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Latest revision as of 04:25, 21 September 2015

Engines of Creation, Invasion of Hikari!
Date of Scene: 04 September 2015
Location: Hikari Sea Port
Synopsis: Engines of Creation, Invasion of Hikari!
Cast of Characters: Nagato, 836, 849, 858, Haguro, 867

Nagato has posed:
    20:00, Light clouds, 30 degrees celcius. Stars are becoming bright in the sky as the base settles in for the evening, while a few ships launch for a night sortie. All in all, it's a silent night. The Admiral herself is in the arsenal, taking stock of the equipment available, a clipboard in hand and pen in the other she gives a light nod and scratches a few things down on the paper. "And that completes the engines. Now to count the float planes." she mutters, "Akashi's been going off on them..."

    The arsenal's door is wide open, the breeze keeping the area nice and cool while the Admiral works with a squirrel upon her shoulder. "Aren't you so cute, yes you are. Helping me out with the inventory, yes you're a good squirrel, aren't you!" Nagamon mode....

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis is here walkign around the area, having never been to this place before. He is also kind of lost, but knows of the military base that is here, and looks around at everything, "Well, this is interesting," he states as he moves off and sits down on a bench, near the harbor. "Nice, quiet night, unlike Gotham," he mentions as he is still getting use to being back in the roll of Batman, after taking 5 years off to work on his college education.

    "The old...well young man can handle it while I am here," he comments to himself as he sits back and enjoys the sight of the stars and the sound of the water from the harbor.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    It was hard to miss. A giant green hand floating in the sky tended to have its presence preceded by the aura of dread for anyone who knew what it was. The Gem Warship. It had been stationary for quite some time, protecting a mission critical location. But, this operation was just as important and thus the large vessel loomed ominously in the sky towards the ship yard. It's long index finger pointed at it's destination. This was no stealth mission. This threat could be spotted a mile away.

    It moved slow and with purpose, upon the bridge stood Peridot, the green skinned gem woman. She piloted the large vessel from a central command console. She would ignore initial hailing frequencies as she closed in on her target. She looked briefly to her two cohorts, Jasper and Lapis. She had already debriefed them on their purpose here. Get the power source. Get out. "We're closing in on energy signature I detected. It appears to be coming from this ship." She indicated with long range scanners.

    "I expect resistance. Jasper... your duty is to make them more compliant to our demands." She tapped her screen, highlighting all the various defensive guns. "Lapis... your job is to capture the energy sources. You have plenty of water to work with. Get them over board, and rendezvous as these coordinates outside the range of these guns. Where I will beam them onto the ship. You should be able to transport them without damaging them. If Jasper does her job well enough we may beam them directly from the deck."

    "I will coordinate our efforts and provide support." She concluded. There was still just enough time to survey the incoming threat before they would be in firing range of each other. That is when, Peridot finally hails the ship.

    A giant holographic screen is projected for all to see. Peridot's face in the skyline. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she looked down upon all that she surveyed. Her voice boomed through the air. "We are Homeworld Gems. We've scanned your vessel and concluded that you posess the energy output devices that we need and thus we've come to claim them for our own."

    "You have a single opportunity to surrender. We posses the superior technology." She turned her nose up haughtily. "Gem technology. If you give us what we want, you will be unharmed and that will be the end of it. There will be no follow up transmission. Our demands have been heard. If you have not convinced us of your surrender we will open fire in three minutes." That's how long they appeared to have before they would be in range of primary weapons.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     On the bridge, Jasper - a titan of orange skin with a fierce mane of unkempt white hair - nodded, her golden eyes alight with a primal desire for conflict. "Consider it done," she reports, turning from the bridge, to make herself ready.

     Shortly after Peridot's ultimatum, Jasper makes her entrance through the wall of the arsenal like a giant orange wrecking ball. Amidst the smoke and dust, her silhouette is that of a nine foot tall giant of muscles and belligerence. "Oh yeah," she hisses out, kicking some rubble aside. "She'll open fire in three minutes," Jasper snarls, "But I'm giving you all a lot less time before I break you! Hand over the devices!"

     First problem: Jasper isn't that sure what they're looking for. That's Peridot's problem, right? And all this technology looks so... similar.

     Jasper slams one fist into her palm, glowering at the defenders. "Who's first?!"

Lapis Lazuli (849) has posed:
    Lapis nods at Peridot's orders, before silently turning and walking off the bridge. Her hands are balled into fists, even as she takes the lift up to the top of the hand. Through the anterior maintenance hatch, she crawls out of the giant hand near the base of the index finger. She's but a blue mote in comparison to the warship. The wind whips at her dress as she climbs out of the maintenance hatch fully, closing it behind her.

    As she walks towards the tip of the hand, a pair of wings made out of water glow and sprout from her back. Upon reaching the fingertip, she stops and looks down at the base, hands still balled into fists. From there she just waits.

Nagato has posed:
    Normally, Hikari Seaport's base defenses are well manned and armed, but with the lack of Abyssal presence here they've been unarmed for the past couple days. The transmission is given and Nagato frowns, the squirrel bouncing away and sitting on a couple heavy cruiser issue guns. "I see..." she mutters, shaking her head. Hikari doesn't have much for equipment that others can use but... there are some that are capable. "Admiral's never surrender..." she mutters to no one in particular.

    When the orange skinned woman breaks through the wall, Nagato turns around rapidly and points her fist towards her but inventory doesn't require her to be armed, though, her head turns up to look at Jasper's height. "Abyssal or not, you are not getting anything while I still stand!" her voice is pointed, harsh and full of anger, her job interrupted and she was caught off guard. Meanwhile, the little squirrel hops and presses a button, an alarm starts ringing out through the base.

    "You have one minute to leave or this will be the last thing you ever break down." another pointed, anger filled warning given towards the orange lady, "I will not have this!"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis lookign at the hand, he blinks, "Well there goes this night," he states to himself as he stands and runs for his vehicle. Parked not far away is a cloaked vehicle that appears when he gets near it and he takes off his shirt, jacket, and pants. He pulls the cowl over his head and climbs into the craft that powers up and hovers off the ground. "Knew this was too good to be true," he mutters as the Batmobile rises and races for the hand.

    As the Batmobile flies past the hand, Terry .... er Batman drops out of the bottom of it and lands, "Is it too hard to ask for a quiet night to enjoy the stars?" he asks Lapis as he lands behind her on the green hand. "I take it your not here to enjoy the scenery," he adds.

Haguro has posed:
     How long has it been since she's seen dry land? Or civilization, even? If not for her own reflection in the water, Haguro might have even forgotten what people look like. Sure, she did find what she was originally sent out to looking, but was it worth it? She's even had to keep floating along in her land fit-out just to keep herself from running out of fuel on the return drip. At this rate, though, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just keep drifting and let the sea decide where to take her...

     The girl in purple and white snaps out of her half-sleeping daze at the sound of an alarm in the distance, flailing her arms a bit to right herself before getting up to balance herself on the water. Is that... Land? It is! Haguro feels life coming back to her from the mere sight of land alone, not even getting worried or discouraged by the sight of the giant hand in the sky.

     ... Wait. Giant hand in the sky? That's not normal at all! She speeds up in her approach towards that base, the turrets fitted to her shoulders all trained on that giant hand in the sky even as she skates along the water's surface.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot is strangely quiet for a moment, watching her screen unblinking. It's subtle, but Nagato can actually hear herself through Peridot's speakers a few seconds after she talks. It seemed like something was causing some transmission delay. It could have been caused by some piece of technology Jasper carried that allowed Peridot to listen in. Just as it began to get awkward. Peridot clacks a few buttons her expression becoming annoyed. "Stupid.. input lag... Hang on.. some of these communication consoles have been glitching out..." Peridot typed away and then suddenly broke into a laugh. "Nya ha! There we go. You clods just made a huge mistake! Your time is officially up! Hya!" She presses another button.

    A small army of robonoids suddenly detach themselves from the under belly of the ship. Small orb like machines that individually didn't look very tough. But, they were numerous and appeared to contain a liquid payload. They land in the water around the various ships and momentarily disappear from view.

    Simultaneously, the ships moved into range of each other. The image of Peridot's screen disappears from the air leaving a clear view of the giant hand. The index finger begins glowing hot white, and suddenly shoots a beam of explosive force across the bow of one of the smaller war vessels. It seemed her goal was to create as much chaos as possible among the smaller ships to keep them busy.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     When Nagato gives her defiant speech, Jasper's face splits in a feral grin. "I was hoping you'd say that, I'll make sure you /fall/!" As she shouts the last word, the gem where her nose should be glows golden and a large, wicked looking helmet is just suddenly /there/ on Jasper's head. It has a huge heavy prow, like a sledgehammer attached to her forehead.

     Jasper breaks into a charge, her eyes leering, her feet feeling like they're causing the entire warehouse to shake. She lowers her head and that crash helmet, looking like she's just going to try and run Nagato over.

     Not one for subtlety, this opponent.

Lapis Lazuli (849) has posed:
    As the warship's primary weapons charge on the index finger -- the same one Lapis is standing on -- the air current reverses as it's pulled into the charging weapon. Lapis doesn't seem frightened at this, and just remains stationary for some time. After some of the initial chaos has been caused, she leaps off the ship and extends her wings. Flight takes her immediately as she glides downwards in a gentle spiral until she just about skims the water.

    On a low approach to one of the smaller vessels, Lapis spreads her hands as a small wave gathers momentum in front of her. Upon the vicinity of the smaller craft, she rapidly gains altitude while gesturing upwards with her hands. The wave rises out of the water in the shape of a giant open hand, coming to swallow the ship in its grip. Given contact, it will lift the ship out of the water with momentum enough to launch it towards the base.

    Floating in midair at about thirty meters, Lapis stops and holds the form of the giant arm that's risen out of the water. Behind her, another arm slowly begins to rise out of the water.

Nagato has posed:
Outside the base:

    Various girls are mounting up on anti air machine guns on the base, swerving around to face the green hand in the sky and with an order that resounds over the intercom system of the radio, the sky starts becoming filled with 25mm anti air fire! Meanwhile, one of the lighter ships that aren't a ship girl gets lifted up by the water controlled by Lapis that launches and takes out a pair of anti air machine guns... and knocks a couple of the girls unconcious too.

    Inside the base:

    "Very well." Nagato grumbles, bracing herself for impact. She's too far to get the gun, but from here. Nine foot charging orange thing.. "I'll show you the might of the Big Seven!" she shouts back towards Jasper, hands impacting Japser's shoulder and back she skids, her metal boots digging into the floor before she lets out a loud grunt to toss Jasper into the opposite wall. "I've kicked and thrown bigger than you, give it all you got if you want to knock a battleship down!"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis blinks as the lady just jumped. Running to the tip of the finger, he sighs and jumps after her. As he flies for her, he fires off two blue trimmed batarangs at her. These batarangs are designed to give off electricy for stunning bad guys. "Sorry, but this is a now water arm zone," he says to Lapis as he tries to ram into her from above and behind.

Haguro has posed:
     Spotting those robonoids dropping from the handship, Haguro grimaces lightly as she tries to figure out which one to shoot. She fires off a few shots at the center of the falling mass, although her aim probably isn't quite on target to actually hit anything. Her shells clearly aren't meant for hitting small targets, either, judging from the massive pillars of water bursting out once they hit the water further in the distance.

     "St.. Stop this! What are you trying to do here?" Her eyes lock onto Lapis as she floats down within a more visible range, letting out a startled yelp at both the explosion on one ship nearby and another ship being flung right past her.

     That's certainly more than enough to get her to aim her turrets at Lapis Lazuli, at least. She even brings up her trembling hand up to aim the third set of guns on her wrist at the blue Gem before firing at her, a nervous frown practically plastered on her face. "Please hit, please hit...!"

Jasper (858) has posed:
     "The big what?!" Jasper snaps, "You're so-!"

     And then Nagato has her in a hold, and Jasper finds herself being introduced to another wall. She goes through that one too, although with far less style. She picks herself up, kicking a pile of building material aside. She growls. "...Small! You're so small!"

     Compared to Jasper, at least.

     Jasper's helmet glows and the glow turns into a flaming corona of golden energy that encloses her idea body. And then Jasper is a glowing buzzsaw of energy, ripping through the floor as she whirls towards Nagato. Wow, she can do /that/?!

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot's eyes rapidly scan battle intel as it scrolls before her. Her disconnected fingers flashing over a keyboard as she stoically responded to threats accordingly. Turning the ship so it would take less direct damage, shells impacting on the green hull and sending some green shrapnel into the air. Charging another shot from the index finger. Tracking all threats to all of her team, and to the ship. Vessels were returning fire on the Warship. Expected. Jasper was tangling with someone. Jasper could handle her own. Lapis had two threats. This is where she would be needed.

    "Firing wide-spread." She states for her own personal meticulous logs. A lancing laser beam suddenly shoots from the index finger once more. This time aimed at the least mobile looking of the two, Haguro. The path starting between Haguro and Lapis, so she manages to help guard the blue-gem in the process, blasting the shells mid air. The sustained laser kicks up a torrent of water as it tracks towards the intruding ship girl! It seemed the Warship wanted to tango!

Lapis Lazuli (849) has posed:
    Surrounded by so much water, Lapis really is at the top of her game. Without even looking back at Terry, she just seems to /know/ that he's coming down at her. One of the arms ponderously moves into the trajectory of the batarangs, electrocuting them. Fortunately for Lapis, the given mass of the sea water is substantial enough to dissipate the charge harmlessly to ground. Being so distracted with the batarangs, those shells could have made contact with the blue gem. Fortunately for Lapis again, there's another green gem watching out for her.

    That just leaves Terry himself.

    "Oof!" He successfully rams into her, sending her hurtling towards the water. Perhaps he didn't expect that she'd grab onto him and drag him towards the ocean with her. "Should have just stayed on the ship!" She growls before impacting with the water with a crash. Mean Lapis is scary Lapis. Beneath the surface, large human hands made of water yet firm and tangible make to grab onto Terry's body to drag him and Lapis deeper beneath the surface.

    Meanwhile, the pair of arms above the surface that are collosal in size go back in to action. Stuck in the relative vicinity, they move to grab whatever they can and throw it towards the base.

Nagato has posed:

    The girls are scrambling still, not used to an attack on a home turf there. The docks seem to light up as a fleet of carriers start their sortie, launching various types of fighter craft via either a bow, crossbow or even paper, signaling an attack once again at the green ship and the robonoids to help clear the way for Haguro. The girls manning the AA emplacements continue their assault, reloading as nessecary to keep up a barrage of fire at the green hand!


    "You doubt my strength?" she chides, Nagato's face in a scowl as she runs towards the pair of guns sitting on some boxes. Medium caliber, dual barrel. She straps them to her arms and punches her fists together. "Let's go." she braces herself, watching Jasper's own movements. The oddity of it, however, manages to crash right into the battleship admiral and send her through the entrance wall, creating another massive hole in it. "That's it!" she hops back up to her feet and thrusts her hands forward, four barrels let off a loud bang as four shells are aimed right towards Jasper.

    Meanwhile: There's a couple boxes that have a gear on them, labelled 'Enhanced Steam Boiler'

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis struggling after the hit, he opens his mouth and gets water into it. closing it, he thinks, . o (Next time think of a better tactic Terry.) and he reaches for his belt and pulls out a mask his places over his mouth. he coughs as the water is forced out of his mouth and then fights to get free of the hands. As he struggles, he is going deeper and he knows the batsuit cannot go too much deeper. Thinking, he links up with the Batmobile and knows he is gonna need help if he wants to get free..

    The Batmobile moves and hovers over Terry as it is linked to the Batsuit and a compartment opens up, firing a rocket powered cable towards Terry as he pulls out some bombs and drops them. They explode like depth charges, at point blank range with him and Lapis and he jhopes this help is getting him free. If so, he will grab the cable and the Batmobile will move to pull Terry from the water.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper returns a humanoid form, still leering at Nagato with that shark's grin plastered across her face, as she sends the ship girl flying through another wall. On her hands and kneels, Jasper remains - like a leopard preparing to pounce.

     She blinks, that leer becoming an expression of perplexed confusion, as Nagato levels those four barrels at her. She raises her arms, crossing them infront of her face and helmet, and just takes the four shells right on the chin.

     Jasper rises out of the smoke, pushing herself out of a large crater. Her helmet is dented, her visor cracked. "Nnngh."

     But her eyes alight on those boxes, and Jasper grins. She gives them a good hard shove, like she's trying to shove them into the water. Because, from there, Lapis can try and retrieve them!

     The fact that Nagato is in the way. Well, that's a bonus.

Haguro has posed:
     Just what are they up against? Strange lights, flying women, giant hands... Haguro's definitely not doing a good job hiding how she feels about what's going on, another frightened yelp escaping her at that laser blasting those shells out of the air. She's much more maneuverable than she looks, at least, easily swerving to keep herself from gliding directly into the path of that encroaching laser (even if she does come dangerously close to skidding right into it).

     Thankfully, the blue gem seems to be occupied by that man in the black... Bat suit? Whoever he is, he definitely appears to be on her side, at least. With the other carriers launching on those robonoids, that just leaves Haguro to focus on the giant hand in the sky.

     Piece of cake. A very large, very dangerous piece of cake. Adjusting her aim to compensate for distance, Haguro fires off another volley at the flying hand before speeding up again to put some distance between herself and the base. "Whatever you want from here... I-it's not worth it! Just leave now!"

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "I beg to differ.." Peridot murmurs tapping away at her keyboard. The robonoids that had been deposited in the water, seemingly have had time to all reach their designated ships. They crawl up along the outer hulls of the primary war vessels. The big kahuna's. Though Peridot could not let herself be distracted. The Warship was taking damage from the various guns aimed at it. Jaspers was still holding herself. As another salvo of fire rocks the Warship, Peridot grabs onto the steering column as she almost loses her balance. Gritting her teeth as various warnings and beeps fill the air.

    Unions were heroes, were they not? Peridot thought to herself. She didn't have a complete understanding of what these girls were, but they *looked* human. She would have liked to capture one for experimentation, but that was a tertiary mission objective at best. A curiosity. Still, she needed to cause chaos.

    Her gigantic holographic project appears on a flat screen in the sky again. "Let's see you stop us, and protect your own!" She cackled, and three of the fingers lit up with green energy. They blasted across the bow of the war ship, hitting a weapons depot and creating a massive inferno of fire. A looming tower takes the brunt of the damage, and begins to fall over. From here it looked like it would fall on a few of the working girls in one fell swoop! Fortunately, both Haguro and Terry were close enough to do something about it, if they chose too otherwise it looked like they may not make it in time! "Burn! Burn! burn! Nya ha ha ha ha!" Peridot clenched her fist into the air on the display. Her voice echoing over the battlefield with an electronic whine. "Buuuurn!"

Lapis Lazuli (849) has posed:
    The depth charges blow Lapis back. She cries out in surprise and pain, but no air bubbles form at her mouth. Does she not need to breathe? This wouldn't be a fair fight for most people. The hands underwater dissipate as Terry drifts off with the assistance of his cable, and Lapis refocuses. She's not here to kill individual targets, she's here for a very specific objective.

    The large columned hands above the surface distort and slowly collapse all at once as Lapis propels herself through the water towards the shore. The two boxes that break the surface of the water are immediately swallowed by said water. As the parts are dragged underwater, they're swept away by unseen currents. For a moment, Lapis drifts a few tens of metres from the edge of the water. Were there more pieces?

    She didn't know.

Nagato has posed:
    Inside: Nagato smirks then starts to run in, the turrets on the arm mounts swivel around and a fighting look is plastered on her face. Then the boxes go flying towards the water. Wait which were those?! She's already in mid charge and the boxes are already speeding towards there, splashing into the ocean around. A quick curse from the battleship ends up with a turret firing, using the recoil to send a fist flying harder at Jasper!

    Outside: A few of the girls get hit by the lasers, the anti air emplacements exploding and sending a few of the girls into the water, floating but damaged quite well.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Now, if Lapis can do her job right, Jasper muses. She has that thought for just a second, before Nagato's fist slams into her face. If she was a human, she might have lost some teeth or broken her jaw. But the recoil-infused strength of the blow sends Jasper sprawling. For a brief moment, her form /flickers/ like a magnet passing by electricity. The strength of the blow had carried through to her gem, apparently.

     Well, they've got the parts - there's not much point in sticking around further. Jasper grabs Nagato, tries to slam her against the ground, and makes a run for it!

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Getting free, Terry is pulled from the water and he coghs as he can breath fresh air again. "Not a good idea," he states as he gets int he Batmobile and thinks as he looks at the water, . o 0 (Must be made of water or control it.) he thinks as he looks at the hand and the other ship ,"Wait, that's not a ship.. That's a girl...." he states as he looks. "Just what are these ships?" he asks as he looks at the hand and thinks as he angles the Batmobile towards it and blinks as the hand leaves "Ok, so what the hell just happened?" he asks as the Batmobile hovers and he stands up as the canopy opens up.

Haguro has posed:
     As fast as she is in the water, Haguro can only do so much at once, especially with how far from the base she still is. Faced with the choice of either focusing on the Warship to try and keep it from succeeding in whatever its goal is or protecting the people on the base...

     She might just be a little too predictable in opting for the latter. As that tower comes down at the workers, she skates across the water as fast as she can while taking aim at that falling segment. The guns on her shoulders ring out as she fires on that segment, aiming to turn that massive falling death pillar into a rain of slightly less dangerous rain of pellets!

     She can't just stop there, of course. Haguro continues building up speed until she's able to launch herself right out of the water (albeit incredibly clumsily) and throw herself on top of those workers just to really make sure they're safe from that falling debris. Those shots to the falling tower might not have hit their mark, after all!

Nagato has posed:

    If the Battleship can throw the Orange Juggernaut around, it only makes logical sense that the reverse can be true! Jasper's grab hits home and the Battleship's face says hello to the concrete floor in a hard way, cracking the floor in a few places with the impact. A loud groan comes out as she rolls towards her back, looking at Jasper running. She aims her arm and another loud bang comes from it as two more shells fly towards the orange gem!

    Outside: There are voices praising the sight of Haguro, especially as a pillar comes down and breaks with Haguro's shots and Haguro's bodily protection saves a trio of Shiratsuyu-class girls from an untimely fate. "Thank you, Haguro! Thank you so much!"

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot had a self-satisfied smirk. As she surveyed the carnage below, the pillars of smoke. "We have what we need... Jasper, Lapis. Return to base!" Peridots voice bellowed through the air. The giant holographic screen dissipates into green energy and likewise the giant green hand turns mid air. All the various robonoids begin abandoning the various ships as well, leaping off the side and into the water causing large plumes of water to rise into the air.

    If they are careful, they could possibly capture one. The robonoids seemed rather single minded.

    A port on the green hand opens up and pods are dispatched towards Lapis and Jasper to pick them up.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and turns the Batmobile toward the harbor...docks..whatever and flies it over, landing as he jumps out and looks around, "And I thought Superman had big fights," he mentions as he looks at everything and sees the people here. Blinking, he looks, "Wait, all of these people are ladies? With weapons on their arms....." he states as he looks around, "Where the hell am I?" he asks as he spots something and he runs for it and jumps, grabbing one of the robonoids as it jumps into the water. Both hit the water a Terry activates the jets in the boots and flies out of the water and lands with a robodroid in hand and he looks, "What kind of mutt are you?" he asks as he holds the thing away form him.

Lapis Lazuli (849) has posed:
    As no more boxes drop into the water, Lapis assumes it's time to go. She starts drifting away beneath the water with the boxes in tow. The transmission from Peridot only confirms her action. She accelerates and the boxes of parts follow her as she moves to the rendevous point. Unlike Jasper, Lapis can fly.

    Once a 'safe' distance away, Lapis ascends out of the water, her wings carrying her up and a bubble of water holding the various boxes of parts. The boxes are loaded into the incoming pod and Lapis stops to look back at the base. She pauses for a moment to examine the carnage, even as the pod floats away.

    Satisfied by whatever she sees, she turns and flies the rest of the way up to the battleship to get loaded in.

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro breathes a heavy sigh of relief when the last of the debris falls, and she's somehow still alive! Glancing up once to make sure, she scrambles to get off the girls before bowing her head in apology. "I'm sorry! But you're okay now, right?" She looks each of those three girls over before letting out another relieved sigh, turning her attention back to the giant hand in the sky and the robonoids trying to get away.

     Training her turrets on one of those robonoids, it doesn't take long for her to realize that her guns are completely dry. She's been out for quite some time, after all! Luckily, the man in the bat suit appears to have one under control, and she can instead turn her focus to figuring out just what happened.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     The shells nail Jasper in the back as she runs, driving her to her knees in a mad scramble to keep her speed and distance. That... ship-girl-human-thing is just too much! How can she take such blows from Jasper, the strongest of all Gems? What are those cannons?

     Not in all of her millenia of fighting has Jasper seen a being like that. She leaps for the pod before it gets close, and wraps herself around it. As the pod carries the smoking, wounded Gem away, her helmet cracked and dented, Nagato can see a glimpse of her eyes glaring at her.

     She might have got away with the engine parts, but Jasper doesn't seem to think she won. She'll be back.

Nagato has posed:
    The carnage done to the base... fires everywhere. Defense emplacements ruined. Arsenal raided and successfuly made off with. A total failure from the Admiral. "Nngh.." and with a punch to the ground, she lets out one more blast from the arm turrets, creating a bigger hole into the ground. "Damnit..." a sigh comes to her before lying back on her back, head turned towards the supplies. Most everything seemed to be there. Most... "The... engines?"

    Nagato shakes her head, closing her eyes as the squirrel from before places itself on Nagato's chest. "Not now. I've got a report to make. This... does not bode well." she mutters, the squirrel making a concerned squeak as it scampers off with the battleship picking herself up and removing the arm turrets from her body. She makes her way towards an intercom. "All hands... stand down." and with this, she makes her way towards her office. Oh the report that has to be filed for this one...