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WMAT CQ1 Tommy Oliver vs Toph Beifong
Date of Scene: 13 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Northern Mountains
Synopsis: The Green Ranger faces The Blind Bandit! Rocks fall, beams fly as the green meets green!
Cast of Characters: 20, Rebecca Chambers, Neuroi Girl, 707, 775, 776, 799
Tinyplot: WMAT15

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Finally it's time! It's her turn to fight in the WMAT, after waiting for one whole freaking year where she lost in her very first match and then lost most of the matches due to... other circumstances. And this year they get at least two fights due to the qualifying rounds.

    The blind girl had been rather adamant in the choice of venue as she signed them up for the Northern Mountains themselves, a place that any earthbender would approve of. There's earth and rocks everywhere to be used, and well... this better be good.

    For now Toph is standing ready and waiting, clearly seeing no need for a grand entrance for today's match. As always she looks confident, calm and small as ever as she waits for her opponent.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    There's no reason for a grand entrance. There really never is a chance for such grand entrancing when you're a Power Ranger. In fact, the entrance is usually the weakest thing a Ranger has in their arsenal. Too bad there's no Ranger present at this exact moment.

    Likely has more to do with dramatic appeal than anything else.

    Wandering out of the landcape and background is none other than Tommy Oliver. He's wearing his white karate gi with black belt (because teenagers with attitude are always black belts). Underneath, though, is a green sleeveless tank (for reasons!) and he's even got on a green headband in classic Daniel-San style. No shoes on his feet as he wanders right towards the field of competitive battle, dropping his green duffle bag along the way.

    Sure is a lot of green, huh?

    "Toph." Tommy says with a smile. The optimism practically beams off his teeth. "You ready for this? I know I am." He bounces on his heels a little bit and throws a random punch or two at the air. Quick hands!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Too bad all the green is lost on Tommy's opponent, huh?

    When Tommy arrives Toph allows herself a slight grin. "An earthbender is always ready!" With that she adapts a wide stance, her feet apart as she moves her hands up in front of her torso, facing inwards in her typical ready stance. It's a clear invitation for Tommy to strike out, and she confirms this vocally too.

    "Ladies first!" Heck, one can always hear the shit eating grin in her voice. There's no denying it, Toph is looking forward to this fight too, and she seems intent on winning!

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    "Oh, you're hilarious."

    Tommy's ponytail swings as he advances on Toph with athletic speed and a grin. Nothing too fancy to kick things off as he's more focused on just getting a chance to see what's going on with this Earthbender's style. He might as well see what she can do.

    Tommy's up in the air and extending a foot almost as quickly as he took those initial steps. "Hah!" Civilian clad Rangers always have to make those noises. It's part of the appeal!

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka wouldn't miss this. Sure he might have seen a video or two, but videos are eminently forgettable. There's no substitute for gauging a fighter's strength with your own eyes... unless of course it's with your own fists. And Toph... Toph is INTERESTING. Confident and not without cause, balanced and focussed... and intent on getting stronger. In short, she looks tasty indeed. That's the problem with unripe fruit though. It always LOOKS tasty.

    He smirks when she taunts her foe. "Who is trolling now, I wonder?" he asks aloud. Not loud, not at all. His words are just well-timed to ring in just as Tommy stops talking. When the fans are all quietish to hear him, but before they actually start cheering the actual fighting.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     Somehow, having ended up right next to Hisoka, Brad shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth. He chews, loudly. "GO TOPH!" he shouts out, and then pauses, because technically isn't this green fighting man a Union ally, too? "ALSO GO GREEN FIGHTING MAN!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I'm a master at more than earthbending," Toph smirks, feeling Tommy as he advances, every step he takes resonating throughout the ground. It's easy to see him coming, and well... he's fast, she'll give him that. It's not like she's fought him before, nor does she know what his style is like.

    Though there is something that catches her attention from the stands. While the girl doesn't turn her head fully she does shift slightly, and that's just when Tommy leaps into the air. Except he's a bit quicker than Toph imagined he would be. Suddenly Toph feels a foot hitting her in the arms, and she lets out a grunt, standing her ground as she skids back slightly, digging her heels into the ground... though she does twist her right foot somewhat.

    In response an earthen pillar shoots up right in front of her, aimed right at Tommy's abdomen.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
While the WMAT may still be in preliminary qualifiers, you can still get to see some fun matches - and Xiaomu put a major dent in her entertainment budget by getting tickets good for the whole tournament; she *WILL* use them. She appreciates Toph's skills, and while she doesn't know as much about Tommy, seeing other martial artists going at it is always fun anyway.

On the other hand, she isn't actually cheering for either of them just yet; she may be determining who she prefers first. "Guess it's not easy being green, huh?" she sidecomments to Bradley ... and probably to Hisoka too, although she'd be just as happy NOT seeing him. At least they're both just watching - it had better stay that way.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     As Bradley cheers for both and Hisoka makes a very quiet yet easily heard comment, there is a slight whisper of sound above them. Something like a gentle sliding of metal against metal. Then, the Neuroi known as Evangeline floats down and lands on Bradley's shoulders, a leg on either side of his neck.

     "...goooo Toooph..." comes her only slightly louder than Hisoka's voice. She then looks down at Bradley. "...hello..." The littlest Neuroi may have been hanging out with the more rambunctious Strike Witches a bit too much.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    Tommy's feet hit the ground just long enough for him to realize that there's something happening. His instincts are pretty quick but not that quick. He throws hands up as he watches growth from the ground extend upwards at him. His eyes bug out slightly as he wasn't really prepared for such shenanigans and he catches earthen pillar to the gut!

    Tommy recovers with practiced martial arts stamina, his body only slightly doubled over. His feet back up and he takes a moment to fall into a quick karate stance. He narrows his eyes at the pillar that just struck him and he moves swiftly. "Sorry about this, Toph. I really hate to /soil/ your fun."

    Tommy spins towards the pillar and brings a heel around to break some of that pillar. A quick heel-kick to shatter it slightly. His body continues to spin in a fluid motion and he brings his other foot around as well, cracking it a bit more. One more rotation and that heel is back in play, breaking the final piece off again and hopefully sends that sailing at Toph! He's not an earthbender so he has to do it old school style.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    From the stands, Hisoka winces as Tommy lands some attacks and Toph seems... distracted? Well, if she's THAT easily-distracted, he's not going to be having much fun. Time to see if she's as distractable as she seems!

    "It's coming from your left!" he calls out helpfully from the stands, seemingly trying to help the poor blind girl deal with a flying attack. Then a pause. "Oops, I meant MY left." he adds blandly.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     "Oh, hey, Evangeline," Brad says, glancing upwards. It's not the first time he's had a metal girl land on his shoulders before. "How's the view up there?"

     To Hisoka, "Hey, you're not supposed to help them!"

     Xiaomu's comment about the difficulties of being green causes him to look at the two fighters. "They're both green," he murmurs, almost shocked.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Huh, he seemed to take that really well, being rather nimble. And he even tosses out a pun?

    "It takes a lot more than that, considering how GROUNDED I am!" she snaps back, then blinks when he's working on breaking her pillar. Really? The earthbender arches an eyebrow at that. "Really? If you think that..." Then his final kick breaks it more than she thought he would. Just as she's about to react to it however she hears that grating voice again, and what the crud does he mean, it...


    Not many people get to say that they have struck the self proclaimed greatest earthbender of all time with a rock in the face, now do they? Toph barely stumbles back however, though she /is/ muttering some words a fine young lady of a noble Earth Kingdom family should never ever utter in fine company.

    There's still a red mark on her face when she withdraws her hands and then throws them out towards him quickly two times, fingers spread, and in response a series of spikes shoots out towards Tommy, dust and rubble whirling up along with it.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline tilts her head slightly at Brad's question, then looks out toward the battle. "...it is...alright..." she says. Brad might wonder why it feels like there is barely any weight on his shoulders. Eva rarely actually sits. She floats even when she is sitting most of the time.

     As she sits there, she looks over at Hisoka. "...a spotter can be advantageous in combat..." she says. Of course, looking is also a loosly fitting term, since Evangeline has no facial features. No eyes, nose, or mouth. The Neuroi returns her attention to the battle, getting quiet for now.

     And then, rather randomly, she says softly, "...you have not taken me to a concert yet..."

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    Tommy is not prepared for this. He really isn't. He's actually smiling when he manages to stablize himself from his attack launched at Toph. He doesn't particularly seem to be too worried about a response because he's used her own stuff against her!

    Then? Spikes. Dirt, Dust, Rubble and SPIKES. They strike him as if he were just waiting for this to happen. He might as well have been a sitting duck. There's blood trickling from various points on his arms and two spots on his neck (almost like a vampire bite) but nothing too serious.

    "Ugh. I see your... point." Tommy stumbles back to his feet and pulls two fingers from his neck and looks at the blood there. He frowns slightly. "I'm gonna' let you in on a little secret about me, Toph. A lot of people get mad when they see blood. I don't. I get even." With a quick shift of his feet to spread them apart, Tommy's hand goes behind his back. Tommy raises his lowered head and smirks.

    "It's Morphin' Time! Dragonzord!"

    The details of an epic transformation sequence are spared but almost instantaneously Tommy Oliver has been reclothed in green and white spandex with a big gold shield over top. Out of place motorcycle helmet and all, the GREEN RANGER has arrived. He yanks his Dragon Dagger off his belt and gives it a twirl. "Like this! Hi-yah!" His helmet moves with those words because he has no visible mouth now. Weird.

    Tommy is in the air with a super jump of Mario-esque proportions. He comes down hard at Toph with a swipe and slice combination of Dragon Dagger superiority!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Just ignore the troll, ignore the troll...

    Toph stands ready even after her attack strikes Tommy, and he gets to feel what earthbending is really like. And heh, he even tosses in another pun. "At least you see something," she says with the tiniest smirk crossing her lips.

    Then he assumes a pose and... wait, is this like one of those transformation sequences they have on the Saturday morning cartoons that Jarvis always seems to enjoy explaining to her?

    "Dragonwhat?" she asks, and though she can't actually see most of what's going on, she does feel the big gold shield there as well as the helmet.

    And there he goes, leaping even higher?! It sure felt like he put a lot more into it this time, and Toph throws her arms up as two large earthen plates shoot up from the ground into a bridge over her, though it seems her opponent is stronger now as he crashes through the rock, aided with his dagger that slices into Toph's arm and shoulder, drawing blood!

    The blind girl yelps slightly, gritting her teeth together as she draws her other arm back just as she's struck, then throws it upwards, causing the earth around them all to explode into several sharp rocks and dust, though Toph is unharmed by it thanks to her bending it might hurt Tommy if he's not quick enough to move away.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka looks up and around at being addressed, blinking as he sees who's in the stands with him. "Banana." he grins, not clarifying. And then there's a black floating Mechanical. Intriguing... but not quite as interesting at the fight. And what a fight! The little earthbender finally seems to be dishing out some, and her opponent... fascinating.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    The Green Ranger is rocked solid (get it?) by the sudden explosion of Earth. There's a very specific manner in which he's hit by the combination of rocks and dust that sends him sailing backwards and spinning in the air. As the explosion hits him, sparks fly off his suit in directions they shouldn't even be going. "Gah!"

    The Green Ranger's body hits the ground and he rolls for a foot or two before he stumbles up and onto one knee. His Dragon Dagger is gripped tightly as he holds the the diamond of his shield. "Man. Things are gettin' rocky." His helmet nods through the words to make sure the spectators know he's the one actually talking. "Sorry about the 'sight' crack. I didn't know." Even the Green Ranger can't accidentally be burning people about their ailments. He's from the 90's. That's totally uncool. "You're even more awesome than I originally thought!"

    Green Ranger pushes back up to his full stance and he draws back the Dragon Dagger. "Try this on for size!" He pauses for a second and the Dragon Dagger seems to glow slightly with a bit of green energy. He then gives it a swipe into the air in front of him and sends a wide beam of concussive energy in Toph's direction. Yeah. It's green.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     "Oh yeah," Brad says to Evangeline, like he's just remembering. "Yeah, been busy with school and helping Jen save the world and football. How's next week sound? I think there's this piano guy coming to Tremorton..."

     To the fight, Brad yells: "Suplex! Do a suplex! C'mon Team Mean and Green!"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu pauses in munching on her snacks, turns to look at Brad. "Uh. Isn't that both of them? Like you pointed out a moment ago?"

She's not remotely disapproving of it, mind you, just amused.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
She's been here for all this time, but only now is she really noticed. Rebecca Chambers has been watching mostly quietly, but eating her snacks and drinking her soda pop. She's a bit of a stoic person for the most part, but she has her emotional sides. That includes times other than being hunted by Bio-Organic Weapons too! As Rebecca watches, she does clap occasionally, but she doesn't really cheer.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's pretty hard to evade such a large explosion of earth, and Toph remains standing there, assuming a defensive stance again, a determined look on his face. Dammit, her arm and shoulder stings! The effects should be easily seen as blood stains Toph's shirt and tunica, some blood dripping on the ground. She's still got that mark square in her face too, though it probably would be worse if she hadn't been blind.

    When he apologises though? Toph lets out a snort. "Oh yeah, because my middle feelings are so hurt about people making jokes that I myself have been making for years. COME ON ALREADY!" Toph yells, not the type to be coddled. Seriously, if she herself jokes about her blindness then it's okay! "And of course I'm awesome, Froggy!"

    When he swipes out with his dagger Toph only has a sneaking suspicion of what it might be due to previous experiences in the field, and sure enough... beam attack. It's kind of like being hit with an airbender attack, something you can't really see. Though Toph is more used to sparring with Aang than she is with dealing with beam energy. So another cut strikes Toph as she steps forward and to the side, kicking up a wall that the beam slices through, and then cuts Toph's side, drawing more blood. Again Toph yelps, though she continues onward, finishing her motion as she first kicks into the ground, then throws her arms up.

    Behind her a large earthen wave rises... and then falls down around her towards Tommy, casting large shadow as it blocks out the sun.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    This Green Ranger is from the time period of morals to stories and helping children of all ages understand that they should not mock anyone! Everyone is special in their own way! Everyone is awesome. So his apology is maybe even more for his own benefit than hers. But that is neither here nor there.

    What is here /and/ there? Rockalanche.

    The Green Ranger spots the oncoming wave of earth and would cuss if he was allowed to. He actually stands there for a moment before he realizes what's about to happen and he turns... and runs. Fast. But it is not fast enough. In fact, the faster he runs the bigger the shadow cast seems to be.

    When the Rockalanche comes crashing down on him, the Green Ranger is barely even capable of doing anything but get crushed. So DIRECT is the HIT that sparks don't even fly this time. He goes down pretty hard and grunts through the pain. His spandex is dirty (really dirty) at this point but at least it lacks holes. It is some strong stuff! Morphin' Green crawls and digs his way from beneath the earth that had toppled him and stumbles his way to both of his feet. It takes him a second to wobble around to face Toph and he has to pause long enough to straighten his shield. "Well. /That/ sucked."

    In a moment of RARE USE, the Green Ranger goes for his Blade Blaster. Hoisting the blaster in one hand and his Dragon Dagger in the other, he LETS THOSE POWERS COMBINE and sends forth a combined blast of green and red energy off towards Toph. He'd say something clever about keeping his distance but that hasn't really worked in his favor lately so forget it.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Is Toph actually /laughing/ when Tommy turns tail and runs? Quite possibly. It's all rather dramatic though, as Toph loves acting. Must be due to her having done professional earthbending fights and being used to adding theatrics, huh?

    "Yeah, good luck doing /that/!" she calls, then feels the earth crashing down around her opponent. It's not enough to kill him, now when he's got that weird suit of his. No, if she didn't give it all then what's the point? Tommy is a big boy, and underestimating him does them both disservice.

    When he gets ready to attack again Toph narrows her eyes. A blaster or something, huh? Perhaps it's due to the distance between them, perhaps it's luck that allows Toph the time to erect a ten foot thick wall between them. This time she's not going to count on a thin wall blocking his attacks! The combined power hits the wall, and Toph grunts as she slams her hands into the wall and wills it to keep together, even as it cracks from the force that Tommy just put into it.

    It shakes however, and Toph feels it as the wall /barely/ holds. Though it's time to repay that...

    The blind girl draws her right arm back... and punches the massive earthen barrier, weakened as it was from Tommy's attack, and several large rocks and boulders fly towards the Green Ranger.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    Green Ranger is probably doing some gawking from beneath that helmet. He can't believe her wall just took that! His shoulders slump to help show his disheartened state. This is worse than fighting one of Rita's monsters. This girl has too much skill! Tommy is actually enjoying himself, even if things are not going his way at this particular moment.

    Maybe it is the HUD inside the helmet that helps him realize that something is about to come back his way. Maybe it is the fact that he's learned to always expect something from her. Who knows! Either way, he's already mounting some sort of defense in the form of another one of those Dragon Beams. This one arcs wide to blast through the rocks headed in his direction. Most of the boulders and stuff get blasted and shattered to harmlessness!

    Tommy's into another super leap and catches a pair of large rocks to the gut on his way up. "Hiy-urk!" It throws off his air getting for a moment, but a somersault in mid-air helps him to try and recover. Sparks fly from both of those rocks and their impact. Tommy's somersault opens back up into a twin-footed dropkick towards Toph's chest! Incoming! Hopefully, gravity will help him put a little more stank on it!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Skill is something that Toph prides herself on in addition to her raw power.

    Toph lets out a heavy breath, though she frowns when she feels Tommy block the massive attack of all the rocks that she sends his way with another of those beam attacks. At least that's what she assumes it is considering she can feel the rocks disintegrate into harmless dust that at best cover the area in a earthily fog that eventually settles.

    There he is leaping again, and Toph braces herself, though she doesn't have the time to raise a ten foot thick wall this time around! The wall she does raise should hopefully offer /some/ protection, at least lessen the attack...

    When the Green Ranger kicks through the earthen plates this time around, he hits her square in the chest, and the blind girl falls back, the air knocked out of her as her eyes widen in shock and surprise. A silent gasp leaves her, and though the pain is still felt in her entire chest, even if she swears all of her muscles have been bruised, the girl doesn't give up.

    With her arms already out to the side, Toph tears her focus away from the pain and focuses on all the earth around her. And as she falls back and hits the ground, she slams her fists into the earth on either side of her.

    Suddenly, the ground is no longer there as both she and the Green Ranger /plummet/ into the ground as it opens up in a large hole, earthen spikes shooting out at Tommy. Though the earth that moves towards Toph move with a different purpose, shaping itself into rock armour covering everything but her mouth. The armour softens her landing into the sand bottom somewhat, though Tommy might have a less pleasant fall down those thirty feet of spikes.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    Slow Motion Activated.

    The Green Ranger is hardly prepared for the likes of what happens next. He barely has time to register the fact that there's really nothing he can do about no longer having anything to stand on. The disappearance of the ground is enough to make it so that he can only flail his arms around. His shield and his Dragon Dagger make for a poor defense against gravity. While armored with his own spandex design, the Green Ranger has nothing to help stop him from falling with great vigor and even more velocity towards the lifetime supply of Earth Spikes. It is a collision that causes more explosive sparks of violent injustice upon the great Green Ranger.

    The amount of pain is hard to tell from the fact that Tommy's helmet is on nice and tight. His suit is darker and more burned from the constant sparking than it was before. This is a very visual indicator that maybe The Power (has Zordon calls it) is losing this battle against the earth, as opposed to the Earth (which is what it was supposed to protect). Somehow, though, the Green Ranger is capable of moving after being nearly impaled on a collection of sharp rock flavored acupuncture. Ranger boots kick at the sharpness of a couple of those rocks to dull them as he fights to get to his feet.

    Tommy is shaky, that much is obvious. But his gloved fist comes up and clenches in determination. That helmet nods again with his speech. "Two can play that game." He gives a mighty kata and suddenly that Dragon Dagger is back in his hands. Wherever it was before probably has to do with lack of footage for this kind of fight but it has returned! In glorious not-plastic glory! "SIK-" Tommy raises the Dragon Dagger above his head and the energy around it crackles and gathers up with power beyond what is normally used. "HAAAAAAAAH!" Tommy gives a small hop and drops to a knee, bringing the Dragon Dagger down into the Earth below him, stabbing the ground and sending a surge of green lightning-styled energy into the rocks themselves, hoping it will flow Power Shockwave its way through the rocks and Toph! Eh. Power Ranger Physics.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A groan leaves Toph as she hits the ground, ugh! Just how hard did Tommy kick her? She can feel it all over, and moving hurts right now. It's visible that no matter how tough Toph is, she still is hurt rather seriously. And it's only getting better.

    She gets to her feet again, and Toph spits, some fresh blood adding colour to her saliva thanks to a cut lip. "This isn't a game, Froggy..." she points out before she rushes forward, intent to stop him before his next attack! Crashing through earthen spikes and whirling up sand, Toph advances as Tommy raises his Dragon Dagger and gathers up energy, and she's just about to crash into him when he stabs the sand which is suddenly lit up by green lightning.

    It travels up through the rock armour, and the blind girl cries out as she's thrown back, crashing into the wall of the pit with a loud yelp of pain. The lightning crackles and dances about her as she hits the floor next, though it doesn't seem like the girl is staying down for good. Her rock covered arms are shaky as she pushes herself up, heaving for breath. Around them, the pit quivers and shakes.

    All until Toph throws her arms up, and the pit explodes in a sand eruption that throws them upwards without warning!

    The spikes follow along with them, and as Toph launches herself upwards she grunts and punches out, sending more earthen spikes and rubble towards Tommy. When she lands she lands roughly, heaving for breath as she gathers her strength. It can't be long left of the match now!

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    The Green Ranger actually looks at the Dragon Dagger after such power. Either to make sure its okay or to make sure it actually just did that. He's going to have to talk to Zordon about that one. Rita must've hooked him up with a lot of juice that he should've been using when he was evil. Oh well. At least it just came in handy right then.

    The sudden aerial bliss is something that Tommy is used to, even though he's not prepared for it. It's almost like some sort of precursor to his usual super jumping. However, this time he gets blasted with two spikes and a side of jagged rubble. The other stuff kind of misses but still sparks fly. These sparks are more subdued, though, as they kind of ping off the Dragon Shield that protects him!

    "Thanks for the lift..." Tommy's words become clear as it looks like he's riding a particularly large piece of rock that has been sent upwards. Or at least he's balancing on it for quick enough moment that allows him to step on another one and use that to push off in his super leaping motion.

    Once in the air Tommy extends his arms outward for just a moment and seems to hover dramatically. The Dragon Dagger is suddenly no longer in his hands and is hooked on his side. Where the Blade Blaster went is anyone's guess. This stuff just kind of happens, okay? Anyway, the Green Ranger's moment of hovering is only there to allow for dramatic purposing as he sails downward in Toph's direction. However, a moment after his descent begins he brings his arms to his chest and spins, with superhuman rapidness! Like... like a corkscrew! And this time those feet are aimed to take Toph back into the ground and drill her right into the earth that she loves so much.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit, Tommy really does well in the air, doesn't he? Something to remember for later...

    When he makes another joke she lets out a dry laugh, wincing as she feels pain in her side. Dammit, he most likely broke some of her ribs by the feel of it. The healers will have one hell of a job fixing all of this.

    Again Tommy leaps at her, and Toph braces herself, letting out a loud grunt as he kicks at her from above. With her arms above her she does take the major force of the attack, and the ground cracks underneath her as she does her best to not bow under it all. Crouching in a wide stance does give her balance at least, but she does feel it as the force of the kick travels through her arms, down her torso and oh holy shit this hurts!

    Even if Toph doesn't get knocked all the way down into the ground she does sink down to thigh level at least. Though at the same moment something else happens.

    The rock on her arms shifts, aiming to wrap itself around Tommy's leg. And if successful, the girl will let out as mighty a roar a small teenage girl can as she seeks to slam Tommy straight into the ground.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    Green Ranger can't react that fast. He's a Power Ranger not a Superhero! Wait-- nevermind. Anyway, Tommy's yanked by the sudden collection of rock around his legs and before he knows what happens he's getting smashed and slammed into the ground with all the force of... Earthbender Hulk!

    It hurts. You can tell it hurts because Tommy's helmet is dented. Like, the helmets never dent. This one's dented. And a little bit of the visor is cracked. This is new territory for the Green Ranger. He's going to have to talk to Alpha about some upgrades.

    There's a hesitation in movement from the spandex clad body because Tommy might've lost his mobility for a half-tick there. Something inside him makes him want to Power On. And it is then that he manages to roll. Some of the rock comes off but there's still rock clinging to his legs. "Ugh." Tommy tries to kick off some more of that rock. "I gotta' hand it to you. You seriously rock." Another pun. Geez.

    Tommy barely gets to his feet. His points with a gloved finger, even if his aim is a little off. "But I'm gonna' make you see the light." What?

    Tommy brings his hands to the Morpher buckles and a green light of bad CGI comes from above and takes the Green Ranger away. He's not gone long though because that same green light comes down again, above Toph, and unleashes the Green Ranger from above, both heels aimed at the top of her skull.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps a certain doctor Banner would be amused if he had been here to see the stubborn earthbender pull off one of the big guy's moves. But hey, it's the best way to make sure Tommy doesn't leap away from her so she can actually pay him back! And luckily he only gets slammed down into the ground /once/. And it would hurt a hell of a lot more if the Hulk himself did it, if that's a minor comfort at the moment.

    The force breaks some of the rock further, and before Toph knows it the Green Ranger has rolled away and offers her a compliment. She's panting heavily at this point, her breathing shallow due to her broken ribs. "And you sure as hell are living up to your name, Froggy," she gasps, assuming a wide stance again. Let's end this here and now.

    Before he makes stupid points.

    "And good luck with that, I don't even know what light is!"

    What? Where the crud did he go? Suddenly he's there, and the next he's not, he's gone somewhere... but he didn't jump, she would have felt him kick off and... better get ready! Toph moves her hands up, shifting the rock armour to focus on defense from above, considering he likes to jump. This is one hell of a risk, but... Toph brings her right fist back, waiting for just the right moment.

    A loud crack echoes throughout the arena as Tommy lands right on top of Toph's head, the rock cracking slightly and ringing throughout her head to the point where the blind girl nearly stumbles. But the rock armour keeps her upright, and the very moment she feels something connect with her rock armour, she's already punching out with her right arm. In response a large earthen spike shoots out diagonally from behind her, aimed directly at the area above her where Tommy is kicking down into her skull and nearly striking her unconscious.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
    The Green Ranger probably shouldn't leap around so much even with the Power to Protect him. There's barely a moment where he realizes that things are starting to go in the favor of Toph. This was kind of her turf but the fact of the matter is that he's still in the air. It's hard to dodge things when you're in the air. And soon enough there's a Rocky Horror Picture Spike thrust into him with all the fury of a pissed off Tim Curry.

    If this were a Street Fighter stage there'd be an echoing sound of pain. Instead, there's a huge explosion of sparks and the Green Ranger falls. It's a long fall. Almost like a fall from a fifty foot Dragon robot. Or however tall it is. "AHHHHHHH!" By the time the Green Ranger hits the ground, his suit is gone and he's back in his karate civvies. He smacks the ground hard and just lays there. His knees are up for just a second but soon those legs flatten too.

    Yup. The Power's Out.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    After the spike connects with Tommy the blind girl stumbles forward, feeling dizzy and aching. Ugh, she's lost so much blood from this, which should be clear as there's blood dripping from some places in her cracked armour. Leaning forward she has to rest her hands on her knees, heaving for breath. And in the distance she feels that Tommy is not getting up. Which only means one thing.

    "The winner.... TOOOOPH BEIFOOOOOOOONG!" the announcer calls, and the chimes go across the arena.


    Toph coughs with a wince before she flops down on her ass, waiting for the medics to pick her and Tommy up. The guy does know how to fight, that's for sure. Not to mention he can actually take a punch and joke about it.