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Razer Strikes!
Date of Scene: 25 April 2015
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: Razer tracks down rumors of Green Lanterns, only to be intercepted by some Union Elites...
Cast of Characters: 583, 692, 695, Duke

Razer (692) has posed:
     There are rumors of Green Lanterns being active out in the Multiverse and those rumors are what have drawn Razer, at the head of a squad of heavily-armored Red Lantern soldiers, to the Planetary Plains. The setting sun casts his red and black outfit - distinctive in its sleek bladed glory - into a more ominous shade, long shadows stretching along the ground.

     It really doesn't take long before the Lantern soldiers are trashing one of the local farmsteads, upturning apple carts and breaking down fences, while the locals cower away. Razer stands nearby, looking aloof and disinterested, as he asks again where the Green Lanterns are hiding.

     Unfortunately for Razer, this seems like a dead end. Unfortunately for the farmers, this makes Razer a bit angry...

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Hmph." Mantigora's reptillian tail flicked back and forth a few times. "Typically this draws out those claiming to 'protect' the sniveling underlings of society fairly quickly." Her arms are crossed, one clawed finger tapping against the opposite bicep.

Much like Razer she had little interest in the mere peasantry. She was waiting for the eventual worthy opposition to show up. Not waste her energy on scaring up the locals.

Duke has posed:
Farmstead troubles! Though while far enough out that an alert isn't fired, Duke was already out here on a passing by. The red dragon dino digimon was most here to clear his head and just, well, enjoy the peace. A peace that ended as soon as someone decided to trash up the place.

The Guilmon X peeked over the hill side to see the chaos below. His gold eyes watching the chaos, the bullying, just everything that was wrong. Including the defenseless. His eye ridges narrowed at the sight, including how they were shoved around. His razor sharp teeth bared at how some of the houses burned.

Flickers of his memory ignited, of such devastation caused by another force. The screams... the pain...

    ++ BADUM ++

Then as he heard the voice over the global radio his eyes narrowed even more. He can feel his digicore surge, as his feet claws dig into the earth. Those gold eyes starting to glow blue. He can hear the people's pleads....

....He could hear his old world's people's pleads....

        ++ BADUM ++

There was a flash of light off in the distance, the charge ignited the air above as clouds made way from the energy burst. They rolled for a bit as electrical bolts could be seen dancing between the clouds. Then on top of the hill, a humanoid knightly figure stood. His cape bellowing in the wind, with a halberd land in his hands.

"You all shall cease!" His voice carries out across the wind. "Or I shall make you!" He then raises up his halberd lance, the double edge axe blade glistening slight against the sunlight.

"This is your only chance..."

Doran (695) has posed:
The thing about radio chatter is that it sometimes draws unintended attention. Whether the conversation over the frequencies was designed to draw out Union or not, really no longer matters. Sometimes intervening is simply the right thing to do.

The fact that Doran heard Duke's voice and figured out what was about to happen from there is secondary.

There is no sudden explosions of light, nor is there an entrance to speak of. Instead, a purple Western dragon flies at best speed to join Duke's side. "Getting yourself into trouble without me?" Doran's child-like voice sounds grimly amused. "One of these days you'll learn to call for backup."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
In the time Dukemon has arrived in all his knightly glory and proclaimed himself here to defend the farmland and it's hapless inhabitants, the reptillian woman that was accompanying Razer ... is already gone. Did he succeed in actually driving an aggressor off with just voicing his intentions?

It can never be that easy, can it?

The more appropriate answer is that while the digimon were arriving and announcing their doing so, the Stalker had already stepped back and into her stealth cloaking. Alas, no one can see the way she's circling around in a very predatory manner that way, blades silently sliding out from her forearms.

Then there's movement right at the corner of Duke's field of vision as the Draken abruptly leaps from her stealth, thrusting one set of absurdly long blades at his backside.

Razer (692) has posed:
     Razer watches Duke arrive with barely disguised contempt, icy-blue eyes narrowed. He clenches his ring hand and a red aura bursts into life around his body, and he promptly waves off his accomplice to deal with this interloper.

     "I think that you're certainly welcome to try," Razer remarks, voice grim. "Mantigora, do you think you could see this one out?"

     As Mantigora leaps towards Duke, a second person - Doran - arrives. Razer sighs and raises his right hand, sending a bright red burst of ragefire right at the purple dragon!

     "And one of these days, you'll learn to stay out of my way!"

Duke has posed:
Those gold eyes glances over to Doran as he shows up and makes his remark. "I did... and I got it." There was an amused tone in his voice. "Besides..." His eyes narrow as he looks out toward the scene and goes to make his move, his armored feet carrying him and then shoving him off the hill in a large leap. "Someone had to pull their ire!"

Duke lands down on the ground after his leap and flames can be seen irrupting from around his finger tips. Though for a moment he caught something in the corner of his eye. The Dragoon Digimon only has a moment to realize that was /one/ of the missing individuals and while he tries to step around to get a better look. It was all part of the plan it seems.

Mantigora leaps in to strike for his backside and the Medieval Dukemon goes to turn himself, to bring around his halberd, but he was to slow. Rogue--- always the nemesis of battle tanks.

Her long blade cuts across his Digi-chrome armor, sparks fly on the impact of the weapon impacting the armor, it carves into the armor, leaving a nasty cut in the metal, but Mantigora will need to move quick! For while he blade may have made the first cut, his Halberd is swinging around to repay in kind with a swift swing of the weapon.

He can only catch the blast of red in the corner of his eye as it heads for Doran. He is sure his best friend we'll be fine... Hopefully.

Doran (695) has posed:
The ragefire blast hits Doran in the left shoulder, scorching and cracking the prominent purple orb. The impact is severe enough to spin Doran around completely before catching himself. Either the dragon Digimon wasn't paying attention, or he didn't think it would hurt that much. Most likely the latter.

Doran hisses softly, right hand reaching up to the cracked shoulder. "Lesson learned." He suddenly snaps his hands up in front of his chest, palms facing each other, as bright flames burst to life in and around his hands and forearms. "Fire with fire it is." He brings his hands close together, channeling the fire in-between, before suddenly twisting his palms outwards and launching a fireball at Razer in return.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Since she only used one set of arm-blades to strike, Mantigora has the other pair to try and parry the counter-attack with. Despite her reptilian appearances she's nearly as flexible as a feline, twisting to do so with little discomfort. The effort is a partial sucess, as she manages to strike the halberd with her own weapons, but the force of Duke's swing his still enough to toss the lighter Stalker away from him.

Mantigora flips with the backward motion to land in a crouch, using her blades to dig into the ground as well to brake the momentum. Tail lashes a few times to re-situate herself. "Bulky and heavy armored, just like Garok warrior." Her nanotech eyepiece flickers over one eye, but her scanners can't make sense of what Dukemon's armor is actually made of, and flashes #-1 INVALID ANSI DEFINITION: +hr --UNKNOWN ALLOY-- a few times.

Which only makes her grin a bit more, fanged teeth showing between her lips. "Good. Dislike easy prey." She pushes herself upright, forming a pair of discs from her nanotech reserves in her hands, and launchs them at Duke. Despite being thrown they fly incredible fast while spinning, thanks to her augmented strength, the mono-molecular edge formed by the nanos making the discs exceptionally good at penetrating, even against heavily armored targets.

Duke has posed:
Duke watches as the six foot six Draken gets thrown back and then gives her a cold stare with his gold eyes, his stance shifting as he readies himself and the flames glow in in hand. He is standing around seven foot six, a foot taller then she and only watches her predatory smile, which causes his hand to tighten for a moment on the shaft of his weapon.

As soon has the discs are thrown, the Dragoon Digimon jumps back with a twirl to his step and throws out a fire ball at one of the discs to knock it aside, before sending his halberd to slam into the next, clipping the metal of the axe blades and chipping away some of its alloy. His gold eyes peer over to Doran and then at Razer.

"Doran!" Duke calls over to his friend, "Watch yourself, you two may be evenly matched, but..." Duke doesn't finish that statement, he doesn't need too. There was concern enough in his voice that there may be more to Razer then either of them could understand. Instead he turns his focus back on Mantigora, "But you..."

He then roars out a battle cry, the halberd busts into flames, as the winds bluster around him. The halberd slams into the ground and the flames spurred by the wind go rushing right for Mantigora attempting to wash over her if she doesn't move quickly.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Well, he's right, Mantigora does move quickly. She's already moving by the time he's swatted away her weapons.

What he might not be expecting is that her moving is running -right into- the flames rushing towards her! The fire surges around her, licking at her form with its hot touch that causes visible energy crackle as it deplete more of her personal nano-shielding and leaves scorch marks in her armored duster. Some of the fire hisses as it crackes at her exposed skin, charring some of the scales. But she's a native of a volcanic wasteland of a planet, the fire still hurts but the intense heat doesn't phase her in the least.

Nor does it stop her from leaping out of the flames at the end of her dash, ignoring for the moment anything that might be on fire to aim a flying kick at Duke's chest. Then spin with the impact to thrust her other foot at his armored face as she kicks off again.

Razer (692) has posed:
     Razer raises an eyebrow at Doran's display, raising one hand as if he thinks he can just bat the fireball aside. He does try it, the back of his palm colliding with the fireball - it detonates and obscures Razer behind fire and smoke.

     Frowning, Razer draws himself back to a standing position, fire licking over the edges of his armor. The forcefield from his ring appears to have protected him from the worst of it, but it still /hurt/ - going by the expression on his face.

     "Fire is nothing next to rage," Razer spits, raising one hand to let loose a bright red beam of energy, as he goes to charge Doran!

Duke has posed:
Mantigora comes charging in and Duke widens his eyes in surprise, "What?" Is all the Digimon can get out in some surprise to the fact she just keeps moving right at him. He observes her in some astonishment that she is leaping right at him and the fire has done little but scorch her scales a bit.

Her foot lands against his heavily armored chest and then her other foot lands against the armored face, the Digi-chrome cracks a little bit under the impact, but when she flips off, those gold eyes narrow sharply, "Oh no you don't!" He barks out, his free hand coming around to actually snatch that scaled tail of hers.

Once his fingers take hold, he turns his body and goes to actually slam her into the ground with all his strength and with enough force that he actually has to leg go of her. He then spins the Halberd, not giving her much time to recover, and then goes to bring it down in both of his hands with a hard cleaving motion.

Duke may talk the hero talk, but he doesn't walk the hero walk.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran glances out of the corner of his eye at Duke's warning and his snout lowers in a barely-perceptible nod of acknowlegement. It's all he gets while Razer is enveloped in smoke and fire, but the Red Lantern seems to be getting far more annoyed than anything. The Multiverse really is an interesting place.

The Dorugoramon's wings flare as he increases his height, the laser searing past harmlessly. "Ah, is that what drives you?" He crosses his arms over his chest, drawing his knees and tail close as Razer charges. "I have some pent-up rage of my own."

Doran's eyes suddenly blaze as the air seems to tremor in his immediate vicinity. "DORU --" He snaps his whole body outwards, releasing a scything shockwave towards the incoming Red Lantern, "-- DIN!"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
There is actually a shrill yowl as the digi-knight grabs Mantigora out of the air by her tail. He has, be it uninentional or not, come across one of the shortcomings of her race -- how much they depend on those tails for balance. Even with her augmented reflexes without the stability Mantigora can't do much to stop from being slammed into the ground with enough force to crumple it into a slight impact crater.

She heaves the breath knocked out of her, rolling over only to see the halberd being thrust down at her. Almost instantly her tactical hardware notes the open space between the prongs of the blade and she manages to shift just enough for the blades to miss piercing her, but still caught in the opening to pin her down.

"Well well. Not bad. Strong and persistant. Pity it wasted on protecting those who too weak to fight for their own needs," the end of the remark is practically spat between her fangs.

But as she's speaking she wiggles her hand to the side of her waist, grabbing one of presents from another ally from her inventory and slipping it on. She has just enough movement to angle the weapon up at Duke, and though the glinting blades at the first thing to be seen, it's the shot that fires from the barrel partially concealed by them that the knight actually has to deal with!

Razer (692) has posed:
     "You don't know anything about me," Razer retorts, meeting that shockwave head on. It blasts him into the air, tumbling for a moment or two, before Razer counters the momentum with a blast from his ring. In the sky, Razer hangs for a few seconds, catching his breath.

     And then, with a frenzied yell, dives right back down towards Doran, red energy building around his two extended fists!

Duke has posed:
Duke narrows his eyes at her words, "Silence!" He barks out, those gold eyes sparking with a bit of blue in them. "Don't talk to me as if aiding them is such a horrible act, for it is /you/ and your /friend/ who picked this fight when you went after the helpless! Like /cowards/!"

Duke yanks the halberd free and then to goes to slam down the bladed weapon once more. "Now die like one!" However that is when he catches the barrel between the glint of the blades and his eyes go wide. Just for a moment a flicker in his own vision of something else, but whatever it was--- it matters little.

The shot impacts Duke in the shoulder and is enough to blast him back, where he staggers a few steps. As he catches a glimpse of Doran and Razer's battle in the corner of his eye, something bothers him about it, and his eye goes wide, "Doran! Careful! He might be getting stronger!" Though concern for his friend also may leave him in the open to the stealthy rogue...

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran barks what probably should've been a laugh as he lands firmly on the ground, tail swaying behind him. "True." His wings fold like a fan as he crouches, glowing eyes pinned on Razer as the Red Lantern dives right back towards him. "I guess words are useless anyway."

He suddenly leaps off of the ground straight towards the incoming Razer. The rage-infused fists slam against the silver blade-like flares of his shoulders, shattering them almost completely, but Doran ducks his head so his horns hook under Razer's torso. He attempts to toss Razer over his back with a toss of his head, and his spearhead-tipped tail stabs at the Red Lantern like a scorpion's strike.

Though he can faintly hear Duke over the fight, he can't spare a moment to indicate that he understood. He'll have to make do.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora can practically taste the almost savage anger from Razer, but she doesn't really have the time to enjoy it right now. However the release of the pin and then Duke's recoil from the shot does by her enough moments to roll back onto her feet. While the digi-knight has not struck her directly often in the fight, she was clearly feeling how much stronger than her that he was. If it wasn't for the reinforcing weave of her nanoskin she would probably be even more battered than she appeared to be.

The predator does not miss the shift in his attention though, and while brief it is enough of an oppritunity for her to move.

A gutteral, almost feral warcry splits the air as the Draken lunges at him again, lashing out with her blades. Though if he does move to parry her he'll find it easy enough to do... Almost too easy...

Because that's when the -real- Mantigora rushes in, having let her holo-clone serve as a feint, as she now aims a impaling strike with her own blades at his side, trying to find a proverbial kink in his armor.

Duke has posed:
Duke see's Mantigora moving in the corner of his vision and goes to leap back with perhaps more speed then someone in his armor should move. As if the weight of the armor has little impact on him, but there is also a kick of wind as he does so. Yet when he notices that version of her fade, his eyes go wide with some surprise. "...A fake??"

As his foot lands down, he does have time to react, as the predatory amazon was right there at his side and her blades going in for a strike. The pierce into that digi-chrome, but she will find no blood, only cracks in the armor splintering from the impact points and a hiss from pain from the knight.

Duke moves himself away, breaking her piercing hold on him, and left behind is the tale-tale sign that shows that this knightly warrior wasn't even truly 'living' like many beings she has perhaps faced. For while her blades went in perhaps not as deep as she may have hoped, the damage was apparent. The edges were pixaled and deeper in was a green glow of grid lines of the mesh frame of the living digital being.

The Dragoon Knight went to rest his hand toward the wound as he staggered a step back and closed his eyes a for a moment, only to snap them open with far more vigor in them. "Is..." He then takes hold of the halberd with his other hand, "...Is that the best you got?!!" He roars out toward her.

He sweeps the halberd back, which then starts to shimmer with red light as flames dance around his foot and toward the halberd itself. Duke then swing the Halberd upward as he yells out, "RAGE OF WYYYVERN!" As soon has the Halberd fully swings the flames seem to dance in the air as if almost frozen in. That is until the form a head of a dragon and it roars out before soaring right for Mantigora, taking on wings and flying right for her with it maw open wide.

The flame dragon threatens to give chase and if it was to catch the speeding rogue, she would not find herself engulfed by the magma flames, but exploding with great deal of force.

Razer (692) has posed:
     Boom! Razer's fists slam home on Doran's shoulders, seeming to do some rather grievous damage. Before Razer can strike again, however, Doran hooks him with his horns and throws him over his shoulder. Razer's already moving to counter it, but not fast enough.

     Doran's tail strikes well and true, piercing past Razer's forcefield and into his Red Lantern suit. Razer shouts out and, losing control his his powers, drops to the ground, incidentally totalling a tool shed in the process.

     It takes him a few seconds to rise, groaning in pain, one hand to his abdomen. There's a slight flicker of red energy around him once again as his forcefield returns and this time, when Razer roars, a torrent of pure /rage/ bursts forth from his lips, aimed up towards Doran in the skys above!

Mantigora (583) has posed:
The lack of blood on her blades or dripping from the wound catchs Mantigora's attention as Duke pulls away from her. How strange. She did not know of many species that did not ooze -something- upon injury. Even robotic autonomous lifeforms tended to drip oil or some kind of lubricant. Though prehaps this is why her tactical scouters were returning errors in their readings?

Attention snaps back to the fight at hand though. Despite her experiences this was something new and dangerous to her, something few Draken got to experience at her age. She would probably smile.

If it wasn't for the massive dragon of flame being flung at her. She's not stupidly thinking she can just run through it this time, instead opting to crouch defensively and shield her face with her arms. Unfortunately for her, the flame-dragon EXPLODES instead of burning. The blast along is enough to hurtling her backwards, hitting the ground hard and carrening for a few moments before finally stopping. Mantigora groans a bit, digging one hand into the ground to push herself up onto her knees and spit some dirt out of her mouth. She shifts her left leg to get up, but winces as it partially buckles before she can get off the ground, gritting her teeth. Instantly she can tell the muscles are torn, if not the bone itself broken. It was going to take several minutes for the nanotech to splint that together. Minutes she might not have.


... Yes, a farm tractor abruptly comes careening towards Duke. That instead of having a driver, has been stuffed full of a sizable amount of explosives.

Mantigora just stares incredulously as Skuzzler waddles up next to her, stroking his goatee with one stubby hand while holding the thumb-pad remote for the controls he wired to the tractor with the other. "Is -that- where you have been this entire time!"

The Chua hffs. "You're welcome."

"Yeah, yeah," Mantigora hisses between her teeth. "Sometimes you -are- useful. You know gratitude isn't natural to my species."

Skuzzler huffs out of the corner of his mouth. "Close enough." And he hits the detonator for the explosives.

Duke has posed:
Duke takes a step toward Mantigora, noting that she is injured. The Halberd vanishes from his hand, before he looks at her. "Leave and I will not pursue, for you to continue would be..." This about the time he hears the tractor. "...Hm?"

All he can do is look at the machine coming right for him and while he does attempt to leap back, he grapes the edges of his cape as he does so. The explosive force comes as he lands down and uses his cape to surround himself. The fire roars over him and engulfs his body. Rocks, grass clippings, it all flies by and smoke rises up from the sheer force of the destruction. Even scraps of the tractor fall down to the ground.

Yet a figure rises from the fires and with a swift throw of his cape around the flames almost seem to obey as they extinguish down to a low ember, before he throws the cape back around his shoulders once more. His white armor though is charred in some locations, the cape with a few burnt holes in it, and the gold of his armor lost of its shimmer. "Cute." He says to them both.

"But fine. If you want to play that way." Duke says coldly as he extends out his hands. The embers start to burn brightly once more as the winds raise the hot ashes into the air. Those very ashes start to swirl around hi body, before the flames start to follow the wind. Duke steps back as he extends out his claw hand and the flames continue to burn brighter, being looped up into the cyclone of ash and soon blazing fire.

Duke looks over to Mantigora and her Chua, before he raises up his index finger and does a 'tsk tsk' motion. Then with a swing of his other arm, ignoring the pain in the side, the Cyclone follows his direction and spiral right for Mantigora and Chua, attempting to catch them in the vortex of fire and spiral them in its blazing, feeding fire.

Though while he leaves his Cyclone to do some of his dirty work, he winces a bit inside, as his hand drifts down to his side, the cracks starting to extend a bit from the sheer stress he is now placing on his body. "...alexis... is going to shoot me... for being so foolish..."

Doran (695) has posed:
As Razer falls, Doran takes just a moment to recheck his condition. His shoulders are heavily injured, bluish grid-lines criss-crossing exposed holes and through cracks, and he can barely rotate his shoulders. He still has some strength in his hands and has partial range-of-motion in his arms from the elbows down, but he knows he's extremely lucky with how that went. There were any number of ways to have been countered, all of them with worse results than he'd gotten.

When Razer roars, Doran is utterly unprepared for the torrent of pure rage that lances towards him. He barely gets his arms up in a guard, flames gathering to try to bleed off the energy, but it does little to help. The impact is heavy and drives him backwards -- higher into the air. He can feel the plating across his entire body cracking and peeling away under the ragebeam, and in desperation engages in another high-risk move.

He tucks his wings close, wrapping them around himself, and corkscrews his body as flames envelop his body entirely. Instead of trying to get out of the beam, he instead dives through the heart of it directly back towards Razer in a fast-accelerating diving tackle. "BRAVE METAL!"

Razer (692) has posed:
     The torrent dies off quickly, wisps of red smoke the only thing left. Rage burns hot, but it doesn't necessarily burn long. So, when Doran comes roaring out from the beam, Razer can't ready another attack - not yet.

     Doran's charge carries Razer through a barn and out the otherside, crashing him into the ground. "Ungh..."

     He lashes his fist against Doran's snout, the hand blazing with red energy! "Bravery?!" Razer snarls, "Don't make me laugh!"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Well, that was fun." Skuzzler discards the remote over his shoulder like it was a toy he no longer had interest in. Which is pretty accurate for the Chua approach to most matters. Do science, make it explode, move on to the next thing. "Not that Skuzzler care or anything, but she-Draken is important to future survival against big things that not explode easily."

"Oh just help me get up," Mantigora snarls in return. Even if for once she was really glad she kept the obnoxious space-hamster around. Even if it looks rediculous helping her stand as Chua are only a bare three feet and some spare inches tall. Even as Duke decides to fling one more attack their way. She tenses up, bracing for another strike.

But Skuzzler taps one of the controls on his suit, and a 'beehive barrier' style energy field appears in front of them. The attack plows into it, and while some of the embers are chucked at them around the shield's limited width, it does disperse most of the cyclone propelling them. Still painful. Definately better alternative to being crispy fried.

"And yet with tech like that you're such a coward half the time," Mantigora huffs.

"Chua still prefer to indulge destructive tendancies from afar," Skuzzler replies with a shrug.

"As long as you stay useful." She does give a final glare at Duke, but then triggers the recall to beam them back to her transport ship. Well technically it's Skuzzler's transport ship, but he's too figity to object otherwise.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran gets socked square in the muzzle, his neck twisting as his head rockets away from the rage-infused fist. His wings flap as he hops backwards, opening a slight distance between them, but he looks extremely unstable in his movements. The edges of his many cracks and wounds start glowing gold, and his entire form flickers once or twice like static.

No more time.

He crouches down, looking all the world like he's about ready to just curl up in a ball and die. Instead, he suddenly pivots on his heels and swings his tail like a flexible baseball bat, hopefully to send Razer flying away from the farm!

...Or Razer will counter and he'll find himself in a pile of his own voxels. It's definitely one last effort, either way.

Duke has posed:
Duke watches as Mantigora retreats with her little friend and he nearly drops down to his knee, but forces himself to stand still, hand staying to his side as his gold eyes gaze across the farm area to where Doran and Razer are fighting. He notices the static form for a moment and his eyes go wide before they narrow.

Duke takes a few steps before he shouts out to any remaining people, "Get out of here! Go!" His own gold eyes are dimming in power and he can feel his own power starting to wain. They were /both/ running out of time, so like Doran, he would do what he must to try and protect this place.

Protect the people.
Protect life...

The Medieval Dukemon kneels down and places his hand to the ground. The area under him glows brightly as enchanting light forms a symbol below him. The energy rises as electrical current sparks from the glow. Duke then stands up and extends out his hand, the crest below breaks into several crests around him, circling him as they all spiral and spin.

He takes a slight step back as he extends out his hand, the crests starting to encircle his hand, engulf it with its power, his eyes starting glow bright blue as he draws in all of his energy for whatever attack he is preparing....

Razer (692) has posed:
     Maybe it's because curls up like that that Razer hesitates, lowering his glowing hand. He frowns, watching Doran for a second - and that second is all Doran needs to pivot on his heels and clobber him with his tail.

     "What the-" is all Doran is able to hear before Razer is out of hearing range, flying through the air like a very angry red and black comet. He might come back, perhaps, but between that blow, the lack of any apparent knowledge of the Green Lanterns, and Mantigora's own retreat, it's very likely that the Red Lantern will decide that it's not worth any further trouble. He's got wounds to nurse, after all!

Duke has posed:
As soon as Razer is knocked out of the ball park, Duke roars out and then throws his hands to the side, killing the channeling of power as the air quakes around him in a wave and the energy irrupts upward in a flicker of electrical charge.

The Medieval Dukemon about keels over to his knees afterwards, breathing heavily, as he tries to get back up to his feet and only looks across to where Doran is before speaking out over his unseen comm, "...Alexis..." His voice rasps as energy becomes fleeting and his body shimmers with flickers of light. "...we need you..."

Those were the last words from Duke, as he at last crumbles over onto the ground. His body glimmering before engulfed with light and when it fades away a small four foot Guilmon X lays on the ground, battered, slightly burnt in a few places, and a nasty deep wound in his side that is not only pixelated around the edges, but showing the deep digital mesh within, and a bit of blood from the external layer.

He laid there out cold, but at least....
...at least the people were safe...

...at least... they were all safe.

Doran (695) has posed:
Home run!

Doran lifts his head long enough to watch Razer disappear into the horizon, a content grin on his muzzle. The grin doesn't last as he looks around, though. "We... need to work on... collateral damage..."

He tries to stand up... only for the golden glow within his wounds to fully encompass his form and shatter, scattering bits of data in fast-dispersing golden motes. Only Doran in his Dorumon form remains, and the Child-level Digimon collapses flat on his stomach with his ears drooping. His own form shows the after-effects of the damage taken in his earlier form, especially around the shoulders and torso. He's even missing a few teeth where Razer had punched him!

"Owwie..." That's about the extent of Doran's thought processing right now. At least Ryuu will definitely come fetch them if Alexis doesn't beat him to it... or hitch a ride...