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Latest revision as of 17:02, 26 February 2016

A Special Day
Date of Scene: 25 February 2016
Location: Hundred Forged Fire Manse
Synopsis: Can't even celebrate the anniversary without something coming up.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 219, 231, 253, 255, 385, 395, 778

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    So when was the last time Amalthea threw a party? In her own manse on top of things. It's not a big affair, just some casual invitations for people to come hang out. A little out of the ordinary, perhaps, but she's been a little mum about the reason for gathering a bunch of people, instead of one on one hang time.
    Well the manse is done up... In no special way at all. She's done jack all to prepare for people showing up aside from some lazy sweeping of the glitter that's always all over the floor, and setting out a table of snacks and drinks. Believe it or not, there's more than just tacos. Though those are on the table too. It's mostly light stuff, a cooler of beers, and a bunch of sodas set in the main chamber of manse, the skylight formed by the mouth of the volcano is left open as the sun sets. Amalthea is actually dressed kind of nicely though, and she...
    Casually presses a button that BLARES MUSIC THROUGH THE WHOLE MANSE. Including Lest's lab.
    That ought to get a bit of attention, even if it ends with a very bewildered Iyoshi sticking his snout of of the massive doghouse in the corner of the room. She shuts it off after a minute though and casually sips at a beer.
    Life is good.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:

    Kyle hasn't entirely dressed up for a casual get together, but he has changed up his uniform today. Instead of his normal clothes, he's brought jeans, a leather jacket, some tennis shoes, and a black t-shirt. Simple and casual. Kyle's also got a lighter beard than usual, though it's clear he's only just begun regrowing it after a shave for...something.

    Arriving to hear blasting music, he runs at his ears while he peeks into the room proper. "Interesting place. Can't say I ever pegged you as a volcano fortress type, and I've seen some pretty insane installations on Mustafar in my time." He muses, grabbing a beer and a taco, inspecting the latter curiously before taking a hearty bite. Nomf.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    If it's out of the ordinary for Amalthea to put a call out for a gathering, then it's equally rare for Setsuko to answer. She doesn't attend such gatherings often, and when she does it's in her nature to attend only briefly, and stay on the outskirts of the crowd. But Amalthea's someone Setsuko shares a rare bond of honor and trust with. If she wants the demigod of war to attend, then the demigod of war shall attend.

    The music suddenly blaring as she approaches is something of a surprise, though. She hadn't really expected this to be that sort of party. So she's looking just a smidge awkward as she strides into the main chamber, looking around with some puzzlement. But there's Amalthea - and Iyoshi, for that matter, off to one side in his doghouse. She favors the Atlantean hound with a brief smile, before heading Amalthea's way. "I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't... well, this."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber is here, for all the time he can usually spare for any sort of party with his own triple-job life situation. But he did make it. And he's brought what appears to be a crock pot in his hands, which he's carrying gingerly and sets down on the table next to the rest of the food Amalthea made.

    Plugging it into the wall, he says, "Yo. I brought Spicy Cheddar and Crab Dip," He replies, making sure the crock pot is near chips and crackers due to the nature of its contents. It's not actually that he knew this was a party, it's just a New England thing, really, that if you're going to someone else's house you bring a crock pot with hot dip in it.

Maya has posed:
Maya was rather shocked to hear Amalthea was throwing a party in her own manse. She had almost forgot the Unicorn Knight? Had one it been that long, but here Maya was she was even dressed up for once. She didn't look like she fell out of a post nuclear wasteland. She was wearing a mostly red outfit and even a skirt. Yup maya was pretty darned dressed up she had her long blue hair lose too. Maya was loooking quite relaxed.

"Well it is an impressive home, and there's the music humm not too bad at all."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Truth be told, Yuna's been looking for a chance to drop by Amalthea's fortress at some point; getting invited over for a party - well, it's a surprise, but a welcome one. A little finagling of her schedule, and she heads over to the volcano as soon as she's done with classes at Beacon for the day; the blaring music is kind of a confirmation that she's headed in the right direction.

Then the music stops.

Yuna just smiles in wry relief; if it was going to be THAT loud she would have had to wear earmuffs or something to be able to hold a conversation. She's still in her Beacon Academy uniform, but she went out of her way to stop by a bakery so she wouldn't arrive entirely empty-handed. (No, the invitation didn't say you had to bring something, but still.)

"Hi Amalthea!" Yuna calls out, waving cheerfully to her fellow paladin. "How've you been? I'm sorry I haven't been in touch more often ... hey Kyle, hi Setsuko, hello Psyber, hey Maya!" she quickly greets the other guests who've gotten here ahead of her. When she has a chance, she offers her basket to Amalthea; the contents are wrapped in a red-and-white checkered cloth, partly for presentation, partly to keep them warm (they must have come out of the oven just before she got them); inspection would reveal an assortment of muffins (blueberry, banana-nut, chocolate chip, and 'plain', about nine of each). "They're not really special, but I hope people enjoy them ..."

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Well okay. Music blaring in the lab. Lest can deal with that. She emerges just moments later, wearing a labcoat all buttoned up. "What, wha... oh." Right, the party. She must have forgotten! Yes, that's it. She forgot.

    Which does not at all explain why the labcoat gets shucked off and hung up just inside the lab door, and Ellestaria walks in to greet everyone wearing a very nice, deep green dress. She makes a beeline for the crab dip, as if wearing a nice dress like that was completely normal for her.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "Well I did kind of tell none of you the others would be showing up." Amalthea notes mildly to Setsuko, experimentally trying to had the demi-goddess a beer. "It's not like it's a full on party or anything. I don't do those, they're stuffy and boring."
    See? It's not a full on party. But she is dipping a taco in the crock pot. Pointedly after passing Psyber a beer of his own. Thankfully Amalthea kills the loud music, it was mainly to get Lest's attention and pull her from the lab. Though Amalthea quirks a brow at the dress, there is something of a smug look on the unicorn's face after a moment.
    "Yo, Psyber. Yuna." She greets , but then lazily waves a hand, "Personally I'm more of a small cottage in the woods type, but I'm not going to look a gift fortress in the mouth." She explains to Kyle and Maya, lazily.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Trotting in, Ariel perks up immediately. "Hiya, Aunt Setsuko!" She puts a hand on Iyoshi so the dog doesn't bound over and knock something over on the way, but both head over to Setsuko for now. Not that she doesn't give everyone else, especially Psyber and her parents, some very warm and sparkling smiles and waves! "Hi everyone! Welcome to the Fortress of No Stuff Given!" Yes she knows that isn't the real name.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalthea pats Ariel lightly on the head for leaving that word out. Good girl.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle laughs. "Fair enough." He's joined by a woman who presses up behind him, an arm with a brown-gloved prosthetic wrapping around his waist. Jan Ors is also here, sporting a red sundress, more makeup than she usually has, and also a leather pilot's jacket to match her boyfriend's. She's also still wearing her boots, she'll be damned before she figures out heels. "We also brought something too. It's how parties work, right?" Jan grins, setting down a couple pizza boxes from a place they stopped by before they got here.

    Kyle nods to others who arrive, so does Jan, and he approaches Iyoshi for a moment with some curiosity. "Hey there, big fella..." He kneels down, holding out a hand for the big hound to sniff before he gives Iyoshi some pats. Good doggy.

    For the curious, one pizza is meat lover's, the other is pepperoni, sausage, and pineapple.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
After dropping the basket of muffins off on the food table (or somewhere appropriate), Yuna waves to Lest and Ariel. "Ellestaria, Ariel, how've you two been doing?" she greets them, then begins making her way along the food table, checking out what's there to pick from. Those tacos do look pretty good, but ... "Ah, Amalthea? The tacos don't have hot sauce or other spicy toppings, do they?"

Better to ask before her mouth is on fire, after all.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Setsuko is handed a beer. She blinks at it. There's a second or two of simple, vaguely puzzled staring. Then, quietly, she reaches up to twist it open, before bringing it to her nose, followed by taking a small sip. Hm.

    If nothing else, it remains in her hand for the time being, while she greets Psyber and Yuna both with a nod, before kneeling down to greet Iyoshi and Ariel - even if the former is big enough she doesn't really need to kneel by this point. "Hello, Ariel. And Iyoshi. You look well." She reaches up and gives the dog a scritch behind the ears, then puts a hand in her pocket, drawing out a plastic bag with a good-sized slab of jerky in it. "I brought you a present, boy. You've taken good care of her." A brief, faint smile in Ariel's direction.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    "Hello everyone," Lest repeats, leaning back with... apparently she decided pinapple pizza with crab dip is perfectly okay. She's leaning against a table, seeing who showed up with a tilt to her head. Glancing at Amalthea, she raises an eyebrow with a small tsk, then greets the others. "Maya, Yuna, you're looking well. Katarn. Psyber, the dip smells good. And Setsuko, feel free to play with Iyoshi. He's getting a little lazy."

Maya has posed:
Maya seems very amused at what Amalthea has to say and nods. "I'm still living in an tiny apartment made out of scrap myself." She turns to see Ariel enter and smiles at her. "Thank you Ariel, for the warm welcome."

She also seems very amused and in good spirts from the sounds of things. The Blue Haired woman nods. "I brought a few things as well well." She pauses to look Ellestaria and smiles back. "You and Amalthea have won, I'm wearing something far more lady like than I normally do." She doesn't seen mad, just amused.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber takes the beer that Amalthea gives him and sips it, "Ah, thanks." And then he looks to Ellestaria, "It's not much. Pretty basic, just the usual stuff. Secret is I add a heavy extra dose of Old Bay to the whole thing for some good kick and taste to it," He smiles to Ariel in turn after he's done. Setsuko's greeting is returned with a vague half-wave and then he mostly shifts to a passive sort of hanging out as he does at most social parties that don't involve him strongarming someone else into being social.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalthea waggles a finger at Yuna. "Atlantean tacos." It's the only explanation she gives.
    Because tacos are fruit.
    Iyoshi perks up first, before bounding right over. He's padding briskly over to Setsuko for the sake of 'Setsuko', but the jerky is a pretty big bonus. Jedi patting is also a bonus too.
    Right, well another sip of her beer, and Amalthea feels it's just about time. She finishes her dip-slathered taco in a few more bites and then clears her throat for attention.
    "Okay! So. I'm betting you're all wondering what this was about." She announces, setting her bottle down. "Hah, I said y'all could come nice or casual, and look at you lot, dressing nice." Mild amusement, there, but she's got no grounds to stand on, as she adjusts her shirt collar. "Anyway, a few years ago, I-"
    Amalthea has trailed off, as someone else apparently finished a sentence. It was not her sentence, but it sure was used as a diving point to leap into that rant.
    The unicorn's eye blinks once. Twice. Mildly stunned, before the ground begins to rumble and the walls shake.
    From a tunnel burrowed deep underground, a new doorway into the manse appears in a spray of rock and rubble, as a hooded man in red emerges, flanked by multiple flame aspected elementals. The majority are Fire Butterflies, and Amabosars- lazy Elementals tainted by earth. Though there is one Ifrit among them.
    "I, LORD VICIOUS FLAME, HE WHO BREATHS REBELLION IN..." He trails off there. "What? You didn't NOT see this coming, did you? My day of vengeance and retribution. I said it would come! But no one listened, so now HERE IT IS!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Well, if there's no more information than *that* forthcoming, Yuna adds a taco to her plate - and because she trusts Amalthea and Ellestaria with her life (and more importantly, her taste buds), she tries a bite of the taco first.

She immediately starts choking on it when Lord Vicious Flame makes himself known, catching everybody by surprise and apparently getting ready to burn everybody to ashes. Fortunately, Elner - while not immediately by Yuna's side upon arrival - *is* in the general area, so her Light Suit is readily accessible ...

Y'know. Once she can breathe again. A little help might be in order.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Amalthea speaks, and Setsuko stands up, turning to listen.

    A voice thunders, the ground rumbles, and the demigod closes her eyes.

    Lord Vicious Flame emerges, and with the air of one facing a put-off chore, the swordswoman turns and opens her eyes again; and they are alight with glimmering blue.

    "You have made a very, very grave mistake, Lord Vicious Flame," the demigod says simply. "You have emerged among a group of very powerful people, who greatly outnumber you, promising violence and paying insult." Her hand comes up, and settles on the grip of her sword. "And I am grown far stronger since the last time you and I locked eyes. I don't think you've yet realized the depth of your error. So I'm going to pay you a kindness. Leave, now, and we'll forget anything happened."

    Sigh. She knows exactly how this is going to end. She's felt it since she walked in.

    "...I imagine that I know your choice, but I offer it regardless."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Jan seems to sample some of the taco fruit and dip, munching quietly while Kyle goes back to his beer. "Good stuff. What did you say it was? Something with crab?" Jan asks, before munching once more. The two seem to quietly chat and mingle while dining, before EVERYTHING HAPPENS.

    Jan is /dangerously/ close to the opened portal, before Kyle grab her and the two dive away for cover. "Guess we know who the previous owners were." Jan deadpans, before immediately reaching inside Kyle's jacket to pull his blaster from the holster.

    Kyle meanwhile stands to his feet while his partner levels her weapon, pulling out his lightsaber and activating it while assuming a stance. "You just picked the worst time to show up, pal. I promise it's not gonna be the last mistake you make tonight."

Maya has posed:
Maya pauses for a moment she stares as the heat gets turned up the heat. AS a pack of fire elementals bust their way in, Maya thankfully has not been in the habit of going about unarmed anywhere.Still she's hoping they could take a moment to try an get them to go away for a moment.

"You have come on a day of celebration and I'm wiolling to also overlook this as well you should take up Setsuko's kind offer and depart with no further issue. I will happily forget about this and go back to the party."

Maya seriously just wants to enjoy this day and not /fight/ but it looks like this knuckle headed fire spirit intends to cause trouble.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Huh." Psyber says as he sets the beer down upon the chat being interrupted by the return of Lord Vicious Flame. After setting the beer down, he calmly (ignoring seemingly the intruder into the house), walks away from the entire situation and takes a side exit from the living room.

    He's actually gone for a while. You can't see it, but there are sounds of cabinets opening and shutting coming from a couple closets and then also from the kitchen before a faint, 'Ah ha' can be heard. When he re-enters it's from an entrance behind the Ifrit-man.


    There's a huge spray of ice-cold white foam as Psyber begins spraying the Ifrit with the Fire Extinguisher that any responsible home owner should keep in either a closet or the kitchen. As he's calmly spraying the man down with said fire extinguisher, he blandly replies, "An open flame or combustable substance indoors and in an uncontrolled environment is a severe fire hazard. Please think of the safety of all present children."

Ariel (219) has posed:
Iyoshi IMMEDIATELY drops into a crouch, snarling as the Dragonblooded bursts into the room. Ariel stares, then pouts as she grabs a taco, and... climbs up onto the hound's back. Grasping at his collar, she steadies herself as the huge dog straightens up and bounds forward, serving as a BATTLE MOUNT For the young unicorn! Electricity crackles around her as she moves in toward the elemental creatures, air shimmering and sending duplicate dogs + unicorns either direction as illusory copies.

All of this so she can close in while Psyber is trying to extinguish the flames. "It's a very nice home, and I'm happy to have grown up here! Would you like a taco, sir? My name is Kuklos ka Ariel Schmendrick-Fortuna, and if there is any way in which we can make you more comfortable, I'd prefer that to fighting, please!"

She says that with a bright smile... but Iyoshi's snarl says that she's not going to just passively sit there if she's attacked.

"Aunt Setsuko doesn't seem to like you, are you sure you wouldn't want to have a meal first?" She lifts her spare hand and wiggles fingers at the Fire Butterfly nearest to her.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Ellestaria stares as someone... BUSTS INTO HER HOME. This is not a pleasant thing. The Atlantean stares as her daughter does the usual peace offering first, then she sighs and sets her pizza down. Lightning crackles around her fingers, but it's not lightning she throws. Simple bolts of ice jolt out, giving some covering fire to Ariel against the fire elementals. "I see. You could have used the front door, you know."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Lord Vicious Flame has gotten through more of his introduction than he used to in the past, but he still didn't get the full name out. He's drawing a breath to bellow again when the party turns on him. Oh he remembers Setsuko. He remembers her well. Even with his hood up, the Dragonblooded sorceror pauses, a beat of sweat rolling down the side of his brow as it really does sink in just how BAD a time he chose to bust in.
    Amalthea is still a bit on the stunned side, and thusly spends this time patting Yuna firmly on the back to help dislodge taco from her windpipe.
    Blasters are levelled, threats are raised- Psyber finds a fire extinguisher in a volcano- which results in Twelve Flames Scimitar (this is the Ifrit's name) flailing in bewilderment as he's doused, garbling in a very undignified manner for a moderately high level Ifrit of his station and class, thusly keeping him busy for the moment.
    Lord Vicious Flame considers his options, looking thoroughly distressed at his bad timing, before ARIEL SWOOPS IN WITH THE ULTIMATE ATTACK.
    "I... I..."
    Well damn.
    "I will accept this... Taco."
    He does in fact accept a taco and commences munching. "AND THEN I WILL ORDER MY MINIONS TO ATTACK! ELEMENTAL MINIONS! WRECK THE PARTY!"
    He does not directly attack Ariel though-- I mean... Who can? Though he backs off from Iyoshi anyway.
    Well, with the Ifrit pinned by fire extinguisher for the moment, the Amabosars lumber forth... Their slow ponderous steps carrying them... Towards the snack table. Where they begin eating everything lazily.
    "No! No no I said-- I didn't mean EAT I meant--"
    Getting zapped by Atlantean bioelectricity however makes him drop in a heaving spasm of total muscle control loss.
    It's the Fire Butterflies that sigh and might cause a problem. Though one leans in, in humanoid form, to start braiding Ariel's hair because it was probably one of the ones she complimented in the past, the others start to flit around. Anything they touch catches fire, but anyone with a fire extinguisher or really any means of putting out a fire can easily counter the low level of damage right now.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
The taco is dislodged from Yuna's windpipe, and the blonde nods thankfully to Amalthea as she's catching her breath. Then she actually finishes chewing that bite of taco and sets her plate down somewhere. "Seriously, if you're going to crash a party, there's a right way to go about it ..."

NOW Yuna transforms, her Beacon uniform replaced by the sleek armor of her Light Suit; her shield materializes on her left arm as soon as she's done with her henshin, accompanied by a sword in her right hand - not the Matrix Divider, just a sword, albeit a sleek and high-tech-looking one (for all that it's basically a sharp piece of metal with a not-sharp grip). She's not trying to slash at any of the monsters, though.

Nope. She's aiming to bap them with the face of her shield, Shugoseiheki. If or when Lord Vicious Flame joins the fray, she might go on more of an offensive, but right now? She's defending the buffet, and she doesn't need a sword to do that. Except maybe for intimidation value.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    For a moment, a brief and hopeful moment, Setsuko believes that she might be able to get out of this without battle.

    She should have known better. She can sense the impending fight.

    She is hesitant to draw her weapon in Amalthea, Lest and Ariel's home; Amalthea grants her discretion, however, so the swordswoman considers her move for a moment. She would still like to frighten off Vicious Flame if she can. And the Fire Butterflies are... well, easy prey. She doesn't feel quite right laying into them so mercilessly in front of Ariel. There is a resolution to this paradox, however, that will both stop their 'rampage' and leave them relatively unharmed.

    The demigod dashes into the midst of the butterflies at full speed. There is a whisper of gleaming steel leaving its sheat, and then- then a solid 'FWAP'. With blinding speed, Setsuko is drawing her weapon, using the flat to strike the burning elementals in the side of the head, and returning it to its sheath, purely for the extra haste the technique grants her.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Looking at each other, then the party crashers, Kyle and Jan just kind of stare as they lower their weapons. They really don't even have the heart to attack them, so they put their weapons back in the holsters before Kyle wanders over to Amalthea. "Uhh, Cap? You wouldn't happen to have a second fire extinguisher would you?" He asks, noting the flames.

    This is the weirdest party either of them have attended, to be honest.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalthea pinches the bridge of her nose and gestures towards the kitchen in the other room. "There should be a few spares in there." She answers Kyle.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    "Right." Kyle will return with a pair of extinguishers, tossing one to Jan before they helpfully begin putting out flames.

Maya has posed:
Maya looked t first as if the fight was about to be avoided due to awesome food. This is not the case he just was playing them to get a snack. Maya looks to the attackera sn hewr eyes narro. Nope there was going to be a fight. She thankfully never goes anywhere without what seems to be a tarot deck. The deck is in truth spell cards for the form of magic. She draws a card and makes ready with it and she bleeds blue fire form her body into it.

A moment later the card glows and rises up into the air. Maya her self starts causing columns of water to form and explode in th ranks of the attacking beings of fire.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Oh. It was worth a shot, at least! The taco was a good try. Ariel sighs, glancing at the others and then shaking her head. "If you wanted to come to the party we could have invited you... I don't mind if mom and mom don't," she says reasonably. She keeps a hand on Iyoshi though, because the dog is snarling much more.

For the time being Ariel is neutralized, in the sense that she's unwilling to hurt the Fire Butterflies. She is keeping said butterflies busy though. "I think you're going to have to clean this up."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Setting down the now-empty fire extinguisher, Psyber takes a pack of Lucky Strikes out of his jacket and holds one up to a Flame Butterfly that is particularly focused on Ariel. He lights the tip of it off one of her wings and then puts the filterless cigarette in his mouth and puffs on it faintly.

    He hunches down next to the spasming Ifrit on the ground and starts to ask curiously, "Now are you going to behave if I let you get up? Or am I going to have to put the handcuffs on you? I don't really want there to be arrests at this party. So I suggest you try the crab dip, instead."

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    "The crab dip is pretty good," Ellestaria admits. The Atlantean is realizing that, despite the fire, the group has this well in hand. Being far more domestic than she likes to admit, the sorceress instead turns to something else. "I'm afraid it's our home now, which means that you had best behave or..."

    She lets the threat hang in the air as she conjures some watery mist, working on putting out the fire on things that won't be water damaged by it. Ah well, at least the elementals seem more interested in the food than anything else.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    The Assault on the House of Unicorn did not quite go as planned for Lord Vicious Flame. He's still twitching on the floor for a long moment, as the other issues are attended to. Kyle and Jan work on the small fires, while Ellestaria's mist handles the rest of them.
    Setsuko viciously and indiscriminately thwaps many butterflies, her cruel blows showing no mercy, the drop, clutching their heads and whining. They are creatures of beauty, not battle, and that seems to be all it takes to get the fight out of them.
    The Amabosars at the food table are stubborn. They really want those snacks, and while some do get away with a bottle of beer or two, Yuna's shield and browbeating the lazy elementals is all it takes to send them packing, shuffling away with mutinous grumbles if disappointment about how they were promised snacks and don't get paid enough for this.
    All in all the attack is pacified as quickly as it began. Twelve-Flames Scimitar holds his hands up in defeat to Psyber, the proud Ifrit having more sense than his master in knowing a REAL fight with the gathered force present at the Manse, with their current force, would amount to suicide. "I yield."
    It is right about now that the Dragonblooded starts to pick himself up, still twitching from his shock, and...
    He grabs the pot of dip.
    "FINE! You may have won this day, but I will not go without taking a small measure of vengeance!"
    The Elementals are all already shuffling out through the hole from whence they came, and he is booking it after them. "I HAVE LIBERATED YOU OF YOUR DIP! THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO! And in that, I take solace! You regret this day already, see?! The day I, LORD VICIOUS FLAME WHO BREATHES--"
    Twelve-Flames Scimitar reaches through the hole to YANK his master in with the rest of the retreating Elementals.
    And that's the last of them.
    So... Yeah. That's... That's a thing that happened. Amalthea is left rubbing at her forehead as though stricken with the mother of all headaches. "Jesus Christ, did that really have to happen today?" She sighs. "I swear I didn't plan that." She admits, amid trying to ease the annoyed tension in her skull. "Whatever, screw it. Thanks, guys."
    At least there are still some snacks left, and the fires have been put out. It's nothing a day of cleaning can't fix. So she's not sweating it when she reaches for Ellestaria's hand. Sigh.
    "Well, happy anniversary, anyway, Lest."

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Setsuko watches in silent incredulity. That man just... he just took the pot of dip. That was Psyber's pot.

    She turns to look at the half-angel with one arched eyebrow, pausing a moment before saying simply, "If that's the price of getting him out of our hair, then I'll buy you a new one myself."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Jan and Kyle are equally incredulous that that just...happened. The two exchange another glance before they finish fighting fires and just sit down, both downing beer. God, they both need a drink after this.

Maya has posed:
Maya is trying to deal with the Lord of Vicious Flame and his minions.

"So wait you came to mooch food?" Maya just sighs but no one's died so far as she can tell as the attacking pair are leaving with the Dip. She'll give them this if taking the dip soothes their ego and prevent actual deaths she's fine with it. She also trying to not laugh at this while affair.

"...If we're short food I know someone I could hit up on short notice for some catering here if you need it. Aye better some food lkost then there being a body count."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"If you'd been planning it," Yuna says with a rueful smile to Amalthea, "you would have told us to come armed or something ..." She dismisses her sword and Shugoseiheki, then reverts back to her Beacon uniform. "Heck, I'll spring for a few pizzas if we need them. And I know a couple of stores on my Earth that have totally self-contained portable cookpots like that, you wouldn't even need a wall outlet except to recharge the battery," she adds, looking to Psyber.

For now, though, she gets a drink of her own - apple cider or ginger ale, or something else that's nonalcoholic but refreshing - and raises her glass (or whatever) towards Amalthea and Ellestaria. "Happy Anniversary, both of you," Yuna smiles.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    "Thank you," Ellestaria says with a smile. Is that why she dressed up to begin with? She takes Amalthea's hand, looking warmly at the congratulations... and sighing heavily. Lord Vicious Flame has escaped with that dip! "It was truly an incredible dip. We will need to raid his new fortress and retrieve the crockpot soon."

    Is she serious? Maybe. Maybe.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber crouches near the hole and calmly exhales some smoke, "That was my good crock pot, too," He muses, "I got that back in the 70s," He comments, flicking some ash down into the hole after the retreating group of people, "So it's not exactly easily replaced. It's like trying to find the right kind of Pyrex bowl that can still do the icebox to oven thing without exploding. I'll find something similar enough, though, eventually." He ponders over it.

    He looks up towards Amalthea and Ellestaria, "Oh right. Happy anniversary, you two. I've always been a little jealous you found eachother," He adds as he looks up and smokes at the both of them, making it hard to tell how serious he is about that second sentence. He tosses the mostly-finished cigarette down the hole.

    "At least it was minimally damaging compared to what it could have been."