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WMAT CQ1 Gohan vs Toph Beifong
Date of Scene: 20 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Northern Mountains
Synopsis: It's two prodigies facing off in the Northern Mountains for an intense fight!
Cast of Characters: 20, 180, 334, Tomoyo Daidouji
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's time for yet another qualifying match in the C bracket, and Toph Beifong is ready once again in the Northern Mountains. Though even after she beat Tommy in the previous qualifying match she isn't ready to relax just yet. Her opponent today is Gohan after all, and after what he did to Yunomi and her world the blind earthbender knows that it would be foolish to take this for granted. If all three of them wins a fight each then they aren't certain to advance, after all.

    The young blind girl stands ready in the middle of the arena, healed up from her fight. For now she's waiting, hands on her hips as she stands immobile in the center of it all. Saiyans can be troublesome, that's for sure. Even if Gohan is far from the worst of them.

    When he does arrive Toph can't help but smirk. "I've already won one fight, though I can't promise I will bring candy for you when you're in medical later," she claims, assuming a defensive stance.

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan, likewise, is taking no chances with Toph. He knows about the earthbender and her immense power, and so when he arrives it is in full form. Donning a regal set of Saiyan Battle armor, the sign of the Neo Saiyans emblazoned upon his chest, a blue cape blows behind him as well. Under the cape is his blade, which he draws as he lands with a very audible sound. However, the biggest change in him is the sure sign of his power. His hair is spiked almost to vicious points, standing tall and on end. His golden aura flares around him, lightning sparking across his form, and the green eyes of Super Saiyan shine out, staring over at Toph as he flaunts his ascended power. He lets it flare, completely unbridled, and smirks over at Toph even though she can't see it.

    "So you beat Tommy Oliver? Well then, when I do the same, I will stand perfect in record from our group. All I have to do is beat you." His aura sinks down to an outline, and he too adopts a rather defensive stance. "Your move, Toph Beifong. I hope you're ready. You're only the second person to face me in this form, and the first one is no longer here."

    No, Kakarot was gone, and in his place was the halfbreed king. "I'm not going to lose this year. Not a chance."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Up in the commentator's booth, two teenagers sit, surrounded by displays that show the battlefield from multiple angles. Tomoyo quietly marvels at the fidelity of the graphics, but she's got a job to do! Leaning in to the mic, she begins to speak. Her tone is the same gentle one she normally uses, but the excitement in it is clearly audible!

    "Hello everyone, and welcome to another exciting match of the World Martial Arts Tournament! Today is a Bracket C qualifier, here at the Northern Mountains, and it promises to be an amazing clash of strength and wills~! I'm Tomoyo Daidouji, and joining me today is Takashi Yamazaki!"

    "Thank you Tomoyo!" says the young man next to her. "And the competitors have entered the field. On one side, the wild child raised by badgermoles, blind but certainly not mute, TOPH BEIFONG! And on the other side, the spokesman of hair gel that changes color based on mood, the muscle-bound prince of advertising, GOHAN!"

    All listeners are no doubt confused by these intros, but Tomoyo is only smiling serenely while Yamazaki looks quietly pleased with himself.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita might not have wanted to see Vegeta fight, but Gohan? She had to watch his fight. Especially when he is going up against Toph. As the two exchange pleasantries, the red-haired saiyan woman floats down into the stands, taking a front row seat even if she has to wrestle someone for it. She is smirking with the excitement of knowing a good battle is about to take place. "Alright, Gohan. Let's see what you've got when you really try." she says to herself.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Here he comes.

    Toph hardly needs to see the smirk on his face when she hears it in his voice easily enough. "Yeah, good luck with that," she snorts. "I'll be there for that match too and laugh when you're the one who has to deal with Froggy." Because man, Tommy sure knows how to jump. For now though she has to deal with the Saiyan. Perhaps it's a good thing she can't see the sign on his chest considering just what the whole Neo Saiyan conflict brought about...

    Though she does arch an eyebrow when the commentators start up, and she turns her head slightly. "/Seriously/? You can at least get the facts right!" Raised by badgermoles? Hardly. Though she snorts slightly as she turns her focus back to Gohan. "Yeah, let's get started so you can get back to your hair gel." Like she knows whether or not that's true. Colours and blindness, not a perfect mix.

    While Toph is one to usually wait, today is different. Gohan is a formidable opponent. "I'm always ready. And I'm going to /win/ this year," she states, her intentions sincere. Always aim for victory!

    It's better to start with quick and effective, so Toph keeps her hands in a defensive position as she twists her left foot slightly, and in response the earth underneath Gohan shifts as an earth pillar erupts beneath his feet, seeking to toss him up into the air.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "Ooohhh, both competitors begin with defensive stances... clearly neither is taking the other lightly. They seem to be trading words bu-OH! With a single step, Toph has brought up a pillar of stone underneath Prince Gohan! A dramatic strike from such a subtle motion~!" Tomoyo says, her voice staying serene, but now with a little more volume behind it. She's clearly having fun!

    Yamazaki is also terribly serene, as he begins to rattle off some 'factioids.' "Well, it is part of the Earthbender's philosophy. They believe that while the earth is firm, it has bad self-esteem, and will do whatever you want it to if you're firm enough. They say a master Earthbender can reshape vast swaths of land with a firm glare!"

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan smirks, then turns his attention toward the commentators. "I am a King, you idiot! And I don't use hair gel! Seriously, did you research at all?" He turns his attention back to Toph, before he is flung into the air by her pillar of earth, rolling him off his feet and letting the stone spire hit him in the back. He grunts, but takes flight off the move, righting himself above the battlefield. His aura flares outward again, before he places his blade on his waist. "Fired up, huh? Fine. I can work with this!" He places both hands in front of him, a sphere of golden energy appearing in front of them. It swells quickly, until it's roughly the size of Toph herself, before it rockets down at the blind earthbender.

    "I'm knocking you out, here and now!" he cries, before he jets back down toward the ground. The trajectory in its current state is steep, and it looks like it might miss. So he meets it along its flight, then punches the ball onto a different path, truing his aim a bit more. She'll likely be able to hear the attack approaching, but could she stop it?

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Up in the booth, Tomoyo actually has to shuffle through her (actually rather extensive) notes on the two. With his mic off, she says, "Oh, he actually is a king... oh dear." Yamazaki switches off his own mic to answer her. "Well now you know! Just roll with it."

    Both mics come back on just in time for Gohan's response. "/King/ Gohan-pardon my error everyone-uses the force of the rising pillar to go airborne! He's affixed some kind of blade to his arm and now he's charging up an energy sphere! He fires it downward at Toph, but it looks off-course... OH! With a stunning display of speed, he charges down to it and punches it onto a truer course!"

    "Oh, he's clearly mastered the art of Airborne Swimming. It holds that, with the right mindset, you can swim through air as if it were water. To fall that fast, no doubt he visualized himself as swimming down a waterfall!" Yamazaki chips in, drawing another smile from Tomoyo (and no doubt more confusion from spectators).

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh right, Saiyans can fly. Luckily for her Toph has gotten more used to fighting aerial opponents, and while it's still far more difficult for her than to fight people who are on the ground, she has picked up some tricks during her years in the multiverse. Like metalbending.

    It's far easier to keep track of where Gohan is when he's carrying metal on him, like that blade of his. When he also voices his intent to end the fight early that gives Toph reason enough to be extra cautious, and she listens, sensing the presence of the metal Gohan is carrying and figuring out his trajectory, listening. All of these factors added in with Toph's unique powers might make it seem like blind luck when she brings her arms up, raising a thick wall right in the sphere's path! Most of the massive attack is blocked, with only some of the energy slipping through cracks in the wall as Toph stands her ground, a determined look on her face. "You gotta do better if you wish to defeat the greatest earthbender of all time!"

    But it seems she too has objections with the commentary as she raises her arm and points in the direction of the commentator booth. "Earth isn't SHY, you dunderhead! It's a stubborn and stable element, and it requires WILLPOWER to bend it. LIKE THIS!" With that she throws her other arm out towards Gohan, and a rock the same size as he is shoots out of the earth behind him, aimed at his back!

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan smirks as she brings her arms up and produces a wall to block his sphere. She could hear him, clearly, but beyond that he has no idea she can track him. At her taunt, Gohan merely laughs, rolling his shoulders. "Of course I will," he says, "I want to give these people at least a bit of a show before I win. These tournaments would be no fun for the audience otherwise, right?" He draws the sword from his waist, holding it in front of him. Clearly, he's expecting the next attack to be one in front of him. He's smiling, though the air swimming comment causes him to glance toward the commentators again. "Air swimming?!" he roars. "It's called fl--"

    He flickers out of existence, or so it seems, as the rock flies toward him. In reality, he turned on his heel and used his outlandish speed to move toward the boulder with his sword. He seems to phase back in on the other side of the earthbender's rock. "--ight, you jackass!" he finishes. He then turns back toward Toph, using his momentum to throw his arm toward her. However, he's so far away that it seems pointless.

    Until that golden beam of energy rockets toward her, anyway. He's aiming the narrow beam for the girl's center of mass, and once it's away from him, he straightens up and narrows his eyes. Lightning sparks along the ground around him as it races from his aura, flicking across his sword as well as he waits.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "The blast flies true, but Toph was ready for it! An earthen wall springs up at her command, blocking it! Ooohhh, but the blast was a strong one, cracking it enough that some was able to slip through. But now, a man-sized boulder flings itself at King Gohan's back with a single gesture! This really is the perfect battlefield for an Earthbender, will the favourable terrain make a difference in the long run?"

    Yamazaki shakes his head as Gohan dodges the rock though. "Oh, but he saw it coming. Sun Tzu once said, 'If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to blame.' I suppose the earth wasn't clear on what she wanted, and got a little flustered." Tomoyo just nods along and adds, "And now Gohan is throwing a punch from the air to the ground, a beam flying out from his fist! Not as large at that sphere, but perhaps he wants something faster or more precise?

    Yamazaki concurs! "Well, smaller beams of light go faster, because they have less mass. It's only common sense. Oooohhhh, and now he's landing, and lightning is sparking along the ground! They say these mountains are thick with copper, so perhaps that's why the earth is conducting so well."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The earthbender frowns when she senses the metal he's carrying move, and well, it's easy to sense that the rock doesn't hit him. On the other hand she can't sense that he throws his arm out towards her since he is still flying, and so she has no way of seeing the energy beam that is shot towards her.

    It hits her straight in the torso, and she cries out as she staggers back, wincing at the pain as she grits her teeth from the pain. Okay, time to show him what a bender can truly do!

    Raising her arms again, Toph strikes out, and the remains from the wall earlier are sent flying towards Gohan. Let's see how well he handles several projectiles!

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan narrows his eyes again, keeping himself on guard. However, he's been expecting the earth to rise up at him in solid pieces, rather than the shotgun of stone that faces him now. He's pelted and pierced by the stones, and he growls loudly in pain. His aura flares higher in response, causing the ground to shake slightly. "Hrrk!" he roars, before he launches his blade sky high. What purpose could this possibly serve?

    He cups his hands to his side, palms facing each other. His voice is booming, and speaks of the incredible power he's preparing. "KA... ME... HA... ME...!" A blue orb appears in the space between his hands, rapidly growing in size. However... the iconic finishing syllable is withheld. What's he... waiting for?

    Toph would 'see' it before even Gohan seems to, the blade falling and spinning toward the ground. As it falls level to Gohan, he thrusts his arms forward. "HAAAA!"

    There's a roar of air as the Kamehameha is released, but it seems he may have planned poorly. The beam strikes the hilt of the sword and, true to its nature, it absorbs the energy, glowing blue as it's struck at the end of the hilt. The blade freezes in midair, point toward Toph...

    Before the energy is channeled out of the point of the sword, narrowed to a tiny beam. However, it's not lacking in power, and actually seems to have been enhanced as it splits the air.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo winces a little when Toph gets struck by the beam, and takes a moment to compose herself. She has to be impartial, after all! "Toph takes the beam square to the chest! She's clearly not happy about it either, but she won't give up so easily! She throws out her arms, and the crumbling earth wall she used to block the energy spear shatters entirely, chunks flying out to strike the King of Saiyans!"

    Yamazaki, being a little more detached from both parties, has no need to compose himself. "And he's not happy about it at all. He's charging up! Kame Hame? Turtle Panel? Ooohhhh, a technique named after an obscure shogi strategy! Good theming!"

    Finally, when the 'HAAA' comes out, Tomoyo says, "Ah, a massive blue beam erupts from his hands, striking his dropped sword... which focuses the beam into a thin laser! No doubt it has much more penetrating power like this!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's easy enough to sense all the earth striking him, as well as the shaking due to his aura flaring up. As she senses him throwing the sword skywards though she blinks, preparing. Okay, he seems upset. Seriously, do all Saiyans have anger issues or something?

    Wait, isn't this one hell of an attack? The words seem familiar, and she's certain she's heard them over the radio before or in the field, even if said attack has never been aimed at her before. But heck, even a dunderhead would know to take this attack seriously! So Toph kicks the ground, and in response the earth is sent up around her, wrapping itself into a protective earth armour that covers every part of her save her mouth.

    Might as well try to avoid the attack too and launch a counter attack! So Toph rushes forward, the earth armour sliding forward. But the moment the kamehameha strikes the sword and the beam strikes, it ends all of Toph's forward momentum. Instead the girl is struck backwards with a mighty yelp, skidding along the ground as she lets out a pained gasp. Parts of the earthen armour is cracked, and she's bleeding from her side. It is bound to look even more serious underneath the armour!

    Stubborn as she is though, Toph is not one to give up, so she grits her teeth together, ignoring the pain as she raises her arms.

    Around them the earth shakes even more, cracks forming all over the area, and as Toph throws her arms upwards, an explosion of /dust/ fills the area, making it harder for people relying on sight!

    Immediately after Toph kicks off, all while she gestures. Earthen spikes shoot out of the ground here and there, but they are not aimed at Gohan. Instead they will serve as stepping stones for now as Toph quickly kicks off, hurrying towards Gohan while the dust is still there, aiming to punch him right in the face.

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Toph is struck head-on by the Kamehameha laser, and Gohan grabs his sword after the attack and readies it. He has yet to strike close quarters, instead opting to play the distance game with Toph. However, she seems adept at fighting at range as well. He's thinking of strategy now, keeping his eyes on the armor that Toph has created out of earth. That was a nifty trick, even if it had been broken somewhat by his attack. And then she raises a cloud of dust around the battlefield, cutting off his sight. He snarls slightly, trying to pick up on Toph's life energy instead. However, it's always been a stretch to detect in offworlders, and it proves to be the same now.

    He could clear the air with his aura. Shame the idea doesn't occur to him until after he's punched.

    There's a loud sound of stone meeting face, and Gohan recoils hard, spitting up blood and roaring in pain. His face is heavily bruised, but he rolls with the punch. "Gotcha," he says, smirking even as his lips swell from the impact. He turns the blade to face the hilt toward Toph, before he rockets it toward her gut. "Try and dodge me at this range!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    By now, both the high schoolers in the commentary booth are leaning forward in their chairs, glued to the monitors. The fight is really something, after all! Yamazaki says, "They say that the best offence is a strong defence, and Toph is displaying that admirably! Wrapping the earth around her in a suit of armour, she's lumbering towards Gohan! She's shown that the earth is a mighty shield, but I don't think even her badgermole parents would think to use it like this! But the focussed beam hits, and pierces right through, drawing blood!"

     Tomoyo looks a little fearful, but continues her commentary nonetheless. "And now Toph has kicked up dust and dirt to create a cloud, obscuring a large section of the field! Not to worry dear listeners, we can keep up with the action using the wonders of thermal imaging!" A few pokes at the monitor makes it shift to red and blues. "Ah, and it seems that Toph is kicking up the earth... oh! OH! She's making stepping stones from it, rushing towards Gohan while obscured! Fist drawn back, she punches! A simple but effective blow, enhanced by her stony garb, right to the face!"

    "Gohan is reeling, and now he's bleeding too!" Yamazaki says. "They say that poppies grow where blood has been spilled, which is why they're so red. By the time these two are done with each other, these mountains will bloom beautifully come next spring. And while Gohan has been playing the ranged game this whole fight, he's clearly capable at this distance too, as he stabs with that wrist-mounted blade!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Man, does it feel good to land a punch!

    Toph can be seen grinning as her rock covered fist strikes Gohan, and it's evident that the young girl is used to fighting both up close and at range. It helps when she's so familiar with her own powers and can use them for both minor and larger tasks. It's her bending that defines her as a person after all, and so it's become her entire life and why she's so good at it.

    Rather than trying to avoid the blow that Gohan aims at her gut, Toph stands her ground, though there's a slight movement of her hand. And as the hilt connects with her abdomen, there's the creaking sound of metal as the blow barely cracks the armour there. "Yeah, good luck using something made from EARTH to fight me, mudbrain..." she mutters, then strikes out into the air with her arm again. Not to punch him again, but to send one of the earthen spikes she used for stepping stones as a large projectile aimed right at him.

    "Sheesh," Toph snorts as the commentary continues. "I wasn't RAISED by badgermoles, I learned bending from them!" she objects loudly, all while keeping her senses open.

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan's no stranger to close combat. Hell, Gohan's no stranger to combat in general. He was trained, ruthlessly, by Piccolo and Vegeta, and it's the latter that he seems to draw from now. As she bends the hilt of his blade, he places it back on his waist, narrowing his eyes. "So... you can bend metal too, huh?" he says, "Good to know. Lucky for me, I don't need the sword to beat you. Thanks for the tip, though. That helps."

    However, there was still the matter of how to respond. And so, Gohan recalls an attack that Vegeta used on Namek. His fist begins to glow with energy, but he's stalled by the spike flying toward him. He backs up, but the stone spike slashes across his chestplate and rends it open, a bit of blood trickling from the glancing blow the stone had made on his body. "Tch! That hurt... but not as much as this will!" He steps back in, attempting to land a punch on Toph's middle. However, should he make contact, the real attack explodes forth, a massive surge of energy from his glowing fist!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "What? Have you been living under a rock or something?!" Toph asks. "I'm the inventor of metalbending! And here they said it was impossible until a twelve year old blind girl comes and shows 'em how it's done!" Amateurs.

    The strike of the earthen spike isn't as great as Toph would have wanted, but then again she knew this wouldn't be an easy fight. And when Gohan makes it clear he's pondering something that he intends to hurt, Toph thinks quickly. Defense, now!

    First she throws her arms out to the side, and the earth on the ground around her reacts. And just in time. The very moment Gohan punches out towards her Toph bends a thick wall of earth between her and Gohan, and she keeps her armoured hands on it, letting out a grunt as she focuses on keeping the earth from shattering from the surge! But the entire wall cracks, and Toph feels some of the energy as it slips through, stinging and rushing through the protective earth. But the very moment the attack is over Toph changes the purpose of the earth.

    With one massive push of the earth and twist of her hands, the earth moves to wrap itself around Gohan's arm and torso, and with a punch Toph bends the earth downwards, aiming to slam itself /and/ Gohan into the ground.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo leans in, looking at an overhead monitor to get the best look at the close-quarters combat. "Toph is standing firm as Gohan stabs at her... is she so confident in her stone armour? Wait, no! She's using earthbending to stop the blade! A masterful display, worthy of the self-proclaimed 'Greatest Earthbender~!' And now, with all those spikes set up, she has plentiful ammunition to stab right back! One of them flies at Gohan!"

    Yamazaki adds, "Ooohhh, but it's only a glancing blow. But it draws more blood for the poppies though! His fist is starting to glow, powering up... and he punches at Toph, as energy blasts from his fist!"

     Tomoyo continues with, "But Toph was ready for it! Again, the earth leaps up to defend her, crumbling under the blast, but soaking up the worst of it! And now that the blast has ebbed, she's trying to wrap Gohan in the wall... and she slams it into the ground! Ooohhh, we felt that rumble up here in the booth!"

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan smirks. "Invented the technique, huh? Impressive. A prodigy. Not unlike..." As she blocks the attack with another stone wall, he growls. "ME!"

    He tries to break through the wall, but he can't seem to do so, and then the earth around him is shifting, imprisoning him in its grasp. He glares at Toph, the look one of anger, but... also respect. "Hmph. Well played."

    And then he's sent plummeting into the dirt. There's a nasty sound crack as he hits the ground, and he roars in agony as the stone around him shatters. One of his arms, the left, is quite clearly broken from the shoulder and dangles uselessly at his side. Blood flows from the multiple wounds caused by the impact, running in rivulets down his arm and face. However, he straightens up, looking at Toph with strangely blank eyes. His aura is calm, lightning sparking across his form as he watches the earthbender silently. Is he done?

    He flickers, moving quickly backward as he raises his only good arm to his forehead, hand resting there with palm facing out. He focuses on Toph, the light returning to his eyes as he growls. "MASENKO... HAAA!" There's a flash as a golden ball appears in front of his palm, rapidly swelling before he raises his hand above his head. He thrusts it forward, and the ball destabilizes into a wild explosion of energy that seems like a storm, bearing down on Toph with all the power Gohan can muster. There's no follow-up words.

    Gohan... is deadly focused.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, they both have an ego, good to have that established.

    At least Toph does take Gohan seriously, having felt just how much his attacks can hurt. And while Toph never has been a fan of hurting people she knows that holding back will only get herself even more injured. Thankfully there are medics on standby, and she winces slightly as she 'sees' the injury to his shoulder. But he is far from done, still energetic and ready to fight. So is Toph as she slips back into a defensive stance.

    What kind of attack is coming? Should she focus on avoiding or defending? It's not easy to tell when she doesn't know the attacks. But it's easy enough to tell when she hears it coming and also sees the movements that Gohan makes. But it's impossible to avoid the attack, and Toph cries out as she's thrown back by the explosion, crashing through one of the spikes she raised earlier. When she pushes herself up afterwards it's not without being obviously pained, gritting her teeth as more parts of the earthen armour crumble and fall to the ground, revealing burns and cuts. Without her armour Toph would surely have been even more injured considering she's physically only human. Her breathing is rougher, and her lips, set in a thin and grim line is the only hint of what she thinks.

    Suddenly her left arm strikes again, and an earth pillar shoots out diagonally next to Gohan, aiming to knock him forward with no small amount of force. Right towards Toph who's sliding forward on the ground in her armour, aiming to throw another punch at him.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Yamazaki leans in to the monitor, zooming in on the display to look at Gohan's arm. "Ladies and gentlemen, Gohan's left arm is clearly broken after that last attack! In addition, he is bleeding from multiple places! But he stands strong, truly an exemplar of the Saiyan's tenacity." He honestly sounds so moved by Gohan's manly spirit that he forgot to make up some nonsense.

    Tomoyo is similarly impressed! "And now he's lifting his good arm up, the back of his palm against his forehead... a ball of light charges up in his hand. And it explodes, a massive rush of power overwhelming Toph's position! She's sent flying back, crashing through her own spikes, her armour stripped away! She's battered, bruised, burned... but resolute! And now... ah! Another pillar rises up to strike Gohan from the side, knocking him towards Toph! And she follows it up with another punch, her fist still coated in earth!"

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan winces. His arm is completely broken and unresponsive, but not numb. Pain roils through him, causing his stomach to turn slightly with nausea. His vision wavers with pain, Toph seeming to split into three for a moment. So, when she moves her hand, he's confused. Until he feels the pillar connect. It blinds him, his head pounding... before he feels his ribs break under the force of Toph's follow-up punch. His vision flickers back, showing Toph in front of him, fist outstretched against his armor, which crumbles away like cheap paper. He coughs, blood flowing from his lips as he staggers back away from the earthbender.

    He's clearly broken and beaten, but he's not down. Not yet.

    He steps back, narrowing his eyes. His good hand sinks to his side, forming into a cupped position as it does. It looks like the Kamehameha form, with one hand. However...

    "KA.... MA... SEN.... KO...!"

    Uh oh.

    Suddenly, his hand snaps to his forehead, the blue sphere that had been forming there growing massive in an instant, a golden core forming in the center. It looks like the sphere is as large as Gohan, and it swells even larger as he raises it above his head. He flickers back, putting a little distance between Toph and himself. The reason...?


    He flings his arm forward, and the world seems to explode in a blue-gold light. Toph might be unaffected by the lightshow, but she'd feel the attack bearing down on her, a massive beam of energy channeled from both of the halfbreed's signature techniques. All focused on the young earthbender. "TAKE THIS, THE ATTACK THAT TOOK NAMAMURA!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    He's injured, but telling him to give up now is unrealistic. They are both fighters, and she herself wouldn't give up if she were in his situation. So why be disrespectful to him when he's not being disrespectful to her?

    He might be a Fed, but not all Feds are assholes. And Gohan has proven himself to at least have a conscience when he gave Yunomi her world back.

    Okay, Saiyans shouting means they are always working on a big attack. At least they give people a warning, sort of. If she's hit in more of those attacks however, it's the end. Still, it looks like Toph is standing still, taking a deep breath as she considers her options. And it seems she has few choices here. So be it.

    Throwing her arms up, Toph raises several earth plates that crash together in creating a barrier. Is she actually crazy enough to try and block such a powerful attack? More and more earthen plates shoot out, creating a several layered barrier that might be able to protect whoever's inside against lots of things, but a powerful energy blast? Did Gohan's previous attack knock some screws loose in her head?

    The massive beam of energy shoots out, striking the barriers and utterly shattering them and the nearby earth, cracks forming in the ground. But when the debris and light settle, all that's left is a... hole? Where is Toph?!

    Then suddenly underneath Gohan, something is happening as the very earth becomes alive.

    Several dull earthen pillars shoot out of the ground, an unrelenting attack that does not aim to kill, but to severely punch and knock a person upwards as the earth rises. And in the middle of it all is Toph! Bleeding with no more of her armour left now, even if she could easily rebend it. But for now she focuses on mobility as she launches herself upwards, bringing her arms up with a somewhat mighty roar for a young teenaged girl, and as she slams both fists into one of the large pillars, causing all of it to explode in a storm of rocks and dust.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Yamazaki winces, the microphones on the cameras picking up the sound of Gohan's rib snapping from Toph's punch. "The Saiyan King takes the punch hard! I think a rib snapped from it. He seems woozy, is it over?... no! He's charging up another beam, a combination of the two he's used before. Blue light shifts to gold! Behold, the Kamasenkoha! The mountain trembles under the blast! The shockwave even reaches us, here in the stands!"

    Indeed, things are rumbling in the booth. Tomoyo has to save a glass of water from spilling as she picks up where Yamazaki left off. "Even blind, Toph knows that this is a serious attack. Multiple layers of earth rise up, creating multiple shields around her. But the blast is peeling them away, one by one... oh my! But the inside is empty!"

    Both of them are on their feet when the ground below Gohan erupts, far too excited! "She tunnelled below!" Yamazaki yells. "Pillars crash upwards into Gohan, flinging him skywards only to be struck again and again! Toph is riding up with him, and slams both fists into the stone, causing it all to explode with the king right in the centre!"

Gohan (334) has posed:
    He threw it all... his everything into one last attack. Surely she was tiring and injured, just as he was, right? Nope. She had more fight. She's gone from the attack, but Gohan knows she's survived. The hole in the ground confirms it, and... he drops to one knee. His hair flickers for a moment, before fading to black, his eyes doing the same before he closes them. "D... damnit...! Three years... I've been beaten by little girls... three years in a row...!" His fist slams toward the ground, but it never connects, the earth instead rising to punch him in the chin. He roars, but the assault is just beginning. Pillars slam into his body, breaking bones and bruising his skin. He feels every blow, and at the final attack, his body finally relents. He's sent flying straight upward, then...

    His unconscious form crashes into the earth a small distance away. His body is black and blue, bloody and broken. But he's breathing, no matter how labored it is. Another thing is immediately clear as well.

    He's done. Game over.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Rocks fall and crash into the ground around them, though Toph throws her hands down, softening the ground underneath them as it changes into a more sandy composition. The landing is still somewhat rough, and Toph smashes down into the sand in a crouched landing.

    She's breathing hard, and she winces as she presses a hand against her side. She can hear him breathing, and she can't feel him moving to get up. Is he unconscious? Either way Toph does not continue the attack. "He's out cold," she calls in Tomoyo's direction. "Get the medics out here!" Though she does walk over towards him, limping slightly. At least she will be able to leave the arena on her own feet, but there /is/ something she has to do first.

    When she reaches Gohan she crouches down, extending a hand towards his belt and the sword there. All it takes is a gesture of her hand, and the hilt returns to its previous form without any sign of it being disturbed during the fight. Before she rises she does reach down to punch his right shoulder weakly as she speaks in a low tone for his ears only, even if he might not be able to hear her right now.

    "Ice cream's on me when you wake up."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    The cameras focus on Gohan's prone position, looking for any signs of getting up. When it's clear that Gohan isn't moving, Tomoyo calls it. "It's over! Gohan is out cold!" She mashes the button to alert the medics, who rush out to carefully get Gohan onto a stretcher.

    Meanwhile, the tailor continues. "Ladies and gentlemen, you bore witness to an intense fight! The greatest earthbender verses the king of Saiyans! Both fought well, but there can only be one winner, and I present her to you now. Multiverse, let us hear your applause for TOPH! BEIFONG! She will be advancing to the next round of the WMAT, so please give her your applause then too!"

    Yamazaki adds, "And please, though he is out cold, let GOhan hear your cheers for his valiant performance! And remember, he is not out yet. He will be fighting Tommy Oliver for the right to advance too! So please, tune in to that fight! If it is anything like what we saw today, you won't want to miss it!"