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Latest revision as of 22:27, 13 December 2015

Leve: A Pirate's Life for Mau!
Date of Scene: 12 December 2015
Location: Hydaelyn Reborn <ARR>
Synopsis: A motley band of Elites take sail aboard N'raha's Un-Named Sea Going Vessel in search of Pirates!
Cast of Characters: Alexis, 626, 774, N'raha Tia, 825, 826

N'raha Tia has posed:
Notice from the Maurauder's Guild of Eorzea (posted on numerous bounty and adventurer boards, including the Syndicate Network)!

Leve: A Pirate's Life for Mau
Location: Limsa Lominsa, La Noscea
Type: Diligence
Urgency: MEDIUM
Difficulty: Unmarked

Enclosed Message: Initiate N'raha Tia of the Adventurer's Guild and Scions of the Seventh Dawn has yet to take up the helm of a ship of his own, despite being in posession of a perfectly good seaworthy vessel. Accompany the Sea-Dog-Miq on his first full voyage as an officer and take down an unruly pack of Reavers that have been running roughsod over local supply lines near the Capitol.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Well, they've done it now. They've given him more responsibility. This is what you get for turning into a Hero, N'raha, they give you your own damn boat that you already own and make you go and sail it into battle.

    That said, he's not actually at the helm. The ship is flying the colors of the Yellowjackets, there's a fine crew aboard already, but someone's taken and planted a captain's hat on the catman's head. It's even got holes in the tricorn to let his ears flick through.

    And flick they do as the boat starts to circle at length a rocky island studded with a fortress and harbor. Someone on the island has set off flares of alert, and there's a battle brewing.

    The former pirate ship's got enough room for the extra adventurers they've brought along at least and the crew is more than willing to let the Elites that have come with mill around so long as they're not interfering with the operations of the ship.
    You know, unless they know how to handle sailing, then they've likely been 'gently encouraged' to help out.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
Bertram doesn't know how to handle sailing, but he does know how to work the ship's kitchen. So that's where he's been assigned, because he was unwilling to sit still and do nothing, and one of the yellowjackets recognized him as one of the Bismark's better pupils. He's finished some fine sea grog and is coming up to hand some out when he notices the flare. "Looks like trouble is brewing, cat'n." The White Chef jokes. "Need me to get ready for trouble?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    It's a boat. He's on a boat. Why is Dorian on a boat? He doesn't get along well with boats. At -all-. They hadn't even left the dock and he could already feeling the beginnings of it. The dizziness, the nausea -- he could already feel it all starting.

    Hence why he has been standing close to the wheelhouse the whole time, where he can lean against it if he starts to feel too dizzy to stand up. Because in his experience laying down doesn't really help it. In fact that's been known to make it worse.

    All in all, Dorian looks quite miserable, though he's at least not complaining about it, so there's that. He's dressed for weather, his leather armor covered with a thick white cloak of leather. He also has his staff, but it's not slung on his back like he usually keeps it. He's actually holding onto it. Because he's leaning on it too. Ugh.

    Well, it's not like he was out here for no reason. that would be masochistic AND stupid. Pirates. Though it's anybody's guess how he's going to help fight pirates when he can't stand up without wobbling and he looks like he's going to lose his lunch at any moment.

    Sadly for the crew, Dorian doesn't know his forecastle from his aft. So he is going to be -no help at all- with the ship itself. But at least he's smart enough to stay out of the crew's way, so there's that.

Alexis has posed:
And when 'heroes' start getting bored, they start 'freelancing' in their spare time. Though in this case it was probably more just that Alexis was spoiling for some action and this happened to come up. It's not the first time she's been on a ship, but the actual finess of shipwrighting or whatever they call it isn't her fortay. So instead she was leaning near one of the railings, keeping an eye out on the waters because standing around just waiting wasn't really her thing either.

Her pokemon, on the other hand, are getting a bit more into things. Or at least tried to. Then someone realized since Floatzel could make its own water gave him a mop to go with it. Now Riptide was swabbing the deck... by standing on said mop like a segway and pushing it around with his rotor-tail while spitting water on the deck.

Entirely new meaning to spit shine there, one would suppose.

As flares crackle in the air though Alexis takes notice, and grabs a pair of mini-binoculars from a side pocket of her bag. "Looks like we aren't going to have to go far to find trouble to deal with."

Riptide slides to a stop next to her, but it's just to snap something scolding sounding at her with an accusingly point of a paw.

Alexis rolls her eyes. "Oh, -fine-." Ahem. "Avast! Warning flare off starboard bow!" Pause. "Or is that port?... Geez, why can't pirates just use left and right like everyone else?"

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio is not stranger to ships. He's done his share of sailing in the past, but piracy is a new one for him. ALl the better, Ezio LOVES branching out to do new things, and the Multiverse is quick to offer new oppertunities as far as activities go. He's also prepared for the worst, having loaded up on ginger as he munches a green apple, not to mention crackers to keep himself full of energy for the upcoming fight.

    Working around the ship keeps him busy and mobile, which is good to distract him from the unpredictable nature of the sea itself, though he does break only to approach the mage looking fellow as he flumps near the side.

    "You look miserable." He's nothing if not blunt, yet sharp enough to get to the point like a finely honed axe. "First time on a ship, I take it? Those are always the worst when it comes to sailing." Ezio remains conversational, giving Dorian a consoling pat on the arm. His hood is down, and will remain such until the time for battle comes, so the affable smile on his face is in full view.

    Best to distract the poor fellow from his stomach before he loses its contents, and so Ezio offers a hand. "Ezio Auditore. I don't believe we've met, and I make it a point to know every man and woman I work alongside in the Multiverse. And you are, Messere?"

    WHen the flare is called out, Ezio glances its way before he slips Dorian some crackers. "You might need these soon. I think we are almost there."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    And ideed, N'raha's spotted the flares, as have the crew. They know what's coming at least, but the Miq is still working it out. He lets out a tch at 'cat'n' but lets it go. Bert's his superior-ish in the Scions, anyways, so it's not his place to snark back.
    Ezio's taking care of poor Dorian, which is good, because N'raha's yelling up at the Crow's Nest. "What's it look like up there, Saffron?"
    A Roegadyn lady calls out. "We got ships leavin' the harbor, sir. Looks like a small squadron!" N'raha taps Alexis on the shoulder, and gently takes the binos from her as he scampers to the front of the ship. He's out of the armor, for now, but his Inferno Axe is slung low across his back.

    And in the distance, there's 5 ships leaving the pirate harbor flying the colors of... Reavers. The Serpent Reavers the Light Warriors stole the boat from in the first place. N'raha grumbles and calls out. "Reavers! Thought we took care of them in Sastasha! Uh... Four. No, five! Five. But one's not coming for us..." He lowers the binos. "Why isn't it coming for us?"

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
"The Sahagin are always recruiting more. I think they're Tempered." Bertram answers N'raha on that topic. He pulls out his staff and starts casting magic, apparently a little unstable on the water but mostly fine. Soon enough the comfortable blue energy shields start forming around the crew, captain and hired help. Including himself. "Either they're captives who stole a ship and are fleeing, or it's a distraction. We must needs be ready for a surprise, just in case."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Alexis and her pirate-speak catches Dorian's attention, and he blinks. "...This is the first time I've had trouble understanding someone out in the Multiverse," he remarks. "What language is that? And might I ask what did you say?"

    Dorian looks back at Ezio as the other man speaks to him. He offers a smirk in Ezio's direction. "Oh no, I've been on ships before. It just happens every time." Under his breath he mutters, "Bloody Waking Sea..." Back to normal volume, he exhales in a slight chuckle, and then continues, "I'm afraid I don't get along with open water very well in general. But I heard there were pirates that needed a lesson or two taught."

    Returning the handshake from Ezio, he returns, "Dorian Pavus, Altus mage of Tevinter. Good to meet you." He raises an eyebrow at the crackers, though. The flares and commotion get his attention too. "It looks like there won't be time, but thank you." Dorian smiles and then tucks the crackers into a pouch on his belt. The barrier going up aronud them all gets a nod from him towards Bertram (assuming he can see him, of course).

Alexis has posed:
Alexis lets N'Raha take the binoculars, stepping aside a bit to give the Miq some space at the railing. As he points out one ship isn't coming in their direction she frowns a bit as she mentally chews on that tidbit. "Either it's trying to escape with whatever loot they have... Or it's gonna try to flank us? Those would be my first two guesses, captain." A pause as Bertram offers his own insights. "Those are also good possibilities."

After another momentary thought she steps back and plucks a pokeball from her belt. "Maybe we should check it out? Com'n out, Firehawk." She clicks the ball open and in a flash of energy the large hawklike bird with flame patterning on its plumage materializes perching on the railing. Alexis steps back up the rail, pointing past it towards the one ship that isn't coming towards them. "See the ship that's not following the others? Think you can fly over there and take a look?"

Firehawk turns her head to look, then turns back and raises up one wing in a saluting like motion. "Taa taa taalooon." Followed by spreading both wings and taking off from the railing, swooping around a wide curve past one end of the ship and taking off in the direction of the ship that isn't coming in to fight.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio shakes firmly before pulling up the hood, approaching the other end of the ship to see the Reaver vessels. "Mmm, this might be a challenge." He muses, before suddenly making his way up the ship's mast. All that climbing has paid off, as the old man still has some moves.

    It's scary how fast he manages to climb towards the top, perching along the mast while producing a spyglass. He'll wait and see what this leads to, before making a move during this engagment.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Pirate Catte huffs a bit at all of the very good suggestions from Alexis and Betram... And then there's suddenly a Fire Bird that's out and flying for the 'escaping' ship. There's a bit of commotion from the crew, but they Yellowjackets had been told to expect some strange stuff today. Elites were just as unpreditcable as Adventurers.

    N'raha clambers up a bit onto some rigging to get a better perch for calling out orders. "Let's get ready for close in fighting. They're smaller than we are, but that just means we're going to have to be precise! And try not to sink 'em, they may have stuff we want!"
    'Stuff we want' gets a mixed reaction from the crew. Those from the Marauders seem much more enthusiastic about it than the proper Yellow Jackets. Something about Law and Order or some nonsense.

    The ship starts to turn to port, and there's a rattling belowdecks as cannons are movedand loaded and prepped. Dorian and Ezio are going to want to hold on pretty good, as another one of the sails is unfurled to give the ship some more speed.

    Firehawk's travel will take it over the pirate vessals, and there's some sporadic magical blasts aimed up at the Pokemon as it goes past. The ships headed for the 'Doesn't Have A Name' seem to be lightly armed with a few cannon each, smaller guns meant to harass and splinter less sturdy vessels.

    The ship that's travelling away from the island is sleeker and faster. A blockade runner. A smuggler's ship.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
Bertram seems wary enough about the pirates, clearly preparing for battle by calling upon more magics. This time, he calls upon the earth below the seas, rock rising up to fade into energetic barriers around crewmembers, cats and other companions. "Should we prepare for boarders or boarding, Cat'n?" He looks into the distance, trying to figure out how far they are. Unfortunately, he lacks the tools to see clearly at that range. "Either road, I'll try to destroy their sails. Lame their ships so they can't escape."

Alexis has posed:
Easiest thing to do would be think of a Pokemon Trainer as some kind of Summoner.

Alexis bites her lower lip for a moment as she watches the firebird fly off. A few of the magic shots come too close for comfort, but the agile avian manages to avoid any direct hits, as neither fire or ice are highly effective on it due to its own elemental typing. She does have to pull some quick maneuvering though, and that takes precious time off what could of been a straight shot otherwise, and she cranks off another Tailwind to give herself a farther boost in speed and close in on the solo ship.

Alexis turns her attention to matters at hand, pulling a second pokeball off her belt. Times like this, not being a hyperlinker that could instantly communicate with her pokemon at a long distance was a bother. This was suppose to help with that, but at the same time, it was ... well... she still wasn't very comfortable with this type of pokemon. All the same she holds the pokeball out at arms length, almost like what was inside worried her. "Okay you, just... don't make this difficult. We've got bigger things to worry about." And clicks the release button.

This time the flash deposits at her feet, solidifying into a small cat-like biped creature with lavander fur and folded ears. Which just turns and -stares- at Alexis without making a sound. Just... stares.. with one of those deep, soul piercing stares.

Goddamn Psychic types. Didn't help that Espurr had creepiness in its own right besides with those eyes.

It wasn't often one saw the tomboy falter, but this was one of those times. By the time Alexis is about to say anything the small psy-cat has turned her attention out towards the bird and forming a telepathic connection with it to communicate.

Then it stops and turns back to Alexis. Still not saying a word, and other than a few slow forelimb gestures not moving much either. But all one needs to look at is the way Alexis' expression scrunchs up slightly to know the creature was speaking to her mentally instead, and it felt awkward. But right now, it was necessary.

After the message Alexis turns back to N'Raha. "Firehawk says the other ship looks built more for speed than fighting. Like... a ship you'd use to get away with your goods?" She pauses, the grimaces a bit as she glares at the Espurr. "Oh would you just talk normally for a bit, the brain speech is gettin' weird."

There's almost a sighing huff from the lavander cat-mon as she folds her forelimbs like crossing arms. "Espurr. <<Fine. This is not a good time for discomfort.>>

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian blinks at the flash of energy from the deployment of the Pokemon. "Fascinating," he says, looking to Alexis. "I'll have to ask about that. Later, of course." Once they're not in danger of having their timbers shivered by pirates.

    Ezio suddenly climbing the mast with such speed and skill makes Dorian blink. Clearly he's done that before. for his part Dorian remains at the railing, waiting to see what will happen. At least he now has something to focus on besides his stomach, right?

    The sudden jump in speed makes him wobble and fall against the railing. Of course, his stomach gives an answering lurch, and he groans slightly. But he stands up as best as he can, and waits. There's no telling when the fighting will start.

    Bertram's words get a nod. "I can help with that," he offers. "I can cast lightning quite far."

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Once the wind picks up hard, Ezio grabs on tight to a rope while he maintains his balance. He is a bird of prey atop his perch, staring out with that creepy stare in his eye as he begins to scan for targets.

    He knows exactly what to do, and once a narrative amount of time passes and the ship begins to approach one of the vessels, Ezio springs into action. Leaping like an uncoiled spring, he aims his flight towards the opposite ship's beam, before he begins a descent. He draws a knife, plunging it into the sail to slow down until he is certain he'll survive the rest of the fall.

    And then he aims for the nearest crewmember, landing on him to break the fall as he plunges his dagger into the poor sailor's stomach.

    Then he draws his gunsword, Cold Embrace, and cocks the hammer back as he immediately trains the weapon on the next Reaver he sees. This is just him warming up, a chance he relishes deep down.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "HEY GUYS, what's going on?" Mentally, Kyra Hyral adds 'in this thread' to that but decides against it. Nobody here is internet savvy enough to get that so she doesn't even bother. The white mage swaggers up from below deck, only to promptly fall backwards when the ship changes in speed.

    "Gah! Who the hell is driving this thing!" she groans as she crawls back up the stairs, staying low to the ground.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Summoners and arcanists and rogues and conjurers. All of those folks that the pirates run into from time to time but few have extensive experience with. There's a bit more pep in the step of the crew as they come around and start to come broadside of the first of the cutters heading for them.

    Ezio's flashy maneuver over to the other ship gets some hoots and cheers from the pirates, as they start to instinctively get out grappling hooks to start boarding. But N'raha squawks at Alexis' message. "They're a screen! It's a diversion!" He swings around up on the rigging to hollar at the crew. "Take shots at these ones, but get me that Runner! That's the ship with the booty on it! For Limsa Lominsa and the Admiral!"
    He looks out at Ezio who... draws that gunblade. There's a clamoring of disconnection on the ship he just boarded, and a sudden hesitance to get too close to what clearly is a Garlean spy or something. But these men and women have been Tempered, and their hesitance can only last so long until their master Leviathan has to be answered. Axes and knives come out and sailors charge at the Assassin.

    On deck though, N'raha's hat has slipped a bit, and he's holding onto it with one hand and the ropes with another. "Alexis! Got any critters that can get us to go faster or stop that runner? We want her intact!"
    Two more of the pirate cutters have slid up alongside the No-Name and are starting to open fire on the hull with cannons and hooks. "PREPARE TO BE BOARDED! Knock them loose and send them back to Leviathan!" N'raha's really getting into this!

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha starts to scramble down from the rigging, his outfit flashing over to his armored gear. He pulls the axe from his back and calls out. "Mr. Bertram! Teach them the errors of their ways! Mr. Pavus! Help me drive them off the boat!" The Miqo'te charges and starts kicking and chopping at hooks and boarding tackle as pirates try to climb up into the No-Name.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio has gone blade to blade with Legatus Gaius van Baelsar before, infiltrating the warrior's airship by posing as one of his footmen. He did so, and lived to tell the tale and then some. Gaius was an enemy unlike anything Ezio had encountered before or after, but it was a very obvious wakeup call as to what he was dealing with in the Multiverse.

    The fear these pirates show as he draws that sword is completely intentional. Ezio can smell it on their faces as they take in this warrior, this /killer/, that's just come out of nowhere to ravage their ship.

    And really, it's the best advantage he could ask for as an assassin, after an entrance like that.

    As the pirates charge him, Ezio moves in a blurr as he raises his off-hand, using the gauntlet to protect his wrist as he blocks a knife's strike. That is followed up by Ezio plunging his freezing blade into the pirate's stomach. The other pirates are all accounted for, Ezio has no worry of being swarmed in this battle.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
'Helpfully' Bertram summons some air to knock N'raha's hat back into place. Then he gets to work properly, "Miss Hyral, pray handle the healing!" He request as he redirects his internal aether flows into a far more offensive layout, he rushes the boarders and gets to work, drawing upon the aether of the air, the sea, the ship itself to call forth powerful magics, which culminate in a subtly rising ball of light...

Which then explodes into a brilliant flash of energy. Washing over those Bertram does not intend to harm but the energy for those he intends to hurt is all that much stronger for it. Blinding, searing and perhaps worst of all, a tool of White Magic, diametrically opposed to most summoned beings and their servants. "May Rhalgr throw you back into the sea!" His voice sounds.

Alexis has posed:
At N'raha's question Alexis just grins one of those sort of cockney grins you'd expect from someone who's probably thinking of something more risky than what needs to be done, but that just makes it more interesting and challenging. "I was hoping you'd ask something like that." She motions to her 'mons as she walks back to the railing. She doesn't need to say anything for Riptide to jump over the railing, inflating his flotation bladders as he does so. Alexis twitchs a little as the Espurr climbs onto her shoulders, but shrugs it off as necessary. "Tell Firehawk to cause a disruption. But captain says we want the ship intact." The small psychic just nods a little before doing so. And Alexis jumps over the railing herself!

But there's no heavy splash, as she lands on the Floatzel's backside. His dual-tipped tail starts spinning like a propellor, and with an Agility to boost speeds off in the direction of the runner. Alexis hunches down partially to keep her balance, hair flapping about behind her as she rides the sea-otter like he was some kind of jet propelled surfboard. The technique is called Surf for a reason!

Back over the runner ship, Firehawk gets the mental message from the Espurr. She gives a squawk as she pulls up a bit, then folds back her wings and goes into a high speed dive, her entire body starting to glow as she aims to tear into one of the runner ship's sails with Brave Bird.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian nods at N'raha's statement. "Right then," he confirms. Ropes and wood burn very well. So that's what he does. He positions himself where he won't catch N'raha's ship on fire and starts quite ltierally firing the boarding ropes of the enemy ships. Gangplanks? They'll burn too.

    Better than that, should a boarding rope get past him and a pirate from the opposing ships attempt to get aboard? He'll just fire the pirate. With actual fire.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Right, right!" Kyra grabs ahold of a railing to steady herself. She does take a moment to watch Bertram, seeing him switch into the offensive stance-the name of which fails Kyra at the moment. If he was going on offense, then she'd play defense. Though without anyone in need of healing at the moment, she starts hitting people up with barrier-related white magic.

    For those watching, the magic functions perfectly well-which is fortunate. Summoning a typhoon right now would have been bad! She starts with Ezio, laying a Protect spell on him right away since he's immediately facing the pointy bits of incoming weapons. Another Protect spell follows, directed at Dorian. Bertram, then N'raha, receive Shell spells, to protect them from incoming enemy spells. She breaks away from the railing, running to the side of the ship. She tries to reach out with a spell to target Firehawk in particular, giving the pokemon a Shell spell. It'll feel a lot like a Light Screen.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    If you ever asked a sailor why there are so few Thaumaturges among those who set sail on the sea, the majority will look at you like you're stupid and say 'because ships are made of wood'. Which Is exactly why both Doria nand Firehawk make EVERYONE INVOLVED VERY FREAKING NERVOUS. Espcially that blockade runner that the pokemon divebombs. There's frantic shouts in both Eorzean and Saughagin of 'take it down!' and aeros and stones and arrows start firing up at the bird, even as it lights the top of the mainsail on fire and swoops away.

    Over on the No-Name, Dorian's new friends do not fare quite so well. Compounded with the fact that Bertram is throwing around Very Large Magic that's buffeting them away from the No-Name, the Salty Swallow is now starting to smoulder and catch fire. Not something that the Tempered pirates enjoy all that much. Dorian and Bertram and Kyra and Nr'raha are all going to have to put up with grapeshot and various bits of trash and garbage being shot at them by the deck guns of the skiff as Pirates frantically try to get out of the fire and the kill zone.

    Over on The Pride of Fanny, Ezio's got himself quite the collection of new friends. That first adventurous soul that charged him got a blade in the belly and now he's keeled over on the deck bleeding out. Someone wearing officer's rank hollars. "Don't fight him all proper like! Do him!" And then there's 6 guys charging him all at once. DON'T THEY KNOW THE RULE OF UBISOFT????

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Had Ezio known the name of this ship, he would've laughed. This is no laughing matter, however, in spite of the sheer glee he has in sowing terror among these scumbags.

    As he rips his sword free from the second victim of the day, Ezio feels a spell of some sort cast upon him. He does grin, underneath his hood, feral like a certain more wolfish member of the Brotherhood. Connor would be proud, he imagines, but that's irrelevant.

    The officer is Ezio's next target, as he raises his arm towards the poor sap. The sound of a bullet goes off, and the officer will find himself catching a round in the chest while Ezio then shifts targets, going back to melee again. As they grow more aggressive, Ezio begins parrying manuevers, sliding blades where he can stick them when he isn't evading so deftly the pirates prove more a threat to each other than to him with their haphazard swings.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    That Protect from Kyra is verry useful! Particularly when the shrapnel starts flying! The first bit of shrapnel that hits Dorian makes him wince, and he ducks. When he stands up again, the shoulder of his white cloak is bloody. He looks to his shoulder, and his eyes go wide. Don't worry though, he's not about to faint. No, in fact, he looks back at the enemy pirates' ship, his brows drawn down angrily.

    "Do you have ANY IDEA how much this cloak cost me?!" he complains. "Or how difficult it is to get blood out of leather?!" Apparently this is Dorian's Berserk Button, since right after this he aims his palm in the direction of the deck of one of the enemy ships. Not to worry, he is suitably far enough away from Ezio to not hit him with it. That is a REALLY BIG EXPLOSION, though.

Alexis has posed:
Talonflames are knowing for being fast and furious but not exceptionally durable, so the Shell spell is a thankful addition as Firehawk is soon getting numberous projectiles flung in her direction. The Aero spells aren't much, but even with protection those arrows would be uncomfortable. She manages to weave through most of them, but a well aimed stone catchs her straight in the chest. Getting hit with a rock is not a good thing when you're a Fire/Flying type. It might be sheerly from the Shell that she's able to regain her wings and pull up after the attack.

But diversion is what she was told to do, and she'll keep doing it it. She spreads her wings, and seems to hover in midair in defiance of physics (pokemon kinda do that) as her wings glow white, and then with a mighty flame she sends a small storm of crescent shapes hurtling at the ship's deck with Razor Wind.

Alexis crouchs down for a moment to grab onto the Floatzel's shoulders as they close in on the ship. "Let's see how they like it... Riptide, WATERFALL!" At the command the sea-otter bobs down in the water briefly...

Only for it to shoot up in a torret underneath him moments later, propelled with the power needed for climbing -up- the natural wonder the move is named after. This results in a surge of water coming up over the railing, possibly sweeping up some fo the pirates in the wash as it swirls past, depositing training and pokemon on the deck.

And as they land the Espurr jumps off her shoulders, landing just in front of Alexis. Her eyes glow brightly, and then there's a disorienting sensory overload unleashed at the deckhands as she blasts them with Flash with her psionic powers.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
Bertram gets hit by shrapnel, the shards cutting his skin and making blood drip onto his white robes. He ignores it best he can, he's felt worse, but it stings and interrupts his second Holy. He responds by teaching the pirates an important lesson, conjurers are no less dangerous on the high seas. The winds are a potent weapon in the hands of a skilled conjurer, and Bertram calls upon them, weaving them into offensive white magic until they're weapons no less sharp than a razor.

These invisible knives he sends flying at the enemy ships, each tearing and slashing not at the crew... but at the rigging. Trying to tear the sails of their ships and lame them, "Return to your lord, slaves of the whorl." He yells, with no hesitation or pity. "Find freedom of bondage in your sailor's grave."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra, busy as she was with her white magic had yet to actually cast any on herself. While up by the edge of the ship, she takes a full round of random junk shot at her plus a bonus fork embedding itself in her chest. Grunting, she drops down and takes cover behind the ship's railing.

    With a whine, she yanks the fork free and immediately presses a hand against the wound, cover it and slapping a cure spell on it simultaneously.

    After she's caught her breath, Kyra resumes with the buffs. First is Bertram, given a Faith spell to improve his magical damage. Dorian receives a Faith spell next.

    "Where'd that assassin guy go...?" she peeks her head up again, looking over towards the No-Name. All she can really see is a bunch of guys converging in on one target so she can't really help with that. Instead, she turns to study the talonflame.

    Physical attacker or magical attacker, Kyra wonders. It seemed like...both? She errs on the side of the whole 'ramming' thing she saw it doing last and casts Bravery on the bird to enhance its physical damage.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Well now all hell is breaking loose. Let's start with the poor fellows on the Pride of Fanny which are having to deal with an assassin. There are a /lot of dudes/ on this boat and now all of them have come topside to deal with the Garlean Assassin. The gunshot just confirms this as the Officer's shot straight through the neck and crumples over, gurgling and holding at his throat.
    More of the sailors lash out at Ezio while he's doing his thing, and there's strikes of club and blade on his armor as the parrying gets back to it.

    The Salty Swallow isn't having a good time of it either. Bertram and Dorian are both doing an excellent job of being Primary Artillery and lashing out at the pirates with wind and fire. There's not going to be much left of this thing, that's for sure, but 'Going Down With The Ship' is still something that even these Tempered are not relishing. Deep down, even with their Lord's 'blessing'... the know what awaits them on their way to the Lifestream. Frantic Pirates manage to make it to the No-Name, only to be met by Yellowjackets and a GrumpyCat, N'raha's axe coming around as he bleeds on the decking from a hole under an arm. Kyra and Bertram's spells are keeping everyone alive though, and that's the most important thing.

    The blockade Runner is about to have a bad day as well. Alexis probably /can't/ read the name 'Hot Tail' on the side of this one, but there are more... determined crew up on deck. Looks like all the scrubs and recently Tempered were sent out to throw themselves against the No-Name, because there's proper Suhagan and Salty Pirates on this ship, all of whom charge the Young Lady and her Little Animals.
    Oddly enough though? That Espurr's going to have an awful hard time doing anything but direct psionic assaults on these fellows... there's nothing it's going to be able to do to overcome the Tempering.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha calls out. "GET US MOVING! We need to catch up with Alexis! Ezio! Make it to us when you can!" And then the cat is grabbing his hat again, and hitailing it for the Wheelhouse to get the helmsman going in the right direction.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Clearly Ezio's outstayed his welcome, as he feels more than his share of abuse as the bruises and cuts pile up. That cloak of his is getting pretty badly bloodied, though he's still in fighting shape. As he dances from position to position, his sword parrying and striking with terrifying speed and accuracy, Ezio overhears Cat'n N'raha calling out to him mid-stroke.

    "Merda, seems I'm being recalled." he says, before he reaches in a pouch. Pulling the pin on a flashbang grenade, Ezio tosses it to the feet of the pirates before he makes it towards a line of rope hanging from the mast.

    By the time the flashbang does its work, Ezio's long gone hopefully, having made his way back to the No-Name with a dramatic swing on the rope. He lands on a Reaver, and springs to the catman's defense in battle.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
Bertram trusts Kyra to handle the recovery in between fights. He? He has better things to do. He calls upon the water, and though it may not be much, his magic is spent on giving it strength and energy, pushing the ship just a little faster to allow for the N'name to catch up to the Hot Tail. It seems to be taking a lot out of the White Mage, he's in fact already reaching for a bottle of yellow liquid.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian can feel his magical power increasing thanks to Kyra's Faith spell. He turns to Kyra and nods, and then a mischievous smirk pulls at his lips. It's as if he's telling her 'watch this'. He looks back at the approaching pirates from the Salty Swallow, aiming a palm out as he had done before. This time a large area on the deck should become electrified.

    He's sort of 'herding' the enemy pirates. As long as they stay in the area of electrification, they'll be fine. But this leaves them open to attack by others. If they move out of the area, a large orb of lightning above will try to zap them relentlessly. Mind, Dorian's allies can enter and leave the 'cage' with no issues.

    On top of being REALLY GOOD with lightning magic, Kyra's 'Faith' will probably up the damage the pirates receive from any zapping.

Alexis has posed:
The name is irrelivant, because the first thing Alexis does upon getting the whiff of the place is cover her nose with one hand. "Dear sweet Mew, it smells like a rotten fish market up here!" Hard to tell if that's literal, that she's making an insult at the fishlike Suhagan, or possibly both. The odds are -not- in their favor.

That just makes this an interesting challenge.

The glowing eyes fade a little, but Espurr cocks her head more than looks frightened by the ineffectiveness of her disruption attempt. "Espurr <There is something stronger taken root in their minds. Facinating.>"
"Be facinated later, here they come!" Espurr ducks down when the first pirate lunges at her, at the same time as Alexis is yanking her weaponized hockey stick out of her bag and swinging it like a battleaxe into the attacker's gut. "Riptide, work on slowing down the ship!", she manages to snap, bringing up her stick to trying and hold off several more attackers in a defensive stance.

The Floatzel turns and dives back over the railing into the water, only to start swiming in circles beneath the ship, until the water starts to churn in a similar rotation. He can't make a big enough Whirlpool to hold the ship in place, but maybe the cyclonic flow will be enough drag to continue slowing it down.

The runnder crew better not forget about the raptor though. With the surge of BRAVERY from whoever has been throwing beneficial effects at her the Flametalon recovers from her previous battering. A birdlike screech is the only warning anyone gets before Firehawk swoops back towards the fight, her spread wings taking on a metallic sheen to clobber anyone that doesn't get out the way of her speed and the ATK boost from Kyra with Steel Wing(s).

The small Espurr also gets back on her feet, her disconcerting stare having not faded in the least. That psionic glow... does not come from her eyes this time, as she uncurls her eyes instead. For those that do not know pokemon, this is a Bad Thing.

Because what can only be described as a mental pain similar to having a huge spike slammed into your skull is what will come to the pirates as the small psychic unleashes her full psionic power. "<CLOSED MINDS ARE ALL THE MORE FUN TO BREAK OPEN!>

And people wonder why Alexis is weirded out by Psychic types...

N'raha Tia has posed:
    KERBLAM. Ezio's flashbang goes off, and he's away from the Fanny in a flash of flashy and also dripping blood. He'll need to get that looked at, eventually, or choke down some of that shit he gets from those shady ass plague doctors. N'raha squawks a bit at the sudden appearance of the assassin, before he calls out. Hold on, they're doing something make us go faster!

    And even as Dorian's efforts to cage the pirates onto just a part of the already smouldering and burning Swallow starts to border on the sadistic, the No-Name starts to pull away from the squadron of skiffs and cutters and towards the Blockade Runner. Oddly enough, they are /trying/ to give chase, inasmuch as the men on the boats are sailing them in the direction of the No-Name and the Tail.

    Over on the Tail, there's more clamoring as the Tiny Lady starts to brawl with the pirates, that hockey stick looking like a cudgel in her hands as she starts beating men in the gut with it. There's more clamoring though, as one of the conjurers breaks through the scrum and lands an Aero on the Trainer, trying to slash at her with cutting winds and choke her out.
    That's coupled along with shouting from the men as several of the Tempered sailors keel over, holding their heads in pain and perceived agony as the Espurr blasts them in the forebrain. There's also consternation as that Damnable Phoenix is back, lashing holes in their sails and there's now a minor maelstrom holding them back. The No-Name is gaining....

Alexis has posed:
If they're scared of that they should be glad Alexis doesn't have one of the -real- Phoenix pokemon. As Firehawk and Riptide are focused on slowing the ship down for the No-Name to catch, we'll keep our attention on the actual fight. The psionic blasting is intense, mainly because once their full power has been unfurled there really is no holding back for the Espurr. It's taking everything she can to keep from accidentally mindblasting her own allies to boot. The easiest way to keep her focus? She starts singing some horrible J-Pop song to herself. In her mind.

Which means that is the exact same thing that goes blasting into every other mind she's assaulting. That might be boardering on cruel and unusual punishment, but these are brainwashed pirates and fishmen, so maybe not.

The pirates get in several good hits thanks to their numbers, but Alexis is capable of giving it out as much as she takes. Up until the Aero blast catchs her while she's on the physical defensive and slams her backwards into the side of the deckhouse. She heaves a groan as she slumps partway, proverbial wind knocked out of her briefly.

But knocking the Trainer for a loop is a good way to get more Pokemon to respond of their own violation to protect them, and of ones accord pops out of it's pokeball on it's own. On the deck in front of Alexis lands a fairly small blue and black shrimp-like pokemon.... Then one realizes that it may be small but it's right claw is three times it's own size. Magnum opens said claw, and unleashes a blast of water at the pirates that packs so much pressure it's like getting hit with the same force as a cannonball.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Hey, Ezio is covered in blood! Kyra can see that!

    Her instinct, of course, is to throw a Cura at him, because of COURSE he must be badly injured if there's that much blood on him, right? Only a careful inspection afterwards lets her realize that, uh...all that blood is probably from other dudes. "..oh. Uh. You're okay, right?"

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    The fact of the matter is Ezio's too stubborn a man to notice when he's badly injured. His side got a nasty slash wound in the melee, soaking through his robes and armor even as he escapes the Pride of Fanny.

    That said, Ezio seems otherwise inconvienenced as he feels the gash knit together from Kyra's magic. "Not all of it is mine." He says calmly to the young woman, before he draws a throwing knife, flinging it at one of the pirates that have invited themselves aboard.

    "I do not believe we gave permission to board, gentlemen!" He calls out, before flourishing his gunsword once more, leaping into the middle of battle. Today's fight is not finished yet, but Ezio is quick to ensure that it DOES end on this crew's terms today.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    As the No-Name begins to pull in the direction of the Tail, Dorian looks at the Swallow and smiles pleasantly, offering a merry wave to the (possibly) lightning-caged pirates. See this is what happens when you offend Dorian's sense of style. Of course, the whole 'tried to murder him' probably didn't help the pirates' case, either. Though it's anybody's guess which ticked him off more.

    He holds his fire (and lightning) until the No-Name gets close enough to the Hot Tail that Dorian can hit it. In the meantime he looks over as Ezio returns, covered in blood. "I should bring you along next time I need to go traveling in Thedas," he remarks. "You wouldn't believe the sheer amount of people who pop up wanting to murder me while I'm on a typical trip."

    However. Ships. Ezio probably has the boarders on the No-Name handled well enough; the Assassino's talent for killing rivals the Antivan Crows. So when the No-Name gets close enough to the Tail, Dorian aims a lightning bolt at the mast of the ship, hoping to cripple it. Or at least slow it down A WHOLE LOT.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
Bertram chucks his ether as soon as they close in, and lets his energy recover a little more until they get within range. That's when he calls upon the earth below the sea, distant but ever powerful. He lets the elements know he needs their aid, and they respond. A builder on the bottom of the sea, aided by magical water currents starts to float upwards, rapidly closing on the surface, until it comes above, flying towards the Hot Tail like an oversized cannonball, and a good deal more likely to shatter into chunks of shrapnel after impact.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The No-Name is hot on the heels of the Tail now, thanks to all the magical shenanigans going on to urge the ship faster and closer. Close enough to get into magic and cannon range at the very least. And boy do the cannons open fire. The Marauders on board seem to have been neglected in the 'murder the crap out of pirates' and they set into their task with relish as they pull up broadside to the Tail and open fire.
    And then more magic is happening. A massive boulder rockets out of the water, breaking up on the sudden change of speed between liquid and air and lashing out at the mainsail of the Tail. The lightning is just the final straw, snapping it in two and sending it crashing down to the deck. That's the Tail foundered and adrift. Sailors and fishmen scatter and flee from the carnage and try to angle for more work repelling Alexis. That's going to be harder though, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Pinchy there, as the Pistol Shrimp knocks several of the pirates clear overboard from the wrong side of the deck. That give Alexis more than enough breathing room to get up and clear, at least. It also opens up the range between Espurr and the horrible men who have to listen to her K-Pop which just makes everything worse.

    There's a commotion from the Wheelhouse, as N'raha comes clamoring out of the helm, wearing his armor, patched up, and rip-raring to go. "ALRIGHT GENTS. LET'S GO! I-" One of the Roegadyns clamps a hand on his shoulder though. "Cap'n we need you on board the ship. Ye got men to do that fer ya." N'raha staggers at the force of the grip, before sighing and rushing to kick the Pirate that just boarded his ship back into the water. "You heard the man. GET ME MY BOOTY!"

    On board the Tail, a bigger Sahuagin blasts open the door from below decks and bellows. "GET THEM! No drylander issssss going to take back what belongs to Leviatthhhhhan! GET THEM!" And now it's going to get into a scrum as the two ships board each other.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Just as Ezio is about to keel over he finds himself nearly getting roasted by one of Dorian's fireballs. "Mind your targets!" he calls out to the mage, before calmly brushing flames from his shoulder. "Come with me, Dorian, we must press the assault!" Motioning for the mage to follow, Ezio turns to the Tail as the enemy ship's crew begins to board.

    "Men, repel boarders! Hold fast and defend this vessel with your lives! INSIEME PER LA VITTORIA!" He roars, full of life once again as he draws his gunsword, and begins to leap across to the Tail.

    It's got to be a confusing scene now, with both crews boarding opposing ships, but Ezio focuses on sowing chaos among the Tail's crew.

    The big lizard guy sounds like he's high ranking, so he'll do as a target now. Ezio gets that focused, terrifying glint in his eye again, and he begins to make a beeline towards the Sahuagin, sword in hand.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    With this close of confines in melee, using magic is going to place Dorian's allies in the same range as his enemies. And that means he's liable to hit allies with his magic. 'Friendly' fire is still fire, after all. That doesn't mean Dorian's helpless, though. No indeed. "Right behind you!" Dorian calls back to Ezio. As he heads toward Ezio, the first pirate who gets within striking range will end up taking three serpentine dragon heads carved out of magically-enhanced wood to the face.

    Dorian is no squishy mage, and a staff gives him better range in attacking and parrying than even most swords. He parries attacks and thwacks pirates with that staff with skill that speaks of training. His ultimate goal is to clear the path for Ezio to get to lizard-man.

Bertram Silent (826) has posed:
There are boarders to repel, but Bertram is low on juice. So instead of going for an all out offensive, he's merely going to asisst in whatever ways he can. The wounded are sent spells to knit their wounds and reinforce their flesh, the N'raha is sent air to maintain the proper position of his hat, and that's going to have to be it. He's spent a lot, and he can't quite properly recover in time.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis is getting back on her feet fully when Firehawk comes down to land next to her, looking winded. Even with Kyra's protective spells bolstering her she's taken a long experience in this fight. "Good job givin' us time to get here, girl." Alexis pats the avian on the head before recalling her. "And thanks for the save there, Magnum." The Clawitzer raises his smaller claw like a salute... and then proves the bigger claw is good for what you would expect it to be for as it is for shooting as he CLAMPS it on a pirate's ankle and whips him away again.

Pirates have gone overboard. One of the Sahaugin tries to swim back up to the ship, only to get tackled underwater by Riptide. Normally fighting doesn't keep going underwater, but when both sides have underwater capable fighters, it's an entirely different matter.

The repise, however, is brought to an end when a HUGE Sahuagin bursts out from the lower decks. Alexis looks at him, looks at her weapon, and looks at him again. "I'm gonna need a bigger stick... Oh, wait." Who needs a stick when she's still got pokemon. "SIC 'EM CATALYST!" Oh hey, on the spot naming.

The other pirates get a breather, though they're going to likely have their own boarding issues to deal with, as the Espurr's attention is drawn away from them. "<.. That shall be an apt name, I suppose.>" thought almost entirely in deadpan as she turns towards the much larger fishman with that unnerving stare. Though he's probably too mentally tempered for her to jab psionic spikes in his brain. So instead she focuses her telekinetic power to hurtle a Psyshock at him instead, which turns her impressive psionic power into a bludgeoning physical force.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    No sooner than she finishes cleaning up Ezio, all hell seems to break loose. Ships invading other ships. Ugly fishmen shouting at each other. Praising Leviathan! Madness! A startled yelp escapes the white mage and she quickly shuffles over to Bertram since he seems like he'd make good cover for now with his healing spells going. As she moves, Kyra draws a pair of guns from her holsters.

    These are not dart guns. These are real guns. One is an ornate looking revolver made by Lloyd Irving, the Luna's Resolve. The other is a handgun made by Psyber, which Kyra calls the Psyber Special.

    She promptly unloads, shooting pirates as they board N'raha's ship.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    As much as Bertam is hurting for Aether right now ,there's no shortage of thanks coming from the crew. Every sailor knows the value of a good conjurer and A White Mage even more so. He'll have plenty of cover of extra bodyguards as Pirates start to storm the ship...

    Which is going to be a real problem for them because N'raha and Kyra are on board, are feisty and ready to go. The Miqo'te in particular has been... antsy since this whole days started, and now that he's got Tempered in front of him, he's awfully anxious to get something direct done. And as the Sahagin and Hyur start to pile on the ship, that axe comes around in sweeping, aether backed blows, lashing out at the boarders. And as much at the other Marauders might outrank him, he has the Blessing and even those clumsier strikes are packing an awfully large punch.
    Kyra's pistols rattle their cages as well, as Tempered start to fall with bullets in their chests and other important bits, and there's... not a lot these poor fellows can do at this point. This was all a poor idea from the start, wasn't it?

    Aboard the Tail, it's another matter. Alexis is already fending off fishmen and assholes, and now Dorian and Ezio are there as well. The chum of the ship start to back off until the large fellow stomps forward on webbed feet, brandishing a trident the size of Ezio. "THissssssss vesssal is no longer yoursss, airbreathers. We know you've got thosssse of Hydaelyn on your sssship, but who are you to come here?" He howls. "I am Blessed by the Whorl, and you are just MORTAL." He howls, and-
    Dorian was throwing fire. This fellow hurls water and ice, and plenty of it. There's a sudden cluster bomb of ice spikes at the feet of the Heroes, lashing out in sharp cutting barbs of frozen water. That's coupled with an attempt to knock them overboard with a wave of water conjured from the side of the boat.

Alexis has posed:
And in a somewhat surprising turn considering all the snarking on her creepiness Alexis has been doing, the Espurr is the one that jumps in to her rescue, hastily erecting a Light Screen to buffer the barrage of ice spikes and water waves. But the sheer intensity is forcing the small psychic down in her effort to hold it at bay. "<Getting.. to be... much strain...>"

"I think its time to pull the trump cards out." And this is when Alexis gets serious, and lets loose the human sized badger that is her starter. "Scorch, take some of the wash outta his tide pool." <Gladly.> The Typhlosion's collar of flames flare up... but he's not attacking. Instead he's cracking up his body temperature to heat up the air across the shipdeck, making things as hot and bright as an intense Sunny Day. This will weaken the water attacks and make the ice attacks less precise, as well as boost up anyone else using fire powers (or magic).

In combination with the Light Screen, which reachs out to other allies on the Hot Tail (now literally hot!), it's going to take some of the hefty punch out of the water or ice attacks.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    The force of the magic isn't something that Dorian can parry with a staff. He's flung back and down to the deck of the ship. On the bright side that means he's already down and not easy to sweep off the deck with the conjured wave of water. On the other hand that means he basically gets waterboarded as the wave hits him. Once the wave dies down, Dorian's able to breathe again, though he's coughing out water for a few moments.

    Dorian uses his staff to get to his feet again. "That was," a pause to cough, "exceedingly unpleasant." However, now that the pissants have backed off for their lord to use his most powerful abilities... that means so can Dorian.

    It's not just fire that Dorian's good with. A large round glyph forms in the air just in front of him. And as he spreads his arms out in front of him, a multitude of lightning blasts explode from it, each one seeking the one with the trident.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Unfortunately, this guy seems specialized in ice magic. That makes Ezio's sword, an ice-enchanted Gunsword, a bit of an inconvienent pick for battle. That realization hits him just as hard as the torrent of water, and he's knocked off his feet for a good moment.

    Sputtering as he tries to breathe again, Ezio gets to his feet and sheathes the gunsword. After helping Dorian to his feet, having landed next to the mustacioed mage, Ezio picks a new loadout for this. He opts for a dagger in one hand, and a handful of throwing knifes in the other, all lined with micro-explosives. He flanks to the trident wielder's left, letting Dorian and Alexis handle debuffing him as he flings the smaller knifes one by one. The blades, should they find their target, explode with small blasts like firecrackers on steroids, which will harm both the lizard man and anybody near him. "Stay clear!" he calls to his fellows, trying not to get a friendly-fire situation here.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Big Fish follows up one of the waves of water by trying to bodily tackle Ezio, putting 400 pounds of trout into a ballistic package that instead runs smack into another one of Dorian's damnable lightning cages. That puts a stop in his plans for being a footballer and instead sends him stumbling forward into the remains of the mainsail.
    Explosive knives are a new thing as well. The Fishman sees... something coming, and tries to raise his own Shell but doesn't make it in time, the explosives slapping into his scales and flesh, knocking his armor awry and battering him into the sides of the boat.

    That is all followed up by the sudden appearance of the Typhlosion, the Fire Starter causing Pirates to scatter and try to get far far away as it blasts the area with Light and starts drying out Mr. Fish.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra definitely does not stop until she has to reload...which actually doesn't take very long for it to happen. Kyra's Luna's Resolve only takes six bullets at once, prompting her to take a few steps back into the bodyguard cluster to use them as cover to take that reloading time.

    "Hey Bertram, how are you holding up?" she asks, shouting over the din of the crazy fighting. Once she's reloaded, she moves again, not willing to use the bodyguards as shields-because Bertram needs them right now more than she does.

Alexis has posed:
With the ice and water assault wittled down to less than constant, Catalyst at least gets a moment to wipe some sweat off her forehead with one forearm. Alexis, as well, takes the moment to get her bearings properly back together. To which she puts a hand on the Espurr's head, kinda petting her in gratitude, and kind of using the moment to fold her ears down so she chills with the psychic powers. "Yer still kinda creepy, but I guess it's a good sort of creepy."

Scorch blows a few embery smoke whisps between his lips, clearly enjoying the moment of being the scariest thing on the ship as pirates scatter just because he's apparently on fire. "Typhlosion? <Shall I finish the fishstick off?>"

But Alexis waves him down. "Don't rush it. They may want to take him prisoner for crimes and what not." She's not entirely sure what the laws on that regard are here, so she's playing it safe for the moment. "But if he so much as twitchs a fin in a hostile manner again, make a tuna cassarole outta him."

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    With the fishman weakened, Ezio gets a perfect oppertunity to finish the fishman off.

    He charges the pirate, putting all his strength into a shoulder-tackle before he produces a grenade, pulling the pin before stuffing it in the Fishman's maw after forcing it open. Then before the grenade goes off, Ezio hauls the Fish overboard, letting him fall to the ocean just in time for the frag grenade to go off.

    Before even waiting for an explosion, Ezio turns to the remaining pirates still alive. "Does anybody else wish to fill his shoes?" He asks, giving that cocky smirk as he awaits a response.

    There may be fish guts all over the bulkheads of both vessels. That's going to be a bitch to clean.

Alexis has posed:
".. Nevermind," Alexis quips a moment later when Ezio shoves the pirate fishman over with a grenade in his mouth. Though her tone is somewhere between not surprised by this, and that she probably expected someone else to do something anyways.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian backs up when the fish-thing seems to falter. He's not foolish enough to press the attack just because he THINKS the enemy might be down. This 'Tempering' he's heard of, it would probably only alow for victory or death, so he's not expecting this one to surrender.

    Ezio handles the problems of the fish-king quite nicely! Dorian's brows rise as he watches the finishing blow. "...Clever. I'll have to remember that one," he observes.

    However, because of that same Tempering, Dorian is not about to think things are done yet. Hence he then casts a barrier around Ezio and Alexis. If he can manage this, a blue light will wash over the Assassin and Pokemon trainer -- and possibly her active Pokemon too. It won't last too terribly long, but it should bolster their defense as long as it lasts.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Mr. Fish has had a bad day. First there were Yellowjackets coming. Then they weren't Yellowjackets, but instead a bunch of assholes on a boat that could stop his men. Then they were on HIS boat.

    And now he's not thinking much of anything as his corpse bleeds out as it sinks into the depths of the ocean.

    Till the sea swallows all.

    The rest of the pirate crew are easy enough to goad into Not Fighting but those among the Yellow Jackets and the Marauders are going to be doing their best to make... whatever it is they have to do here with the Tempered more humane. At least figure out who these poor people are and inform their families before disposing of them.

    The loot's pretty good tnough, on the upside. You've got plenty of Limsa gold and cash floating around, a whole lot of trade goods, and a collection of some fancy weapons that feel more magical than they look. Though... N'raha has found himself an old hunk of junk axe that speaks to him for some reason...

    Howver, most of that is getting turned back over to the Yellowjackets for processing, cataloging, and dispersing back to their proper owners. All in all... a day well sailed!

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Well, this was unexpected.

    Ezio had hoped the pirates would just break ranks and run like hell, scurrying like rats wherever they can at the death of who was clearly the leader of this fleet. And yet, they just stand there gormlessly like zombies.

    It's absolutely disturbing even to Ezio, as he just awkwardly stand there, before shaking his head. Brushing blood and gore from his shoulders like he'd gotten dirt on the sleeves, the assassino claps Dorian on the shoulder. "My thanks, I've been upgrading since I came about the Multiverse, so to speak." He says with a chuckle, before he begins towards the No-Name. "Come, we better make ourselves scarce while the Guild handles cleanup. We have done what we were hired to do." He does help himself to a couple weapons of sufficient quality worth his time, mainly a sword and a hatchet claimed from one of the higher ranking pirates slain. They may be worth inspection by an expert later, but otherwise just trophies of battle for the most part.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis retrieves her various other pokemon now that the fighting is over with for now, but its oddly the Espurr that she leaves out. Though instead of her she looks out over the railing at the water. Considering these people were swayed under Leviathan, it was a suitable place to gaze thoughtfully.
"You were blasting around in their minds, Catalyst... Is it true?"
The Espurr tilts her head to one side. "<There is a shadow wrapped within their minds that would never let go. No matter what amount of prodding or prying. Is that what you mean?>"
"Yeah." Alexis stared at the water. Particularly the blotch of blood floating in where the big fish went down. "More twisting and perversing the minds and souls of others."
"<I can tell as much, even with this brief experience with. This is not the type of reversable corruption you are use to dealing with, sadly.>"

Alexis shook her head a little, but just like that the introspective moment is gone again. "Hey, Captain Tia." That actually has a nice ring to it. "You do have a means to get this ship back to port to sort through it's holds, right. I mean... y'know...." She waves at the main mast that, between her bird and Dorian's lightning, no longer exists. "Kinda dead in the water otherwise."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Woo!" Kyra slots her guns away. "Piracy: successful! Yeah!" Kyra tries to get a fistbump out of Bertram for all his troubles. After that, she'll go around to double check and clean up the wounded, dispensing cures as needed.

    Her MP seems pretty inexhaustable right now. Bertram would notice she hasn't been drinking ethers (BLUE ethers like COSMA intended!) but on the other hand, she hasn't been casting holy spells frequently today.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    As the Yellow Jackets are pickign through the Loot, N'raha is sitting on top of the prow of the No-Name, chugging one of Bertram's grogs to steady his nerves and come down from his battle high. 'Captain Tia' though, shakes him from his moment and he stammers, his tail fluffing up.
    "Gah, ah... Ti-tia is not a last name, Miss Alexis. That's... That just means I'm not allowed to lead one of the tribes. I'm a bachelor, I guess is a good translation. N' is my family name, so Captain N'raha is how... how it should go."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian's a little disturbed by the standing around too. "...It's like they've all been made Tranquil," he mutters, looking around suspiciously at the pirates until they're dealt with.

    Ezio's statement gets a nod. "Good idea. I don't want to end up cleaning up after THIS party," he agrees, with a smirk.

    He also has the grace to look sheepish at Alexis pointing out the lack of mast. "It was the first way I could think of to stop the ship, and time was limited," he says, by way of apology.

    Dorian is also totally going to nick a staff. Because he's a mage, and mages use staves.

Alexis has posed:
"... Oh." Alexis rubs the back of her head with one hand. "My bad." She's.. not even going to ask how that works keeping track of things. "But the question still stands about getting this boat to dock somewhere."