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(Momoyo spars Nagato)
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Latest revision as of 18:53, 18 January 2016

Who's Main Cannon is Stronger!
Date of Scene: 13 January 2016
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: After debriefing Momoyo from the Hikari Fleet Daughters, Nagato challenges Momoyo to an actual sparring match as equals. What follows is an unexpectedly emotional match for both fighters that results in the battleship and martial artist developing a rapid mutual respect.
Cast of Characters: Lyria Mason, Nagato, 709, Haguro, 901, 928

Nagato has posed:
One hour before:

    Nagato sets off at the docks, rigging set as the Battleship sorties out towards the gate. "It's time." she whispers to a pack of escort destroyers behind her, the Sixth Destroyer Division. "Kawakami will be the most interesting opponents since Kirito." a fact that gives her a light smile. "DesDivSix, when I pass through, set up the mess hall with equipment for viewing this." with salutes all around, Nagato sails through the gate.

    Thirty minutes before:

    It's a very slow walk towards the Ring. The gear was heavy and with the traffic to the Ring, each step was carefully measured to prevent running into people, though the comments run abound around the equipped battleship. "Kawakami... the Submarine who fights like an Abyssal."


    Waiting in the Ring stands the lone battleship, full rigging equipped and eyes closed. Measured breaths as she prepares for the duel to come from her former Submarine. Though to say that Nagato wasn't nervous would be a lie, though she doesn't show it, her head swims with all possibilities. "A land based arena should suffice, I wonder about the shelling protections for the spectators..."

    "Battleship Nagato, ready for sortie."

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    When Hoshi had first heard about what was going to be happening, she'd been... shocked. Dismayed, almost. /Why/ exactly were Admiral Nagato and Ms. Kawakami fighting? Nobody she asked would tell her anything! Eventually when it came time Hoshi threw up her hands in annoyance and decided to go to the field of battle straight out. Thus taking her to the Ring of Philosphy.

    Now she was sitting in the stands dressed up in her Fleet Daughter uniform, tossing her hair tie up and down to herself as she frowns and looks into the ring. No words, but it's probably pretty clear who she's here to support for now.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo doesn't arrive until ten minutes after the appointed start time. She was clearly jogging, and hadn't bothered to even change clothes... wearing her black slacks, sweater and vest with her silver necklace. She slowed down as she stepped into the ring, but something was off.

    Surely the Admiral had seen it before, it was written all over her face. She had been worrying over someone and likely in Union Medical with them. The radio chatter of her whereabouts in Njorun was only superficial until it came to light now. She definitely wasn't in there for a physical or anything.

    "Sorry, Admiral." she replies. Her usual energy wasn't gone, but she was clearly distracted. "I was forced to put Kenji Kawasaki in a coma yesterday. He..." she looked at Amakasu with questioning eyes. "...he had been fighting Shadows in another dimension with August Kohler and... watched a friend die. I was the only one nearby that could knock him out and get him medical attention instead of sit and get in a shouting match with a junior. He wanted to fight and didn't care who, and I'm not sure Nero wouldn't have just bled him out for her own amusement and called it mercy." she muses, most likely making a passive reference to high school. She had probably slept, since she was a veteran fighter, but her mind wasn't on the current events at this moment. Her fingers run through her hair distractedly, before her red eyes meet her former superior's.

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro's on the sidelines, watching the two warriors with an anxious expression on her face. Even though they're fighting in a safe location, she can't help but be worried anyway, and the gear she's brought with her certainly shows it. She's got stretchers prepared, salves, bandages, and even a couple of buckets just in case!

     It'd be a lie to say she isn't biased here, of course, but she is at least keeping quiet. Those two probably have enough on their minds as is, and her cheering either of them on wouldn't help much. No, for something like this... The best she can do is just observe and make sure their dispute is resolved with finality tonight!

Nagato has posed:
    "I heard about the Shadows through Die Reisenden." Nagato comments, "But if it was that serious, then you should be at your friends side, not entertaining this." A shake of her head and she gives a brief nod. "Worry about your own is acceptable reasons to not hold the match, your eyes don't seem in it, Kawakami." Nagato steps back a few, allowing the quad turrets on her rigging rest, facing up and away from Kawakami.

    "I will give you the opportunity to back out of this and reschedule when you are ready, I've no interest in fighting the... Abyssal before me... if she cannot show me her all." A surprising amount of care is shown in her voice, despite the firm words. "I leave it to you, Kawakami. If you feel that you can express yourself here, then I allow you the first blow, but I recommend making sure your friend is OK more than continuing this."

    Those turrets slowly move down and the noise of shells changing inside them is loud and clear, "Type three sanshiki loaded..." comes a whisper, "Radar active." Nagato's red eyes move to meet Kawakami's, "Will you find victory on the dawn's horizon, or will you retreat for the day and take care of your obligations to your own friends?" *Kachunk* the shells are loaded in six of the eight barrels. Conspicuously, one seems to be rotating away from Kawakami, angling back. Nagato's left hand balled up into a fist, a few should know what will come next..

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason has also come to see this fight, she's long been curious about The Fleet Daughtrs and just what they are. She's also been bit curious to see Momoyo fight as. The Levitani seems prety eager to see this brawl, she's even got a small spider drone on her shoulder, whose camera seems intent to catch all of the fighting as well. This should also be a chance to judge how well Nagato can fight, if her tour of Lyria's plate, goes into uncivilized regions as well.

Fujiwara no Mokou (709) has posed:
    Standing in the spectator area is a teenage girl with white hair that reaches her feet, long and loose, with enough volume not to be just a line of white behind her, but what could almost be called a cape. Contrasting that is her bright red pants, but otherwise there's not much to see; her hands are in her pockets, nonchalantly, she's got a buttoned up white shirt, and she's not making much noise.

    Truth is, she'd meant to ask Momoyo about that ability she has to 'see auras' but then things just didn't work out like that. So, next best thing, Mokou'll just watch two people kill each other for fun.

    It'll be a change from being involved.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    When Momoyo entered the RIng, Hoshi takes a moment to stand and offer a half-hearted wave. She still wasn't entirely okay with this, still. But... then she hears the reason why she's late, and who it involves. The teenager shrinks a bit, her eyes going down to the floor. It was always coming back to the stupid Shadow these past few days. Her hands tighten into fists in her lap.

    "This isn't the best place to talk about it, but I don't mind explaining everything at a later time," Hoshi intones in an emotionally dead voice. "Or we can do it now, if you prefer to leave the fight alone." Except now she's not really looking forward to that anymore.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Her eyes scanned the crowd slowly, as if she finally realized where she was. There were a lot of worried eyes on Nagato who hadn't seen a spectated brawl in safe conditions before... in other words, no professional martial arts. "You've got quite a lot of people rooting for you, Admiral. I'm kinda jealous..." she muses half-heartedly.

    However, her eyes narrow on Mokou's. Even Nagato could see it, Momoyo had zeroed in on the stronger girl like a feral animal. Mokou could see it, too. There was a reason Momoyo was often classified as a natural disaster instead of a martial artist and it was that wild look in her eyes that said it all. Mokou just standing there was exciting Momoyo to no end. Nagato getting serious was enough by itself, but... she shuddered with elation.

    "I can't. Kenji would laugh if he heard I stopped if he could see this... I can't let her see me back down either." she huffs, tilting her head a bit toward the third red-eyed girl. She gave a slow, traditional Japanese bow, signalling it was alright to attack. The sortie had begun officially, nearly an hour late.

    She starts to walk casually toward Nagato, in the dimensions the Admiral had set the Ring to before entering it. There was no helping it, most likely most of the arena was in range of everything she had. Still, Momoyo's posture as it tended to at the start of these matches allowed for no openings in her defense. Very little could pass her guard at the beginning of the match, and she was patient enough to give her opponent the first move unless they tensely waited for her to enter melee range. The glint in her eyes, even as Nagato was her friend had subsumed to something resembling a murderous smirk, the very same glint the Abyssal Fleet had to varying degrees.

Nagato has posed:
    "My fleet has always been behind me as I strive to be their Admiral." Nagato replies back to the rooting comment, Amakasu... Haguro... many other unnamed fleet members in the crowd. Though, the submarines were there, rooting on for Kawakami, even with little signs they made. "Very well then, you've made your choice. May you find victory on the dawn's horizon, Kawakami!" Martial artist versus Battleship, this had the Admiral with a smirk on her face.

    Returning the bow, she allows this to also make her way forward, kicking off the ground as the smaller turrets on Nagato's rigging start to fire, small caliber anti air shells trained to bracket the fighter, to try and get her to come in a direction Nagato wants. "Submarine that fights like an Abyssal! Show me everything!" the rear facing turret fires off, a loud bang and a plume of fire and smoke erupt from it, sending Nagato forwards with a recoil powered left hook.

    "Make it interesting, Kawakami. You have the entire fleet watching you."

Fujiwara no Mokou (709) has posed:
    That is a horrible look. And she knows it because she spent a couple of centuries with it. Those were not good times, the early days. She wonders if it's luck that she can't remember most of that period. Probably. Mokou internally shrugs, discarding her train of thought to casually stare back, and hopefully not give the wrong impression.

    Luckily for her she probably doesn't give off a very strong aura. Or at least, you'd probably not be able to tell at a glance why she feels that way. She wishes she could blend into crowds better, too, but that's harder to fix due to her hair. That she can't cut. Because it regrows. Thank god it grows so slowly, in turn, but in a couple more centuries she'll have to start tying it, or find a way keep it cut.


    The point is that she was hoping Momoyo could provide input on how visible she is and how to make that stop. She might already have that first answer though. Well, whatever, she's also here to see what those two can do and relieve boredom.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Hmhmhm~!" She did have to zip about. Pinning her down with the guns was somewhat effective, but she was faster on land than in the water. To the point that she could zip in and out of the cover fire between shots, even. While Nagato knew it in advance, videos never did fighters justice, and it was obvious Momoyo had both hands tied behind her back in Anti Submarine Warfare. Thus, when Nagato charged forward, she met her head-on, eventually coming in the direction she wanted.

    "You classed me as a Submarine, but we both know I'm a Battleship, Admiral. Let me show you why!!! Musou Seikenzuki!!!"

    Nagato was forced to see it up close and respond. Her simple straight punch toward Nagato's gut was so powerful without any aura that it was considered a technique... but the sonic blast was the same as a battleship cannon from Momoyo's /simple punch/ before it even hit. Both fighters knew this was just the beginning of a very /very/ long edge-of-your-seat slog.

Nagato has posed:
    Distraction fire was worth it. Getting in close to see what Kawakami could do. "Then show me that you can carry the pride that comes with it, Kawakami!" of course Nagato's watched the videos multiple times, studying it and subsequently armoring the areas she needed, and for good reason, the simple straight punch delivered manages to connect and cause the battleship to skid back a good ways, only mildy preturbed her own didn't connect. A mild cough and a grin...

    "Sanshiki... Fire..." The three fully loaded turrets fire off, not aimed into the air, but directly towards the wannabe battleship, the shells exploding into hot shrapnel designed to take out aircraft, not to mention using the resulting smoke plumes to reload and grant her a bit of cover. "Type one armor peircing loading..." the loud noise of shell types switching in three of the four along with the reload of more blanks in that last turret.

    Listening to her radar for the ping of Kawakami's form, she stares through the smoke before rushing forward once more, the blanks loaded turret firing off one more time with a recoil powered kick, "Are you underestimating my armor, Kawakami? It'll take more than that punch to send me sinking!"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     As unarmored as Momoyo was, blocking every shard of shrapnel from that flak took full concentration, like any near instant sword slashes. That meant the hot shards were all buried in her arms, leaving minor scratches over her forearms and palms but also beginning to shred her clothing like any shotgun. Nagato could see her bleeding already, as most fighters would have flat had to endure the hit or collapse from the searing pain.

    The smoke was going to be a problem eventually. Momoyo would be forced to address it or slowly suffocate even if Nagato never hit her. Responding to the kick, she leaped upward to try and use Nagato's shoulder to propel into the air. If she wanted to breathe, she'd have to pop up on high herself like this every so often... which left her vulnerable to certain chunks of Nagato's loadout. This time though, she was fortunate to try to get behind her, and the turning radius might be a factor even with the radar in play.

    "Kawakami Style: Killer Fireflies!"

    She spewed small balls of energy outward to return fire. Any that did hit Nagato would be a threat, but no more than medium caliber cannonfire, the main purpose being distraction as she tried to get out of the smoke plumes. As she came back toward the ground to weather the next assault, she clutched her arms. "Restoration..." she murmured, as the flak shrapnel clattered audiably all over the ground between her feet and her small wounds closed.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is paying close attention now as the fiht's about to get started. She looks to Hoshi for a moment, but she doesn't say too much she's more focused on watching the battle that's about to get going here she seems quite interested in how this fight will play out. She's oddly quiet and watching she's not being nosiy like she might with other fights she'd be wathcing she's being 100 percent serious today.

Nagato has posed:
    There were a few tactics that Nagato was able to use back during the WMAT, anti aircraft shells for Kirito, armor peircing shells for Gaonoir and good old fashion punching and rudder kicking to seal the deal, however both of them used very different tactics than the martial artist before her, something that is having the Battleship think on her feet. With the smoke dissipating, and Kawakami in the air, a light grin approaches her face as anti aircraft fire starts filling the air.

    This, however, does nothing for the energy balls shooting towards her own back, many of them crashing right into her back and the armor, making visible dents and even wrecking a couple anti air turrets in the back. "Agile. Very agile." Nagato comments, the reloading sound for the reverse facing turrets once again loud in the air. "But how much can you keep going?" though the Restoration does make Nagato perk up just slightly, watching the shrapnel just drop from the woman's body... "Ah, the one thing us fleet cannot do, instantly heal ourselves."

    Those forward facing cannons take aim once more, the white shells inside just waiting to be released, with a loud rapport, the twin barreled turrets eject their ammunition, sending the white, armor peircing shells towards Kawakami as the battleship takes another rush down approach, coming in with another blanks explosion to the right and down to drive her fist up into Kawakami's own gut.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Dual Forehead Flick!"

    She was forced to knock aside the armor piercing shells, small bits of aura in her fingertips, though given they were large slugs meant for thick hulls this took much more concentration on her part... allowing Nagato to bury her fist in Momoyo's gut. She grunted aloud, but in the same motion, pressed her body close to one of Nagato's turrets, letting her shoulder in close. "Hahahahah~!"

    "Kawakami Style: Ningen Bakudan (Human Bomb)..."The resulting explosion may not have been worth rushing Momoyo down. In a suicidal tactic typical of the Abyssal fleet, the layer of ki that forms over all of her body making contact with Nagato created a vicious explosion of her own, not unlike mortar fire. She had intentionally taken the opportunity with the wind knocked out of her to try to massively damage a large chunk of Nagato's turret, using a move that damaged her own body as much if not more. The shockwave from the move is impressive if only because it was necessary to bear hug Nagato's side. The only reason that move works, is that she can expend the energy to heal the damage in the recoil.

    "I can keep up just fine, grandma!" she snarls back, though her wild grin and widened red eyes showed she was finally starting to get into things seriously now. She moved to keep pressure up with a dizzying flurry of regular punches, trying to brute force Nagato to expose her turret again where the armor was weaker than her main hull on her figure. It would be Nagato's armored plating against Momoyo's massive ki reserves, and the cunning fighter was beginning to realize a head-on assault on Nagato would take days. Degrading her morale by destroying equipment was much faster...

Nagato has posed:
    "Gh?!" the laughter catches Nagato a bit off guard, more so when she presses up against her number four turret. "What are..." the explosion happens and she skids backwards, the turret looks quite damaged, scorch marks here and there, and a pair of bent barrels... that turret's no longer operable in this state, unfortunately, but doesn't mean she can't use it for other things. "Suicidal, aren't you?" comes a slightly ragged voice, "That's okay by me."

    The grandma comment gets no response, only the Battleship starts backing away with each flurry, her own hands moving to block and try to return some of their own. Of course, they're definately not as fast as her opponents. Though, with how close she is, the secondary batteries on Nagato's rigging take aim and start shelling small caliber ammunition on Kawakami with Nagato's movements trying to aim them to keep her remaning turrets operational enough for another shot.

    The reloading noise is heard once more and the rear turrets start to face upwards, "Sanshiki, fire!" the rear two turrets explode in fire and smoke as the shells are launched into the air, vertically before the shells themselves explode and rain down that hot flak shrapnel down on the two with pockmarks being made in the battleship's rigging.

    In hopes for a more distracted Kawakami, the free turret on Nagato's front left, the number one turret, starts aiming away from Kawakami... another ammunition loading sound...

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She had to keep the pressure up. Taking the small caliber slugs in her arm, she would have to heal it later... what she had planned would help with the damage anyway. The MIRV fire was only going to cause problems if she didn't do something. The smoke from Nagato's gun barrels... suddenly gave her an idea. "You're not getting away from me!" she yelled as she locked horns with Nagato. Rather than letting the shrapnel fire rain down indiscriminately, the air around Momoyo and the battleship started to wriggle and lose fo<span style="color:us.

    cxterm93">"Momoyo Microwave."</span>

    In the sort of move that would have caused Yari to flip out (Hi, Yari), the explosion from an atomic bomb never came, but the raw radioactive aftermath sure did. Smoke started to rise off of Momoyo and she gradually tried to overheat Nagato's weaponry much faster than her mental inventory had anticipated. She used her massive strength as the shrapnel rained like molten lava or incinerated entirely in wisps of ash, the walls of the Ring keeping the audience safe from the indiscriminate move.

    With little other choice, Momoyo took the brutally vicious alternative while trying to use her strength to keep Nagato's arms under control... she started bashing her skull viciously against the battleship's. "RAAAAAAAGH~!!!" she howled, as her arm bled on Nagato's plating, she sound of her face bashing against the other girl's plated skull making audiable noises as she tried to grind down the fleet maiden's stamina.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato knew this feeling. That fatal flash that sunk her so many years ago and here, Momoyo was trying to do that again. She didn't care that there was no flash, but the microwaves... and soon an atomic explosion she really didn't want to be near. The Admiral's guns start turning, the ammunition loading sound is made... "ALL MAIN GUNS!" she shouts with black, oil like blood seeping from wounds opening up from the 'Microwave'.

    Her arms are grabbed, that's exactly what the Battleship wanted to happen. She returns a few of those head bashing attacks with her own "Tell me... do you know what happened to me so many years ago?!" Nagato starts to spin around, dragging the martial artist with her, the secondaries opening up fire once more to pelt her with all those small bullets, "IF you win, I will tell you..." she squeezes hard on those arms, her own arms crossing each other to grab each of Kawakami's own, digging her fingers into that flesh..

    As she rips those hands of her arms to flip the martial artist, she comes to an abrupt stop and launches Kawakami away from her, "SANSHIKI! FIRE!" three of those four turrets explode in thunderous rapport, the flame and smoke filling up the area once more as those shells start raining down more shrapnel on the airborne samurai.

    "You wll not sink me with that today, Kawakami!"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "NRRRGGGGHHH!!!"she howled in pain, being forced to take many, many more small bullets. Even as she was hurled off her feet, she was forced to handle the full brunt of Nagato's main cannon volley.

    "Hahahahah! I can't believe I found it! I've been waiting for you to look like this since we met! I WANT MORE FUN, ADMIRAL!!!" she howled, even as she smashed into the wall. While Nagato was surely still more rational than Momoyo, the other girl could sense the raw fear and panic she had caused. It only ramped up the battle for her more, making her want more fun in a climactic fashion. Naturally, she started to ignore more and more pain, there was no time to heal while the fight was speeding up. "Kawakami Style: Div-!"

    There was a large flash of Momoyo's aura, a large attack coming straight for Nagato. Even the radar said Momoyo's position was there during the attack, so Nagato would be forced to react.

    Instead, Momoyo used her godlike speed to zip behind Nagato between the radar blips. She still needed to smash that rigging or this fight would never even out for the peak she wanted. She couldn't take many more volleys like that without a break, but Nagato would survive a finisher.


    Still saving her aura for Nagato's main armor, she pummelled at the main rigging desperately. Two-dozen battleship cannons fired at Nagato from behind in the space of a single heartbeat, is if roaring in her ears as she tried to smash and damage some of the larger turrets. Clouds of air and dust rose around Momoyo's feet from the attack, Nagato given the space of one radar ping to respond in the quarter of a second to more exploiting of her rotation speed. Sweat poured off of Momoyo, as the peak of the battle ensued.

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro has barely moved from where she's been standing this whole time, enraptured in the sheer brutality of this fight. "So these are the techniques you've both been hiding this whole time. A-amazing..." There's no bias here now. No preference for the Admiral that she's served under for so long, no preference for the upstart that's made such an impact in such a short time. No... This. This is real combat. This is an all-out fight. These are the techniques of true warriors!

Nagato has posed:
    "Fun? FUN?!" Nagato's panting slightly, this girl was pushing her far and far, but she was one of the Big Seven... time to pull out the stops. "You aren't any manner of martial artists I've dealt with, Kawakami..." she stares, red eyes locked on her target, her vision painting her not as the girl but as something she knows she can fight without care... "Abyssal Ri Class..." she whispers... "Time to sink you." Nagato's eyes, go wide a bit at the aura flash, "Kawakami Style... I'm seeing this now..." a smirk...

    Nagato plants herself in place, pulling something out of her rigging... it's then that the damaged turret pops out, leaving a hole where it was mounted, grabbing the damaged gun by the barrel. "I think it's time I get my triple barrels after this." she swings the damaged turret to protect herself from that ki blast but it proves to be the diversion that Kawakami needed.

    Those pummelings into her rigging, each hit sending her skidding forward, the number one turret swinging towards the left. "Radar won't help me with you anymore, it seems..." Nagato angles a bit, the number two turret, the rear left, taking the brunt of the damage, and with an explosion, it breaks, the barrels twisting and even the rigging under it has stress cracks.

    Ammunition loaded sound is heard once more before the main gun fires, Nagato's right leg pulled up to allow the recoil to spin her around, coming around with a rudder kick, a down angled one using the force of that recoil to give it more oomph. "Time to sink, Kawakami..."

    Meanwhile, up in the rafters, the destroyers and submarines watching cling to each other... "They're scary..."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She could tell Nagato probably wasn't going to dodge the next attack. Hell, she probably didn't even regard Momoyo as human anymore due to the battle delirium. More importantly, both fighters were unsure if they didn't take the next attack how much longer they'd last. Nagato was not going to let up and let her restore... her healing was fast, but not fast enough to avoid the full brunt of the Admiral. Both women were bleeding massively, and one of Momoyo's arms was nearly ruined by all the small arms fire. Nagato was going to be forced to fight back using damaged turrets... but Momoyo knew she'd changed from thirty seconds ago. Neither woman was going to survive the other's berserk fury so the only thing left was who could slug harder now. Nagato looked majestic and furious but deeply shaken... and Momoyo had simply descended into near madness. It was impossible to view her as the submarine who had played so pleasantly with the Fleet Daughters now.

    "Kawakami Style: Star-Destroyer!!!"

    She drew her arms back, only to charge and fire a beam that could only have otherwise been described as coming from an orbital satellite. This is what Momoyo would need to crack Nagato's armor... enough power to destroy a planet. This was the hardest she'd fought in these sparring matches to date... while she could certainly dance around the arena longer with Nagato, if the battleship had any ammunition left, and she most certainly did, it was pointless to do so. She could restore herself once, maybe twice... or use her last hidden technique after an attack this massive. Covering nearly half the arena on the ground and with Nagato having little ability to jump let alone the kind of acrobatics required to hover over this thing, the only thing left was to fire back into the onslaught and trust she was more sturdily constructed. Momoyo's hair flew back behind her, her sweater in tatters and both legs of her black slacks in various lengths... her shoes all but useless now as her red eyes continued to widen with that dilated berserk lust. The beam crawled against the walls of the Ring, slamming into the windows nearest to the largest cluster of spectators, a testament to it's construction as it withstood the earthquakes this attack caused and the brunt of the beam itself.

Nagato has posed:
    Two of those turrets are damaged, the rigging has stress cracks, ammunition and fuel reserves very low.. how much longer could Nagato take this punishment. Not even Samar has driven her to this limit, but this was no ordinary girl... she wasn't Abyssal. She sure as hell fought like it, though. "Kawakami!" she shouts, rubbing her face a bit, slinging oil-like blood towards the ground. Two more turrets remain, her front two turrets. Nagato's breath is ragged, chest heaving from the exertion... she knew she was going to be in the baths tonight and possibly with her Amusphere as well...

    Though when the attack was mentioned... and that beam... more flashbacks to those nuclear testing explosions... "That flash... no... not here..." Nagato's eyes close as that beam washes over her, "Am... I going to fail them again?" she whispers, hands clenching into fists, turrets snapping... then breaking off. The rigging crashing down and throwing up dust.

    As the attack finishes, Nagato stands there, rigging on the ground with damaged turrets strewn aside. Her clothes torn, modesty forgiving and her body eminates smoke. Awash with cuts that seep black, she takes a heavy breath, "Is... that.. it?" those red eyes open and stare at Momoyo, a golden tinge to the edge of them. "Don't underestimate the power of the Big Seven!"

    With the rigging gone from her back, she's a lot more mobile, kicking off the ground to chase after the martial artist, "MOMOYO KAWAKAMI! SINK!" Nagato leaps up and comes down with one leg outstretched and up, aiming to bring a heavy axe kick down upon the martial artists head, only to spin around once she touches ground to try and slam that leg into Kawakami's side.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo wills her body to dodge the axe kick, though she knew Nagato was at her limits. It started to dawn on her what she'd actually done to the woman... she looked as tortured as Kenji. Still, this was why Momoyo's brawling matches drew such an audience so quickly... and why even some Chancers had second thoughts around her.

    Slamming her palm of her ruined arm on that kick, she winced, stumbling with Nagato. Still, she had one more attack now that the armor was /finally/ gone. Finally, Nagato was little more than a normal woman... well, at least as much as Momoyo was anyway.

    "Forbidden Move: Fuji Smasher!"

    She packed the remainder of her aura into the singular punch many Unionites came to shudder from facing. The power of this punch was unknown, never before measured. Coating her fist in her ki, she used Nagato's leg to hold her in place and aim for her gut again, both women gritting their teeth. This punch was not like Musou Seikenzuki at all, many times stronger and faster... and the fact that she had kept this much of her aura in reserve showed how nervous she was at the start about Nagato's overall power advantage over her. Some of her opponents lost to this punch, others had to plan around it actively. With armor, this punch would have damaged some of Nagato's critical engines but otherwise she'd have remained battle capable... but after a beam with the force of a nuclear blast, it was questionable how both fighters would handle it. It was Momoyo's last move, anything else she'd have to struggle against raw steel and fuel with sinew, a losing proposition for even her inhuman capabilities.

Nagato has posed:
    Panting hard, Nagato is definately at her limits, more so when the armor was dropped. Nagato's eyes have that look of pain to them, a rememberance of something she kept down for a long time... the time she became Abyssal... the time she was sunk by those nuclear tests. Oh, they wanted to rescue her but it was too late... the radiation took her.. and she regretted it. With the axe kick blocked, she lets out a surprised noise, only to go back into the spin.. and when that's blocked...

    "Well... fought." she whispered to Kawakami, as that Fuji Smasher comes barreling towards her, Nagato's own arm comes barreling forth with a fist of her own. It's not ki-powered, it's not even recoil powered, but the sheer muscle on that arm would mean that if it connected, it'd hurt.

    The punch lands, strikes directly in her gut, her breath escapes rapidly as her eyes shoot open... the strength of that drops the Battleship to her knees, gasping for air only to cough out some of that black fluid. Nagato's vision gets blurry, head looking up towards Momoyo. "Well... fought." she repeats, louder, propping herself up with her fists on the ground, black oil-like blood dripping from the multitude of wounds and injuries.

    With a crash, the arms give out and set the battleship on her side, panting hard, breath ragged... "Nuclear explosion tests... Mutsu, I'll need to talk..." she mutters, hoping that this was the end of it, she couldn't go on any further with the state she's in, though a quick, pained look towards Kawakami... "Draw...?"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo looked down on Nagato with that feral-eyed glint in her eyes, she'd fought the hardest she could ever remember. Her knees wobble as Nagato spills her heart out quietly... the most emotional anyone would see her get in a while most likely. Momoyo knelt down, and it looked like despite her ruined state she was trying to pick the other woman back up and get her back to her fleet. She was elated she'd won, but couldn't bear to see that she was really close to causing this twice with her relentless battle fury. Some tears stream down her cheeks into the blood and muck, her cheek next to Nagato. "I'm... sorry... Admiral." she murmured, the most respectful tone Nagato had gotten out of her since her enlistment.

    Unfortunately, she collapsed forward, pushing Nagato over in the process with her weight. Seems her body gave out now that she had no more reason to push herself... so Momoyo forgot all about winning. As she laid on the floor in a jumble with Nagato, once the smoke cleared... it was not immediately certain who the Destroyers, Subs and Haguro would be rushing to help first once the barriers for the Ring came down and the critical life-saving measures began to engage on the arena. If they weren't left untouched in the Ring for a couple hours, they would need rest in Medical for days and Union would have to summon a Hikari Fleet Engineer.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The fight was probably an incredible thing to watch. Hoshi knew it--she'd never seen half of the things that had been shown in front of her. But, for the life of her, she couldn't remember any of it. What she /did/ remember was how both Nagato and Momoyo looked after they'd torn each other apart. When the rest of the girls started milling around, Hoshi just stood up and looked at the two combatants with a pale face and wide eyes, shuddering and twitching as if she were freezing cold, despite the tempurature of the room.

    Eventually, she sweeps her shadowed gaze away and starts shuffling to make her way out. She doesn't say anything to anyone as she leaves. When she gets close enough to the door, she flings herself at it and pushes it open as hard as she can, fleeing out of the door as if demons were chasing behind her.

Haguro has posed:
     It's not until the fight comes to a close that Haguro finally moves from her spot, glancing over at Hoshi's hasty exit before hurrying towards the two combatants with the medical supplies in tow and actual medics not far behind her. "You... You both fought amazingly. Admiral. Kawakami. Please, rest now." What else is there for the Heavy Cruiser to say? If she wants to gush, she can do it after they've recovered. For now, however, she simply offers the two a heartfelt salute before stepping back to let the medical crew do their jobs, a new fire lit in her eyes!

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason sees the fight end and pauses she seems concerned as Nagato isn't looking too well. She gets up concerned and she hears the Admiral speak of nuclear weapons. A weapon from the miltiverse, a weaponiee mini star for lack of a better term. She seems very concerned now given she's by now well aware of, but it's not her place to ask, she'll let the medical crew do their jobs but she does seem concerned, she even orders her drone to cease recording.