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The Hunt Is On
Date of Scene: 05 November 2014
Location: Techno Urbania
Synopsis: A new threat has arrived whom has allied themselves with the Confederacy. This threat is known as the Accretian Empire
Cast of Characters: 3, Kotone Yamakawa, 132, 571, 613

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    The streets of Techno Urbania are busy as ever. People going about their lives, enjoying the casinos, the games, the rides, and ever the entertainment that fills the very air itself. Its an electrified world and ever as an electrified day. Though on such a wonderful time, it suddenly explodes with activity as some people come running down a street, getting out of the way of a nine foot machine of a rather sleek design yelling loudly, "Get out of the way you fools!"

The real panic irrupts when missiles explode out from down the alley that the machine cam running out of, zipping around causing windows to shatter and then exploding around the very machine where he runs. The sleek machine flips in the air in the explosions and lands onto of a car crushing it under his sheer weight and force of impact.

People by this point are running for their lives and the law enforcement is quickly on the move, but before they even arrive, the attack of the other machine makes himself known with slow, steady, methodical steps. Those gold optics flaring out from the smoke of the explosion caused by his own missiles. The very machine standing near ten feet tall.

His armor somewhere of a mix between what one would say is several mecha series designs thrown into one, from the sleek armor layers, to even some of the more sharp areas of the build itself. The emblem of his people engraved into his massive right shoulder pauldron.

The other tries to roll back up to his feet, his left hand twitching slightly from perhaps some loss of motor controls from within. He raises up his right hand, lowering his hand as he takes a step back, nearly falling over another vehicle behind him. "D-Don't do this! I /can't/ even fight! I'm just one of the Education castes! Enforcer! Please! I beg of you!"

"Beg." The enforcer says very calmly. "How typical of a Singularity. To beg. To beg for their own self proclaimed /interest/." The Enforcer then reaches to the side of his hip to remove the hilt, as he brings it around, a hot red plasma blade extends out from it. Glowing bright enough to light up the area around him. "Beg more.. maybe I will show mercy.."

"Y.. you will?" For a moment the Educator looks hopeful, until he sees the very tilt of the head and his optical sensors go wide. "No.. Nonono! Don't!" The Educator then tries to run, only to find the plasma blade slamming right into his backside, diving right past the thin back armor and into his own vertebra. The sheer move brings the Educator right down to the ground in a mechanical scream of pain.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    The Enforcer then goes to loom over him, before using his foot to roll the Educator over, who is still begging for him to not do this. The Enforcer only tilts his head slightly, before he twirls the blade in his hand. Then with both hands taking a hold of the hilt he gets ready to plunge the very plasma sword into the chest. Only about then does the law enforcement show up and without any hesitation. Open fire.

The bullets bounce off of the Enforcers armor, not even seeming to phase him. With a low rumble, he looks in their direction, before changing his position. His optics scanning each one of them as they continue to try to even dent his armor with their shells.

The Enforcer looks down at the other with his words ever still calm. "Don't move." As if the Educator had a choice, and then the Enforcer starts to make his way toward the officers of the law with still calm steps. His words easily carry over the gun shots. "Your actions are insignificant. Cease, for you are hindering my ability to carry out sentience against a criminal of my nation."

The Educator then yelling out to them, "Don't listen to him! Ah--haa.. He-- he is a murderer! They all are!" He then tries to move, but the damage done keeps him from doing so, "We are just trying to be alive!"

The Enforcer then looks over his shoulders, even as the bullets have stopped. Those optics narrow before he looks back at the officers of the law. "Cooperate and I shall take my prisoner and leave."

One of the officers then speaks up, "Your not going anywhere! You nearly killed civilians, caused damage to the area. We are letting the Union handle this, you got me?!"

The Enforcer shakes his head, "Pathetic. Disgusting." He goes to turn his back away from the officers. The shield on his back pops back as he reaches around to pull out his rifle. "You have no authority over me.." His rifle then lowers down at the Educator. "..and your words are hallow.."

The Educator's optics go wide, "Alpha Centauri! Don't do this!!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Aaaah, just another day in the Multiverse. Travelling around, drinking booze, and having fun.

     With a bottle of good beer in hand, Beelzebumon comes walking out of one of the casinos, wearing a pair of expensive glasses and several large gold rings that he won at the poker game. Like many vices, the Demon Lord of Gluttony has a weakness for gambling and it doesn't really matter to him if he wins or loses. Though winning is much nicer.

     Paying no heed to the commotion of the robot fleeing through the streets, Beelzebumon lifts his booze to his lips for a looooong swig when suddenly--


     Now grasping the broken neck of the shattered bottle of booze to his lips, Beelzebumon takes in a deep breath, then lowers the bottle and crushes the glass in his hands after being deprived of his drink by an errant piece of shrapenel.

     "Fuck. And that was some prime expensive export stuff too. Guess I'll just have to carve the price out of someone's hide."

     After taking a moment to dust the glass shards from his hands, the Demon Lord turns and marches towards the unfolding scene, then steps up and climbs onto the roof of one of the police cars, much to the shock of the troopers huddled behind it. Then he takes a deep breath and yells towards the massive bot.

     "HEY FUCKHEAD! You the one responsible for this mess?"

Roll (3) has posed:
    As it so happens, Roll's been out doing some shopping! With Auto busy, Rock busy with some interviews alongside Dr. Light, and an assortment of other things going on, it was up to Roll to get some odd parts only available from store in Techno Urbania.. and they needed these parts like yesterday to meet a schedule!

    Missiles are NOT a part of that schedule. When explosions start going off, Roll's shocked only for a split-second. With debris flying everywhere, Roll rushes towarsd some screaming civilians and *WHAM!*

    ...Somehow manages to catch a warped steel girder tumbling free of a construction project before it can crush anyone! Her servos groan in protest - in truth she had to bring out Super Arm, a tremendous drain on her reserve capacitors, but hey... people were protected!

    "Get somewhere safe! Quickly!" The blonde calls out.

    ... Then, she mad dashes around the bend... and spots the troublemaker...


    Extremely sensitive electronics might pick it up as clock rates on their comm busses going out of sync, or similar anomalies. Biologicals might feel a slight wave of nausea. However it works... there's an insane blur of motion, and suddenly... Roll's standing between the rifle and the officer.

    "Hey, what are you trying to do, blow up the whole city?!"

    She's a kid. But more than that at the same time.

    A wave of light travels up her body, transforming her outfit instantly to a skintight bodysuit of sorts. Pink and red Ceratanium armor, with a round helmet that covers everything but her face... and lets her ponytail out the rear to dangle freely.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    A black and red muscle car roars across the streets, pulling towards the chaos as opposed to the other cars driving off away from Alpha's public act of violence. The car seems to peel to a stop just short of the roadblock before out strides Alexis Maaka, electronic-cigar still puffing as she exhales a mouthful of vapor and removes her shades. Narrowing her eyes, the cyborg decides now's a good time for some heavier duty firepower to bring to bear, going off to retrieve some things from the trunk compartment.

    Loading up a custom tooled AKM pattern rifle with magazines marked as 'AAA's, Anti-Armor Airburst rounds to be specific, she chambers the weapon and slings it over her shoulder, checking her Kama pistol for good measure before advancing down the street.

    Roll streaks past her, leaving a gust of wind behind that leaves Maaka thankful she dressed practically for this. "Stick close to my back, and don't slow down under any circumstances." She warns to her partner for the day, one Miss Kotone Yamakawa, before unslinging her AKM and making her way closer to the scene ahead of them.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had been planning to keep today as a day off. Honestly she neeed the entire week off. However that that wasn't about ti happen as she's hooked up wioth Maakka whom while not as cyberized as Kotone would likely be able to bend her into a pretzel, she does however have some armormen but it's not very heavy it's just an XCOM issue pistol it's going to have to do, she does however grab an arc thrower before she gets out.

"Right, just what got this bot going pyscho?"

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
When Beelzebumon yells out his profanity and curses, they go ignored by Alpha Centauri. Cataloged away as words to search up later for their meaning. Including the continue notation that species of this area yell allot.

Alpha Centauri now talks aim with the rifle, a low hum emits from it as the cells power up from within. A blue glow flickers around a few areas of the weapon as it fully powers up. For when Roll shows up, her time compression of space, causes him to actually momentarily pause. It is enough of a 'knock' as it were to actually get his attention a bit.

It was also the fact of distortion of his HUD as well. That when picked up, she moved from one location to another faster then possible. At least not easily could be explained by him, but it wasn't his job to ponder over scientific ifs and coulds.

Beelzebumon continues to be ignored, though he does at last glance over at him. Searching his library that he downloaded before leaving for all possible IDs that could be obtained on all who was here. Beelzebumon came up as a dangerous target, one that now was flagged as such-- and Roll was.. quiet the interesting sweep of data. Which he goes back to face her, between himself and his desired target.

"Designation DLN-002 Roll Light, correct?" His voice was still ever as calm and collective. Though perhaps a mild hint of agitation starting to show from the constant interruption to his assignment. "As I attempted to explain to your officers. I am here to terminate a criminal to my nation. By continued interruption you are giving his systems a chance to repair the damage I have already inflicted.. at which case he will..."

As he talks the Educator is already trying to pull himself back up. Nrrhing a bit in pain as he does. Though his back sparks as he cries out in pain one more and topples back over.

"...try to run." Alpha Centauri continues during all that. He tilts his head faintly. "Though some collateral damage was taken to the area, no lives were lost." His optics then flicker ever so softly. "Now. I have a mission objective to complete and I will be on my way." Alpha Centauri goes to step around Roll. Perhaps testing to see just what she will do. His motions are very fluid, calm, relaxed. His steps heavily calculated, perhaps even before they come down onto the ground. Nearly ten feet of height and that armor ever imposing. Including Roll may notice with her own sensors that there is very, very tight shield emission around his armor, almost laying on it. Though could also just be part of the armor itself.

The Educator though tries to reach for Roll, "Don't let him kill me! I have done nothing wrong! I just wanted to live my own way!" His optics almost looking pleading. "They think it is wrong! They think it wrong to think for ourselves! I know the system! They are all mad!"

Alpha Centauri rumbles by this point, "..and yet.. you still continue to beg.."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Ignoring Beelzebumon is never a good idea.

     As if he needed an excuse, the Demon Lord of Gluttony kneels down and grabs both of the open doors of the police car, then with a flex of his muscles, tears them free from the car itself.

     "It seems like you didn't /hear/ me, so maybe I need to knock the /rust/ out of your audio sensors!"

     Then with a sudden whip of his arms, he sends both car doors sailing like frisbees towards Alpha Centauri.

Roll (3) has posed:
    "Wh-what?!" Roll was ABOUT to respond to the aggressor's claims, but she's hit with a sidewinder - the victim's pleas. Her optics - thankfully looking like normal eyes - go quite wide. "Th-they do?!" That does not compute at all. Thinking about it makes her CPU overheat a little in fact. Maybe Dr. Light can explain how anyone would think about that, but he's not here right now.

    "I'll do what I can," She answers in a fairly worried tone, "But he's so big, it's gonna be messy." Hopefully the officers will understand that and start clearing people out.

    Well, there's already a panic, so people are running as-is.

    Roll starts loading up combat protocols. In her vision, scans and diagnostic data begin lighting up as a HUD overlay. The others' presence finally really registers. She flinches at Beelzebumon's actions though. HURLING CAR DOORS?! That's crazy!

    "Robot, you're in Union territory, so you're not the law here and can't just go around shooting who you please, especially in a city! Stand down and power down your weapons... or just go back home. Thinking for yourself's not a crime around here!"

    She's doing her best to sound official and reasonable... but at the same time... she's powering up all of her own weapons. The surge is pretty detectable, even without sensors, because her WHOLE BODY begins glowing. The Ceratanium armor's apparently pretty reactive to the weird energies that fuel her Mega Buster and Weapon Copy System!

    She's powering up for a Charge Shot as a warning!

    "Well, ticking off Beelzebumon's your own problem... hey, Beelzebumon! Don't go wrecking everything too!"

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:

    Alexis mutters something rude under her breath before she approaches the scene, watching as Beelzebumon shoves his nose into the situation at high-speeds. Growling, she is considering to let Roll handle things given her more rational approach to diplomacy-

    But flying car doors seem to have other plans. "Fuck. There goes sweet talk." She says, before she sprints to take cover behind an abandoned car with rifle in hands.

    She begins to take aim, just in case Alpha goes aggressive.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Sees hopw things are getting bad as ALpha ignoresd Beelzebumon which Kotone honestly thinks is a bad idea for a moment. She does hear the pair takling for a moment and she looks at the robtic law officer.

"Do your people even have any sort of diplomatic contact you can't expect to go tromping into forigen soil and expecting to be able to enforce your own laws. people don't take kindly too it." %R She pauses and conders about this situation she has no idea what's going ona round here. She's not with the unionpersay she just got dragged into this mess and right now she's trying to ahem get people who are gawking at this to get out of here. The Cyborg really isn't much of at threat like this...

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri shifts his body weight slightly as he speaks to Roll. "So.. in this New Sector.. your laws supersede those of another's when retaining to their own?" Though such a question's answer have to wait as Beelzebumon decides to get down right feisty-- just as his file would be left to believe.

Alpha Centauri's uses the thrusters along side his back to suddenly spin him around, his feet easily pivoting with the sudden momentum change, Roll herself may even feel the very heat coming off from the thrusters as they swing him around. This allows for the first door to go sailing by and the second is caught dead on in his hands.

The sheer force of impact slams in and crumbles the door up a bit as they hit the metal frame of the palm. The kinetic force though does shove Alpha Centauri a bit back, but his footing quickly adjusts for it. "So.. this is what the New Sector has to show.." He says calmly, before tossing the door off to the side. "..Primitive."

The police force is already and has been getting people out of here. The Educator during the time Alpha Centauri goes to throw the door away, speaks up to Roll as he tries to stand again. "Protect me.. and I will tell you all that I remember without access to the library. If the Empire has come.. they will hunt us all down until none of us are left standing or--or.. far worse.."

Alpha Centauri goes to step over to the side, taking note of Roll's charging up of her weapon and Beelzebumon as well. He scans the area and picks up Maaka hiding behind the car and reaches behind to attach his shield to his arm. Once more that emblem can be seen, though this time it is red and imprinted into the very metal.

When Kotone speaks to him, he doesn't actually respond, as he just repeat himself to what he said to Roll. Though he does take note of her name as it slides up and marks her as a hostile as well. Then as he takes another step, suddenly the lights around the area start to glow extremely brightly before the suddenly /explode/ with a great flash as Alpha Centauri seems to overload the area's systems to the lights. "No choice left I suppose.." He says during the light show.

With the timed distraction, he swings around and fires at the vehicles gas tank that Maaka is trying to use as cover, to cause it to ignite on fire as the plasma bolt impacts it. With that swing around his thrusters go on full and he skim across the ground at full speed at 300 MPH right for Beelzebumon to slam his fully body into him with all that speed, which he cuts his thrusters off either on impact or if Beelzebumon dodges out of the way.

Though either the result, he gets ready quickly change directions for the retaliation to now come.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon is in a foul mood. He was really looking forward to that expensive brandy, and having someone blow him off after wasting all of it has /really/ irked him. And he intends to take out all of his pent up aggression on the source of his ire.

     After taking a moment to crack his neck, followed by his knuckles, the Demon Lord of Gluttony spits off to the side, then grins maliciously, "'Primitive' he says. Well, doesn't matter if it's primitive or not, so long as it ends with your bits and pieces all over the battlefield."

     With a flourish, Beelzebumon draws out his Berenjena shotgun from it's holster, then takes aim, just as the sudden flash of lights floods the area.

     The flood of illumination forces Beelzebumon to cover his eyes, yet just before Alpha blindsides him with a sudden charge, something grey and black surges by, and the Demon Lord is simply not there to be struck.

     Instead, he is now seated on the frame of his daemonic motorcycle Behemoth as he takes a moment to clear the spots from his eyes, "Ugh, thanks for the save Be. That toy soldier has a few tricks to him..." Then as the last of the spots fade from his sight, he grabs the handlebars with one hand and brandishes his shotgun once more, "Now, let's see how long it takes him to break."

     Then with a sudden roar of engines, the demon and his ride take off, circling wide around Centauri as shot after shot rings out of his Berenjena.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis is about to let out a shout of surprise when the car takes fire, literally even, and she books it as fast as she can while the car nearly sets her ablaze were it not for her coat's protection. It's fireproof and bulletproof after all, and she takes a few shots from her rifle at the towering Enforcer.

    "Arrogant sonofabitch doesn't miss a beat, give 'im that..." She growls, aiming single shots at the highly advanced combat Enforcer's armor. HEr rounds are both armor piercing and micro-explosive, intended to drill through the toughest of protective materials before detonating inside of vital circuitry with enough force to compare to that of a hand grenade, causing all matter of merry Hell inside its victims. Assuming Alpha isn't carrying some kind of protective force field, he'll be finding himself with a nasty pain in his gut soon enough.

    "Roll, got your back! Watch for the both of 'em, I don't wanna get caught up in this any more than we need to be!"
She warns, before firing another burst. For the moment Alexis avoids Beelzebumon, if not trying to help him out on this. There's already one hostile who's proven dangerous enough, she doesn't need to worry about two.

Roll (3) has posed:
    With Beelzebumon going nuts and the whole battlefield darkening, Roll switches on thermal imaging to aid her cause. It'll take more than 'kill the lights' to stop her. Behind those childlike eyes is a rather sophisticated set of sensors and cameras!

    One hand glows oddly, reshapes itself in a rush of whizzing armor plates and whirring metal. The Mega Buster forms as her attention scans across the entirety of Alpha Centauri, hunting for weak points.

    Weapons, sensors, joints, heat sinks... anything she can destroy that would cripple this guy without destroying him! ... But anything that MATTERS seems incredibly well-shielded...

    "Beelzy! Go for his weapons, if you can! Think you're up to it?!" She can TRY to channel the Digimon's rampage, at least. Maybe. Hopefully.

    But then she looks over her shoulder at the one she's protecting. "Thanks... though I'd help you anyways! What a jerk this guy is. Any tips for disabling that gear of his?! He's built like a tank!"

    As it is, when he goes rushing past... she takes aim at his thrusters, and FIRES. The Mega Buster roars, shooting an enormous cerulean-blue ball of roiling hot plasma. Or something very LIKE plasma, anyways!

    "Thanks, Maaka! watch out though, this guy's a walking war!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Quit telling me what to do!" Beelzebumon yells back as he continues his assault, "And don't call me Beelzy! God damnit!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is now caught in the middle of things, she's just saying you come barging into a soverign nation's land and starts enforcing laws that are not on thier books there's going to be issues if you utterly ignored diplomacy either way she's going back to work, with getting people away. She gets a feeling Doctor V may be cracking this things corpse open before the day is through if things goes badly. She doesn't wnat it to go to violence but that's where she can see it's gong and Beelzebumon has been around so long it's hard to not at least know of him he's got quite the reptuation. but just what's going on here thing sare just about to go bad at this point actually they do as the fight breaks out. She also turns off her wireless connection.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri was not expecting his opponent to simply vanish. His gold optics flash brightly, before he hears the roar of the engine and before he can bolt back, the shotgun bullets impact him dead in the chest. There was a flicker of blue light as some type of barrier absorbed the force, but the bullets bit in ever so slightly into the heavy armor.

Alpha Centauri staggered a bit with the shotgun's force and then watched as demon digimon drove around. As his HUD was still tracking the movements around him, he took notice of Maaka shifting position.

With little time to react, Alpha places away his Rifle against the slot along his backside, he uses his shield for when Maaka opens fire on him. The shields on displacer field absorbing the impacts made by the armor piercing, but it was the explosion after that knocks him back a bit.

Right back into one of the cruisers. Alpha Centauri, keeps that shield up to have it take a few more rounds, including any more shots from Beelzebumon. He holds his own for a moment, though when Roll calls over to the devil lord, Alpha Centauri takes that chance. He sinks his fingers into the car.

Then with a hard throw and timing the circumference of the digimon's movements, He goes to hurl the car not so much at Beelzebumon, but where he /will/ be. Though as he does that, he does take a few more shotgun hits to the chest once more.

The Educator looks to Roll and uses a car to help him stand up. "He is-- an Enforcer Class B. They are offensive units built for the sole purpose to destroy us- destroy us which they have labeled as Singularities."

The Educator watches a bit of the battle. "We have an external armor and an internal armor. The most heavily armored location is the chest-- the chest-- is- is where our..."

Though his attention at that moment was taken off Roll and her heavy blast slams him in the backside. The force knocks him off his feet and he goes down on his knee, using his shield as away to stabilize himself. "Impressive choice." He remarks to Roll.

Alpha Centauri then shoves off his shield, his hands reaching for containers at his hips before pulling out two grenades. He then throws one at Rolls direction and another at Maaka. They explode in the air throwing out a gas fog of some kind. Roll may notice a street lamb starting to actually incinerate as the gas cloud touches it.

Whatever the Educator was going to say he quickly changes his tune, "Don't let it touch you! It will dissipate quick, but its like acid!" Then the Educator snaps his metallic fingers, "Acid! Yes! Acid! Corrosion!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     God damnit. Stupid girl distracting him with cutesy wutesy nicknames! In the moment that Beelzebumon takes to yell back at Roll about her choice of names for him, the god damn bastard robot chucked a /car/ at him.

     More importantly, he chucked a car at him and /hit/.

     With a loud crash, the car crashes into the demon lord, knocking him fro Behemoth's back and pinning him beneath the wreck as it skids into a store front before coming to a rest.

     For several moments, there is no movement, then the car shudders and shifts, before letting out a squeal of twisting metal as it's lifted off the ground. And standing beneath it is a rather irritaed and messed up looking Beelzebumon, who heaves the car over his head.


     And then with a mighty surge, her flings the wrecked car back towards Centauri.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Built for war? Pfft. Alexis just grins at Roll. "So am I." She then notices the grenades, and all of that cowboy/girl swagger she had seconds before disappears for a brief moment, and she runs like hell before the acid eats through her coat entirely. "Shitshitshitshitshitshit-" Acid is something that is never healthy, especially not for cyborgs like herself.

    The wise thing is probably to keep as far back as possible while taking potshots, no doubt keep Alpha suppressed while Beelz handles the bulk of the fighting, let the titans settle things out and hopefully do so before more collateral damage is inflicted on the city block itself, knowing Beelzebumon's antics by reputation in the past.

    Luckily Alexis came loaded for bear, and she goes back to firing when she has a window to do so. She smashes her way into a building before making her way to the roof however she can, leaping from a window and grappling her way up until she's topside to get a good look at the fight from above by a few blocks or so.

    The cyborg sprints across the rooftops, nimbly making her way across the gaps until she gets a good angle to fire upon Alpha, which she does after digging in.

Roll (3) has posed:
    Thankfully, Roll's being given advice here! The moment it's explained what that stuff is... she activates the ICE SLASHER, taking on a deep blue and frosty white coloration! Why Ice Slasher?

    Because gas only stays gas when it's at the proper temperature. She rapid shots Ice Man's weapon through the approaching cloud, dispersing most of it before it can reach her. A few of those shots slam into buildings and cars, causing them to INSTANTLY ICE OVER... well, not whole buildings, but the ones that hit the sides of buildings do frost over wide splashes of the siding. Harmless, overall, but the two or three that head of for Alpha Centauri by chance will be irritating to be sure!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa listens as the othe unit gives his story she watches the other robot make his move to go after it. What the hell a chemical hazard? Oh god the acid is lose and she doesn't want to think that would do to her let alone people hwo still are made of flesh she's just got a pistol. She then spots a small child that's been cut off and the cloud's heading for them she's got littl choice as she sprints for them she's forced to part way go past the cloud and keeps running she's got to get the kid out of there she grabs them and leaps for all she's worth to get them clear. Kotone's leap is not as impressive as some borgs on her world but it's beyond human norms but as she leaps that's when the pain kicks in.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    Alpha Centauri watches as Maaka starts to make he way up, his optics seeming to be tracking her movements as he believes Beelzebumon to be down-- however that is proven very untrue. When Beelzebumon does make himself known, it causes the Accretian to look in his direction rapidly.

Then at the car coming right at him. With his free hand, he pulls out the beam saber, anchors down by kneeling and then slashes the hot plasma beam ahead of himself, using his other hand as needed support. The car goes directly in, but the plasma blade itself cuts the car in two with the kinetic force sliding it right on by. The two halves go right into the building behind him before exploding.

Though not understanding the New Sector has its disadvantages as part of that explosion sends a hubcap right at the back of Alpha Centauri's head which causes him to look back at the flaming vehicle in some manner of minor confusion.

It was enough of a chance, that Roll's ice shots find him and when they impact they actually freeze his armor for a moment in place. Though she may notice how quickly the ice is also already starting to melt! What-- was this guy made out of?

However it was long enough that when Maaka got into position, her shots slammed into Alpha Centaui exploding against his arm and chest armor and blasting him-- and free-- from where he just was. He rolls along the ground for a moment as those 'wings' pull in tight to protect themselves, and he gets back up on his feet sliding back.

Thanks to the ice, then explosion, some of the outer armor of his right arm shows some damage. Also his plasma blade was knocked free and now lays on the ground offline.

    The gas meanwhile freezes over and crashes down. The Educator watching all this, before he looks over to roll once more. "Do you have a corrosion type weapon? His armor is weak too, like my own, to acidic type weaponry. It will break down the nanonite bonding, making it harder for the systems to repair themselves and eat through." He pauses, "..at least.. that is what one of my friends has told me.. before he was.. reformated..."

Kotone for the moment continues to go ignored by Alpha Centauri, as he focus is now on three problems. He slams his shield into the ground and gets behind it with a side stance, putting it between him and his assaulters. Though this may not work for Beelzebumon in the long run, it works for the other two.

    Alpha Centauri reaches for his rifle once more and takes several shots for Roll and Maaka, trying to push them a back, because of what he is going to do next. He springs around his shield and then goes to throw the edge of it right for Beelzebumon. Which was the distraction really.

The real attack comes in as his thrusters go into full burn to help him cover this distance. His hand reaches for the other beam saber and as he comes in, his swings outward with a powerful stroke of his hand. The Plasma itself burns across the sky, creating an after glow in the very air as it passes by.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Tch, stubborn bastard, isn't he?

     Taking a brief moment of respite, Beelzebumon turns his head and spits once more before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, only to grin. Despite his foul mood, he can't help but enjoy himself right now. Good booze is one thing, but fighting... fighting is the one drug that he truly craves, and Centauri is certainly giving him his fill of conflict.

     With little warning at all, Beelzebumon explodes into action, correctly guessing that the shield throw is a feint... so he doesn't even try to dodge it as it hurtles towards him.

     Instead he kicks it. Right back at Centauri.

     The shield, once hurtling in one direction, is now sent hurtling in the other and strikes flat-side against Centauri's wrist. Thanks to the angle it struck at, there's little chance for the shield itself to cause any sort of lasting damage. Yet the impact of the shield is enough to skew plasma blade's descent by a slight amount.

     And that slight deflection is all Beelzebumon needs to surge forward under Centauri's guard and thrust his clawed hand towards the 'bot's chest as his nails glow with an unholy power.


Roll (3) has posed:
    "You come from a really sad world, sir!" Roll's gonna assume the Educator's male. Almost every robot she knows whose gender isn't stereotypically obvious is male, after all! It's a logical deduction!

    "But nope! No acid-- uh-oh...!" Here comes Alpha Centauri!

    Roll shields herself with both arms, taking several rifle shots head-on. The blasts blast her back across the pavement and scorch her Ceratanium armor. The Accretion's incredibly tough... but so is this little Robot Master, it seems. Roll staggers and wobbles, but a handful of rifle shots don't seem to have been enough to inflict serious damage.

    A BEAM SABER, on the other hand, she's not expecting him to pull out a SECOND one! "He has TWO of them?!" It takes about a half-second for the Variable Tool System to switch modes, and that half-second costs her. She switches to a dark orange and tan scheme, and an energized aura of destructive power scorches the air around her as she kicks off in a powered dash - the beam saber doesn't get a direct hit on her, but it does draw a nasty gash along her back and one leg.

    THAT proves able to pierce the Ceratanium. She goes stumbling along the ground and skids quite a distance with sparks flying from her back. Robots don't really feel pain in the normal sense, but still... OWWWW.

    She sure LOOKS to be in agony as she struggles to get to her feet... and one of them bumps into the fallen beam saber.

    Roll blinks. She might have an answer here.

    The damage is nasty, but she's suffered worse. If she doesn't take this guy down fast however... "Guess there's no choice... one more weapon it is."

    She reaches down, places a hand on the beam saber...

    PRIMARY COLOR: Pale Blue

    A wave of light traverses her body swiftly, and the Mega Buster's business end shifts compresses... and projects a swiveling lens. From that... a burning white blade extends, crackling and sizzling at the air.

    ... just, resized for HER, and not a ten foot mecha.

    What the heck is THAT?!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is able to ge the kid cleare but she's hurt the child runs off lucide enough to know getting awya from this is a good idea. She's still being ignored by the death bot and that suits her just fine. But the pain she got hit she's not sure how bad the damage is but she needs to /get/ it off her and she move fins something anyhing to wips it the hell off her self.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    The plasma shot hits hard enough to give Alexis reason to take cover, a scorchmark on her coat's sleeve leaving her pained as she feels the sweater and skin underneath burning white hot for a moment. "Ffffuuck..."

    She grouses under her breath before she hisses something less than ladylike, then clutches her AKM as she braces herself.

    With Alpha downed, she takes the oppertunity to leap from the rooftop. As she directs her fall towards the Enforcer, she fires a good seven or eight rounds at Alpha before she lands on top of him. Her fist clenches, revealing her gloved hand sparking fiercely as she punches at Alpha's face.

    It may be enough to foul with the shield he has, and she's strong enough to bend steel.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    The Educator takes note that one of the defenders is hurt and motions to her, "Come here-- come here. It will fade in time long as you move! Do not stand still. It is how it lingers on you." He glances over to Roll. "Sad. No. Logical. Yes. I'll explain later!"

As the Educator quickly moves himself around to the other side of the car as Alpha Centauri for that brief moment was /far/ to close to hitting for his liking. His back though sparks in protest and he goes back down on his knee, making a strange static sound in protest. "Can't... keep my systems calibrating like this..."

    Beelzebumon knocks back the shield and it knocks off Alpha Centauri's sword swing. It leaves him open for what comes next and it actually baffles him in that moment, "..What?" The claws then slam into the chest, the armor cracking under the sheer force. The magical energy easily breaking the Accretian metal and nanonites within to repair it.

The force itself was enough to in the end also shove Alpha Centauri back and he goes back, then stumbling right over. He slides along his backside, before aiming the sites of his rifle right down at Beelzebumon and opening fire several shots of the Photon's blast.

This also put him just in range to watch as Roll somehow /copies/ the plasma blade. That wasn't good and how-- is even the better question. Then the concern is what she could learn from it alone-- but for now, none of this was the concern anymore.

He needed to terminate the Educator.

However-- someone has something different in mind it would seem. Maaka's rounds slam into the already damaged chest, breaking off the armor shards bit by bit. Her landing causing Alpha Centauri to actually pause in getting up. Though when she goes to punch, though it should even work beautifully-- she finds two issues.

One.. whatever Alpha Centauri is made out of is, is not anything of industrial steel or even military grade-- it is something /far/ stronger. Two-- this was probably not a smart idea. Though Maaka's weapon causes the palm of his hand to crack a bit on impact.

Alpha Centauri's narrows his gold optics sharply. Though his voice is /far/ to calm. "You did not think this through too well.. did you?" With the question he tilts his head. His other hand goes for her throat as he goes to stand up. Using his sheer size and stature to easily control Maaka if she act quickly.

    During this the Educator looks at Kotone once more. "We need to leave from here. Take me to a location with heavy industrial steel walls.. or lead! Trust me! If we don't move now-- he'll never give up!"

The Educator tries to move, but once again is almost brought back down. "..though I may be good as terminated..."

    Once Alpha Centauri is back to his full height he looks over to Roll. "You left your post." He says to her as he then goes to toss Maaka to the side. As soon has he does, he gets down low, sweeping around. He snags his photon rifle off the ground and then opens a sniper like shot of a stream photon blast right for the Educator as he says his piece. Aiming right for the other Accretian's chest...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The swiftness of Centauri's retaliation catches Beelzebumon flatfooted as the Photon Rifle knocks him off his feet and sends him crashing to the ground. As he stands up though, his form seems to distort a bit, almost like the image on a TV that isn't working right. In addition, there seems to be... data leaking off him?

     How strange.

     The distortion only lasts a moment as Beelzebumon coughs, "Ow. Tinman sure can hit hard..." Then he looks down at his hand and grins, "But now I seem to have found the chink in his armor." He takes a moment to look around, then notices his Berenjena Shotgun laying on the ground nearby from when he got knocked off Behemoth by the car. With surprisng casualness in the middle of a warzone, he walks over and bends down to scoop it up, "Ah, there you are baby, I was wondering where you went too. Wouldn't wanna lose you. Volcanusmon would have my head if I misplaced one of his best works... ya know, if he weren't dead with the rest of my world."

     After taking a moment to ensure that his beloved shotgun isn't damage, Beelzebumon draws it's twin from his leg holster, then twirls them around with a flourish before turning his attention back to the ongoing battle and levels his twin babies right at Centauri.

     "Let's see how you like this... DOUBLE IMPACT!"

     Then with a pair of thunderous cracks and enough recoil to send Beelzebumon skidding back several feet, the double shotguns blare, unleahsing a pair of slugs infused with Beelzebumons' daemonic power.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is hur the acid is eating away at her but it's peatering out she didn't get too eavily hit and it was an accident right? She looks at the Educator and nod onc to him for a moment.


One might notice her synth skin is bubbling in some places where she took the hit even with getting the majority of it she's dampted her pain recpetort to fuction.

"... right I'm taking you with me keep up."

With that Kotone holsters her pistol. They got back up coming at this point and she's going to lead the Educator with her.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Well shit. Gold eyes meet gold, and neither pair blinks.
%TAlexis growls at the Enforcer, spitting in his faceplate in defiance as she finds herself grabbed like a doll. Her knuckle's bloodied with both actual blood and mech fluid, and her arm aches like never before, but she refuses to stay still as she tries to pry herself out of Alpha's grip.

    "Go /fuck yourself/ tin man!" She snarls, gasping for air but definitely making each breath count as she struggles more. Her other hand sparks with electricity from the shock-knuckles on her hands, and she grabs at his wrist tight as possible to free herself.

    "LET. ME. /GO./"

    Of course, her wish is granted, as she is sent flying to the side by the Enforcer just as he begins to fire upon the others. She slams throw the window of a store, smashing into shelves after shelves before she stops moving.

    A groan escapes Maaka as she stands up, dazed and battered badly but still defiant as she draws her Kama. It carries a similar payload as the AKM did, even if it's rounds are pistol based. The 12mm may just do the job in a support capacity, and it's the only thing she has for the moment. For all she knows, her AK is know in pieces, god rest it.

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll realizes her mistake the very instant Alpha Centauri speaks and brings his weapon about. Crap. What a blunder!

    Nothing doing, she's not going to let this guy get destroyed! Ditching her new weapon mode in favor of Time Slow is the only thing she can do.

    And that won't protect HER, now will it?

    The blonde robot becomes a blur again, rushing across the distance. This might very well be what Alpha centauri's hoping for her to do, but what choice does she have?

    She said she'd protect him.

    And so Roll throws herself in the path and brings her buster about at the last moment... but it'll take that crucial half-second to mode switch!

    Too slow. She can't stop the shot. But her body's big enough to be a shield. Roll's first shot goes quite wide as the blast blows her right off her feet. The previous pepperings weren't nearly this direct.

    This time, she's flung back into the Educator she's protecting and strikes with a nasty WHUNK. Still, probably better than a photon blast to the chest, for him. SHE is armored.

    ... Or was. Now her front's looking kind of frayed. Half of the armor's been melted off and some sensitive-looking guts are exposed.

    But she has more to give. Her armor switches to a green color, a rather cartoony-looking bomb materializes in her hand... and she hurls it straight for Alpha Centauri's chest. Then another. And another. It's a Hyper Bomb barrage!

    "BACK OFF! Don't even think of hurting him!"

    She can't POSSIBLY keep this up for much longer... and come out repairable, anyways...

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    The Educator tries to follow, unaware the shot was coming for him. Thanks to Roll though, she protects him! Even if he gets knocked right over cause of it onto the ground. His systems trying to seize up from that area being jostled.

He nearly barks out in pain actually!

    As for Alpha Centauri he finds himself getting double ganged up on by both Roll and Beelzebumon. The two of them aiming for the same location and both just tear at the already damaged chest armor, ripping off more of the strange, alien armor with the sheer brutal forces of their attacks.

Alpha Centauri ends up staggering back, before almost going down on his knee once more. His head lowers as his optics flicker for a moment. His HUD flashing warnings at him that his systems are starting to reach critical status.

Yet he wasn't done just yet. He puts away the photon rifle, including even the plasma blade hilt he still has at ready. He places up his hands in that moment, taking a step back. "I see that even the flesh has those of metal under their services."

He says to Roll. "How does it feel to serve such weak masters?" He looks over to Beelzebumon, "..though you I have yet to determine /what/ you are."

He then takes note of Maaka moving around and Kotone trying to get the Educator out of here. "Oh well." As soon has those words escape, Alpha Centaur kicks on his thrusters and bolts around to swing over to get his shield. It easily clips onto place and as he brings it up to protect his heavily damaged chest.

The missile pods open suddenly and spray of missiles fly out zipping this way and that way. Blanketing the area with explosive down pour, including about topping one of the smaller buildings right over from all the explosions going off in the block.

All to not only catch them, but to also nail the Educator as well...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "What I am... is trouble," Beelzebumon says with a smirk as he gives his guns a twirl before blowing the smoke from the barrels, "And don't get too confident in the superiority of your 'metal' over their flesh. In the Multiverse, what you're made of out there doesn't matter in the fucking slightest to what you're made of in here." He jabs himself in the chest with a thumb.

     Then he turns his attention to the missiles that were just launched and smirks a bit, "Case in point..." And then suddenly he is in a flurry of motion, spinning and blasting in all directions as he shoots down missile after missile. Though he only seems to me shooting down those missiles aimed towards him.

     Because everyone else can go fuck themselves. He ain't gonna save their asses.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa knew it was not gong to be easy she's got Alpha's attention now at this point his comments make her wonderabout it, it's otoo late however. IT's more Kotone's metal that's emulating flesh really and that illusion is being lost from the damge not that she's noticed that the acis has dissoklved a good portion of the synth flesh on her face revealing the mechanical nature. She's not thinking about this the life or death situation keeps her from focusing upon it as she pulls her side arm and attems to shoot not Alpha but the missiles using her own cyberantiuc nation to prehaps having a hope in hell of pulling this off.

"MOVE we got help comingand you said lead shielde or heavy metal right I can think of place we can go"

Oh god missiles run /faster/ she'll likely not live threough a direct hit.

Roll (3) has posed:
    And then there were missiles.

    Shocked, Roll gapes skyward... and fear shows quickly upon her face. "Oh, no, no no!" Too many. WAY TOO MANY. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" With an anguished face, she brings her weapon to bear...

    She can't possibly stop them all... only trust that people have been evacuating.

    One more time, light washes over her Ceratanium Armor. She's looking pretty awful, all things considered. A few more direct hits and she'll be in little shape to fight... but as long as she's functioning...

    She'll do everything she can!

    The new coloration? Grey and yellow.

    The Mega Buster spits LIGHTNING. Lightning and LOTS OF IT. While some bolts arc along the ground, most of the current flies up through the air at the nearest incoming missiles. It arcs from one to another, too! ... A quirk of ELECTRIC OVERLOAD that Roll was counting on.

    "Weak masters? You couldn't be more wrong. My dad's the best person in the whole world. He'd never let you get away with this crime... I sure won't either!"

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    It didn't take too long for the strike team to make it to the scene. A dropship deploys them a good klick from the area, and a small unit consisting of four men arrive on-scene, two of them making up a sniper/spotter team.

    Once they're past the cops, the XCOM troopers find Maaka down the road. "Ma'am. Got here soon as we could, you injured?" The squad leader says, motioning to the medic to look her over best he can.

    Maaka waves a hand, "Nothing you could fix at the moment. I'll deal." She says, her coat in tatters and one arm in a makeshift sling made from her coat sleeve. Her sidearm is in her other hand, and while she's got one wing at the moment, she might be able to make it out of this in the end. "I need you two covering Kotone's escape. Rest of you are comin with me." She says.

    Without further delay, the sniper team gets in position before getting the math taken care of.

    "Target sighted. Send it."

    High-caliber sniper rounds hurdle towards Alpha, aiming for whatever constitudes as a weak point on the ENforcer's armor if there is any to be seen. Some of their shots aim for the eyes, it works in the movies after all.

    Maaka and the other two troopers meanwhile move towards Kotone's position with the principle. "How's our VIP, kid?" Maaka asks, giving the Educator a look over.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    Alpha Centauri watches the explosions go down around and how everyone reacts, which is-- about how he figured they would. He does look over toward Beelzebumon. "Hm." It was hard to say if the Hm was a 'I understand' or 'Whatever'. Though being his a machine, or what best one could assume-- he probably was saying 'I understand' -- at least that is what you hope.

Though when Roll pipes up about him being Crazy and then speaking about her creator. "Dad." He says calmly. "That is a word I have no correlation with. Only proof of your own singularity mind and faulty processing. Much like the Educator."

"..and I am not illogical.." Alpha Centauri says as he steps back. "..I am efficient.. and in efficiency.. I am effective." Alpha Centauri was also already aware of the Xcom team moving in. It was a waiting game right now.. and he knew it. It was also a battle that has taken a turn, given what target information he can get from the Educator. He was good as dead.

The damage was done and while if he was part of the scientific caste, this be a greater concern-- but he was not. It be only time till he just be a paralyzed body with no functions, beyond being caught in his own core prison. Fitting end.. in Alpha Centauri's mind.

    The Educator however did get nailed by some of the explosions and though he was trying to keep up with Kotone, he ends up falling right back over. "I..I can't..If.. If I keep moving like this.. I'll do more damage.. haha.. those scrappers of Administration.. they couldn't just.. leave us alone.. so afraid.. nrrh..."

The Educator then goes to fall down on his side. "..so afraid..."

    Alpha Centauri continues to stand ready and as soon has the Sniper then go to fire. He slams down his shield and gets behind it. The rounds impact the shield denting it and a few getting though and few weak points, cutting in and nicking him across the face armor. "Hmm.."

Once the rounds end. That is when then wings shift. Roll would see it first, then sudden flare of the thrusters. "How unfortunate." Then with a hard push off. Alpha Centauri suddenly takes to the skies and like a jet going into Mach 1 so low, the air around him suddenly explodes , shattering the glass from the upper buildings rooftops.

How unfortunate about what? --- Though the world may never know.

Roll (3) has posed:
    She sees it, alright, but Roll's pretty darned damaged. She gazes up at the retreating mech... then sags, sparks flying from her back and front. "Did... did he leave? I'm not picking him up turning around..." And at that speed, it'll be just a few seconds before he's out of sensor range.

    The Robot Master looks about worriedlay at the others, taking stock of the situation...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa isn't sure wha to do about the guy whose down is he alive she's not sure but there's not much she cna do as she sees him falling down afraid. She keep with ther fallen alien however and she then pauses seeing somehing as she puts her hand on her face synth skin comes off with it and she catches sigth ofg her face reflected in something. Kotone ... just screans.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    The Educator lays there, before looking at Kotone, those optics look really dim. "My systems to protect themselves.. will be disconnecting me.. The Accretia Empire.. is large in numbers.. they.. they don't like anyone.. who.. is an individual.."

The Educator shake his head gently. "..We are.. Singularities.. cause we started to think... about ourselves.. and not.. just the Empire.. we started to expand.. into other sections of knowledge.. then what we were.. trained to do..cause we.. wanted too."

The Accretian's voice gets a bit weaker sounding. "..and I.. questioned.. the wisdom...and was found... I just wanted.. to know more... the truth.. of who.. we.. were..." His voice then fades out completely. Maybe he can be repaired? Just probably take time however..

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    That scream...Maaka's heard it before. She just averts her gaze, while the other men recoil in horror, even then they have the good sense to avoid gawking too hard.

    Alexis takes a moment before she very calmly and methodically holsters her gun and grabs Kotone, pulling her into a stoic hug. "Shhhhhhh....shhh...look at me. Don't look at anyone else, understand?" She whispers, her tone soft as she threads fingers through Kotone's hair.

    "You're okay, you're okay..."

    She holds Kotone close for what feels like a good ten minutes while medevac comes. SOmeone will be by to handle Alex's own car meanwhile.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has had her nature shown to her beyond any shadow of doubnt seeing her face like that it was just too much for her mind to take. She knew it was there but that sense of being detatched without knowing it. It's not she unsymapthy toi the downed alien, far from it. She's just scared oh so very sated weeing her self like that. Her face is in a way very much the corner stone of her self image nd that's been tkaen from her. She suddenly is being held and Alexis is moving to confort her she stops screaming but makes wracted sobs as she holds her. There's no tears, she can't do so anymore.

"I...there's nothing...left of me..."

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll's getting close to Kotone and Alexis as she hoists up the Educator. She casts a caring look over at Kotone... and pauses there.

    "... Kotone... I was all metal to begin with, and I have a family. My dad's all flesh and blood, and we're still family! I know... losing your body must've been the worst experience ever.... but you've got it all wrong. The most important part of you's left!"

    She hoists up the Educator.... and starts heading off towards a Warp gate. "I'm heading back to the Lab. Dr. Light can fix anyone else up too, I'm sure he won't mind!"