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Exploration: Urban Decay (2)
Date of Scene: 05 May 2016
Location: Lumiere
Synopsis: The Confederates conduct their own investigation... And are led by dark powers to new allies.
Cast of Characters: 903, Count Kord, 974

Carna (974) has posed:
    After the recent battle against Lanterns and Unlit and Horrors From Beyond, some might shy away from returning to Lumiere so soon. But now that the heroes and the curious have made progress, gotten their 'reward' of moving deeper, and potentially found a way to ascend from Barrowville to whatever lies above, it's time for those with their own interests and objectiveness to split off from the 'group cooperation' theme and do their own investigating.

    As is typical by now (though obviously a new experience to those who haven't been here before), the journey into Lumiere is accomplished by leaping down into a deep dark hole in the Cavern of Death, surrounded all around by piles of bones. A supernatural fall, of indeterminate duration, eventually deposits visitors onto an endless expanse of smooth white marble, before a large pair of stone doors with skeletons carved into its surface.

    The doors open upon approach, leading to wherever one desires to go. Though obviously, only the places that one knows of would be available right now. The arrival point is always in a relatively safe (as far Lumiere can get to safety, anyway) location within the specified zone. But there are no guarantees about what waits beyond that point. The gates close and merge into whatever environment is present after stepping through them, though they appear to freely open upon detecting intent to use them. This world's equivalent of Warp Gates.

    The Urban Decay is, as usual, a bleak, dismal, darkened place, with no sun, moon, or stars. What little light exists is usually a gathering point for walking corpses that move with surprising fluidity rather than the lurching of movie zombies. They can switch between sedate movement and sudden, crazed flurries of action in moments, and are garbed and armed in a variety of styles and with a variety of weapons across all Earth eras.

    Though only constant light is a spire barely visible in the distance, peeking over the rambling rooftops and uneven skyline of what might as well be a world-city composed of buildings and structures of a similarly dissonant selection of eras and cultures. And somewhere here, in the place where that gleaming spire doesn't touch with its cold, joyless glow... In the places where Darkness gathers and festers...

    Whispers speak of rewards to be had for those willing to delve deep and face whatever waits for them.

    The likely arrival point for the Confederates is the main Warp Gate destination for the Urban Decay, though they could have arrived at the Church of Bleak Mercy and risked being spotted by other visitors or the Union. That, at least, is a sanctuary where they would have time to prepare and be briefed on the nature of this place (as it is currently understood).

    But if the true motives of this expedition came to light (no pun intended), there might be problems in the future. It is up to the leader of the gathering which place is the starting point. The dimly lit, but still lit, church grounds... Or the murky and dust-choked streets of a long-dead city, where the Darkness can be heard more clearly. Where it is not being smothered by the safety and Light of the Peacemaker and whatever powers she worships.

Count Kord has posed:
    Kord would lead the others into Lumiere, a couple of Confederates that had shown interest in the world. Having grown dissatisfied with the aimless struggles of the Lanterns and the arguments of the Union about whether or not the place could even be saved, he shifted his priorities instead to the thing that had drawn him here in the first place: That powerful force of Darkness promising power to those that would seek it.

    So he didn't lead the other two into the Church. They would receive the rundown, though colored from his particular view on the world: The world is full of dead things that will want to devour your Light, the essence of your being and life, and even the ones that can be reasoned with, the Lanterns, may be predators waiting for an opening themselves. Or, in one case, people willing to leave strangers to die to save their own skin.

    So they would appear in the Urban Decay, and Kord unfolds his scythe for the first time since coming to this world because he knows he can't rely on the heroics of the opposing side for this, or the cover of their very loud noises. He emphasizes for the others, his voice stern and muffled by his strange bird-like helmet, "Keep quiet. Only attack when necessary. We will have to travel through darker paths than others have dared to tread to find the source of whatever called me here, and I fear it will attempt to devour us when we find it, so be on your guard at all times. Everything here wants to kill you."

    And he would advance into the Decay, trying to seek the voice of this darkness. He flicks his gaze up toward the sky, briefly, reminding himself of the feeling of the sky wanting to swallow him up, his stomach briefly twisting in a knot.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon Ribbon is not used to following others, but as Kord has been here before and she has not she defers to him for the time being. A land of predators, trying to devour the light and life of others. She almost feels as though she belongs! The relatively tall pony nods at his warnings, then just follows after. Despite being a creature of the night herself, she can feel just how hostile this place is. She has rarely faced actual danger on this level of seriousness. She swallows softly as they move into the Decay, ready to deploy her ribbons at a moments notice.

     "You did say we might find dark powers here, correct? If not, there is no reason for a lovely pony like myself to risk herself in a place such as this." she says as she walks beside Kord.

Carna (974) has posed:
    Now that there aren't so many others around, so many nattering voices, so many brighter souls, it's considerably easier to hear that original presence, that not-quite-voice that offered its temptations and promises. The hollow emptiness of this place, and the Darkness that swells beneath, are not the same as those oblivion monsters. Rather than a sensation of hunger, as the whispers lead Count Kord, it's a far more intelligent, aware, and eager presence. Something that knows he is here, and calls for his attention, rather than sensing his existence the way a beast might, and coming for him.

    Alleyways barricaded with crates, street strewn with rusted barrels and fallen lamp posts, and corpses that might be recently slain Unlit or Lanterns who gave up on coming back and allowed themselves to become empty husks without anything at all left inside of them... No more aware than one of those crates. Ambush points, barriers, all of these still lie in their path, but the more closely either Kord or Ebon Ribbon listen, the less they resist or think about it, the more they seem to be led down otherwise difficult to spot paths and around these obstacles.

    Almost like the world is reordering itself for their benefit. The more they resist the pull, the more they hesitate or keep an eye out for danger, the more of it they have to face.

    Winding streets thick with something like fog but that smells like the rot off a mass grave. Across bridges over bottomless chasms, with drains in the walls that continue down, down, down until the shadows become too deep for eyes to see through. The crumbling brick and cracked concrete around the drains stained red, from the blood that pours through the sewers in this world.

    Through the forgotten places, the places yet to be explored. Until the two vampiric beings arrive in a new section of the Urban Decay. One seemingly a bit more... Inhabited. There are others that can be heard before they're seen, talking and interacting the way the sane might. And when they are seen, they are seen in a variety of activities, ranging from selling weapons and other equipment to fellow Lanterns, to talking in small groups, to being gathered around some kind of fighting pit, where two Lanterns are duelling each other. There even appear to be some things not unlike businesses or at least establishments of some sort.

    This is the very first Lantern town found so far. And the Darkness led them here...

Carna (974) has posed:
New Area Discovered:



Gateway to Truth and Torment

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     The whisper of the Darkness is something that actually soothes Ebon Ribbon. She lives in the darkness on her world, and strange sounds in the darkness are her nighttime lullaby. And, with her confidence that she and Kord could handle anything this world might throw at them, she is soon following those whispers, curiousity drawing her deeper into the darkness.

     She is surprised when they reach a town in the depths of this dark place. Especially that seems so lively. Actual business and socialization are taking place, something one does not expect when dealing with a world where everything is supposedly dead. Ebon is ready to face a lot of attention being a talking four-legged pony, and so she raises her nose a bit, presenting a pround and powerful front to the other predators. Trying to convey a 'do not mess with me' attitude with her posture and the light smirk on her face. "What is this place?" she says to Kord as they walk.

Count Kord has posed:
    Kord grew silent as he succumbed to the draw of the voice. It took more and more effort not to wander ahead and leave Ebon Ribbon behind, the agile creature keeping mindful of her if only out of fear for the safety and capabilities of one of his allies. He was confident she could handle himself, enough that he voiced no concern.

    He was smart enough to notice how the world seemed to adapt to their expectations, realizing it the moment something felt like it should have been more of a threat but failed to be so due to his focus on the voice. So focused on the more intelligent Darkness, Kord would have encountered minimal resistance and certainly not enough of it to be cause for concern.

    Discovering the Lantern settlement was unnerving. It was a city full of people hungering for the light of others. Yet while it unnerved him, he felt more at home in it than anywhere else. He spared a pale blue glance aside at Ebon, a meaningful look as if searching for her feelings on this as they passed by various Lanterns mingling among themselves. Her question gets a simple response: "A gathering of Lanterns, those Unlit that have gained minds." The Unlit being the undead things they had encountered here and there along the way, trying to carve out the illuminating spark in their bodies. He animatedly taps the side of his helmet with a finger as he explains.

    Then he refocuses on the voice, and continues seeking it out. He ignores the Lanterns after the initial shock. His steps have purpose that would tell any sane being that it would be best to stay out of his way. While this is a fascinating discovery, there has to be a reason they're all gathered here in particular, some sort of beacon of darkness. He has no interest in chattering with them unless they prove to be important or obstacles. His eyes stay peeled for the one that spoke to him when he first arrived at the Church of Bleak Mercy.

Carna (974) has posed:
    Inhuman beings that aren't hostile, let alone that have awareness, are a rarity here apparently. Though there are those stationed outside the settlement like guards, and they grip their weapons tighter when they see Kord and Ebon Ribbon approach, it's mostly the fact that Kord seems to be aware of them and not making hostile action, and the fact that Ebon Ribbon herself is not attacking Kord in turn, which convince them that whatever is going on here, they aren't in immediate danger from them... But it would be foolish to think that the pair aren't going to be noticed and watched by many eyes for as long they're here. This small town is busy relative to the abandoned streets of the rest of the Urban Decay, for certain, but with a population numbering in the dozens, it's still not exactly what one would call a major population center.

    As they pass through the area, past a stand where some rotten Lantern whose teeth show like crooked stones in a half-skull face is attempting to peddal throwing knives to another Lantern, the two Confederates are definitely drawing attention. No one has attempted to speak to them or approach them. But safe to say that this is the first they've seen of the Living. Except for the Lantern who stands at that very market stall.

    "Half-Cut, I've no interest in your piddling knives. I want to know what you've heard of the gate to Escher being opened. I've just been there and it's locked, but the Grey Plaza crew are gone, and a battle was waged there -- and a fierce one at that. There is no way that you have no information about it." a Lantern in armor seemingly made out of stone gargoyles, or made to look like one, says to the merchant.

    The eternally grinning, fleshless-mouthed Lantern cups a hand to his ear and says, "Eh? What's that, Sir Luc? I'm somewhat hard of hearing. Did you say you wanted some sort of service for free? I'm sorry, but as you can see, Half-Cut the Broker is a business, and if I start doling out service without payment to you, then others will want the same. You can see how that would be bad for business, yes?"

    Luc, the stone-armored man hefts an enormous stone sword off his shoulder and points it at Half-Cut one-handed. "You're a bleeding parasite! You know that?"

    Half-Cut, shrinks back into his stall and inquires in a shrill, panicked voice, "What are we all then? You know the rules!"

    Luc plants the sword in the cobblestones at his feet, and says, "Aye, I know them. Take your blasted Dead Lights and use them to rinse out your ears. I'll not repeat myself."

Count Kord has posed:
    The sentinels are given some brief acknowledgement. Kord notes their unease and the very fact that this place requires guards. It seems that whatever guided him here is not, in turn, protecting these people. He discards the thought of speaking with them, and ignores any attention he garners in the form of looks or murmurs beyond what he needs to pick up on to inform Ebon of why they are so weirded out. "They have not seen the Living here, let alone a thinking being in a shape other than human," he explains, his voice soft enough that it would sound like he's just politely talking to her as they walk. He stops talking when he spots Luc, looking in that direction and pausing in his steps. And then he approaches the both of them.

    "Hello," he greets, "I hadn't expected to run into you again... or this place. How long have there been Lanterns gathered here? And why here, of all places?" He glances aside at Half-Cut, smiling behind his helmet at the thought that asking Luc for information would be seen as hostility by the unsettling merchant of words. Kord welcomed a little conflict every once in a while, and that dangerous shine to his eyes suggested as much.

    "I am Kord," he introduces, remembering his manners, his tone taking a friendly turn.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon Ribbon's ears perk as they make their way through the small town. Or camp, since that is really what it seems like, given the small population and the feeling of tribalness about it. As she passes them, Ebon regards the Lanterns with curiousity. They definitely look dead for the most part. The sight of that skinless face causes Ebon to gasp in fright a moment before she regains her composure.

     The way Kord just talks with these creatures as if he is familiar with them actually makes Ebon wonder about him. Is he some kind of dead creature as well? "And who is this, Kord?" she asks as she stops by the stall, trying not to stare at the skull-faced Half-cut.

Carna (974) has posed:
    The knight turns in the middle of accumulating a ghostly glow over one gauntleted hand when he is addressed. He doesn't seem to recognize Kord right away, though it's hard to tell with a helmet of carved stone bearing the features of a demon concealing his appearance. "Oh, aye?" he says noncommitally. His head turns towards the pony, looking her over for several long moments while the other Confederate talks and asks questions. When an introduction is provided, eventually the Lantern focuses on Kord again and says, "Gargoyle Knight Luc. I don't recall your appearance, but you have a familiar feel about you. It was... The White Church where we met then?"

    Luc's hand is still glowing, leaving Half-Cut impatiently shifting from side to side on the ground, behind the low wooden table that serves as a counter. "Could you perhaps socialize somewhere else? I've a business to run and your nag is scaring away my customers." Did he just call Ebon a nag!? How rude!

    Luc turns, his immobile gargoyle helmet nonetheless giving the impression of increased ferocity without a single thing changing about it. There are so many shadows here already, picking out the specific details of such a carved symbol is difficult. Surely the stone itself can't be moving...

    But whatever the case, Half-Cut seems sufficiently intimidated to ammend his words. "Or you could stay! We've still a business transaction to complete, after all! And perhaps your companions would have something they wish to purchase..." Empty sockets in the ragged-skinned upper half of the Lantern's face take in Ebon and Kord. "...And they've some prominent Light they might part with in trade."

    Luc says, "Shut your trap, leech, else I shut it for you." Then he turns his unseen gaze back on Kord and says, "How long? How do you measure time? Most of us go by the number of journals we've written, or the number of pages. That's a relative measurement though, as not all write the same amounts or with the same frequency. Some stop writing entirely. But those are the Lanterns that go mad and wind up as bad as the Unlit."

    Luc turns to look around at the buildings in barely a better state of repair than the rest of the Urban Decay, and says, "There were already Lanterns here when I first visited. Two-hundred thousand journals ago. The merchant, loathesome as he may be--" at this, Half-Cut scoffs in the background. "--is right on two counts at least. To discuss what it is that's special about this place, we'd be better off speaking privately. And I DO have business to conclude with this wretch. He still has to tell me what happened at the Escher gate, who was responsible, and everything else he knows."

    Half-Cut seems to grin even wider somehow, despite there being no lips and little jaw muscle left to make such an expression. "'Everything' is a very expensive amount. Are you sure you can afford it, Stone Devil?"

    Luc's hand is held out in a fist, palm down, swirling spiritual energy gathered around the gauntlet. He pauses as something seems to occur to him, and says, "...Unless, of course, either of YOU knows about it. Then maybe I'd be willing to trade with YOU instead. Perhaps my information for yours." He starts to withdraw his hand.

    Half-Cut hurriedly says, "But not THAT expensive, I assure you!"

    Luc looks between pony and man and says, "Well, which is it? Do I line the pockets of the vulture or make a more even arrangement?"

    Half-Cut is frantically shaking his head behind Luc and making an 'x' with his arms.

Count Kord has posed:
    Kord's head turns as his ally is disrespected. In contrast to the vague shadows that seem to flicker on the stone warrior's helmet, the pair of bright blue eyes clearly shows his disapproval of Half-Cut. He shifts his weight from one foot to another, as if the only thing keeping from punching the merchant was carefully trained restraint and the distraction of a conversation.

    The suggestion that they could part with their Light marks a momentary clench of one of his fists. Did he collect Light from those sparse few he had slain in his time here in Lumiere, or was it some other force the Lantern was smelling...? The Count looked back up to Luc, lidding his eyes behind the helmet in an expression of melancholy understanding. So many journals, so much time spent here in this decayed world with nothing but the mad hungry dead to contend with... and one's own gnawing hunger. Luc struck Kord either as a predator rivaling his own ferocity or a man of unshakeable will.

    "A number of Living were investigating and discovered a path to Escher," he explains, making a point to wave at Half-Cut dismissively. "They encountered... resistance, that way. Those beings of void and hunger appear to be difficult to dispatch, or they did until one of that party used her unique talents to mortally wound one of the creatures."

    He smiles behind his helmet and it can be heard in his voice, "They found a way through, but one of them locked the way behind them to prevent the terrible things from following them. They do have this habit of antagonizing all manner of darkness as they aimlessly wander, so you might run into them eventually. They were just arriving in Lumiere when I first ran into you, in fact."

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     "D-did you just call me...a nag?!" Ebon Ribbon exclaims, obviously insulted. She frowns heavily, then her horn sparks before five ribbons of neon purple energy spring forth, hovering around and above her like snakes ready to strike. "I am a beautiful unicorn! Not a loathesome, ancient nag! If you think I am scary merely standing here, you have seen nothing yet!"

     With both the other two seeming to agree with her, Ebon hmphs haughtily and withdraws those ribbons, which these creatures might recognizes as life-draining magic if they have such senses. When they are asked if they know what happened, Ebon starts to speak up when Kord speaks to Luc. He seems to have the details correct, so she just adds at the end, "If you need some way to measure time, then there are things from outside of this world called clocks. They can measure time steadily and accurately if you truly wish to know how much time you are spending down here."

Carna (974) has posed:
    Luc is silent throughout what Kord says, and then once again takes in the curiosity that is Ebon Ribbon, as though seeing her properly for the first time. Whether it's her display of powers, the realization that she is alive rather than Dead, or the clocks she spoke of, both Kord and Ebon may have impressed the knight in their own ways.

    Half-Cut seems suitably threatened and aggravated in equal measure by this development and from the glares and ribbons of those assembled.

    Luc actually sounds somewhat surprised when he says, "I would wager that you have already more than paid your half of the bargain." The knight turns towards Half-Cut, the glow about his hand vanishing completely and says, "So sorry, worm, but it seems there's no transaction to be had right now." Then he yanks his heavy blade from the stone, puts it back over his shoulder, and turns away as he says, "I'll answer your questions as best I can. And if I'm not able to fully repay you through information, I'll ensure all debts are settled."

    Half-Cut shrieks after Luc in indignation at being cheated out of a generous amount of Dead Lights, "Oh, I'M the vulture? I'M the leech and the parasite!?" He gesticulates at Ebon and Kord.

    Luc calls back blandly, "As you say, vermin."

    Half-Cut yells out, "I'll write you down for this! I'll not forget it!" Then he pulls out a large ledger of some kind and actually writes down the events that just transpired and the names of those involved so he won't forget.

    Luc seems unimpressed as he heads around a corner, pausing only to make sure she's being followed. Assumign he is, he leads the way down some steps that seem mossy at first, but the greenery is more like a moldy residue strewn across the stairs and down the sides to some area with more houses and buildings below. The stairs eventually deposit the group at what appears to be a warehouse, but the inside is like no warehouse in the outside world. The floor is just a huge set of stairs spiralling down further beneath the ground, with knights similar to Luc stationed around, all in the same armor. Though some seem to be wearing lighter versions, and the body language of some indicates there may be women among them.

    "New recruits, Luc?" one of those female knights calls as Luc heads passed her and down into the depths.

    "Perhaps in time. For now, they've earned a favor." Luc replies. He stops to ask, "Is the Granite Cistern open?"

    One of the other knights says, "S'far as I know. Y'think there's reason for it to not be open?"

    Luc continues down the steps and says, "The only certainty is destruction."

    The knights watch Kord and Ebon the whole time. The lady knight calls out to the pony, "Watch your step. It would be a shame if you spilled that Living blood of yours all over the ground..." Then she laughs in a maniacal manner that wouldn't be expected from one with a low, almost sultry voice like she'd been using. It's an insane cackling as though she'd just made the funniest joke ever.

    This place and these people...

Count Kord has posed:
    Kord's perception of this exchange is colored a fair amount by the harshness of the merchant himself and the imperious behavior of the stone knight. The silent hawk turns his head in the animated way that a bird might with each word passed between them, at least until Luc decides to start leading them elsewhere. He waves to urge Ebon Ribbon to follow, making sure she doesn't get distracted by the crabby merchant. A glance is given to the ledger; he's sensing a theme, a sort of culture among the Lanterns.

    Kord is otherwise silent, though the way his posture shifts when Luc speaks that phrase -- the only certainty... -- suggests it had thrown him off-guard. Not a startle... It sounded like what those that tended to the Mausoleum of Yveltal would say. The crazy lady gets a much different reaction from him, though.

    He rumbles out a chuckle as he prepares to follow Luc further. But he turns after that and pat carefully at Ebon's side, to be reassuring, to remind that he's on her side without speaking it aloud. He is only an acquaintance connected through factional affiliation, but he'd prefer laughing at the wrong thing didn't upset someone he's working with. And it's also meant to keep her focused on the task and not on the mad tittering of some nameless Lantern.

    "The Granite Cistern...?" he wonders aloud, musing and expecting he will receive an explanation in one form or another very shortly.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     As they leave Half-cut, Ebon Ribbon raises a forehoof to wave goodbye without actually turning to look at him or even turning her head. "I am sure I will make the most interesting page in your journal for thousands of yea...er...entries." she calls out haughtily as they leave. They are taken to a warehouse after that. Do dead people need warehouses? The inside is surprising. "Is this some kind of...military base?" she asks out of curiousity as she starts down the stairs.

     The female knight who makes that 'joke' and starts laughing certainly draws a raised eyebrow. "Oh, yes. I am certain that you would be quite upset if that happened. But, you should watch your step as well. You never know when someone might snatch what little light you have right out of your fingers." she says. When Kord pats her, Ebon actually seems surprised when Kord pats her side. She seems like she is quite unused to comrades showing any concern for her, and gives Kord a suspicious, slightly confused look.

Carna (974) has posed:
    Stone hands protrude from the walls, bearing spheres of glowing red energy of some kind to provide illumination. It's a poor substitute for a torch, but it does the job of making the stairs less treacherous. At least once one's eyes adjust to the gloom. As they descend other Gargoyle Knights are either standing along the sides talking, or on their way up from below. All of them seem to have the same general interest in the two new arrivals. One of them feels like a Lantern except not. Ebon, however, seems to not even have that. And as a result the two outsiders are quite a spectacle with their whole 'not being dead' thing going on.

    When the trio reach a broad open platform after descending perhaps three-hundred steps, there remain many more stairs beyond this 50 foot square of marble. Luc replies, "A military base? Nay. This is the hall of our Order. An Order is a loose affiliation of Lanterns with common goals or views. Some are more dedicated than others, but we still handle things on our own time in our own way. We're no slaves to the Order. To try to bind us that way would simply drive us away."

    Luc stands alongside a door in the wall, the frame carved in symbols. "This is the Granite Cistern. A gathering place for our Order, and also a bit more." He slides open the solid stone door, to reveal a darkened almost saloon-like interior, where Lanterns in and out of their armor are gathered at tables, and near what seems to be a black stream that runs through the room along a series of channels until it pours into a pool.

    Some are filling their flasks from it. "Welcome to the Stone Devils, the knights of Los: one of the original four Lords of Silence. Below us is what has drawn so many Lanterns: A Marble Guardian. A crafted monster, set in place to keep Lanterns from reaching the World of Ashes."

    Luc tilts his head and it does that odd shadow-flickering thing again. "Won't you come in?"

Count Kord has posed:
    Kord is continually reminded that he is an outsider in this place, but that he is somehow connected to it, as he descends the steps. The way it is built, with signs of wear that would mean it were an abandoned ruin had he encountered it in his own world. He murmurs to himself about the various unnamed structures he has run across in his years that have resembled this...

    He makes no apology or explanation for his concern. The suspicious look was expected, and Kord focuses instead on all they see along the way. They eventually arrive in a tavern of sorts, and the hawk-masked man steps inside without the slightest inkling that this is a hazardous place to be. The explanations are earnest enough, and he has lived through odder ambushes in the past.

    "Are you drinking... shadows?" he wonders, astounded by the dark streams, but their nature is something he is eager to investigate closer with his eyes. He moves through the room with such a silent step that it'd be hard to keep track of him if one is not looking right at him. He would lean in to get a better look at it, sniffing at the air on reflex, like a curious animal might.

    "I have so many questions, and I have no idea where to start," he admits. He looks over to Ebon, searching to see if she is more coherent in the face of the Stone Devil headquarters.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon is used to dim lighting, so the red lights don't bother her. What does bother her is the huge amount of steps downward. Going up steps isn't bad with four legs, but going down steps with four legs is a delicate balance. The joke from the jokester upstairs might be likely if they had to go down much farther. When they finally reach the platform, Ebon is panting a bit from the effort. "So...you people made a club right over a crafted monster designed to destroy you if you tried to reach the surface?" she asks, sounding as if she thinks this is a foolish idea.

     The shadow drinking also intrigues Ebon, but she returns her attention to Luc after Kord speaks up. "I have only one question. Why have you brought us here? I do not see anything at a glance that would suggest an attempt at repayment. And I prefer energy to darkness. Although admittedly, I have not actually tried to absorb darkness. Such a thing isn't possible on my world."

Carna (974) has posed:
    Luc follows Ebon and Kord into the Granite Cistern and says, "Not quite, on all counts. Our Hall was established to guard the Marble Guardian. The reasons are only to be told to fellow Stone Devils who have earned the rank of Gargoyle Knight. If you were to join us, I could speak more of it... But even without such, I brought you here to answer your questions. That was the exchange to be made. If you are unsatisfied with the information provided, as I said, I will ensure that my debts are settled however I must."

    Luc sits down at a marble table, the similar marble bench that curves around it serving as a seat. "So I know where to start... How much have you learned so far about Lumiere, its history, the goal of Lanterns, and its pivotal figures?"

    He also gestures towards the stream which, as Kord sniffs at the air. "These are the waters of the River Styx. A river of spirits broken down and erroded. Mostly those spirits which are incapable of becoming Lanterns. Plants, beasts..." He looks towards Ebon for a moment, and then says, "...Though what defines a beast has been thrown into question since our meeting. The waters are kept in flasks, and used to heal us and our restore our strength. The Church of Bleak Mercy has access to it, but the river has other outlets throughout Lumiere. For those who might not wish to tie their strength and survival to the Peacemakers, laying claim to one of these channels is a necessity. Of course, guarding one against other Lanterns requires a considerable force..."

    Which explains, at least in part, this group. So they don't want to necessarily be bound to the Church of Bleak Mercy, and their worship of Light? That COULD mean they are affiliated with this Darkness... "I do not know if you can consume Drops of Styx. The Living are not exactly well-known in Lumiere, except as legendary destroyers. And myths have a way of being distorted."

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon smirks as Luc considers redefining the word beast, and gives her main a flick with a forehoof as if to say 'good of you to notice'. "So, this place is of stategic importance." she says as she takes a seat at the table. Surprisingly, despite being a pony, she has little difficulty sitting in a chair designed for a biped. It looks a bit unusual, but she does not seem uncomfortable. She rests her forehooves on the table while she sits and looks around at the tavern. "Well, I was told there is power to be found within this world. And, I am curious about these Lords of Silence. They sound like the sort of people who would have powerful artifacts." she says, then hmms. "And...I wonder what sort of effect those Drops of Styx would have on a living creature. If it is the river of the dead, it might not be healthy for the living."

Count Kord has posed:
    "I received the general explanation at the Church of Bleak Mercy, where the clergywoman there was quite open to explaining that the Dead have been preyed upon by the Unlit and that some of the result of that comes in the form of Lanterns. And that the Unlit come from the Darkness, a force... not adequetely explained, though I could see it as a force of Death, the emptiness and void that all Living fear in their way, the unknown that hungers for their end."

    Kord waxes poetic a bit, waving his hands around with some mild theatrics. Slow, deliberate sweeps, making sure his cloak ruffles the right way. Kind of goofy, but he enjoys the chance to talk about the subject this way. He IS sort of the 'high priest' of death in his world. "Of the Lords of Silence, or the Church itself, I only know that the Lords are important figures. No names, no greater explanation than their general place. The First Lantern was explained to be the one tasked with undoing... the state this realm has fallen to, and has vanished for whatever reason, having either neglected or failed the task."

    He turns his attention back to Luc, though with a strange and confident ease, he pulls the helmet off of his face and his deep voice suddenly seems strange, because he couldn't be older than his mid twenties, a man with predatory, powerful facial features that make those inhuman eyes seem all the more unnatural for the contrast. And he scoops his fingers into the spiritual, inky stuff, animatedly gesturing with the helmet as he speaks, "Some of us destroy because it is necessary, as a tool to protect other Living beings, and the world, from things that can threaten it." Pretty broad definition, and one gets the impression he is more okay with it than a heroic sort would be by the casual smile on his face as he says it...

    Then he tests the Drops of Styx by lifting his hand to his mouth. There's a brief swallowing noise. Then he closes his eyes for a moment, as strange branch-like tattoos deepen in intensity along his neck, and then fade back to normal again. "Well," he announces, "I can consume it. I cannot say that it's pleasant, though." Admitting that and frowning sickly at the taste of it. He laughs to himself after, and waves Ebon off before she gets any ideas, "I think being related to a god of death has some affect on it, you and other Living should hold off."

    "So this Lord of Silence, Los... what can you tell us about that one?" he asks, setting his helmet down on the nearest table. He has a sleepily friendly smile most of the time, like he's as relaxed and warm as can be. Despite drinking the spiritual runoff of such creatures that aren't complex enough to carry the Light that Lanterns do."

Carna (974) has posed:
    Luc watches as Ebon seats herself on the bench, and Kord drinks from the waters without apparent ill-effect. Their appearances are a curiosity, but given that they have both very human-looking Lanterns and very dead-looking ones, and many Lanterns are apparently quite old, someone young-seeming but experienced and stronger is probably not TOO off the wall... Or at least no more off-the-wall than a talking pony, and they seem to have accepted that already.

    It seems the others in Granite Cistern have chosen to go about their own business, and the level of chatter allows for the energy-draining pony and the deathly priest to have their discussion with Luc without feeling like everyone is staring at them or listening in. Though undoubtedly some are doing just that.

    "The Lords of Silence are four beings granted power that is to be used to guard Lumiere, to watch over it, and make sure it functions properly. They have abandoned their tasks, and use their power for themselves. Some might bear tools or artifacts, though that would be hard to know without meeting them." Luc explains before leaning forward on the table, resting on his elbows. "As you've said, that Church and its Peacebringers are all too eager to share that much, while at the same time keeping details to themselves. Some might not know them, they too victims of their High Matron's tyrannical control of information."

    Luc folds his gauntleted hands together, the stone grinding against stone. "One of those things they care not to reveal, it seems, is that the current Lords of Silence are not the first. Their roles were passed down to them after the original four left their posts in turn. We can not be certain what the circumstances were. I have existed long enough to write eight million journals, and I have not seen a single Lord of Silence in that time. But I have roamed Lumiere, delved into its deeps, and found things that the Peacemakers would rather keep hidden."

    The general level of chatter has quieted steadily while Luc has been talking. His gravelly voice grinding as steadily as his gauntlets, raises in volume. "Los is the Eternal Prophet, the Immortal Smith, the Divinity of Imagination. His aspect is Fire. He is the true patron of Lanterns, and yet the Church condemns his followers as 'Corruptors', and he is called 'Devil'. For all their supposed love of Light, apparently the first Lord of Fire is not bright enough for them. Flame is both Light and Darkness. For without Light there is no Darkness. And without Darkness, there are no Lanterns!"

    Luc suddenly slams his fist down on the marble table in anger, producing a harsh ringing in the ears, but the sudden chorus of other Stone Devils nearly drowns it out.


Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon Ribbon is a bit surprised when she sees Kord without his helmet. He does look young, though she certainly isn't an expert on human aging. "I personally do not understand the big aversion to destruction. Destruction is part of life and death. If you do not destroy, then you cannot live. It is certainly possible to go overboard with destruction, but those that try to establish peaceful worlds must destroy or subjugate all the predators of that world."

     Ebon listens to the explanation about the Lords of Silence, then hmphs. "So, it's the same even on other worlds. Those who are supposed to be our protectors abandon us to whatever fate might befall us." she says with some venom in her voice.

     As Luc keeps speaking and the noise of the room lowers until it is finally quiet when the knights all suddenly yell in unison, Ebon feels a bit like she is watching a cult. Partially because to her without light there is only darkness. And things like flames and other light sources obviously decrease the amount of darkness in an area. But, being in the middle of their stronghold, she isn't about to say that out loud. "So, you believe Los did not abandon his post, or that he only did so out of necessity?"

Count Kord has posed:
    Kord seems happy to listen to each and every word that they utter, and eventually he seems to be satisfied with what he has been given in exchange for the information he gave to Luc. He lets out a big sigh through his nose as the Lanterns, these Stone Devils, let loose a massive chant in honor of the Eternal Prophet.

    "Then was it Los himself that called me here to this place filled with Lanterns, or some other force, I wonder?" he inquires aloud, "I am very curious about Lumiere... and maybe I can be of benefit to you. I would like to assist your Order, whatever that may mean, as a vehicle to further understand this world. To know the things the Peacemakers are afraid of. You make a strong recruitment speech, Luc. You just got the interest of one of the Living."

    He picks up his helmet and places it back on his head. Then he notes, to relieve some of the dramatic tension with a comedic word, "I think I will continue wearing this armor, though. I don't do well with armors that weigh me down." He gestures to the impressive stone armor that Luc is wearing.

Carna (974) has posed:
    The Stone Devils murmur agreement about destruction not being all that bad as Ebon voices such, but there is a bit less agreement on the part about the Lords of Silence. It could partly be because they simply don't know the circumstances of their departure well enough to judge them.

    Luc shakes his head in answer to Ebon concerning Los, however. "That is what we believe. That if he left his position it was out of necessity, or against his will. The High Matron holds all the records, and she has champions of her own that seek out and seize or destroy any others that are come across. Someone who has the history of Lumiere under lock and key can spread whatever she wishes, and squelch anything she would rather not be known. And the worst part is that she uses Lanterns to do it. Lanterns acting to keep other Lanterns ignorant... And to remove the Lords of Silence when they do not follow the Church's whims, and appoint new ones. We can not be certain of the past. We do not even know how long this has been going on. How many Lords have been appointed and then been slain in the pursuit of the World of Ashes. And for what? A world emptied by the Living? Why not dwell here in Lumiere? Create our own world, our own customs, our own innovations? If we are truly spawn of the fallen Living, then we should have the same capacity to build as they did."

    The other Stone Devils are all nodding in agreement. But really, how can they be sure of any of this, if even the Church of Bleak Mercy does not have all the answers? Even so, there are some things to question here... About the Church's true motives. What is the end goal of relinking Lumiere to the World of Ashes? Simply for the Dead to venture above, to a place where no life exists for them to reincarnate into? What is the plan there?

    Luc turns to Count Kord, and says, "That, I do not know. It is possible you were called here by Los. The Eternal Prophet has seen much. And unlike the abominable Abyss, the Darkness he represents is simply a canvas waiting to be painted. Raw creation, waiting to be turned to something else. We do not WANT the Lanterns to somehow become the Living, or what ever the Church intends. A much better use of our time would be to craft new flame from the Darkness, and imbue it into all those Unlit. To turn the enemy into our comrades. To forge a new civilization of the Dead here in Lumiere. Fire brings disparity. Hot and cold. Light and Dark. Life and Death. We can create our own form of Life, by giving Light to the Dead."

    Luc stands from his bench, and extends a hand, grasping Kord's if permitted, and shaking it firmly. "We are glad to have you. If the Eternal Prophet intended you to come, then you shall have our support, as you offer us yours in turn. We shall forge Truth out of Darkness together, and expose the tyrannical High Matron."

    At Kord's statement he'd rather not wear armor made out of stone, Luc actually laughs out loud. When he finally settles down, he says, "The Stone Devil armor is a badge of honor. You need not wear it. But it will take time to earn the right to do so regardless. And I am certain you would rather spend that time finding the Darkness you seek."

    Luc then looks to Ebon Ribbon and says, "...And it would take time to forge armor for one with four limbs regardless." Though his face can not be seen through his carved helmet, Luc sounds like he is smiling when he says, "Welcome to the Stone Devils."