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Latest revision as of 07:43, 8 October 2015

Late-Night Visits
Date of Scene: 08 October 2015
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: Alice Margatroid visits Tomoyo late at night out of concern. The two discuss both the past and future.
Cast of Characters: Tomoyo Daidouji, 807

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Night has fallen over Tomoeda, the stars glimmering high above, the moon waxing into a crescent. Most of the house lights in the more affluent parts of the town are off, the occupants having fallen asleep hours ago.

    But Tomoyo isn't most people. Though her curtains are drawn, light peeks out between the cracks, casting some shadows onto the lush gardens outside. Anyone who got close to the glass might be able to make out the whirring of a sewing machine coming from within.

    Because yes, Tomoyo is indulging her job/hobby. Not busy with a client's request at the moment though. Instead, she's tackling a new costume idea for Sakura, using her passion to keep herself awake.

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    The one advantage to this outfit Alice is wearing is that it's black and with the night sky she can easily blend in while she's flying around such a mundane and average town. It's actually quite nice to have another world's wind blowing thorugh her hair. "Mm... I know something's bothering her..." she muttered, leaving Hourai and Shanghai behind. It dawns upon Alice one thing... Alice knows where she works... but not where she lives. With that, she is just flying aimlessly. Fortunately, most people are asleep. Most people.

    Pulling something akin to what Aya would do, Alice pulls up alongside a building with a light still on, slowly moving to peek inside the glass, that whirring of a sewing machine innately familiar to the dollmaker. She taps on the glass gently, rapping on it in a small pattern. "I wonder if she can hear this.." as she raps on the glass a bit louder, "Tomoyo? Is this your house?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    As the magician youkai raps on the window, the whirring suddenly comes to a stop. The sound of footsteps, muffled by carpet, and then the curtains are parted. It is indeed Tomoyo's house! The girl herself is clad in baby blue pyjamas, her feet bare and her hair held back with a hairband. Matching blue, of course.

    She blinks slowly, trying to understand what's going on. "A-Alice?" Even though she's working, she seems a little tired, but the surprise of such a visit has blown away the mental cobwebs, her eyes focussing in an instant. She opens up the window!

    "Come in, but be quiet please," she whispers. "I would hate to wake anybody." She steps aside to allow Alice to float in. Her bedroom is quite spacious and warm, having a double-bed, a seating setup around a coffee table, and a massive desk with a sewing machine and all sorts of drawers and cabinets loaded with fabrics, threads, spare needles and bobbins, everything she needs in arms reach. There's also a set of folding doors in one wall, all closed up.

    "Not that I don't appreciate the visit... but why are you here Alice? How did you find my house?"

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    Alice backs away from the window a bit, enough to let it open and she gives a soft nod, whispering, "Of course, this is why I didn't bring Shanghai or Hourai." she comments softly, floating in and making herself comfortable in mid air, sitting maid style. "I'm... actually here because something's been bothering me. You seemed a bit bothered back at the cottage so I wanted to check in. Sorry if... the unannounced visit is worrysome."

    A pause as the question is asked, "You were the only one with a light on and a machine going. I guessed..."

    She takes a soft breath, "It's about Jack Slash and the Grey Boy, isn't it?" she breaks the ice there, having a feeling the subject would turn to such. "I came because well, I couldn't risk someone who i share similarities with... and who met Mom... in danger." a pause, "And I wanted to help."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo can't help but giggle softly, covering her mouth to muffle the noise as Alice floats in so gracefully, sitting on the air. "You're a lot like Kero sometimes..." she muses. She also takes a seat before the coffee table and gets comfortable.

    She blinks, and looks back to the window, then to a clock on the wall. "Oh my goodness, it got so late already..." She smiles with bemusement. "I really lose track of time when I'm making clothes, especially when they're for Sakura." She doesn't seem the slightest bit ashamed. And on a school night too!

    Though, Alice bringing up those two makes her shake her head. "That day is a part of it... but I'm just glad it's over. I can live without that hanging over my head." With a sigh, she leans back and looks to Alice. "I had asked over the radio if people could try to avoid killing. But no one answered."

    Rubbing at her eyes, she continues. "My business... I do my best to be fair and honest. There are lot of people out there who cut corners, do the easy thing instead of the right thing..." Looking back to Alice, she smiles sadly. "I just... am I foolish for acting this way? For hoping that I'll still be acting that way as I get older?"

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    "Kero?" Alice gets a confused look on her face before shaking her head, floating down some to be eye level with her unexpected hostess. "Late? Oh, it is quite a bit in the evening, but I don't usually notice it." she comments, giving a small shrug, looking around the room. "You stay up all night making clothes... you really are a twin sister almost." she stifles a giggle herself but nods slightly when Tomoyo responds.

    "I'm sorry, I wasn't a particular help in that. YOu were in danger, I had to switch. I'll... make sure not to do that again, for that I'm sorry." Alice looks a bit ashamed, it's really only the third time she's used lethal danmaku in a fight. The first two times were back in Makai...

    Though, when Tomoyo asks her a question, she blinks. "Being fair and honest will get you a lot of places and will let you know more people than cutting corners. Or at least get people less angry at you." a sigh, "Marisa..." a shake of her head as she floats behind Tomoyo, bringing her into a hug. "You are not foolish, not in one bit, but as the time turns, Tomoyo... even you will change. I can't say it's a possiblity you won't but.. I do not think it bad to keep hoping you stay the same person when you become your mother's age... or my age, or my mother's age."

    "I do hope you stay the same person. You're an amazing tailor."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "Kero is the Guardian Beast of a friend of mine. He sits on the air like you're doing," she explains, smiling softly. Stuff like this seems to soothe her. She blushes a littler and scratches the back of her head when Alice calls her 'like a twin sister' but doesn't say anything.

    "No, it's okay. It was a real concern that he might just run away if everyone ganged up on him. In all likelihood, the only reason he challenged me was because he was certain he could beat me." She smiles at Alice. "I was just lucky to have such good friends. He would have killed me if it weren't for them. And you were really amazing too, landing the killing blow on someone thought unkillable."

    She smiles contently as Alice comes to hug her, musing on her words. "I guess... looking back, I've changed a lot already. Growing up is just... deciding what you should keep, and what you should throw away." She looks to her sewing machine and smiles. "Oh, I'll still be a tailor, even if Tomoyo's Boutique becomes an actual brand. I'll never let myself be completely chained to a desk."

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    "I may have to meet this Kero." she mutters, "But, I kinda feel bad for acctually killing someone. It's... rare to kill in Gensokyo. I haven't had to use danmaku that strong in about ten years..." she gives a bit of a chuckle and nods, "Well, I don't get out much and you are a good friend, I couldn't allow something like that to hurt you. And I think your guards would try to kill me if that did come to pass."

    She shakes her head some, "You could say that is what growing up is, but. I've long since past that part and well no longer being human, i don't have a lot of those concerns anymore. Though, mind you, I still care about those who I befriend, like yourself." the 'chained to a desk' comment gets Alice thinking about something and she shakes her head, "Do humans really chain people to desks here?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo reaches up to gently pat Alice's hand. "Don't feel bad. He's been an issue in that world for the longest time, and no one had figured out a way to bring him down non-lethally." She sighs softly. "I would have liked to have spared him too. I wish no one would have to die. But... why did you have to use it last time?"

    She can't help but smile and shake her head. "They wouldn't hold you responsible for that. If anything, they would blame me. I uh... put sleeping pills into their breakfast. My mother's too, so they wouldn't try to come with me, or stop me." An awkward smile crosses her face.

    "Well... even if I did become like you, I would still have some growing to do. I'm... inexperienced. I've not had to struggle for anything until now. I had all the advantages..." Alice's question draws a giggle from her. "Not literally. Being chained to a desk means having work that you only need to sit at a computer to do. It's very boring."

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    "Perhaps we can move on now and hope that the world will resolve itself. I know they are planning a few things to fix it but I'm not sure I can be much help. Either way..." she shakes her head, "Sometimes... sparing something is just not in the pattern." Alice perks at the question and turns away a bit, shaking her head. "Remember when I told you that four people tried to stop Mom? I was using it that time... and the time before Mom blew up Makai." a pause, should she tell her? No. Not now.

    "If you did become like me, Mom would be glad to help." she chuckled, "She's kind of ditzy but you learn to love it but, the only thing I ask is that if you do seriously consider it, finalize everything in your world. Your life span will make it to where you may be hated and you will watch the people around you grow old while you stay nearly the same, but if or when that will be the case, I have a room in the cottage for you."

    A pause is given, computer... she should learn something about this but for now, "So boring, idle work then?" a pause, looking at the clock. "I honestly didn't mean to keep you up, Tomoyo. I think I'll go ahead and head back to Gensokyo so you can get some rest."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "Oh, I'm sure they'll be okay. They have so many amazing people working together to find a way. But if you were to help, I'm sure they would appreciate it~" Such optimism. But her face falls at Alice's words. "I suppose..." She listens close to Alice's story, nodding along. "I think if someone threatened my mother... I don't know. But maybe I would go further." She notices the pause, and doesn't press her on it.

    Her face goes a little red. "W-Well I... at the very least, I want to be fully grown." She doesn't try to justify her reluctance, hoping Alice will understand. It's a big deal after all! "But thank you. It does mean a lot." She smiles up at the youkai.

    "Exactly. But thank you for coming." She beams. "I actually feel a lot better now. I should get to bed, yes." She stands up and walks Alice to the window. "I don't mean to be rude but... I am on thin ice with everyone. Having late night visitors might make it worse." She rubs the back of her neck, feeling awful for all this subterfuge.

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    Alice gives a bit of a nod and floats up again, "Tomoeda's night sky is beautiful to fly in. Perhaps one day we should fly together. And I'm glad it means something to you.. if you ever need a place to run to, I'll be there." Alice gives a bit of a nod before floating to the window and exiting the house. "And I am sure you'll be a beautiful woman and a powerful, protective youkai like Keine when you do." she gives a bright smile and leans in to hug Tomoyo one last time.

    "I want to warn you though... be careful around any of Seto Kaiba's theme parks... I can't tell you what's going to happen but... I don't want to catch you in something that will injure you. I.. .know something will happen there. Don't go... and don't say a word about this... can I trust you?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo smiles, her cheeks pink at all the compliments but very pleased. "You're far too sweet... how is it you don't have more friends?" She hugs Alice back... and freezes at the issued warning. She certainly had no plans to ever have anything to do with Kaiba again...

    She pulls back, and gives Alice a concerned look. "What exactly are you planning? Kaiba is... he's not a very... stable man. You should just avoid him."

Alice Margatroid (807) has posed:
    "Mmm.. I said a bit much.." she shakes her head, "Just try to avoid the place..." she warns cautiously, "Don't worry though, I won't be in danger." she gives a bit of a smile and floats away, "Sleep well Tomoyo, I'll be cuddling that doll tonight. It's very well made, you might want to try making dolls of your own more too!"

    With this, Alice kicks away and flies off, soon becoming a speck in the distance. And with that... "Alice, you idiot. Okay, just see if Mom will let you borrow some wings to fake looking like her devils." a pause "She's just a human... but the way she responded to..." a shake of her head and out into the warpgate she knows and back into Gensokyo.