria, return', will let her know to be ready for that. shout out the names of the moves for her to use them too. Keep in mind, when fighting with her, to shout out where the enemy attacks are coming from too. See a move come in, tell her to dodge from the left."

     He still ponders a bit. A lot of Pokemon Training is basically second nature to him. What else does she absolutely need to know about raising Pokemon? He really thinks he has most of it, but a couple more things pop into his head even still. "She'll like swimming if she gets a chance, too. Introduce her to your other pets slowly. And, if you want to practice battling? The Field of Trials will be fine. I'll get you some books on raising Dratini, too. There are a /lot/ of specifics on raising each species, but really, just raise her with care, and with all your heart, and you'll do fine. I'm sure you'll be a great master. And... I /know/ you can do this. If I felt you couldn't, I wouldn't have given her to you. You're raising a Behemoth and a Couerl. This should be a lot simpler than either of those."

Fuki has posed:
    True, Fuki hasn't pushed away or protested... Lute might be quirky but he's got his charm and he was doing her a big favor. She gives a light nod as she leans back into Lute's behind hug. "I see. With Pokemon, it's not about who is in charge, it's about communication." she gives a light nod, looking down towards Ria as she curls up around Fuki's hand, causing her to giggle some.

    "Thanks Lute, I know I'm still new to this game but I won't let you down. I promise. Ria will be strong, just like your own team. I'll make sure of it." she smiles, looking down towards Ria who has a grin... or what could amount to one on a Dratini... on her face. "Ria, you'll do your best for me, won't you?" and Ria nods, perking up at attention. "Alright, perhaps we should go swimming... then I'll introduce you to the real me."

    "The Coeurl was already trained not to eat me... the Behemoth is a work.. a hard work." a nod, a look at the pokeball and the pokedex... "This will be no different. It's a new species to train, to know, to learn. Heh, if this keeps up, I'll probably be the Beastmaster of the Confederacy." a pause, "I'll do my best..."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute listens closely to Fuki. Her determination is strong. This makes him all the happier. She wants to get strong. Strong enough to eventually match him. With the Pokemon and other monsters he has? That's a big goal. One he can appreciate.

     "It'll be a long road forward. Pokemon don't get strong overnight. But, with time, she'll grow stronger. Possibly evolve. It's just a matter of one real thing. Getting a bond with her." Yes, despite being a Confederate Pokemon Trainer, Lute is one of the least likely to suggest treating Pokemon as tools. And, it's really got him far. But, a smirk is on his face, "Though, if you want to be the top beastmaster of the Confederacy... You'll have to top me on that one eventually. Giratina, Registeel, and Mr. Crabs are a /bit/ above what you can handle right now, most likely. No offense. You'll get there."

     There is one other thing that catches his attention, though. 'The real me'. And Lute just chuckles, "So, the small body is what you consider the real you? ..Well. Guess it makes sense, since that's what you started as. But yeah, I gotta say? The real you is your mind, more than your body. It's something to be envied. You can basically be whatever you want."

Fuki has posed:
     Fuki pauses, a grin upon her face. "If I am hearing you correctly, I believe you are offering a challenge, Mister Trieste...." she turns her head up and to the side to get a good look at his face, a toothy smile upon it... "Very well, I will get strong enough to match you and then... perhaps we may share the title, if I can't beat you. My sister says I'm a competetive type so this may be an interesting goal to go for."

    She turns towards Ria, smiling, "But I'd never... ever work you harder than you want, or to the point of stressing you, Ria. You... are going to be the best, I promise. We may lose to some, we might even fail to catch some... but with Lute here ... you'll be the strongest Dratini ever." a pause, a quick look at the Pokedex... "And then... the strongest Dragonair." another look at the 'dex... "Oh wow, that's a pretty one. So elegant. what's ne..." ... "Maybe just Dragonair..."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a little. This? This is the sort of thing that reminds Lute of the old days, when he was a weaker trainer. The lofty ambitions. But, Fuki is driven. She'll definitely improve. And he looks forward to it. "Well. Maybe next time, we'll fight. Once you get your groove going a bit. I'll go easy on you, okay? Not much point in having it being a /completely/ one sided Pokemon battle."

     He's quiet as he listens to Fuki talk with Ria. He's trying not to snicker as she decides not to evolve past Dragonair. After all, Harp's own dragonair /refused/ to go further than that. A lot of trainers just stick with Dragonair. He doesn't want to laugh, because it might be misinterpreted. But just so many fond memories. Finally, he speaks a little bit more, "...Well. A lot of Pokemon don't evolve all the way. It's a harder path, but. They can become just as strong as their evolved forms. Just takes more effort."

     He turns his head, though, just slightly. Over the ocean, the sun is finally setting. It's beginning to get dark, and fast. He glances towards Imima, who has come up to the side of his leg. She isn't getting jealous. He can tell. But, she /is/ about done playing for the moment. Lute reaches to hold Fuki's hand, and smiles at her, "Let's head to the beach house. The rooms are all bunks, but I've got a charger set up for all of your bodies in there. I'll show you where, and then, hey, maybe we can play video games for a bit before bed? Or a board game? Or something. I dunno. I'll leave it up to you."

     And then, with that, he'll slowly start walking with her, Ria, and Imima to the beach house.