5981/Dark Lady: Mouse From Above

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Dark Lady: Mouse From Above
Date of Scene: 04 August 2018
Location: The Dark Lady's Castle
Synopsis: Leyanne acting on a tip from Brick Slabmeat goes after a horrible dark lady who turns out to be none other than her friend Tomoe. Whom she crashed in on leaving her and Silica quite shocked.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, Leyanne Mace, Silica
Tinyplot: The Dark Lady

Tomoe has posed:
Leyanne had met Brick Slabmeat, yes that is the Salamander's name in nearby village's tavern. He'd spoken of the Dark Lady and how her minions had been crippling or breaking the will to fight of his party. He seemed to be in dire straights and he'd not outright asked Leyanne for help but it was implied. Whatever her choice on the matter? It's summer on the west coast of North America, it's hot, it's dry, people are wondering where the rain is and hoping where they live does not go do an impersonation of California. The castle is nestled in an evergreen forest on the foothills of one of the numerous mountain ranges along the Washington State coast, all is quiet at this point wave for a few orcs and goblins on patrol about the castle's grounds and walls.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne mutters sourly to herself the whole way about the castle... mainly about what kind of uncultured plebian puts a Medieval European-styled castle in /America/ of all places. She's approaching via her jet wingsuit, hoping to use the element of surprise. When you're an eight foot mouse, you can't really sneak, so the best thing you can do is get into the area quickly, before the other guy has a chance to react.

The sudden whistle of the suit's two gas turbine engines is about all the warning, therefore, that the Orcs on the castle walls will get. The mouse puts her arms out ahead of her and puches an orc in the face as she passes over the walls, keeping them there as she angles herself low to punch in through one of the castle's stained glass windows.

She cuts thrust and lands in a neat three-point crouch in the middle of whatever room she happens to be in, immediately standing up and sweeping around herself with her pistol, checking her LZ is clear.

Tomoe has posed:
Cardinal That's who'd put some of a JRPG VR MMORPG into a place like this that is who would place this stuff here. There's only a handful of players form ALO who could go faster than Leyanne and Cardinal balanced things for the average Aguma user rather than the likes of say? The GU. As for Leyanne, she gets there without much trouble. The orc doesn't know what it and is knocked down hard he's pretty much out of the fight as Leyanne goes by. His current status? Sapped.

Leyanne goes crashing through the winter, it shatters, but then something odd happens the shards explode second later into shards of like then vanish, she'll come in for a landing in the middle of a long room full of Obsidian statues and a massive thrown sitting upon it is a woman clad in what could be at best-called armor, is sitting in it. Black segmented plates cover her legs arms and with fairly large pauldrons she has oddly dragon-like lower legs, dragon horns from the side of her head and folded back black dragon wings.

OOC Ref darkknight_by_haganef-d49uhl3.jpg ) She just kind of stares at the massive mouse kinda mouth hanging open at a loss for /words/ at this. What was Leyanne doing here?! For this woman sitting there is none other than Tomoe...

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne scans around with her pistol, fixing the gun on Tomoe for a moment. Then she lowers the gun with a frown - not holstering it, but keeping it aimed down. "...th' fuck is going on here, Tomoe?" The giant mouse asks. "Dude called Brick Slabmeat suggested there was some kind of evil Dark Lady up here in this tasteless slice of England here in Washington State. Last I checked, evil really wasn't your style..."

Silica has posed:
    Silica, or Dark Silicon as she goes by in this messed up questline, gently nudges open the doors at the far end of the great hall. Her hair, ears and tail are all jet black, her eyes a sharp shade of red, and her skin a few shades paler than normal. Her armour is dark black with red accents, and Pina, perched on her shoulder isn't the blue-white as normal, but an ashen grey... but it's obvious they're the same person.

    "I brought some tea for you My Lad---" she cuts off, blinking at the display before her. "Iiii can see you're busy, I'll come back later..." she then fumbles with the platter, clinking china as she tries to open the door again to slip back out.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe had been trying to keep her legion of terror under control and /not/ raiding the various towns and other settlments nerar by which ment she needed to be on site having to deal with all off day to day affairs here. Silica pops in with the tea she'd asked for and was very glad she wasn't alone today. Silicia ducks in see what's going on and just slips back out. She looks to Leyanne for a momenr rising up to her full high.

"Leyanne?! What are you doing here and wait Brick Slabmeat...Oh god you ran into that /man/? No, this areas become an game zone and it's Cardinal that did it, no it's not but we broke the chain and here we are... My kingdom for a good pair of pants..."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne holds up her hand to Silica "Wait, please, I think I need a cuppa." She looks at Tomoe. "So... this is all part of that frickin' ALO thing? Figures. That'd explain the distinct lack of evidence of raiding despite what that Brick said."

At the jeans comment, Leyanne shrugs off her wing. It drops to the ground with a thunk, and she opens the central panel. The first thing this reveals is a neatly-packed Bushmaster cannon and steadicam rig... along with Leyanne's PT boat clothes. She pulls out the jeans, and offers them over. "You'll need to turn the legs up quite a bit, or cut 'em off, and you'll need a belt to take it in a few inches..."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Yes it has been a thing thas has been happening form here? To Orbit over in Japan? All over the place game zones have been appering and to make them go inactive for a time you need to clear the quest." She looks at the offered clothing. "I wish it could work but this apperanc is an quest /buff/ that effects me whenever I enter the area or I'd gladly take you up on it and as for that guy you met? He's one of the ones we have to ... deal with. Not kill but we have to get him to give up or kick his ass so hard he can't do much anymore." She does seem very thankful for Leyanne's offer though.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne nods and packs the jeans away. "Fucking fantastic." She sniffs. "So... you're basically trying to do all this as bloodlessly as possible?" Her tail lashes behind her as she walks to the window she came through and peers out of it. "That would explain why your army's standing around with faces like bulldogs eating wasps..." She returns to the wing, picking it up. "So what's your plan?"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Yes, I am we talked most of his party down or destroyed their relics of power. Though every time we do I get another dragon girl trait. I don't like where this is going, but we're ttrying to corner Brick and hopefully deal with him to end it but... Kirito and I found that these very walls may have a mind of it's own and we'll have to deal with the Dark Lady's ascention as well."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne raises an eyebrow, blinking. "Dark Lady's Ascension can't be good. Nor a castle with a mind of its own... guessing you got to stay here pretty much all the time or the army will just go rampage on automatic?"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "No it doesn't sound good that's why I want people there to deal with whatever it is. Not entirely but I rather be here when I can to keep them focuused and reigned in also capes are forbidden trust me on that. That's the thing Cardinal seems to be making NPCs now who are sapient or close enough to it that they can become so later...it makes a lot of this complicate, random monsters not so much but quest characters and townsfolk?"

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne nods "Unintended consequences. If you simulate something well enough - in this case, the life of a town... the line gets sorta blurry, and all of a sudden you've got legit life there." She sniffs, nodding, thoughtfully. "So, what can I do? And will I have to put the creepy stuff on?"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Ha if you want to costume up your welcome to or just play the part of a hired mercanry who doesn't give a damn about it5. As for plan we're going to have o deal with brick but I have a feeling he's going to come to us and I want to give his 'party' some more time to try and talk him down." She looks down at her outfit "At least I can pull this off, it would be worse otherwise..." She turns a bit red

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne laughs "Yeah, it's true you got the figure for it." She chuckles. "I can do either, really, just don't expect much in the way of corny lines. I hope his party manage it... what did you do, explain to them what's going on?"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Oh come on the ham is one of the only upsides to this mess. Some we broke their toys others we talked down. It really depends a number of others in the GU are mixed up in this mess."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne snorts "I go ham with stunts. I'm not very good at cheesy lines." She laughs.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe Says "How about we go find Silica and get some of that tea she has, Leyanne?"

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne nods in agreement. "Sounds like a plan... do you have anywhere I can keep this? It's no good for fighting..." She hefts up the carbon fibre wing/

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Yes come with me but then we get that tea." With that Tomoe trots off gesturing for Leyanne to folllow "Oh the windows coming out of your pay."