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Latest revision as of 18:22, 16 August 2015

Welcome to Portal Corp
Date of Scene: 24 July 2015
Location: Paragon City <CoH>
Synopsis: A tour of Portal Corporation!
Cast of Characters: Maya, 686, 769, 834

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Portal Corporation is behind many of the advanced technologies beginning to be utilized in Paragon City, including some derived from technology of the alien invaders known as the Rikti. Medi-porters and police drones are two examples. But they are also behind interdimensional travel experiments. Experiments that have come under attack from public pressure in the wake of the Rikti war. After all, why tempt fate by allowing yet another menace to intrude upon this Earth? The scientific gains to be made, or the simple knowledge of what else is out there so that Earth's champions can prepare for it, are not arguments that are presently convincing most people.

    So Portal Corp has invited various heroes and officials from Paragon City and beyond to have a tour of the facilities so that they can see for themselves how safe it is, and some of the amazing things being worked on.

    The labaorties are separated up into multiple white buildings, with a statue in the center of a courtyard, an expansive parking lot, and Peregine Island's buildings (dwellings, businesses, and so on) beyond that, to the south-west.

    A welcoming committee is waiting for those who have chosen to accept the invitation.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Dragons are dimensional wanderers by nature, so hearing of a company that's busting a gut to make a TECHNOLOGICAL answer to dimensional travel is INTRIGUING indeed. The Great Horned Dragon cannot help but leap into action and investigate... in her human guise, of course! So it is that the Techno-Wizard, Valentha Summers, is among the Heroes gathered with the tour group. "You don't mind if I record, do you? So everyone back home can get a load of it. It's not every day we hear about transdimensional machinery!"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo, being a technological being himself, is always fascinated when he hears about technology being used on a large scale. Particularly when it's to be used for something like this. Traveling dimensions is still science fiction in his world, so of course he's going to go see about a world close to his world's tech level who has that figured out!

    He's here in his usual outfit, the techno-samurai attire with the old jinbaori and hakama over the bodysuit with the azure blue lights upon it. Though he might end up having to turn over his sword to go in, eek! He will if asked too, but he'll definitely pout about it, even if he understands why.

    He doesn't know Valentha, but he happens to catch her question as he heads over to tour group. "I hope no one minds. I...kind of can't help but record things." And if anyone's curious why, the sound of his voice probably answers that question. It's obviously synthesized. He's an android! Let's hope getting through the metal detector wasn't /too/ demeaning!

Maya has posed:
Maya is a bit late in arriving, the Blur Withc however is here her self she's very much a magic user, but she hails from a world? Where seperating Magic and Science is seen as an oddity really. She was looking the part of the witch though she's even got a tome in hand as well.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Everyone is totally here on time. They just started! One of the welcomers replies to Valentha's inquiry with, "Ah, well, you're a hero, aren't you? We trust you. You can record, but please don't share any of it. It's a security hazard. We trust you heroes, but there might be non-heroic people who would have ill-use for footage of our facilities, to say nothing of our research."

    Kamui's situation is a bit more complex, but after a moment of hesitation, the welcomer just shrugs and says, "As long as you don't share what you see here with anyone, I don't see the problem. It's no different from the formation of memories in organic life forms in your case, I suppose." Rather an open-minded lot here in Paragon City!

    The Blue Witch is a known hero thanks to her previous exploits, so might be given slightly more leeway, but anyone here will have to have passed some form of I.D. check, and been deemed a trustworthy hero. So there's honestly a lot of acceptance being shown to this diverse group.

    The welcomer leads the trio towards a door into one of the buildings, where a man in a black t-shirt and charcoal slacks is standing. The casually dressed man introduces himself as Unai Kemen, the Portal Corp Security Chief. "We're glad to have you all. Miss Summers, Mister Gakupo, Blue Witch. I'll do my utmost to ensure your stay is a safe and pleasant one." He sounds very sincere in his words, as though there's a lot of himself invested into this job.

    "If you'll follow me, I'll show you through the first building." No request to divest themselves of armaments is made, though there are security scanners in place indoors once they go inside. Unai talks as they walk. "A little bit of background on Portal Corporation, if you aren't aware of it. Dr. Brian Webb was the founder of Portal Corp. He discovered the scientific law that allowed for transdimensional travel, funded by the sale of several teleportation device patents that he used to found Portal Corporation." Unai Kemen leads the group down one hall and onto a recessed high-tech looking teleportation chamber in one of the walls. The blue pads on the floor glow softly. He waits for everyone else to step on, explaining what the device is so no one gets surprised, and then boards as well.

    "Sadly, Dr. Webb lost in his life during the exploration of another world, but his work and those who believe in him live on."

    Once everyone is aboard, there is a flash of blue light, and everyone is in another very similar looking hallway so smoothly that they might wonder whether anything happened at all at first. But unlike the previous hall, there is an electrical hum and a clanking of machinery audible through the walls, vibrating the floor.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo nods to the parallel drawn between his recording and making memories. "That's an accurate analogy," he agrees. "I won't let anyone else know. I can flag the data as private and encrypt it too, if that would help?" he offers.

    A trusthworthy hero? Well, Gakupo's not exactly a standard hero, but he has references in the Union, and he has his Union ID. Got to take that everywhere! Besides that, he's programmed the follow bushido, so there's that too.

    Once he's cleared (hopefully he will be) he follows the group to where Unai Kemen is. Once the other man introduces himself, Gakupo bows politely. "Good to meet you, sir," he offers in return. And he follows Kemen into the building, listening to the explanation. He supplies 'ah', 'I see', or sometimes merely 'mhm' at intervals, just to show that he's listening (this is a thing the Japanese do in conversation).

    He steps onto the teleportation chamber with the others and waits. The flash of light makes him blink, but he seems okay once the light disappears. He can feel the electric hum and hear the clanking, but he doesn't have any way to sense dimensional disturbances. Once they've moved, Gakupo offers solemnly, "My condolences." Regarding Dr. Webb's death.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Valentha frowns, but tucks away the recorder she'd been pulling out. So much for any hope of sharing findings with Lazlo scientists! "As you wish. On with the show!" She takes others' arrival in stride, but is focused mostly on the explanation... and expedition!

    Particularly what appears to be some kind of teleportation technology. ".....Ooooooooh. Was that what I thought it was? ... ... a pity I can't speak with the man who started all of this. Perhaps in some alternate dimension he still lives."

Maya has posed:
Maya understand the nature of Security she's not going to record anything she gets it. She darn well understand with tech like this. a world that on it's own which could make it's own artifcial warpgates. She understood the need to keep things in check here. She looks to them for a moment. She has her her ID on hand after all.

"Good to see you as well. The unificaiton must have made your jobs interesting."

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    "That might be helpful. It sounds like what some supers can do with shielding their minds against telepathy and so on. Ultimately, it's up to you. We all trust heroes, whether they're natives or from the Union or anywhere else in the Multiverse. We're all on the same side after all." Well, maybe not the Confederacy, but Primal Earth has not declared allegiance either way so far. They have their own problems, don't have a unified world govenment, and they have their own share of good guys, bad guys, and explosions.

    "I'm not one of the scientists, so I can't speak for that, miss." the Security Chief replies to Maya. "I do know that there's been a lot of activity of late."

    To Valentha, Unai says with a smile, "If you found the teleportation device interesting, you'll find this next bit even more fascinating, I'm sure. I... Suppose anything's possible in regard to Dr. Webb." He doesn't seem inclined to get his hopes up searching for an alternate version of the doctor, and also seems to have a bit of reluctance to even think about the possibility. But he didn't explain HOW Webb died. If he had, that might have provided a different perspective on why he might not be so eager to see an alternate version of him.

    The Security Chief leads the trio to a large pair of doors, which open up into an oblong alcove inbetween the hall and another set of doors. Both sets of doors seem to be heavily reinforced, with powerful hydraulic systems opening and closing them, and security scanners of multiple kinds. But it's what's on the other side of that second set of doors that is likely to take people's breath away.

    On the other side is a spacious room, with walkways and stairs of various kinds, all manner of computer equipment and machinery, and all surrounding a huge metal ring with a ramp leading up to it. Inside that ring, with electricity or some less mundane energy surging towards the center, is a rippling blue-white field of distorted reality. A portal to another universe, or an endless number of such. Technicians and researchers are scattered around, working even as the tourists come in. There's a LOT of noise emanating from all the machines, to say nothing of the throbbing, bone-vibrating churning of the portal device.

    "This, is one of our portals." Unai explains, perhaps needlessly. Though the fact there's more than one is interesting.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo is quick to set his memory encryption to on when requested. Any extra level of safety is good! He remains quiet, listening to the conversation around him as they're led to where the portal actually is. It takes a lot of machinery, that's for sure! But that makes sense; dimensional travel isn't a thing in Gakupo's world yet, so he figures that there's a lot of things that need to be messed with.

    He's not going to get too close, but he definitely does look at the rippling blue field, azure eyes wide with wonder. "So much machinery!" he notes. Though he also reasons, "The kind of on-the-spot calibrations keeping this thing stable have to be /insane/, though."

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Valentha rubs the side of her head for some reason or another, but then folds her hands and cracks her knuckles. "Iiiiiimpressive. Just how much ENERGY does it take to power that device, I wonder? And keep it sustained like that... how precisely can the destination be targeted?"

Maya has posed:
Maya nopds to the Chief and fall sin line. she just seems to be enjoying the tour more than anyhting else she seems in chipper spirits too. Maya being chipper that's not as common as you migh expect. She looks to see the portal and tilts her head getting a good look at it. "Lot resarch, hardware and money went into this, I can see."