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Invaders From Outer Space: The Way
Date of Scene: 21 November 2015
Location: Amarillo-8 <A8>
Synopsis: What is in Amarillo-8? Who is the mysterious message-sender who has asked the Union to come there?
Cast of Characters: Deelel, Staren, 151, 165, Tomoyo Daidouji, 686, 857, 897, 901

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Is This the Way to Amarillo? - Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield
    Tony Christie - 1971

    Welcome to the city of Amarillo! Or, to be more precise, welcome to a small mystery shack just on the outskirts of the city, which is where the warpgate seems to be. Fortunately, we're not all that far away from civilization.

    Ren has invited whoever in the Union would be interested in coming along with him to accompany, but who knows who else might be interested enough to take a look here? This version of Amarillo has only been unified for about a year, and hey, anything could happen.

    Ren emerges from a somewhat dusty, painty-fumey run down building, marvelling at the fact that he suddenly seems to be wearing a hat and glasses he doesn't remember putting on this morning.

    "Well, now. That's interesting. Don't even need to make an effort to blend in. Come on, everyone."

    He takes a look behind him to see who else is also going to be making their way out of the building. And takes another look at the translation of the message that brought them here in the first place.

    "Probably don't have too much time for sightseeing, unfortunately."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Unlike Ren, and possibly some of the others, Ainsley is not going to blend in whether or not her clothing changes. Being a very large reptile, or a short one depending on your standards, with colorful feathers that fluff up in delight at seeing Ren's clothing change, it's easy to tell she will cause some heads to turn if the world's not used to talking lizards. She does seem brightly interested in the wardrobe change, having only observed a similar phenomenon in one other world as far as she remembers.

    The serious tone Ren takes makes the lizard's expression go neutral. She's attentive.

    "Right. Let's go." She looks around the area immediately surrounding the shack. "Doesn't look like this gate gets much traffic."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's own clothing doesn't exactly need much modification to look right in this world. Her skirts are a bit longer though, covering her knees, and her ribbons have been replaced with a wide-brimmed straw sunhat. Fashionable and practical, especially for a girl with a complexion so fair she could easily be mistaken for albino. Assuming of course that she isn't one.

    She peers up at her hat, not having worn one when she'd set off on this mission. Oh well, at least she doesn't dislike it. She steps away from the portal, only to then immediately look down. The longer skirts are kind of obvious to her when she walks, given that she can feel them against her knees now. Again, she says nothing. She just sets her jaw in a stubbornly untroubled expression and walks out to join Ren and the others.

    "Not much time?" Eve repeats, as she joins in. "Very well. I'll only look for a short time." she says agreeably. She looks around, keeping the 'sightseeing' very brief. Being, of course, a little too literal here.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    After being so profoundly emotionally invested in certain current events, sometimes it's nice to do something that requires no more commitment than 'showing up.' It's for that reason that Tomoyo accompanies this expedition!

    Perhaps, as is expected of a peace-loving girl, her outfit shifts to one who belongs to the hippie counterculture! An ankle-length tie-died dress with tan sandals and a headband that hides her entire forehead consisting of purple and black triangles, separated by a while line that zig-zags between them. Around her left wrist is a green bead bracelet.

    The tailor looks down at herself, laughing softly. "A bit garish than my usual wear, but not bad I suppose~" She smiles and waves to everyone else, looking back to Ren. "What a shame~ Oh well, I didn't bring my camera anyway. That kind of technology would stand out, wouldn't it?" Thankfully, her purple purse has survived the trip, and she makes sure all her usual gear is still inside.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel had found her clothing haed changed from her strange cyberpunk like outfit to something human but the fashion was old even when Flynn was young. She was clad in boots, tight jeans flannel shit, with a leather jacked on she's also found she's got a pair of mirroed Aviator shades and on the back of her jacket is what seems to be a biker club. The Argon Light Walls, and the logo is not just a digital skull with a light disc about it, it's Deelel's actual light disc.

"It's been a while since I seen my skin adapt to an era."

She seems amused and is all right with it. She hears they got to fit in. She looks over to Tomoyo.

"If more worlds were like this Tomoyo your business might be in trouble."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo soon follows out of the shed, blinking as he emerges. The blink comes from the realization that his outfit is different! The 'flashy techno-samurai' outfit has changed, but it is no less flashy. That is, after all, Gakupo's purpose-- to stand out! And he is also a performer.

    The outfit is a blue, one-piece jumpsuit with a long purple ascot/scarf tucked in it. The suit fits his body well, but the sleeves and legs flare widely. He wears a short cape with the outside white and the inside the same purple as his ascot. And of course, royal blue snakeskin boots.

    It is, hilariously, reminiscent of a certain founding rock and roll singer who was also popular on Earth at somewhere about this time period.

    His hair's remained in a ponytail, but it is lower-- it's at the nape of his neck, and the bottom of the tail curls up inexplicably. Though this keeps it from dragging the round.

    Gakupo has noticed all this. "...Oh Maker. Seriously?"

Nova (897) has posed:
    Many within the Terran Dominion held a deep curiosity for 'Earth' or 'Terra' and its many incarnations within the unified 'verse. Information about these 'Earth' like worlds was valuable and the Dominion deemed it worthwhile to assign some of their top assets to investigate this world. These agents were to report back on their findings without leaving much of a trace of the Dominion's involvement. Simply put, this was a job for a Ghost.

    Stepping forth from the warp gate, a Terran cowgirl complete with cowboy boots, jeans, a blue and white plaid shirt, a cowboy hat, and one long blonde pony-tail observes the group in front her with both of her hands dropping down to her hips. The last thing Nova expected was to make contact this early into her infiltration, but she was always good at improvising. Nova's eyes flicker down to her own changed attire before she flashes her best smile towards the group in front of her. Perfect, there was no need to cloak when she could simply hide in plain sight. "Well look at that, I'm late to the party," comments the cowgirl to those already assembled.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
"Once people figured out that they were probably hallucinating from too much paint it probably lost a lot of its lucre," Ren suggests to Ainsley, flaking a bit of paint off with his finger. "Oh well."

    "Welcome to the fancy hats club," he says notionally to Eve as he notices hers. "That's actually rather interesting, isn't it? It's almost as if it's making the effort for us. I like it, and at the same time I'm curious."

    The group - led by Ren in his white suit and rose specs - can easily stroll right into town- well, relatively speaking, anyway. The place they're heading towards, on the east side of the city, is somewhat on the edge of Amarillo itself, nestled near one of the many grid-pattern residential districts on one side of Interstate 40.

    "That's something to think about for next time, perhaps," he says to Tomoyo as they walk along. "Bring a camera, see if it turns into an old camera?"

The interstate doesn't have an enormous snake of cars along it right now- so there's no need to worry about exhaust fumes- but one or two of the larger, flower-patterned vans do stop to ask if they're hitchhikers. And strangely enough, when they do it's Kamui's clothes that get more interested comments than Ainsley's... Ainsley.

    Aside from that, the only interesting thing that seems to be happening as Ren leads the group- yes, even Nova- ("Be nice, please")- is that they pass by a short but bright-eyed young woman making a speech, at the front of a crowd, who seems to be waving one of a stack of newspapers around.

    "...and I do declare that it is through commiseration and solidarity! That we can show the people of this country that our hearts bleed just as theirs do, and that we can lift the dark cloud over this city with the weight of all of our hands lifting it up together-!"

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve looks confused for a moment as Ren talks of hats and strangeness. To her, everything is strange. She literally hadn't left her own home until the last three or so months of her life, so the Multiverse is no more strange to her than the world outside her villa.

    Still, it wouldn't be good to let on that she's ignorant right? She nods instead. "Strange." she agrees, reaching up to set the hat to what she feels is an appropriate angle on her head.

    Eve follows Ren along with the others, being careful to limit her sightseeing to mere seconds at a time. Not that it matters really. With her mind and memory, a few seconds is plenty. The people actually get more of a look, because people change more than scenery and tend to be more interesting. The fashion, too, catches her eye. But what REALLY gets her attention is the newspaper woman. Stick something with reading material in front of Eve, she'll go weak at the knees. She pads over, picking up one of the papers, and scans the front page in a few seconds. In so doing, she's got it memorized. Anything interesting, perhaps?

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Nova's arrival sparks a look of interest out of Ainsley. Her brows lift momentarily. That's about it. The Terran Ghost is a stranger to her, after all, so there's no reason to get super worried just yet. After the brief greeting smile, she follows along with Ren as if this were the most normal walk in the world. She moves with a very light step. Spectral, one might say. She just doesn't make any noise.

    The vans that stop, presumably full of the Peace and Love types, get surprised looks out of the lizard girl. She's more startled by people not gawking at her than the people that do! It's refreshing, making her feel comfortable in this foreign world.

    She detours to weave through the crowd with a curious curl of her tail when they near the newspaper lady. The lizard woman approaches and speaks in a gentle tone of voice. "Hello. I appreciate this hopeful message you are proclaiming... may I purchase one of these?" She punctuates it by gesturing to the stack and smiling at the young woman. "Keep up the good work," she adds, her tone very sweet.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo looks to Deelel and giggles. "I don't know~ I think people are always happy to pay for good products, even if they're getting it elsewhere for free." Honestly, all this talk of capitalism when wearing clothes like that? She is a disgrace to that tie-dye.

    As they walk along the motorway, Tomoyo is sure to flash the peace sign to the patterned vans! She wants to blend in after all. Although, all this talk of hats makes her wish she had gotten one. This Southern heat is oppressive!

    "Hmm? Oh, maybe~ If it's too big, I'm leaving it behind though!" she says to Ren. She's seen the clunky equipment of this era, and she wants nothing to do with it. The words the woman is speaking though, she thoroughly approves, applauding softly. "Well said~"

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    When Hoshi had been told the day before about visiting his world, she'd been curious but unsure if she'd manage to make it from her school in time. They were getting closer to finals, so maybe she'd spent a little longer in the library than she'd expected... Nevertheless, she eventually comes dashing through the warpgate in the shack. Much like the rest of them, her clothes were different than when she'd entered the warpgate--an old version of a Japanese school uniform, apparently, with a longer black skirt and a black blazer with Drachenblatt Academy's logo stamped on the lapels. As soon as she notes the difference, her hand quickly goes up to her hair to see if the hairtie was still there--and it was! "Whew... Geez, is this supposed to be like the world that transforms people into ponys?" At least it wasn't so drastic.

    She doesn't spare much time taking in her surroundings, instead quickly busting out of the shack and looking around quickly for Tanaka. Nothing at first, but when she gives him a shout on her radio--now a clunky, huge thing that barely fits in her pocket--she gets their position and starts running. The sun beating down on her is brutal, but eventually...

    They might here someone calling for them from a distance, getting louder. Behind them is Hoshi, waving her hand above her head. She's ditched the blazer, at least, but she's sweating pretty strongly, taking deep, whooping breaths. "Guys...! Gah, why is it so dry--S-sorry I'm late!" When she catches up, she has to take a few moments to catch her breath. "Sorry again... Hi everyone." Quite a few unfamiliar faces--and one /very/ familiar one. Hoshi's eyes go wide when she spots Nova, but eventually she just slowly bows to everyone, her eyes locked on Nova. "I'm Amakasu Hoshi. It's nice to meet you all. Tanaka, what're we doing here?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren steps through the warpgate, and seems briefly distracted by the fact that his clothes have changed. He's now wearing a white dress shirt with red tie, and his pants have become cotton slacks. "Huh. That's... interesting." He looks closely at his labcoat, checking that it's still the same. The white coat is timeless, though there are now pens and a slide rule in the pocket. "Hmm." He raises a hand to check the seemingly pointless glasses that have appeared on his face, and the... hat of whatever kind was fashionable at the time covering his ears, and observes that his messenger bag looks like old-fashioned leather, and his shoes are what he would consider 'dress shoes' rather than sneakers. "I wonder what's up with this?" He adjusts the glasses, pushing them up on his nose, and follows the group into town. At Hoshi's comment about the world, and Ren's comment about cameras, he shrugs to Hoshi, "I don't know! Maybe." and starts checking /all of his gear/ to see if it's changed appearance and/or function.

    Starenstands behind Ainsley when she goes to purchase a newspaper. He, too, is curious about whatever conflict this woman is speaking out against, so he'll just read over Ainsley's shoulder.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Really, it's not like the outfit doesn't look like it belongs on him. It's pretty garish, but he is a flashy performer, so it makes sense. Gakupo is a little embarrassed by the questions, though. But he takes them in stride. No, he's not copying, he's making a tribute! Hence why the colors were all different! He's putting his own spin on it. And he's Japanese, anyway.

    Just ignore the synthesized voice.

    Anyway, he follows the others to where the woman is speaking out, tilting his head to the side curiously as he listens. The appearance of others pulls his attention to them, and he offers a wave. "Hi there! I'm Kamui Gakupo! I'm pleased to meet you!" He bows politely to the arriving people.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at Gakupo and seems quite amused at how hwer long time friend's outfit has changed. They have gone on to full on 1970s fashion eveyr last one of them. Staren gets a look and she seems amused at Staren's out fit to the point she giggles slightly for a moment.

"It seems this effect has a sense of humour, Staren."

The Cowgirl gets a notice from Deelel who pauses.

"Humm we haven't met before have we? I'm Deelel."

Tomoyo also seems to be in good spirits and the best thing is Deelel will have a visual record of all of this for later. Though it's about time for her to get to work and start snooping about though this world is disturbing Analog as heck and unsettling in that respect, to her? She's in about the time before her kind's world really existed as she knew it, however she's now starting to pay attention to what is going on about her and she will get a hat if she's got a chance to do so. What is it with humans and losable headware?

Nova (897) has posed:
    A small, yet growing pink bubble appears before Nova's face before she pops it and makes it disappear just as quickly as it had appeared. Ren gets a pointed look from the Dominion assassin. "I always play nice," She retorts with a wink before blowing another bubble using her chewing gum. Nova keeps on keeping on with the group as they mosey their way closer to town. Deelel's introduction causes the assassin to glance over towards her. "Ann," reports November Annabella Terra with a gesture towards herself before she tips her cowboy hat in greeting. Overall, there was nothing even worth reporting to her higher ups. But maybe the group she is with knows something that her superiors don't. It certainly wouldn't hurt for her to tail them.

    As they walk along, Nova does take a moment to size up everyone that she was walking with. One can never be too careful after all. But once they reach the town and the crowd, the Ghost focuses her attention on the speech being made. She's definitely heard this sort of talk before. "Mengsk is going to love this," deadpans Nova as she attempts to slip into the back line of the crowd.

    A sudden voice from the back causes Nova to turn. Her green eyes zero in on Hoshi and her left hand comes up off her hip. Nova outstretches two fingers on her left hand while the remaining fingers are curled up. She shoots her 'finger-gun' at Hoshi by drawing back her hand slowly and not-so-menacingly adding, "Pew."

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
"Hello, Amakasu! Glad you could join us," Ren says as the group stops to listen to this talkative woman. "We're going to the restaurant just down the road. We've walked all the way here, might as well stop for something to eat, right?"

    Sotto voice, handkerchief offered, "I've not often come across worlds that do this, but they don't all have a reason for it. I wouldn't strain yourself too much, the heat's too much to give yourself any other reason to strain your brain. Hey, perhaps we can find someone else to take our pictures," Ren suggests openly to everyone, "I rather like the way we all look."

    Equipment anyone may happen to be carrying on their person doesn't seem to have changed at all, or otherwise disappeared. The difference is only skin deep, or perhaps clothes-deep.

    The woman who is doing the talking doesn't exactly seem to be a newspaper saleswoman- rather, the young man in a traditional cap next to him, who looks rather fed-up, is, so he's the one who will pester people for money if they choose to take one of his stack. She has a bit of a flushed expression, but the people who are watching her seem rather rapt, and eager to pick up on the first hint that they should applaud.
    Context from the newspaper may be enlightening.
    Or, instead, it might be disturbing.

    The newspaper report- at least on the front page- is on a continuing bout of lawlessness, derision and abuse flowing into Texas and specifically Amarillo from other parts of the country following- and into nothing more specific does the newspaper go, presumably because everyone here knows it very well- 'the untimely demise of 'the King' Elvis Presley'.

    And yes, the newspaper is dated 1969 rather than 1977.

    That's interesting, isn't it?

    In fact, most of the newspaper to some degree or another is about this tide of human misery, plus its effects on the people and the city.

    "Thank /you/!" replies the woman just as sweetly, waving back to Ainsley. "Oh, just look at all of you new faces! It's so nice to see people who are new in town who don't look like the troublesome type! If any of y'all would like to know more about my effort, please come and visit us elsewhere in town!"

    She slides a few pamphlets into the newspaper that has been purchased. Perhaps you should look at those later.

    Perhaps the news in the paper explains why quite a few of the locals fawn over Gakupo's appearence- or why a couple of people give Deelel a more wary one. We certainly are a rather unusual group, really, aren't we? As the crowd begins to disperse as the woman finishes up her speech and hands out other pamphlets, one or two people give the group unusual looks- but then, just as soon as they do, they just rub their eyes a little, blink, and move on as if it's not worth questioning it.

    And so onward we can move.


    "Well, this is the place!" Ren narrates, looking again at his paperwork. "The Big Texan steak ranch. Famous place! Interstate 40 landmark and legend. Home of the 72 ounce challenge!" He turns around to look at the group. "Alright, everyone, this is going to be our meeting point. You can spend some time here, you can get some food, you can head into the city if you want. I've got to see if I can find a man about a machine, but like I said he picked a great place to meet us so we can all have ourselves a nice afternoon out. Even you," Nova, "If you want."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "Oh. Sorry," the lizard woman says, when she realizes she was talking to the wrong person about the newspaper. She had overlooked him earlier!

    Ainsley gives some money to the man near the loud woman... it's a handful of coins that she scrounged up on short notice, dug out of one of her pockets. It's when she receives pamphlets that she shoots a smile to the woman, and then pulls the pamphlet out to give it a lookover. She quirks a brow... she's not ignorant of the dangers of someone trying to profess togetherness and hope in the public. Evil people take advantage of local fear all the time. But the message was still a good one.

    The lizard woman follows to the restaurant, but wordlessly bows to everyone in the group as a whole, with a bit of a tail flourish, and then turns to head into the city. She reads the pamphlet as she goes, the newspaper tucked up under one of her arms. She'll read the rest of that later. She has some investigation to do of this world. If she has free time for that, well...

    She hums a little late 60s song to herself as she walks.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo looks to Hoshi as she arrives... and suddenly gasps in amazement. "Oh wow, a classical school uniform!" she exclaims, immediately bee lining over to examine both Hoshi and the uniform from multiple angles. "Goodness, it kind of stands out though... did America have an exchange programme with Japan at this time? I kind of doubt it, but..."

    But then she stops herself, and properly greets Hoshi. "I'm Tomoyo~ We spoke on the radio, good to meet you in person." Looking towards Nova and her vaguely threatening finger gun, Tomoyo shifts to kind of... stand in between the two. This is an investigation, can't have a fight breaking out.

    As the crowd disperses, Tomoyo notes their countenance. They seem a little... out of it. She wonders... ah, but a meeting place is arranged! "... 72 ounces? I'll pass~" is all she says. That is a ridiculous portion, even for a special meal. "I think I'm going to check in with that woman. Ask some questions. See you all soon~"

    And so, she waits until the woman is done handing out pamphlets before approaching. "Hello~ That was a wonderful speech," she says, offering a sweet smile. "As you said, I'm new here. Not just to your lovely town, but the States entirely, so pardon my ignorance. What exactly do you mean by the 'dark cloud?'"

Staren has posed:
    Staren is relieved to see that his gear is unchanged.

    Staren reads the paper with interest. He seems to accept that it's not odd that Elvis just died, it's not like he memorized the date or anything and the time seems about right.

    Staren looks more closely at Nova, and then something clicks. He makes his way over to Hoshi and says quietly, "If she's here, then... well, the Union and Confederacy work together on investigating stuff like this... not exactly 'all the time', but it happens frequently enough. War and truce is kinda weird, but, that's the Multiverse." He shrugs. "You'll just have to deal with eachother. Don't worry though, even if she /were/ to attacks, well... looks like she's pretty heavily outnumbered. She's the one taking more of a risk coming to help, with this crowd around."

    "So, our only clue is that bad stuff seems to have started happening when Elvis died. Why might that happen? We gotta brainstorm for... what to /look/ for. Like... maybe there are, like, alien parasites taking over people that were pacified by his music. Or, or some people are naturally more agressive here and popular music calms them. We should check the history books to see if there's a pattern of conflicts after great musicians died. Well... okay, those are farfetched, but it's just brainstorming. Still, that gives me an idea. I'm going to head to the library, skim some history books for any major differences, check recent newspapers for anything weird."

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Once the dust and the heat haze fades from her eyes, Hoshi manages to get a better look at everyone as she nods to each in turn. "Mr. Kamui." Deelel-- "Ah, I remember. You were in Njorun with me the first time I went. I'm sorry, with that outfit you look so different... It looks good, in a biker punk sort of way." She can't say she knows the rest of them by face, though--Ainsley's in particular! Hoshi blinks very slowly. Her voice was familiar. "... M-Ms. Ainsley?" She eventually stumbles out. "Wow, you look so cool. I don't think I've ever seen you before."

    When Tomoyo approaches and suddenly starts looking her over, Hoshi shifts a little uncomfortably. "Uh... Y-yeah, I guess it is... No, the exchange programme came a bit later... It's nice to meet you in person, Ms. Daidouji."

    Nova's extremely unsubtle threat causes Hoshi to flash her a dour look. Try to be nice, try to be respectful, see what happens. Still, she was going to have words with that woman eventually, whether she wanted to or not. She even pulls out that brick radio to mutter into it for a bit, before realizing just how dumb she looked doing so. Staren seem to get what she'd meant, though, so he gets a small nod of thanks. "I don't intend to do anything silly if she won't," she promises.

    To be honest, Hoshi didn't know what to expect from Ren, but that... "You just wanted us to come for dinner?" She sighs. "I'll have to skip my workout for extra cramming. You owe me for this, Tanaka." Still, getting some food and water into her does sound nice, so as they enter the restaurant she snipes a spot immediately and points a finger at Nova. "You. C'mere, I'll buy you dinner."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve watches the byplay between Amakasu and Nova with silent, judging eyes. It turns into a definite scowl when Nova finger-guns, but still no speech. She might do something if violence threatens, but until then it's not exactly something she has reason to intervene in, or any of her business besides.

    She also has the newspaper and pamphlets to keep her busy... for about a minute at least. After that, she has to look for other things to keep going. "That is a big steak." she muses. Though she's seen people with pretty huge appetites, so... who knows? She just knows that steak probably weighs more than her head. No thanks.

    The news is interesting, but she doesn't learn more than the basic facts. She can't quite put together the context that the King should have died several years in the future. Besides, it's the Multiverse. Just because it happens one way in some other Earth doesn't mean it will in this Earth as well. She does get a sense of the area's woes however, and will perhaps have a few facts to rub together when things come to pass in the near future.

    Eve looks at Staren, expression rather dubious. "Or this could be a different version of Earth." she mutters dryly. His suggestions do make her aware that the date of death stands out as a difference between this world and others, but she sees no reason to assume one event caused another. Or for that matter that both have the same cause. It MIGHT be true, and it might be worth researching, but it seems like a huge stretch to assume alien parasites pacified by music. "I ... should probably eat something." she muses in much the same tone. "NOT the big steak." she clarifies.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks to Ann and smile shonestly she seemd interesting and seems to accept the Dominion Assassin at her word. Deelel seems to be settling into the 1970s well enough and seems to be having a good time. She looks for a moment at the restaurant for a moment with intrest. Well given Deelel's Biker look she might cause some people to be wary after all. Biker Gangs were as much a thing in this period as it in the period of her world's earth still.

"Wait how could an human sized being eat that much meat in one go?"

She's goit more than a little bit of a shocked look on her face. She did try not to stir up the people too much.

"Elvis, the King of Rock and Roll. His early death was tragic abut I do wonder about this STaren. There's no easy way to do this, we're going to have to hard copy this."

Hoshi gets a smile from Feelel hom she's glad to see them.

"It's all right and I guess I am one really back home. I should take you for a spin in Argon sometime it would be fun."

Deelel could use the fuel to be sure so she might as well order something and she'll go for something abit saner in terms of portions, yet? Even with all her experiance it was always a bit unsettling how organic life had to consume other lifeforms to get by.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo sends Ren a look when he mentions liking the way everyone looks now. "Eeeeh?" Blink. Then he raises a hand to prop an open palm on his hip, raising the other hand to shoulder level and aiming that palm up as he bent one knee and tilted his hips to one side. "Pictures might last longer~," he teases Ren.

    But with the paper, Gakupo realizes an unfortunate issue with his outfit. And he blushes darkly. "Oops..." Well, it's not like he could help it, right? But there's something else to be worried about. Why is all this 'doom and gloom'? Isn't anything good happening? He hadn't been around during this time in his own world, but everyone he knows that was seems to remember it fondly. Then again this is not 'his' earth.

    Well, when they move on, Gakupo smiles brightly at Ren's narration. "Ah, I've heard of this place!" he declares triumphantly. "It's still around~!" He doesn't continue that line of thought, but it's probably understood that he means it's still around 'in his time period'.

    Ainsley seems to want to go into the city directly, so he bows politely to her. "Take care!" He chuckles as Tomoyo passes on the challenge. "Ah, that's a challenge, though. I'm sure they have normal-sized food too." Even he's aware that's a ridiculous amount of food for a human. And he's not going to try it himself. Even if he does it, he'd draw attention to himself, and that's not what he wants.

    He offers a pleasant smile to Hoshi, and then looks between her and Deelel, with that same smile. Gakupo does seem to be going in the same direction Eve's going, so he falls into step with her. And apparently Deelel. Eve's statement gets a chuckle. "It's not just the steak, though~. If I remember correctly, it's a full meal /plus/ a steak that big."

    Oh yes, he's going in, too. He can process normal food. But no, he's not getting that giant steak either. No sense in making more of a spectacle of himself than he already was, after all.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Tomoyo's intervention causes a suddenly expressionless Nova to pause. She freezes in position as a wry smile finds its way onto the young Terran's face. Chewing her gum a little bit first, the blonde 'cowgirl' pops another bubble before lifting her finger gun back up so that she can blow the smoke it. Nova then reholsters this most deadly weapon by crossing her arms against herself and watching Tomo and Hoshi intently, her mind quickly calculating what her next course of action should be.

    The conversation about what is going on between Staren and Eve causes Nova to tilt her head their way. That sounded like some valuable intelligence which was more important than taking care of unfinished business. However, Hoshi's sudden offer does not only catch Nova by surprise, but it causes Nova to turn her attention back towards her. "You're going to buy me dinner? Fine. I want one of those steaks, the big one. You would not believe the caloric intake that wearing a hostile environment suit requires." The blonde pony-tailed Ghost reports with a smirking grin.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Ainsley's pamphlet leads her across town! Not a huge distance away, of course, but still. The woman apparently gave her directions to a small community centre two neighborhoods away; the meeting centre of the Amarillo Social Service, Wellness Institute & Public Entertainment group. They're going to be holding a disco later this evening! For people interested in Maria Smith, knock seven times around back when no one else is crossing the street.

    Unfortunately, if she tries this nobody answers. What is this building, anyway? Maybe you could ask people on the street.

    Tomoyo goes back to meet the woman, who is walking past the restaurant entirely.

    "Oh?" she says as Tomoyo comes up. "Oh, of course, you weren't there when I started. Well, you see, child, it's all to do with this terrible wave of negativity and distress that other people from across the country have been giving us since the tragedy some months ago. It's terrible to feel as if everyone blames the city for this... I just do what I can to try and help the people..."

    If Staren heads to the library, he might find checking recent newspaper headlines from the last few months a helpful place to start. What he could find out is essentially the same as what Tomoyo did at face value- weeks and weeks of steadily worsening news about negative attitudes and behavior from various news media and the public after Elvis' death, being taken out on people from other states roaming into the city.

    Back at the Big Texan, there's plenty of beef to go round for Deelel, Gakupo, Hoshi and even Nova. Although a couple of waiting staff do try to offer them the 'special', they're not pushy and are happy to offer the others usual menus as they wish. Perhaps they can talk to some of the other people dining there today to pick up some local gossip- there's a lot floating around, from discussion of the warm weather to the lack of holiday celebration, from what's on at the cinema to the store fronts that got smashed up by a rocker gang. Ren's probably put all the food on his tab with the staff or something, but rather than join the people who decided to stay at the restaurant he's disappeared into the back tables, where he seems to have sat down to have a talk with a mysterious-looking figure in an all-concealing trenchcoat and fedora.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
     "You're surprised?" Hoshi says curiously. "Uesugi Kenshin once shared his rice and salt with his greatest enemy, Takeda Shingen. I don't even think we're greatest enemies yet." Once the waitresses came, Hoshi ordered herself a much smaller steak and water for herself--two whole pitchers full, to be precise. "I had a workout in the desert today," was her response as to why. Nova could get whatever she wanted.

    Once they're both settled in and Hoshi is sipping on her water. A curious eye is sent to Ren as he talks to his mysterious stranger, but she can't really hear anything from here. Eventually, she returns her gaze to Nova, and she lowers her voice. "So... I guess I probably won't get your real name, huh? I guess it doesn't matter. I wanted to say that I'm glad you survived the dragon attack. Nobody deserves to die to something like that."

     A curious glance is sent over to Deelel. "Argon? I'm not sure exactly what that is. Is that a car, or..." A sudden thought occurs to her. "... You mean a motorcycle, don't you. Ergh." She, like many Japanese people, wasn't exactly fond of anything two-wheeled bigger than a scooter.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley stops at the community centre when she's sure she's found the right spot. She pauses to squint at the pamphlet for a moment, mouthing the name... "Huh. No self-awareness in some people. Maybe it's a joke," she murmurs aloud, as she steps around the back of the building. When the knock produces no answer, she really does start to wander around to seek out people that might linger nearby. Store owners or nearby employees are a safe bet, for instance, instead of random pedestrians.

    "What can you tell be about this organization? What, exactly, do they /do/ around here?"

    The more she sees this city, the more she thinks: There is something weird going on here.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's own order is simple enough. She looks about the room, trying to get a sense for what people are enjoying. Not exactly trusting her own experience with food, she finds it preferable to trust others. She's not really a gourmet. She appreciates food for keeping her alive, but tends to see it more as a distraction than a pleasure unless it's something like ice cream.

    She ends up ordering a beef rib platter, both because it looks pretty good and because she figures that way she won't have to look down quite so much. She can continue to watch Amakasu, Nova, and (if possible) Ren in their own interactions. Never mind the small blonde girl with the rather direct stare...

Staren has posed:
    Hmm. This isn't new information, though, it's what was already in the newspaper. Staren keeps going back, until he finds the article about Elvis Presley's death, and it strikes him as slightly odd. Wasn't Elvis one of those singers who died of a drug overdose or something? One quick check of the Multiversal Internet later, and Staren's... ugh, /photocopying/ the article. Truly, this world is uncivilized.

    Staren makes his way to the steakhouse, and asks for their reccomended item. If they try to reccomend the 72 ounce challenge, his eyes widen a bit and he shakes his head, "I can't eat that much! Just, like, a regular item, not a special challenge, please."

    Staren sits down at the table with the others. "Guys, I found something weird. The first historical deviance:"

    He sets down the photocopies clutched in his hand, an article about Elvis Presley dying earlier that year. "I checked the internet. On most worlds, he was found unconscious in his hotel room eight years from now and died in the hospital, of drug abuse and/or genetic problems. I dunno if the king's death is the cause of all this, or another effect, but we should probably check this out further."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel seems to understand the bit about the 72 ounce challenge now from Gakupo explaining things.

"I see I get it now my friend. Still some things about humans and like life forms are a little strange. Though the social aspect of refuling makes sense."

Basics and ISOs were no different in that regard after all they did tend to congrate at clubs and bars when not actively working. She also is amused at Nova going after the challenge. This should be something to see she muses.

She's happy to get some food order and seems to be in good spirits with it. Shge does take a moment to look back to Hoshi.

"Argon is the name of my home city, my lightcycle, oh right I haven't shown you that but I can likely get a different ground craft if your not too hot on light cycles, but still you got to see one. I have it in my jacket pocket right now."

She gets a very amused look on her face as she waits to hear the reaction to she's got a motorcycle in her pocket.

Nova (897) has posed:
    "Actually, all of my vitals are chemically regulated through a series of injections and the rest controlled through my own psionics during any sortie. So, I'm actually not in the slightest bit hungry, I just wanted to see if you would actually go through with it and then judge your reaction accordingly." Nova replies in a very calm and casual tone as she leans back in a nearby chair.

    The rhetorical query about her name just draws a succinct nod out of Nova. "Right on target." Hoshi's sentiment about the dragon does cause Nova to quirk a well taken care of brow. "There are worse ways to go. You could be left for dead, assimilated into an alien brood, reconstituted by their biological engineers into a horrible monstrosity, and then willingly launch a genocidal war against your former allies." Nova states quite seriously before grimly grinning.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo listens close to the woman, placing a hand to her cheek as she mulls it all over. "Goodness, he must have been quite impressive for his death to have hurt the country so deeply." The name is familiar to her, of course. The music, less so.

    But, her words on how the country seems to blame this little town surprises her. "Why would they blame you? Did he pass away here?" Goodness, that would make sense. Having the angry gazes of the whole country on you, channelling their need to blame someone for it...

    She sighs softly, and reaches out to pat the woman on the shoulder. "It's a good thing you're doing~"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo will order a typical meal here-- something of sane size for a normal human /his/ size. Though he'll ask for something special on the side-- do they have any eggplant they can fry up for him? If not it's no big deal, but one never knows unless one asks first, right? His special order might also involve some very light flirting with the female waitstaff, too! It always helps to be pleasant, right? Particularly when one compliments a lady on her beauty!

    Staren's mention of the deviance gets a curious look. "Come to think of it... it was 1977 in my world too," he observes. "I'm not sure that's of any significance though. Not every very similar world is going to have the same timeline, right? Mind, I'm not discounting it out of hand, but it seems logical."

    Deelel's comment gets a chuckle. "Since it's something all people have to do, why not do so together, right?" He whispers to her sidelong, "...Also part of it's the herd instinct in the human animal-- eating in groups means there's more eyes to watch for predators."

    However, once his order's in Gakupo looks around where he's sat down. He'll turn a little in his seat, towards the first occupied table that's near enough that he won't have to shout, and speak up politely, "Um, excuse me for interrupting your meal. But I'm new in town. Can I ask you a few questions please?" A flash of that winning smile might help too!

Staren has posed:
    "Yeah, but check out /how/ he died." Staren comments, sliding the photocopies across the table towards Kamui. "I suspect foul play, or at least collateral damage from something else going on."

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
Two people from a distant table lower the one newspaper they have been hiding behind. Two pairs of eyes hidden behind two sets of turtleshell-rimmed brown spectacles look at the new people coming and going.

    Someone with a leather jacket and what society will recognize as an afro in later years sits down next to Even, and tries to engage her in conversation that probably involves something about a firm appreciation for a woman who knows good beef when she sees it, and then continues into innuendos about beefcake and implications about his muscles. Other people overhear Deelel and sing a couple of the lines from 'Cool' from West Side Story ("Got a rocket, in your pocket..."), before laughing and commenting it's probably a toy, and she's probably a poseur?

        "So, how long have you been here?" Ren asks the figure in the trenchcoat, who makes a rather worrying response.
    "I see. Listen, perhaps you should take me to-"

    "Ah, sir," says a voice from nearby, as a black man in shades walks up. "And Ren. Will you be having the sea cucumber today? Oh, but first, let me take your coat-"

    And he pulls the trenchcoat clean off the person.

    These are the four figures that fall out onto the floor.

    Ren stares at them. Blinks. Looks up. The man is gone.

    And by the time he's managed to do that, the shockwave has already begun to spread.

     "Oh, he was, m'dear, she was. There are so many people who think the man was a saint, that they're so in awe of his power... people who are jealous, people who-"

    And then a roar from behind the two of them makes her eyes bug out. "My dear, get down!"

    "Uh?" says one of two women Ainsley walks up to, both of them employees of a malt shop across the street with beehive hairdos and bright makeup. They blink at Ainsley for a second, and then one of them examines the building across the road. "Oh, that? Hon, that's just one of those community halls. A bunch of weirdos have been going there at night lately? I don't know how they fit all 'emselves into such a small-"

    And then there's a ripple in the air, and she leaps out of her seat and screams. "WH-WH-WHAAA?!"

    For a second, the golden disc on Ren's forehead flickers and then disappears. The people Gakupo approached begin asking him what the heck's wrong with his voice.

    And then a brick goes through one of the windows outside, and everything gets /really/ excited.

    Streaming through the street outside and coming up the interstate are a variety of tricked-out, smoke-belching muscle cars. Some of them have cowcatchers, bull horns, spikes and violent paint jobs. Others have aggressive-looking toughs leaning out of the windows. Several of them are carrying weapons.

    All across Amarillo, as a wave ripples through the people- as the various patrons of the Big Texan panic as they realize the aliens in their midst- they run right out into the train of this aggressive, violent vehicle gang right out in front of them.

Staren has posed:

    People are screaming, and there's a gang of angry people outside who look like they're here to make trouble. Staren touches something under his coat, and then light covers his body and fades into his emergency armor. He pulls his micromissile pistol out of his bag, smashes the window in front of him... and holds his fire since they haven't /actually/ attacked and he does not have enough firepower handy to take them all out at once (that'll teach him to go exploring /anywhere/ without his power armor). He crouches behind the windowsill, peering over and watching, ready to agressively start blowing up vehicles the moment he believes they're going to, or already have, hurt someone. He has four shots in the magazine before he has to reload, if it comes to it.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley smiles patiently at the woman... even as she freaks out. The change in demeanor does not seem to bother her in the least. But she realizes something changed. She turns her gaze into the air, and activates her arcane sight with a bloom of blue light from her eyes. "Nevermind," she says, waving at the woman dismissively. She turns to leave the malt shop at an easy pace, seeming pretty natural. But what she's doing is trying to track the edge of the 'shockwave,' having seen the awareness in the shop flow out like a wave, and try to read it for any sort of imprint that she might be able to pick up on. Transmission frequencies or other readable information.

    And, while she's at it, she does a general scan of the community centre, seeking out any signals there as well. She's just happy the airwaves of the 1970s were significantly less filled with information, otherwise she might end up with a case of the eye bleeds.

    She's absolutely unaware of the chaos happening across town, beyond the distant sounds of gunshots. Based off of her flawed knowledge of Texas, that is a completely normal sound. Maybe there's a party over there. This unawareness allows her more space to focus on the oddities right in front of her.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Nova's reasonings for asking for food gets a eyeroll and a long-suffering sigh. "Did I pass your test, then?" Jeez, this woman. Always a stupid angle. "Even if you had gotten it, I come from a rich family. Just what're you trying to prove, anyway?" Her... example causes Hoshi's eyebrows to rise very slowly. "... I guess you're not wrong," she says faintly. "Still. I don't want you to die. Rosamond... I looked into you and saw something. Are you really sure about all this stuff you're doing?..."

    Deelel offering a different means of transportation gets an eager nod. "Sure, Ms. Deelel. Let me know when you want to show me, I'll see if I can go after school. Or on Sunday."

    Then... all of a sudden things started going weird. First a random man appeared and disappeared--those are aliens!--There are roars on the street, people screaming. For a second, Hoshi glances accusingly at Nova, before shaking her head. "No, you're about as lost as I am, probably. C'mon, let's go. I'll keep them off you while you take 'em down. But no killing, who knows what the police here will do to us--"

    With that, Hoshi takes one last drink of her water and a bite of her steak, then gets out of her chair and undoes her hairtie, letting it take the form of her katana. She draws it and sticks the scabbard into her belt as she races outside, taking her firm stance. "I don't know what'll happen if I summon my Persona here, but we might not have much of a choice!"

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's a bit young for innuendo and beefcake really. With her hat on though, in present company, it might be possible for someone to not realize she's a child. Someone would have to be kind of blind or at least self-absorbed, but that sounds about right in this case.

    Eve may not really think the innuendo is directed her way. Probably aimed at Amakasu, Nova, or possibly even Ainsley. She just looks annoyed, hunching herself away from the rude jerk who sat down beside her.

    When the brick goes through the window and people start screaming, Eve bolts upright in immediate reaction. When the afro-wearing jerk tries to pull her back down - either protectively or because he doesn't want to let his 'girl' get away, her hand flashes at him. She doesn't slap him so much as club him. Er... literally. Her hand masses with her power, transforming into an actual club, and Mr. Beefcake will be sent down for the count. She's remarkably quick, mind, to restore her hand to normality afterwards. Likely anyone besides the people actually immediately at the table will think they were just imagining things, if they saw anything at all that is.

    With Beefcake out of the way, Eve advances beside Amakasu. Apparently, she's completely unarmed. Also tiny. Then again, she just took out Mr. Beefcake in a flash. Perhaps quite literally in a flash.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo blinks, and looks at the articles pushed over in his direction. Though he doesn't get much of a chance to look over them, because he's being asked what's wrong with his voice. That's a little odd too, because... well, nobody's seemed to notice it before. "Just a bit of scratchy throat, that's all," Gakupo replies pleasantly. He's aware of what his voice sounds like to someone who wouldn't know he's an AI. And telling people he is would probably cause more trouble than it would solve.

    Suddenly /aliens/ and /gangs/ and /rocks are being thrown/ and and and....

    Probably easier to just say 'all hell has broken loose'.

    Gakupo stands, and automatically reaches for his sword... which is not there. It's a cane. It's a dark purple, laquered thing, with a silvery orb on the end with a big purple rock on the end that is most certainly fake. The Voclaoids looks rather stricken at the realization. "...Gakutou Miburi, my poor blade, what happened to you?!"

    Fortunately, a quick pull on the handle proves that there's a sword IN the cane. And at least the blade is the same-- a katana blade with zigzag rainbow patterns down the blade. "Whew..." Gakupo breathes. He doesn't draw the sword /yet/, though.

    Turning to the people he'd been speaking to (if they're still there; if they're smart they're not) and bows. "I'm sorry to leave so suddenly!" And then he heads in the direction of the aliens, since he doesn't know what they're going to do. They might be friendly, who knows? He doubts it, but it's possible.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Still listening closely, Tomoyo is snapped into alertness by the sudden shouting, the smash of glass and the revving and rumbling of inbound vehicles. Looking up the road, she pales at the sight of the intimidating toughs, charging in with weapons ready.

    And people are coming out to meet it. "Oh no..."

    Rummaging into her purse, Tomoyo takes out that blue gourd. Giving it a hard shake, she opens up the stopper, and a thick torrent of cloud gushes out onto the street, starting to form a thick cloudbank in the middle, separating the civilians from the muscle car group.

    She's hoping that the sudden mist will confuse and obscure things enough that violence won't break out. But just in case it does, she's taking out an anklet and slipping it on.

Nova (897) has posed:
    "Understanding how your opponent thinks is an invaluable asset to have on the battlefield." Nova begins. "Being from a rich family is inconsequential, my intended observation was on how you would respond to my rejection of your charity." The Ghost's attention snaps towards the suddenly decloaked figure and those situated nearby as the big reveal happens. She purses her lips together and blows another bubble before lounging luxuriously back in her seat as if she didn't have a care in the world. Green eyes settle on Hoshi once more as Nova begins to smile sweetly. "And I'm not carrying any grudge over our previous encounter. Afterall, it was strictly business." The Terran Ghost reaches behind her and pulls out a large, serrated combat knife. It seems that a knife is a knife even in the part of the Multiverse. "And speaking of business, it's time to go to work." Hoshi's comment about not using deadly force is considered. "I can't guarantee their safety, but I can guarantee that they won't see me coming." The assassin's appearance suddenly distorts as her cloaking device activates.

    Nova was no longer sitting there; she and that big knife of hers was gone.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
The aliens are /terrified/, for what it's worth. So much so that they're not all willing to stay in the same place- even as Ren and Gakupo go towards them, the four of them make various exclamations of panic and break in different directions, and since they're each about a foot tall they can definitely vanish under tables and peoples' legs and run and zoom and disappear. Ren only has time to clutch a fresh piece of paper one of them dropped in his hand.

    There's gunfire, yes- but the gangers in their vehicles are only firing in the air.

    People nearby Ainsley are now reacting with open fear and panic, and as she uses her scanning sense she can perhaps make out that Something Has Changed- it's as if there is a distinct difference between the way people were reacting to her Then compared to Now. It's as if the wool has been removed from peoples' eyes, and whereas before they might have just seen a woman with a skin condition and exotic hair they now see Ainsley as she truly is.

    And something else. Something Weird.

    We can assume that that person trying to impress Eve was a barely-thirteen kid who thought he was much more of an eighteen-year-old adult than he really was, but to be entirely fair to him he DID want to protect her- perhaps, at least, until her hand turned into a club. When that happens, he's just as frightened as the rest of the patrons in the restaurant- and just as eager to scramble away, even though this means that yes, they're going to be running right outside into the gang.

    So perhaps it's a good thing that there's now a rather surprisingly large fogbank rolling in, even though it's so warm outside? A few rocks part the clouds, but nobody's getting /shot/.

    Standing firm, clutching that piece of paper in his hand and with his mouth a thin line, Ren can see and hear what other people with finely-tun senses might also be able to notice- that the gang are shooting blanks into the air, and throwing rocks at the people as they stream out of the Big Texan.

    "We should make ourselves scarce," he says- partially to the people around him, partially to the bulky radio he's half-holding onto to speak to Ainsley. "Push past these thugs if we have to, stop them from hurting anyone if we have to- but we should distance ourselves here..."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel notices the person in the afro for a moment, yup this is certainly the 70s all right. She gives them a look over for a moment. She doesn't seem bothered by wht she hears she's amused, at it and her compansions can tell.

"Oh if they only knew I have the most advance ground craft on this world right now."

She goes back to eating now she's just about done at this point and she looks to Hoshi for a moment.

"Sure might take me a bit more time, but really you might change your mind when you see it. Either way a car would work well enough."

Then things get strange she hears the roar for a moment.

"I don't cube unless I have no choice, don't worry about that Hoshi."

She takes a moment and a strnge blade almost like some sort of tech key appears in her hand as if by magic.

"Don't worry I got a few other things to keep things from ending up fatal."

Cubed must be local slang for her for killing. She pulls another device out it looks like a hockey uck and she keeps it primed and ready nothing like some looted riot control gear from Auroa. She really need to do something to repay that siren for risking her neck like she has.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    It doesn't take long to note the poor aliens are terrified. "H-hey wait!" Gakupo replies. He looks less like he's going to attack now that he notes they're scared. He's hoping the translation effect can handle it as he tries to talk the aliens down from panicking. "It's all right, we were just scared too!"

    Ren's statement of making themselves scarce gets a nod. "Good idea," he seconds. Calling into the restaurant, "We're going to leave here, you can come with us if you want, Mr. or Miss Aliens!" That is a very weird statement from the walking computer over there. But he heads out when everyone else does. All that shooting. Hopefully it's just people trying to impress others with their big guns. His headset glows...

    And he starts to sing.

    It's a slow, soft lullaby, and encourages the minds of those who hear it to relax. To rest. It's a hot day after all... way too hot to be jumping around and flooring cars and shooting guns. That just makes it hotter and muggier and sleepier....

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley doesn't seem to flinch or wince at the shouts or screams. They're irrelevant to her, so long as no one is trying to hit her with anything. After she's gathered her intelligence, and it's quite a doozy to learn all of what she just saw. She deactivates her sight, and then lets out a gentle sigh at someone hiding behind a nearby bench. She briefly contemplates saying something witty, but instead, she gives a somber frown in that direction, then lifts into the air with a little push of her lizard-y feet.

    She flies directly back toward the warp gate. She is no good in a fight and she's definitely no good if she gets shot at by a bunch of scared towns folk that think she's some sort of invading monster alien. She tries to keep a high altitude and stay mindful of the ground and its many unhappy townsfolk.

    "If we come back, I know where we should check next," she replies over her own radio back to Ren. "There's a community center that's a front for some sort of subterranean complex. I'll provide coordinates so we can add it to records for a report. I'm unaware of its nature, but perhaps it's connected to the strange force that was obfuscating us. Do you know what that was? Its dissipation seemed to come from your general direction."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Okay, the impending clash has been halted, for all of a few seconds. But the fog is already lifting, trying to become a cloud so it can let gentle rains fall. And once it has, no doubt the thugs will carry on their way, hurting people in the process.

    So, in spite of the rocks being thrown through the fog, she runs into it. Though the mist spilling from the gourd has lessened after that big burst, she uses it to keep it thick and obscuring as long as she can. Buying those more able to pacify a crowd as much time as she can.

    She's gone from 'too hot' to 'too cold' now. It's quite chilly within the mist, and the water contained within soaks her skin, hair and clothes. And even if a rock hits her, she keeps filling the gaps until it sounds like everything has calmed down.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Hoshi just sort of... stares at Nova before she disappears. "How do you live like this?" She asks, with what sounds like genuine concern. Even so, now wasn't the time to talk about the morality of anyone's situation. Now was the time for action.

    She's actually grateful for the fog as it rolls in--one because it gives everyone cover, but also because it's a nice cooling sensation initially. She takes this moment of peace and chill to calm her thoughts, before the air turned muggy and hot again. Then she's on the move.

    At first, Hoshi is trying to yell at people to go back to their homes, they were in danger. Which, with a sword in her hand, might be a pretty good motivator. When she starts hearing Kamui's song and starts feeling it's effects, though, she forces herself to calm down and more gently urge people to return home. She even keeps her sword behind her back as she does so. She tugs out her radio. "Everyone gather up! Either we fight now or we retreat, we need to choose."

Staren has posed:
    Staren shakes his head to Ren. "We can't just leave these people to them..." but once Ren tells him they're firing blanks, he sighs and relaxes, putting away the rocket pistol. "We still can't just /leave/ them. Even a thrown rock or brick could potentially /kill/ someone. Especially in this fog."

    Staren thinks of a solution though: Draw his federation phaser and just stun everyone who's throwing things. The police can sort them out when they get here.

Eve (857) has posed:
    "... Fog?" Eve questions. It doesn't seem right for fog here, not after the kind of heat of the day. Then again, everything's changing. Perhaps whatever unnatural influence kept everyone from noticing everything was also keeping the day quite a lot hotter than normal. With people starting to suddenly notice things around them, perhaps that unnatural heat is suddenly gone. Perhaps the condensation all came in a sudden shock. For all she knows, this could be entirely a mundane phenomenon.

    Eve shakes her head, starting forward even if it's without the others joining in the front line. "Or we fight while retreating." she suggests in reply to Hoshi's words. "We have to get through them to get clear, and hitting them a few times would stop them from hurting so many people." she says. Not waiting for a reply she heads out, forming a rather large shield before her to protect from hurled rocks. People could advance behind her if they wanted, though they'll have to duck pretty far to be fully covered. She's not able to make a shield larger than herself, not and still have it be particularly useful.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
One of the four- the purple one- takes a quick look back at Gakupo. He acknowleges this with an understanding statement, but then disappears behind a door to accompany the other three. However, he leaves behind a slip of paper for him- on it is written 'BUSHLAND'.

    There must be something there...

    It seems, perhaps, that there might be a plan developing here. With the combination of the soothing, strange music, the calming, passion-dampening cold chill and, well, um... phasers...

    "I think this is what we call a tactical retreat," Ren says to Eve and Hoshi, taking a quick look. His piece of paper said the same thing. He strides out alongside Staren into the mist, waving Deelel and Hoshi through once he's got a look outside, meeting up with Tomoyo with a grateful smile- and so that the group can make their way back along the interstate and where Ainsley is.

    He listens closely to her as he goes.

    "This place is full of weirdness and secrets, and I want to get to the bottom of them."