3354/Attacking the Great Fairy of Courage
From Multiverse Crisis MUSH
Attacking the Great Fairy of Courage | |
Date of Scene: | 08 November 2015 |
Location: | The Hylian Mainland <LoZ-5> |
Synopsis: | The Confederates launch their attack on the Great Fairy of Courage, chasing it down until it can be killed. |
Cast of Characters: | 22, Sanary Rondel, 864, 878 |
Tinyplot: | Clearing the Twilight |
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
Agahnim has located the next Great Fairy, and its location has been relayed to the Confederacy. The location is a place familiar to some of them: The Kokiri Woods, the section of forest near where the Deku Tree once was. Thankfully, it is far enough away from the Kokiri Village that the children of the forest are not present at the moment.
The entrance to the Fairy Cave is against a cliff in the forest. Like the last one, it is a dark entrance leading into god knows where. There is a sign outside of it, reading 'GREAT FAIRY OF COURAGE', scrawled aged in the past. The forest around the cave has mostly died, due to the death of the Great DEku Tree. Some monsters can be seen, here or there. Carnivorous plants called Dekubabas, though they're all off the path and easily avoidable. Some batlike creatures, Keese, flying through the air. There are even some Ropes, a species of snake, crawling along the ground. Their long black bodies squirm through the remaining undergrowth.
The mission is simple: Kill the Great Fairy.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
It sounded like an interesting task, and so the Confederate witch known as Medusa Gorgon didn't see why she would decline the chance to join in on this mission. Faeries are supposed to the opposite of witches, aren't they? Can faeries even be killed? It's a challenge, and certainly bound to be a good time.
The area itself seems quite lovely and promising too, sort of familiar in the dread sense of way, she supposes? Either way Medusa arrives at the rendez-vous point, her broom flung over one shoulder. Who knows what this fight will be like? Magical in some aspects, she suspects. Unless this fairy is different from the stereotype, but they will be given more information if that is prudent, right? But she does know that there are other Confederates who have expressed interest in today's mission. So they should have a decent chance if everybody pitches in.
For now she waits patiently for the others to arrive, not about to engage in fighting just yet.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary's not in the best shape today, but luckily... She's got armor! Too much armor. Also, she's got weapons! Her gunaxe, a large bell, a charge blade, and even a few grenades just to try out something different for once. Hopefully, that sort of technological advantage might make up for the fact that she's still recovering from the events of the night before.
It has also been a while since she's last entered this neck of the Multiverse, so she's also really hoping that nobody is going to remember that last little number her partners did with the tree. Thankfully, it doesn't look like any of the forest children are around.
Spotting Medusa, the cleric straightens up a bit to try and look at least a little more respectable. "Medusa. this is.. Uh. Gonna be our first combat mission together, isn't it?" She chuckles and gives her quick salute, then unhooks the kite shield from her back. "Well, I'll be around if anything impossible to dodge comes our way."
- Vergil (878) has posed:
He seems to treat this mission almost as though he's talking a stroll, coattails of his blue coat trailing behind him as he walks unperturbed by the fact that, yet again, he's effectively about to bring ruination to part of this world.
If one asked him about his calm... his simple response would be why he should concern himself with people that don't affect him?
If one asked why he could say that when he was rather directly making their lives worse with his actions, he would in turn reiterate that what happens to them is of no direct concern of his as they are but strangers. He has no qualm with them, but neither does he have any obligation to them - only to himself.
A reason that has carried Vergil comparatively far in life. A reason he doesn't intend to turn back on.
Standing at the entrance to the cave, Vergil glances around at the dead trees around them, noting the Deku Tree hadn't been exaggerating about what it's death would do to the lands around them - the entire forest seemed to be in a state of decay.
If fairies here were like examples from human legend - that they drew strength from nature and were weakened when their surroundings were damaged - then it ought to make their job easier.
Still, that didn't mean he wouldn't get proven wrong.
As he walks for the meeting place, he takes to entertaining himself at a few instances with the local creatures, practicing his swordsmanship skills by swiftly cutting down any of the creatures that cross his path or attack him.
If they drop any rupees, he collects them for himself - not vastly different from collecting 'Orbs' from fallen demons in his mind.
Upon reaching the cave, he takes notice of the woman waiting at the front, garbed in black to contrast his blue coat, and unlike the soft fabrics of his own, hers looked like snakeskin.
He also noticed, to his interest, she radiated a magical aura that was feint yet potent, as if kept concealed. He gives her a simple appraising look before moving toward the cave.
Sanary on the other hand is someone he is more acquainted with, having first met her on the mission to slay the Deku Tree. He gives her something of a dry-sarcastic quip as he looks at their surroundings apathetically, expression unperturbed by the dead forest. "I guess we've made a mess of the place, huh?"
His response doesn't hold any bemusement, sorrow or pleasure. It's hard to tell if he's trying to be sarcastic, fatalistic or just stating an obvious fact. Either way, the manner he makes his comment so straightforwardly and with such a straight face might unsettle Sanary or interest Medusa.
Glancing at the worn writing, the Son of Sparda gives bemused chuckle. "Heh... normally, when someone's hunting you, the last thing you'd typically want is a sign advertising your location" comes the deadpan observation a moment later. After a moment though, he tilts his head as he peers into the cave slightly, seeming slightly dubious about the sign's sincerity. "Of course, it could also be an obvious trap... not that it'll make much difference."
If nothing else, he's confident in his own abilities at least.
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
The creatures outside the Fairy's Fountain are indeed easy to slay, especially for one as strong as Vergil. Rupees drop from some of them, though not a significant amount. Perhaps enough to buy a sandwich.
The cave still stands there, waiting.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
A warm and motherly smile spreads across Medusa's lips when she spots Sanary arriving, and she cants her head with a slight chuckle. "My my... it certainly looks like you came prepared, hmmm~?" There is a teasing tone to it, however. "Are you certain you can move well enough in that, dear? It's all well and good to be armoured, but not if it leaves you a sitting duck, if you ask me."
The witch gives a nod at least. "Yes, we haven't fought together before. I'm looking forward to seeing how you perform. It shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as we work together."
The arrival of the young man in blue diverts the witch's attention, and she nods in greeting, offering him a smile as well. "Good evening~" No, his comment doesn't seem to unsettle the witch, and if she's curious she doesn't show it, instead she carries herself with absolute calm. Regarding the sign, she shrugs. "Perhaps she's used to a more benevolent clientele?" Either way, she turns to glance down at Sanary. "Why don't you go in first, and I'll follow closely behind you."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Ah, I've gotten used to the bulk. Not too hard to move, takes a hit like nothing else I've got, and I can even get set on fire with it on!" Sanary sounds a little too proud about that last bit, but at least she's in good spirits! Maybe it'll even hide how drained she's feeling. She offers Medusa another quick salute before holding that shield at her side. "Sounds like a plan, Miss Gorgon."
Hearing Vergil's approach, she chuckles lightly while turning to him with yet another salute. "Vergil. Only a little mess. Not too noticeable, is it?" She's really hoping nobody recognizes her right now. With all of nature getting thrown out of whack, it'd probably wouldn't be unexpected at all. Still, the fewer obstacles in their path to the faerie, the better.
The sign gets an odd look from her, but she still manages a confident (if quieter than usual) laugh. "If it is a trap we can get through... Yeah, Medusa's got the right idea. Just let me take the lead, and at least only one of us gets hit with whatever's waiting. Worst case scenario, you two can probably take it down much faster than I could. Might as well have someone else take the hit, right?"
And with that, she's headed into the cave itself, keeping that shield at the ready.
- Vergil (878) has posed:
Sparing a glance of curiosity, Vergil takes note of the black-clad woman's seeming familiarity with Sanary, wondering if they know each-other well, though their comment of not having fought together seems to deflect this somewhat. The tone from the older woman was almost paternal-sounding, yet they didn't really look related in his opinion.
The demon-hyrbid actually seems somewhat amused by the greeting, returning it with a prompt "Good evening" of his own, though his sounds somewhat more like a simple bemused acknowledgement then anything else.
He gives half a shrug at Sanary's reply, glancing from tree to tree. "Maybe not with one forest. Though I'm guessing trees dying worldwide is going to turn a few heads sooner or latter. I also heard the mountains are getting some kind of early winter, too." He places a hand on Yamato's pommel, resting it on the hilt in a habit almost as old as himself. "Guess that means whatever we're doing is working."
Again, no joy or remorse, nor glee or amusement - just simple acknowledgement. Still, if nothing else, it's a sign that he doesn't seem to consider the damage grossly consequential compared to restoring Majora's Mask.
He glances at the pair inquisitively when Medusa volunteers Sanary to take the lead, though he doesn't object. Instead he gives another shrug - "If you want, then by all means."
Thus, as Sanary leads the way, Vergil effectively walks slightly behind her - or if the tunnel is wide enough, just a pace or so away of being astride her, hand resting on Yamato's hilt in a relaxed gesture that still makes it easy to grasp should combat occur.
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
The path through the cave looks natural, at first. Carved stone, worn through the ages. About fifty feet into the cave, the beautiful carvings of the Fairy Fountain begin. The stone loses its natural shape, becoming carved into a square passage. It is a simple geometric design, with water here and there dripping from the wall. Some designs of simplified fairies appear on the wall, all in the same spots.
As walking through the cave, something is off, though. It highly depends on the party, how long until they feel something is up. It could be minutes. It could be an hour, or more. It is simply a matter of how long it will take them toget impatient.
But the party does not seem to be getting anywhere. The walls are still the same. The light is still the same. The tile patterns are still the same. How long of a passage could this possibly be?
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Good, as long as you can handle yourself," Medusa nods, falling behind Sanary as she agrees to the idea and heads in first. Likewise she will allow Vergil to fall in after Sanary. "I am certain you can handle yourself, dear. Though you do have the friendliest face out of us three if I would say so myself," she points out. For now she falls in last as a rear guard. For now she doesn't know anything about Vergil's combative capabilities, but he does seem to carry that sword properly, suggesting he isn't a novice.
Through the cave they go, and Medusa studies the stone as well as the carvings in the wall. "It certainly seems like the right place," she whispers lest her voice carry too far. Though she does narrows her eyes after they have walked for a while.
"We should have been there by now, considering the distance we've walked." It's a simple observation. Still, just to make sure, the witch raises her right hand. "I was hoping to not draw too much attention, but..." A sigh leaves her before she speaks. "Soul Protect Release." People sensitive to magic will notice the presence of chaotic and dark magic within the woman rather easily, which is why Medusa tends to use Soul Protect on a regular basis. Most likely the Great Fairy would have noticed, but if there is magic in place here, they need to deal with it. She mutters something under her breath and brushes her hand against the wall, leaving an invisible arrow on the wall, pointing in the direction they are headed. Perhaps she can notice something here...
- Vergil (878) has posed:
As they enter the beginnings of the artificial aspect of the passage - and the start of the unfamiliar fairy architecture - Vergil takes note of the flowing carvings and their distinct differences from most of the aesthetics he was used to in a design.
He also takes notice of the woman observing him from beneath her hood. Cautious... and practical. Both of which he approved of in regards to how one ought to treat new faces.
It ends up taking only a few minutes - namely the fact that aspects of the architecture are starting to loop - to draw Vergil's attention to the fact that they seem to be on something of a repeating track.
"I agree" he mutters in reply to Medusa's quip. "Something's wrong. Some sort of defense - an illusion, maybe? Or perhaps a full-fledged dimensional loop to keep us in a circle? I don't know the extent these 'fairies' can affect their surroundings or traps... but it seems we're in one such trap."
Upon feeling the dark aura from the woman - something Vergil is rather familiar with due to his own studies in the occult - he turns back to glance at her, eyes narrowed inquiringly as he recognizes she is likely a 'dark mage' of some form. Maybe a wiccan or witch, depending on what alignment she followed or what she used that magic for.
"Find anything?" he asks offhandedly. He refrains from simply trying the brute force method immediately - he'd prefer not to show his strengths until after they faced the fairy in person. He also spares a glance to Sanary - "What about you? Any suggestions?"
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary's feeling significantly better heading into that cave with Medusa and Vergil behind her. Not that she doesn't think that she couldn't handle this job with other Elites, but the extra insurance never hurts! "Friendliest face? Aw, really? Well, I'll try and live up to that if we need to do any talking, then." She lets out a hearty laugh, the fact that she's got all that armor and gear on her to detract from her friendly-looking levels not really phasing her in the least.
The cave itself is fairly intriguing, that shift from natural to hand-made never getting old for the axe-wielder. She keeps her eye open for any particularly valuable-looking pots of treasures to scoop up if they happen to be in her way, but her main priority is taking the lead to make sure the path ahead is safe.
She's not quite as observant, though, only raising an eyebrow when Medusa stops to use her magic. A curious eye is directed towards that nothing she sees, but the change in the air is certainly noticed. "Illusions... Ech. Last illusionist I fought was kind of an ass."
The cleric strokes her chin lightly at Vergil's question, pausing to consider it for a while before drawing her axe. "Don't suppose either of you want to use this place for yourselves later?" She presses the gunaxe's head against the wall opposite Medusa before starting to walk, dragging the blade along it to try and dig a rather sizable marking as they walk. "Let's hope this works. If we see the end, we'll know we're going in circles, at least."
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
As Medusa releases her power, the magic in the place becomes /significantly/ more obvious. Every single bit of the room is filled with magic. The stone tiles, the water dripping, even the flowing of the air has some magic within. It's a bit hard to place what exactly the magic is /doing/, though. The only place that seems to be lacking magic, the only place where it is weak, is on the path back, towards the direction of where the party entered.
The invisible arrow can be placed on the wall, though. Nothing prevents that from happening.
Sanary is easily able to mark the wall, as well. As the mark is dragged along, as she keeps walking forward a bit on her own, she'll see something in the distance. A couple of figured ahead, in the darkness. If she runs ahead to see them, she'll find herself... Right back where she started, at the beginning of the line she marked.
Yeah, there is some annoying magic going on in here.
- Vergil (878) has posed:
Vergil takes note of the mark Sanary left in the dirt as the one-eyed warrior walks ahead of them, with the Son of Sparda clicking his tongue as they reach the same spot they started... though it does offer up some useful information.
"Well, at least now we know this tunnel isn't endless - just looping back around. And because the mark is still here... it means we're capable of damaging our surroundings." He glances to the water leaking through the walls at points, narrowing his gaze. "Though based on the presence of dripping water, I'd guess we might be flanked by a lake of some sort - if so, breaking through this passage might flood it. Either a precaution to wash people out of the passage... or a trap to drown them if they tried a more brute-force method of escape."
Clever. At the very least, these fairies had gone through a lot of trouble to hide themselves... though it also begged another question;
"I'm surprised that, if they have the ability to warp reality like this that they wouldn't just set up some form of pitfall - lead us into a volcano or something" Vergil deadpans, tapping a hand against one of the walls experimentally. "Do they just not have the power to do more then send us in circles, or are they just deferential to a non-lethal method of discouraging most trespassers?"
The question is generalized, directed at both Medusa or Sanary to try and see if he can get ideas on how to circumvent their current situation going.
After all, they're obviously not getting anywhere as they are now.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Something is clearly wrong. "This place is filled with magic," Medusa mutters, annoyance clear to the two others. "We will see what it is, let's continue onwards," she suggests. "I don't know what sort of magic this is yet, but we won't learn unless we test it further. It might be an illusion, or it might be something more." For now she suspects the latter.
As they have walked a bit more Medusa stops, chuckling. "We are right back where we started, indeed." She glances to Sanary's marking of the wall. "A loop... how interesting. Something to keep people from moving forward, only allowing them to leave. Sadly, my magic isn't suited to dispel it."
Vergil's comment makes her cant her head slightly. "Perhaps they themselves do not wish to fight, and maybe they are benevolent of nature. It's a common shortcoming of that kind. "There's magic ahead of us, nothing behind us." Then she glances at them. "Disarm yourselves. Perhaps that will allow us to pass."
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
As that mark loops on itself, Sanary furrows her brow while lowering her weapon. "... The hell. How does this even...?" She grunts lightly before turning to Vergil, resting that weapon on her shoulder. "Yeah, that's... Geh. At least we didn't waste too much time." She resists the urge to strike the wall, especially after that warning about the possibility of drowning.
"Maybe... They don't know where to find a volcano around here? Doesn't help us get out any faster, though." She blinks slowly at Medusa's suggestion, the thought of disarming herself giving her reason to pause. Still, if she thought it'd be the best way to get through? They'd just have to figure out a different way to fight.
"Understood. Ah... Man, I really hope we don't lose any of this stuff. Audrey's gonna get pissed if I need to get these replaced..." The gunaxe, the charge blade and the corresponding kite shield, and even the bell are all set by the wall. Sanary gives that gear a look before sighing, only slightly relieved at the additional weight being taken off her back.
"I still got the eye thing, at least, so... Ah, we'll be fine!" And then she's off to head further into the cave again. Time to see if that'll work!
- Vergil (878) has posed:
... this causes Vergil to pause a moment. Even if it were an option, he wouldn't part with Yamato or leave it unattended.
... still... if nothing else, he could try to conceal it.
Normally, a Devil Arm could be stored in one's body - provided they were of demonic heritage - but it was normally done when switching out one Devil Arm for another. However, it was a better option then simply abandoning the blade that symbolized his birthright.
After a few moments, Yamato seems to evaporate from Vergil's side in a small flash, the half-devil letting out a breath through his nose before glancing to Medusa. "Will that suffice?"
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The witch nods in approval when the other two disarm themselves. "It's frowned upon to bring weapons into some sacred places. Perhaps the fairy is one of those?" she offers with a shrug and a smirk. She's not going to argue with Vergil, and she continues onwards to see whether this has worked or not, following closely behind Sanary.
"Of course we will be fine," she assures her. She herself doesn't carry weapons, but she does have her magic. So just in case, she mutters under her breath again. "Soul Protect." Again the chaotic presence is gone, and she begins walking down the tunnel again. Hopefully this will bring results...
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
The guess was good. The marks down the path start to vanish after a short bit in, the stone no longer cut. It seems not having a weapon is, in fact, enough. With a bit more walking, a new section of the Dungeon is reached.
The new section is actually a little bit different. Within the center is a spring of water, just like in the Fairy Spring that Sanary visited previously. It's the centerpiece of the room. But, there is so much more. Training dummys are set up along the walls. Various wooden weapons are placed on weapon racks.
It's quiet in here, but there is definitely a sense of magic from within the spring. The Fairy is, in fact, within it. She is not showing herself yet, though.
- Vergil (878) has posed:
Glancing curiously at the chamber they have entered in, Vergil takes the time to furrow his brows a bit as he seems to contemplate the sight. "Well... seems you were right" He glances toward Medusa.
... at the same time though, he can't help but feel somewhat confused. "It's strange. All someone has to do is walk in here without weapons in hand and they can get through? If an assassin who's weapons were concealed-" he glances meaningfully at Sanary and Medusa at the next juncture, "-or a mage who had no need for such tools entered this place... the boundary would be useless. Did they just not expect anyone to threaten them unless /obviously/ armed?"
The training dummies and wooden weapons seem to compound Vergil's curiosity further. "Hardly effective tools for defending oneself against steel or even magic... but it /does/ show that these fairies may not be pacifists. Perhaps just unwilling to kill in that case? I don't see any lethal weapons here."
As he nears the spring, he seems somewhat suspicious of it. As if he can taste or smell something in the air emanating from it.
And of course... there's no telling if his inherent demonic nature is going to affect the pool due to his proximity to it. He doesn't know for sure - hence why he's not going to just up and stick his hand in it.
Instead, he glances to Sanary and Medusa, gesturing to the pool - "You two will likely have had more respective experience with Hyrule and fairies then I have. Is there some special requirement to getting what we want... or are we supposed to simply destroy it like the last time?"
By 'last time', he is referring to the destruction of the Deku Tree.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
An amused pseudo-whistle escapes Sanary's lips. It's not quite whistling, and it's mostly just a weird blowing noise. She's getting closer to an actual whistle, though! "Nice work, Medusa~ It kinda makes sense, I.. Guess? I mean, they probably don't have to worry about other magical beings coming to attack 'em that often compared to people like... Well."
She gestures at herself, then at Vergil. "Even with your.. Thing you did yesterday. Migh tneed that later, by the way." Another chuckle, and the cleric takes a moment to take in their surrounding. Training dummies, a familiar fountain in the center...
"This is the Great Faerie's room. If I'm remembering correctly, she'll just show up right around there if we call out to her." She gestures at the the center of the fountain, watching it with a cautious eye before lowering her voice. "Just need to wait for her to show up. Last time, we just shot and magic.. 'd at her until she died. Worked fine." Sanary promptly grabs one of the dummies as a shield to tuck it under her arm just in case (the whole thing, even!) while approaching the water slowly. "So... Uh. Great Faerie of Courage! We're.. Visitors! Seeking.. Erm. Courage!"
Truly, the greatest actor of her time.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
A knowing smile crosses Medusa's lips when her suggestion works, and she offers Vergil an amused chuckle. "Shrines and holy places tend to have some rules in place," she explains. "And perhaps customs are different in this world. Most people who seek out fairies are those seeking their favour."
She too inspects the training dummies, narrowing her eyes as she walks over and touches them. "I sincerely doubt a great fairy would require training dummies. Perhaps they are meant for the people coming here to seek her out?" she suggests, then reaches out to pick up one of the wooden weapons. "I suggest we try these out. It must be a reason for them being here." When Vergil suggests that the two women might have more experience with this place, Medusa can't help but chuckle, whacking the training dummy once with one of the wooden swords. "This is my first time in this world, sadly. So I have ever little to offer." But she doesn't stop nor discourage Sanary from calling out to the fairy. Who knows, it might work!
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
As Sanary calls forth to the Great Fairy, there is a great swelling of magic, a bubbling in the water, and then...
Nothing. Nothing comes out.
"I'm not coming out for the likes of you~."
...It seems like the Great Fairy of Courage has decided to hide.
- Vergil (878) has posed:
"Maybe proving a person's worth and seeking is why these dummies are here, too?" Vergil theorizes openly, watching as Medusa takes up one of the wood swords. "Leave your weapons at the gate, then perform some form of... evaluation? Or train at their behest with weapons that won't be turned against the teacher?" It takes off of Sanary's suggestion as well, in how the fairies probably aren't visited by anyone else but either willing students who wouldn't carry weapons... or bandits trying to pillage the place. In that case, the defense probably works well enough.
Against them, though? Not so much.
... Of course it couldn't be simple, as the fairy makes her verdict on the matter clear.
Then again, it only made sense. After all the damage inflicted on Hyrule, someone was probably going to make the connection between unscheduled visits to notable guardian entities and their sudden demises afterword sooner or later.
Of course, why she'd make her presence known to them instead of doing the smart thing and staying hidden was unknown to him.
"I guess they've wised up since the last one?" Vergil suggests to Sanary. Soon after though, a note of fatalistic sardonicism enters his voice - "Then again, openly saying you killed the last fairy you met, in a room you just said she could apparently hear us in, might have something to do with that." He gives a glance that doesn't seem angry or exasperated - just deadpan; "Maybe you could have waited until /after/ she was in the open first and then say how to kill her." After a minute, he finally gives an expression of mild sarcastic bemusement as his lips pull up in the slightest of smirks - "Though I suppose being bold enough to announce your intent so openly counts as being 'courageous'."
Letting out a sigh - an expression of genuine exasperation this time - Vergil walks over to the very edge of the fountain spring and looks down at his own reflection, as if trying to discern how it's meant to work. He also spares glances at Medusa and Sanary in between looking over the water's surface... and fishing something out of his pocket; A Red Orb. "Maybe alchemy of some kind will entice her? Or corruption of the pool? Potions and enchanted water was never really my forte." He cups the Orb in one hand contemplatively, willing to wait until the others offer their own input before risking trying to dump crystalized demon blood into the water.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Well. So much for that idea. Medusa seems to have her own idea, at least, and Vergil's words... Well, they sting quite a bit, and Sanary's awkward smile on becomes even more so as she realizes how stupid that was in retrospect.
"Y-yeah! It was just... Courage. That's all." She laughs and steps back from the fountain to brush her nose off, clearly trying to save face with that opportunity. "You know, getting a.. Fair fight and all. With three people." She's probably not doing a great job at it. The cleric clears her throat loudly before turning away, looking over at that Red Orb curiously before shrugging.
"Might work. I got no objections. Uh. Medusa?" Stepping over to her superior, Sanary starts striking at the other training dummies as well. Not with the weapons, though. No, she's swinging the training dummy she's got in her hands instead. These sorts of things are usually meant to take hits, anyway, so why not turn the tables?
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
The Red Orb does, in fact, get her to act. There is a bit of a sigh from the pool of water, and a sudden torrent rising up. The Great Fairy appears, in all of her glory. Her body is curvy and beautiful, covered only in various vines and leaves.It makes up her clothes, hiding most of her skin. Her hair is long and green in color, pulled back into three pony tails. She laughs a little, her echoy laughter filling the chamber.
"Fine~. I am The Great Fairy of Courage. I am granted power by the Goddess Farore, the Goddess of Courage. You can /try/ to defeat me, like you defeated my sister... But....~"
There is a sudden burst of wind, a swirling cyclone of green around the Great Fairy. She is suddenly not there.
"You'll have to catch me, first~."
Her voice echoes from a /little/ bit down the hallway into the place.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The bubbling of the water catches the witch's interest, and she looks rather amused as Vergil points out Sanary's error. "He /is/ right, dear. Please watch your words from now on, it can be rather worrisome."
She does not protest against Vergil's idea, and she peers curiously at the orb. And there she is, the great fairy herself. And she appears to be a trickster, now is she? It's a challenge if she ever heard one, and the witch raises her left hand. "Let's hurry up and catch her, then~" Somehow it looks like Medusa is amused at the very idea.
"Soul Protect... release!"
Immediately the magic around the woman flares up, black vector snakes coiling about her, ready to attack. "Vector Plate!" The tunnel gets filled with black arrows on the ground, pointing back towards the main room of the cave. All in order to force the fairy back towards them, Medusa hopes.
- Vergil (878) has posed:
Cocking his head at the apparent challenge when they finally draw the fairy out - and unperturbed by her 'choice of attire' - one of Vergil's brows rise up in a questioning expression... then he lets out a half-chuckle. "Fine. Have it your way."
A moment later, reappearing with the same subdued flash that it vanished with, Yamato materializes at Vergil's hip, flicking the blade partway out of it's sheath with the edge of his thumb.
Then... there's a sudden flash of light to either side of the half-demon, eight Summoned Swords comprised of blue phantasmal energy forming around Vergil, four on each side. Sparing a glance to Medusa and Sanary, he gives out a simple sentence-
"I'll try to force her out for you. I can take whatever she throws at me."
-and then dashes forward down the tunnel a few paces. When he comes even with the limit of Medusa's arrows, he launches his Summoned Swords down the rest of the passage to try and pre-empt any waiting traps - or possibly graze their fleeing target.
If they hit nothing, Vergil will continue forward, seeming very much confident in his own strengths and at the very least considering Medusa and Sanary capable of watching his back.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Medusa, too? Just another thing for Sanary to improve on in the future! She's not quite sure whether it was Vergil's Red Orb or her and Medusa's work with the dummies that got the Great Fairy out, but the important thing is that she is, in fact, out of the Fountain! Just in case, she keeps that training dummy with her as she steps over closer to where the Fairy emerged from.
She may also be staring a bit, but only for a moment! "You know how it's gonna go, then. Good, good... No hard feel-"
And then the Fairy takes off with that burst of wind! "...-ings. Dammit." She sighs and glances at the two with a light shrug before breaking into a light jog down the hall with that training dummy in tow: Not too fast so as to tire herself out, but just fast enough to get the blood pumping. "Of course she wouldn't make this /that/ easy... Come on out! You're setting a bad ex-" She stops in mid-sentence as Medusa works her magic and Vergil bolts down the tunnel right past her. The healer opts to just keep her mouth shut. Instead, she focuses on keeping that training dummy ready to fling at whatever might come out unexpectedly!
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
As the black arrows fly forward, the Great Fairy is taken by surprise. Despite the long time spent in the hallway, it is actually not all that long. As they travel along the wall, the Great Fairy looks at the walls, frowning. She turns back immediately, flying down back towards the chamber. An assumption has been made: They are, most likely, some sort of attack magic.
This ends up being a bad choice. The Summoned Swords fly forward. The Fairy of Courage is struck across her whole body. Thankfully, due to her intense magic, she survives. Her mouth hangs open, breathing heavily due tot the pain. Vergil will catch up to her /quite/ quickly. A frown. She immediately starts to turn around, and flee back out towards the entrance. All of the vectors end up halting her progress, though.
The fairy is injured, and trapped. She looks towards Vergil, frowning. Magic begins to gather around her, as she is trying to cast a spell. It's hard to know if it is an attack, or another attempt to flee.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
This is no time to slack off, and perhaps Sanary will learn from example. She is young after all, with much to learn. And Medusa leers sinisterly as Vergil acts, showing what he's good for. Though with precautions taken, Medusa isn't slow either to attack, the black snakes coiling and wriggling about her shoulders as she moves her arms, throwing one of them forward to guide the attack. "Vector Arrow!" And forward they go, dozens of black arrows that shoot out through the air towards the Great Fairy, all intending to slice right through her.
"Sanary, get her!" she calls to the younger woman, and she suspects Vergil needs no encouragement to attack the fairy again. Just how long can she last against the three of them?
- Vergil (878) has posed:
Vergil lets a decidedly self-satisifed smirk cross his features as he closes the distance, noting the Fairy having taken hits from his Summoned Swords. The fact that she survived is mitigated by her sustaining injuries as she tries to flee, making him rather confident that, if it comes down to a straight-up fight, she likely won't be able to offer much resistance once cornered. "Well, I guess you won't mind me 'trying' to defeat you, since catching you doesn't look like it will be that hard now."
The fact that she had been slowed down by their attacks proved she was hardly invincible.
When she seems to decide on standing her ground - for the moment at least - Vergil decides it may be time to start attacking her more seriously. In an instant, he pushes down on the ball of his his foot - enough to crack most masonry, though Hyrule stonework may be stronger then most - in order to propel himself forward in a swift dash-
-capped off by the Son of Sparda pulling Yamato free from it's scabbard and slicing at the fairy from a distance, sending an air-pressure cut tearing for her midriff.
Between Medusa's arrows and Sanary waiting in the wings for her own shot, cornering her should become simplicity... and if she dodges his attack, either Sanary or Medusa ought to be able to capitalize on it.
Regardless of which attack the fairy takes on... Vergil feels it a safe bet she won't get away, or at least not unscathed.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
Although the mission is quite finished yet, Sanary's actually somewhat relieved that the Great Fairy is still alive enough for her to catch up to. It'd look pretty bad if Medusa and Vergil did all the work, after all, and she /is/ actually able to run at a decent clip even in all that armor!
"Once you face us properly, we'll be able to make things easier for you~" Is she actually enjoying this? There's definitely something of a small grin on Sanary's face as she picks up the pace, barrelling straight at the Great Fairy with that training dummy grasped firmly in her hands. She even ends up running past her weapons and shield! "Understood, Medusa! Dummy.. Uh... Throw!"
Naming attacks on the fly is difficult. Once Sanary's in range, she hurls that training dummy at the Great Fairy with all her might and skids to a stop, gathering energy into her eye for her only real ranged attack: An explosive heat laser fired directly at the Great Fairy's legs! There's an odd purple tinge to what would normally be the red-hot beam, however, and the magically-inclined would even sense both the beam and its explosion radiating with... Anger? But the healer's not mad about something, is she?
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
The Vector Arrows tear into the Fairy's body, another cry of pain escaping her lips. Tears are upon her whole body, magical energy leaking out constantly. She has little time to react to Vergil's next attack. As he breaks the stone under his feet, as he dashes forward and cuts, the blade cuts across her midtorso. Another loud cry of pain.
And then the training dummy bounces off of her, uselessly. Her eyes go wide. One of the last thoughts of the Great Fairy will be great confusion.
The eye beam strikes last, and it is the straw that breaks the camel's back. The energy tears into her, striking her right in the heart. Her body was already beginning to disassemble in most places. She stares forward, a blank look on her face.
A single tear falls from her eye.
And suddenly, she explodes into dust. The magical energy in the Spring has vanished completely.
- Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Well, that wasn't hard, now was it?
The witch lowers her arms, and she snaps her fingers, causing the black vector plates on the ground in the tunnel to disappear. "Excellent work, I'm sure the person hiring us will be pleased to learn of our success. As an officer I will see to the report." Perhaps this was too easy, but still, there is no trace of magic around them from what she can tell. None of them were injured either.
"I wouldn't call her very courageous, however. I mean, hiding and running off like that? Tsk~" Medusa chides, making a tsk-ing sound as she shakes her head and then starts heading towards the tunnel leading outside again.
- Sanary Rondel has posed:
As she keeps skidding along those tiles after the Fairy is destroyed, Sanary wears a satisfied smirk on her face...
For all of three seconds as she recalls how much damage she had taken just one night ago. Even running like she had has put enough of a strain on her joints that her body rebels against her, sending her to ground in a crumpled heap. Assuming those tiles aren't reinforced by any means, she'll even leave a sizable mass of cracks with her impromptu face-to-face with the ground.
"Gghk... I-I'm fine! Ow. Uh. Yeah, that went well. Nice work, Medusa. Vergil." Even though she's stuck on the ground for the time being, she still manages a confident laugh. She does manage to force herself onto her feet after a while, doubling back to grab her things (and leaving a few more craters on the way).
- Vergil (878) has posed:
As the fairy's body explodes into dust and the spring's energy evaporates, Vergil lets out a breath through his nose as he returns to a more relaxed stance, swiftly sheathing Yamato back into it's scabbard as he witnesses her final moments.
For some reason, he seems to linger at the sight of her shedding a tear upon her demise. She had been rather self-assured about her chances... yet upon actually dying she did not rage at them or protest her death as opposed to letting a tear fall.
Was there something she had in mind? That her 'siblings' - the other fairies likely, since the previous one that died was apparently her sister - would not have her around to help them? That she failed her oaths? That she couldn't stop them.
Well, in any case, it was over now. And it wasn't even that big a challenge - then again, between the three of them, it was unlikely /anything/ could have held out for long.
"I'd imagine so... though at some point I'd imagine they'll have to start looking into importing" Vergil muses offhandedly, almost /feeling/ the vitality seem to drain away from their surroundings. "At the rate this world is collapsing, they're not going to have many natural resources left to trade. Then again, if they can survive the hardship that follows this, chances are they'll find some way to make due."
As Sanary forces herself up, Vergil tilts his head back towards her inquisitively, offering a simple "You able to manage?" as simple courtesy.
As he follows Medusa's lead back out of the layer, Vergil gives something of a shrug in response to her quip. "The fact she didn't face us straight ahead might count as well... though in my experience, courage can be defined by conviction as much as it can be through charging the enemy. For example, following someone's beliefs even if the world opposes or stands against them could be seen courage by some, while others would see only madness."
He glances around the area, taking note of any damages their actions have inflicted on the already-suffering landscape before continuing. "Challenging a system in any way - be it opposing some form of edict or even simply trying to shift a status que - can be considered courageous from a certain point of view. It just depends on context." ... and a moment later, a rather abstract notion passes his mind, though it represents his point just as well.
"In fact... you could almost say that, from a certain point of view, we're actually 'courageous' for pursuing our interests at the cost of a world, even if from our own perspectives it's more apathy, curiosity or a simple contract."
It might be somewhat disconcerting to hear such a viewpoint as it means that practically /anything/ could be considered justifiable under the right light with that context... but Vergil had never really been one for more broad ideals of right and wrong.
Because, in the end... what constituted black and white was dictated by whoever had the power to do so. That was, quite simply, how the world worked.
- Agahnim (864) has posed:
The paths through this place are left somewhat ruined through Vergil and Sanary's footsteps, several craters left from Sanary's steps alone.
The spring is changing quite a bit, though. The water is drying up from the Fairy's Spring, the light is fading. The magical light keeping the area lit is fading, and things will be getting dark soon. The forest in the area right around the spring dies even more. Even the trees start to collapse, simply turning into Ash, and nothing more.
At least, one more fairy is dead. Her sisters will feel it. Even further preperations will be taken for the remaining two, to ensure the tragedies do not continue.