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Latest revision as of 04:26, 21 September 2015

Admirals and Bats
Date of Scene: 05 September 2015
Location: Hikari Sea Port
Synopsis: Admirals and Bats
Cast of Characters: 410, Nagato, 867

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    There is a knock on Admiral Nagato's door as Terry McGinnis or Batman stands there and waits. As he stands, he looks around the room where he stands at the ladies that are here and he gulps as he can feel the ladies looking at him. . o 0 (If they take a picture it will last longer) he thinks as he waits to be admitted.

Nagato has posed:
    21:00, Hikari Sea Port, Admiral's Office.

    Nagato's standing in front of her dresser, looking at the Nagato-class battleship model upon it. The crews outside the window are still cleaning up from the attack from a while ago. Nagato's head is lowered and a sigh is given. Her secretary ship, Atago, is nowhere to be found but the knock at the door causes her to stir. "Hmm. Enter." comes her voice, stern but low, enough to carry through the door. "Make it brief."

    Nagato's back is towards the door, looking at the battleship model once more, "I let the sea port down..." she mutters, "Let's hope the Abyssal's don't press the advantage."

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
At least one person wouldn't be looking at Terry, slowly pacing in, in civilian clothes, one eye on a tablet as she paces through the seaport itself, working her way to the Admirals office. Perhaps she doesn't exactly blend into the back ground (she's not going to be caught dead in a fuku), but she doesn't buck too much of a trend with how the girls around here look. With the possibly exception that she would stand at the door for just a moment after seeing the... bat... person walk into the office. The door might be opened or closed, but she'll knock anyway, as is befitting someone walking into a facility's ocmmander's office. "Admiral." She says, simply, inclining her head.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    The door opens as Terry hears Nagato, "With talk like that, the only that was let down, was you," he says simply to her as he walks in. "Last night was tough, and the only thing to do, is to get ready for any more attacks," he adds as he turns his head at the voice before looking back at Nagato's back. "You wanted me to stop by to get some intel from me," he says to her.

Nagato has posed:
    With Nagato's back still turned towards Terry, she shakes her head. "Perhaps, but the girls here are my own and the port is my own. As their Admiral, its my duty to make sure they're effective at any time, I let the guard down and they struck." she turns towards the two that entered. "Jeannette. What brings you here?" she questions the girl before turning back to Terry. "Yes, I did, enough to not dwell on the base's current state. You said you captured something last night, what did you bring?"

    Nagato gives a soft breath before moving to sit down at her desk, motioning for a pair of chairs, "I know one of you at least sits down." she comments, taking a bold look towards Jeannette.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette Thompson doesn't walk in until, of course, she's allowed to. There are courtesies to be paid, after all, esspecially given that her current dressed marked her as a tourist that perhaps had the authority to sketch birds from beyond the fence. "I would tend to agree with... this..." she says, turning her head to give a brief visual scan of the stranger. "...gentleman. Attacks happen, and you lose people. The important thing is to.. soldier on, I'm sorry, these sound like plaitudes, don't they?" She pauses. "Ahh. As for why I'm here, I noticed you.. Err. That is, you are shy of a few defenders. But intelligence being intelligence..." She says, looking toward Terry. Before back to Nagato. "If you should clear me."

Jeannette tsks, and smoothly glides forward to take one of the proffered chairs. "I am not some sort of overly-aggressive impearilist to make some tough 'I shall stand' remark when a guest in another's office. A chair is offered by your host, a gentlewoman takes it." She says, looking over to Terry curiously.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins, "I got one of those robot things that Hand deployed," he states. "I turned it over to your research department and stayed to help them figure out what it is," he comments as he nods to Jeannette. "When the object was dissected, the circuitry looked similar to that of a person nervious system, no circuit boards and costruction is completely alien," he comments as he thinks. "To me, looks like it runs on science and something else, not of this Earth or any other Earths. Carries both a transmitter and a receiver," he comments as he thinks. "Most likely to communicate with the other machines like itself." and he takes a breath.

    "The interior was completely hollow under the shell, except for some goo of crystalline, its inactive, so no idea, but does not appear corrosive and most likely not weaponized. The legs are detached from the body yet connected by some invisible force or energy, and these legs can change formation. Only one word was inside the body, Peridot. Either that are what these things are, or the person who created it." and he looks at Jeannette and then the chair, before he sits down and nods. "Habit for me to stand and be ready for anything." he comments.

Nagato has posed:
    "I knew Akashi would love to get her hands on something like this. Tell me, did she bother you in any way after you two did your research on it?" she questions, "And it runs... similar to a person? Alien technology?" she gives a soft hmm, placing two fingers on her lips and resting her chin in her hand, in thought. "Mmm. So we were dealing with an enemy that is able to configure their weapon systems on the battlefield. This... isn't something I have had to prepare for." she muttered, turning to Jeannette, nodding. "I'm aware, fortunately none were sunk. Many were injured and our already crippled base supply is running low. But you're cleared for information. Please, divulge what you have."

    Nagato turns back to Terry, giving a light nod, "Then far be it from me to have you sit down now." she leans back in her chair, giving a light hmm and awaiting more reports.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette gives a bit of a nod when she's clear for the intelligence itself (though, really, it was a bit late for her to stand up and walk outside, waiting at the door with her ear pressed aganist it. "Alien? I suppose I shouldn't be suprised. Pleanty of aliens in this world to be worried of. But why would they be raiding this facility?" She notes, musing to herself for the moment.

"She leans back, slightly, in her chair, before shaking her head. "I wasn't lying when I said what assests I had to play with were half a day away. We have some vauge sigint, most of it encrpyted, none of it helpful for seeing what those people we're after. I am glad to hear you haven't lost any of your ships, however. Do you.. have what you need to hold this facility aganist a follow up attack?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis thinks as he looks at the two, "Akashi was good help, during the examining of the item. Afterwords, she kept asking about the suit and if I was hurt after the fight." and he grins. "I think she fangirled." he comments. "But outside of that, nothing else that I can figure out."

Nagato has posed:
    "Typical Akashi." Nagato muttered, turning to Jeannette. "They've made off with a few of our more powerful engines here that we equip to the destroyers and cruisers to make them more agile in the water." she replies, "I'm not sure what they are going to use them for." she gives a bit of a nod, "And at the moment, Hikari's defenseless and resourceless." she turns between the two, giving a light nod, "I'm grateful for your help, Batman. You're welcome at Hikari at any time. Sorry you had to have... a first hand experience at a battle here."

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
"That does sound a touch amusing, such a reaction." She says, a slightly smile on her face... even if she's looking at the suit itself. "I can... understand her curiousity, though. That doesn't look like just a costume..." She trails off, attempting to lead him to speak more on it. Fairly obviously, before clearing her throat and turning back to Nagato. "A concerning theft, to be honest, but from the reports... it didn't seem to match what that ship of their's was capable of. In terms of personal equipment, however... perhaps a threat."

At the discussion of the defenslessness of the facility, Jeannette nods with some finality. "I would wonder if... Batman here might garrison himself here, for the time being? Provide a defense in case of another attack? As for myself, we have had discussions on our... effectiveness aganist your common enemies before. That's not to say we don't have our strengthes, and, to strip away the high-sounding platitudes that will eventually come, ours is a common goal."

She taps on the tablet, before standing up to place it on Nagato's desk, zooming in on a circle of sea nearby Hikari. "/Swordtail/ shall lurk, for the moment and cover this area with it's drone suite, with your permission, Admiral. Nothing as capable as a cruiser for this job, but she won't be noticed."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis shrugs, "It is not a problem," he mentions. "I've been in a few bigger fights, one involved Superman and the Justice League," he adds. "Plus with the Multiverse, you have ot be ready for anything," he states as he looks out the window. "I'llhelp in any way I can and have a good friend that is working on becoming a physician who I can see to come by and help. rather medical or just an ear."

    Looking at Jeannette and thinks, "Lets just say this suit is not open for discussion," he comments as he looks back at Nagato. "I'm more close quarters combat, and never did much with ships in a fight. But I can help in teaching some had to hand abilities if needed," he offers.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato gives a light nod to both and, turning to Batman, "It may not be much but I will have a bunk set up for you in the Battleship wing of the barracks and you have authorization to make small modifications to suit your needs. And, I will personally take you up on the offer for some close quarters training." she rubs her knuckle a bit, "There's only so much a recoil powered fist can do." she gives a bow of her head to show thanks.. "While your physician may not be of full medical help, we do not have a physician on base for human needs, so it will be of great assistance to have such. My thanks."

    Turning to Jeannette, she gives a nod, "I do not know what they intend to use it for but.. we put a decent amount of development effort into them. Akashi will not be pleased to see them missing." a pause, looking at the tablet with a curious gaze, "Permission granted. I'll inform the submarines not to attack the vessel." a pause, "Speaking of garrison, your barracks here have been readied. Make use of them at your leisure."

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette continues to look at the suit for the moment, before slowing nodding. "Well. A shame. I've seen some combat suits before." She says, venturing an obvious guess. "Nothing so advanced, though. But I don't doubt close quarters combat would be useful, here. Always found it useful, myself. My combatitives aren't as trainable, and I could be of more use elsewhere." She turnes to Nagato. "Thank you, Admiral. If we can find out more about who these people are, we may be able to recover it. They didn't take it to destroy it, so anything's possible."

At the annoucement that things are set up, she does give a wider smile. "Excellent! That is welcome news. I'll be sure to arrive very soon for the first time. I'm afraid I'm not here at the moment." She sounds a bit apologetic, though the way the beautific smile on her face remains shows that she's not unaware of the (probably intentional) oddity of her statement.