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Latest revision as of 19:24, 20 September 2015

A Day In The Life: Riva And Ayako
Date of Scene: 10 August 2015
Location: Heaven or Hell Tower <HoH>
Synopsis: A normal day for Ayako and Riva. Nothing weird or crazy here.... REALLY. :O
Cast of Characters: Riva Banari, Ayako Hasekawa

Riva Banari has posed:
7:00 AM

The idyllic morning light (as idyllic as anything gets in Boston) shines through windows. The crack of morning is pleasant, a bright and happy day ready to start for everyone. Birds are singing, people are getting ready for work, and radio show hosts are trying to make people laugh and generally failing.

As the inevitable tick of the clock turns from 6:59 to 7:00, there is a loud BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP from Riva's bedroom, moments before there is a loud WHACK. Some incoherent mumbling is heard from the bedroom before everything goes quiet again.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Eh? Ayako glances around the living room slowly. Was that Riva's alarm clock? And then she hears the loud WHACK! She giggles softly and shakes her head. Yes, that was definitely Riva's alarm clock.

    The Water Spirit maid happens to be lying on the couch watching television, as almost always. The volume is set really low, so as not to disturb Riva's sleep. Ayako doesn't sleep herself, after all!

    After a few minutes pass, Ayako slowly gets up from the couch and walks over to Riva's bedroom door. She knocks lightly on the door and puts her ear to it. "Riva~. It's morning~. Time to wake up~." She doesn't say it particularly loudly, in fact, she says it in a rather soothing way.

Riva Banari has posed:
There doesn't seem to be any immediate response to Ayako, just some incoherent mumbling. But like usual, there rarely is.

7:03 AM

beep beep Beep Beep BEEP WHACK.

7:06 AM

beep beep Beep Beep BEEP WHACK.

7:09 AM

beep beep Beep Beep BEEP WHACK.

7:12 AM

beep beep Beep Beep BEEP WHACK.


Finally, there's some stirring in the room, and a low grunt. Maybe Riva was partying last night. Maybe she was just up late doing... whatever she does at night. Either way, the thumping seems to indicate she's gotten up and is doing her morning washup. The sudden change in the running water in the building tips Ayako off as much.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako just stands there with a gentle smile on her face. Although she flinches a bit at each 'WHACK!' "M-maybe I should wake her up myself instead of leaving it to the alarm clock." She scratches her cheek awkwardly with a pointer finger.

    And then 'WHACK WHACK CRASH!' happens! Her amber eyes blink quickly. We sure lose a lot of alarm clocks that way. Ayako smiles cheerfully and sits back down on the couch once she senses that Riva is actually awake and doing her morning washup.

Riva Banari has posed:
7:30 AM

    It's about this time that the door opens, and Riva slumps out of the room in pajamas and a big pair of pink bunny slippers. She yawns, mumbling something to Ayako as she pops into the fridge and rummages around in there, pulling out a big bottle of... Orange juice. With a pop, Riva pours herself a glass and drinks it down in one go, before setting the glass aside and releasing a huuuuuuuuuuuge yawn as she stretches.

And then she lets her arms drop, her eyes popping open and she smiles over to Ayako. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Ayako!" She calls. "Good morning!" With a wave, she washes out the glass real fast and puts away the juice. "See anything good last night?" She asks, turning to rummage in the pantry.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako watches Riva slump out of the room and giggles softly. "Good morning, Riva!" She continues to watch Riva drag herself to the mini-kitchen and hops to her feet once the refrigerator opens. She makes her way over to Riva and watches her drink the... orange juice? Well, it wasn't orange Healing Water, at least!

    She curiously watches Riva... and then startles slightly when Riva suddenly wakes up. "Eep. Delayed reaction!" Ayako giggles brightly and shakes her head slowly. "Nothing really good." And then curiously watches Riva rummage around in the pantry.

    "Riva~. Did you want me to try waking you up? It always sounds so violent when your alarm clock beeps!"

Riva Banari has posed:
Ever since the Orange Water Incident, Riva's been circumspect in her usage of the peppy water despite her jokes. That's good, at least! "It's okay, I buy old ones for a reason. It just takes me a little bit and a nice glass of orange juice to get going... And I don't want to accidentally hit you if I mistake you for the clock! That would be terrible!" She pops back out holding some bread, which she lays to the side while she moves to the fridge and acquires butter and eggs. With a hiss, she begins frying up some eggs, humming brightly as she seasons the eggs with salt and pepper. "Fryin' up some eggs, do de doo de daaa, keepin' my sunny side up,,,~"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    It's good that Riva doesn't abuse the Orange Water anymore! It makes Ayako less cautious about storing the rainbow of Healing Water in the apartment. Ayako's head inclines to the side gently. "Aahh... so that's why you buy the old ones!" She giggles softly. and then shakes her head quickly. "I mean... I wouldn't go-" And then Ayako begins beeping like the alarm clock! Just for a while, though. "To wake you up!"

    She giggles brightly. "Although... maybe my voice isn't exactly something that would wake you up, huh...?" Ayako does take several steps back when Riva starts cooking, though. She tends to mess up the food people are cooking with just her presence, and she doesn't want to ruin Riva's breakfast!

    "So! Have any plans for today, Riva?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Don't worry, she's probably saving up to do something really weird again.

The beeping causes Riva to laugh. "That's a good point! I don't know, maybe we could give it a try sometime." After a couple more minutes she toasts the bread, and then slides the cooked eggs onto the toast. With a crunch, Riva bites into the sandwich and munches for a moment, walking over to plop down on the couch next to Ayako. "Today? Nothing super special, gotta run a few errands. Most of the afternoon is free at the moment since everything I'm working on right now seems to be in a holding pattern. What about you, Ayako?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako knows Riva well enough to know about the calm that occurs before the weirdness storm. She just takes it in stride, really!

    She smiles brightly. "I'll try it sometime, then!" Ayako continues to watch Riva until she plops down on the couch next to her. Huh... an egg sandwich! She stares at it for a moment before looking back to Riva.

    "Hmm... errands, huh...?" Ayako shakes her head slowly and glances upwards. "Hmm... for me, just doing the usual maid things." She pauses for a moment. "And... just thinking about some stuff."

Riva Banari has posed:
Om nom nom, om nom. Riva makes the simple breakfast sandwich vanish pretty quickly. "You always do so much work keeping everyone's stuff clean, Ayako. that's pretty amazing." She replies. "I don't know if I'll ever get used to seeing you do all of that."

She takes a moment to finish off the sandwich, Ayako's words causing her to ponder for a moment. "So what stuff are you thinking about? Anything interesting?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako subtly absorbs any crumbs Riva drops onto the couch with her hands. "Hmm? But that's just what a self-styled maid does!" She giggles brightly and shakes her head. "Besides. It's just cleaning. It's not really a big deal." Ayako pauses for a moment. "Well... things from the past, mostly. Nothing too, too interesting."

    On a side note, another Ayako has formed from the water in Riva's bathroom in her bedroom and is cleaning said bedroom at the moment!

Riva Banari has posed:
There are a lot of crumbs. Riva keeps her stuff clean-ish, but crumbs and such are a constant danger! Riva laughs, and then nods and hugs Ayako. "Well, thank you for your help!" Riva is, as usual, a very physical person. Hopping back to her feet, she gestures. "I should get dressed and get moving!" She heads into her bedroom, apparently not seeing the presence of another Ayako in there as an issue as she takes care of business in there.

She's like 3000 years old, what's she gonna say?

8:00 AM

A little bit later, Riva pops out, dressed up in casual clothes and her hair and makeup done (possibly with some Ayakossistance!). "All riiiiiiiiiight! Looking good today!"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako doesn't mind cleaning at all. Even if there are a lot of crumbs. And of course, she hugs Riva back cheerfully! She might not be as physical as Riva, but it's a Riva hug! She just has to return it! "Eh heh heh. You're always welcome, Riva!" The Ayako in the living room just looks back to the television as the Ayako in Riva's bedroom smiles happily and helps her.

    And once Riva pops back out, Ayako nods her head once. "Yes! Looking good!"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva gives Ayako a big thumbs up! "All right, I'm going to get moving! I'll see you later, Ayako!" She calls, waving as she heads out the door, locking it. Ayako has a set of keys even if she doesn't really need them, so!

Looks like she's going to be entertaining herself for a while, as Riva's out taking care of some kind of nebulous 'errands'.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako curtsies towards Riva as she leaves. Maid-style, of course. "See you later, Riva." She smiles softly once Riva leaves and looks around the apartment. Well! Time to clean! She might as well, since Riva's not home and she hasn't really given the apartment a good cleaning in a while.

    And then suddenly, the entire apartment floods! All of the rooms are completely and swiftly engulfed in water. At least, seemingly! Since the water never really leaves any of the rooms, nor does it leak out of the open windows. Why yes, Ayako is cleaning! Everything at once. She doesn't usually do it this way, but since no one else is home, why not?

Riva Banari has posed:
Engulfed in water... or full of microscopic Ayakofairies?! ONLY SHE KNOWS THE TRUTH!


    "Yes, I know the Kingsmouth situation is absurd, but look, you got my last reports, right? Everything is being handled as quickly and completely as possible... Look, it's /all of the zombies/. /All of them/."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Since the water is Ayako and Ayako is the water... it's probably both!

    Once the water has throughly scrubbed and cleaned where it should, it suddenly inwards to the center of the room and Ayako reforms from the water! And a big grayish-black basketball-sized ball falls onto the floor with a soft *thunk*. Ayako stretches and gives the ball a gentle nudge with her shoe. "All clean!" Of course, said ball is all of the dust and grime that built up since the last time she cleaned.

    Ayako absentmindedly picks up the ball and throws it into the wastebasket. She misses of course-and quickly picks it back up to place it inside properly. Once that's done, she returns to the couch to laze about.

Riva Banari has posed:

    "WAAAAAGH!" Riva is smashing draugr with her mace, goop and ugly bits splattering everywhere.


"WAAAAAGH!" Riva is running away from zombies as they shamble onto mines, explosions engulfing them and splattering the area.


"WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Riva smashes a horrifying animate junk heap as it attempts to bisect her with a rotary sawbade arm and blast-fry her with a flamethrower.


Riva walks past a mailbox and drops off a letter.


There is a low sluuuuuuurp as Riva drinks a milkshake at a local McDonald's. She is surrounded by screaming kids and tired, exhausted mothers.


Ayako gets a text message! <How's it going, Ayako? Still working on errands and stuff. Need me to pick anything up while I'm out?>

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    After lounging around watching television for a while, Ayako slowly gets to to her feet, stretches and then walks over to the door. She simply walks through the door to leave the apartment. Although, actually she's turning into water and going through where the door meets the doorframe. She just does it so smoothly and quickly that it looks like she's walking through the door.

    Water quickly forms in her hands and becomes a mop! And so, the self-styled maid begins cleaning! Of course, at the same time, there are many, many Ayakos that form out of water-some on different floors above and below her that begin work at the same time she does. Since there are lots of people about, she can't exactly flood the place. Besides, she likes showing off her human imitation so much to said people that she wouldn't do it anyway. Besides that, it's just another day of cleaning for Ayako!

    Ayako suddenly stops! Just one Ayako, anyway. She rummages around in a pocket in her apron and pulls out her radio. "Hmm? Oh, a text!" It takes her a moment to reply-she still isn't quite as good with technology as she would like, <Things are going okay! ^_^ Nothing for me, thank you!> Making smileys is hard for her for some reason. She got stuck on making it for a good ten minutes!

Riva Banari has posed:
In the McDonalds, Riva looks at the response, and nods, slurping the milkshake again as little children run around her, screaming some more.


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Riva screams as she smashes some massive cockroach-like insects that are about half her size.


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Gore splatters as horrible shambling stitched corpses reeking of formaldehyde shamble up towards Riva to take the place of the last one she just crushed.


Riva sits on a porch next to an Indian man teaching him how to brofist. He looks confused. She then starts hugging the wolf next to him. The wolf also looks confused and a little indignant.


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Riva screams, running away from a massive tentacled horror followed by a hulking, massive zombie with a crab arm.


Riva stands in front of the Yellow Sign Fish and Chips, looking a little green. Instead, she turns and walks down the street towards a large bar entitled The Horned God, texting Ayako again. <Looks like I'm about wrapped up. I'll be home soon!>

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako continues to clean. Sometimes with mop. Sometimes with broom. Sometimes with a cloth. Although, it's all made from her own substance so... they're all pretty much the same thing!

    It takes a while, but even the novelty of cleaning as multiple Ayakos gets dull. Dull enough for Ayako to call it a day. Her attention span never was particularly long. So instead she heads to the infirmary and begins bottling Healing Water.

    Of course, even that gets dull as well, and so in the afternoon Ayako returns to the apartment. To do what? To watch television, read Riva's books, and play with Riva's video games of course! Ayako rolls around on the couch watching the television, with Riva's books strewn about. For a maid, she sure can be messy!

    Oh? Another text? Ayako quickly pulls out her radio and looks it ove-. Oops! Riva's coming back! Ayako quickly hops to her feet and begins to tidy up her mess!

Riva Banari has posed:
About a half hour to an hour later (plenty of time for Ayako to hide her secret messiness!), Riva finally gets home, opening the door with a smile. "Hey Ayakooo! Hope you managed to keep yourself occupied!" Riva exclaims, hopping over to flop back onto her couch and give Ayako a big hug. "Everything's been handled for now! The rest of the day is alllllll ours! So what are you up to, hmm?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako thankfully has enough time to hide the mess she made! It wouldn't do to mess up the apartment after she cleaned it, after all!

    When Riva comes back home, Ayako is cheerfully sitting on the couch-not rolling around on it. "Welcome home, Riva!" She scratches her cheek with a pointer finger awkwardly as she glances away for a moment. "I... well, I managed!" She giggles brightly and hugs Riva back. "Those were some errands, it looked like though!"

    "Me? Oh, just watching TV!"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva shakes her head. "Nothing you need to worry about, Ayako, there was just a lot to do." She smiles. flopping back and looking up at the apartment. "Wow, the entire place looks spotless! You're amazing as always, Ayako, you're a bad influence on me." She laughs again. "So, anything interesting on the tube?" She says as she stands, walking over to the 'studio' half of the main living area and rummaging through her stuff.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako inclines her head to the side gently. "Hmm... well, alright. If you say so." She blushes lightly when Riva praises her. "Eh heh heh... praise me more!" Her amber eyes blink quickly. "Eh? I'm a bad influence on you?"

    Ayako looks back at the television. "Not much on right now..." Ah. Riva's moving about! She watches Riva curiously. What's Riva looking for?

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva laughs as she finally pulls out a sketch pad that hasn't been filled yet. "You do all the work I don't want to do. Maybe I'm getting lazy..." Then she produces a small pencil set. "Maybe not, though. I suppose it depends on how you look at it!" She sashays back to the couch and flops onto it again, before leaning in and tapping Ayako on the nose. "I know one thing for sure, though. You're absolutely /adorable/."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako stares at the sketch pad Riva pulls out and blinks her eyes slowly. She smiles softly. "Eh heh heh... well... it's just cleaning. And I wouldn't be much of a self-styled maid if I didn't clean."

    Ayako's amber eyes cross to look at the finger tapping her on the nose. "Hmm...?" And then she blushes lightly. "Eh heh... thank you Riva."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Hahaha, well, cleaning for you is clearly a lot easier than it is for me!" Riva replies. "And that's part of why I appreciate you so much." She lies back on the couch, letting Ayako have her part while she basically seems to fill up the remaining space in some catlike fashion. Riva seems to turn slacking into some kind of higher art form sometimes. As she does so, she flips open the sketch pad and begins doodling in it absently, her eyes going kind of hazy as she does so. Should Ayako look, Riva seems to be drawing up some landscape, trees, animals, and even the occasional Ayako, both normal and chibi-style. She might also notice that Arthur Lowell also features prominently, though she might also recognize Faruja, Saber, Bedivere, Ainsley, Wuyin, and others over time as she continues to draw. She doesn't seem to care if Ayako watches... Is she even noticing Ayako at all?

Either way, if she wants to watch TV, Riva doesn't seem to be demanding any attention.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles cheerfully at Riva. "Well, I'll keep doing it for you! Until someday you become sick of me." She nods her head once. Riva sure knows how to nestle into a couch!

    Oh, the sketchbook came out! Ayako notes the hazy, unfocused look in Riva's eyes and smiles softly. She gently gets up and turns on a nearby lamp to give Riva some extra light. After that, she settles back down on the couch and looks over at what Riva is sketching. "Hmm... hmm..." She doesn't want to interrupt Riva while she's in her sketching trance!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva sketches a /lot/. It generally seems to be how she relaxes after she does... whatever she does out there every day. Sometimes her sketches are fantastic, of strange places and things, of rainbows and space laser unicorns, and flaming rockets piloted by kittens. Sometimes they're of people she knows. Ayako features in the pictures a lot. Maybe this is her way of practicing and maybe keeping a diary of sorts at the same time.

The light coming on startles her out of her sketchy trance, though, and she blinks, smiling to Ayako. "Huh? Hmmm... Thank you, Ayako. Did you say something?" She asks as she looks back to her sketchbook. Usually she'll do this for an hour or two every day unless she gets inspired enough to do a painting. 'You gotta keep up on the basics', is what she said when Ayako asked about it a while back.

That said, she seems pretty into it. Maybe even less attentive than normal if she's outright missing what Ayako is saying to her, but hey, that's just Riva, right?