3631/Speed vs Power.

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Speed vs Power.
Date of Scene: 07 January 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Ruby's practicing. Yang challenges her to a duel to see how she's progressed.

Speed versus Power, Who will win?

Thanks to: Ruby for being Best Little Sister.
Cast of Characters: 881, Yang Xiao Long, 910

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
It's a rather clear night in Beacon and many of the students had already started their nightly activities. As such, Ruby was no exception and for the first time since she'd been at school, she was dedicating time to practice her craft. Against human opponents no less.

Currently the girl is in a simulation against three other human attackers, each one equipped with a sword. As they lunge at her with pre programmed script, Ruby counters with a whirlwind of maneuvers, slashing upwards at one with the Crescent Rose in Scythe-form, and then whirling around to trip the other two. Just as the holograms start to stand she shifts her stance and spins once to get into position. She swings her scythe in a wide arc in front of herself, catching all three of the programs by the chest and bashing them away from her, sending them sprawling. She pants as she accomplishes this and looks over at a nearby screen, showing that she had just dealt massive damage to her opponents.

"...Didn't get hit that time...good."

She's been at this for a bit.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The practice arena's been seening a lot of activity lately. Though that means Ruby's largely got it to herself.

    There /is/ one person watching, hidden from view in the artificial shadows. Though as the set comes to an end and the programs reset, clapping can be heard, and the elder sister steps into view. "You really have improved, Ruby. I guess Uncle Qrow really does know his stuff." she compliments, grinning a bit. "How about we see if you can take on a real opponent instead of these programs?"

Sachi Yuukizura (881) has posed:
    Though she is not an actual student of Beacon, the allied status with the academy has given Sachi Yuukizura more than a few excuses to actually visit the school-- especially once she's learned that there are people more wild, crazy, and abnormal than she is!

    The practice arena is osmething of particular interest to the visiting other-worlder; the visitor tag on her jacket identifying her immediately. While she hangs back-- beyond artificial shadows, closer to the entrance where she can stand back and observe (spying is such an ugly word!) quietly, hands folded behind her back and keeping the kind of watch that someone with more military training than teenage life experience would. As Yang steps forward, she notes her again with keen interest-- she was the girl that showed up while Blake as giving the tour, wasn't she?

    Stepping a little more into the open, one hand lifts a little, pointing to (probably safer) observational seating. "Sorry, I was just watching-- do you all get to train like this often? I mean-- uh-- that is-- sorry, I can get out of the way if you'd rather. It just reminds me of the faci-- the... the school, that is, that I trained at."

    Only then does Sachi pause, rubbing the back of her head and then quickly offering a short bow. "Sorry! I'm Sachi, I'm from one of the Union alliances..."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose swings her scythe back inwards and cancels the combat routine, dismissing the downed holograms. She slides out another ammunition clip from her pouch and ejects the old cartridge, loading her weapon again. It had been...a literal age since the last time they fought, as Yang was clearly the better fighter of the two for an exceptionally long time. She hadn't expected Yang to be here this evening, though as she was learning at Beacon, nobody stays a secret for too long. She gulps internally before waving sheepishly towards her sister.

"Uh..hey Yang. Yeah, I was just practicing a little bit...you know, swinging the rust off. That other fight I had reminded me that...you know, it's kind of important to fight people sometimes too. We can spar if you like, but what are you doing down here?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang glances over towards Sachi. "Oh, heya. You were with that tour group Blake took 'round, right? Nice t'meetchya properly!" she offers, but doesn't approach. "Feel free to watch, maybe you can come and take the winner." she suggests, grinning a little.

    Back to Ruby, the elder sister shrugs a bit. "I like to keep myself sharp, besides, I'm still trying for the school record, just haven't had much chance since Xiao Li Yu showed up, the Arena's been booked solid for Team trials and Dueling practice."

    Yang then shifts her stance, and deploys Ember Celica. Her loadout showing to be the close-combat set, with the orange shells and yellow tips.

Sachi Yuukizura (881) has posed:
    "Yeah... at first I was a little wary of touring a /school/ since I go to one, too, but then I saw all ... of this," Sachi says, making a vague, open gesture, palms turned slightly up. "Oh? Okay, sure thing! I'm not due back for awhile."

    Nodding at Ruby, Sachi then quickly steps back, hand lifting to nudge her glasses up while she stands and waits-- watching, of course, the deployment of weapons with a hint of awe. The stances are more closely observed; weight distribution, footing, guard. A scythe's a little big for those gauntlets, but... she does remember rubbernecking during the tour to watch Ember Celica going to town on training equipment!

    There's a little fire in the blood-slinging soldier's brown-red eyes. Maybe it's the Renegade, sensing the impending battle and quickening her pulse. Maybe it's trying to make her a little bloodthirsty and ready.

    One way or another, Sachi Yuukizura knows one thing: This is gonna be awesome.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose offers Sachi a small wave in greeting and waits for her to step off of the field before she gets ready. She loudly racks the Crescent Rose, signifying that she's quite ready for this...at least physically. Mentally...well...Yang IS pretty scary in battle. She's been watching her fight all of her life. And knowing that her sister even puts up a severe fight against the offworld folks is impressive and intimidating, all rolled into one!

She clears her throat before speaking. "Alright, I'm ready when you are but don't take it easy on me!"

Her hands slide up her weapon to shorten it's range a little, knowing fairly well what Yang's first move might be.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is a fairly predictable fighter, yes.

    When Ruby says she's ready, the golden haired woman flings her arms back behind her, launching herself forwards to get close.

    She brings her arms back around front during the dash, and sets up into a flurry of punches, trying to get around the guard that Crescent Rose provides. "Like I'd ever go easy!" she retorts playfully.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose expected this.

And no she wasn't quite ready.

Yang lays into her almost immediately, fists a flying as they seemed to. Ruby responds mostly by spinning her scythe to knock a few of the fists off target, the two weapons clashing against one another with quite a racket. Yang does sneak one in past the spinning parry though, catching her in the face and sending her a few feet back. Remembering that she too had some strength in her weapon, she pulls the trigger on Crescent Rose, using the recoil to guide her scythe around in a huge arc in front of her. She continues firing, using the recoil to unleash a flurry of slightly longer range attacks to make it harder to sneak in a punch.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Clank, clank, clank. The first few strikes glance off of Ember Celica, spraying sparks and causing the blonde's Aura to flare an angry orange-red as it protects her from the brunt of the damage. Then...


    Yang is caught by a sudden shift in that spinning scythe. Blocking high, while the blade goes under her defense. It slices across her belly, only not proving fatal due to the Aura surrounding her, though it does leave a nasty cut across the exposed skin, sending her staggering back.

    "Deeeefinitely improved." states the elder sister, grinning all the more. "This'll be /fun/!" she adds, before slamming her fists together. Her Semblance explodes with the gathered force she's gained so far, but instead of going directly for her li'l sis, the blonde bombshell takes that nickname seriously, leaping into the air before angling down with a massive overhead strike, right gauntlet burning. Literally. She aims to slam either down into Crescent Rose, or the ground at Ruby's feet, kicking up a massive kinetic shockwave!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
And here comes what she was worried about. She feels a lack of resistance on the last move she performed and looks up to see that Yang had been pushed back. Which was yay!

Then Yang's semblance activated. Not yay.

Ruby had started to react when she saw her sister get above her, swinging her Scythe behind her to leap backwards, but as she does, the fist touches down and the force of it was more than enough to send her head over heels. She lands quickly enough though, gritting her teeth as her boots dig into the ground.

"Jeez! How hard do you hit now-a-days!?"

Taking this opportunity now that she was at range, Ruby slams Crescent Rose into the ground and takes aim, firing a few sniper rifle rounds at Yang, aiming for her torso or her weapons.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang does a backflip, and braces her arms across her front as the gunshots ring out. She weathers the shots, grunting as the Dust munitions slam into her Aura, draining it away with each hit. One strikes Ember Celica, glancing away with a shower of sparks and yellow motes of light, before Yang shifts her stance, and plants her left foot.

    The next bullet comes in... and is met by a heavy haymaker punch and the sound of a shotgun blast. Yang just judged the path of one of Crescent Rose's bullets, and is now SENDING IT BACK, with interest at her sister!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:

Ruby reacts in complete shock as Yang punches back one of her bullets, that possibility not even being one of the things would have considered in a million years. She leans to the side to weather the attack, letting it graze past her arm, winging it severely. It hurt but most of the impact had been evaded.

"How did you...nnnth fine! Let's see how you handle this!" She grunts as she unplants her weapon and brings it to bear and activates her speed semblance. She focuses on Yang and then plants her foot decisively. Rose petals flourish around her.

It's time to go.

Ruby fires her scythe behind her and rockets forward at a blinding speed, swirling her blade around rapidly. By the time she reaches Yang, the younger sister is a verified whirlwind, spinning so fast that Crescent Rose swings into Yang three times before Ruby skids to a stop behind her. The wind from her attack also plays a factor as it blasts into Yang a moment later, aiming to take her off of her feet.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    CLANKCLANKCLANK! The strikes meet crossed gauntlets, leaving little scratches in the metal but nothing more. She does get sent flying though from the sheer force of wind passing by her.

    Yang flips and skids in crouch as she lands, panting a little as she lifts her eyes to look at her sister, a nearly bestial savage grin on her lips. She's having a blast! "You've gotten really strong Ruby!" she compliments, then stands up straight again.

    Fists clash again, and the explosion is even more intense than before as she unleashes everything she's gathered. "Ready for this?" she asks, before kicking off and launching forwards. This time, instead of a flurry of punches, Yang aims a single, full-body punch pushing everything she's got into a single strike, even getting a faint 'mach cone' around her fist!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose grunts as her attack was guarded almost entirely. Spinning like that really took it out of her for a second, and it was hoped that Yang would be reeling after that one. Unfortunately, her sister is made out of tougher stuff than she anticipated, as just before she got her bearings back, Yang's coming at her.

With a flash of white, Ruby takes the hit proper, getting sent flying as a result. She soars partway to the ceiling before Ruby recovers, shaking off the hit. She spins Crescent Rose around, firing a bullet to add to her arc and then pulls a particular lever at the same time.

The lever that straightened Crescent Rose's blade. It was heavy on the tension, but by the time the switch had been thrown, Ruby's feet had landed on the ceiling. Those rose petals gather around her again as her semblance is reactivated.

Like a bullet, Ruby speeds back down towards her opponent, the girl merely a blur as she aims for an exceedingly direct strike that will put her just past Yang and back into melee range.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yet again, the sound of metal clashing with metal rings out, and Yang turns with the strike, grunting a little at the sheer impact from that much speed. She knows her Sister is all about speed, so now that the younger girl is in close range, Yang decides to exersize her own advantage, and lunges to grapple! Arms attempt to wrap around the much more slender girl, and she tries to 'crush' the dark haired girl with her superior strength!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose is again, surprised at her sister's resilience. Another attack she thought would be more effective but yet again, Yang is able to react just before she can recover. She starts to turn towards her as the hug comes in and squeezes her quite hard. This limits her ability to swing and fight effectively, as her arms were constricted.

"Yaaaaang? Whyyyyy!? Hugs are totally off limits!"

She dig the pole-end of Crescent Rose into the ground and pulls the trigger, effectively sending both of them into the air and likely sending Yang flying across the arena to break the bear hug.

Ruby sticks the landing of course.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    THUD, Crunch. Yang groans a little bit, staggering to her feet after being thrown half-way THROUGH the barrier wall from that attack. One problem with being in grapple range? No way of dodging.

    She shakes herself out, then rubs the side of her head. "Uncle Qrow definitely taught you tell, sis." she compliments again, though her eyes open to the burning, glowing red that shows her Semblance is in full swing. "Finished warming up? It's go time!"

    The blonde ejects the spent shells in her gauntlets, the empty casings clinking to the floor, and with a quick flourish, Yang reloads with the Red and Orange shells she alternatively uses! That means one thing, she's switching tactics. Feet plant, and with a series of punches, high explosive packets are sent flying at the dark-clad girl! Normally these explode like a grenade... but with the power boost from her Semblance? They're like tri-sticks of TNT!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Oh god here it is. Yang mode.

Ruby's fairly happy that she not only looks super cool as she nails the front-flip landing, but that Yang seemed to have failed to land properly as well. Awesome! Ruby starts to speak up to the matter but as soon as those red eyes show up, Ruby knows her sister is nearing full power. It was a great feeling to see that when Yang was up against someone else, but for her, seeing those eyes aimed at her meant that she was about to be in a world of hurt.

Yang's attacks are so explosive that Parrying them did next to nothing as her whole body rattles each time she brought Crescent Rose up to intercept.

"Warming up!? What are you, a volcano!?"

The last hit sends Ruby skidding back, knowing that her aura couldn't survive too many more hits like that. But this time, she has a plan. Before she is pushed too far back she fires her scythe behind her, canceling her backwards momentum. She fires it again to rush back into moderately close range. She slides her hands down to the end of Crescent Rose, giving her more room to swing. She draws her weapon as far back as her body would allow before firing it, using the recoil to guide the back of her weapon up, sending Yang into the air. Should the attack hit, Ruby leaps up after her and lets loose an air combo consisting of a few horizontal scythe swings before ending it by bashing her sister over the head and sending her back down into the ground.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang guards the first strike, but can't keep her feet on the ground with the sheer power behind that gunfire enhanced swing. She's at a disadvantage in the air too, Ruby was always the best when not on the ground, after all.

    As she's sent back into the ground, she flips and nails the landing, though still craters out from the impact. "C'mon Ruby." she says, before standing again, locking those burning red eyes on her sister. "You know already."

    Fists raise again, stance sets. "I burn." Step forward, LUNGE, and with a floor crashing burst of power, Yang goes for the finisher. Heavy hook punches lash at the other girl, each punctuated by a shotgun blast, until the final one when her momentum stalls. Left foot plants, and she brings her right arm around for a super heavy hammer punch, hooked slightly, and aimed down into the center of mass!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose lands a moment after Yang, hoping that attack would be enough to finally finish her. When it clearly isn't, Ruby's eyes go wide. Is...THIS what people have been dealing with in combat? No wonder her sister beats up so many people!

Ruby starts to swing at Yang when she comes in, but the attack is easily whiffed as she steps under her guard. What follows next is several hammer blows to her aura, the dark haired girl only having enough time to slightly push a few of her punches off course as the power behind them is simply too much for her to handle. The final hit knocks her into the ground painfully, sending her tumbling head over heels so many times that she nearly hits the end of the arena before she skids to a stop. It takes a moment before she's able to push herself back to her feet, panting slightly from exhaustion. A quick glance towards the screen on the side of the arena showed her Aura level at 1. A solid one. But she...really wanted to win this one. Just this one time. Win this once. That's it.

Ruby takes a deep breath before grinning with confidence.

"Wow Yang...you are...insane. But I'm not done yet! I'm going to win this time! Just you wait!"

Ruby brings her weapon up behind her and at the ready, and those rose petals flare up around her again. It's Semblance time. Ruby rushes at her sister, her speedy movement seeming like it was going to bash into her Yang whole-heartedly. But just before impact, Ruby simply vanishes from sight. Rose petals blast past Yang as it seems like the girl wasn't even there, but spectators could barely see that Ruby had simply dodged around her sister and hit the opposite wall. She braces herself along that wall and leaps off of it, firing her Sniper Scythe several times for speed. She hits Yang from behind blindingly fast, her Scythe swinging into Yang's legs, tripping her. Before her sister could complete falling though, Ruby hits another wall and leaps back off of it, Rose petals flourishing through the arena. Ruby catches Yang in the crook of the Scythe and swings upward, throwing the blonde girl high in the air. What happens next could easily be missed if one blinked at the wrong time. Ruby flies back and forth, landing a few hits on her sister's prone airborne body before she could accurately be seen on the ceiling directly above Yang. With the last of the bullets in her clip and her semblance, she accelerates to an insane degree back down, slicing through her elder sis and hitting the ground hard.

There's no way she could still have aura after that..right? ...Right?

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "What... ho--" Yang begins questioning before Ruby goes all Flash Step on her. She trips, and is cut up by high speed passes, before being slammed into the ground.

    A flash of white signals her Aura shattering, and the blonde just lays there in the crater, staring up at the ceiling. She says something softly, likely only loud enough for Ruby to hear, if she's still nearby.

    "I'm so proud of you."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose only drops the tenseness of battle when that buzzer sounds that Yang had finally run out of Aura. Upon turning around and sheathing her weapon, she steps over to Yang and seems...honestly surprised that she hadn't bounced right up. In fact...this was the first time she'd seen her sister lose like this..and to her of all people? It felt...weird. Almost like it shouldn't happen.

Still though, she looks over Yang in her own crater and sits at the edge of it, grinning sadly.

"Well...I wouldn't be here without you so...don't count yourself out okay?"

She waits for an awkward moment before speaking again. "So...uh...do you need a little help or like...maybe some water? S-s-sorry about all the trouble..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    That moment of self reflection passes, and Yang does go and bounce right back up to her feet, climbing out of the crater and HUGGING her li'l sis tightly. "That was probably the most fun I've had since... well, ever." she says. "Even sparring with Kamdon and Xiao Li Yu weren't as much fun as this was!"

    Okay, for someone like Yang to say that? Gotta have been something special.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose felt alot better seeing that...and feeling that.

Even if it was a tinnnny bit embarrassing.

She exhales a little bit and returns the hug, pushing herself back to her feet and smiling. "At least I know why you win so many fights. You are really, really scary when your semblance is fully powered! I mean, look at my Aura!"

She points up towards the display which still shows a rock solid amount of 1% aura left. "If this was the tournament, you would have won, fair and square."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang grins a bit, then ruffles the shorter girl. "Yeah, but this wasn't the Tournament!" she replies, then scoops up the shorter girl and sets her on shoulder. "C'mon, looks like Sachi wandered off, lets go get something to eat. I'm /starving/!"

    To punctuate her statement, her stomach /GROWLS/, like an angry Ursa.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose blinks as she's hoisted up onto her sister's shoulder before she could do much of anything about it. So...yeah...engage parrot mode. She looks down at Yang with a roll of her eyes and shakes her head.

"Alright, alright fine. Just...put me down before we get there, okay?"