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Latest revision as of 13:42, 3 August 2015

Behind The Eyepatch
Date of Scene: 03 August 2015
Location: Dicey Cafe
Synopsis: The Maid Revealed
Cast of Characters: Kirito, Tomoe, 9, Staren, 215, Theo Morrison, 395, 631, 707

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    The Bullet of Bullets ended with an astounding and unprecedented 11 winners in a tie for first place. That's mind blowing. But it also means that the deal between Kirito and Amalie is off. And yet the crazed roleplayer has still invited Kirito, and whoever else wants to come, to the Dicey Cafe, for snacks on her.
    If Kirito has paid attention to the mild times she's gone OOC- heck if anyone paid attention, it's plainly obvious she's more than just some dumb tweeny RP noob.
    Well, a large table has been selected, and there's only one person seated at it. Her back is to the door though, leaning back in her chair and kicking one foot lazily. She's small though. For a woman who's mentioned having a daughter, Amalie's player is utterly tiny herself, and wearing way too brightly colored a hoodie. With the hood tugged up as she scribbles some notes in a very official looking leather bound ledger book.
    The menus are set out though, for whoever wants to join her at the table.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu strolls into the Dicey Cafe in her normal appearance and her normal outfit, including the monk staff that she seems to carry almost all the time. "Hey Amalie," she waves to the girl in the hoodie. "How's the fried tofu here?" the sage fox asks further as she pulls out a chair, plops into it, and looks over the menu.

She didn't actually expect to be one of the first arrivals. She may not have the leisure to hang around that long, though, depending on what comes up.

Iria (215) has posed:
    Also arriving is Iria, although she's definitely not looking like she's herself right now. She takes a seat with the others, but doesn't seem to be too interested in talking. She immediately engrosses herself in the menu, looking over it and placing an order for a drink as quickly as possible. Apparently, something happened tonight that's left a huge impact on her. It's not common that you see Iria like this...

Tomoe has posed:
No avatar at all today the tall form and red hair of one Sheena Armstrong as she makes her way into the cafe looking pretty haggard too. She's still feeling the after effect of what happend.. She's looking for good food and lets be honest a good drink too.

Staren has posed:
    A Staren-shaped light appears in the corner of the room, then fades to reveal Staren as he teleports in. He avoided travel outside the warpgate, so he didn't need to disguise himself or anything, appearing as he is. He smiles and nods in greeting to Xiaomu and Sheena, then casts curious looks at the others already here, wondering who they might be...

Kirito has posed:
    When Kirito arrives he's... thankfully no longer a short bishy cutie. He is instead a thin, slightly taller young man with a sliiiiightly feminine face. For someone who's almost 19 years old, Kirito doesn't look nearly as manly as he might want to.

    And he's dressed in black pants and a black shirt. Thankfully, no swords or other gear. He's EXHAUSTED though. Shaking and shivering. Tired, hungry, emotionally gone through the wringer...

    And just sort of COLLAPSES in a chair at the table.

    Only THEN does he peer hard at the one who invited him, trying to see under that hood...

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    It's going to be pretty hard to see under a hood with Amalie's back to everyone. But she doesn't even flinch when Staren teleports in. To Xiaomu, slender shoulders lift in a shrug. The battle maid clearly hasn't tried it. But once the GGO crew- or those who could make it settle in, she snaps the book in her hands closed shut with a tiny thump.
    Reaching slowly in her hoodie, she slowly pulls out a manilla folder, with some documents inside it, which she slides onto the table, as she sssssssssips from a cup of iced coffee while shoving it towards Kirito, Tomoe, Staren, Xiaomu and the others.


    "Seeing as how everyone here was involved I guess you can all look at it though." 'Amalie' says breezily in that snotty french RP voice.
    Inside is... A report. A formatted draft and manuscript of one, anyway, waiting to be uploaded to the Union net. "I figured you'd all want a look before it went up, while we have our little celebration."

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo shows up, because Theo is a huge nerd and doesn't have anything resembling normal operating hours. He has a bunch of styrofoam containers. Kickotron, his trusty myr sidekick, is carrying them.

He sits down with the rest. "Oh, neat. Can I see?" He's unaffiliated, but he's, you know, handy. And not evil. (Psyber asked his references on that front.)

Asuna (9) has posed:
A small figure eventually makes her way into the Dicey Cafe. It's Asuna, dressed in a simple white shift dress with a red ribbon, white tights and matching elegant white heels. Over it however she wears a thick brown jacket with soft trim, a bit too long for her, almost like it's Kirito-sized rather than Asuna sized. She has a wicked smile on her face as she slides around the table towards a seat by Kirito. If there's no seat by Kirito, then Kirito is going to be her seat.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe has no idea with the Hood, she pauses at Staren just teleporting in. She says nothing there as she moves to find a moment to sit down. She pauses for a moment as she sees the soulder passed over.

"All right just what is this?" She's wondering whom this is and just what they have there.

"Good to see you ASuna..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods and smiles to everyone else who comes in. He knows them! He approaches 'Amalie' curiously, looking down at the folder but waiting for Kirito to open it. "You're a Union Elite? Why didn't you tell us?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Thank you," Xiaomu says with a grin to Amalthea. Then she turns her attention back to the menu, at least until her turn comes around to look at the folder - there's just one copy of it, after all. "I might," she adds, "need to borrow that for my report to Shinra ... or I can just forward a copy of what gets submitted to the Union."

They don't seem to have fried tofu on the menu. That's mildly annoying ... but Xiaomu is still hungry, so she focuses on picking something out.

Kirito has posed:
    "Because," Kirito begins to answer in Amelie's place for Staren as he puts a hand down on the file, ready to open it. He glanes around at the people about... and nods one at Theo. Theo's fine.

    "Some people are goofballs to the bitter end." He's TRYING to keep up his usual tone of mischief, but he's far too tired.

    Plus, he was crying hard an hour ago over something or another.

    Nevertheless, he smiles Amalie's way. "You really helped us out a lot." And with Asuna sitting down next to him, the smile gets a bit bigger. "If only we knew if it was really over and done with."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Another long slurp at her ice coffee reduces the drink to little more than a few nagging droplets at the bottom of the cup, before Amalie swivels around.
    "There's such a thing as subtlety, kid. Try it sometime."
    That's to Staren as she gives a toss of her head, hood falling back. The eyepatch is familiar. Because it's the one Psyber had gotten her for Christmas some time ago; apparenrtly matching the one in game as well. Rainbow hair and sparkles go everywhere, light glinting in a butterfly flicker off her horn. But Amalthea flashes a winner's grin as she props her elbows on the table. "It's because I needed something to do to blow off steam and didn't want you people nagging me for official reports while I was trying to have fun playing a goddamn videogame. And here I am tackling the report anyway by getting caught up with you wasteland roving santa-killing psychopaths." The unicorn is only half serious before motioning the papers at Theo and the sage fox. "Tell me if I left anything out. It's a first draft though so don't go taking it and forwarding it to anyone until I polish it off."
    Much more seriously however, the smile fades as the mechanical mythic's lips purse. "Yeah it's probably not over. But what's stopping us from celebrating the little victories, right? And some of us probably just want to be with our friends and loved ones right now." Noted with a glance towards the young gamer-swordsman.

Asuna (9) has posed:
"You owe me twenty yen." Asuna turns to Kirito.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's jaw ends up dropping slightly once the gliter starts flying everywhere. And sparkles. Because that's totally what he wasn't expecting to see.

    Then Asuna drops a bomb. "Say what?" He gets out, voice somewhat squeaky and disbelieving. CONSTERNATION!

    Nevertheless, he's going over the report... and answers Amalthea's explanation with a nod. "No arguments there. I haven't felt so tired since fighting Heathcliff..."

    ANd just saying the name makes him shudder slightly.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"If it weren't for the little victories," Xiaomu says philosophically, "we'd give up long before we got to the big ones." She sets the menu aside for her turn looking through the draft report ... "Hmm ... looks like you got most of it. Are you going to include that guy's real name, assuming we get it from the government with local jurisdiction?

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna stifles a series of giggles at Kirito's consternation. "That's a great report, Amalthea." She says. Pause. "where's my waffles?"

Reker (631) has posed:
    It always takes Reker a lot of time to get anywhere when he's traveling in meatspace world. But eventually the door opens to the cafe, and the man limps in. He's actually walking, although with the help of a cane. Wearing shorts, the prothestic right leg is pretty evident.

    Reker the person actually looks remarkably similar to Reker the avatar. Same hairstyle, same unshaven stubble on his face. Of course avatar reker doesn't have the eyepatch or the prosthetics replacing his leg and arm. He waves with the false left hand as he closes the door, "So what'd I miss? Sorry I'm running late."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe Says "Staren's about a subtle as an Tidal Wave." She notes as sghe moves to get her order from Angil and she looks over.

"The only people aisde from our crew who will have any idea about what's ...."

She pauses at hr smart phone.

"Are Thinker and Yuler, and I just got a text from the latter asking what the heck happened."

Staren has posed:
    "I don't like subtle--" Staren blinks. "Amalthea?" She explains though, and he shrugs. Tomoe's comment gets a nod. And the latest man to arrive... "Reker?" Staren's surprised meatspace Reker looks so much like avatar Reker.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "I'm aware." Amalthea jibes in agreement with Tomoe. But then the unicorn frowns. "Giving up should never be an option for these kinds of things." Replied to Xiaomu as she sits back in her seat. "Still. We probably saved a lot more lives now that Death Gun is out of the game, but it feels way too much like we barely hit the tip of the iceberg."
    Enter the Reker. Amalthea tiiiilts to one side to see around the others at the man who looks familiar. "Is that-..."
    With a thump at the seat besider her, she summarily decides, "Get over here you magnificent bastard and sit your ass down. I'm buying this man a beer."

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna sees Reker walk in and turns to Kirito. "Fourty yen."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Like I've been saying," Xiaomu remarks, "the way Death Gun went down looked a *LOT* like a big ol' event flag to help set up the final boss fight."

She's about to place her order when her phone rings, rather stridently - like a boss warning siren from some shoot-em-up - and she sighs explosively, grabbing her staff and her phone. "Make it a grilled ham and cheese to go, Owner," she asks Agil. "I can't stick around to eat it here if that's what I think it is ..."

She steps outside to deal with her phone call; a couple minutes later, she steps back in to collect her food. "Yep, gotta head back to my Tokyo ... sorry, see you all around!"

Reker (631) has posed:
"I don't get out much." Reker says, as he grins towards Staren and Amalthea, since they seem to be the first ones to notice him. He moves over and sits down next to Amalthea, "Do I even want to know why you're here?" He wonders, "Nah, it doesn't matter, since you're buying."

    A quick glance around at everyone, "I think I know who most of you are, either in game or out. Yes, I am Reker. Or Blake, if you'd prefer."

Kirito has posed:
    With Reker arriving, Kirito turns to look. Reker's given a welcoming smile and gestured over! "Hey. We actually did it. What do you think of that?" Juuust trying to keep positive right now.

    Even though he sort of sweatdrops at Asuna...

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna giggles again. Very quietly. She enjoys teasing Kirito a little. Just a little.

Very little.

.... and about ten minutes later, she's passed out on his shoulder asleep.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "You don't know why I'm here?" Amalthea repeats. Before pointing a finger at her eyepatch. "Even if I start speaking with a cheesy french accent?"
    Hon hon hon.
    Though she does wave Agil for a beer for Blake. "I said I was in town for the best latency for the tournament. I figured I could ditch the RP gear and relax." Mused as she tips back in her seat. "Anyway, Death Gun's dealt with and we won the BoB. All of us. So I figured it'd be my treat."
    A pause.
    "I can finally say I won a tournament too, when people harp on Ariel's WMAT win."
    Her reasons were wholly not self serving at all.

Reker (631) has posed:
    Reker shakes his head a little bit at Amalthea's response, "Yeah I don't know how they plan on handing out the rewards for an eleven way tie, but that's besides the point." He gets his beer, good 'ol imported American beer, and takes a drink, "Yeah, speaking of tournaments, out of one and into another, huh?"

    He takes another long drink from his beer, and then sets it down for a moment, "I think I may stick with the wander mode for that one. Hard to look like an indestructable super soldier with a prothstetic arm."

Kirito has posed:
    Geeze. All of a sudden Asuna's sleeping against him. Kirito goes a little wide-eyed at this development. Juuuuust for a moment. He mutters something in a warm tone under his breath about not being a bed, but seems fine with this development. Although it's sliiiiightly embarassing in public...

    Nothing. Just make this really sheepish sort of face.

    "... And now I can convert back to Spriggan. That'll make the WMAT much more fun."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    A sigh, and abeer for herself, and Amalthea props her chin on her palm, sipping slowly. "I think I've had my fill of video game fun times after that. It was fun and all, but also pretty harrowing." She decides before ruffling her own hair.
    An act that sends sparkles and glitter everywhere.
    "You're both in the WMAT, huh? Ariel's back at it again this year, but I don't think she's in the same bracket as you guys. Good luck anyway, though. ... Anyway getting together like this after all that chaos was pretty nice."