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Latest revision as of 13:16, 16 August 2015

Date of Scene: 16 August 2015
Location: Hikari Sea Port
Synopsis: Shigure tries to drown out her failure with a parfait from Mamiya's. She's joined by friends and superiors who try to comfort the self beleaguered shipgirl.
Cast of Characters: 675, Nagato, Shigure, 739

Shigure has posed:
    It was a short trip back to Hikari, but a trip that still allowed Akashi to repair some of the damage incurrect on the little Destroyer. Enjoy that she could sit in Mamiya's little cafe and nurse a parfait while waiting for the Docks to become free. Carrier Group One and Five were both in there after recent sorties... so it might be a while.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
Soft footsteps sound in the cafe behind the damaged destroyer as Suzuya walks up behind her. She's still wearing that Shigure T-shirt from when she was cheering in the stands, too. "Heyyyy, Shigure! How are you feeling?" The heavy cruiser rests a hand on the girl's shoulder, smiling down at her. "Suzuya saw your fight. You did good!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure shifts her position... she hears those footfalls, and is silently hoping it's just someone passing by. That hope is dashed as Suzuya speaks up, and that hand comes to rest on the girls shoulder. Shigure doesn't seem to react outwardly though, save for the stopping of her spoon as it picked and nudged at her parfait... that giant thing Mamiya was famous for.

    "I let the fleet down... How am I supposed to bring back Yamashiro, when I can't even win a simple war game."

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Mmm..." Suzuya squeezes the destroyer's shoulder lightly. "Suzuya thinks the fleet will be more disappointed if you let Mamiya's parfait go to waste." She smiles and moves to sit down next to the girl. "Suzuya is super proud of you, you know! It was really brave to go fighting like that, all on your own. We're kanmusu... we're made to all fight together, but you were strong enough to go on your own, just like Kongou and Nagato! They're probably really proud of you, too." She gives Shigure's shoulder a light pat before letting her hand fall to her lap. "Besides, we'll all be there with you when it's time to bring back Yamashiro, even if it means Suzuya will lose her position as big sister."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure sighs softly. It's true enough... Mamiya's parfaits are something to treasure. She scoops a bit up, and pops it in her mouth as Suzuya speaks, blue eyes fixated on the ice cream. "Admiral is forming a rescue fleet..." she mentions, finally looking over at the green haired older girl. "She made me Flagship... and I... would like to ask you and Kumano to come with me."

Suzuya (739) has posed:
Eyes widen as she hears the news. "You're flagship? Oh wow, that means you're really trusted, Shigure!" She edges a bit closer, waiting for the destroyer to finsh her spoonful of ice cream, then throws her arms around Shigure's shoulders. "Being a flagship is a lot of responsibility! Suzuya would know!" She doesn't pull back from the hug, blinking several times at the request. "O..of course! Suzuya will definitely come with, and I'm sure Kumano will want to go as well."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "I think that sounds like an excellent idea." A smooth, cool sounding voice comes from the doorway to Mamiya's cafe. Silver hair and the black uniform of Alexander Academy with a black shoulder sash. Cirra Constantine holds her hands behind her back, "Shigure."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure mmfs at the hug, sitting limply in Suzuya's arms. She then hears Cirra, and turns her head a little to look at the stoic Dark Knight. "Cirra-san..." she replies, blinking a bit dumbly.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
Don't think Suzuya hasn't noticed that lack of reaction. She'll get through yet! Though instead of hanging on the destroyer, she gives Shigure one more squeeze and stands up again. "Oh, a visitor!" She may not know who it is, but it seems Shigure does, so she lifts her hand in greeting. "Mogami-class heavy cruiser third ship, Suzuya! Nice ta meetcha! Did you come to visit Shigure, then?"

Nagato has posed:
    It's rare that Nagato's actually out on the base, and even rarer when she is in Mamiya's. Entering the area, she gives a soft nod towards Mamiya and seats herself at a back table, her eyes glancing over to a few of the people she knows... and that one person she doesn't... the only one that isn't part of the fleet in Mamiya's.

    She gives one more nod to one of the girls doing the waitressing and leans back, just watching out over the entire resturant.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra nods to Suzuya. "Thank you, and I did." she then looks back to Shigure. "I saw your fight today. Your form was excellent. Sometimes a fight just comes down to the unaccountable. But you did very well." she gives the destroyer a small smile. You kinda have to look hard to see it. The Judge also glances at Nagato, she doesn't have the name to put with the face, but she suspects it's one of the commanders of the Fleet.

Shigure has posed:
    When the Fleet Commander and Flagship walks into an area, everyone knows about it. The conversations going on hush down a bit, and a general aura of unspoken respect falls over the cafe. Mamiya provides service to Nagato herself, and the other fleet girls in general show the utmost respect to their Flagship.

    Shigure herself remains quiet, even as the others try to convince her she did well. "I should not have used my Ocean Fit-out like that... even if I had won, it could easily have killed him..." she says, sighing softly, then taking another spoonful of her parfait. She's hiding her eyes with her bangs, not a good sign.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Well, it's always good to meet a friend of Shigure's!" Suzuya grins brightly at the Judge, then follows her gaze... and lifts her arm to wave vigorously. "Nagato! Did you see the fight?" Yes, she is going to call the admiralship out right there.

As to the destroyer, Suzuya knows that tone. "I think he would have been fine, Shigure. It's good that you're worried, though. There's nothing wrong with a little compassion." She pauses for a moment. "You're going into the docks soon as they're cleared up, right?" Walking behind the destroyer, Suzuya hums softly and tries to undo Shigure's braid. "Suzuya will fix this for you again after! But right now, I think your fight mussed it a bit, so I'm undoing it."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    It seems Cirra was right about Nagato's position, and gives the Battleship a respectfull nod. She looks back to Shigure. "It was a fight. Everyone has to make snap judgements during combat. It's never easy, especially when you start rethinking what you've already done. If it bothers you that much, go and ask him for forgiveness."

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato gives a soft nod to Mamiya, taking her time. She's used to the entire place getting quieter when she's around, but she makes no big deal of it. Instead, a certain pair of ships and the girl with them intrigue her for a moment and, with a beckoning of her finger... she politely asks the group to join her. Which, proceeds to have quite a few murmurs in the restuarnt...

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure mmns as Suzuya undoes her braid, but at one point when noones looking her way, the Destroyer's nodded off! Head resting on crossed arms on the table. The poor thing is exhausted, of course.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Mmm?" Suzuya notices the gesture from the battleship, but as she glances back down, she sees that Shigure has nodded off. "Ah.." The cruiser glances to Nagato, then points to Shigure. "Cirra... right? Suzuya is going to bring her to the docks, so could you tell Nagato I'll be right back?" It's her job as Stand-In Big Sister, after all! Moving very carefully, she scoops Shigure into her arms and walks toward the door. She'll catch up with Nagato right after!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    As Shigure falls asleep, Cirra gives a small shrug of her shoulders. "I'll talk to her again later." She turns away from Suzuya and walks over to where Nagato, "She will be right back, it seems Shigure is more worn out then she let on."

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato lets a soft... if very small... smile go through when she sees Shigure take a nap. A nod is given to Shigure and Suzuya and, with the approaching Cirra... she gives a light nod. "Understood. She did well but she is hard on herself. Maybe that will change after the rescue operation." she comments, leaning back as Mamiya brings that giant parfait.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
It's some few minutes later that Suzuya finally returns, having settled Shigure in the docks for her turn at repairs. "Suzuya, reporting back!" She touches two fingers briefly to her forehead in the closest thing to a salute that she really does, then slumps into a chair near Nagato. "Ahhh... I hope Shigure feels better in the morning."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "She is." Cirra agrees, a smilarly small smile. "I am Cirra Constantine, Judge of Ramuh on Galandia." She bows her head slightly, "Yes, I..." she pauses straightening up in time to see the giant parafait and raising an eyebrow. do they really eat that much here? "Ahem, I hope so too."

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato gives a light nod. "I'm sure she will, she had a strong fight. We can't all win, but she should be thankful that this was not an abyssal fight... or it could have ended badly." she shakes her head a bit and then looks towards Cirra. "I'm Nagato, Admiral of the Fleet you see before you. A pleasure. I trust that you're a friend of Shigure's yes?"

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"If it was against Abyssals, she wouldn't have been out there alone. We watch each others' backs." Suzuya grins and leans back in her seat, waiting until she can get Mamiya's attention. Hey, even heavy cruisers get hungry! "Suzuya is looking forward to that operation coming up. If that's really Yamashiro, it will be nice to see her again."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Shigure's and Nowaki's yes." Cirra nods to Nagato. She looks over at Suzuya. "The Abyssals. I've heard about them, I know - generally speaking - what they are. So Iassume that Yamashiro *is* and Abyssal at the moment as well as the target of this rescue operation."

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato nods. "Of course." and with a small wave, Mamiya's over there taking Suzuya's order and giving a look at Cirra. "She's selected you as part of the fleet?" Nagato questions, "She's chosen Atago from mine and we are having outside assistance in a support fleet with Kirito." she turns to Cirra and nods. "This is what intelligence is suggesting, Cirra. Either way, it will be one less Abyssal we have to worry about if we sink her.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Mamiya's food is really good, Cirra, you should try it!" She puts in her own order and turns back to Nagato. "Yep! She asked me to bring Kumano as well. The two of us will help make sure the operation is successful!"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Hmn." Cirra nods. "I don't think I can help, unless the battle takes place near a shore. My abilities don't suit naval combat well." At Suzuya's recomendation, she looks to Mamiya s she points at the enormous parafait.

    "Do you have these in a smaller size?"