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Latest revision as of 03:51, 12 February 2016

Sisterly Intervention
Date of Scene: 05 February 2016
Location: Boston-666
Synopsis: Momoyo's put Kyra on a one way ticket to Grumpsville. Riva does what she can to help. It's the duty of a Big Sister!
Cast of Characters: Riva Banari, 626

Riva Banari has posed:
Kyra's been in a bad way for a while. Riva's noticed how the healer's gotten along with Momoyo like a lead balloon, and it's only gotten worse from there. Now, she's hit what the Templar has often referred to as the 'Grump Zone', a terrible place full of badfeels.

It's times like this that call for a sisterly intervention, as decreed in the ancient pacts and duties of the Big Sister. Riva's called Kyra to a local pizza place, where she's already sitting there with a piping hot pizza with the works lying out on the table, ready for devouring with a couple large chocolate malt milkshakes. Riva's already sipping on hers, leaning back while she waits for Kyra to show up.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's had issues with Momoyo ever since she showed up. That fighter's arrogance has grated on her incredibly, the girl reminding her of a much, much more arrogant Audrey. The worst part was she was strong-very strong. Too strong for Kyra to do anything to, leaving her feeling pretty...well, grumpy.

    That fight in the Ring of Philosophy had been perhaps the capstone. A culmination of terrible.

    When Kyra arrives, she seems as dejected as she sounded. The redhead slinks into the chair across from Riva, leaning forward to rest her arms against the table. "Hey Riva."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva takes this opportunity to slurp that shake, perhaps in greeting, or perhaps she just believes in slurping milkshakes. It's a personal thing. The artist looks at how her 'little sister' slumps, and after a few seconds, Riva gestures. "You look like hell, Kyra. Things have been rough for you lately, huh? Want to talk about it?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It's mostly this Momoyo stuff!" Kyra grouses, reaching for her own milkshake-namely the one that Riva ISN'T slurping from. "She mocks me for being weak and an awful white mage and just wants to beat me up all the time. Nevermind that she wanted to use Nero and I as tools to teach her sister a lesson." Her shoulders slump a little. "And shse gets all this attention and people being /impressed/ by her. It's not fair. She can fight people off and I /can't/. I feel /weak/, Riva. Weak."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva continues to be leaned back in her seat, her eyes showing her concern even while the rest of her tries to remain cool and relaxed. "Yeah, the Momoyo thing has been.... a thing. Her viewpoints and behaviors have caused a lot of stirs in the Union, and not everyone has been happy about it."

There is a pause, and then she leans forward, folding her hands on the table. "But it seems like you've gotten a lot of this before, haven't you? I'm sure you've been teased and taunted in school. Happens to everyone." She sighs. "It's the same thing, just a little bigger, isn't it? Fighting is just Momoyo's entire life. It's how she interacts with everything around her. Didn't you have anyone like that around you in school?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah, well. Kinda. I mean at least on my world, they don't /expect/ you to be a big badass fighter if you're a white mage. They get that. You're a healer, support, and you're good at that. I mean...yeah, there is this one monk that likes to bully me. And there are some fighter types like that but...I dunno, Momoyo is pretty bad about it." She slurps her milkshake, looking dejected still. "I am kind of...frail, I guess. White mages aren't really good at gaining muscle mass unless they have a sub-pattern that promotes it. That's kind fof rare though."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva nods again, taking this opportunity to pick up a slice of pizza. "It seems like the culture of your school is more... respecting of people's specialties. Maybe it's because of the way your Jobs work, I'm not sure." She takes a bite, and points with the slice. "You're not frail, though, Kyra. It's not that you're not strong. You do way more than a lot of people I know. You're just not a murderbeast like Momoyo is."

Riva goes quiet again, and then gestures with that pizza. "I'm not going to make excuses for how Momoyo acts. That's her problem and something she's going to need to learn to deal with over time. That behavrior and personal world view she has... It causes others to begin to orbit around her, and pushes others away. It's like a new planet just swinging in..."

And then Riva chuckles. "Or maybe a new... Plate, in your case? Hah. Yeah, probably." She shrugs at that. "But your strength isn't about punching people, Kyra." She reaches over, leaning out to poke at the white mage's forehead. "It's in your head..." And then she lowers her hand to poke in the chest. "... And your heart. You're a woman of conviction and intelligence. Don't let someone make you forget that."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Compared to the rest of the Multiverse? Yeah. I mean. It does mean you have certain expectations on what you can and can't do. Like...I can't just easily learn just about every thing like Sanary can but what I can do, I do very good! People on Galianda get that. They respect that. They know I can't destroy people in hand to hand combat and that's okay."

    Her eyes narrow and Kyra nonds fiercely though, "Ugh, that's so right. She is like a planet and everyone's orbiting around her. It makes me sick."

    Riva reaches out and boops her forehead. She smiles. "Yeah...yeah, it's not. It's just...it's just it feels like that's not enough. Not when I keep getting beaten down on missions."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva arches an eyebrow at that, and point out, "You do realize Sanary /looks/ like she can do a lot, but she's actually crap at all of it. She's basically harmless. You're a threat even though you're a 'healer'." Riva airquotes that one hard. "You know what to do. You have strong magic. You can blow people up with lasers, and you have your syringe gun to do hilarious things to people. You have tactical options but they all work /with/ your specialties."

Riva shakes her head then. "I know you're going through a rough patch, but don't overestimate what's happpening here. People are all just adjusting to her. It'll calm down over time as she learns how things work. Some people want to be like her. Others are worried she might cause trouble. I'm one of the latter people, but..." She shrugs. "Since fighting is her entire world, I have to find a way to reach her that she understands. She seems to be the kind of person who 'talks with her fists'." Riva can't help but eyeroll a little at that, muttering, "God, I feel like I'm in some kind of kung-fu anime or something."

Mild snark aside, the Templar tilts her head at that admission. "That never really ends. It never feels like it's enough. That's a danger everyone faces, really. Happens to me all the time too." She thumbs over her shoulder at that. "It's one reason why people like Momoyo happen. They overcompensate to try to gain control of their environment." And then she gestures back to Kyra. "If you let that get to you, you're going to start becoming the same way."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
"Well Nero did say she beat her up...but it's Nero. She /is/ pretty strong-and I'm okay with /that/." Kyra's quick to admit, "Though I have got some good shots off on her, I will admit." she giggles a little evil giggle. "Still, it's a bummer to not have that...potential. And I do! I was using all those tactical options too against Momoyo in the fight! But nothing seemed to be working."

She slurps away the last of her milkshake, barely with a pause, before looking for the much needed PIZZA. "Man, I hope. I hope she learns how to respect people that aren't super fighty punchy guys. Seriously and she wonders why I didn't heal her in Sen's Fortress." she crosses her arms and huffs. "Screw her and screw her messed-up world."

She tilts her head to the side to look at Riva, "But you're pretty awesome, Riva. You're nothing like her. And...and I'm /nothing/ like Momoyo. I'm not Jobist. Er. ability-ist. That might not be a...concept around outside of Galianda come to think of it."

She gives Riva a helpless look. "But what am I supposed to do? I mean...I really do think I want to accept the offer from /that guy/." She means Yuri. She doesn't want to utter his name in a crowded restaurant. "Owing him a favor wouldn't be so bad."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva nods! "Yeah, Nero /is/ super strong! And part of that is becuase you're strong too. You're linked. If it were someone weaker, Nero wouldn't be like that, remember." She rubs her chin contemplatively. "Though... Nero is a good point, actually. Don't forget that she had some... adjusting to do too."

There's another shrug at the mention of the fight. "I can't say why you didn't do as well as you hoped. I'd have to look at the recording of the fight to see what happened."

The pizza is right there, still nice and warm with all kinds of deliciousness. Mmm. Pizza. "I hope so too, but... don't give in to your bitterness, Kyra. Stay on task even if someone pisses you off. People will respect you for your tolerance a lot more than you trying to 'teach them a lesson'. Be the better woman!" She reaches out and ruffles Kyra's hair with a giggle. "After all, you are pretty great, right?"

There's another shrug at the assessment. "I'm just an artist, Kyra. I never asked to get superpowers and fight and sneak around and stuff. I just do what I can to help people... Though maybe it's easier to put up with it because of my perspective." She smiles a little . "Either way, everyone judges in their own way. Don't worry, people have their own versions of it. The important thing is to realize it for what it is and give yourself room to work around it. That's one reason why I get along with Mizuki so much."

The mention of THAT GUY causes Riva to fold her arms though, and she leans back with a concerned expression. "That's a choice only you can make, Kyra. You both get along pretty well, but... Remember that what he does sometimes happens for reasons you don't agree with, just as much as reasons you do. And if you owe him a favor, it might get called in at a very... unpleasant time."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "From my mana, yeah." Kyra blushes just a little. "It'd be nice to be a little less of a vulnerability for her though, you know? But it's true. She's still adjusting...did you hear her declare herself Emperor of the Multiverse last night? Because that was a thing." She rubs the back of her head before snagging a piece of pizza. She chews on it, thinking over Riva's words. "-oh, Momoyo's sister snuck in and suplexed me while I was fending off one of Momoyo's ki bomb things. But yeah, there are recordings. Apparently even my school friends have heard about me getting driven into the ground."

    Her shoulders sink again, "But...but....tolerance is just going to enable more shitty behavior from Momoyo. I shouldn't have to put up with being treated like dirt." She acks as Riva ruffles her hair and makes the hood of her hoodie fall off. "I wish I could just avoid her but can't entirely with this Deva thing going on."

    She half-smiles at Riva, "You're pretty easygoing, Riva. It's not hard to be friends with you. Even for people with weird perspectives on things. Not that I think Mizuki is that weird though. She has lots of big ideas, yes...and I don't agree with some of the stuff that other part of her has said about free will...but...still."

    She grows quiet at that, munching on her pizza. "I know. Like...sometimes he does do things but he did promise it wouldn't be anything morally reprehensible to me. I'm...curious to see what he can do to help me get stronger. Momoyo or no Momoyo, Riva, that is something I genuinely want."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Awwwwwww." Riva suddenly slides over, hugging Kyra and poking at her, tickling. "You keep putting yourself down like that and I'm going to have to unleash the secret Big Sister techniques!" She giggles, then just pulls her over in a hug. "It'll pass. Just give it time and things will work themselves out. I know it sounds cliche, but patience really is a virtue."

She dawwws for a moment, then. "Well... I like being friends with people. I like trying to understand them, and that means sometimes I have to swallow how I feel on things for a bit... Like exactly what you said. The free will thing." Riva sighs. "It took some time and work to try to swallow my gut reaction and try to figure out what she really believed. It's like that for everyone. I know there's probably even parts of me you wouldn't like to deal with." She ruffles Kyra again. "I know that must be hard to believe! Hahahaa!"

But she stops when Yuri gets brought back up. "There's nothing wrong with getting stronger, Kyra. Do what you can, just don't get lost in it like Momoyo seems to be."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Big sister technique!?" Kyra gasps. "I don't even know what that is!!" She can guess a number of things from her big sisters and none of them are very fun though. But Riva is a Templar of a different stripe. Maybe it's the hugging? Because Kyra is totally down with the hugs from the looks of it. She wraps her arms around Riva and snuggles into her.

    "Ugggh that patience thing is such the biggest cliche ever. It actually is a virtue in Cosma. I hear that so much." she pouts, clearly disliking the idea of waiting and being passive.

    "That is hard to believe, Riva. Because you're so awesome. I mean, yeah, you don't think exactly like I do but I haven't heard anything out of you I'd really disagree with. Aside from the patience thing."

    She gets quiet. "...yeah. I promise. I'll never be like Momoyo. I'll never be as knuckle-brained as she is."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva chuckles once again as Kyra snuggles in. "To be honest... Neither do I!" That seems to send Riva into a peal of laughter. "I always wanted to be a big sister, really. Never actually happened, unless..." She goes quiet for a moment. "Hmm." She seems to terminate that line of thinking there, since she just moves right along. "I know you have a lot of problems with Cosma. Lots of bad times there. But even so, being patient doesn't mean you need to just sit and take it... At least, that's the way I look at it. I think of it as not focusing too much on things you can't deal with at the moment. Later, you can come back and work on it when you're ready or the situation is better. Know what I mean? God knows, /I/ would go nuts if I had to sit around and do nothing all day." She emits a giggle at that. "I /know/ you're the same way."

There's another snug as Kyra compliments her again. "Eh. I'm sure it'll happen eventually. I just try to find ways to get along with everyone. Connections are important, you know?" She holds up her hand, showing off a simple silver bracelet with an ivy pattern. "It's like ivy. One little vine doesn't do much on its own, but it does make connections. Once things develop, more vines come along and it becomes a lot stronger..."

And suddenly she gives Kyra a big hug. "/and really clingy/! Rarrrrr, I ma the ivy monster!" She giggles again, sighing as she lets Kyra relax a bit. "She's a bit knuckle-brained now, but give her time. She'll come around. There's always someone bigger in the Multiverse, after all."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You can be my replacement big sister. I'll take you over my two actual ones any day." Kyra says in a bit more subdued tone-though still smiling at the thought. Riva's much more awesome as a sister after all. "You can even fake-adopt me if you want, I'm okay with that."

    It suddenly becomes a struggle to not slide into deeper depression as Riva mentions that 'things you can't deal with' since she does have plenty of those. No, she can't deal with a lot right now due to her weakness.

    "I have plenty of connections. I don't think I need them with everybody. Like Momoyo." Kyra decides, peering over at Riva's rather lovely bracelet. And then she's swept up into another hug. "Waah! not an ivy monster! I forgot my pesticide!" she wiggles playfully. "Yeah...I guess I'll let her hang herself by her own rope. She'll get what's coming."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva laughs at the suggestion. "I dunno, maybe I will!" She teases, tickling Kyra again. "But we'll see what happens. I'm not all fun and games, after all, even if I wish I could be."

Post-tussle, however, the moment is past, Riva just holding Kyra lightly and supportively. "No one's going to ask you to be besties with Momoyo. Just don't let it break you down, Kyra. I know you're stronger than that, even if you might not believe it right now. It's not like you didn't have to deal with bullcrap from your family and other people at home. You got through that, and you'll make it through this." She nods, then. "That's the spirit, but don't give in to being vindictive about it, okay? She's not a bad person, she just needs to learn more about dealing with people. Just like you have things you want and need to learn too."

She goes quiet for a moment, then sighs, resting her head on Kyra's. "What the hell happened to me. Now I'm trying to be the responsible adult."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
"You've yet to show /that/ side to me." Kyra laughs, unwinding from her friend and snatching another piece of pizza.

She falls quiet, frowning. She actually /does/ think Momoyo's a bad person but expressing that to Riva isn't going to help out so much. "The difference though is I actually want to learn. I can't say if she wants to get along with other people. That's not /my/ problem though, that's hers. She needs to get /her/ act together."

She glances up at Riva as she leans on her, "Well you technically /are/ an adult. And kind of responsible. So it fits, you know?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Maybe I'll be lucky and you'll never have to see it." Riva replies. "Let's just say work is a bitch sometimes."

She nods to Kyra's assertion. "That's right. It's not your problem, it's hers. Just don't let her drag you down while she's working it out."

She looks down then, arching an eyebrow once again as she suddenly starts giving Kyra a noogie. "So does that make you the little sister who's always getting in trouble? Because it sure seems like it!" She teases, aborting the noogie to tickle some more. "But really, Kyra, you're a lot stronger than you think. You just have to figure out how to use that strength."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ack!!" Kyra FLAILS as Riva ambushes her with a noogie attack. "Yes! That /does/ make me the little sister that always gets into trouble! Nero would clearly agree!" she wiggles and squeals more as Riva resorts to the dread /tickling/. "Ack! Ack okay! Okay I believe you, just stooooop!"

Riva Banari has posed:
Finally, Riva relents, letting Kyra go after the BIG SISTER ASSAULT, giggling at the expressions and reactions Kyra had. "God, you really are just like the little sister I never had." There is a laugh. "So do you feel any better? What do you want to do now?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Uhhh...ice cream. Ice cream sounds like a good plan." Kyra beams happily, all too pleased to take advantage of the fact that Riva wants to cheer her up right now.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Then ice cream it is!" Riva declares, and she packs up the pizza to take with them to the nearest ice cream parlor.

And life was good, at least for a little while.