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WMAT CQ1 Vegeta vs Jeannette vs Bahamut
Date of Scene: 19 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: Vegeta, Bahamut, and Jeannette Thompson enter the WMAT qualifiers! Only one winner emerges...
Cast of Characters: 410, Bahamut, 663
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Vegeta (663) has posed:
When Vegeta lands in the arena in the middle of the day, he crosses his arms, not bothering to wait for his opponents before he begins. He immediately begins to power up. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" as he unleashes that violent roar. His hair flashes yellow, then a lighter white-gold, allowing his power to spill out all over the planes like some kind of hurricane, sky darkened.

He wants his opponents to enter -his- sphere of influence, so that they can see exactly who they're dealing with!

Bahamut has posed:
     There is a strong roar overhead, and a trio of runed white spellcircles appear in the air, each one at least 3 meters across and arranged in a line. Suddenly, a gunmetal grey dragon comes sailing out of the cloud and crashes through the circles, one after another. Then, he dives toward the ground where Vegeta landed, a confident grin on his face.

     Just before the large grey dragon hits the ground, he banks upward quickly, then lets himself drop to the ground, sending a small shockwave out from his hefty bulk impacting the hard earth. He roars again, then stands tall and crosses his arms over his chest and regards the yelling saiyan. "So, you are the king of Saiyans? Appropriate. I am Bahamut, King of the Spiran Dragon, and Aeon of Bevelle."

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
There's quite a bit of pomp in the air, today. Strong enough you could almost feel it against the Skin. It made Jeannette wish she had gone with something a bit more dramatic. Jumping out of a plane, maybe, or a coordinated fly by from /Resolve/'s fixed wing contingent. Then again. It /was/ just the qualifiers.

So she'll walk forward to the two other combatants from the edge of the arena, to the slight cheers of some Triancian sailors and civilians, a scant handful making their vacation here. A man and a woman in Royal Triancian Marine DiTi stand at the edge of the arena where she came from, serious looking and clearly uncomfortable with being left behind.

Jeannette's cloak covers moves of her form, a slight swish here and there revealing the shine of gold buttons and the color of commendations and ribbons, aganist the 'well-polished' synthetic leather harness over it. The sheath of her sword can be seen just to her right hand side, gloved hand slightly resting on it.

She stops in the middle of the arena, and gives a brief nod of her head. "Ahh, you two seem to have the better of me, in terms of our social standing. I am but a lowly noble women, with a simple barony to call my own; a few paltry gold stripes on my shoulders and sleeves." She gives something of a rather-well done bow (like she was going to curtsie). "Please, show mercy. Kidding aside, who plans on starting this little duel up?"

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta's power output dies down, allowing the sky to return to normal, and the area to be much more pleasant to be in. But his form is still very much final, watching the two arrive. "Well, at least I have worthy challengers. A king, and someone who is at least of noble blood. I'll make your deaths--- oh, right, this isn't to the death. Well, I'll make your unconsciousness quick and only a little painful."

He aims his hands at both of them, then just fires a large, untamed blast of energy at the same time, as if trying to end it quickly. Though it's not nearly as much energy as he's capable of actually using it.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut looks over as Jeannette approaches, then he grins. "I suspect you do not need mercy, Jeannette." he says just before he is blasted with that energy. He grunts as he stumbles a step from the impact, then he chuckles. "Luckily for you, Vegeta." he says before he raises a hand toward each other combatant, similarly to how Vegeta did.

     Except instead of untamed energy, lightning arcs along his large claws before a small bolt is fired at both of them. Nothing major, but getting struck by lightning generally hurts.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
There's a slght nod from Jeannett'e to Bahamut, as he gives her a bit of a compliment. "Oh, pain isn't something you should hold back on. Make it last. So very rare that I get to to spar with combatants and this sword of mind-"

She stops as the blast of energy comes down from both Kings, first the Sayian, and then the dragon smacking her back once, then again. She seems a little worse for wear, twitching just slightly after the shock arm struggling to reach to her side (internal electronics... did not do well against electrical attacks. "Don't-" She starts, mouth twitching again as her hand moves to grasp something behind her, the automatic pistol pulled from it's holster as she attempts to throw both off balance with a wide arc of electrically fired flecheetes. "Don't suppose you might.. gck. Try something other than shocks?" A bit of a joke, given that her free hand has already moved over to her sword.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta tries to block the thunder attack by holding his arms up to his face. He's struck, but at the last moment he starts trying to shake the electricity from his arms. "HAH! Now that's how you start a fight."

Vegeta starts heading for Jeannette almost immediately. He flies over the ground, a sword slashing through his side in the process. But with this, he tries to slam both fists into her chest like Superman, then he finishes and appears near Bahamut, attempting to straight up punch him in the face.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is hit squarely by both the flecheetes and the punch, sending him stumbling back again. He shakes his head to clear the stars, then grins. "Alright. How about..." Bahamut spreads his claws, then runs a line between Vegeta and Jean. His steps shake the ground lightly as he runs. With Vegeta so close, he swings a clawed hand at him first, then he continues toward Jeannette and slashes at her when he is close enough.

     It takes a moment to arrest his momentum, so as he comes to a stop, Bahamut leaves a small furrow in the ground where his clawed feet dug in.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
"I'd prefer that to be the end of a fight." She notes to Vegeta as he calls out, her hand moving to her cloak, as it billows up around her, coming around in an arc of distracting fabric. When it subsuides, she wasn't in exactly the same position as she was before... And there was a quick difference in their closing. For Vegeta, she had tried to draw her own sword, letting it sing out as it slashed across the Saiyan's midsection; for the King of Dragons, the blade at her arm opposite the sword had snapped out of it's place hidden there, balanced with a grip of the pistols. "I feel like a bull fighter." She says, grinning humorouslessly.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta gets his armor slashed through. That armor never seems to help. Blood spurts over the weapon and he stumbles back, holding his stomach with one hand. "Damnit, I can't stand swords!"

He points a middle and index finger at Jeannette and Bahamut, both on one hand. Then he fires a bright yellow condensed beam of eneergy, about the width of a bullet, meant to be some sort of solid laser fire.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut however doesn't mind swords. His thick metallic hide resists blades fairly well. He brings an arm up and parries Jeannette's attack, the blow striking sparks against him and biting into his arm a bit. The beam of energy does much more against him. Bahamut growls as the beam punches into his hide, causing a bit of blood to flow.

     "Swords are the prefered weapon of most every warrior. I would expect the king of saiyans to be able to overcome such a thing." he says before he widens his stance. He growls, then four grey-black orbs of energy form around his shoulders. He gestures and a pair of them fly toward Vegeta and Jeannette. They are not entirely accurate, but they explode powerfully upon impact with enough force to threaten even someone a short distance away.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
"Perhaps you should try them sometime! There is something to having a blade in your hand that's quite empowering-" She says, brighting up the swoard itself as she seems the finger come up from that positation. The blast of energy is directed toward her... but seems to be gathered with a slight crackle and hum of electricity on the blade itself. The energy boes burn slightly aganist her clothing, meleting synthetic fibers together, but most of the damage seems to have been absorbed by the sword itself.

She's less effective aganist those orbs coming at her, the detonaation throwing her forward, slamming her aganist the ground, as she winces from a bruised (or broken) shoulder blade. The sword comes up, again, though, as she's on her feet after a few seconds, looking quite a bit more worse for wear, as she heads forward. "I suppose I should oblige you!" She mentions, sending a much more focused blast of flechettes toward the sayian's chest armor, as that charger sword looks to press into that armored thigh with a crackle of discharged energy.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
"I never said I couldn't stand up to them, I just can't stand them!" Vegeta holds his hands out, forming a thin yellow bubble of energy to shield himself from most of the blast, but then it's blown through by the last bit of it, sending him skidding across the ground.

"Damn, I guess dragons are about as tough as they say..." He stands back up just in time for his armor to get blown into, widening the damage to a circular hole in the armor, and burn wounds around his previous cut. He slides back, falling to one knee as he holds his chest. "Alright, let's do this then..."

He bursts across the arena now, holding his hands above his head, clasps together. Then tries to slam them both into the top of Jeannette's head at once. This is followed by him immediately aiming two fingers at Bahamut, firing a very quick series of thin beams, almost like some futuristic gatling gun. "You people have as many varied abilities as saiyans, well, it seems so anyway. Though I wonder just -how- well you can scale up to -my- level!"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut brings his arms up to defend his face as those many beam shots come in, exploding against his armored hide and causing a growl to escape from him. "And, just what makes you think you are a level above us?" Bahamut says with a grin as he emerges from the smoke, several holes punched into his metallic skutes.

     Bahamut makes a few gestures, then the air around Vegeta and Jeannette heats up. With them is such close proximity, the spell that hits engulfs both of them. There is an explosion between them, which becomes a giant fireball seeking to burn them both within its sphere.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
"Just can't stand them?" She says, twirling the sword in her hand once after she's backed away from Bahamut. "I think that sounds like a personal problem. At least to a swordswoman such as myself. You should work on /improving/ yourself." She says, in a mock reprochful tone, before Vegeta's heading over to again. Her arms come up quickly in a blocking manuever.. but it's not fast enough to keep those hands from slamming against her skull, causing her ears to bleed, and her to fall back... Well. For a moment. It doesn't effect her eyes or reflexes, and that sword comes in, if not hard, then long across the Saiyan's arm, hunting for a surgical cut that would reach an artery. It probably didn't hurt much... but it might do an excessive amount of damage.

That's right before the explosion comes at both of them, and assumingly knocks them apart. When the smoke clears, the synthetic fabrics, fire resistant as they are, showing signs of being melted together damage that hides the flash burns underneath the clothing. "This is getting painful." She mutters to herself, before her pistol comes up. It was a bit... unclear how she managed it, but the rounds she fires toward Bahamut aren't those light and fast flecheetes from before, but the thumping of heavier rounds meant to deform on impact. They wouldn't penetrate, but they would, if they hit the right places, shatter bone.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta finds his arm slashed into, trying to back away from Jeannette and hold his heavily bleeding arm closed. "I'm -always- improving myself, that is the very nature of a saiyan!" he says, right before they're consumed by fire, and he's blown all the way to his back. His wound is at least kept from bleeding out due to the burns, but he's twitching from the pain.

His skin isn't horrifyingly melted as it might be on a normal person, but he's definitely got burns all over him, and some badly melted armor.

He struggles to stand back onto his feed, trying to shake the pain. "What makes me think I'm a level above you?" he asks, right before he begins to gradually float into the air. "Because I'm the King of all Saiyans!!!" He holds his hands out, then starts unleashing dozens, no, -hundreds- of tiny balls of energy, each exploding like a grenade whenever it hits anything, essentially trying to carpet bomb the entire arena. "HAH! Don't die, I don't feel like being disqualified."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut staggers back from the heavy shells hitting him. It is hard to tell if anything was broken, but there are definite dents and cracks in his armored hide as the shells flatten against him then fall to the ground.

     Then, those balls of energy start flying in. Bahamut rumbles heavily as he braces for impact. There is no way a big guy like him is going to dodge any of those. So...he charges instead. His wings spread and he takes off like a rocket, right toward Vegeta. Many of those energy balls explode against him, leaving bleeding holes all over the dragon.

     When he reaches Vegeta, Bahamut extends both clawed hands to swipe at the saiyan, using the momentum from his flight to add to his strike. His momentum carries him past Vegeta and toward Jeannette. The swordswoman gets the same treatment, Razor sharp claws with the speed of a fighter jet behind them. If Bahamut's aim is true, both his competitors are sure to be hurting.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
"But apparantly not with swords!" She yells over to the Sayian; Perhaps she really shouldn't keep goading the superbeing a number of seconds after he speaks, but it does keep her mind off the large amount of pain she's feeling. Manage the exceptations.... Oh, damn it, he was flying wasn't he? Her reaction had to be moving to flick her tatter cloak around again, in an attempt to block heat and spall. It doesn't help aganist the force of attack itself, though, causing her to stagger back. "This uniform was expensive." She manages to say, a torn glove wiping away blood from her forehead.

When Bahamut moves past them in a run through at high speed (that was a bit of a reverse on how she was used to fighting) she looks to her sword... which was in the wrong hand; out of position. With a flick of her wrist, her autopistol is thrown into the air, and, like some sort of short range joust, she twirls just in time for that flyby to come by her, meeting those claws that tear through her armor with the blade in her arm attempting to jam into the Dragon's belly.

When the flyby is over with, her motion ends with that same hand catching the pistol as it falls, before training a lead and firing another brace of rounds aganist Vegeta as he zooms through the air.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta manages to pick up a burst of speed at the last moment, vanishing right when Bahamut tries to take him out of the sky. But soon after Jeannette recovers, Vegeta looks just in time for rounds to start entering him, bringing him back down to the ground.

He holds his sides, bullets lodged somewhere in between his armor and his flesh. "HAAAAAAA!!!" he shouts, trying to force the bullets out with a burst of power.

When he's standing again, he's breathing heavily, making a fist that seems to conduct an incredibly condensed amount of power all the way up his arm. If one can see the flow of energy, they'll see that he's extended his energy through the ground all around them. Then, suddenly, atoms split, and he raises two fingers into the air. "I've had enough of you two!" he shouts, and a small atomic explosion rises from the ground through their fighting area all at once, likely razing the ground quite a bit.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut's thick hide manages to deflect Jeannette's sword without much damage. Sparks fly from the point of impact, but otherwise the big dragon is no worse for wear. He swings around, growling at Vegeta after missing him completely. He starts back toward the saiyan, but before he gets there, Bahamut is engulfed in that explosion.

     The force is enough to send Bahamut flying back. No small feat, considering his bulk. He lands on his back, his heavy body plowing a furrow in the ground. When he rises it is slowly, a deep rumble of pain eminating from him. "Are you sure? There is so much more to be had." he says, grinning at Vegeta. The dragon makes a few gestures again, and this time the area around Vegeta and Jeanette darkens, then a sphere of dark purple energy appears above them before falling toward the ground. But, rather than exploding as they might expect, it attempts to crush them. It feels like they are being pulled downward with several times the normal force that a planet usually exerts on someone.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette was well aware of her disadvantages here. Primarily in the fact that both of these people could fly. And were wearing either rather heavy armor or rather thick skin. Her own armor was... not as robust, the cloak she was wearing melted and torn, ballisitc fibers unable to hold up to much more of an assault. The uniform underneath wasn't in much better wear. She couldn't keep taking hits like this.... even when she didn't have much of a choice to.

With a deep breath, she sees the Saiyan primed with energy. Another deep breath, and then she's off and running at the first sign of cracking ground. The explosion works past her, rocks moving to smack aganist her body as the concussion wave reaches her, but she's already moving out of range, attempting to circle around to use Bahamut as actual cover from the explosion.

And she's still hurt, but she stops, then changes direaction. That sphere of dark energy falling for them was dangerous, very much so, but it had to hit them. And the best way to avoid it meant getting close to the person who made it.

A few more bits of damage to herself as she feels herself being pulled down, weaked muscles straining and pulling as she attempts to escape the area of effect. "Feeling is mutual." She mutters, just loud enough to be heard, before her sword is up again. With a /leap/, she attempts to /slam/ the blade clear through the dragon, through something vital, using her boots to gain purchase on the form...

Before her pistol comes up again as she uses the dragon as cover. Again, where she found the time to switch her magazines was questionable, but the rounds she's firing this time are micro explosive. Small.. but forceful enough to take out an IFV with enough hits. And this was an entire clip's worth aimed right at the Sayian's chest.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta immediately slams down onto his face, yelling in pain as he feels his own bones pressing down into him. He tries his best to push up, but ultimately doesn't free up until the attack itself stops. "Gravity higher than I train in... that's definitely impressive..."

When he makes his way back to his feet, holding his chest, he suddenly has a clip unloaded into him. Bullets devour the remainder of his vest armor. He tries to block bullets with energy, but ultimately he gets laid out flat on his back, bleeding heavily from his wounds. He's likely got bullets inside of him at this point, but he's still very much alive.

"Ugh... alright..." He tries to breathe, then begins floating into the air, hunched over in pain. "I'm going to end this..."

He holds a hand up, starting to charge a bright sphere of condensed energy in his hand. It's as small as one of the ones he threw earlier, but it's so bright that it actually somewhat drowns out the daylight. "Big Bang..."

"ATTACK!!!" Finally, he lowers his hand, tossing the ball to the ground. He doesn't even aim it at either of them. Once it collides with the ground, it explodes into such a massive amount of energy, it creates a small mushroom cloud that fills the arena.

He coughs up a bit of blood, trying his best to control his bleeding, but for now he just watches.

Bahamut has posed:
     Jeannette's attack on Bahamut is well aimed while he is casting, and he roars out in pain as that sword is plunged clean through him. He falls forward into a three-point stance, panting heavily and bleeding just as heavily. "Nnng...a clean hit." he says to Jeannette before he rises back to his feet. Whether she withdraws the sword or not.

     Then, another massive explosion from Vegeta, this one even stronger than the last. When the mushroom cloud clears, Bahamut is barely standing. Several of his skutes are broken completely, and his bright red blood flows steadily from his many wounds. The big metal dragon rumbles deeply as he struggles to stay standing. "Even...if I do not win...it was an honor to test my strength against the both of you." he says.

     Then, he leaps into the air, using the last of his strength to try and even the score. He flies backward, then backflips and lands on all fours. His wings spread wide and he plants each limb firmly and deliberately, forming a strong all-fours stance. Then, the golden gryo that has mysteriously been hovering behind his shoulders the entire time starts to rotate. Faster and faster it spins, bolts of energy starting to arc over and around it. Soon after, he growls and opens his mouth, and energy starts to crackle from the gyro around his form and into a concentrated ball in front of his open maw. The ball of white-blue energy grows until it is nearly as thick as Bahamut himself, then with a roar he unleashes a beam of energy nearly twice as thick as he is and as tall as if he were standing. The energy races across the ground toward Jeannette, carving a deep gash in the landscape, then arcs upward toward Vegeta. Pure, unbridled energy seeks to saturate them both as the landscape and the very air around them starts to detonate from super-saturation. When the beam finally ends, an even larger explosion overtakes every inch of the area the beam covered.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Well, things were going to be ending here, it seemed. Her dodging hard worked out to evade the previous attacks, but not the two that come after... And even if she was feeling spry enough to continue, that next strike was directed against the ground in front of them. It only took a moment for her brain to gallop to the conclusion that she wasn't going to be covered from this attack, forcing her to, with a press of her boot, pull the sword out of Bahmut's side, just as the explosion strikes her, throwing her a long distance, leaving her body feeling pained, sore, and smashed all over. "Gah... damn it, who gives these people thermonuclear..." She says, trying to come to her feet, before seeing Bahamut fire his own strike toward them.

And, as much as she had seen the devestation Vegeta caused, it was actually smaller compared to the focused enegry speant moving toward her, the beam running toward her and engulfing her in light, and then an explosion, her wounded, pained expression the last thing one saw.

When the smoke cleared, her body was postrate on the ground , still. But... But. She wasn't out of this yet. Close, but not yet. She moved to stand up, slowly, wobbling on her feet. The pistol in her hand was raised up to Bahamut's flying form, the last two rounds left in the pistol double tapped out to the flying Dragon in an attempt to drop him out of the sky. The pistol drops from her grasp as she stumbles forward, moving to grip her swotf from where it fell. "I'm... sorry." She says, coughing a moment and spitting up blood. "But I am not... polite enough to yield today. Forgive me." She whispers, before, setting her feet, she takes off on a running charge toward Vegeta, sword held up, in a weak but determined attempt to slash.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
Vegeta holds his hands up again, throwing as much of his remaining energy as he can manage into a sphere of energy, at least as much as he can manage without passing out. When it finally breaks, the last bit of the blast blows him back for at least twenty feet. He stops himself in the air, floating again.

But he's more than low enough for Jeannete's slash, and blood goes flying from his torso, bringing him back down to his feet.

"Damnit... this has been a good fight, but it's starting to get on my damned nerves..." His blood is falling to the ground in a large, rapidly expanding pool. But while Jeannette is this close to him, he immediately balls his fist, then tries to bury it deep into her gut with as much physical strength as he can manage.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is shot out of the sky easily with how tired and battered he is. With a roar he plummets down and crashes into the ground, sliding a good distance before coming to a stop. He rumbles heavily, but does not move. He was really hoping to catch the saiyan king in his blast, and it steams him quite a bit that somehow Vegeta countered his attack even after the massive attack Vegeta launched.

     He can only watch as Jeannette is punched into submission, and once she is the dragon rumbles again and just closes his eyes. "It was a good fight." he says as he tries to relax. He hasn't been this battered in a long time.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
At least she kept it simple at the very end. No massive energy bolts. Just a punch sinking into her gut, causing her to exhale in a rush of air, spitting blood up aganist the ruined Saiyan's armor. She slowly sinks to her knees, sword falling to her side. "I think that's enough." She whispers, for the moment, breathing weakly on the ground, as, as if from a magic signal, two of the people waiting on the sidelines approch. They aren't bothering with swords or pistols (though one picks up Jean's discarded weapon), but they keep rifles pointed and trained at both targets on the field.

When they reach Jeannette, one of them has her by the shoulder, and then then start pulling back. "Just get me on a plane. I can recover on the way." She mutters, before passing out. Goddamn, that had been a good fight.