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IFOS: Evil Men
Date of Scene: 27 February 2016
Location: Amarillo-8 <A8>
Synopsis: Tomoyo and Gakupo are out collecting alien tech. So are the Men in Brown. Crossover seems inevitable.
Cast of Characters: 165, Tomoyo Daidouji, 686

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Welcome back to Amarillo.

    Since the threat of the gangs has been mostly accounted for- with exceptions- it's time to return our focus to the issue of the problem of the crashed alien spaceship just outside of the city, and what they need to find themselves not so crashed any more.

    To that end, it is safe to say that the Union has been busy recovering bits and pieces of the ship that found themselves disconnected from the network over the last week or so.

    For example, right now our heroes find themselves in the Wonderland amusement park one saturday evening after closing.

    Wonderland is... not a great amusement park, although it's probably at its best now, although even that is saying something. It's not so much an amusement park really as much as it is a collection of your typical themepark rides all just kind of dumped in one place. There's a tilt-a-whirl, rollercoasters, bumper cars, log flume, funhouse, the works.

    And a cone-studded wedge of sparking spaceship that's currently on the front car of the Hornet coaster. Think fast!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    There's kind of a weird gathering that stands and stares at the rollercoaster, following the cars with eyes hidden behind dark glasses.

    Tomoyo is here, once again dressed like a hippy thanks to the weird nature of this world. Her bodyguards look about the same, except they've had shoulder pads added under their suits. The young girl is tapping her sandal-clad foot as she considers the situation.

    "I don't want to try and get it while the thing is moving, so we'll have to stop it... Iimori?" The bodyguard with grey hair cut in a bob leans down so Tomoyo can whisper in her ear. The older woman nods and marches towards the ride, two of the other bodyguards following.

    At this point, they immediately begin to push to the front of the line, whereupon they confront the person running the ride. Iimori produces some kind of badge from a pocket and waves it, giving them just long enough of a look to make it seem officious.

    "Jane Miller, of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission," she says in perfect English. "I need you to stop this ride for just a few moments." Her suit, her English and the brief glance at the shiny badge, in conjunction with the strange influence of this world where people see what they expect to see... hopefully this all pans out!

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Ordinarily Gakupo would want to do this the diplomatic way. You know, explain to the park's manager what's there, negotiate for its return. Except this world didn't believe in aliens, really. Did they even know about the Multiverse? Maybe, maybe not. But either way, this probably wasn't going to work like that. They'd have to make a snatch and grab, wouldn't they?

    He's some along with Tomoyo, and is willing to let her take the lead here. Particularly when she seems to suddenly have an idea. His outfit's not too different form the first time he showed up here, the blue and white Elvis-inspired bodysuit. But despite that and his purple hair, he stands amongst her guards as if he belongs there. He walks with her guards through the line, though his ingrained politeness can't suppress a couple 'excuse me's.

    Once Tomoyo-- er, 'Jane Miller'-- speaks, Gakupo adds, "Please comply. This is for your own good as well. Lawsuits are expensive, and if someone gets hurt, it could result in one." He purposely makes his voice sound monotone. Hopefully the translation effect, paired with that 'you don't see the weird here' field will keep too many questions from being asked.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "Well, we can certainly try, ma'am," says the person at the control of the ride, a redhaired teenager with bright pink lipstick- "But well, uh, I don't hecka know what's been happening here, it's running on low power as it is but the thing's still moving. We might need to start throwin' the breakers, too."

    They certainly don't seem to realize that there's something in the front of the vehicle causing this, which would definitely be commented on by Ren if he wasn't at the entrance to the park right now, making sure that the patrons have cleared out just in case things go wrong.

    "I'll tell you what. To make this go quicker, I'll operate the normal controls, and if some'o you could engage the safeties one after 'nother, then maybe-"

    The coaster cars rush past at about sixty miles an hour. "...yeah, one o'you take a spare walkie-talkie and flip switches on the power breakers. We'll shut it down piece by piece."

    Outside the park, two pairs of shades reflect the glint of the orange streetlights, and then a pair of figures start to walk out from behind a car and towards the entrance.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "The ride has been running on its own and you didn't call it in?" Iimori asks, playing the role of a beleaguered official quite well! She sighs and glances to Gakupo, gesturing. "You go."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo glances at Tomoyo at the same time, with that same '...really?' look on his face. But when she indicates he should go to deal with the breakers, he nods. "Yes," he agrees, playing the part of an equally beleaguered assistant. He looks to the one who'd spoken about the breakers and nods. "I'll go. May I have the spare walkie-talkie?" He doesn't really need it, he'd just need the frequency and then he could tune his own internal radio to it. But he doesn't want to freak anyone out.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    A blonde man in a brown uniform named Agent Bricktop and a slightly overweight, brown-haired man named Agent Edelweiss walk almost in sync with one another towards the entrance, just after the last of the lingering people have left.

    "Oh, hello again, chaps!" Ren says perkily, noticing them walking up to him. "Fancy seeing you two here aga-"

    And it comes as quite a surprise to him when Bricktop cold-cocks him, causing Ren to drop like a stone.

        The two of them walk on.

    "Well, I haven't been working here very long," the ride operator complains as Tomoyo chides him. He hands Gakupo the other WT. "And the day's almost over, I mean, I figured it'd just stop when they shut the whole park off..."

Through this he's starting to go through the ride op procedures from a book, handing Tomoyo (or whichever of her guards wants to take it) a similar coffee-stained manual for the safety shutdown procedure.

    Gakupo will find a box of breakers nestled under one of the rollercoaster's loops, although he may need to look both ways to make sure the cars aren't coming first. Being hit by that would probably cause some damage, either to him or, more likely, them.

    If they get through this quickly they'll be able to finish before the MIBs walk across the park to them.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Iimori takes the manual and flips it open, glancing from the operator to the pages. Given that the operator is new, she wants to make sure she is not reading Gakupo any incorrect information as he goes out to flip the breakers.

    Tomoyo, meanwhile, is keeping an eye on everything! With her back to the park, she misses Ren getting punched out by the approaching agents!

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo accepts the device and then heads for the breakers. Once there, he realizes exactly that-- he needs to be fast or he might get hit. "...This seems like a bad design choice," he comments. But his mechanical brain calculates how long he has between circuits of the coaster to avoid getting hit. Length of the track, wind speed, speed of the coasters-- thankfully Gakupo has a calculator up there!

    More seriously, he looks to Iimori and awaits instructions. Breakers will be flipped in the order he's told to, though he'll have to stop every so often to make sure he doesn't get hit. Because yes, that would suck pretty bad. Also it would indeed probably damage the cars just as much as him. Also there's the whole 'will probably reveal that he's an android' problem. LEt's not scare the locals, yes?

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Well, what do you want? Disneyland? This, one, supposes, is probably one of the reasons why Wonderland isn't more popular.

    Although it's clear that the alien tech-chunk is what's doing this to the rollercoaster- naturally why is a question that is probably moot- the 'how' seems to be that it's manually sucking electricity out and pushing it into the systems. Presumably this was some sort of power supply regulator or accelerator valve on the aliens' ship and it was just trying to interface with the biggest structure it could find.

    Regardless, once Gakupo can get into place this show is on the road. There are safety brakes all over the rollercoaster, and by combining steady drops in speed with steady shutdowns of where the electricity is coming from, they can bring the machinery to a stable halt and fish the wedge out of the frontmost car.

    Just in time, in fact, for Edelweiss and Bricktop to show up, both of them wearing sunglasses at night.

    Now his job's done, the operator clocks out, which means he just misses the two of them. Or perhaps he doesn't notice them.

    "Ah." "It's that one again." "And she got here before us." "Yes." "We had intended to take the problematic item into our custody."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo smiles softly as she observes the roller coaster finally glide to a stop. It might take a bit of effort between the three bodyguards at the ride (along with Gakupo's help perhaps?) to yank the UFO part from the front car, but they do it!

    Once done, Iimori makes sure to thank the operator for her time before she clocks out. Tomoyo and the fourth bodyguard go and join the group to examine the part. "Well done everyone~ A retrieval with minimal fuss." Again, she fails her spot check to see the agents. At the very least, they're good at the 'being inconspicuous' parts of their job!

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Fortunately, while Gakupo's not built for strength, his 'muscles' are actually made of stronger materials than human muscle tissue, so that should help out a little. He presents the wrenched-free part to Tomoyo, more to look at than to carry. "Got it~!" he singsongs.

    Now... Gakupo's facing Tomoyo, so he's facing the agents. And it's kind of odd to see a pair of people just stnding there. Particularly when everyone else at the park, save Tomoyo and he, is (presumably) milling about like they're supposed to be doing at a park. He looks at Tomoyo. "Hey," he notes, to get her attention. And then his eyes go up to the agents again. He's hoping she'll follow his gaze. "Doesn't that look odd?"

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Trevor Duncan - Four Evil Men (a) The Con Man
    Quatermass and the Pit - 1967

    Something about the two of them feels a little different compared to last time. Or maybe it's just the fact that they're back 'in sync'- last time Tomoyo met them, for example, they got separated and spooked. This time they're - well.

    After standing and (presumably) staring at Gakupo for far too long, both of them walk over and- display their ID badges again, even though at least one person here has met them before. Not that it's very easy to see the badges, as it's beginning to be sunset.

    "Hello. Agents Bricktop and-" "Edelweiss." "We'd appreciate it if we could take a look at that item." "We may need to take it into custody." "It's a problematic item." "And shouldn't you two be getting back to your families before it gets dark?"

    Something's off.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo look up at Gakupo when he says 'hey,' and does indeed follow his gaze towards the Men in Brown. Although, she's much more comfortable with their odd staring, having encountered them in the past. She even waves them over!

    "Hello Agents~ It's good to see you both again. I do hope the two of you are feeling better after the incident at the oil... fields." She begins to taper off as they get closer. Something about them is making her skin crawl... more so than last time even.

    And so the demands begin. Right away, the young tailor shakes her head. "I'm sorry Agent Bricktop, Agent Edelweiss, but I can't give it to you. We're going to hand it back to its rightful owners." At her words, Tomoyo's bodyguards begin to bunch up around her in a nonthreatening way, ready to get between she and the two men if things go south once more.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo has not met these two. But there's something weird here. Something beyond the typical 'secret agent man' air. He tilts his head when he's stared at, blinking, and goes to stand next to Tomoyo and her entourage. Just in case. There's no telling what these two might try. He looks to Tomoyo as the two introduce themselves, intending to take his cues from her. And sure enough, Tomoyo's not immediately cooperating. That means bad things.

    Also attempting to make this easier, Gakupo offers pleasantly, "Well, yes, it's problematic when it's put where it doesn't belong. But since we're going to be putting it back where it DOES belong, you don't have to worry." Pause. "I realize that's your job, yes. But it's all right." He doesn't comment on the question of getting back to their families. Though if the 'you don't notice the weird' effect doesn't affect these two, they're going to realize pretty instantly that his voice is artificial.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Bricktop massages the bridge of his nose. "We haven't really felt very different. I haven't really felt very different." The two of them stay a certain distance away from Tomoyo even though she calls them over, standing in the growing shadow of a nearby concession stand. As Gakupo goes over to her, it begins to feel a little like a mexican standoff all of a sudden.

    That's when Ren makes his way up, rubbing the side of his head. "Oi. You could have at least taken your ring off before you punched me, agent. Now I've got a mark on the side of my head."

    Bricktop crosses his arms, which looks a little strange given he's holding a briefcase in one hand. "Listen. We need to acquire a certain number of those for the sake of our own appearences. The people of the city are already restless about the investigation and the mystery surrounding these items."

    "Hold on," Ren replies, rumpling his nose. "/Our/ collecting them up's been going fine."

    The fact that they're openly talking about the alien items means that the 'strangeness-censoring field' doesn't seem to apply to them, either. Which is strange, because it did before.

    "A lot of people are worried about these 'rightful owners', see," Edeweiss continues. "It would be a shame if someone got the wrong impression about what's going on. They want to see things quietly disappear into the auspices of people like us, compared to say, strange people like you."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo stares at the two men with a mix of apprehension and concern. The oil field incident must have shaken them up quite a bit... but, now Ren is here! And they attacked him? She just crosses her arms and waits for them to finish speaking.

    "We're the strange people? You two struck a man in public, seemingly for no reason. We're just officials who came to fix a malfunctioning ride. You two seem like the strange ones right now~" It sounds like she's teasing them... trying to counter this tense atmosphere with some levity perhaps?

    "But really Agents, our cause is... well, it's more 'just.' The owners of this part, I think they just want to go home. Surely helping them to do so is better than disappearing a piece of their craft into a warehouse somewhere?" She cranes her head back to look up, and adds one more thing, almost like an afterthought.

    "Anyway... if you're concerned about distressing the people of the fine town of Amarillo, I think you had better let us leave with it. Because if you try to take it... I think the result will be quite a scene. You don't want to upset the patrons of this amusement park, do you?"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo's eyes go a little wide when Ren appears, complaining of being hit. Not good. These two must be desperate, to have pulled that. The Vocaloid narrows his eyes, looking back at the two agents. "That's assault, as I'm sure you no doubt know," he comments. Tomoyo's statements draw a nod. "That's also true. You don't want the public seeing lasers, and robots, and magic, do you? All those things you've probably been trying to convince the masses don't exist?"

    As for the aliens? Tomoyo's statement of them wanting to go home gets a nod as well. "That's right. They just want to go home. If you want all the 'strange people' gone from this world, you'd do well to let them leave, too. And they can't leave without these things. Thus, if you take this, you yourselves make it impossible for the 'strange people'-- including them-- to leave. It's cutting off your own noses despite your faces."

    The Vocaloid shakes his head. "You want them gone, so give them what they need to leave and let it end there. Once they can leave, all the other strange people will leave. I'm honestly having trouble figuring out how you can't see that. You two are both intelligent people. About all I know is singing, I could figure that much out."

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "Just standing there turning people away, there I was, and he clocks me one," Ren says, probably sounding more upset than he is. "I'd still be out cold if it wasn't for someone saying haiku in my ear."

    Bricktop glares at him. "You're an annoying man who stands above and interferes like it's in your blood."

    "Well," Edelweiss says to Tomoyo, "You'd be surprised at how capable the people of this city are, at tying themselves in knots when matters of distress come up. They've been very, very stressed under the surface for quite a while now. It's simmering and ... makes them unsure who to trust."

    "It's an issue of trust, definitely," Bricktop insists, waggling his droopy finger back and forth. "People want to see someone, you know. What's the point of undesireable elements leaving if nobody sees them going, you know? If nobody sees someone taking them away?"

    "That's quite true. But that means that people need to see the elements in the first place." "And they need a figure that they're familiar with." "That's true, a familiar figure really catalyzes the unsteady mind." "And someone to blame." "That's also true."

    "Are you two just talking among yourselves?" Ren asks, baffled. He looks at Tomoyo and Gakupo, confused about where this is supposed to be going.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo can't help but smile softly when Bricktop accuses Ren of standing above people like it's in his blood. But, she listens close as they explain the situation. The people are silently working themselves into a lather over recent events... but because everything is being kept under wraps, they have no target for their anxious feelings.

    Tomoyo is perceptive when it comes to feelings, and so follows along with these two a bit better than Ren it seems. If there was a figurehead, the people have someone to blame. And then if that figurehead were to 'leave' with the aliens, the people would be soothed...

    She considers the craft part they salvaged. Her plan is... well, it could land a lot of people in trouble. And whomever steps up would be in a lot of danger... "Gentlemen," she says, interrupting the two's conversation. "Suppose there was someone to act as a public representative of the aliens who would 'leave' with them once the craft is repaired. Do you think that might settle some nerves?"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Ren will need to get checked out once this is over, Gakupo realizes. He turns a worried look in Ren's direction, frowning in concern. Best case, these two just knocked him out. Worst case? Who knows what else these two did to him when he was unconscious? That'll definitely need to get looked at.

    For now, though, he turns his attention to the pair of agents. Unsure of who to trust? "That's for sure," he states. "Nobody should trust you two. You're more worried about your image than doing what's right." He's about said all he's going to, though. These two don't look like they were going to budge. He'd hate for things to get messy, but if they won't listen...

    Then Tomoyo has a suggestion. He blinks. "...That's actually a good idea," he replies. "I might be able to be a 'public face'. Perhaps we could convince the people that the aliens made an android to interact with the human race?" He didn't plan to come back when their business here was concluded anyway-- this world wasn't ready for a Vocaloid. Heck his world isn't ready for the Vocaloids, but there they are nonetheless. Anyway.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "Ah, but then you're getting into a different set of issues altogether," Bricktop says, leaning up against the wall. He makes a strange noise as he does so, crinkling. "Do you really think that revealing this to the people is going to be a good idea, regardless of the people who are representing them?"

    "They've been lonesome and tense for months now. How can you be sure that this won't all go terribly, horribly wrong?" Edelweiss asks, grinning, and there's a ... malevolent air to his voice when he does so. "Handling the gang problem peacefully certainly didn't give them any sense of carthasis!"

    "Would you be willing to put yourselves in danger if things turned against these aliens?" Bricktop wonders, tilting his head. "If the people wanted you cast out with your tail end on fire?"

    "What if you became a target?" "A scapegoat?" "A figure of blame?" "A figure of hate?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    That ominous feeling only intensifies as Bricktop crinkles against the wall, as Edelweiss starts to grin in an unnerving manner. Tomoyo's guards are now standing directly in between she and the Men in Brown, but the young tailor is still talking.

    "I've put myself in danger once before, and I'll do it again. As for being hated... well, I don't mind that either. If I become demonized for helping the aliens go home and resolving the whole matter, I'll sleep comfortably at night, regardless of what some people I'll never see again think of me."

    She's dipping into her purse now, grasping a flask. She also whispers to Gakupo, "Be ready to flee, just in case..."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Yeah, Gakupo's twigged to that something is horribly off here. There's something seriously wrong here, and now he's starting to think something worse. These guys were acting like typical MIBs, yes. But that odd crinkling sound... With his mind wondering why these guys would act so illogically with their claims of looking out for the people, he can't help but think the worst. What if these aren't actually government men, but enemies of the aliens? Didn't they say they'd been shot down? Or something like it, as near as they could tell?

    He nods to Tomoyo's warning. But the mention of being viewed negatively gets... a smile. It's a remarkably bitter smile, with an edge as sharp as the blade he's carrying. He waits, though, until Tomoyo has spoken, before he adds his own 20 yen. As he does, his voice, artificial notwithstanding, possesses the same hard, sharp, bitter edge as his smile.

    "I'm an artificial being, sirs. An artificial singer even," he admits. "Don't you think hate, revulsion, and blame are already things I'm familiar with? I'm 'fake', my music 'isn't real', it's 'horrible', I'm 'destroying the music field for human singers'." He shakes his head. "It's nothing more than I've dealt with before. Only that the form the attacks take would be different. And I'd rather my body be hurt than my heart." Pause. "Yes, I do have one. Figuratively speaking."

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Ren, to be sure, is absolutely picking up on something bad that's brewing here. He's just been standing there, silently, looking at the agents, and he's begun to notice that although the two of them have sneering, dismissive eyes for Tomoyo and Gakupo, there's another sort of venom when they look at him.

    "Well, you're definitely noble, as heroes often are," Edelweiss says.
    "But this isn't supposed to be a story with a noble role in it," Bricktop says.
    "And we're sorry we weren't able to act quite as well as last time-"

The two of them step forward, and as they move out of the long shadow it's clear that their brown suits are threadbare and falling apart at the seams, their skin is papery, and their shades are scuffed. "But we weren't kidding when we said we needed that for the sake of our appearences."

    "Whether you know what kind of hell you're letting yourselves in for or not-" "We'll take what you've said into mind." "But for now we really do need the power that's left in that item-" "So would you just let us, for a while, take it off your hands?"

    And that's when Edelweiss' hand grows much larger, extending towards Gakupo like rubber! Ren snaps into movement, making a running grab for that briefcase!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    And the men(?) emerge.

    Tomoyo actually recoils back when she sees what has become of them. Her bodyguards immediately withdraw their collapsible batons, squaring off against them!

    As the hand reaches out, they spring into action! Given the papery texture of their skin, they hope that some hard swings will just make it tear up. So they rain down blows upon that extending hand.

    Tomoyo backs up, drawing that flask as well as her mirror. She looks from the fragment to the Men in Brown, mind awhirl. Should they turn it over? Would it help them? Maybe they could follow them to their base, find out more... unfortunately, before she reaches a decision, it might be too late.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    That's exactly what Gakupo was afraid of. The words of a 'noble hero' being in this have a ring of finality that he does not like the sound of. So he transfers the item to his left arm, so he can react if necessary. And sure enough... it becomes necessary! There's a hand stretching like rubber at him. Gakupo's reaction is to draw his sword and slash at it, while leaping back. hit or miss, he's putting himself out of range.

    "You see? Exactly that. That is why I didn't trust you," Gakupo notes, his eyes now a fiery orange-red. Subtle things about his outfit have changed too; some of the blue is now that same fiery orange-red. If one could see his outfit past that chameleon field, one would see that the symbol on his chest, usually a multicolored sunburst in a circle, is now full with that same orange-red.

    "Who are you working for? Or are you going to make us track them down and send you back to them in pieces?!" Gakupo's in violent mode now! He hasn't attacked the one who reached for him again yet. But with any luck, that one should be, er, partially dis-armed. Literally.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    Deja vu, a voice in Ren's mind says. He doesn't pay attention to it.

    The briefcase goes spinning away when he tackles one of the Men in Brown- along with, and it's not hard to say, a part of the arm and the hand holding it. Likewise when Tomoyo's bodyguards step to her aid and give Edelweiss a slap on the wrist or four, it's sort of like beating a pinata- just as hollow, and just as likely to crack when you smack it with a blunt object.

And then Gakupo slashes the offending limb right off. An ashy black smoke begins to rise from it, as does most of Bricktop's body when Ren scooches away from it.

    "Ah, do I really need to spell it out?" "You've done a good job with the pieces already, a ha." "But you've already got some way there already." "My name is Snaredrum Sundered on the Marble Morning Street..."

    "I'm just going to call him Jesse," Ren comments.

"I'm somewhere in this city," it says, the ash coming from the two deflating agents blowing out into the evening wind over Amarillo. "Maybe you can find me before it's too late?"

And there's just nothing much left except a couple piles of sticks and some wriggling millipedes. In the briefcase, there are various small but essential pieces of alien machinery.

    So, you have met the Yaoguai.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo and her bodyguards both cover their mouths as the black smoke emanates from the broken forms that were once Bricktop and Edelweiss. Just to make sure, one of the guards crushes each millipede beneath her polished shoe, grinding the forms into the ground.

    "Was that some kind of demon?..." Tomoyo wonders, rubbing at her face some. "This whole affair has become quite convoluted. Bikers, aliens and now this..." She lets out a little sigh, before looking to Ren.

    "Let's deliver these parts and get you to Medical. Now that we know their nature, they might have done something more than knock you down."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo scowls as the men seem to disappear. He's not going to needlessly attack them. But he does emit one last sonic blast in the direction of the dissipating smoke. He doesn't expect it to do anything; he only offered it to show that his spirit was not broken, that this was not the end.

    Tomoyo's words of demons gets a tilt of Gakupo's head. "Maybe," he says. "Definitely sounded like a name that was taken because it didn't want you to know its real name." He nods to the mention of getting Ren to Medical. "That's a good idea... those guys might have done something to you while you were unconscious."

    A sheepish look in Ren's direction as the Vocaloid sheathes his sword. "...I'm sorry I didn't see what was going on sooner." He sounds genuinely contrite.