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Latest revision as of 08:30, 25 April 2016

A New Project
Date of Scene: 15 April 2016
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: Tomoyo is filming a short movie for a school project, and she needs Elites to serve as actors!
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 172, Sir Gawain, Tomoyo Daidouji, 880

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoeda is a nice, peaceful little town. And it is for that reason that the filming takes place well outside Tomoeda, in a clearing that's deep in the woods. Tomoyo is wise enough to know that when you ask Elites to go all-out, property damage and general peace disturbance may occur.

    She's actually got quite the cosy little setup out here. Cameras have been set up of course, at each of the four cardinal points, all pointing into the clearing. But Elites with sharper eyes might note other cameras in the trees or among the roots for different, dynamic angles! What's more, there's even a catering table set up with all kinds of snacks and nibbles.

    The girl herself is sitting on a collapsible chair, having gone for a simple, stereotypical director look today. She wears a long sleeved shirt with horizontal black and white stripes that sits under a brown vest. Her pants are black and baggy, and she wears a brown beret on her head. She's even wearing shades, but to be fair, with how flashy some Elites can get...

    There's a warp gate just nearby, and everyone who is coming has been given directions to it. Who will grace the natural stage with their presence today?

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura is, of course, already here! Who do you think helped Tomoyo set up the cameras? ... Other than Toya, Takashi and Tomoyo's bodyguards?

    She's currently standing right behind Tomoyo, leaning forward with her arms atop the young director's head. Sakura has, lately, been being somewhat more physically affectionate to her friends - trying to get over the whole 'I'm DEEP now' dark apathy thing she was going through a while back.

    She's dressed in her school uniform. She didn't have time to get changed! Besides, of course Tomoyo is going to dress her up.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has always like this little place she was also fond of Tomoyo so she's here in the last outfit she got from her and seems quite happy. The Adventuring outfit fits her quite well a she comes on in with a grin on her face. Though if Tomoyo wants to put her into something else she won't argue.

Nero (880) has posed:

     ...steps through the warpgate, wearing her usual red outfit, of course. Her hands are on her hips and she has a broad smile on her face. Looking left and right as she steps into the clearing, walking to the center of it.

     Once she reached there, the Servant looked left, and then right. And then she nodded. "Very good! This is excellent land!" Tossing an arm outwards in a dramatic fashion, she went on. "As Emperor of The Multiverse, I hereby annex this land onto the New Imperial Roman Republic!"

     And already, it begins.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Nero will sense something not long after she steps out of the warpgate. It's most definitely another Servant, and they're moving straight towards the woods at full speed. Something strange is happening?

Indeed, soon, an attack happens! A blonde man in a suit and a black superhero mask leaps from the trees, sword in hand, to land straight in front of Tomoyo, landing gently on his feet and straightening up as if that crazy speed and jump was nothing. Indeed, he looks somewhat menacing, as he begins pacing around the forest, before he turns straight towards Tomoyo. His voice is loud, and...really familiar, this is totally Gawain. "Aha! I have found the fabled Movie Set of Destiny! I shall take its power for myself, using it to make this land, and the whole world, mine! I am Fancy Knight! Know my name well, for it is the last you'll ever hear!" Fancy Knight points his sword which is Totally Not Excalibur Galatine straight at Tomoyo, before he pauses. There is a RIVAL! And some other people, but it's best to greet each person one by one.

"You there! Do you plan on taking this land for yourself? I cannot allow you to do such things! This land, and the whole Multiverse are mine! However, if you surrender, I will allow you to live, because, well, I am somewhat nice!" Menacing strain put on the last line, because that is the most terrifying thing a villain can ever say! Muahahaha!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Well of course Tomoyo had help! It's much easier to get someone who can fly to set up the cameras in the trees~ Takeshi was here briefly, but he had to go and work on his own project. And of course, Tomoyo's bodyguards are here, having concealed themselves among the foliage.

    The young tailor certainly doesn't mind being leaned on though, especially if it's the Cardcaptor~ "Thank you for coming to help today Sakura~" She says softly. It had been a while since they had the chance to properly spend time together, even if it's on a school project.

    Kotone's arrival draws a bigger smile from the tailor, especially since Kotone is wearing the outfit she made! "Hello~ Thank you for coming, but I think we have two more. Would you mind waiting a short while?"

    And here's the next one! And she's... well, she certainly has presence enough to be on film! But the whole 'annexing' thing... "I love your energy. But please, save it for the cameras!" she finally says in greeting.

    And then, another weirdo shows up. A passionate weirdo though, which is just what she needs! "Please, please! This is wonderful, but I need you all to sign off on a contract before we begin."

    Contracts are produced from a bag! Thankfully, they are rather short, and easily understood. Basically, they state that the performers consent to having their images screened as a part of doing this, and that the characters they play will be built upon and expanded in post-production, potentially without consulting the actors.

    Pens are also provided, while the bodyguards emerge from the woods at some invisible signal. Each one is pushing a clothing rack, groaning under the weight of several costumes hanging from them! "Once you've signed off, feel free to pick a costume for yourself~ It's okay if you don't want one, but I've made a range of archetypes to choose from!"

    Yes, even Sakura gets to choose her costume this time. Is this real life???

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    "Tomoeda is already part of an empire," Sakura notes softly, before standing up and stretching. She doesn't even read the contract, and just signs immediately! Which is a thing she's done before. She trusts Tomoyo! ... One of these days Tomoyo is going to catch her out and get her to sign something 'awful'.

    Sakura is suddenly struck with indecision as she stares at the costumes. "I, uh... what should I wear? I don't know what sort of character I'm meant to be!"

Nero (880) has posed:
Nero does a DRAMATIC HEAD TURN once FANCY KNIGHT appears! She grins and turns fully to face him. "Mhmhmhm...! Truly. You believe you can stop me? WELL-" And then Tomoyo happens. Right. Contracts. Contracts. "-hold a moment." Swiftly, she goes over and signs. And then once that's over with and the costumes are revealed...

     "You have met your match! But first, my transformation!" And it's right back into action. Nero chooses some fancy frilly black dress that looks like something an evil empress would have worn. How did she change so fast!? Imperial Privilege, you casuals! Then she speeds back into the clearing. "-For I, Emperor of the Multiverse shall not be stopped! It is here and now that I will annex this land, plunder it's resources, and work its people into the ground! All for my own dark ambitions!"

     She sweeps out an arm then, causing Aestus Estus to materialize! And then she points it at SIR FANCY KNIGHT! "Now, have at three! Let us decide who amongst us is worthy of laying claim to this land!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    While Nero is changing her outfit at a speed that would make Tomoyo's Garment Grid green with envy, the tailor herself is whispering encouraging words to Sakura. "Don't think in terms of the character you're meant to be~ I'm not supposed to be giving direction anyway. Think in terms of... the character you would want to be. And pick based on that."

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura nods slowly, turning to look at Nero for a moment. Then she nods. "...Alright. I think I have an idea." She searches through the racks - then swiftly grabs something and vanishes into the trees! She can't just change clothes in front of everyone, sheesh.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa takes a moment to look over the other arrivals she knows Sakura she looks to Nero for a moment and then back to Tomoyo. She grins a bit as she comes in to her friend and titls her head for a moment.

"Unhuh are you all right?"

SHe's now looking at Nero hard for a monmebt. She however says nothing else on that.

"So what do you got in mind Sakura I'd love to hear it. Also we need to just ad lib it?"

Sir Gawain has posed:
Fancy Knight is GOING to reply, but Tomoyo stops him! "What? You dare attempt to pause my evil? Well, it'd be rude to refuse, and if I got hurt, you'd be held responsible, and that'd be bad..." Fancy Knight frowns in thought as he grabs the contract, signing it after reading line through line, carefully. "Fine! You now have the right to use my image, I, Fancy Knight! But it will be useless once I take the powe- ooh, clothes." And then, Fancy Knight runs off into the clothing racks to find something and change, quickly. He vanishes into the treetops and returned, dressed even fancier!

He's still wearing a suit, but now it's white and...almost protagonisty! White and gold, as if those colors mean something, and his homemade mask has been replaced with a full face mask, gold and almost regal, except for the fact that the mouth is uncovered. Brushing his blonde hair back and pulling on a pair of gloves, Fancy Knight grips at his sword, checks himself to make sure his appearance is camera ready, and then turns back to Nero, boasting. "You dare oppose me? Very well! You will pay the ultimate price!" He flexes his hand at her as if 'come at me', holding his sword in a defensive position. And then, he watches the cameras, briefly. "Are these on?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "Yes Kotone, you just need to ad-lib~ After you sign the contract. And put on an outfit, if you so choose~" Tomoyo says. All the while, she's quietly marvelling at the colour contrast between Nero and Gawain's costumes. They really know their stuff!

    "They've always been rolling~ Please, feel free to continue. Everyone else, feel free to jump in at any time!"

Nero (880) has posed:
Nero chuckles "Mhmhmhmhm! Very well! Come at you I shall!!" Suddenly, she dove forward, letting loose a furious overhead slash towards the Masked Man!

     This was just acting right? ...So why did it look like those two were actually fighting?

     Damn Servants.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Giving a thumbs up to the camera, Fancy Knight is slightly distracted, allowing Nero to get close enough to trip him up! He quickly shifts his blade to try and divert the force of Nero's strike, sliding slightly backwards, as he laughs, in order to keep up the pretense of Cocky Villain. "That was too predictable! You will never win that way!" Fancy Knight proceeds to attack back with...an extremely predictable forward slash, though it has quite a bit of force behind it. Is he planning something else? "TAKE THIS!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa nods once at Tomoyo before thinking over her next words for a moment. "So may I see the contract so I can then get into costume and get to it?" She looks eager and quite happy to get going with this. But once that is done? She's going to get right to it. It doesn't take the cyborg long, to go over the contract, to check several legal terms online and then to sign it. She'll also head off to find an costume on the rack which seems to be some sort of lean form hugging assassin type outfit She grins widely at her friend and waits to go be an agent of chaos on this.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    As the Emperor of the Multiverse and Sir Fancy Knight clash, an arrow comes streaking out of nowhere, missing both Servants by inches! It buries itself in the grass a few yards away from them.

    "You would seek the power of this land?" speaks a voice from the shadows. "Fools... this power already has a master." The arrow suddenly explodes into a puff of smoke! Standing there, suddenly, is a green-robed figure, with a face-concealing hood. Absolutely nothing of whatever she happens to be wearing under it can be made out. "I offer you a choice. Leave now, or face the wrath of this wood's guardian!"

Nero (880) has posed:
Nero angles her sword to defend against the return strike, sliding back a bit from the force of the blow. "Impressive, foul fiend! However-" And then suddenly, an arrow is fired, striking the ground between the two. The Saber Class Servant's eyes widen and she steps back as it explodes, revealing...a figure in a green robe!      "Oho!" She intones with interest, leveling her sword at the newly appeared presence. "Well, Guardian of The Woods! I will not take a single step away from this place! Not until I have subjugated the land and its people!" Smirking, she tosses out an arm. "Now, if you wish to show me this wrath of yours, then come!"

     Sir Fancy Knight was given a look. "As for you, my old enemy! It would appear that we must join forces to quell this newly appeared benevolent force! After which, we shall resume our previous duel!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    And now things are picking up! Sworn rivals clashing for the same ends, only to be interrupted by a more benevolent third party! She takes up a camera, brand new and very hi-tech, before starting to walk around the clearing, getting in some panning shots of the action! Should anyone glance in her direction, she mouths 'you're doing great!'

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
As the duel goes on btween the two there would be a shadowy form coming upon the two who wished to tak over the land, and those who seem to have other plans. She stalks both Nero and Gawain as she moves in the camera might catch a glint of light off her twin arm blades as she moves in while they contiune to fight the pair and she'll make to wiat until they reply to the guardian fo the woods. Howevet the figure is /waiting/ to strike.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Fancy Knight pulls his sword back as the Emperor defends, but leaps backwards as the arrow strikes the ground, turning instinctively to face the new challenger. "There is nothing I hate more than forest spirits, ever since Important Backstory Moment #9! You shall not win, Guardian, even if I must sacrifice an arm and a leg to take your forest from you!" His lips grimace as he points his blade, seemingly accepting the Emperor's terms. "For it is only the three of us here, you are outnumbered! Therefore, you cannot win, Guardian! Surrender or perish!"

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    There's the hint of a smirk under that face-concealing hood. "Sir Knight, you must be aware that this forest teams with life. You think I'm alone?!" Suddenly, branches erupt from the ground! There's a brief shimmer in the air, before ther branches twist and bind around themselves, forming into a giant, wooden arm - soon joined by a shoulder, and then a head! The woody giant - a good fifteen feet tall - clambers out of the ground and makes a swing at Nero! "I am NEVER alone!"

    Oddly, it's not... really displacing the air like it should. And if it hits, it feels more like the slap of a switch than the battering of a giant arm of wood. Illusions!

    Sakura's kinda hoping she sells it like the giant is real, though.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Now, instead of a panning shot, Tomoyo has to crane up to capture that illusory golem! She also gives a signal to her guards, who quickly pan some other camera up, so they have a good look from multiple angles!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
That's when she makes ready to strike and she'll make to strike at Gawin from behind with her prop weapons.

"Do you both think you are safe from our blades? Do you think you could be safe where ever you slept! We are everywhere we are nowhere and for your crimes the sentance is DEATH! MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GODS FOR I SHALL SEND YOU TO THEM!" She's totally getting into it now but will Gawain be able to react in time?

Nero (880) has posed:
Nero widens her eyes as the wooden giant climbs up out of the earth. "Such sorcery!" She exclaims, taking a dramatic step back. "Such power...! Truly..." Running with it all quite well, she forces a shocked and fearful look onto her face. "To think that the forest wielded such might...!"

     And then it attacks! While the impact is actually negligible, Nero threw herself back, letting out a cry of fake pain. "Augh...!" She sailed back, and then landed onto the forest ground, sword clattering away.

     "No...! This is...This is impossible!" Struggling to sit up, she glared up at the wooden giant defiantly. "This....cannot be! It was to be my privilege as Emperor of the Multiverse to take this forest as my own! I refuse to allow any other outcome!"

Sir Gawain has posed:
Before the Fancy Knight can reply, he's attacked by an assassin! "Foul beas-" Before he can react, Fancy Knight is...destroyed? He vanishes. Completely, as blood drips from where he previously was, briefly. But for those who have the senses, he's still around there, somewhere. Is he dead? Is this a trap? Who knows, but SOMETHING just happened.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    As Kotone strikes, the Guardian of the Forest is distracted from Nero! She gestures to her wooden golem to grasp at the Emperor of the Multiverse and keep her restrained, but, well, without her full attention, can she direct the creature successfully?!

    "Who are you?!" she demands of this shadowy hero of the night. "Did my father send you?! His time has passed! This is MY responsibility now!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The namelss Assassin looks about as she has scored a hit, yet it does not feel right to her at all. She looks around she clearly does not think she's made the kill and she's clearly making sure to find where her target has gone. "Speak of such thing once our tasks are done. These two are slated for death and it shall be carried out as the Order's Master has commanded."

She pauses taking some pownder froma pocket and blows hoping it will stick to the now likely invisable knight...

Nero (880) has posed:
Nero grabs her blade from where it had fallen, and then interposes the weapon between her and the hand of the golem. "I think not! There is not way that I would allow myself to fall in such a manner!" She stood up to her feet, pretending to be struggling as she pushed back against the hand. "I will defeat you and subjugate the people of this land for my own ends! It is my destiny! And I will not be deterred! Never!"

     ...She spoke of evil things, but she made it sound like she was the hero here. How does that work!?

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    The Guardian of the Forest's face can't really be made out, but she seems to be glowering at the... Assassin? Regardless, she turns to face the Emperor of the Multiverse. "...You're just like my father." The Guardian then flings off her cloak, revealing Sakura to be wearing... what appears to be a military jacket crossed with a medieval doublet, puffy red hose and long riding boots that actually come up past her knees. "He used his powers as Guardian to subjugate these lands in his youth. There is peace, now, but I still remember the looks of fear I get from the villagers when I walk through their streets!" She - he??? She's dressed as a prince - draws a sword. "I won't allow another tyrant!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo has to actively stifle her gasp of delight when she sees Sakura without the cloak. Distant memories of Sleeping Beauty come to mind... she's quite happy to see that Sakura is more comfortable doing stuff like this herself!

    All in all, she's quite happy with the characters that are being portrayed. The tyrant who sees herself a hero, the rival knight who opposes her, the Guardian who wishes to defend her-HIS home and redeem his family name, and the mysterious assassin working towards unknown ends!

    How will it end? She's actually quite excited to see!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is now foxued on teh emperor she finds nothing she is aware the knigh is out there somewhere asns she looks at Sakura for a moment an then back to the Empress.

"You shall fail and they shall rise up in time even should I fail for all Empires are DOOMED TO FALL!"

She shifts moving inhumanly fast as she attemps to make her strike Nero she says nohing she's got a job to do and would be Tyrant to take down. She's seeming to strike hard but it's for show after all this is dramatic movie!

Nero (880) has posed:
"Mhmhmhmhm..." Nero chuckled as the Guardian of the Forest revealed themselves at last. "...Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" And then she tossed her head back and laughed. "Yes, good!" With an arm outstretched, the Tyrant exclaimed dramatically. "This is acceptable! So you wish to redeem yourself in the eyes of the people, for your father's past misdeeds?"

     She then took a stance, gripping her sword with both hands. "Then I shall see to it that you fall from grace, as your father no doubt did!" BUT AT THAT MOMENT- Here comes the Assassin! She swings her blade out, clashing with her sudden assailant. "How dare you interrupt a fated duel between two rulers!? A mere assassin!" She pushed forward, attempting to force her opponent back, and then going for a really obvious horizontal swing.

     "I shall not be defeated by an assassin! My destiny is to rise higher and higher! I will become the ruler of all existence!"

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    The Guardian of the Forest-slash-The Prince hesitates for a moment as her (his?) foe is attacked by another assailant! Sakura's eyes narrow, and she smirks. "...A tyrant like you deserves nothing less than to be cut down by an assassin." She exhales, closing her eyes and bringing her hands together.

    "O Spirits of the Wood..." A soft green glow surrounds her! More Illusion special effects. "Grant this humble spirit the strength of the trees and the swiftness of the winds!" She thrusts her hands forward, and Kotone is suddenly surrounded by a vibrant green glow! Which... does absolutely nothing except look cool.

    "Strike now!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The nameless woman stares down the Emperor as she waits for making her strike She'd have to wait for her time tos trke she looks at her target.

"Many men and women who thought they were untouchable were felled by an Assassin's blade."

She makes ready but then she's given power by the very Guardian of the wood ther eis nothing said as she moves to strike. There is nothing else said she does not seem to care ands launches into a poiwerful chain of strikes.


Boosete by the power of the Guardian of the woods would this be enough!?

Nero (880) has posed:
The Tyrant frowns! She clashes blades with the Assassin, who's been endowed with the blessing of the forest. The clang of metal sounds through the forest as the two forces meet repeatedly!

     And then suddenly, she freezes. "........" The black clad emperor looks down slowly, and what she finds...is a blade pierced through her stomack(It's actually past her side. Trick of positioning!). "...No....impossible..." She coughs and looks upwards at the sky wistfully.

     "I was....meant to rule....all...life..." And then she closes her eyes and vanishes into magic particles.


Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    The Guardian of the Forest swishes her sword dramatically before returning it to its sheath. The glow around the Assassin ebbs. "...Tell my father that I haven't given up on him. And get out of my forest."

    And she leaps into the air and is gone!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa lowers he blades as the Tyrants are down she looks to the /Guardian for a moment.

"I shall depart and deliver the message."

She bows and then drops a smokebomb vanishing after th smoke clears.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    "And CUT!"

    Tomoyo lowers her own camera, and applauds! "That was absolutely wonderful everyone! Thank you all so much for coming out~" Should Nero and Gawain be visible again, they all get a handshake, as does Kotone. Sakura gets a hug, of course~

    "Once the assignment is over, I'll be sure to post the film for everyone to see! But for now, please help yourselves~" She gestures at the table of refreshments. "And feel free to keep the costume too!"

Sir Gawain has posed:
Gawain never appears again. However, refreshments start vanishing when no one's looking. It seems he's planning on playing dead until he leaves!