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Secret Santa II: Fun With A Red Miss
Date of Scene: 02 January 2016
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Fayt finds out a little too late what Riva had planned with her Secret Santa: A blind date with Nero. Hilarity ensues.
Cast of Characters: 319, Riva Banari, 880

Riva Banari has posed:
Familia Martinelli is a fairly nice Italian restaurant found in downtown Urbania. The decor is fresh and authentic, the food is delicious (and also fresh), and the service is outstanding (but not fresh, that would get complaints).

Fayt was provided with an invitation and a reservation for a specific date and time with an odd poem. What could it possibly be about? Either way, the only way to find out is to go. The entryway is arched, with hanging baskets of flowers and herbs that lend a vibrant contrast to the wood interior. Fayt is met at the counter by the matire'd, who takes his coat (if he brought one) and promptly seats him. "Ah yes, Ravus, table for two! Excellent. I will make sure you will be brought together when they arrive."

The dining room itself is open, but there is enough room between the tables to give a feeling of personal space as one eats. This particular table happens to have a pair of candles on it and a bottle of wine in a bucket of ice already prepared, the latter sitting on a small table adjacent to the dining place. "A waiter will be with you shortly, Mr. Ravus." He says, before Fayt is left to his... well... fate.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Some would argue that you can't fight fate. Fayt would argue that you totally could, but why would you do that? What'd he ever do to you anyway?

    Either way, Fayt's pretty sure ignoring the gift wouldn't end well, and thus he shows up on time, dressed for the occasion and looking more than a touch confused as he takes his seat. "So... what have I been dragged into this time?"

Nero (880) has posed:
     Fayt finds out what he's been dragged into soon enough when a loud voice sounds. "BEHOLD! I, Emperor Nero, have arrived, and am on the scene!" The doors are thrown open, and in strides the Emperor herself, wearing a casual red dress and heels. The click clack sounded more like a countdown to one's doom right about now.

     She handed her coat off, and strode in...right to Fayt's table. With a broad smile, she sat down as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Good evening, Sir Supply Officer! I have been informed that I am to be your date for the eveening! Are you not filled with rapturous joy!?"

Riva Banari has posed:
And then things get a little weirder.

The waiter arrives right on cue, bearing a pair of menus. 'He' is dressed in a baggy white shirt and black pants, whith a white and red checkered cloth over one arm and a big bushy brown moustache on an obviously feminine face. And if that wasn't enough of a giveaway, a red ponytail is poking out of a cap. "Mama mia! Welcome-a to Familia Martinelli!" Totally Not Riva says in a terrible Italian accent. "I will-a be-a your waiter this evening!" 'He' offers both of them menus, and then picks up the bottle of wine. "It's-a so nice that you-a both to have a date-a tonight. A handsome man and a radiant woman, it-a melts-a my heart! Please, let me-a pour you both some-a wine and I will be back to take your order. Don't-a worry..."

There's a wink. "It's on-a the house."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt freezes in place as Nero speaks up.

    As she takes her seat, he doesn't move.

    As she askers her question? He doesn't move.

    As Totally Not Riva shows up and pours wine. He doesn't move.

    He's not even blinking.

    Its' not untill several moments, possibly even a full minuite after Riva leaves that Fayt finally, reacts to everything that just happened.

    He squeaks.

Nero (880) has posed:
     "Mhmhmhm! I see you are so struck senseless by my appearance you have become unable to form a cohorent sentence! Ah ha ha ha!" And then Nero burst out laughing. The menus are given and the wine is poured. Nero either doesn't notice totally not Riva, or does not care. Probably the former. She is blonde after all.

     Quite pleased with herself, Nero took a sip of her wine glass, and then took up the menu. "Now! Let us decide our orders!" Her green eyes scanned the menu, veering left and right, up and down, nodding occasionally. "I will have the cheese bread, garlic bread, Dinner Salad, Shrimp Carbonara, Pork Porterhouse, Veal Scallopini, and the Tilapia!"

     ...W-Well, she was a Saber. She didn't bat an eye at the amounts mentioned. She just rattled off item after item...

     RIP wallet. May you never be forgotten.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayts response to Nero's order is naturally, another squeak.

    Moments later, he starts to twitch, before suddenly shaking as he apparnetly snaps out of whatever madness took hold of him. "GAH! I um er... where am I?" He takes a moment to shake his head clear. right. Date. order something. try not to die.

    Meekly, he orders some Lasagna, before eyeing the wine for a moment... and ordering a glass of water, it's gonna be a rough evening, he does not need booze making his magic act all jumpy on him!

Riva Banari has posed:
THE PLAN IS WORKING. Riva would fistpump if it wouldn't break character. She'll do it when she's out of sight. In the meantime, she's scribbling on a pad of paper, taking the order. Guess she actually WAS a waitress at some point in her past.

How else go college kids get spending money?

... Don't answer that.

Anyway, Fayt seems to be paralyzed with that classic deer-in-headlights effect, so Totally Not Riva nods after Nero's order is taken. "Thank you-a very much! And-a you, Mr. Ravus?" He settles for lasagna. Dutifully, it is written down, and she almost prances off, leaving the pair to their own devices.

More accurately, Nero's extremely aggressive devices.

Nero (880) has posed:
     "Where are you? What a foolish question! You are here! On a date with me! Emperor Nero!" Continuing to smile proudly, the Servant thrust out an arm, as if giving an imperial order. "You may now shout out the joy and gratitude you feel for the fact that I have come out to spend time with you! I shall allow it!"

     But Nero, that's disruptive. SHUT UP, SHE MAKES THE RULES....is what she would say.

     Overbearing self aggrandizing aside, she settled down a tad, taking another sip of her wine before cradling it in a hand. "So tell me! Why is it that I have found you gone, locked away in your office, or otherwise indisposed every time I have attempted to visit your place of business? Are you perhaps avoiding me, Sir Supply Officer? Hmmm?"

     And with a narrowed gaze, Nero leaned forward a tad. Though given her height and the table between her seats, she didn't get very far.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt, in true fayt fashion, leans away form Nero about as far as she leans towards him. "Eh heh... sorry, things tend to get very busy towards te end of the year so I tend to get bogged down with work for a month or two." there's a long pause before he adds. "I am definately not trying to not avoid you." Another pause before he adds. "Really." followed by. "I mean that."

    Convincing Fayt, real convincing.

Riva Banari has posed:
Waiter Riva pops back in to deliver a platter full of the requested appetizers and bring the requested water for Fayt, as well as topping up their wineglasses. SERVICE. "Have-a fun!" She barely keeps from chuckling as she leaves them to continue conversing.

Nero (880) has posed:

     "Is that so...?" Nero mumbled, staring daggers at Fayt after his less than convincing response to her inquiry. It's true thagt the holidays were busy, but this was even before that! But before the blonde could really dig into the issue, the appetizers arrived. "Ah! Excellent!" And so she was distracted by food.

     "Hrmmf, bbuht I musrt shay-" Pause. "...." Chew. Swallow. Drink. "What I mean to say is that this is quite a satisfactory establishment! The food has impressed me! Therefore-!" Another imperious arm thrust. "We shall mark this place as the first to conquer on our road to multiversal domination! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

     Nero, no.

     Also, when was it decided that they would conquer random businesses?

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Yes, I mean it." Fayt looks more than a little unnerved as Nero squints, how could she see through his deception-DON'T ANSWER THAT!

    fortunatly, the food arrives, causing Fayt to breath a sigh of relief, taking a moment to have a sip of water... which he nearly chokes on at Nero's next statement. "M-multiversal domination?! Erm, what are you even talking about?" He actually gives her a someaht worried look. "Can we um... not do that?"

Nero (880) has posed:
     Having finished inhaling the appetizers like a proper Saber, Nero was free to scoot her chair around the table and next to Fayt upon his hesitation. "No, Sir Supply Officer! Do not hesitate! Never hesitate!" She extended an arm, sweeping it horizontally to indicate their field of view.

     "All you must do is look! Look at this vast space! With it's aromas and architectures! This could be yours, if only you would rise up, free the lion struggling within the prison of your soul, and take what you desire!"

     She clenched a fist dramatically. "Accept no substitutes! Take it! Take everything!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "I already freed the Lion, you got it for christmas."

    Fayt, once again it true Fayt fashion, leans away from Nero as she moves to sit next to him, giving her a worried look. "I'll... look into doing business with this place later?" Granted, he might already be delivering ot this place but still, hopefully the idea will calm her down a bit? At least for the moment.

Nero (880) has posed:

     After a moment's pause, Nero slowly nodded. "This...this is true! But still! You must not rest on your laurels! You must endeavor to become greater than you were the previous day! To be become-" Ah, he mentioned delivering to this place. Another pause.

     Following an all too thoughtful chinrub, Nero spoke up. "I suppose that annexing it while allowing it to keep the autonomy it currently possesses is one way of doing things." A nod. "Hm! Very well! I shall allow this!"

     Someone needs to update their mentaility.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt breaths a sigh of relief. Oh good, he stopped it.

    "R-right... we'll handle that sometime later."

    After an awkward pause, Fayt speaks up again. "The food will probably be here soon. you should probably get back to your side of the table, right?"

Riva Banari has posed:

Waiter!Riva arrives with another big platter full of piping hot food, playing it all out where there is room and also setting some extra plates on the side. Face it, Nero ordered big, Fayt. "And here-a is your food!" Riva calls, making sure Fayt gets the lasagna. Everything else is obviously Nero's. "Is there-a anything else I can-a get for you?" she asks while topping up the drinks again.

Nero (880) has posed:
     Nero scooted back to her side, if only in the interest of better being able to access her oncoming pile of food, which came right at Fayt had suggested. "Oho, this all looks quite fantastic. Let us find out if it as as good as it looks!" And just like that, she began to scarf things down at an alarming rate. But...

     Before, Nero hadn't really looked at the waiter long enough to take any notice, but now...she looked long enough to realize, or at least, get suspicious. "...Hrm. Waiter! Have I seen you somewhere before?"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    As Nero gets gets destracted by the food, Fayt begins to pick at his. The waiter gets a bit of an odd look when Nero speaks up, but he doesn't comment. Maybe he knows already?

Himr possibly he's jsut been too terrieid to givei t much though.

Riva Banari has posed:
The waiter draws back, shaking his head. "No! no-a, we have-a totally never met before!" She's still rocking the terrible accent for all it's worth. "I am-a just a waiter, here to let you both enjoy your time-a here as much as possible!"

Nero (880) has posed:


     "Hm. If that is the case..." She finally looked away from the odd waiter, and back to her king's feast. "Then I shall enjoy myself! Come, Sir Supply Officer! Say 'ah'!"

     Oh no, she was holding outa piece of tilapia on a fork for him to bite off.

     SHAME: 0

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt is asked to say 'ah'.


    Well, close enough, right? It's similersounding atl east. somewhat.

Riva Banari has posed:
And so things progressed for the rest of the evening, Nero taking charge and Fayt continuing to be confused while Riva does a very poor job of hiding her involvement. Regardless, everyone seemed to end up happy, right? Well, that might be a tale for another time.

At least Fayt had his bill covered by that Secret Santa, right?