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Latest revision as of 06:13, 31 January 2016

Seriously, go on a tour with me !
Date of Scene: 30 January 2016
Location: Kawakami City
Synopsis: Kazuko takes a few Union members on a brief tour of Kawakami City before a mission. Also, arcades, potential enrollment, and lectures.
Cast of Characters: Rebecca Chambers, 707, 857, Mairead Sandilands, 942

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     It took a bit of work, but Kazuko's finally found her way out of Njorun and back home in Kawakami City! Dressed in the white Kawakami Academy uniform, she stands at the warp gate not too far from the Union embassy located within the city itself. Even without anyone from the tour group there just yet, she's already glancing around rapidly to try and draw up a mental map of where to go first.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead Sandilands is not in Kawakami City yet, but she is racing there.....quickly. You see, she has finally learned how to use the warp gates and when it opens, out flies Mairead, wearing her IS. As she rockets through, she pulls up and flies into the sky before stopping and slowly dropping to the ground, before she lands. "Oi, sorry for scaring you Kazuko," she states. "I was in Hikari," she adds as the IS disappears and her own school uniform of white appears in place. "And that reminds me, I need to take ye flying sometime," she comments as she adjust the sash she wears.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's appearance might come as a surprise, depending. Certainly she has a child's voice, but the way she speaks isn't quite that of the unschooled person she claimed to be on-channel. For that matter it's a bit odd for someone in the Union Elite program to be so... young. Not unheard of, certainly, but a bit odd. Certainly Eve appears far too young and frail to be a martial fighter, and she doesn't really seem to be carrying weapons either.

    She's at least distinctive in Kawakami Academy. Being both younger and more colorful in dress than the residents, she wears a sky-blue dress with frills and ruffles. Most definitely not the sort of outfit worn by one who relishes the more intense forms of personal combat.

    She stops to stare at Mairead's arrival, both the way she rockets in so abruptly and the way things so magically appear and disappear. Fascinating really. She doesn't say anything though, apparently absorbed in staring.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    So Rebecca Chambers has also arrived also, albeit through a warpgate. She may look a little out of place wearing her S.T.A.R.S. uniform, but that's mostly to signify that she's technically on duty at the time. Generally on call for medical purposes as well as military purposes, she dons her uniform as a signal of this. Even if it does look out of place, she's still wearing it.

    Upon her arrival, Rebecca looks around, doing a slight double-take as Mairead arrives and she grits her teeth a little, feeling embarrassed that she was caught off-guard like that. Shrugging, she does her best to look professional again, a slight smirk of uneasiness on her face.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
With people talking about getting a look around Kawakami Academy, Xiaomu figured it was as good a chance as any to see what kind of school Momoko goes to, so the sage fox has taken it upon herself to join the impromptu 'tour group'.

She might even be dressed for the occasion ... if you count a girl's sailor-style school uniform as proper clothing for a school tour. At least it's fairly demure, with a long-sleeved blouse and calf-length skirt, red kerchief tied properly under the capelet-like collar.

"Hello all!" she calls out, waving to the others; sadly, she missed the sight of Mairead's IS or she might have geeked out about it.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Hearing Mairead approaching, Kazuko actually manages to rein in some of her excitement at seeing the girl transform. "Hi, Mairead! Ooh... Yeah, that sounds fun! Sis isn't allowed to fly, but I don't think grandpa'd get too mad if it was someone else." She bounces on her feet a bit, the thought of being able to ride on a super robot already putting her imagination into overdrive. Thankfully, she still manages to calm herself down in time for Eve to show up.

     Kazuko, of course, doesn't recognize her and watches her for a moment before strolling on over with a curious glint in her eye. "Hi there! Are you lost?" Even before Eve responds, however, she's already starting to look around. Blonde hair isn't common in Kawakami City, after all, and Chris never mentioned having a younger sister...

     For better or for worse, Rebecca's arrival in her STARS uniform does make it a little easier for Kazuko to identify her as a non-local, and she waves her over while keeping fairly close to Eve. "Hi there! The tour might be a little delayed. Do you see anyone that might be her parents around?" She gestures at Eve for emphasis, then almost jumps out of her shoes when Xiaomu shows up next. Her ears might not match Eve's, but the hair color definitely does!

     But with that sort of school uniform... That can't be her mother, can she? "Er... Hi! Are you...?" She doesn't even finish that sentence, looking between Xiaomu and Eve repeatedly to try and find the resemblance.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Looking at everyone, she too blinks at Eve and nods, "Hello there lass, are ye lost?" she asks her as she looks her over. Looking up at the others, she waves, "Hello. How are ye all doing?" she asks the others here. Mairead thinks and says nothing as she looks at the .... fox ..... "A fox?" she asks her eyebrow raising?

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve looks up solemnly at the other girls present. "I'm not lost." she says. And she has no parents. Well, none she knows of anyways. None worth speaking of. Her voice is probably the first clue to her identity, of course.

    With a blank expression that says more of put-upon annoyance than any actual lack of emotion, Eve fishes out a necklace from beneath her blouse and holds it out. It's a cross, but not the Christian symbol. It's flaring, with equal arms rather than cruciform. She presses it between her fingers, and a holographic Union 'badge' appears.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu notices Kazuko looking between her and Eve, and looks at Eve as well ... then grins at Kazuko. "Not related, if that's what you're thinking."

Then somebody comes out and asks if she's a fox. Xiaomu turns to regard Mairead, remembering an introduction on the Union networks. "*Sage* fox, specifically," she clarifies with a grin. "But you noticed faster than a lot of people do! My name's Xiaomu, I think I might've introduced myself on the radio when you signed onto the chatterband not too long ago ... or I might've missed it," she admits readily. "Good to meet you all, in any case!"

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    "I don't mind if the tour is delayed," Rebecca replies while running a hand through her hair. "I can wait." She looks around and nods to the others and smiles a little. Xiaomu seems a little familiar but she can't be sure. As for the others, they might be acquainted with her, it just hasn't occurred yet. She leans back a little and stretches her arms over her head.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Looking in at the cross, Mairead blinks, "My that is a pretty .... cross?" she says as she looks at it again, "Ye have a badge?" she asks. "I didn't receive a badge, at least I do not think I did," she adds as she looks at the others. "Oh, me manners. I am Mairead Sandiland, how are all of you?" she asks as she looks at Eve before the others.

    Looking at Xiaomu,"Aye, I remember. Pleasure to meet you in person," she says as she curtsie's. "I remember talking to ya." she adds as she looks at Rebecca, "I walked some of the city the other day, but didnot get a good tour since I plan on attending school here on Monday, after I get enrolled."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve says nothing as she tucks away her ornamental holoprojector, smoothing down her clothes and making sure everything's neat. She only answers after all this is finished. "I am well, thank you." she replies. "I've heard all of you on the radio, I believe." she adds, not quite smiling in greeting.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     If Eve is saying she's not lost, then Kazuko's not going to second-guess her. "She's not lost! Oh... You're the girl from.. Okay!" That's even more of a relief... Sort of. What's a kid like her doing in the military? Kazuko doesn't let it bother her too much, though, as she breaks into a broad grin. "Then without further ado..."

     She turns around and points dramatically at the Union embassy. It's time for the tour of Kawakami City! Over there is the Union embassy! Which has... Uh." She's never been inside there before, has she? "... Lots of papers and boring legal stuff, I think." A-and just over there is one of our local landmarks!" She about-faces again to point at what looks like a little more than a restaurant with barely visible signage. "Their meat ramen challenges are great. I go there every week~"

     She sounds oddly proud of her ability to eat too much in one sitting. She starts walking, taking the group along a peaceful, grassy knoll by the riverside. As they continue along it, she points to a long, majestic-looking bridge.

     "And this is the Bridge of Weirdoes! If you cross it, be careful not to get run over by rich weirdoes in rickshaws, bald people, or sleepwalkers." Somehow, she sounds strangely serious despite that chipper tone in her voice.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Meat ramen challenges, huh?" Xiaomu takes a long look at the restaurant, making a mental note ...

Then she notices the building next to it: a video game arcade.

No wonder the restaurant draws so little attention normally, with all the flashing lights and colors and such. But Xiaomu has other reasons to venture into a video arcade, and she quietly separates from the tour group to indulge her curiosity, and her fandom. She'll have to visit the school proper another time.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Following along, Rebecca nods as she notices things that are quite unique and interesting. Then again, a lot of things in this Multiverse are. Especially the university she saw in Iowa-2871 recently, where she was asked to give a lecture on biochemistry. She stops as Xiaomu enters the arcade, but she simply shrugs it off and continues on the tour. "Maybe," She says to herself, "I'll get called to do a lecture here too?"

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Waving at Xiaomu as she heads off, Kazuko can't help but giggle as she gestures at that very arcade. "Ooh, that's a popular spot, too! There's lots of really good players in there, but the smell is kinda weird if you're not used to it."

     Hearing Rebecca, Kazuko taps a finger to her chin before nodding in encouragement. "Oh yeah... You might! Although if you're specialized in biochem trees, then you might get called by a university or something."

     At least she's trying to pronounce things correctly.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Video games aren't really an appeal for Eve, marking her as a rare kid indeed. She follows along, inspecting the sights that Kazuko points out. She's not really sure what to believe, so scepticism is the order of the day as she considers the 'features' the city seems to be known for. Boring legal stuff, meat ramen, and of course the Union embassy. Well, that last is boring enough, considering she's seen them before. And meat ramen... well, she's a fairly businesslike eater really.

    There's one thing she would find interesting. Well, more than one. "I would like to see the school at some point." Eve requests. "And I'm sure you have libraries and other things..." she adds. Not that she'll go SEE them, not while on tour! But it's one of her interests after all.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks at the others, "If it is food, I am all for a challenge," she says as she smiles and follows along, "Aye, it is good food," she adds in reference to the restaurant and she looks at Rebecca, "I am more literature than science, but I know enough if I need it," she adds as she takes notes on what they are being shown.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Eve's more scholarly interests have Kazuko confused, but she's taking it in stride easily enough. "The school's gonna be our next stop after the Bridge." She smiles reassuringly at Eve and Mairead, turning around to walk backwards as they continue towards it. "There's a really big library in there, and I hear there's lot of literature and sciencey stuff in there. I don't go in there, though, because Yamato helps me study, so I don't have to try too hard the rest of the year."

     Why does she sound /proud/ of that?

     As the group passes over the Bridge of Weirdos, Kazuko continues to point out several students she recognizes as they pass by. Mayo, 2-F's class rep! Jun, 2-S' creepy bald guy with the radio show! Kuma, 2-F's giant food expert! She does, however, hide behind Mairead and Rebecca when a maid pulling a rickshaw with a man in a gold suit runs by.

     And after not too long, they arrive at the school. "And this.. This is Kawakami Academy! Where your fists are just as important as your brain!" Kazuko's energy seems to be tapering off a bit as she says that, though, a lazy grin on her face. Is she thinking of taking a nap already?

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Watching the rickshaw go by, Rebecca wonders why Kazuko is hiding. "Hey, what's wrong? It's just someone with a rickshaw. They're old fashioned taxis that originated in China." She bites her lower lip a little, realizing that things are getting a bit weirder than even she expected.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks and blinks as she nods and stays close to Kazuko as she raises an eyebrow and looked at the ricksaw, "Oi, what is up with the guy in the cart?" she asks Kazuko as she looks to her friend and follows along. If the guy returns, she will be ready, since she is carrign a small armory of weapons with her, inside her ring. She can probably scare a lot of people real fast if she pulledout all of the weapons she had.

    Arriving at the school, Mairead nods, "Aye, and it is a nice school," she comments. "I did not get a chance to see the library, but I know I will be in there a lot," she adds as she looks around for any of those 'gangs' or 'street thugs' she has heard of. Currently, she is keeping her thoughts calm so as to not summon Ivar or Loch Rain. Even Caddock or Bearnard would be scary.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's not sure if she'd attend school. The idea has some appeal to it. Not that she'll learn anything scholarly, most likely, but she needs socialization. She ALSO needs training though, being a bit desperate to prove herself and be able to help out people who are dear to her. She's strong, but she needs to be stronger a lot more than she needs to attend school.

    "Fists have their place I suppose." Eve admits, not discounting the importance of such in this particular school. Or for that matter in her life. "Studying ... doesn't really seem to work so well for me though." she adds. Mostly because she doesn't internalize the whole concept of revision. For her, reading something once is sufficient, even if she understands how most other people seem to study.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     For better or for worse, the street thugs seem to be keeping their distance today! Perhaps it's because they recognize some members of this group, perhaps it's because of how out-of-place some of them look, or it might even be because it's getting to be later in the day! Whatever the case is, their path to the school is rather peaceful (aside from that encounter with the rickshaw).

     "That was Hideo Kuki. He's..." Kazuko actually looks a little wary as she glances back at the bridge. "... He's nice! But he's kinda... Weird. And he keeps asking me out for some reason." She doesn't say anything more about that, although her resumed silence on that topic probably says more than words ever could.

     Once they get to the school proper, Kazuko takes the group on a wide path around the entire place without stepping foot inside. That'll have to wait for when the school's open properly! "I know a couple of students that go in the library a lot... Aaah, but as long as Yamato's around, I never have to go in there. I can just focus on fighting!" She grins broadly at Eve in particular. "Maybe when you're old enough to come here, you can... Uh."

     She peers at Eve, trying to gauge her age. "... Well, maybe Mayuchi will still be studying here by then!"

     After completing a loop around the exterior (and pointing out more of the restaurants and a certain small bookstore), she turns back to the group with a happy grin on her face.

     "And that's the tour! I didn't get to show you the temple yet, but I'm sure you'll end up there sooner or later. If you're lucky, maybe you'll even see me or sis take on a challenger there!" PRactically beaming, she glances at the setting sun once before starting to jog back in the direction of the warp gate. "I gotta go now. There's some... Uh. Stuff I gotta take care of."

     She mouths "mission" silently and winks.

     "G'night, everyone! I'll talk to you tomorrow~" And then she runs off!

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks at Eve for a moment and thinks, "If ye want, I can help in studing. I am good at languages and reading good books," she mentions. "But learning is the best way to understand things, since you can draw a lot from a book," she adds as Kazuko heads out, "Thank you Kazuko, see you later," she states as she looks around.

    Turnign back to Eve, "I can teach ye how to use a sword if ye want," she comments to her, "I think ye might enjoy it."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's pretty good at reading. Languages aren't quite so much of a talent for her, but her difficulty with studying isn't one of a lack of intellect or experience. It's that she simply can't do things the way others can, not that she can't do them at all.

    She does appreciate the offer however, and turns a hint of a smile upwards to Mairead. "I'm better with a sword than just about any weapon." she claims, not to brag but out of simple explanation. "But I'd appreciate any training I can get." she adds, nodiing. She has a lot to learn, and a lot to grow. The sword's a good weapon for her size and build, but more than anything she needs training if not actual experience.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding, Mairead smiles, "All ye need ot do is ask me to help ya when you want, and I will," she says to her. "Now, whattype of sword are ye good with?" she asks as she thinks for a moment. "Knowing languages is good, especially if you can at least understand what is being said," she adds as she ponders. "Other than sword work, is there anythign else ye might be interested in learning?"

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve gives the question serious consideration, more in the intensity of her expression than in duration. "Depends what I need at the time." she claims. "But nothing too heavy, I suppose. Nothing that would slow me down." she explains. Nothing she can't actually form, given her reserves of power. "And sometimes what I need is a hammer instead. But I've worked with swords the longest." she explains.

    But it's the other question that puzzles the little blonde. "Ah... everything?" she ventures. "I mean, until I learn it, I won't know if it will be useful, right?" she adds. Yep, She's completely omnivorous when it comes to knowledge, or at least to subjects. She can't train every kind of knowledge, but having an academic understanding of most everything is quite appealing.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead blinks at her when she says everyting. "Ye were only home schooled?" she asks her again. "I will do my best in helping you learn things, and I will ask Kazuko if she wants to help as well. That way you have a selection to pick on which you like," she mentions ot her.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve makes a face at that. It's a lot more obvious in-person than on the radio, her feelings about that subject. "I was taught what others thought were important to learn. Now I learn other things. Things I *want* to learn." she says.

    She does seem to cheer up though at mention of help. She doesn't MIND learning what others think is important, now that she knows she always has a choice. "I will try my best to learn." she says in appreciation.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Smiling, Mairead nods, "All anyone will ask of ye. Just do your best to learn what you can and never be afraid to ask questions," and she thinks. "I think you could apply for school here maybe, becuase with Kazuko and her sister, they are good at martial arts, and I lack in the hand-to-hand without a weapon in me hand. So I am gonna be learning to fight without a weapon."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve grins. It's a very small grin, but it's there nonetheless. Probably because of a kindred spirit that combines learning and fighting. "I'm never really without a weapon." she confides. "Perhaps I can apply here. Union trainers did say I couldn't be placed below high school level." she adds. She's not exactly sure why this is, though she has suspicions. She'd be bored to tears in grade school... though of course there's socialization to consider. It would be hard for her to fit in just about anywhere though.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead nos, "Aye, and I think if ye do, ye have friends who will help you," she comments. "Myself and Kazuko and we are both good at what we know. Plus ye would be like a little sister, and that can be dangerous to someone if they try something or do something."