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A Tome to Die For
Date of Scene: 24 November 2015
Location: Far Away Galaxy - Inner Rim
Synopsis: Twilight and friends come seeking lost knowledge of the Jedi. But within the ruined Truuine Praxium, what awaits is not only the relics of the Jedi, but a legacy of the Sith - one that plans on making Twilight history.
Cast of Characters: Staren, 106, 278, 411, Karian Icefang, Lezard Valeth, 604, 626, 754, 836, 892, 911

HK-47 (754) has posed:
    Some realities embraced their inclusion into the Multiverse, and some did not. That was an inevitability most couldn't avoid. Granted, a majority of universes arguably saw there were more benefits then risks and assimilated as best they could.

     Others however refused to do so... and in turn became more reclusive or resistant to Multiversal visitation. But even then, it was hardly like they could truly resist such a thing - as such, Multiversal visitation was allowed... if not closely monitored.

     Ironic, considering that, if anything, a more pressing threat would be from their own universe as opposed to an exterior one. Even amid the Inner Rim Worlds.

     One of which has been propertied as the site of old Jedi relics. And one of the only worlds where an open invitation to the Multiverse's more historical, cultural or scholarship experts have seemingly been given authority to study... with the Republic only begrudgingly allowing it.

    Largely regarded as something of a forgotten world in the Rim, the oceanic planet of Truuine had once held a Jedi Praxium in the days of the Great Sith War against Exar Kun. As of now though, the planet was largely characterized by civil wars between two settlers of a native species; the amphibious fish-like Patrolians and the shark-like Karkarodons. Only a few landmasses stand out amid the endless seas, foremost being small island chains and minuscule landmasses.

     The northern-most of these small masses holds the ruins upon which attention has been garnered on what is purportedly an archeological excavation of the site around the ruined temple's decayed structure. The ground - mostly sandy beachheads and rocky outcropping - is spotted with a variety of tropical seaside foliage, much of which has grown over the once-artful monastery-like designs of the Jedi Praxium.

    However... something seems remiss.

     Even though there are certainly signs of study having been set up at the entrance... nobody is visible. Moreover, the set-up - a utilitarian tent with a few tables and chairs and some errant items here and there - seems rather overtly structured and organized, more so a length then most people would bother to go to in terms of set-up unless they were borderline obsessive-compulsive about it being perfectly exact.

     Then again, considering who seems to have taken interest, such a respect for detail probably isn't something one would consider 'suspicious' as opposed to 'enviable'.

    Among the items here is an invite on a datapad-card - an open message inviting any who answered the call to try and figure out how to enter some form of 'sealed chamber' where Jedi artifacts, such as old tomes or holocrons, may have been kept, promising a reward and first crack at studying whatever is within to any who can open the door.

    Beside thus is a map that, if followed, will lead into the Praxium's interior - much of which is decayed or burnt-out from signs of heavy fire, the stones crumbled or fractured with almost distressing amounts of lore and knowledge having been assuredly lost. Even more depressing is that this route leads through what seemed to have once been a library - with all it's shelves charred and the remains of what must have been over several thousand books, all reduced to ash.

    Someone was certainly through about destroying the history of this place when it was originally ruined in the Great Sith War 60 years prior.

     Eventually, the route on the map ends at what appears to be a reinforced vault of some form... with a seemingly-unique lock of tumblers and gears that looks almost like it is meant to be operated via telekinesis.

     A Force-oriented lock meant to be utilized by a Jedi... rather intact compared to the rest of the damaged structure. Then again, the same can be said for the vault door.

    Perhaps the most valuable of the tomes the Praxium had to offer were stored inside?

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Today, in fact, is not the first time the Spaceship Rafflesia has visited a Galaxy Far, Far away, but before then it had done so in isolation, following a winding path that eventually lead her to a pair of refugees from the Empire. Great care has been taken to disassociate Kyra from the traitor Juno and she's been cautious in her help and visits.

    So there is nothing particularily suspicious about the Rafflesia's visitation-Truuine is a sanctioned planet, open to Multiversal visitors of scholarly bent. Being a student, Kyra certainly qualifies though she will decidedly not point out her educational leanings veer more towards the biological sciences and far from anything historical or cultural. No, it's more so that 'exploring an ancient ruin for ancient artifacts while accosted by hostile locals' is something that fits more in the dungeoneering aspect of her education. This is also not mentioned, less it immediately brand her as a filthy looter (though it's not so far from the truth).

    Suffice to say, it's made Kyra load more of her 'utility' type mixtures into her Matter Manipulator before hand, which, of course, includes explosives. Explosives are a great utility for exacavations. It would also be remiss of her to go anywhere unarmed so she is quite visibly carrying the alchemized healing 'gun' known as the CURE-ALL on her back, counter-balanced by a Galiandan hunting rifle dangling from a shoulder strap in front of her.

    "Huh." Kyra murmurs when she sees the empty campsite. The neatness doesn't bother her too much-archeologists were anally neat about their business, after all. "I wonder where everyone is...?" Idilly, she pulls a headband-looking device out of one of the pouches at her waist and slips it on, revealing it to be a wearable camera. Seconds later, a red ring glows, indicating that the power is on.

    The Rafflesia itself floats in orbit, the AI of the ship managing its flight path already provisioned to take evasive manuvers just in case. Though armed, the ship would have a hard time fighting the specialized craft of the Republic, even with the inexperienced Kyra at the helm.

    She waits at the entrance for the others to arrive. She is definitely not hardcore enough to solo a dungeon.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight Sparkle is busy checking all her supplies as she rides along in the ship, a happy smile on her face. Notebooks? Check. Pencils? Check. Recording device? She looks over at Staren and smiles. Check. She knows he records just about everything he sees and does, so she asked him to come along to catalog the expedition. Kyra? Well, expeditions into ruins always run the risk of dangerous collapses or traps, and Kyra's healing abilities will be quite helpful in that regard. And Jayale, or Flowers as they know her, should prove quite helpful as a jedi herself.

     When the water world comes into view, Twilight's eyes widen a bit. "Oooooh. Planets always look so amazing from space!" she says excitedly as Staren brings them in for a landing. She gestures with a hoof toward the small northern island. "That is where we will be landing. Put us in orbit over that island and we will teleport down." she says, then heads to the teleporter. Her horn glows as she trots happily toward the transporter, then once on it she slips into the environment suit Staren provided for her and waits for the others.

     Once they have all assembled and beamed down to the surface, Twilight leads the group into the ruins and the camp there. Twilight doesn't seem to find the over-organized state of the camp unnerving. Rather, she is delighted by it. But, the lack of research team is a bit disconcerting. And, with Toph's report still fresh in her mind, Twilight didn't come unprepared. She knows Staren and Kyra can hold their own in a fight. She doesn't know much about 'Flowers', but she did read about her encounter with Ebon Ribbon. And, just in case, Karian Icefang joined up with the group when he heard about the expedition. No doubt to provide added security.

     As they move into the main area of the ruins, Twilight gets positively distraut at the amount of books and knowledge that has been destroyed. She walks slowly passed the many burned bookshelves, ears splayed flat against her head, tail lowered, and a sad frown on her face. "How could anyone do this to books?"

     When she reaches the apparent vault door, she looks at it curiously. "Do you suppose there are books saved in here?" she asks, even as tries to inspect the locking mechanisms more closely. Jayale may help with that, or opening it.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "I cannot imagine such a suit is necessary. Especially on this planet. The Jedi would not have built a place such as this in a location which was not suitable for habitation. At least, nothing so grand." Jayale speaks from nearby, having gone along for the ride. Her own attire was rather non-descript actually, a simple enough outfit like she usually wore, though around her waist she had a silken toolbelt of sorts with various pockets. She didn't seem to have /too/ much about her that others might, no things to examine objects with, no real tools or preparations.

    By and large she might even seem underprepared.

    Despite such though the older Jedi did seem quite relaxed and allowed the one who had thought to ask her along to lead. It was... a bit strange a thought, going with others, and letting /them/ invite her, to a place of the Jedi. A place that generally only Jedi would be allowed to enter unless the Jedi invited others. Perhaps circumstances would explain why such is otherwise. After all, she was simply here as a trader while attempting to acquire something of interest for her collection in exchange for offering what knowledge she has of trade goods.

    "There is no way to know exactly what was saved within. Those who had access to this vault were likely the Jedi Masters in charge of this place. That it was destroyed during the Sith Wars, however... and remains intact is quite odd. The Sith, and Jedi both should have been more than capable of opening this vault. Especially considering how it is designed to be opened. It... it bothers me quite a bit the notion that it is intact after such a ransacking. With so much else of this place destroyed, why would everything /but/ this be the way it is? Those who tore this place apart should not have left the most important objects... untouched, without a reason."

    Slowly the older Jedi walked forward and reached to touch the vault door, quietly looking over the area, over the vault itself. Her ability to see, see /through/, unhindered by almost anything conventionally hindering, would allow her quite the good look at the Vault doors and locking mechanisms themselves unless guarded against such. It is unlikely of course, why would the Jedi guard the vault against the Force? That seems a bit strange, considering how it was meant to be opened. Perhaps she would even be able to see within the Vault as well. She wasn't opening it yet.

Staren has posed:
    Twilight has asked Staren about using his Flotilla ship to get to somewhere with lost Jedi lore. Sounds good! Anyone else invited is told to either come to Equestria to be beamed-up with Twilight, or told to come somewhere on the way. If the destination planet itself is most convenient, people can even be ferried from the warpgate there!

    When Twilight and the others beam up, the ship is clearly different from when Twilight last saw it. The back room is now some kind of manufacturing center and workshop, and stairs lead up to the upper level. Staren hugs Twilight and will give a brief tour if asked, although aside from being /on a spaceship/ the rest isn't particularly notable. He now has a bedroom/office above the science lab, and a dining room and bathroom above the beam-in room. The science lab in front has been reorganized a bit but contains pretty much the same stuff. "Alright, ready to go?" There are two chairs on the tiny bridge already, and some can be borrowed from the science lab. "You don't need to worry aout strapping in because the same systems that give the ship artificial gravity also include inertial dampeners." Staren's exposition continues as he sits down in the pilot's chair and plots in a course. This is actually simple -- Staren pulls up a map and touches where he wants to go, and S.A.I.L., an AI whose avatar appears by all acounts to be a robot wizard, does the fine calculations. "Here we go... so, as I understand it," Staren exposits as there's the sound of electronics warming up all around them, "The FTL drive is twofold. First off, erchius crystals, somehow, allow us to ignore relativity and go faster than light. But that would still require an immense amount of energy. Liquid erchius fuel... /somehow/... makes the ship go faster." Staren rubs the back of his head. "I honestly am still working on understanding how all this works..."

    Just then, the ship finishes reorienting, and then space outside flashes white, then is replaced by the streaks of light one expects from FTL travel.

    It takes a few minutes, even with an Erchius drive, to cross to somewhere with a ship-scale warpgate. Staren uses this time to suit up himself. He wears his armor. Since he intends to suit up /anyway/, he may as well. Also, only days ago was he caught without it when troublemakers intruded on a peaceful mission, so... he lucked out that time, but Staren doesn't like relying on luck. The ship drops back to normal maneuvering as Staren flies it, somewhat clumsily but cautiously, through the warpgate network until they reach the destination planet. Then it shoots up into orbit -- it's not really a ship meant for /landing/. "Okay! So then..." Staren checks the map Twilight's provided and configures the teleporter, then speaks as he leads to the teleporter pad. "One last thing... This has /always/ bugged me when elites go exploring in underground caves and abandoned bunkers and stuff. When you go into a confined space, especially one newly-excavated or that's been abandoned a long time and allowed to decay, you bring a suit and emergency air supply. You never know /what/ could be down there. Pockets of toxic gas, or just places with a low oxygen level. What if there's a collapse and someone's trapped until friends can dig them out? And so on, and so on. It's just basic safety. My armor's a suit anyway, but others never have them. As such, I've fabricated these--" Staren grabs torcs and belts from a storage locker in the teleporter room. "If you press this little button here, or sensors detect an unbreathable atmosphere, it will deploy a smart material suit to cover you and provide air for awhile. It also has a flashlight and displays basic atmospheric information in the helmet."

Staren has posed:
    Those handed out, they can beam down to the site. Staren reiterates his explanation to Jayale -- it was safe when the Jedi built it, but who's to say it's completely safe /now/?

    Staren takes in the ruins curiously. He frowns a bit at the lost knowledge, but isn't as expressive about it as Twilight. "They either didn't know what they were doing... or they wanted to make sure none could follow in these Jedi's footsteps." Staren comments, a bit darkly. When they reach the vault, he replies, "Possibly. There must be /something/ inside, since the Sith or whoever didn't break through..." he leans in with Twilight to examine the mechanisms. "Maybe they couldn't break through, and figured they'd done enough damage? Although, now that you mention it... why didn't they just /collapse/ the tunnels to make it immensely hard for any Jedi to return to the vault...?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian simply looks over everyone, and offers them a nod. Normally, he would have brought alot more of his battle-brothers for defence, but he was running light today. With him were his elite wolfguard and, of course, his thunderwolf. The mighty creature sniffed curiously at Jayale, but always aware. "Maybe....or they never had the chance." He says to Staren.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     Upon Jayale looking inside... it seems the vault itself is rather empty. Painfully so - much of the walls seem bare and stricken of relics... or at least intact ones, as the the few articles that remain seem to have expired due to the rigors of time, either crumbling to dust or falling apart.

     ... except for one item located amid a pedalstool near the back wall of the Vault's interior. At the wall furthest from the door. A rather thick, well-worn book that nonetheless seems in much better condition - excellent, dare one say, compared to the scatterings of broken crystals and rotted pages that represent whatever else had once been contained in the vault.

     The inside of the vault though nonetheless looks rather untouched though compared to the rest of the Praxium... though like much of the building, plants and roots have grown through gaps in the architecture or bored their way through the stonework, as well as the occasional patches of moss from the humid atmosphere of the water world outside.

    By all accounts... there's nothing else inside the vault but the remains of artifacts and books with at least one surviving article. Any defenses this place had seem to be either inner or long since defunct...

     ... so why did the silent, empty halls seem so forbidding if it was really so benign?

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight nods in agreement with Staren. "I must admit, even I did not consider the hazards of an old excavation site." She ponders the implications while Jayale looks the vault over. When she completes her investigation, Twilight's ears perk. "So, can you open it?" she asks expectantly. Even if everything inside is destroyed, the remains of artifacts can still be rather informative.

     The others seeming so concerned gets Twilight to start worrying a bit. She starts looking around a bit nervously as the others talk. "Perhaps the vault closes automatically after a certain amount of time." Twilight says when Staren and Karian discuss why the door wasn't destroyed.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It could be trapped really well with something else." Kyra speaks up, "Something that's anathema to Jedi? Some kind of Sith powers maybe?" she looks to Jayale expectantly since she'd clearly be the expert on the Force and Force users here. "I wish we could have grabbed Soan along for this too, he's good at unlocking things and disabling traps."

    She speaks as if she pretty much /expects/ traps to be here and that it's not such an unusual thing. "Maybe whatever is protecting that door dealt with whoever burned all those books we saw back there."

Staren has posed:
    Staren hmms. "If it closes, that would imply they opened it somehow. I guess that makes sense. It could be here simply to yank the chain of any Jedi that come to see -- They'll see the undamaged vault door, get all hopeful, and then open it to find more ash." He shrugs. "We won't know until we open it."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Jayale remained silent for a moment before sighing and raising her hands as she stepped back, working the mechanisms that she could easily see. It shouldn't be terribly hard for her to open the door. Not only was it a technique familiar to Jedi, her own lightsaber was locked the same way, to one who had to use the Force to open it. On top of that, Miraluka - see it all. "Be careful, and... please, consider the legacy of those here before us, over what can be gained. Even those with the best intentions sometimes lose sight of what actually matters. Only one thing remains inside, and it does make me wonder."

Staren has posed:
    "Only one thing?" Staren asks. "So, either they only put one thing in the vault to begin with, or everything else was taken... but why leave one thing...?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    "Perhaps it was meant to be left alone." Karian suggests. Granted when it came to artifacts like that, he wasn't exactly the one to ask about. His wolfguard maneuver around, taking up position around the vault door, seemingly always expecting trouble.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     Upon approaching the book, details become more visible. It's bindings are a dull grey yet marked with an embroidering mirroring that of the Praxium's walls... with the ancestral mark of the Jedi Order emblazoned upon it's cover.

    In proud silver lettering above this... the words 'The Jedi Path' are emblazoned upon the tome's cover. At it's side, the spine is entitled 'A Manual for Students of the Force.'

     An edition of a book that, historically, would have had all it's copies lost in the ending eras of the Clone Wars. However, one notable difference is that this book is arguably much thicker then the old one... and possibly more complete. It may even be a second edition from an old Maser as opposed to the third-editions that would have existed in the Empire era.

    A record that managed to endure the wounds inflicted on the Jedi Order by Exar Kun, Darth Revan and Darth Malak. A tome they, all having once been Jedi themselves, may not have needed to take or destroy, as they would likely have studied it themselves at one point... yet now, with all but one of these Dark Lords left in existence and this world currently out of her reach, perhaps it's knowledge holds importance once more? Especially to rebuilding Jedi.

     ... yet, why is it all that remains when everything else has already decayed?


     ... it is not until one actually physically enters the vault for the book that the reason becomes clear; namely... that it hadn't been part of the original collection. Rather, it was placed here later.

    The perfect trap for a curious scholar interested in now-lost history.

     Abruptly, once the book is pulled from it's stand, something is visible behind it - a sensor that lets out a sharp piercing whistle; a signal for attack.

     It is here that the vault will, if all goes to plan, slam shut and seal anyone inside the vault behind it's thick reinforced surface, which is in turn likely being reinforced with crystalline constructs that the Gems who specialize in such would be so proud of.

    And inside the vault... likely appearing in a flash of energy characteristic of a teleportation spell... several forms appear. One of them another mage who is promptly given his own signal - "Command - Nullify her abilities!"

     The rest - excluding the teleporter who dropped them in - are all droids. Seven in total - six of them silvery-grey with gleaming yellow eyes, all of which move to encircle those entrapped... and one a dull, rust-red with deep-vermilion lenses, almost burning with anticipation."Musing - I have pondered your specific species since meeting two of your fellows. Ebon Ribbon and Bramble Patch, I believe they are called? The fact that you possess vibratory cords that mimic the annoying vocal utterances of most meatbags is a curious evolutionary marker... almost as curious as an extension that allows you to seemingly manipulate energy fields and interact with what I would regard as 'the Force', though I believe your specific analogue for it is 'magic'."

     A clicking of metal punctuates the droid's arm opening up, a neural-scrambler taser-ray activating and discharging a sharp bolt of stun-based energy at the equestrian scholar the droid has made his target.

     "Theory - Therefore, if it operates on similar principles to the Force... then disrupting your concentration with neural scramblers should make your subjugation /all too easy."

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the telltale circles created by forbidden teleportation magics arrive. Within the Vault, several figures appear from shadow, taking form within to menace those trapped there.

Outside it might be even worse, as the cackling laughter of Lezard Valeth echoes through the halls. "Well well, it looks like you can lead a horse to a book but you can't make her think!" He says, grinning wide as his own joke. With a gesture, the air billows around him, giving his cape a dramatic flair. "Feel free to surrender or escape if you wish, or if you would like to face utter destruction then please, by all means, struggle."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot had learned the hard way a long time ago, that conventional methods for keeping gems prisoners did not work on biologicals. But, she was a problem solver, and an engineer. So first she had to solve the problem of how to keep human prisoners aboard her warship. This would come in handy, as she is now tasked with a similar function, save she must both trap and separate a group of individuals.

    Keeping someone from getting out was easy. A simple matter of keeping all the functional bits of a sealed room on one side. However, keeping someone from getting out and someone else from getting in? That would require creative thinking.

    Fortunately, she had ample time to prepare and managed to create a remote set up. It wasn't quite as strong as a permanently fortified location, but Peridot didn't need to fortify a strong hold. She needed to create a window of opportunity just long enough for an assassination to take place.

    So she had opted for crystalline shielded walls. It springs to life, creating a green-wall. Triggered remotely by Peridot on her holo-pad as she waited for Twilight to cross the threshold. She watched through the eyes of a robonoid from the relative safety of a room over. "The librarian has been detained." She says over radio. Though she couldn't quite see if she had sealed anyone else in with the purple pony. Peridot bore no love for Twilight and her gem eating dragon.

    She then moves on to stage two of her involvement in this trap. Mobile turrets had been her answer for turning a once safe-seeming environment into a dangerous hellhole of lasers. Keeping the barrier up long enough for the job to get done. "Turret robonoids are moving into position." She goes on a monotone voice. The same enthusiasm one might have spending a day doing accounting at the office. Peridot herself and a few giant pods with legs step up besides Bramble, and produce large barrel like protrusions creating the unmistakable whine of energy being charged. "Now providing support, acumen and rationality." She says looking down at Bramble, her once-bodyguard turned co-conspirator, then to Lezard.

    "I encourage the use of precision. I would prefer to not damage any latent artifacts." Though she had already voiced these concerns to the droid and personally assisted with their removal. Either way, Peridot preferred to be careful.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
    Every so often a bit of the overgrowth clinging to the ruins twitchs a bit. But maybe that's normal? It is alien plantlife, after all. Considering the way the vines have creeped over walls during the centuries and moss squeezing into damp corners, some sort of movement wouldn't be out of the question would it. There, but small and easily overlooked...

Until the book is picked up, and the alarm sounds.

A rumble not unlike that of an approaching stampede can be heard behind one of the old walls, followed by the crack in it being split open even wider as a rush of gnarled vines and roots surge out of it like water being disgorged from a broken fire hydrant. The largest portion of the cluster lunges directly for Staren to try and wrap it's botanical grip around the limbs of his armor, their controller knowing he's going to be one of the first to try and go to Twilight's aid.
Several smaller growths wirth across the ruined floor like snakes and grab for ankles of anyone else not getting quick enough out of the way, attempting to dig in with their thorny protrusions and hold people back. The general idea is to keep people from jumping into the Vault after Twilight when it starts to lock down again.

As Staren and others may of guessed by the sudden surgence of hostile plant growth it is none other than Bramble Patch that trots out on the main cluster of growth moments later, grinning one of her wicked smug smiles as she does so. "Tch. These ruins, always full of rats scurrying about. Good thing we brought plenty of traps, heh heh heh."

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     And then the trap is sprung. Once everyone is teleported into position, thanks to EVIL MAGICS, one of them, a young man dressed in black and shouldering a similarly black blade, stepped forth. "Yo peoples." He greeted casually, offering a lazy, two fingered salute. "Nothin' personal. Strictly business. Yadda yadda, where were we now?"

     His gaze settled in on Twilight Sparkle as he plodded over to the HK-47's general strategic position. A bit ahead of the droid, as if making himself a kind of shield, ready to move at a moment's notice. "So you're the one, huh...?" Raine mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully with his free hand. "Well, I guess they come in all types." A grin formed on his face as he tapped his blade against his shoulder.

     But for all of his talk, he didn't actually move to attack the target equestrian. It was more like he was waiting. Waiting to see how she would respond to HK-47's assault, before taking action himself.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight Sparkle is naturally the first to step into the vault once Jayale has opened it. "Naturally, Flowers. We will take the utmost care when handling the book." she says as she approaches, then her horn glows softly and the book floats into the air. Revealing that sensor and making Twilight wince in pain as that shrill whistle goes off almost right in her ears. Those ears quickly pin back and her eyes close as she stumbles back, the book still held in her magic.

     When HK starts talking, Twilight's ears pin back even more. She slips the book into her saddlebags, then her horn glows brightly, ready to unleash spells on her attackers while her coat shimmers and her Harmony Armor coalesces onto her body, along with another book that hovers about her, and as soon as it appears she unleashes a spell referred to often as Force Push. A shockwave of magical energy that hits hard enough to send her enemies flying. "I came prepared for such an eventuality! My friends will not allow you to have your w-"


     Unfortunately, Twilight did not come prepare for electricity to the brain. She lets out a pained cry as she is hit by the taser, and the glow around her horn fluctuates before disappearing. She stumbles about a few moments before falling onto her haunches, eyes fluttering as she tries to sort through the following confusion. "Nnng...m-my friends will...save me..." she manages as she fights through the fog in her mind.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian likewise stepped into the vault to keep twilight safe from possible traps. As the door seals up, the wolfguard quickly move into action. "Jarl! We'll have this door down soon!" one of them shouts. True to their word, they break out a melta-charge and as one member goes to set the charge, the rest move into cover and watch for enemy movement.
    Inside the vault, the Wolf Lord draws his bolt pistol and power sword, the latter crackling to life. "Never expected a servitor to set an effective trap...sadly all it did was trap you in a room with a cornered wolf." He says, bringing the sword up. "If you want Twilight, your going to have to take me down first."

Staren has posed:
    If Twilight walks into the vault, Staren does too... looking around for other details or clues to what happened here besides the book itself. "Why is that the only thing that survived? Is it specially treated somehow?"

    And then all hell breaks loose. They're surrounded by droids... including the infamous HK-47. "/You/." Staren growls. And also, Lezard! Staren sighs in disappointment. "Man, I /liked/ you and your quest." At the same time, Staren's voice comes over Twilight's radio. "Twilight! They teleported in. Maybe you can teleport us out!"

    He's attempting to size up the situation. If the feds wanted them /dead/, they could have just used a bomb. And then he's grabbed by vines, which he tests his armor's strength against. "Bramble! You too?" He winces as Twilight's hit by the stunner. Damn.

    The feds haven't killed them though. Time to buy time for thinking up a plan: Villains putting on a show instead of killing them might love monologueing, right? "So." He growls. "If you wanted us dead, you'd have used a bomb. What's your plan? What will you do once you've captured us?"

Elizabeth Bathory (911) has posed:
    With Lezard, is another figure. Well, that's easy to say - MOST of the figures are with him, as he teleports them in. One, however, short horned girl stands out from the rest.

    This is not due to her stature, her form, her power, or anything. It is because when she enters, she has a generic smartphone out and is tapping away at it quite intently. It even takes her a moment, upon teleportation, to notice that her surrounds had changes. "Miss Gudako was right, this idol game is quite addictive! But, I wonder when I will get myself in the gacha? How alluring, this 'cash shop' is!"

    Her long fingers tap away before... "Oh! Master, are we oppressing these dirty peasaaaaa..."

    Her eyes dance along the trapped Twilight Sparkle. "A tiny horse! In such a /different/ color. And --" She continues for a moment, noting the differences in the various people, such as 'a hairy barbarian in plate' 'some sort of shiny human' and such. She rests on Kyra. "And the mixed-blood, was it? We should have a chat!"

    And so the mad-eyed idol in the frilly dress wanders right up to Kyra. Uncomfortably close, if Kyra will let her. "You weren't clear of your pedigree, you know? It was a little rude!"

Jayale (892) has posed:
    It was once again strange for the older Jedi to find herself standing aside as others entered before she, entered not as Jedi into a place where only Jedi should tread, but in quick succession. Was she lagging behind for a reason? Her thoughts betrayed her. Perhaps it was for the best. Though she may have been a Jedi, now? She, like this place, was no more. Perhaps it was not her place to go in. Perhaps...

    "Out! That is not a Jedi tradition, things such as that!" Before she could act properly, however, things were already being sealed and on top of that others appeared outside, and inside. She could see them, hear them. HK-47... HK-51's. Confederates. Most she didn't know. One she did. She really didn't have much of a chance to act, so, she did.

    Jayale reached her hands up and pointed them towards the vault, reaching out with the Force. Not in an attempt to open the vault, but an attempt to do something that the HK units might not be expecting, the Progenitor, or the rest. She tried to use the 'weakspot' she found on the captive HK-51. She reached out and with the force grabbed for the power sources of as many HK droids as she could and tried to rip them disconnected. It wasn't as fine as her last effort, it was hasty certainly. Would it even work through the barriers, however?

    And even then, how many would she be able to get to... before the others outside stopped her. Would they even realize it was her doing it? It may just look like she was trying to open the door.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra squints a little. A near-pristine book alone on a lone pedistal, sealed behind a vault. She can't help but feel a little suspicious at the set-up, especially since all the sealed books she's seen last were sealed for a reason. She's cautious, hesitant to enter the vault herself in case something really does happen.

    And boy does something happen.

    "Oh /shit/!" Kyra exclaims, more focusing on the actual closing of the vault door than all the sudden Confederates showing up. She doesn't even get to catch much of what they're hearing, her own thoughts spiraling in to 'people trapped in the vault are going to be hit with something nasty' because that's how these kinds of set-ups tended to work. Her reaction is a panicked one that, honestly, should have been better prepared for since a trap on the room WOULD lead off with the door slamming shut, wouldn't it?

    Her immediate reaction is to flip her left hand over, pointing the back of her fist at the door and activating Gem device. From the Matter Manipulator, one of Kyra's homemmade explosives is fired, aimed for the rapidly-closing bottom of the vault door, entirely for disruptive purposes.

    "HEY HANG IN THERE-gah!" A wandering vine yanks Kyra off her feet and onto her back, where she lies for a few seconds, staring up at Elizabeth. Scowling, she scrambles to her feet before the Bramble-directed vines take advantage of the moment. "Later-" yeah, that uncomfortable closeness? Kyra will react to it by putting her right hand in Liz's face and pushing away. The Matter Manipulator whirs again, ready to unleash another who-knows-what.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
"Indeed, Elizabeth. The peasants must be oppressed occasionally in order to remind them of their place." Lezard says, with a nonchalant shrug. He doesn't sound like he really cares, however. Maybe he's just playing into Elizabeth's personal worldview to keep her happy.

As Elizabeth jaunts off to torment people she deems worth her time, the dark wizard simply shrugs again at the objections by Karian and Staren. "Sometimes you must do unpleasant things to accomplish your goals, Staren." He replies, tapping his nose. "When the time comes, you are more than welcome to assist in laying the gods of my world low. You will be well rewarded."

And then there's Karian and his minions. The Necromancer of Midgard simply sighs at the bulky man's posturing and attempts by the Marines to breach the door. With a rush of magical force, Lezard withdraws a twisted, black cane and points it at the Marines. "FRIGID DAMSEL!" He calls out.

With a wash of icy wind, a gleaming crystalline woman of ice manifests... As well as a two-handed blade of ice. With a sweeping motion, she dances through the men at the door, cutting with frigid, destructive force.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     The vault closes in to trap HK's query, Peridot's reinforcement working to seal the pony in, Bramble Patch working with her to keep the other Union personnel out of the trap, though the mage doesn't immediately enforce his restraint on the Equestrian meatbag.

     Once again, a reminder that the droid was best suited to not leaving exorbitantly critical details to meatbag discretion.

    As a result, the six HK-51's are sent blown back by the rippling wave of energy, the squadron of mechanical entities clattering across the stone floor and left scrambling to get back up.

     Thus, as with all important matters, HK-47 had to do everything himself, though, to his satisfaction, his stun-blast was swiftly effective on the equestrian meatbag.

     The so-called 'wolf-lord' was an unexpected and unwanted complication, however. One the droid was not in any mood to tolerate... and thus he was all too eager to excise the problem. "Statement - Gladly."

     Thus, with a single movement, the HK directs his expendable clones to assault the wolf-lord, two of them Ion-electrical charge-throwers while the third activates a carbonite-launcher, the droid intending to use the contrasting electricity and cold to bring down the warrior in addition to Lezard's attack.

     Staren's statement gets the droid's attention, though... and if anything, the elder HK unit seems bemused by the claim. "Correction - This is both true and untrue. I do indeed wish to see you exterminated... though I simply prefer the personal touch. Addendum - However, during my prior attempt... I lingered too long on savoring the completion of the mission. Therefore, I am afraid explanations shall need to await until /after/ I have completed my objective. However... what happens to the rest of you, I shall leave to the determination of my allies." The droid tilts his head at the others in the room, an eager gleam in it's photoreceptors "Command - Do as you wish with them. The Equestrian is mine alone."

     Then three of the HK-51 units begin staggering, lights flickering. One of them convulses wildly in place before it's core unit seems to disconnect within it's chest, slumping to the floor in a heap, much to HK-47's fury as he directs the 'guardians' outside to handle whichever entity must have been responsible.

    HK-47 himself... no longer opts to waste time. A clattering of metal punctuates this, as a cortosis vibroblade is drawn, it's vibration cell causing the edge to tremble slightly and add to the blade's cutting capabilities.

    "Musing - I shall endeavor to take great pleasure in examining this phenomenon myself... after extracting the bone-petrusion from your skull for further study, as well nullifying your ability to tap your 'magics'."

     With this, HK-47 encroaches on Twilight in what could be alined to a lunge, reaching to try and grab her by the throat. "Once that is done... I shall have your remains given to the dark mage and observe your biopsy, so that I shall have all the time I need to thoroughly examine every aspect of 'Equestrian' physiology. As I am sure a scholar like yourself can attest... a text excerpt can occasionally be a poor substitute for first-hand experience."

     The blade is drawn even with Twilight's horn, the vibrations in the air likely palpable for the sensitive extension as he swipes to try and sever it in one stroke - "Eager Statement - And there is nothing I enjoy more... then learning about how new breeds of meatbags are assembled... and disassembled."

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
A few of the vines snap as Staren struggles, but several more sprout from the wirthing mass of botanical matter to replace them and keep the boy's armor entangled as best it can. The thicker clusters wind tighter together and even tug back, as if trying to pull the armor off in some manner.

Meanwhile, Bramble Patch indulges in another favorite villaneous pasttime -- mocking. "Aaaw, poor widdle Stawen." Mocking mock baby talk and all. "His widdle pwetty pony is in trouble and he can't do nuttin about it but watch."

The pony sits down upon the core of the entwined plants and points with one of her wrapped forehooves. "And once she and her Element of Magic are out of the way there will be no one to rally the rest of the technicolor dweeb patrol against Nightmare Moon again!" After which she throws her head back with maniacal laughter. "MUWAHAHAHAHA!"

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Did Raine ignore HK-47? Or was he waiting for the perfect dramatic moment? It all became clear when Raine chuckled and shrugged his shoulder. "Fragarach." Immediately a ghostly white figure faded into sight behind him. "Time to do the thing." To supplement Peridot's traps, the figure directed both of her arms forward, channeling some manner of magical energy.

     That energy caused intricate runes to appear all across Raine's weapon. "Sealed Sword - Type II: Sinner's Prison!" And then the blade was thrust right into the ground. Glowing white runes spread from the blade and flowed out across the ground, creating a makeshift magic circle over the radius of the vault.

     The power immediately began to intensify and anyone stuck inside the vault would very likely begin to feel an invasive magic dampening effect weighing down on them. It was not a true sealing circle, but a hasty one set up to interrupt magic at large. Of course, Raine was thoughtful enough to tune the spell to make exceptions for allies. Or maybe that was Fragarach's doing. Raine didn't seem that bright.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot puts her hand to the side of her head, to listen to some un-heard voice. Receiving instruction from the droid who had put the operation together. She picked up on a key word. Telekinetic. That was a word she knew. Telekinetic gems were not unheard of where she came from, and the tell-tell signs of one wasn't too hard to spot.

    "Identified potential source." She says quickly. "Attempting to neutralize." She raises her hand and points, and at her command the robonoid soldiers suddenly start forward to Jayale, the large turrets firing bolts of electrified goo towards the Jedi.

    Meanwhile, she stayed in the relative safety of the back line. Her holopad up, feeding her data on what everyone was doing. Various robonoids watching from the sidelines recording data, and documenting the entire battle.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight lets out a strained 'hnngk!' as her throat is grabbed. Her forehooves come up like a human's hands would to try and dislodge the grip of those robotic hands. Her forehooves kick at HK's arms frantically, then her horn glows and that book that appeared beside her when her Harmony Armor appeared floats upward. It is just about to launch an attack when HK swings his vibroknife.

     There are a few things HK-47 might find out upon attempting to remove the dazed Twilight Sparkle's horn. One is that it is not bone. It is instead a very hard chitin-like substance similar to hair. The other is that it is tougher than it looks. His swing definitely bites into her horn, and Twilight yelps as she feels the disruption to her magical flow compounded by all the different assaults on her magical abilities, but her horn is not cleanly severed in one swing.

     The second thing is that even a unicorn is still a horse, and as such Twilight wraps her forelegs around HK-47's arm and uses that for leverage to deliver a powerful double-hooved kick to his midsection.

Elizabeth Bathory (911) has posed:
    Elizabeth walks right up to Kyra, crazy eyed and interested in continuing the conversation they had at the Exodar about bloodlines, interests, perhaps a little stabbing when they were RUDELY INTERRUPTED, and, well, Ark Line was being quite the gentleman before. Now, it was just them, and she's right about to settle down and give Kyra a good berating for her attitude.

    Then she gets a hand shoved in her face. Now, really, Kyra should know better than to do this!

    The RUDE HAND smooshes into Liz's face, and her eyes go wide with sheer surprise. This can't possibly be happening, can it? It's a joke, a sick ha-ha at her expense? At the world's expense!

    She presses forward, throwing her not-zero bodyweight forward, backed by her own freakish strength, to just push through this. It must be an illusion!

    Wait, no, Kyra is shooing her. No, it's reality.

    Long fingers reach up to grab Kyra's arm and squeeze hard. "Do you think I am a joke? Do you think me some peasant you can push away?!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra is the proud owner of PUNY MAGE MUSCLES. She can't overpower anyone. Best she can do with them is carry all that heavy gear around with her (the CURE-ALL, in particular, was alchemized out of gold and platnium and is therefore super heavy, but still under the bolter Karian's soldier had been carrying). Elizabeth looked about as frail as she did so she figures a good shove will send the nosy Servant on her way.

    Shoving Servants around might not be the best of ideas but right now, there is little choice. Kyra had people to support. She had to get in there and dispell that anti-magic circle. With Liz shooed aside, Kyra makes a bolt for the downed wolf guard. Although the offered bolter is definitely intriguing, Kyra reaches for the melter set that the space marine had been getting ready to set against the door. She grabs it with one hand and moves for the door. As the other hand starts reaching for it, it stops, only to be harshly held back by an angry, angry Liz.

    She cringes in pain as the sharp, claw-like nails dig into her arm. "Ow!" she turns to look back at Elizabeth, then stares her down, unwavering, unwilling to show fear in the face of the Lancer. "Let go of me. Let go of me or I'll call my tyrant-breaking friend /right here/!"

    Meanwhile, her other hand blindly roams over the buttons of the melter, trying to mash the right one to activate the device.

Staren has posed:
    Staren struggles against the plants. HK takes a very long time to say that he doesn't want to monologue. Staren's pretty sure he can escape the plants. But what comes next? Bramble will try to grab him before long. He's reluctant to kill... because before he could worry about Twilight, it had become clear that /killing/ wasn't their objective. So he thought there was time.

    The HK makes his true plan clear. And Staren's devotion isn't just being in love. She was, before that, a friend, but not every friend does he want to be so close to. One of four people in the Multiverse Staren could trust /completely/, and half of those are his parents. And she is the /only/ person in the Multiverse capable of making a great many things that confuse him make sense. And on top of that, she's a good friend, and kind, and clever, and every sappy thing he's ever said about how special she was is entirely true. That bond is precious to him, beyond anything in the Multiverse. A future with no Twilight Sparkle, while recogized as a possibility, is one his mind refuses to imagine.

    And HK just said he and Lezard are going to /torture/ her in a manner that will almost certainly end in death. Not out of sadism, of course, but out of the cruel lack of care characteristic of things that Staren dismisses as valueless, like nature and fair folk.

    The time to act is now. But mindless rage won't help. Coldly calculate, first to ensure Twilight's safety, then how to /win/ this.

    "The FUCK you will!" Well, there's /some/ rage. Staren directs it out of his mouth, as a plasma missile fires from his armor point-blank -- it damages his armor, but also incinerates the plants. Staren's about to fire micromissiles at HK, but Twilight's grabbed the droid for a kick. Staren smiles to see her up and about again. His right hand dips into his bag, pulls out a Federation phaser. Bramble must be neutralized, at least for a moment, and their enemies aren't the only ones with stun weaponry. Staren fires a stun bolt at her hoping for the best, then swings his arm towards HK as it switches to kill mode, firing a bolt at him before charging in.

    He's not sure what to do next yet. He's making up this plan as he goes along.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    One down, more to-- suddenly Jayale found herself knocked backwards, hands having been upright, concenctrating on the task at hand. The older Jedi was suddenly left pinned from the waist down on the ground and letting out a pained sound as the electricity from the material coursed through her. Suffice it to say, constant pain was a way to keep her in check, even as she tried to peel it away from herself with the Force and largely failed. She actually did something else a bit unorthodox to try and get herself out of the goo, she lifted herself upright with the force until she was floating just a little above the ground, and pulled her lightsaber to her hand, cutting at large portions of the goo to try and par it away while enduring the pain from it. Though now she realized something more important.

    The source of the goo... could likely trap her with more. She couldn't focus on Twilight, or the HK's or those inside the vault anymore. She had to focus on...

    Those machines? What were they? How did she interact? No matter, what was important was trying to get herself free of the first batch of goo in time to react to what likely came next. Though the pain was starting to wear on her, vital signs looking pointedly weaker, in pain even.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch's evil laughter is interrupted by a missile going off and setting the vines entangling Staren on fire. "Holy buck!" Arguably she was more surprised by the swearing than the anger, covering her face with a foreleg as the the rest of the biological masse pulls back as the vines are burned off. A pugnant smoke waifing off the remaining ends from being charred black. Whatever the alien plants contained within them, it smelt -terrible- when it was smoldering from fire.

Bramble let out a snarl as she got over the moment. "Hey, I wasn't done emotionally tormenting you, get back here!" She raised her hooves over her head, and two weaves of vines twisted from the overgrowth along the ruined walls to rip a portion of the broken foundation free. Then raise it up over her head, intending to drop it on top of Staren.

Except that's when he shoots her with the stun bolt. "Gah!" With a twitch Bramble topples over backwards, falling off the plants. Which without her control, splay out wildly in random directions.

Letting go of the portion of wall as they do.

Which falls right on top of Bramble Patch herself with a *WHOMP*!

Don't worry, it's not the first time she's had something huge and hard fall on top of her. Or the last time. Considering her best friend is a walking bad luck magnet. It does momentarily incapacitate her until she can get her wits back together and lift if off, though.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    A trapped and helpless opponet! Now this was where Peridot could shine. She ordered her robonoids forward and for them to continue firing. She took the opportunity to walk behind them, closer to Jayale. She still wasn't brave (or stupid) enough to walk in front of them, however. She continued to use them as physical shields. Shields with huge turrets mounted on them.

    "It is not advised that you move. If you simply wait, the assault will be over and we will withdraw our forces once the droid has met his objective."

    Her tone was cruel, as she kept one eye on her holopad. "Which should be any moment now. Thus expediting the end of your pain."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    The wolfguard watch as the psyker closes on them. "Hold strong...we will not give one inch. If this is to be our deaths.....we face it gladly and proudly." one of them says. They take aim and let fly their bolters, all while trying to cover Kyra. "Hit the large red butto-argh!" another started, before Lezard's magic claimed his life.

Elizabeth Bathory (911) has posed:
    Kyra is flailng and, really, Elizabeth doens't care. Kyra was RUDE to her. Kyra SNUBBED her, and she still remembers every iota of feeling from the hand on her face. It burns her, this phantom slight. "You shoved me away like I was some beggar girl." She seethes quietly, still holding on to Kyra's hand. She's half-free to continue whatever she's doing, including pressing all SORTS of buttons on the Melter/Melta/Whatever Device.

    Elizabeth is on full rant mode. "I can tell you're not very smart." She growls, tilting her head up so that she's somehow looking DOWN at Kyra when their heights are quite similar. "So I will make this easy for your tiny, uncultured brain to understand. You shouldn't be so /rude/ to your betters." She whispers, leaning in close to get right into her ear. Her hand, however, is released, to smear the speckles of Kyra's blood that her claws had drawn across her face, before rubbing thumb and index claw together. "Hmm. But your blood is if a fair quality. So I'll give you an opportunity to apologize."

    "Are you even paying attention to me?!"

Lezard Valeth has posed:
"Tch!" Lezard emits as he hears Staren unleash the true power of NERD RAGE. It seems that this is something delicate for the scientist-cat, he'll have to keep that in mind. "I suppose there are yet heroes left in the Multiverse." He scowls for a moment... And then smiles faintly.

A hail of bolter fire answers Lezard's assault. The blasts impact a defensive field around the Sorceror, though shrapnel rips through the field regardless, several nasty cuts ripping across his face and body.

His scowl deepens, and there is a dark gleam in his eyes as his smug expression suddenly shifts to piqued rage. "Fools like you daring to injure /me/? CEASE YOUR EXISTENCE AT ONCE!"

There is a sudden surge of Power around him as he gathers together intense magical forces, and then there is a dull thud as a hail of black spheres rips through the air, heavy-looking balls of unearthly power that sear and melt flesh and batter down physical defenses. "DARK BEAD!" He calls out, despite not really needing to for Lordran magic.

Some habits are hard to break.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
    The sound of hooves against reinforced Mandaloran Iron echoes through the vault as HK-47 staggers back slightly, his blade pulling free of the equestrian's horn before the droid can try to push it the rest of the way through.

    His grip on the unicorn weakens enough for her to pull free - but the assassin droid hardly intends to let her capitalize on her moment of freedom, his arm sliding open to reveal a nozzle that belches out at the unicorn what seems to quickly be his favored tool against meatbag opponents; cyanogen gas.

     "Chiding Statement - It is time for you to join these relics, and the culture that created them, in extinction, /meatbag/."

    He will debilitate her first. Rob her of her ability to focus on her already-damaged capacity to manipulate magic... and then, if she still continued to resist... well, perhaps the draconic entity known as a 'Servant' would not mind if the pelt he would reward her with was just /slightly/ immolated.

    However, further complications make themselves known as one of the HK-51's instead moves to engage Staren and is hit by the kill-setting phaser, which melts through much of it's chest-casing.

     And in turn... burns through the transparasteeel plate on the HK-51's chest and breaches it's core.

     The next seconds - precious moments in which HK-47 has already begun to advance through the green-dyed toxin on his target, possibly delivering a swift kick to her body for good measure as his vibroknife stands raised in preparation to drive down on the unicorn's skull - become interrupted. Instead of being characterized by the death-throws of a pony... but instead by a blur of lights and shockwaves as the HK-51 droid detonates in a spectacular burst of light, flame and ignited or boiling chemicals, staggering HK before he can deliver the fatal blow and buying Twilight another precious minute of life

     The other remaining HK-51 was now all that was standing between Staren and HK-47. As if ready for a fight, the droid soon becomes surrounded in a blue nimbus - an energy shield meant to deflect and absorb energy-based attacks... but hat does /not/ protect against physical strikes.

    Meanwhile, the remaining trio of HK-51's, in the midst of their facing down Karian, are stunned by the abrupt explosion of their comrade unit, causing one of the droids to be stricken by the Wolf-Lord's black blade as it cleaved into the machine's shoulder.

    However, it refused to give in, it's comrades both tossing an adhesive grenade at Karian so as to cement him to the floor... and against the dying HK-51 as it's core began to go critical, the machine's body convulsing as it's self-destrcut mechanism was activated, the unit trying to take Karian down with it.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    The stare-down and threat doesn't seem to be working. Kyra breaks eye contact for a moment-perhaps even enraging Liz even further by giving off the impression that she's not paying attention to the idol's ranting-and glances back at the melter in her other hand. She spies the red button the wolfguard had spoken of before he expired. Her thin fingers stretch down and press it.

    She looks back Elizabeth in mid-rant briefly, half catching something about tiny, uncultured brains. An annoyed frown forms on her face, "Wait, what? What did you say? What did you call me?" she hisses at the whispered words.

    Another brief glance away, enabling Kyra to toss the now-hissing melter off towards the vault door. When she looks back, she sees Elizabeth smearing blood all over her face. Kyra's own blood, she realizes, from the throbbing pain in her wrist.

    Kyra opens her mouth, a panicked look overcoming her. Maybe she WILL blubber out an apology to her 'better' as it does seem to have finally dawned on her that Elizabeth is really, really creepy. Light beneath them filters upwawrds suddenly, however, before the circle etching itself into the ground beneath Liz blasts upwards with white magic like an activated landmine.


Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian continues his slice down into the HK unit he had already skewered. "I do not fear death, machine!" He roars. The other Hk's would find bolt pistol fire aimed for them, as would HK-47 himself. "I am Karian Icefang, Wold Lord, Son of Russ, Space Wolf! I know no fear, for I am FEAR INCARNATE! Face me down, and learn to fear the wolf's howl!" He roars out over his vox.
    That same roar would be heard by his wolfguard, and even as another falls they stand strong. United as a pack, even if barred by a wall. They hear their lord's call and resond in kind with an almost deafening howl of fury and rage. Rather then let the psyker continue his bombardment, they do the ballsy thing and charge right for Lezard. With the melta bomb now armed and set, it was only a matter time before it went off. The hissing indicated the melta reaction had begun, and was literally microwaving the moisture out of the air itself. Soon, the blast of pure plasma would follow.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Eventually a few vines wiggle out from under the slab of wall, curl around the edge like fingers and push it up. It creaks with the movement, and then just crumbles in half as Bramble Patch staggers out of the indentation it made in the floor and collapses. Rubs her forehead with one hoof. "Holy horseapples who knew that nerd could rage spasm like that..."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Jayale was struggling, trying, but trapped as she was, unable to concentrate properly in time. She found herself slowly getting weaker, and weaker, and there was a point at which she found herself unable to control the Force properly under the pain of the constant shocking. Seems the older Jedi simply didn't have the stamina to properly resist such an attack. She might not look old, but she was. And constant pain left a heavy toll on her.

Elizabeth Bathory (911) has posed:
    Elizabeth Bathory is, as well as a pureblooded noble, also totally bonkers, from a family of depraved and bonkers individuals. Kyra's lack of attention on the TOTALLY MORE PRESSING MATTER of Liz, and not, you know, saving her friends and making their sacrifice not in vain and accomplishing a goal (Elizabeth's own goals forgotten in a haze of phone game and generic directives from her Master, Lezard, to 'go tie up the heroes') creates an odd situation.

    Liz isn't really stopping Kyra from doing very, very important things, becuase she is too busy testing the consistency of Kyra's blood and also ranting about how Kyra is dumb and not paying attention to her.

    "I called you... AN IMBECILE!" Elizabeth replies, obviously incensed now. Her eyes contain no empathy for Kyra, only a maddened and building annoyance. "And you will not ignore me any-"

    The world becomes white for her, filled with magic and divine light. Elizabeth disappears in the power of the magic, and for a moment, perhaps is washed away completely with the spell. Lezard, however, would know better, as he feels magic draining away from him to fuel Liz's recovery.

    As the light fades, a burned Liz stands there, clawed hands on her hips, leaning forward with a cocky look on her eyes. "That was a powerful spell, wasn't it. Was it your most powerful? It actually /hurt/ me! Do you want me to name the number of mages that can hurt me with their magic?" She wonders, as her right hand drifts behind her to summon out of light and a crackle of thunder the form of a vicious two-pronged lance - her weapon.

    Elizabeth laughs, then. "Because I can't! You're the first I've seen. Did you know that an extreme rate of magic resistance is the trait of a Dragon? Aren't my horns /adorable/?" She asks, before getting all up in Kyra's face again. "If you don't apologize to me, I'll do more than squeeze your arm. Would you like that? I can arrange quite a parade of sensations if you're /really/ a glutton for that sort of thing!"

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     That minute will certainly not go to waste! Twilight kicks free when HK's grip loosens, then lands on her back, twitching from the effects of that taser and the various other magical impediments and coughing from the cold metal hand of death that had been around her neck only moments earlier. She takes a moment to catch her breath...

     Which turns out to be a large mistake. The deadly cyanogen gas is already surrounding her, and on the second breath Twilight starts coughing again and cringing in pain. She quickly tries to hold her breath, but fighting a body's natural instincts is hard. She coughs and sputters as she tries to crawl away, then remembers...she has an environment suit! She quickly hits the button on the device Staren gave her. She struggles back to her feet even as she coughs, but with all the pain from the gas and the still heavy fog in her mind, she can only manage a crawl toward Staren.

     "I-it...will not be us...who will be destroyed here..." Twilight gasps out, her voice already going hoarse (no pun intended) from the gas burning away at her lungs and even her skin. After what seems like forever, the 6 seconds it takes for Staren's environment suit to deploy finally pass, and Twilight is protected from further exposure. But, she has already gotten a few lungfuls of the deadly gas, and now the poison is working its way through her system.

     Her horn starts to glow again, though there is some sputtering from the half-through gash that HK-47 cut into her horn. "St-staren..!" she calls out as loudly as she can with her poison-seared voice. "We have to get out of here!!" It probably sounds like someone with an extremely sore throat trying to shout. Because, after all, that is what is happening.

     Twilight is desperately trying to cast a teleportation spell, but with all the dampeners and the damage to her horn, she can't manage it even with her magical book floating beside her. So, instead she opts for a much easier, much more destructive spell. Her magic book floats around in front of her, facing HK-47 with its pages open. Then, it starts to rotate rapidly. A moment later, a beam of pure energy is fired at him. The purple-white beam is as thick as the book that fired it, and aimed right at the psycho droid that tried to kill Twilight Sparkle. And may yet succeed if Lezard has anything to say about it.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
The Marines are apparently far more durable than expected. Lezard's brow twitches, and a his anger spikes, there is a sudden surge of energy around him. Those sensitive to the Force may feel a massive, oppressive weight upon them as incredible amounts of power are simply /wrenched/ into another configuration, an overwhelming Will channelling an intense amount of force. Even as Elizabeth draws upon his well of power, it is not enough to stop what is about to come.

For Lezard is no mere mage, no simple /Psyker/, as the Marines insist on calling him. "Know this." Lezard says, his voice resonating with the energy he has drawn forth. "With your defiance, you have sealed your fates. This place, your lives are now /forfeit/. Now look upon your future and /despair/."

Purple flame erupts around him, etching a growing magical circle around him as he calls out, "CAST OPEN THE GATES OF NIFLHEIM! MORE SOULS AWAIT!"

The air thrums with power, but nothing seems to happen immediately...

Far, far above, in the orbit of the planet so far away, ancient debrit hangs there, floating, Remnants of wars that time itself may have forgotten, nevertheless these hunks of metal and rock remain, testaments to the powers and passions wrought here.


As Lezard's voice resonates through the area, gleaming beams of light rip through space, summoned up from elsewhere by a twisting of raw power. They slam into the massive hunks, imparting movement, overcoming inertia. Dull creaks echo, somehow, through the airless void as they are pulled down from their eternal rest...

And the sky above the ancient temple and place of learning clouds over, turning red with flame. The land begins to shake as a roaring noise grows, ans the first meteorites, tiny but still intense, begin to rock the area around the location.


The roar intensifies, moments before the area shakes, a massive flaming spike punching down through rock and metal, propelled by something that could be called nothing so much as pure pride and hatred as walls crumble and the very ceiling above them is rent before the onslaught. While his magical powers spares his allies... The Enemy is not so fortunate.


Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You want me to be serious for a moment?! You're a giant jerk and I don't like you lording your stupid nobility over me!" Kyra hisses back at her, full of fury, though it doesn't last very long. She thinks she just blew the servant's face off. Instead, holy, which /is/ her stronges and most offensive spell, hardly did anything to her at all.

    Her jaw drops a little and she backs up into the wall. "A dragon? What?" she holds up her Matter Manipulator in front of her, eyes widening. Her magic was useless!

    This psycho was going to /kill her/. She doesn't hesitate any longer. She calls for him. She calls for rebellion.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Sheesh. Fun all around and here I am just keeping up an interference circle." Raine rolled his eyes from where he stood at the backlines, hand grasping the handle of the blade embedded into the ground before him. HK was handling Twilight...and Karian. Wow that looked lopsided right now. "Heh, guess it's time for me to earn my keep here."

     Raine smirked and pulled the blade from the ground, weakening the spell jamming circle in the process. "Change of plans, Fragarach. You handle the circle. I'm going in." The girl in the white dressed rolled her eyes but stayed exactly where she floated above the circle. Raine himself gripped his blade and dashed in right as multiple energy shots came for HK-47.

     "Raine Arland here to take off some of that heat! Watch yourself, my fine metal friend!" He skid to a stop right in front to the droid, sword raised flat like a shield. Twilight Sparkle's magical beam impacted it head on and....it was absorbed right into it. Did that just happen? Yes, it did.

     "Special Delivery!"

     He roared, diving forward and spinning once horizontally before swinging his weapon outwards. In that moment, the exact same energy that the Equestrian had sent HK's way is suddenly barreling right towards her in the form of a single beam that then broke off into multiple, smaller homing lasers, all aimed for her.

     The droid would have to handle Karian's assault himself.

Staren has posed:
    KILL HK micromissiles ready and locked wait she's up and too close next concern Kill Bramble what would Twilight think doesn't matter if she's dead you can't kill her in one shot for sure need to incapacitate faster phaser? OK What about HK MAKE HIM PAY not helpful goal is save Twilight nothing else matters incapacitate HK incapacitate the rest how could Bramble be cool with torture? Not important You can grab HK but then it is hard to stop all the others think bigger crazy bluff? too unlikely call Morg? Divine intervention too unknown Abstractum? Probably not awake okay think a little less wild why didn't HK just grab some random unicorn he is lying or he has some mental flaw figure out how to use it later no known weaknesses kill HK? Dangerous to commit focus others may attempt to complete objective is Twilight able to cast again yet what will that cut do to her perhaps escape vault door is tougher than walls green field problem what about where Bramble broke through? Lezard and some lady sound full of themselves flaw? note for later did he just gas Twilight unlikely that gas can put her in unrecoverable state droid in the way unknown shield need to bypass easy answer

    Staren makes some effort to dodge the HK-51's fire, but is confident his own shield and armor can tank it if he needs to. Staren's hand dips into his bag with the phaser and comes out with the RAISER pistol. A stream of RAISER projectiles fire into the shield -- photons energized into an exotic state where they can bind into matter-like molecules. They decay on impact, preventing them from being deflected, and concentrate energy to incredible density, possibly enough to punch through. Even if they don't punch through, they force the shield or armor to absorb the full energy of the shot regardless of the angle of impact.

    If that doesn't do it, then when Staren reaches the HK-51 he tries to circumvent the shield by just pushing his hand through it and firing the bream cannons point-blank.

    Oh good it worked Twilight hang in there

    Staren gives Twilight a pained expression behind his visor. He doesn't see how escape is possible. Then Lezard pronounces his fate. "No." he comments offhandedly. Their future isn't set until it's here or time travel shenanigans occur. If enemies are talking instead of killing, things aren't over yet. Staren advances on HK...


    It only takes a thought to send a command to the ship. Twilight is engulfed in red energy and beamed up as the spikes come down and her own desperate attack is redirected at her.

    Primary objective complete, next survival of self and allies.

    Rocks fall, and Staren may be crushed or pinned, but he can't leave yet. He has a way to cheat death, though Lezard or one of the others here might have a way to counter it. His allies don't. He looks around, taking stock. Anyone else who looks out of the fight, and is IN the breached vault, is beamed up. Then he tries for the people outside the vault.

    If it works... well, time to beam out everyone!

    If it doesn't... then that leaves Staren and Karian and anyone in fighting condition in the vault, and the people outside.

    Save them it's not over till its over think of something

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian grits his teeth as he hears the wizards judgement and shakes his head. "My life is the Allfathers....his to use." He says to himself, but then notes the roof being blown off. He looks right to Staren and says in a cold voice. "I will not leave my brothers behind. If I die with them, so be it." He says. Of course, he had a mad HK unit to deal with. So the best way to do that is to run right up and try to cut him down.
    The wolfguard outside pause, but feel no fear at all. They dart at Lezard once more, only for one to be crushed by a falling spike. The lone survivor curses his luck, and opts for grenades. He throws a trio, and quickly looks for the wall. Opting to utilize his massive weight and the impacts of the meteors, he planned to charge right into the vault via a weakened wall, if any exists. "Jarl....There may be no choice here...You must survive most of all. If it comes to that, leave me and go." Karian curses back to the marine. "No...we came here as a pack and we leave as one....I've lost too many brothers to let this psyker claim another.....there MUST be a way!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Kyra Hyral says, "YURI STINSON!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Kyra Hyral says, "I'M BEING OPPRESSED BY A TYRANT!!!"

    Somewhere, elsewhere in the Multiverse, Yuri lifts his head. He has, in terms of a Cult Following, less than many other Infernals would. He is not a leader, nor one of the black-tongued honey-whisperers of the Dragon. So it's not hard to tell which of his few followers would pray to him. And it was one he was inclined to answer immediately.

    His seafoam green eyes glow for a moment as he cycles through his options. Kyra Hyral's location was too confined for his machine, but her danger was imminent. Instead, he cycled the many charms left in his machine and compiled them. Then he downloaded those onto himself and accessed them. Adorjan would guide his actions today.

Wind-Borne Stride x8 + Death-Dealing Journey + Self as Cyclone Stance + Unimpeded Perfection of Exertion + Foam-Dancing Haste + Gravity-Rebuking Grace + Earth-Skimming Gale Tread + Faster Than Sight + Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation + Who Strikes The Wind?

Mote Cost: Approximately Yes, 3 WillPower
Combo Effect: Bail Out Kyra At Great Cost to Personal Power

    Yuri arrives in a manner that is less like a human and more like a moving element of the earth itself. There's a massively flowing gust of breeze that seems to flow across the Multiverse in an invisible blur. It flows around Elizabeth, gusting for a few moments before it seems to move towards Kyra. Grabbed by an invisible force, Kyra is lifted upwards as if carried by someone that no one can see.

    Her movements, and by proxy that of the force carrying her, lift her back and upwards, directly INTO the Meteor Swarm. Adorjan teaches a Green Sun Prince that it is not the wind's duty to bend for the storm, but to split the rain itself where it desires. Those with the speed to perceive the motion would see that the force carrying her is heading directly up into the falling debris and bouncing off each one to lift her and itself higher and above the falling assault.

    It's once the force clears the ceiling of the falling matter that Kyra (Plus whatever is carrying her) seems to hover in the air for a few moments before flipping cleanly and then falling again. It's once the force lands and comes to a stop that the obfuscation and blurring charms fade away, leaving the Exalt standing there with Kyra tucked under one arm not unlike a sack of potatoes.

    "I have no interest or investment in this conflict." He says to nobody in particular. Perhaps directly to Kyra, "Or interest in battle. The act of rescuing you has taken a great deal of my energy. But I would not deny your prayer."

    It's probably good, tactically, at the moment that he is incapable of expressing pain. Because the sheer physics of the speeds he moved at to get here and execute that maneuver have likely caused severe internal damage to his body, owing to his lack of a perfect soak. Luckily, he's incapable of showing this excruciating pain.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
And somewhere in the craziness that follows with Staren going crazy and Lezard summoning things from space to fall on the place, Bramble Patch put her henchpony 'retreat while the retreating is good' clause into effect and is getting the heck out of here.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
    "Smug Statement - That is very brave of you to claim... when you are approximately ten minutes from full respiratory and organ failure after having inhaled so much concentrated toxin." HK-47 replies, metallic voice seeming to drip with sadistic glee, if not outright depraved enjoyment at hearing the Unicorn's choked voice. He continues to stalk towards her, wrist-launcher deploying with the intent to activate his flamethrower and burn off her newly-deployed protective layer-

    Only to find himself cut off as the broken husk of an HK-51 unit is tossed at his feet, the unfortunate droid's defenses proving unable to defend against the assault even as it tried to use it's flame thrower to immolate the oncoming enemy. The HK-51 took shot after shot after shot, staggering back as it's armor and precious internal components were breached one after the other-

    And then collapsing dead as it's core was ruptured, it's front exploding in a shower of sparks and shrapnel while what was left toppled back at HK-47's feet

    HK-47 turns to see Staren approaching him - an event that distracts the droid for the fatal second it takes Twilight to abruptly launch her attack-

     -only for Raine to step in, absorb and reflect it like a proper, subservient meatbag is expected to. Something that has the droid make certain to have this particular individual's contact information stored on record for future incursions - it seemed that there were at least /some/ meatbags that were both loyal, obedient and intelligent enough to not deviate from that path.

    But... suffice to say, it does not go as well for the HK-51's.

    The trio assaulting the Wolf-Lord are /stunned/ by the display from Karian, the meatbag showing unnatural tendencies that go beyond self-sacrifice, as though fear truly does not exist in his processor.

     Even more so is the HK-51 trying to self-destruct as it realizes too late Karian will not panic as the expected... and this is the last thing that flows through it's processor before it's core cuts out, it's central power unit split in half before the overload process could be completed. The self-destruct charge implodes instead, the droid's inside burning themselves out and the machine slumping dead as it effectively splits in half, the blade having bisected it entirely from shoulder to hip.

     The remaining HK-51's try to formulate a counterattack, only for one to be repeatedly perforated by bolt fire that scorches most of it's form and blows off it's left arm as well. The other tries to put up a defense, right arm sliding open - only to sustain a direct shot to the opened wrist-unit that detonates the internalized weapons, causing the machine's casing to explosively detonate as a majority-portion of the droid's right-torso was utterly obliterated by the resulting explosion, it's head being torn off and bouncing away like a discarded pebble.

     HK-47 himself, more then frustrated by the mounting turn of events, is forced to take his attention off the Unicorn and redirect it onto Karian as Raine's efforts end up keeping him from being attacked on two fronts. He aims his arm and activates his multi-spectral plasma-energy emitter, firing a bolt of plasma energy - effectively a bolt of lightsaber energy - at Karian to try either debilitate or exterminate the oncoming so-called 'fearless warrior'.

    Once again, he was being humiliatingly outmaneuvered. The walls into the vault were being systemically breached - even with the Gem's reinforcement, it was obvious it was not invulnerable... and the Gem seemed distracted with subduing the Jedi, beneficial an action that it was.

Elizabeth Bathory (911) has posed:
    Liz looks up at the literal whirlwind taking Kyra away, and huffs. "Fine, Kyra Hyral. Fine. If my Charisma won't work on you, my threats are insufficent, and my ability to give you my full attention limited by my inablitly to have you all to myself... I will simply have to engage in my last method of recourse." She murmurs, an evil look crossing her eyes, as the short Idol bringing long claws to shield her eyes from the DEATH BY METEOR STORM (which thanks to magic did not BLOW HER UP, which would have made Pure Pure Liz-Chan sad).

    "I will write the most popular diss song... Ever heard by mortal ears! Then you will know your betters, to be immortalized in insult-song by me!"

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     But then... it all becomes irrelevant, as something begins falling straight from the atmosphere... homing in on their position.

    The meatbag mage had obviously lost patience... and in all honesty, so had HK-47 with meatbags in general. Did the miserable creature not realize they would all be destroyed in the impact as well?!


     However... it makes more sense that they are protected from it - the meatbag seemed too intelligent to commit such a suicidal act if he intended to die.

     However... the final straw comes as a result of the hole the meatbag blasted into the roof, what the droid recognizes as a teleport activating and, much to his livid frustration, teleports his quarry out of danger.

     Whatever the case... this mission was effectively a failure. Thus, having left his parting shot at Karian, the droid begins bellowing on the radios for Peridot - a very reliable creature, closer to a droid then a meatbag - to, if she has transport, summon it and evacuate as soon as possible, should the mage's protection fail her. He found he respected her, somewhat, for her methodical nature. Far more then he respected the majority of meatbags, that is.

     He does not stay long in the vault as it collapses from the many strains. There is no point to staying here now that his objective has fled.


     But at the same time... he was getting closer. Like with Toph Beifong, he had never been this close to successfully eliminating a Union member before... and this time he had left arguably more extensive injuries. And this time, it had been against an opponent he had never directly faced before.

     His hit-to-kill ratio was increasing. His success-rates were steadily growing. At this rate... it would not be long before he landed a critical strike.

     Some more refinements, then. A bit less trial and error... and then he'd have a working template to adapt from.

     After that... the Union would soon be taken apart.

     Watching as the meteor approaches the Jedi Praxium from behind the safety of Lezard Valeth's power of protection, HK-47 at least takes consolation that, if nothing else, he fulfilled some part of his primary programming. A part that glowed splendidly as the Praxium was smothered and obliterated by falling orbital debris.

     The protocol to eliminate the Jedi and their history... wherever it may be found.


     Additionally, perhaps he would help the draconic meatbag exterminate any stragglers left alive. Annoying as he had initially found her demeanor to be... her gratifyingly-bloodthirsty display had forced him to re-evaluate his opinion of her. May she possibly want help in disemboweling any stragglers?

     A droid could only hope, after all.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight Sparkle can do little but watch in despair as Raine intercepts her beam, absorbs it, and sends it back at her in several smaller beams. Her horn sputters again as she tries to raise a barrier, but it is no use. As she tries, there is a flare of energy from the cut in her horn and she lets out a pained cry as her spell misfires. The beams impact just as a red glow starts to surround Twilight. When the dust clears, the pony is no longer there.

     She appears in the safety of Staren's ship. Where she just curls up and coughs. Not wanting to contaminate the air of the ship, she keeps her environment suit closed. And she hopes that she can make it to medical in time to be treated.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard Valeth, Sorceror of Midgard, stands amongst fire and death. His cape whips in the air from the remnants of power surrounding him and the heat waves that cause roiling hissing washes of air through the ruined Praxium.

With a low sigh, he turns away. disgust visible on his features as he hears the remaining Wolfguard calling out. With a wave of his hand, he summons up a teleportation circle, his form slowly phasing out. Others can join him if they wish. He has no care left to waste any more time in this place.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    For a few seconds, Kyra was deathly afraid that calling for Yuri wouldn't work-especially as the meteor storm /and/ Elizabeth bare down on her.

    And then something invisible seizes her up into the air. Kyra lets out an undignified yelp, followed by another one as she finds herself hurling /towards/ the meteors. Yet not a single one of them hit nor do any of the bits of ceiling strike her as she dangles face-down in the air.

    "...Yuri..." she says, relieved. "..thank you." she offers quietly to him as he hovers.

    Liz sneers back at her. Her pale cheeks redden as the Servant speaks. "...inability to have you all to mysel-are you /hitting on me/? Is this what this whole begging for my attention and insulting me thing is about? Is this some kind of tsundere crush thing!?"

    She reasserts herself. "You want to make this a music battle? FINE. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" She drops her voice. "My ship is nearby, Yuri, let's go there."

Staren has posed:
    Thanks, perhaps, to fortune, the Union and friends are evacuated. Kyra is evacuated thanks to Yuri, and she has her own way off-world.

    The teleporter pad of the SSC Stranger Than Fiction is now /covered in bodies/. Breathing ones, at least. But with the teleportation having been rushed for an emergency, safeties were overridden, making the transport a painful and tiring process. They may not even be /conscious/.

    A woman with long, electric violet hair and a plain black dress is lifting Twilight and dragging her into the lab. If Twilight or anyone else manages a close look at the science lab, they'll notice one of the lab's human-size storage pods is open. So that's what was in there. This is actually a robot, of course, covered in synthetic skin and clothes for a more friendly appearance. She removes Twilight's saddlebags and deactivates and removes the vacsuit, then opens the healing vat and slides Twi in. It might not be a comfortable position for a quadruped, but once the cover closes the whole thing starts to fill with a sort of gel and medical nanomachines. Which might be disconcerting if she's still conscious, but they're able to keep her blood oxygenated so she doesn't need to breathe. They begin the work of removing the cyanogen gas and repairing the damage.

    As soon as everyone is on board, S.A.I.L. begins preparing for the jump to FTL, and soon the ship is off, headed to some world with an orbital, ship-size warpgate.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Tch. So much for that." Raine grumbled, watching in the end as their opponents escaped. "Heh." A shrug followed that and then he casually shouldered his blade, waving over at Fragarach. "Show's over. We're out." And he says this despite the literally falling down around them thanks to Lezard's massive WIZARD TANTRUM.

     Eh, everyone has a wizard tantrum once in a while. It's coolm it's cool.

     That's how it worked, right?


     Fragarach meanwhile rolled her eyes, again, and released the spell. "Stupid fool." She muttered under her breath before floating after the black clad man. The both of them made it into the Sorcerer's teleportation circle just barely, not once looking back at the aftermath of the carnage.

     "...Say, we are getting paid for this still, right?"

     "Why do you never find these things out before you run headfirst into them?"


     One of them had a long sigh.

     It was business as usual.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    HK-47's plasma would strike home, burning into Karians face. Luckily for him, it would hit on the side that was already wounded and burned through the patch, showing the massive scar on his eye. But soon after he was safe on a ship. He knew not if his sole brother was alive or not, but he would find out later. He...would also have a few choice words for Staren later as well.