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WMAT AQ1 N'raha vs Shigure
Date of Scene: 15 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Northern Mountains
Synopsis: Shigure and N'raha have a massive slugfest over who is the better Armored Person.
Cast of Characters: 626, Shigure, 739, N'raha Tia

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure skates out across the water of one of the lakes, crossing from one side to the other to reach the agreed battleground. Smoke billows from a tiny pair of smoke stacks on her backpack rig, the cannons repaired from the last fight with Mokuba and his holographic creatures. She waves politely to one of the hover-cameras, before mounting up the embankment and walking up the incline.

    While waiting for her opponent to show, she checks her gear again, the torpedo turrets traversing, and small doors opening to flip out her AA battery, then retracting back. She then stands there, enjoying the quiet before the storm of battle, a fairy sitting on her shoulder with a bento box, silently thanking Kami for the food, before digging in.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
Up in the stands, an aqua-haired girl sits with a bucket of popcorn. She's wearing an oversized white shirt with Shigure's face printed on it, and waving a penant with the same image. "Go, go, Shigure! Show your fleet pride!" Suzuya had to sneak out earlier before Kumano stopped her. Her sister would probably never let her leave wearing something like that, but Suzuya had to come show her support!

N'raha Tia has posed:
    If She was going for maximum cute, the Desert Marvel is here to rock and roll.

    N'raha's form coaleses out of the Aether at the New-U station, the anchor point for the warp network guiding that teleport spell. Gone is the flighty, out-of-his depth miqo'te. Not today. Today the young man looks resolute. He looks ready. That heavy red armor has a dull sheen of slick magic and polish. His axe sparkles. He's been preparing for this.

    Booted feet start to transverse towards the combat arena, and the catman waves gauntleted hands up to the cameras and the stands.
    Mylla had given him pointers. Put on a good show. Don't let them see you falter. Beat them down and take the prize.

    "I can do this." The words are murmured more to himself as he steps up.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "WOO! N'RAHA!!!" Kyra's not actually in the stands with the other spectators but much closer to ringside. Being an officially registered medic does have its perks and it did mean she needed to hang out nearby the combatants, ready to rush in in case something went really wrong. She, of course, takes advantage of this fully, using her closer quarters to capture better footage of the fight for her stream.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure turns as she spots the distant flash of the Teleport. She turns, shooing the fairy back into her Rigging to finish her lunch. Said fairy gives a big old pout, but scuttles away and vanishes into a hidden porthole somewhere on that backpack.

    It's hard to see and hear people in the stands from here, but Shigure's cheeks flush a shade of red as a familiar voice wafts down on the breeze. "... Suzuya-onee..." she murmurs softly, smiling before she bows to the catman. "I am the Second ship of the Shiratsuyu-class Destroyers, Shigure." straightening, she pulls the little hand-cannon from her hip, and lifts it like someone would a dueling pistol. "Fight well, and look for victory on the Dawns Horizon." she offers, waiting for him to signal he's ready, before opening fire and dashing off in a wide circle around the axe-weilding Miqo'te.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha calls back. "My name is N'raha of Eorzea, the Desert Marvel. TILL SEA SWALLOWS ALL." Sure it's not a Thanalan response, but she's a boat so it matches. That axe hefts and he starts tromping his way forward, a tangible buildup of aether in the air as he starts to battle.

    The catman's reflexes aren't dulled by the armor, though. The hand cannon shot comes in, and N'raha's shoulder lowers into it, taking the blow against steel and bronze and aether, a backblast curving around his form. "Heh. Let's do this." He whirls in his motion, the axe making a wide arc in the air. A blast of irritating energy lashes out at Shigure, aiming to harass and annoy.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure shifts her stance, throwing herself hard around in a hopping pirouette, that energy blade grazing past her and leaving a tear in her serafuku, and a dark scratch-mark that looks more like a blast point against metal, than a blade strike against flesh.

    The Destroyer lands, and crouches, firing another volley of shots from her hand cannon, lining them up so they land where the Miqo'te is going to be, not where he is. "... strangely apt saying... were I an Abyssal." she muses softly.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Pow Pow Pow Pow. Grunting from N'raha as he simply... runs into the blasts, charging the Destroyer. He growls and tanks the hits, aiming to close the gap. "It's a pirate saying! So maybe?"

    The Marauder grins through the pain, a fangy little sneer, as he comes around for an attempted first strike. This girl seems like she's all about the range, so staying in close seems the right thing to do.

    Made of metal though, gotta get inside her defenses. The axe comes around, a heavy swing to try and cripple some of that stuff on her back and side. "Hrrrrrraaaah!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure watches the Marauder plow through her shells like they were nothing. He's like a Battleship! This isn't good. The Destroyer hooks her hand cannon back onto her hip, around the back, then with a deft shift of shoulders and a sweep back of her arms, those two larger bore cannons swing out and seem gripped like a pair of Tonfa.


    The Axe meets one of those cannon butresses, stopping dead in it's tracks and releasing that pent up energy harmlessly into the air, wafting the girls hair. She shifts her stance, and shows that she's not just about long range, as with a thunderous report, her other arm swings up in a haymaker, powered by the recoil of a blank shell fired from the cannon on the opposite side of the big, flat butress-plate.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "NIMBLE THING." KLONK. N'raha takes that punch in the shoulder, the report of the cannon startling him for a moment. A growling hiss as he kicks at the girl's belly, trying to put enough space in between the two of them to give his axe a place to bite.

    There's a buildup of aether, and he plants his feet. His stance is not that of a martial artist. It is not of any sort of nimble thing. It's an Axeman's stace. A lumberjack. And right now he's trying to fell the boat.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure stumbles back, losing her footing and can't right herself before that axe comes arcing around. The blade slams into her side, kicking up sparks and leaving a wonderfully black blast mark across the girls skin as the fabric of her Uniform shreds from the force. She gets sent stumbling sideways, groaning a bit from the recoil and attempting to right herself. Her eyes go empty for a moment, a flash of memory. "... control to port side, stop the flooding..." she murmurs softly.

    A firm shake of her head clears the images, and with a flourish, Shigure brings her Main Battery to bare... though it isn't the two big cannons that fire first. Instead, the two 25mm Autocannons open up, spraying explosive shells to limit maneuverability, then following up with two thunderous reports and billows of black smoke from the oversized barrels of those cannon tonfa.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Boom boom fire go the cannons and the catman is enveloped in a cloud of acrid black smoke, the thudding of shells on armor audible across the valley. But there's an equally audible howling cry as the Marauder comes barelling out of the cloud, his chestplate dented and smoking.

    Where she was attempting to limit movement, the miqo'te simply shoulderchecks the girl, attemtping to drive her into the dirt to give himself a good shot at.. The axe comes straight up, and straight down, blazing with aetheric energy. If you wanted a pumped up catman, you certainly have got one.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure ghhs, bringing those tonfa cannons around to take the brunt of the shoulder check, though that means she slams into the ground pretty damn hard. THe blazing axe head strikes true, biting deep into one of those cannon tonfa and tearing out the internals, sending Fairies scattering as it detonates from the inside.

    Shigure lifts her legs, and slams both of them in a bunny kick to get the cat-man away from her, before discarding the ruined cannon. "Tch... I will not give up here." She stats firmly, though her voice has remained that same soft murmur from the start, it somehow resonates more now, and a faint light cen be seen just behind her irises. She reaches down with her now unhindered hand, and extracts a single torpedo from the mount on her leg, holding it up across her face before a quick flick of her wrist, and a sweep of her arm, send it sailing through the air towards the Miqo'te.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The catman grins, something feral in his eyes as the axe comes around for another swing. "Didn't 'sepct you too, Shigu-"
    Ah crap, don't gloat you jerk you miss important stuff, like a dagger thrown right for your eyes. He manages to twist enough to take it in the chest instead, a nasty crunching noise as it goes through armor and pierces his flesh.
    He staggers backwards and hisses, snarling and trying to find himself again. A moment to center himself, and he stomps forward with a empowered motion, and swings the axe downwards. This time it's a wave of aether that lashes out, trying to swat at Shigure and any more of her fae that are flitting about.

Shigure has posed:
    The fairies get tossed around, luckily most of them wear parachutes for emergencies like this. They go sailing off into the distance, many of them coming down over the water, tiny little life rafts bobbing on the largely still surface, which the fairies use to cast fishing lines over... don't they know they're about the right size to BE fish bait? Sigh.

    Shigure herself skids back with her arms folded in front of her, digging two furrows into the ground. She then shifts her stance, and surges forward again while he's recovering from the strike, aiming to slam the flat butress of her tonfa into his chest, multiple shells firing to add more impact to the charging strike.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    It's a battle of tenacity versus firepower, that's for sure, and the catman keeps getting pummeled here. He looks a bit miffed at the lack of impact on that Overpower. That's usually been good for him in the p-

    Ah Twelves. He barely has tme to react to that charging blow which means the cannon fire and the tackle and all of it... once again he's gotta soldier through. He lowers his head and shoulder, the shells ringing off his helmet, smackign into his axe, the blade singing as he attempts to parry any of that, but there's a very sickening crunch as Shigure dunks herself into him. Something just broke. N'raha can't feel it right now, but something broke.

    Later. We'll worry about that later. He grins through the pain and hisses. "Pretty good. Like a girl who doesn't mind getting in close." He hehs, and twists in place. That axe comes up and over Shigure's frame, trying to trap her between the shaft and his body. Then he twists, aiming to put her in an awfully awkward shape, wrenching at that backpack of hers, trying to get it off of her.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure grunts as she's grabbed, her remaining cannon tonfa trapped between her and the bigger Miqo'te. She goans like metal under stress... wait, it's not her /groaning/ it's her actual body, it moans and squeals like a real metal hull being slowly crushed.

    The remaining cannon Tonfa emits a cracking sound, then something inside explodes violently. Hopefully this will get her out of that vice-like grip, though that arm hangs now at an awkward angle, the twisted wreckage of her remaining cannon still clinging to it. "To be able to corner me like this... well, whatever." With a sickening shriek of metal, Shigure rips the wreckage off her arm, then forces the superstructure underneath back into shape, experimentally flexing the arm and wincing at the jagged sensation... it'll fix later.

    She reaches down for that hand cannon again now, her 'backpack' having been the two cannons, and a tiny anchoring point for them. "I will show you the true power of the Nishimura Fleet... Fusou, Yamashiro... help me." she says, the latter murmured mostly to herself, as the right torpedo rack angles into position. It fires the four torpedoes with a burst of compressed air each, and then the Destroyer performs a quick roundhouse kick, slamming all four of the little cigar-shaped explosives out at the Miqo'te.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha's grin is blinding, as she backs away and sheds her damaged gear. "It is hardly my fault you keep wanting to get close to me, Miss Shigure." His tail flicks teasing- wait is he FLIRTING ON THE BATTLEFIELD? HOW IMPROPER!!!

    And then those launchers go Voomp Voomp Voomp and the catman.. .well he's been getting explosions all night. This is no different. He twists, trying to present his side at an angle rather than take the hits dead on. It only helps a few times as the last one smacks right into him with a crumple of his armor.
    But he's laughing now, a red glow overtaking his frame. A hungry, bloodthirsty look takes over those green eyes, and that axe glistens sickeningly. "COME ON!" He tanks the kick on his axe haft, and then swings around, a lashing dervish of death and scything blades. "LET'S DANCE, SHIGURE!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure grunts softly, any Abyssal would have fallen by now, save perhaps for a Battleship or one of the Capital ships. The Destroyer is beginning to think she's far out of her league as those slashes and smacks come sything at her. She dances alright, blades slashing across her arms as she raises them to defend herself, leaving large black smears across her skin. Uniform tears and shreds with each strike, and she staggers for a moment...

    That moment turns into her letting the momentum take her around in a circle, planting her foot, then sweeping around in an overhead axe kick, seeking to slam her rudder-clad heel down into the Miqo'te's shoulder, trying to find the chinc in the armour to really drive it home. She then uses the leverage to backflip off of her opponent, trying to gain some more space, though she's being driven more down toward the water.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The attack strikes N'raha right in the noggin, ringing his bell and staggering him backwards to fall on his tail. There's another /crunch/ there. That's not going to be swishing for the rest of the fight. He stumbles up to his feet, off balance without the tail, but he's not backing down. He's got her somewhat on the ropes, and is driving her back towards...
    The water. Ohhhh no you don't. Nope you ain't getting in your natural habitat, young lady. The Marauder/Battleship lets out a hiss of breath as his feet dig into the dirt, furrows of soil and rocks furrowing up owing to the malleable nature of this place. He's a red blur of motion as he whips around and tries to Flank the Destroyer. He charges in, and aims to hipcheck her into the dirt and follow it up with another empowered overhand chop.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure is hip checked away from the water, she skids along the ground, then barely manages to avoid the full impact of that overhead strike, she rolls to her feet and staggers back, panting for breath. She's battered, and broken... but somehow she's still fighting on, somehow she's still standing. Stubbornness? Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that she's still not staying down.

    A quick mental inventory lists her equipment. 12.7cm cannons: Offline. 10cm Long Caliber: Online. AA Battery: Offline. Torpedoes: Reloaded, Online. Shigure then gets a slightly surprised expression, which evolves into a... kind of devious smile, uh oh.

    With a shift of her stance, the Destroyer Girl emits an encapsulating aura of white-blue light, which expands to about three times her size... however, the thing that emerges isn't just three times the girls size. It's a full sized warship! That's 352ft 8in at the waterline level, and 1,685 Long Tons of metal that spike up and out of the bubble, then come crashing down, likely about to CRUSH the Miqo'te, unless he moves quickly.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "OH GODS WHAT-" Is all he's able to get out as N'raha rolls to the side, the wave of expandign dirt and amagic and fire and energy the roils out of Shigure as she slams into the ground at her fully expanded size battering him across the dirt and into the shallow end of the nearby lake.
    He's coughing and sputtering as he staggrs up and out of the water, but isn't about to give up. He's moving slow, that's for sure...

    But now she's fully sized out of the water, and there isn't a damn thing she can do about this one now.

    The miqo'te's axe raises, and... He starts chopping at her, below the water line. He's figured out the symbolism, and with great massive aether empowered swings of that Infero Axe, he starts cutting deeply below that barnacle paint.


    There is no flirting now, not after that mess.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure can't be seen within the hull of her Ocean Fit-out, but she can be /heard/ especially when that axe finally breaches her armour belt and slices into the compartments within. "This is as far as I go then..." she muses metallically, her voice coming from somewhere deep inside the ship.

    Just as quickly as it emerged, the ship vanishes, the metal melting out into motes of light which evaporate away, leaving the smoking, ruined frame of Shigure laying in the grass at about mid-ships. "Admiral... I'm sorry..."

    Her eyes close, and she lays there, still as if dead.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha grunts and grumbles as he staggers forward, planting his axe into the dirt. He leans on it with one hand and lits the other in triumph... and then stumbles over towards the fallet shipgirl. He grunts and fishes around in his pockets to pull out a Potion.

    And in the manner of his people, he tosses the thing over his head, the aetherical healing energy swatting into Shigure to rouse her. "Come on, miss. Nothin' to be ashamed of."

Shigure has posed:
    The potion so graciously used on the Destroyer... doesn't seem to have much of an effect, the black scoring around the girls midsection seems to get a little lighter in shade, and a flutter of her eyes squints one open, the blue iris behind that lid barely focussing on N'raha standing over her.

    . A team consisting of Kuma, Nowaki, Chitose and a girl with bright pink hair and rigging that looks like a mobile construction yard, come and pick up the downed Destroyer. They bow to the Miqo'te. "You fought well, kuma! Maybe I can take a swing at you next time, kuma~." says the Cruiser, beaming happily.

    The pink haired Construction Ship starts to work, piecing the Destroyer back together enough to get her into the Docks back at Hikari. They then set her on a stretcher, and set off in formation.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha snorts at the procession out of the arena, and then slumps to a sit on the ground. He seems to be trying to do something, but looks behind him at his bruised and kinked tail. "Dangit."
    And then he remembers his instructions, and hops back up to his feet, and waves to the crowd. And keeps waving until he can get over to the dugout or the changing rooms or whatever they call em around here. Then he makes pained wincing noises. His everything hurts.