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Imperious Imperials ft. N'raha and Yari
Date of Scene: 06 October 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: N'raha and Miss Takane discuss the future over fishing and perch.
Cast of Characters: 691, N'raha Tia

N'raha Tia has posed:
    It hadn't been that long of a trip, thanks to the Warp Gates and Aetherytes. N'raha was looking for his fellow Chosen for a bit of advice, but, well. Inga was out. A pity, but at least there was still things to do around the village, and maybe some work orders he could fulfill back home.

    And so, Mr. Catman is in the local fishin' hole, feet dangling in the pond, a line in the water, and a song in his goofy heart.
    Someone's bound to spot him eventually.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari Takane has been in a depressive funk ever since her last encounter with Gawain. Her clash with the Sun Knight over ideals and the fates of criminals did more than physical damage, and it's a tired looking Au'Ra that walks towards the pond amidst the castle.

She's gone traditional today, a white-and-blue flower patterned kimono tied loosely about her form. The one-armed Garlean pauses, and blinks. A miqo'te. Not what she expected to see in Dun Realtai.

"Glory and honor, Sir. I didn't expect anyone else aside from Mister Gawain to be using the lake like this. Should try some bloatfly parts if you can get any, the fish here love them."

Then, out of pure habit, she snaps a sharp Garlean salute, perhaps a bit odd looking given her dress today.

"Centurion Yari Takane, 14th Legion. What brings someone like you out here?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    There's a bit of a grumble from the catman as he recognizes... well. A Garlean accent. The miq's ears bristle a bit, and he shuffles around to turn a look at this traitorous person out here. "Listen here, I wasn't expect-"

    Wait it's a pretty lady Au Ra. The catman blinks a bit, looking slightly chastised as conflicting internal needs flick at him. Right well, no killing people on Dun soil and certainly not cute... one armed girls. That tail of his flicks again, and he sighs, slumping his shoulders. His is a Maelstrom salute, out of habit from hanging around all those Marauders all the time. "N'raha of Thanalan. And I was looking for Inga, actually. She was... well. I was hoping to talk with her about stuff."
    He turns back to look at the water, his hair putting itself back into proper places and not puffing up. "They seem to be hitting crayfish balls okay." He pats a little basket on the shore next to him. The ninja will be able to sense the clear presence of ice aether in there. Is he using shards to keep it cold?

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
That bristling tail, that sound of scorn, and then it's cut off. There's a sharp frown on Yari's face as N'raha turns, but it quickly returns to something more neutral. Manners, Yari. You don't need Bedivere with more reasons to hate you.

"Ul'dahn, then? Mmm."

There's a barely hidden note of contempt for that city.

But she quickly warms up. "Miss Inga is a good woman. Friends? I suppose you can't be all bad." There's an unsaid 'for Eorzean barbarians' tone of superiority she can't quite tamp down.

"Huh. I'll try that next time." She takes out her own rod, and sits down a basket. Flick! Out her line goes.

"I hope you don't mind if I join you." A glance to the basket.

"I'd ask what about, but it's probably not something someone like me should know. Just don't get her into any trouble, alright?" There's something offered N'raha's way.

Beer. Fishing intensifies.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    WELL. That's going to smooth things a bit. N'raha huffs and grumbles at the haughty tone, but settles in. "She's... well. She's smart and she's got advice I could use. So, she's a wisewoman, yah? That's what she does." The young miq's Eorzean drifts a bit away from the 'must needs' and 'pray returns'.

    The catman takes the beer and pops open the bottle, planting it next to him after taking a sip. Not bad. "Mmmmh. And it's not any more trouble than she's already had, you know?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari smirks. "Among other things, or so I'm told." She flicks her braided twintails.

"Good advice on haircare too. I'm certain she'll be able to help you."

A moment of silence, a nod, and she too starts to drink. Yari has to use her leg and tail to keep the rod up. It looks a little awkward, but doesn't seem to strain the lizard-woman.

Pensive silence, and she turns to N'raha again. She tugs on her rod, barely missing a fish, muttering.

"This might be an odd question coming from me, but do you think the war's going to end in our lifetimes?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    That is an odd question, but N'raha blinks. "Which war? The Union and the Confederacy? Or back home? Uh." He blinks a few times and tries to piece stuff together. Mihk's world is still like right after the war. Is she from Mihk's world or his. He wasn't sure.

    He grumps. "Well, back home-" He twitches, watching the tip of his rod which faintly glows in the dimming light of the evening. "Ah, the war back home was over 5 years ago after the Calamity but there's like... you guys are still stompign around part of Eorzea like you own the place." A concerned flick of his tail.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari rolls her eyes. "/That/ war will rage until there are no more universes to fight over."

Then Yari sighs. "Oh? Mmm. That soon?" There's a frown to her face for some time. They'd be cut off by the motherland, and the Multiverse proves more than a threat.

But she does perk up. "We do have a tendency to do that. And we /will/ own the place, as you put it."

But rather than get into a fight, she hooks a fish. Pulll, yoink!

Into the basket it goes.

"You don't sound like a soldier. One of those adventurers?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha huffs. This was going to be a trying meeting. The catman's tail puffs up a bit more at the haughty, before he tries to remember just where he is and who he's representing. "Tch. You're like from Doman, you're not even Garlean." He tchs, and scoots over to give Yari room to pocket away her fish. He also drinks more beer.
    "And yeah, I'm with the guild. And the Syndicate. Both of them now, I guess." He huffs at that last idea. Stupid old lalafells. "I'm an axecat." A marauder then. Explains the Maelstrom salute.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
That haughtiness only grows as she gizes N'raha a look. A knowing one. She's getting his back up, and she's enjoying it.

After Yari's week, this is cathartic.

"The first thing I remember was waking up with a Legion soldier patching up my wounds. I might have been born a Doman, but the people I lived and laughed and bled beside were all Garleans." She counters.

"You seem like that type. ...Really? You must be stronger than you look. I hate large weapons like that. Not that I could swing one properly." A one-armed shrug. From her size, she'd probably collapse.

"Still, you have better manners than a pirate."

"Come to Dun Realtai often? Or just for Miss Inga's advice? People have a way of visiting and then setting down roots here."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Miq's ears fold back against his head. "And I got to watch them drop a voidsdamned moon on my village so call it a wash." He huffs and... "No more politics." It's a statement as firm as he's going to make without decking a one armed girl. He takes a very long slug of the beer before swishing his feet in the water some more, spooking a few minnows that have been poking at his toes.
    "This is my first time here, actually. I know she lives here part time and then also in Chicago with Mr. Dresden, so I was hoping... you know, to catch her. But I've got a home back home, so." That the home is 'whatever Inn is closest' isn't said. It shoudln't have to be.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"...If it's any consolation, it was a terrible idea." Yari doesn't bother to hide her own scowl here. Traitors are Yari's least favorite kind of person.

A deep sigh.

"Right. No politics." They should really put up a sign about that somewhere, lest Yari go swimming for the last time.

"Be careful. You might get stuck here. Not that it's a bad thing. The bathes are to die for."

Typical Au'Ra and their love of rocks and warm baths.

"She can be hard to catch, but try leaving a message with Miss Saber. She's one of the...I guess you could say stewards of the place. She knows everyone." Yari briefly wonders when she started to think of the King of Knights as a denmother.

Still, Syndicate. She looks around. They're alone.

"...I'll be plain. Any word of Eikons on your world? We might be enemies, but those soul-stealing false gods are everyone's problem." Even so, her voice is low.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The catman snorts. "Nah, no worries there. Just not... the roots setting sort, you know?" N'raha slumps his shoulders a bit as he adjusts his spot, butt wriggling as he tries to keep his legs awake. "And uh. Well, baths are good yeah. Everyone likes those." Who wouldn't? Not N'raha. That's for sure. Though the ones back home are usually cool baths, at least out in the desert.

    Eikons. That gets a little bit of a wrinkle of expression from N'raha but, well. She's not about to call it a Primal, is she? "Just the one, but it's been... handled. Between the Union coming around and the Garleans stomping around in the Sylphlands, they woke up old Ramuh to have a word with people."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
A smirk. "A wanderer. I enjoy a good hunt, but I like someplace to come home to that isn't full of drunken sods." Yari chuckles, mind going through recent events.

Part of her wonders if she too could find roots here.

More frowning. Bedivere would have a heart attack. The idea suddenly gains even more merit.

"Great. Maybe I should give you a quick dunk." She makes to mock-swat him on the back!

"Watch your rod by the way." Bob bob!

"Dealt with, then? Good." She sounds relieved. She wouldn't wish that even on Eorzeans.

"People should write their own destinies, not be made puppets to spirits best left to the aether." A proper Doman quip. She might be less Garlean than she pretends.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    A growl. Write their own destinies. Another touch of rritation, before N'raha yanks on his line, popping a perch out of the drink. "Puppets isn't the problem when people can't trust each other, you know." He hisses and grumbles, before looking down at the water and kicking a bit again, splashing out at Yari's bobber.
    The swat on his back though is... dodged, a nimble little move for an axecat as he ducks and manages not to get wet.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The splash has her losing a fish. Frown! Well, she won't be feeding any Servants tonight, that's for sure.

Yari looks over to N'raha, and grins.

"And who was talking about no more politics? That's how people are. Untrustworthy in general, and usually looking out for themselves. Unless you...instill proper discipline and structure into them. People are animals unless given the chains of constraint."

She rises, taking her basket and rod in tail and hand. She leaves the beer.

"Good luck with Miss Inga. We should have beer again some time." With a very, very satisfied smile, she waves, and walks away.