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Latest revision as of 04:22, 21 September 2015

Kongou meeting Terry/Batman
Date of Scene: 09 September 2015
Location: Hikari Sea Port
Synopsis: Terry McGinnis/Batman meeting Kongou
Cast of Characters: 637, Nagato, Shigure, 867

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    The Courtyard is quiet as crews finish repair to the Hikari Sea Port after the attack by forces that involved a flying green hand. Damage was done to the port, (OOC: see 26/24) and Batman had been aorund, working on finding out more info on what he provided to the R&D people and listening to the talk of those here.

Currently, he is sitting against a wall, about ten feet off the gound. His feet are flat against said wall, and his knees are bent as his back is against the wall as well. Looking sort of like an verticall situp position. Additionally, he is curious as to how the ladies at this sea port cna be connected to weapons and use them like they are a part of them, only he has not asked anyone due to the recent situation.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    With people going here and there, it's not long before a trio of girls exit the base's galley. The one leading the group is a somewhat tall brunette in a white and black outfit, not unlike that of a shrine maiden's uniform. Flanking her, black hair and red hakama shorts with a white haori, and opposite that, a green yukata with longer haori that tuck into knee boots. Those that know them would recognize the battleship Kongou, the light cruiser Isuzu, and the light aircraft carrier Zuihou.

    While Isuzu and Kongou chat about their meal, Zuihou focuses her attention on a black chunk of corroded metal cradled in her arms, otherwise quiet. After a moment, she glances up, "Ah, Kongou, Isuzu, if it's alright I'll be returning to Boston. I have a feeling... so I want to be there."

    "<Okay!>" Kongou replies, raising a hand in a casual wave over her shoulder, "Sail safe, okay~? Take Hayashimo and Akizuki with you--" That same arm reaches out, hooking the shorter Isuzu about the shoulders and hauling her into a mock headlock, "'Suzu will escort me when I leave the island, so <Don't Worry~!>"

    "Ko-Kongou..!" Isuzu protests, arms flailing, "Let go of me..!"

    "Okay!" Zuihou ignores Isuzu's situation and bows briefly, then trots off towards the bunker-like naval arsenal building near the harbor. Thus far, none of the group seems to have noticed The Batman lurking up the wall.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis turns his head as he looks at the two that just exited the galley, "Oh, Must be lunch time," he says as he checks the time from the video feed of his cowl, "Another lunch missed," he adds as he stands up and jumps off the wall and lands ont he ground. standing up, he looks around at those here and knows many have sene him, but have not really approached him, as he seems odd and kind of scary, especially at night. He has talk to Nagato a few times since the attack, and they seem to be on good terms, although Terry knows that she is curiuos as to who is behind the mask/cowl of Batman. Turning, he starts to walk towards the galley, maybe he can get a snack as he approaches the two ladies who just exited.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    While Zuihou trots off to get her escorts, Kongou releases Isuzu from the headlock and props her hands on her hips, "Just a little playing around~!" The radars on her headband swivel suddenly and her posture changes, "Hmm~?" She turns at the waist, glancing over her shoulder. What's first sighted is an Ominous Black Figure With Glowing Eyes.

    Kongou immediately whirls to face the oncoming Batman head-on, a silvery glow spreading around her hips that manifests into the armored guns and hull of her Land Fit-Out rigging. Already, the turrets are rotating, but it's Isuzu who tackles the battleship before she can aim.

    "Didn't you read the report!" the cruiser chides, "That's Batman, he helped during the enemy attack last week!" Picking herself up, Isuzu bonks Kongou on the head with a fist, "Jeez! Thick-headed battleship!"

    "Mou~!" Kongou rights herself, though stays seated on the ground where she landed, "I can't be expected to keep track of every <Creepy> thing that shows up~!"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis stops as he raises an eyebrow, "First time I have been called Creepy," he comments as he stops. "Been called a lot worst too," he adds as he looks at the weapons on her hips, "Are those cann..." and he stops, "Not gonna finish that," he adds as he looks at the two and nods.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Cannons!" Kongou finishes the word as she picks herself up, then dusts her legs and skirt off using both hands, "Thirty-five point six centimeter, the most reliable guns you could ask for~!" Once dusted, Kongou turns slightly to display the kit protruding from her hips and lower back. The gun turrets on this side transverse, the barrels elevating, but at least they're not going to shoot. Maybe.

    Beside Kongou, Isuzu raises a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, "Don't mind Kongou. Guns and armor are things battleships tend to show off the most." Hand lowering, she gestures, "And I'm Isuzu, Nagara-class light cruiser. Is there some investigation you're still carrying out, related to the attack?"

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro is walking back from the Arsenal, and offers a wave to Zuihou as the carrier-girl passes. She's carrying something, a parcel with the Black Dragon Shipping logo on the side. She's a tall woman, wearing a modified Miko uniform, with a tall Pagoda mast hair ornament, poking up from the right side of her hair.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis blinks as he looks at the two and he bows as well, "Sorry for not showing proper respect," he states. "Batman, Dark Knight of Gothom City," he adds. "And i am still working with Akashi on that robot I captured when that ship left," he comments as he blinks, "Wait, you said battleship?" and he looks at Kongou ... "Not sure how you are a battleship," he comemnts as he nods to Yamashiro as she walks past. "Actually not sure how all of the ladies here are ships of some type." and he looks at Isuzu, "Light cruiser?" and he is now confused.

Nagato has posed:
    Meanwhile, the docks seem to open, a fully equipped Northern Force Fleet is returning from a sortie. The warning bells stating that the Admiral's back siren off for two seconds before quieting down. It'll take them a bit to unequip to get ready for anything else. Two of the members, both of the destroyers, seemed to be banged up quite a bit with their outfits and equipment broken.

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro pauses as she hears 'Battleship'. The alert also earns a glance from those red eyes, before she refocuses on Batman. "Forgive me, I seem to have overheard a conversation in progress. I am Yamashiro, second ship of the Fusou-class battleships. It is a pleasure to meet you in person. I would like to thank you for your aid during the attack on our home port... it takes a very selfless soul to put themselves in danger for others."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Ah," Isuzu nods once, "If it's an advanced mechanism, maybe Yuubari can help, too. She's pretty good with new technologies." When the question comes up about whether they are ships are not, she closes her eyes with a little sigh, then glances aside at Kongou and her equipment, "Well, where do you think this comes from? Our equipment is a reflection of our past life as a ship of war."

    Both girls turn their eyes on the arsenal when the siren goes off to announce a fleet's return, "Ah, the Northern Force is back. The Flagship should be with them, too."

    Kongou, meanwhile, has her attention drawn to Yamashiro's approach from the arsenal as well. A hand raises, waving to the heavier battleship, "<Hello!> <You Got Mail~?>" She leans forward a bit, pointing at the package.

    "If you can't believe what we are," Isuzu glances back towards Batman, "I can shift to my Ocean fit-out. There isn't much better proof than that."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and blinks, "Sorry, just a new concept for me," he states. "I am somewhat familiar with history, but not that familiar," he adds as he turns his head and tenses then relaxes, "Sounded liek another attack," he adds as he turns to Yamashiro, "Comes with the job," he adds. "Gone against some big things before," he mentions, "Superman being one," he explains as he shrugs and looks at the three.

    "So, I am gonna take a wild guess here, that all of the ship here are ladies?" he asks. "And all those here are ships at the port here," he adds.

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro nods to Kongou. "I did, yes..." she doesn't go into detail about it, but holds the package rather close against her chest. As Batman speaks, the battleship looks back at him. "All the human-like people are ship spirits... the ships sat in the harbour are support vessels provided to us by local governments... sometimes we must decommission them for materials."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Isuzu nods once, "The women on this base that you meet--" She gestures to the destroyers, "And the girls are all ships. Destroyers, cruisers, battleships. The one you saw with Kongou and me before you dropped down was an aircraft carrier." She folds her arms, dipping her head forward with her eyes closed, "We've come back after a long time asleep to defend the world against the Abyssal Navy, our enemy."

    She lets Yamashiro explain the situation with the regular ships docked in the harbor. No sense repeating it.

    "Well~..." Kongou leans forward, her own rigging disappearing in a flash of silver light, "Have you ever heard someone refer to a ship as a man~? <No~!>"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis ohs as henods, "I see," he states as he thinks on this. "So every ship has a spirit, and those spirits become human..." he asks the three as he learns more about the ladies here. "Is it like magic or are all of you cyborgs or androids?" he asks as he is still thinking from a technological driven worlds. and he blinks, "Point," he states to Knogou at what she just said. "So, you are the ships that fought in a fight a long time ago, came back and now are fighting against other ships like you to protect people." he states as he places a hand to his chin. and he closes his eyes as he looks.

    "So Nagato is a ship, I am guessing command carrier as she is an Admiral and in command?" he asks.

Shigure has posed:
    "Nagato-class Battleship. Nameship of her class... She was the first to awaken, and lead the first of us away from the Abyss." A new voice. This one belongs to a tall, waifish girl, probably mid-late teens. Feathered brown hair in a braided ponytail. "Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Second ship, Shigure." she bows formally, but seems a bit distant in tone.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Spirits," Isuzu states, arms folded, "I guess magic or ghosts is closest to explaining it." When Batman repeats what she'd explained, though, she nods. "You have the gist of it. Though like Yamashiro said, Nagato is a battleship. What kind of carrier has guns like those? I know you saw her during the attack."

    When Shigure appears, Kongou loses interest in Batman, at least for a moment. She sidesteps near Yamashiro and reaches out to pet the destroyer on the head. It's almost like she's trying to tame that wild ahoge.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis turns and looks, "Ah," he states as he takes this all in. "Sorry, they normally do not teach about this in the middle 21st century," he comments to them. "So being ships, you are not really geared for close quarters combat," he asks them as he ponders things before looks at the ladies. "Yea, gonna take a while to get use to this," he states as he looks at each. "So I should not make any of you mad then huh?" he mentions.

    Looking at Isuzu, he blinks, "Actually, I wen against Lapis, while Nagato went against another inside the armory, so I did not see anythign, just another attack the green hand they came in," he comments, "So I was not awaire she was a battleship." and he thinks . o 0 (Spirits, with guns....yea, not gonna piss any of them off.)

Nagato has posed:
    "He, however, did not see me in my fit." the stoic voice comes from behind Yamashiro and the like. "Batman, I trust you are finding your stay within Hikari adequate? I do not believe this is good for your services, but as you can see, the repairs are still under way." she gives a bow and turns towards the rest, "Nagato returning from sortie, expedition complete. I'll post the results later for your viewing. I request a proactive attempt at expeditions without orders to replace the damaged goods, however, this is not an immediate command."

    The comment about close quarters gives her a brief smile. "Given the right equipment, we can be. The recoil on a twenty centimeter gun can harden a punch and, as the girls can tell you, I will give a..." a pause, "Mean Kick as they say?"

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro tenses up as Shigure's voice comes from behind her. How long had she been there? Hard to say, but maybe as soon as she returned to port... the Destroyer has been unusually clingy since she woke up after her defeat in the WMAT. She continues to speak to Batman though, one arm leaves the parcel in her grasp to loop around the shorter girl's shoulders. "Shigure here uses the recoil of her main battery to augment her punches. She has made the fleet very proud with her showings in the World Martial Arts Tournament." a pointed look down at the girl. "Win or Lose."

    Shigure mmns as Kongou pets her hair, blue eyes looking up at the taller battleship. She ghosts a smile, then leans in against Yamashiro, turning to look at Batman as the heavier battleship speaks. She even blushes at that pointed remark.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Well, if any of you are up to a little spar sometime, I am all game," he comments. "It helps me keep in shape," he comments, . o 0 (And to figure out weaknesses and ways to beat people in a fight.) he thinks as he ponders. "Plus, who knows if and when I may run into one of these Abyssal's ships, so having skills to fight is always a good thing," he mentions to the group.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Keep it up~!" Kongou encourages to the elusive destroyer, "You're really strong now, you know." With that, she turns more towards Batman and dips her head in a polite nod. Her attention turns to Nagato, then, "<Welcome Back,> flagship~! 'Suzu and I were about to return to Boston to continue our operations in the Far Western Sea Zone. Zuihou and the others are already on their way back."

    Isuzu, meanwhile, returns her attention fully to Batman while Kongou reports the 4th Mobile's status, "If it's a fight you want, one of us will no doubt oblige. Right now is probably a bad time though, our supplies are tied up in the repair efforts. Give one of us a ping later by radio. Just keep in mind--" The girl leans forward a bit, "A cruiser and a battleship fight differently, so if you're trying to figure out how to help us against the Abyssal Navy, you're gonna need different tactics for each kind of ship you might run into."

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro nods to Isuzu's assertion. "Destroyers rely on agility and speed. Light cruisers take from both the Destroyer and Heavy cruiser skill sets, they are agile and quick, but pack a much harder punch." she offers. "Heavy Cruisers hit hard, but are often slower, relying on heavier armour to withstand damage." she smiles then, looking between Kongou and Nagato. "Battleships are the heavy hitters of the fleet. Our guns speak loudest, and our reach is the longest aside from Carrier aircraft."

    Shigure pipes up. "Carriers have the longest reach, but the weakest armour. They fight from long range with their aircraft, and try to stay clear of the front line."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "I am always willing to help those who need it, and even those who do not," he mentions as he nods. "Yea," he says. "Carriers ar ebuilt to transport planes to a fight," he mentions. "They have to be fast and light due to what they carry. That's why the other ships, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships are first, second and third lines of defense. Not to mention subs, minesweepers and torpedo boats," he says as he accesses the batcomputer.

    "All of you were ships that fougth durign the Second World War in the middle 20th Century, 1941 to 1945," he comments. "Some fights include Midway, Guam and the Phillipines," he mentions to them. "Most known ship was the IJN Yamato, nine 18.1 inch 45 cal main guns. Only the Bismark and Missouri matched the Yamato in big guns," he adds.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato hmms, "Second World War?" Nagato shakes her head, the names sound very familiar, but why... "I'm... afraid I'm not a hundred percent sure why you bring them up. And yes, Yamato is here but is on permanent reserve duty. To field her is to risk our supplies."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Isuzu leans forward slightly, "You're reading Wikipedia inside your helmet or something?" She lets out a breath and then steps around behind Yamashiro, raising a hand, "Kongou and I are returning to Boston. If you need a hand or want some training, let us know."

    Kongou, already halfway to the arsenal building, raises her own hand in a wave as well, "<Good Bye~!>"

    Some time after the girls disappear towards the harbor, there's a bright flash of silvery light from behind the building. A fortress of steel and guns moves out into the open ocean a few moments later, emerging from behind the Arsenal building. A moment later, it's accompanied by a smaller vessel with three smokestacks. The larger of the two lets off two short blasts from her foghorn before both vessels turn rudder for the sea.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks, "Like I said, the history I was taught is different," he comments. "All of your names.. your ship names are listed during that time," he states as somethign has perked his interest. "Probably reused the names like America did once a ship was retired and a new one took its place," he adds as he looks. "No, the Batcomputer," he states. "I am linked directly to it and to the Union's database," he adds as the two leave and the flash happens and he blinks. "Whoa," he states simply.

Nagato has posed:
    "Perhaps... it may be time for a history lesson for the flagship." Nagato mutters, "Shall we discuss this over something to drink and in my office, Batman?" she questions, looking at the bat-caped individual before her. "I would like to learn of this... world war two..."

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro lifts a hand to wave in return to Kongou's foghorn. She 'grasps' something in mid-air, and blasts a couple honks back, deep and reverberating. The battleship then looks towards Nagato. "With your leave, Admiral... I have something to discuss with Shigure... we will leave our guest in your capable hands." she says, bowing formally to the Flagship.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and nods, "Sure," he says as he nods to Yamashiro. "But all I know I learned from history class, watching holovideos, the Batcomputer and the old man," he comments as he walks with her as he gets an alarm, "Great," he states simply as he looks at Nagato. "I'll meet you there," he states. "I need to charge up the suit, it will take me a few, but I can be there in say 10 minutes," he states.