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Terry asking for help on a special gift
Date of Scene: 16 November 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Infinite Library
Synopsis: Terry asking for help on a gift for a friend that he thinks she will like.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 834, 867

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    After a long day in Gotham City, Terry is at the Infinite Library of Njorun Station doing some reseach on something that he thinks will be a good gift for a friend of his. He has the item in question in his pocket and is looking at a book... well, a few books on magic and he loosk dumbfounded. "I really need to get some help with this," he comments to himself as he takes a drink of his coffee..

    Thinking, Terry snaps his fingers and asks a question on the Union Chatter Channel and gets two replies; one from Maya and th eother from Valentha Summers. Having never met either of them, he ponders what they will look like and says that he is in the Infinite Library. Hopefully, one of them will be able to help him with the idea he has.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Valentha's RIDING A HOVERCYCLE through the library. Somehow the thing is quiet enough to not disrupt much and it's streamlined enough to not knock books off of shelves. It helps that this library is just TOO INSANELY LARGE to navigate in any other way...


    The Blonde in the World war 2-style bomber jacket (complete with silly old aviator goggles) who steps off the Hovercycle doesn't... at all... look like a mage. "Here you are!"


Maya has posed:
Maya was curious to see what TErry needed from here so she was on her way. She looked like she walked out of a post nuclear apoch movie. The leather, the metal, the somewhat rough shod looking nature of them as she strides on arriving abit after Valentha and she whistles. Why? Because a hulking robot towering over 8 feet pops out from behind one of the bookstakes and follows after her.

"Sorry, Runner got distracted by something."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis blinks as he ducks when the hovercycle flies through and he looks, "..." and nods to Valentha and smiles, "Yea, best place I know to find out information on what I need, and not understanding anything," he mentions as Maya arrives and he looks at her, "You ok? Looks like you just got out of a fight," he mentions to her as he stands up from the table with a few books on magic and spell casting.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "Good to see you again Maya, Runner!" Valentha waves merrily to the bluenette and her robo-puppy.

    "Soooo, magic. You look a bit too old to be learning the trade... I assume you're hoping for some information?"

Maya has posed:
Maya'a also got long blue hair and she laughs.

"No this is what I normally wear what?"

She shrugs a little bit at Terry but seems amused. Tunner meanwhile takes a good look at Terry, it soptic ban panning back and forth and it barking at him a little. Terry might notice a weapon mount inside it's mouth of some sort, and Valentha might notice Runner is radiating a fair bit of magic itself but that's dwarfed by Maya's own magical signature.

"The idea learning magic persay is still strange. Everything with a mind of it's own on my world has it and even then some."

Runner barks almost smugly about that.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and nods, "I know that woul dbe hard, but I am not in a hurry to learn it, just seeing if it is possible to enchant something for someone," he says to the two. "I would love to learn, but things are hetic in Gotham," he adds as he pulls out the box. "A friend of mine lost her sight due to an accident and she stated that she wished she could see. I thought about it, and figured Magic might help her," he comments.

    Looking at the two, he sighs. "And with Christmas coming, I thought a present that when worn would let her see as if she never lost her sight," and he looks at the books.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "Restoring sight to the blind... cybernetics are a much simpler answer to eye damage. What exactly's wrong with their eyes? Or nerves? Visual cortex?" Odd terms for a dragon to be using, but she does seem to know some stuff. "Enchanting things... it would be easier to create some sort of device that could transfer images to the mind, instead of replacing the biology..." She starts rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

Maya has posed:
Maya says "There's some forms of healing magic that could do the same depening but cyberware would be the common choice on my world as well. I'm an adapet healer but injuries of that sort need to be freesh for me to handle it once scar tissue sets in for example it becomes harder and with something like an eye there's not much I think I could do. As for the eyes yes what's damaged?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks, "All I know, from what she has said, is that her parents and her where in an accident and she lost her sight and her parents were killed. No idea on how or what caused it. Granted it could have been a chemical getting into the eyes and doing damage, shock from the accident severing the optic nerve. But she uses a cane to walk and has an assistant help her see what is coming up as she walks," he mentions. "I mentioned to her about the technology that was on Deep Space Nine, or possibly magic and she seemed to like that idea," he tells them. "She has gotten along pretty well as far as I know, but if somethign happens when she is and her asistant is not there, then she could get hurt and I do not want that to happen. Figured enchanting something that she could wear would be the best way." and he closes a book. "Why I asked for a magician to help. Having me take on Mad Stan or Inque is one thing, trying to figure this out is like asking Bruce to actually go out and have fun."

Maya has posed:
Maya thinks over what TErry has saif for a moment she looks to him for a momnt and she has to wonder about this.

"Humm does she wnat to see again as this sounds like one would need someone quite focused in this the eye is a fiarly complex thing to mend at least with my own skills. One would also have to know what was wrong to tend to it as well. It's not honestly waving a wand often to fix something like that."

She tilts her head for a moment and doe seem to be thinking about the situation

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "So physical damage to the eyes or optic nerves, probably." Valetha concludes. "... I might be able to work something up. If Maya could handle the power source, I can certainly create a camera and Techno-Wizard device capable of transmitting the images directly to the brain as an illusion." Valentha smiles a bit.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "I see," he states. "I'll find out more on this and let the two of you know." he comments as he starts to put the books away.