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The Smith and the Tailor
Date of Scene: 27 October 2015
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: Lloyd retrieves his outfit from Tomoyo's Boutique!
Cast of Characters: 373, Tomoyo Daidouji

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    It's a clear spring day in Tomoeda, and the air is getting quite heavy with pollen and the scent of blooming flowers. Bells are going off at the schools to signal the end of the day. Students who don't have club or cleanup activities are making their way home, chattering away with each other cheerfully.

    On this day, Tomoyo has no choir practice, so she can be found unlocking the door to her Boutique and stepping inside! The sign is flipped, and she heads upstairs to change into her actual work uniform.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Across the sky of Tomoeda, some might spot a figure. At first it might seem to be a rather large, misshapen bird... with... see through wings and swords sheathes...

    That's no bird.

    Lloyd swoops across the sky, turning in the air as the air rushes around him. He knows exactly where he's headed today, of course, but he's taking a moment to stretch out and fly around. He's clean-shaven again, apparently giving up on the dwarven beard he seemed to be working on. He's dressed oddly, at least for him, in a pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt, and white sneakers. Of course, his trademark red sheathes are in place across his hips, and as he swoops into a dive they jostle a bit against the unfamiliar material of his jeans.

    He lands in an alley, allowing his wings to disperse completely before he takes to the public street. Of course, he still stands out, but perhaps a bit less so. Maybe.

    The sight of Tomoyo's Boutique brings a small grin to his face, and he makes his way to the shop, entering before leaning back against the doorframe.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "Mommy, what's that?!"
    "It looks like a... hm. It must be an Elite, dear."
    "I want to be an Elite when I grow up!"

    Yes, Lloyd's arrival is not completely stealthy. Sakura's flying escapades have trained the citizens to look up every now and again in case she's flying by. But, he actually gets a few cheers and claps along the way!

    Everyone in Tomoeda is so nice.

pon landing and entering, the bell above the door jingles cheerily, just in time to meet Tomoyo as she comes downstairs, tightening the knot on her yellow apron. She beams, and walks up to the counter to greet Lloyd with a proper bow.

    "Hello Lloyd, and welcome back~ Here to pick up your commission?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd returns the bow, offering a small smile to the shop's patron. He rolls his shoulders, then nods a bit. "Yep! Sorry for the long delay," he says, rubbing the back of his head, "My smithing has been occupying a lot of my time." He rests his hands on his sword hilts, turning to glance back out at Tomoeda. "I guess Elites are becoming commonplace around here, huh?" he says, chuckling, "People in Iselia still freak out when an outsider show up. It's so strange."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo shakes her head softly at Lloyd's apology. "Oh, don't worry about it. Everyone is busy most of the time, I understand~" At that moment, the bell above the door chimes again, as Yamazaki arrives! "Yamazaki, go upstairs and get Mr. Irving's outfit please?" The young man nods, and heads up the stairs!

    "What have you been making?" she asks, some genuine curiosity in her voice. She's met surprisingly few fellow craftsmen in the Multiverse thus far! "Oh yes, quite a few have been coming to see me, actually." She smiles and puts a hand to her cheek which has gone a little red.

    And now, Yamazaki returns with a plastic bag on a clothes hanger, which Tomoyo hands across the counter. "Please, feel free to use the changing rooms to try it. If you need any help, I can send Yamazaki in after you."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smiles, gesturing to the weapons at his sides. "I've been churning out weapons like a mad man lately," he says, "My armor attempts are coming along a bit better, but still working on that. In my spare time, I've been studying wing packs. They can hold immense amounts of items, like some sort of subspace hole or something. I think I can replicate it with a spell. If I can... it'd increase my versatility in the field."

    He shakes his head. "Magic is pretty hard, though. I mean... actually learning it, rather than having it somewhat controlled through Seraph nature or a Device." He sighs, rumples his hair, then takes the outfit and heads for the fitting room. "I've been looking forward to this," he says from inside the dressing room, "Your design was incredible... and it looks just as good in reality!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo listens with rapt attention as Lloyd explains his most recent project! "Ooohhhh, if I could do that with pockets... or make the inside of a piece of clothing 'bigger' so it could pack more protection... ah! Not to steal your idea or anything~ If you figure it out, please let me know! I can't do magic at all, so I would need some help in doing anything like that."

    As Lloyd slips into the dressing room, Tomoyo waits patiently outside. The contents of the bag consist of the full outfit! The dark green buttoned top with folded white wrist cuffs, with matching pants made to be held up with a white belt. The brown full apron with the slit down the middle between the legs to permit full movement. The black leather boots and fingerless gloves (the left one cut open to reveal the symbol on Lloyd's hand). And lastly, that red cape with the white emblem of a hammer striking an anvil with that symbol in red on it.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd chuckles, clothing rustling as he changes. "Sure! It's not something I have to keep to myself, after all, and having a use beyond my own desire would be nice!" He pulls the gloves on, staring at the Scar of the World-Slayer on the back of his hand. It was emblazoned on the cape as well, the symbol of his greatest sin and simultaneously his greatest success as General. He stares for a long moment, then steps out of the room, fluorishing the cape as he does. "This is pretty comfortable," he says, looking down at the outfit, "You really outdid yourself!"

    He examines the outfit once again, turning his upper body and testing his maneuverability. "It's a little heavier than my old outfit, but considering I had to retire it, I think this is a magnificent replacement! Thank you!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo is waiting with a digital camera in hand when Lloyd emerges from behind the purple curtain. She's clearly delighted by how it all came out. "You look very dashing!" she exclaims, eyes alight with happiness. Raising the camera, she takes a photo!

    Afterwards, she begins to lecture Lloyd on the features of the outfit as she heads back to the counter. "The apron is totally flame-proof and insulated, so you can work comfortably while wearing it. The clasps on the cape will actually separate when it's pulled on, so if someone grabs it, feel free to move away from them! It'll come right off. The gloves have amazing grip, so you're not likely to fumble a sword or a hammer! And of course, the whole thing is made with spider silk and Kevlar weave, so they'll stop a small knife, at the very least."

    Going behind the counter, she quickly totals up the cost of materials and labour. It's still a very reasonable price!

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    With his old clothes tucked under his arm in a bundle, Lloyd moves toward the counter. He smiles brightly as she lists the features of the outfit, patting the apron fondly. "That's quite the suite of capabilities," he says, chuckling, "I'll make sure to keep them at home when I'm out to battle. Otherwise I'll be back for repairs every other week." He reaches for his wallet, glancing at the bills in the leather pouch instead of the Gald coins he's more used to. Pulling out the appropriate amount, he passes the money over to Tomoyo.

    "If you need weapons, armors, or jewelry of any kind, feel free to call on me. I'm always looking to improve my craft, and it's the least I can do in exchange for such quality!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "Well, Elites have all sorts of unusual requirements for their clothes~ So I do my best to meet them, even if they don't specifically ask." At Lloyd's offer, she gets a calculating look in her eye as she examines him, rubbing her chin. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind~"

    And with that? She takes the Gald and puts it in the register, which is packed with unusual currencies at this point. And then she bows to him once more. "Thank you for choosing Tomoyo's Boutique. Please, come again!"