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(Count Kord pays the Foxtrot Ranch a visit. With exposition.)
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Latest revision as of 22:50, 6 March 2016

Stranger From A Strange Land
Date of Scene: 06 March 2016
Location: Pokemon Islands - Johto
Synopsis: Count Kord pays the Foxtrot Ranch a visit. With exposition.
Cast of Characters: Alexis, Count Kord

Alexis has posed:
Winter was a pretty light season in most parts of Johto, so it really was more like it was already early spring. But there was no shortage of stuff to do because the last few days had have it's share of strong winds also blowing through the region. The flock of sheepmon were already out in the pasture for the morning, so other pokemon milled about with the morning chores. Mostly in picking up dislodged brances and other debris from the windows, sorting it out into larger pieces for burning, and smaller debris that can be used for mulch when actual spring comes. Most of said measuring being done by a Braixen using it's own stick as a size reference.

The ranch structure itself was a large barn that the loft had been refurbished into a decently sized apartment type living arrangement. Recently a second extension had been built to one side, primarily for the needs of other rather large monsters.

The winds had loosened up some spots of shingles, so it's up on the roof where Alexis currently was getting them nailed back into place before they fall off entirely and cause leaking inside. "Grab me a few more shingles, Checkpoint." <Right away milady!> "And stop calling me that stuffy title!" The Quiladin woddles over to the edge of the roof and wips down a couple of vines to lift up another package of replacement shingles.

Count Kord has posed:
When Kord arrives, it isn't in his armor or with any Pokemon accompanying him. He instead has a black and red cloak that covers some dark cotton pants and shirt, his hands and feet covered by black leather gloves. His face has his hawk-like mask on, the leather buckle for it hidden behind his head of deep red hair.

He just walks up to the side of the barn, and looks up it with some curiosity in his pale blue eyes. He was pretty silent in his approach so the Quilladin would've probably only known he was there after looking over the edge of the barn to retrieve those shingles. Noting the Pokemon's presence up there with the trainer girl, he decides it would be wise to jump up and say hello properly.

He crouches to prepare, and launches himself up the whole distance in a single jump, landing on the rooftop with only a gentle tap of his boots against the shingles and a ruffle of the cape. Like a bird landing gentle on a perch. He turns his head to take in the view from up there.

"I said I would visit," he says, finding a place nearby to sit on the roof, where he won't be in her way. He seems pretty relaxed, despite his bizarre clothing. "An honor to meet you in-person."

Alexis has posed:
Checkpoint reels up the shingles, holding them over his head with the vines as he turns around. <Milady, I do believe thy hath compan--> And that's when Kord just jumps right up onto the roof.

"Didn't I tell you to stop with the stuffy titl--" Alexis only turns partway before Kord lands with barely a sound on the roof on his own accord. For a moment she gives him a bit of a look, but being around the Multiverse as long as she has, the pink-haired tomboy looks more surprised one would take the effort to make that jump than doing so in itself. "I'm gonna hazard a guess that you're that Kord fella, huh?"

Count Kord has posed:
Since it's hard to read a facial expression through a mask, one can only infer that the Quilladin's speech distracts him by the way he turns his head to focus on him for a few seconds. He adjusts his gloves some and fidgets to get more comfortable up there, since a rooftop isn't really made for sitting on.

"Yes, that is me," he replies, sounding good-natured, despite his deep voice. "May I help with anything? Or, maybe, meet some of these other Pokemon?" He makes a mild indicative gesture to the Quilladin as an example. "I hope I didn't disrupt your chores."

Alexis has posed:
"Nah, just patching up some loose sections from the wind last night. Nothing major." Alexis gets to her feet and there's a light *thp* as Checkpoint plucks the hammer out of her hand with one of his vines. <Go, show the man of peculiar dress around.> Then takes it in one paw and holds it over his head like it was a sword. <I shall venture forth to slay this chore myself!>

Alexis rolls her eyes a bit, but he does have a point. "Just don't pound on anything that doesn't need nailing down. The last time you put a hole in the wall trying to hang a picture." <In my defense, the one of spikes said use a hammer. He did not say not to use my Wood Hammer.> "Details. I should check on the other's cleaning up, anyways. Just follow 'long as you wish." Pulling the sleeves of her hoodie back down over her arms Alexis walks down to the edge of the roof, and hops off to the lower level formed by the top of the extension. She's not quite about to try jumping all the way down to the ground on her own, tough or not. "Everything okay over here?"

The addition's roof is partially a flat section before sloping off to the far edge of the building, a railing surrounding the section so it can be used as an elevated patio during the summer. The outdoor furniture is stacked in one corner for the season though, a tarp being pulled back down over it by a Sylveon with its ribbons and holding it so a Clefairy can tie it back down, being the one with actual digits to do so. When Alexis lands her Meowstic turns and gives her... well, it would be a thumbs up if she had more than a cartoony mittin-paw for a hand. <Alas, the delightful disarray has been detained back to its designated destination.>

Count Kord has posed:
'Man of peculiar dress' actually gets a chuckle out of Kord. He does dress like a weirdo. "I have a reason for the way I dress," he explains to the Quilladin, which... well, speaking to the Pokemon directly seems to mark a moment of confusion and cognitive dissonance in him, a visible hesitation. He's really not used to the intelligence being displayed there in what would normally behave barely more cleverly than a family dog. He breathes a sigh and gets up to follow Alexis, leaping down after she does to the other roof section. He looks around the structure with some curiosity.

"We do not build like this, where I am from." He considers the design, noting that it seems to consolidate the housing for both Pokemon and Alexis herself. "This is a good idea..." He crosses his arms and murmurs in thought, things like what kind of lumber he would need to make similar structures. He's hardly a carpenter but he's clearly had experience on a farm by the way he sounds when he gets distracted like that.

He turns to regard the Meowstic, recalling the species. "Hello," he greets, somehow less uncomfortable with the psychic than the other Pokemon. "You are a familiar type... I have seen many Meowstic near my lands." He turns to speak to Alexis, thinking of a question, "Do you fight alongside your Pokemon? It is a common practice in my world."

Alexis has posed:
    When Kord hops down next to Alexis all three pokemon stop and peer at him for a moment. The Sylveon is just giving him an indechiperable look of some possibly vage amount of disdain, but the Clefairy actually hops over the fairy-fox and ducks behind the tarped stack, peaking over it a moment later.

"..Huh. Stardust isn't usually that shy." But Alexis just sort of shrugs it off to being a strangly dressed stranger. She doesn't have the kind of awareness the pokemon do to pick up on the ... oddities about the Count.

The Meowstic on the other hand trots right up, having already sensed the otherness in the man. Not to mention the 'empty' sensation Psychics often get from the Dark type they cannot effect their powers upon easily. <Interesting. Long shadows of dismal ruin follow the steps of this mysterious mask.> However her typically grimly placid expression actually -brightens- a bit. <How delightful!>

"Catalyst!" Alexis snaps. "That is no way to talk to a guest! Ugh." She lets out a hmph as she turns to open the door leading into the main building. "Don't mind the psychic, she's weird." Granted Alexis thinks all Psychics are weird, but that's besides the matter.

The door leads to a small hallway, with stairs at the end that lead down to the ground floor, which is where Alexis is heading. "When necessary. I'm not the sort to just stand back and shout commands at things."

<She also wrestlers Tauros for *fun*> Alexis lets out a soft sigh as the Meowstic decides to follow. "What, it's a good workout. Some monsters you have to show you're not afraid to get a little rough yourself."

Interesting she said 'monsters' instead of 'pokemon' there.

Count Kord has posed:
There it is. Kord is not startled when the Clefairy hides and the Sylveon disapproves of his presence. He locks eyes with the Sylveon, in fact, staring back without blinking for a few seconds. The way a hawk might do. It's probably not any more comforting than his aura or smell.

The Meowstic snaps him out of this with her chatter in so many poetic words. He smiles behind his mask when she reacts positively to it. He knows what she means and he's not shy about explaining it. "She's not bothering me," he tells Alexis, "I have met many psychics over the years, both human and Pokemon." He glances at the Meowstic before turning to follow Alexis. He laughs when he hears she wrestles Tauros. It's an impressive thing to say. "Impressive! I agree, you cannot be afraid when facing creatures as powerful as Pokemon can be. I am not a trainer, but I find it useful to know that regardless."

Following the earlier comment from the psychic cat, he tells Alexis, "I am the brood of Yveltal," and then loosens the 'belt' around his waist, which is actually a tail that shivers behind him like a bird's tail before coming to a rest. "The Hawk of Death and Destruction. I have a very powerful connection to it, as you can see, and that means..." He glances back to where the other two 'mon were. "I was never good at training Pokemon," he concludes, shrugging at Alexis. He sounds like he was going to say something else, but decided on that.

"That is what Catalyst senses. And the others."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis pauses partway down the stairs to glance back up at Kord. Though again, she seems to regard the reveal as more of a peculiarity than something to be scared by. "I've seen stranger." Like Mewtwo turning an entire city into human-pokemon hybrids, amongst others. An experience with oddities does that. "Yveltal and... Xerveas? Something like that. Heard about 'em when I was in Kalos. Some kind of life-death counterbalance. Seems to be a thing amongst god-tier Legendaries."

The interior of the ground floor of the barn is much what one would expect of a barn. There is much the sort of pokemon you would expect there... and maybe some a little less. The Heatmor prowling about making sure the woodwork doesn't have any termites trying to take root is definately an odder addition. One of the large stalls towards the back has a stack of scrapmetal in the corner, and an Aggron lounging against it after having had his morning fill of mineral content. Another corner is furnished with a sofa and tv more akin to a den, for those that take a liking to more human tastes in entertainment. There's also a Nidoking cleaning up and changing to straw bedding, peculiar in his own right with the maid apron he's wearing and a bow affixed behind one large ear.

Some of the pokemon do stop to give a long leering look in Kord's direction, while others seem to have the experience Alexis does with enough weirdness to not be immeadiately creeped out by his prescense.

"But maybe we shouldn't hang out in here too long." Alexis notices one of the larger stalls is empty, and huhs softly. Where did he get off too? But she picks up her bag from where it sits next to what appears to be a treasure chest, slinging it over a shoulder by the strap.

Count Kord has posed:
Her experience shows. Kord looks at her with lidded eyes when she says she's seen stranger. When she mispronounces Xerneas, he fights to hold in his laughter, but nods to confirm that she understands the basics of their natures. That she would say it's a trend like that marks a tilt of his head in apparent interest, though he doesn't comment on it just yet.

The Pokemon variety is notable. The sight of the Aggron in particular gets a wary glance from him, because that thing could seriously mess him up if it decided to pick a fight. Most of the others aren't given the same kind of look. The Nidoking is regarded with deeper curiosity, though, because of how odd it behaves. The bow, even. "Hrm!" Like being in some kind of fun house, for him. All so strange.

"I am not strange in my world," he corrects, in a gentler voice, "It is just rare. Many of the knights are aligned to the Swords of Justice, for instance, either by choice or by birth. Your experience with the unusual is a comfort to me, really. I dislike the unease that my nature causes in others..."

After trailing off like that, he looks at Alexis quizzically. "Why not?" he wonders.

Alexis has posed:
She isn't bothered by him, but Alexis doesn't need to be a psychic to notice the unease from some of the pokemon in the barn.

<Not everyone can enjoy your creepiness, alas,> Catalyst helpfully provides. Cheerfully even. She on the other hand seems to rather enjoy the ominousity that follows Kord due to his dark link.

"Not all the pokemon in here have the experience to.. be as impassive as she is about your... nature." Alexis at least isn't trying to be elusive about the topic. And chippers back up after the moment. "Besides, this is just sleeping arrangements. Lots of space to keep a lot of pokemon comfortable. It's not really anything that fancy."

Count Kord has posed:
"Then let's go for a walk," Kord says, because what she said reminded him of the Aggron over there, his head turning to warily keep an eye on the metallic 'mon. "We wouldn't want to cause anything in this building, the repairs would be tedious..." And he doesn't want to have to get evac'd out.

He looks down to Catalyst and frowns behind his mask. He enjoyed it at first but now he's just not sure how long he can endure the negativity of this feline. That said, he digs into a pocket in his clothing, and produces a small treat to hold it down at her, something baked by one of his soldiers. Like a biscuit. Mostly it's an effort to get her to stop talking for a minute or two, but it's also a gesture of friendliness.

It's not the weird factory-processed stuff, it's a baked treat that got handmade. He's from an age where ALL of those are handmade.

"I should have brought my Murkrow," he realizes. "Maybe she would have lessened the gloom."

Alexis has posed:
It's a matter of Catalyst not seeing it as negativity, but she either doesn't grasp or doesn't care that others don't perceive it the same way. Because cats are creatures that don't care about such fickle things outside of their own ideals. A cat that seems to have some relation to two-tailed nekomatas, even less so.

Doesn't stop her from snatching the bisuit up and sitting down on the steps to nom at it.

"Yeah." Alexis does manage a bit of a chuckle, though it's a little on the hollow side. "We did enough repair jobs when Wildfire was still on the extreme side." That name, in itself, might be a good indicator of why. "That and it's nice out, why stay cooped up inside?" she adds as she opens the doors and walks outside.

As they pass... did the treasure chest just open on it's own a bit and a pair of eyes peek out? Did that lid have -teeth-? Hard to tell because just as quickly it's clamped shut again, if it was ever open at all.

Count Kord has posed:
The noise that Kord makes when the chest moves is something like he ALMOST let out a shout of surprise and instead there was a suck of breath when he turned his head, staring at the treasure chest. This is accompanied by a pair of wings matching the tail's aesthetic rising from the sides of his cloak slightly as if about to take flight, and his whole body visibly tensing in preparation for violence. Whatever that was, it spooked him. So he's not one of those stoic types, clearly. Something familiar that appears to be alive? Or he just imagined it? Yeah that'd be a startle for most people.

He decides to just let it slide, letting his ruffled feathers settle, so to speak. He follows Alexis out, agreeing, "A good day for a stroll."

Alexis has posed:
"Yeah it is." Alexis stops once outside and looks up. Occasionally a Charizard or Flygon can be seen passing overhead, practicing their aerial maneuvers. And occasionally snapping or breathing fire/dragonbreath at each other, much like two atheletes sparring to practice. If she noticed the Mimic startle Kord she's not paying it much mind right now. Instead she holds one hand up to shield her eyes as she watchs the two swooping back and forth.

Then she looks off to the side and lets out a huff when she notices the Furfrou and Glameow lounging in the sun instead of doing anything constructive... But they're not fighting over who is prettier for a chance, so she leaves them be. Her Lucario, the other one she'd worry about getting 'weird vibes' from Kord due to her aura senses, seems to have wandered off training. Actually a bit of a relief in that.

She starts to wander in the direction of the pasture and tree grove instead, on the other end of the land. "So tell me a bit more about your world, Kord. It seems to be a bit more, ah, archaic to what we're use to. No offense."

Count Kord has posed:
Kord turns his attention up to the fliers. He watches with some fascination and has to remind himself that they are likely doing it for fun, where in his world that would have been a real territorial dispute and one of them would end the day injured or dead. He blinks slowly as he starts walking while keeping his eyes on the sky, aware of where he's going enough not to bump into her while distracted like that. He's got good control of himself.

"In place of technology and the societal advancement you are familiar with, we have a host of arcane advancements and those of us that are blessed by the god-pokemon. In my world, Porygon are handcrafted and the sign that an artisan has reached a milestone few others can match. Some Pokemon can be, and must be, repelled with enchantments, such as Fairy and Ghost Pokemon. In the Dark Forests, there are ruins of cities and societies there are no recordings of. In place of the Pokeball, we have the Pokejewel, a magical gem that is used to capture and hold a Pokemon. A gift from Diancie, the gemstone god. Pokemon are simpler, and more dangerous because of it."

He looks down and over to her, asking, "Should I continue?"

Alexis has posed:
Alexis idly tucks her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. "I take it that's why you thought it was odd my pokemon 'spoke' with enough intelligence it translates as understandable." Rolls her shoulders in a sort of shrug. "A lot of wild pokemon can be like that, but those that have spent a reasonable amount of time with a Trainer, or even just around humans regularly, tend to pick up a bit more."

She makes a mental note, if she ever visits Bayern, to take Kindler and Checkpoint with her at least. Sounds like the 'knight' and the 'wizard' would fit right in. "I guess it's less archaic and more an.. alternate progression. Though still sounds a century or three back either way." She turns to lean against the fence marking the boundry of the pasture. "By all means, now you've got me curious."

Out in the field a flock of Mareep are grazing, with a couple of Flaaffy as well, a few Skiddo, and one lone Amphados that must be the herd elder as he's standing watch instead, as are the herd dogs. One is, unsurprisingly, a Growlithe.

The other is... a Mightyena? No, it's shaggy, but it's coat is blue rather than black and grey, and it's built more like a... Houndoom? No, no, it has horns but they point ahead like a bull's rather than back like a goat's.

Count Kord has posed:
As they continue along the path and she offers her input on what she's heard, he chuckles to himself at her words. Kord only knows the differences because of what an advisor told him and he awkwardly shuffles to a stop nearby when she stops to lean against a fence. "We do not have Gyms," he continues, "Or a League. We have churches. They serve a similar purpose, but few have the opportunity to receive a blessing from more than one or two of them Most trainers are too poor to make the full circuit through Bayern or succumb to their fear or distractions."

"There are those that learn to utilize Pokemon-like abilities that are not god-touched, and then there are psychics and mediums..." He makes vague gesture forward with one of his hands as he explains.

"We do not have Pokemon Centers. Churches also serve that purpose. Much of that part of our world is handled by the clergy, in fact."

Alexis has posed:
"The similarities are there, but overall it's very different," Alexis muses. "Perhaps the most different pokemon related world I've heard of in a long time." She rests her elbows on top of the fence to hold her hands aside her mouth and amplify her voice a bit, though she probably doesn't really need it. "Hey guys, how are the fields after the windstorm!?"

The 'horned wolf' lifts his head up to look towards the fence. "A few trees busted by the grove, but Sashou took Scorch and Maulotov to clear them out. Nothing major." Lucario, Typhlosion, Emboar... but not the Entei that was missing from his stall earlier. Hmmm. It wasn't uncommon for the Beast Trio to want to run.. and Wildfire still gets antsy around dark influences. Maybe he sensed Kord's arrival and took off for a run instead of overreacting.

And that monster most certainly spoke clear english rather than some kind of translated 'pokespeak'. Probably pretty obvious its not some rare pokemon now.

Count Kord has posed:
Kord turns his head to look toward the monster, baffled by its ability to actually speak and not just babble coherent pokespeak at them. He blinks slowly behind his mask. "That... is not a Pokemon," he slowly realizes, and then looks back over to Alexis, continuing the conversation as if this was not a huge diversion from what he was saying.

"The way you care for your Pokemon is similar to Dragoni. Pokejewels are rare there, most are allowed to roam with some freedom," he tells her, his tone suggesting he approves of the practice of Pokemon not being confined in a Pokeball or Pokejewel all the time.

Alexis has posed:
The reaction is brief but still enough to get a laugh of amusement out of Alexis. "Welcome to the Multiverse. Pokemon aren't the only befriendable, trainable combat critters you'll come across."

She turns around to lean back against the fence instead. "Pokeballs are good for transport and all, but no need to keep cooped up when they're more useful to have out and about."

Count Kord has posed:

That grunt of agreement comes just before he turns to say, "Thank you for the talk. I will visit again when I have more to talk about." Kord waves, and turns to leave at a somewhat leisurely pace. More relaxed than when he arrived, he lets that tail sway behind him, brushing along the ground.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis raises one hand in a bit of a wave. "Maybe sometime we'll return the favor!" She does like to get out and wander on occasion. And the place sounds rather interesting to take a look at.

There is the brief impression of -something- watching Kord from the grove of trees. But it's not until he's well and far away in leave that it moves, and a rush of hot wind briefly passes before the looming form of the Entei stands next to Alexis, still glaring at his deparing form.

"Easy there big guy." Idly Alexis reachs up to give his thick collar of fur a reassuring pat. "A little strange and creepy, but he didn't do anything."

<An avatar of the Bird of Destruction should not be taken lightly,> rumbles the volcanic beast.

"Yeah, but they shouldn't be judged at that alone, either."